E2S2 2011 Renewable Energy Lessons Learned


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Or “What I learned on summer vacation...”


Presentation Summary

Drivers – EO 13423 and EO 13514

Solar Energy

Tucson ANGB Net - Zero Case Study

Buckley AFB – Solar Field Installation

Waste to Energy

Feasibility Case Study – Kadena AB, Japan

Geothermal Energy

Ground Source Heat Pump Case Study from:

– Vance AFB

– Altus AFB

– Sheppard AFB

– Cavalier AS

– Cannon AFB

– FE Warren AFB

– Minot AFB

Other Potentials for Renewable Energy

Upcoming Research Potentials


The Spirit of Adventure

Established guidelines and criteria

EO13423, EISA 2007, EPACT 2005, Command Memos, AF Doctrine

End Goals

30% reduction in Consumption

1.5% increase per year in renewable energy (25% by 2025)

15% increase in high performance buildings

30% reduction in water consumption

100% of new facilities to be net zero by 2030

20% reduction of petroleum use by 2015

Decisions to be made

Control of the Program

Drawing the Box around your Program

Working with others

Create a baseline

– “Wow, that’s a large undertaking.”


I have just met you, and I love you….

Brand New As of 4 October 2009

Executive Order 13514 – Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and

Economic Performance

Increase Energy Efficiency

Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

Conserve Water

Does not Supersede 13423, but refines and adds to it

Set GHG Goals – Per Agency

– 28% for Federal Government (Scope 1 and 2) by 2020 (Based on 2008 Baseline)

– ??% for DoD (AF)

– Scope 1 – Direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned/controlled by the agency

– Scope 2 – Direct GHG emissions from the purchase of electricity, heat, or steam

– Scope 3 – GHG emissions from supply chains, employee travel, and commuting

Reduce drinking water use intensity by 26% by 2020 (based on 2007 baseline)

Reduce other water use by 20% by 2020 (2010 baseline)

Divert 50% of non-hazardous and C&D waste from landfills by 2015

Make plans, beginning 2020, all federal buildings are "net-zero" by 2030

Ensure 15% of existing buildings are LEED by 2015 (New and Existing)


Mayhaps you desire - Squirrel!

Definitions in the EO13514

Absolute greenhouse gas emissions - total greenhouse gas emissions without normalization for activity levels and includes any allowable consideration of sequestration

Greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride

Renewable energy - energy produced by solar, wind, biomass, landfill gas, ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), geothermal, municipal solid waste, or new hydroelectric generation capacity achieved from increased efficiency or additions of new capacity at an existing hydroelectric project

Excluded vehicles and equipment - any vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or non-road equipment owned or operated by an agency of the Federal Government that is used in: Combat support, combat service support, tactical or relief operations, or training for such operations;

Federal law enforcement (including protective service and investigation)

Emergency response (including fire and rescue)

spaceflight vehicles (including associated ground-support equipment)

United States - the fifty States, and associated territorial waters and airspace

Zero-net-energy building - a building that is designed, constructed, and operated to require a greatly reduced quantity of energy to operate, meet the balance of energy needs from sources of energy that do not produce greenhouse gases, and therefore result in no net emissions of greenhouse gases and be economically viable


Adventure is Out There

How GHG Emissions impact Renewable Energy

Solar – Supply Chain –


Wind - Manufacture

Biomass – Release of GHG

Biogas – Release of GHG

Ocean – Water Vapor – Ocean


Geothermal – Underground gases

Waste to Energy – Release of GHG

Hydrokinetic – Water vapor – River gases

Proven Technologies vs Return on Source


I’ve altered him…He can protect you now

Solar Energy – Net-Zero Case Study

Tucson Air Nation Guard Base (ANGB) – Tucson, AZ – Home of

162nd Fighter Wing – Adjacent to Tucson International Airport

Scope of Work

Determine existing renewable energy resource capacity

Determine potential for non-renewable energy reduction

Determine potential for net-zero application

Determine On-base and Off-base options for renewable energy

Determine operational impacts (if any)

Determine Funding Opportunities/Sources

Determine if current infrastructure could support net-zero

Determine if base could go “carbon neutral”

Conducted Energy Audit – Determined potential for non-renewable

energy reduction to be 39%.


Let’s do this…Let’s Put a Pin in It

Kinds of “Net-Zero”

As defined by EO 13514 (Carbon Neutral) Designed, constructed, and operated to require a greatly reduced quantity of energy

to operate, meet the balance of energy needs from sources of energy that do not produce greenhouse gases, and therefore result in no net emissions of greenhouse gases and be economically viable

Based on Usage

Mass Balance Equation – Energy in = Energy Out

Based on Demand

“Energy Island”

Example – Base needs approximately (on average) of 4MW of continuous load

- Equivalent to 35,000,000kWh of energy in a year (let’s say it includes heating BTUs)

– Generate 35,000,000 kWh of energy anytime during the year (Usage)

– Generate more to offset commuters, flight operations, etc, etc… (C-N)

– Generate 8MW of energy (70bWh), to handle peak demand loads (summers in AZ, must have AC), sell excess to grid, store, or waste… (Demand)


This is absolutely Ridonkulous

Different Types of Photovoltaic Systems

Surprise: Arizona has a lot of Sun!

