CC Affiliate Projects in Asia and the Pacific - The Hong Kong Story




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CC Affiliate Projects in Asia and the Pacific

The Hong Kong Story

It all began when

the Journalism and Media Studies Centre

was willing to take the lead

The first informal meeting was held

on 30 July 2007

when Dr. Catharina Maracke

was in Hong Kong

Public Lead - Rebecca MacKinnon

Legal Lead - Dr. Yahong Li and Ms. Alice Lee

Chairman of committee - Pindar Wong

A Preparatory Executive was setup

The Legal Lead completed

Two rounds public consultations

CCi approved the localization of

six CC licences

Localization of Licences

CC presentations at different occasions

Production of CC Education Kit

with interviews from renowned

artist, composer, writer

and IT expert

Community Outreach

Very grateful to have the presence of

Professor Lawrence Lessig

& Mr. Joichi Ito

Several Pre-Launch Events

Launch !!

A private meeting

Lessig and Ito explained CC

to the Local Copyright Stakeholders

Pre-Launch Event 1

Intellectual Property Department

Hong Kong Government

A lecture hosted by JMSC, HKU

held on 24 Oct.

with Lessig giving a lecture to

the general public

Pre-Launch Event 2

"Free Culture and Free Society: Can the West Love Both?"

The Inaugural Lee Shu Pui Leung Wai Hing Distinguished Lecture in Digital Media

A private dinner with

Sixty renowned guests

In Hong Kong

Pre-Launch Event 3

Gala Dinner

Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

Launch on 25 Oct ! !

HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

More than 20 Articles in various Newspapers

Several Radio interviews

Lessig's interview was broadcast on TV

Media Coverage

Presentation at HKU Knowledge Team Teaching Development Grant Proposal

In alliance with Education, CAUT, Library, and other Faculties to promote usage of CC

Further develop relationship with Education Bureau

Investigating opportunities in

Secondary Schools

Post – Launch

Focus on Education