Photovoltaic Potential for Energy Generation

Thin-Film PV - 15%

Building-Integrated Roofing PV – 10-15%

Crystalline Panels

Monocrystalline silicon – 25%

Multi-crystalline silicon – 20%

Advanced Technologies (Robins AFB – New technology – 38%)

Thermal Wall and Thin-Film PV

Water/Glycol/Evacuated Air

Thermal Water Heating

Day Lighting (Passive and Active)

Other Solar – Concentrating


Where is the Green-Eyed Man?

Under-Utilized Areas

If it isn’t being used and it has sun on it – Let’s cover it with PV!

Storm water Retention Canals

Air Field space

Erosion Control Method for Ammunition Bunkers

Hangar Space and Air Craft Sunshade – Potential for Danger…

Parking Lots



He is fully awesome!

Solar Partnering and Results

Team up with Tucson Airport Authority and Tucson Electric Company

Potential to produce over 124% of bases current needs with only land

use on base.


Whole wheat is not the same thing as whole grain

Solar Energy at Buckley AFB, CO

Economies of Scale – Design and Build 1.2MW solar field

230 Separate panels – Single axis tilt

5% of total energy needs

6 Acres

Not plug and play – Design needed


Maintenance Accessibility

Grid Interconnection

Loading controls



Solar Challenges and Caveats

Expense - $4 – 8/watt

Variability of load

Efficiency vs Cost


Historical Consideration

The REC question

Qualified Installer




I wanted to give them a little sizzle….

Waste to Energy – Kadena AB, Japan

Kadena Air Base, Okinawa Island, Japan

Scope of Work

Determine viability of Waste to Energy generation on or near Kadena

–Wet process

–Dry process

–Energetic process

Determine environmental impacts of such processes

Additional uses of byproducts

Cost Estimates

Life Cycle analysis


You got more talent in one lug nut than most cars

have in their whole body…

Driving Factors

Island of Okinawa has no place to put their trash

Political reasons

Reducing American Impact

Old Battlefields to be reclaimed

15,000 tons of Municiple Solid Waste per year (pop. ~ 55,000)

Energy generation, reduction goals

Similar technology employed by the Japanese

Cost considerations

$150/ton for disposal

May increase to $425/ton

Waste heat to create steam for:


Chilled Water for base consolidation

Heating base facilities


Turn Left to Go Right

Differing Processes


Limited Fuel availability – Chow Hall

Municipal Wastewater system


Reduced Fuel availability

Stack requirements

Can desalinate sea water

Plasma Gasification

Full waste reduction Potential

Untried Technology

Energy Intensive Start-up


Fuel Production


If anyone asks, we were out smashing

mailboxes all night

Environmental Impacts

New Municipal Waste Combustion systems (including plasma) are

required to comply with Japanese Environmental Governing Standards

(JEGS) which are very similar to the New Source Performance

Standards (NSPS) from the USEPA

Drinking water could be generated on base

Potential to destroy HAZWASTE on site

Potential to destroy Lead Based Paint on site

Potential to destroy asbestos, PCBs, and other


I’m happier than a tornado in a trailer park…

Kadena AB Feasibility Results (Draft)

300 square foot footprint

Potential to eliminate waste (10-100%)

Potential to create energy (up to 1.6MW)

Potential to create fresh water (350gpm)

Potential to create steam for heat or adsorption chiller

Potential to break even if costs for waste disposal increase


What are you going to do, he’s my best friend…

Kadena WTE Challenges and Caveats

Unproven Technology – Plasma

Japanese Mainland


52 sites worldwide

Hurlburt Field, FL

Political Issues

Local Incineration plant

Increased Infrastructure

Self-sufficiency of military base


Research costs driving initial costs

High Maintenance costs

Limited expertise

Cheap energy/waste disposal costs will highly impact


We dig, dig, dig, dig the whole day through

Geothermal Energy vs Ground Source Heat Pumps

Geothermal Energy Generation

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Additional Presentation


Whistle while you work…

Case Studies

Minot AFB Installation – Two facilities with more planned

Cavalier Air Station – Design underway to augment or replace chiller


Cannon AFB – Design underway to determine feasibility

Vance AFB – Design finishing to determine feasibility

Altus AFB – Design finishing to determine feasibility

Sheppard AFB – Design finishing to determine feasibility

FE Warren AFB – Design underway to determine feasibility and

impact to historical sites


Have an apple, my dear….

Challenges and Caveats

Energy Prices drive cost analysis

Demand costs

Electrical Costs

Gas/Heating Costs

Mild temperatures

Process load impacts

GSHP not a generation technology

Drilling costs wildly vary

Space intensive

Best for new construction

Geothermal generation only limited to a few places in the US

Geothermal generation often hard to access


But you see, I have the other slipper…

Other RE resources investigated

Small scale Wind

FE Warren






Human Potential


Did you ever see an elephant fly?

Upcoming Research Potentials

Air Force Funded

ESTCP Funded

International Technology Exchange

Hush House Energy Recovery

Ultra-Capacitor Grid Power

Electric Transportation Renewable Energy Storage

Hydrogen Creation Renewable Energy Storage

Plastic Thermal Cracking (Pyrolysis)

Missile Silo Conversion

Sun Shade Safety

Joint Base/Mega Base Mass Transit

Geothermal Mine Shafts


You look more like a Cornelius… I get that alot


Understanding the drivers

Solar Energy

Tucson ANGB Net - Zero Case Study

Buckley AFB – Solar Field Installation

Waste to Energy

Feasibility Case Study – Kadena AB

Geothermal Energy

GSHP Case Studies

Other Potentials for Renewable Energy

Upcoming Research Potentials

Shaping the Future

Any More


See me after.

Or Stop by

Booth #403.



Those good old bear

