Faith to Overcome the World




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• Matthew 11 :12 • Faith is a pre-requisite in the life of every believer • People who have the faith to change the world are the ones who have purposed to live a lifestyle of faith. • Faith is no doubt one of the greatest spiritual assets of a believer.

• Hebrews 11:6 • The church has not moved into the fullness of their destiny • 2 Peter 1:1 • We need to settle the issue of our righteousness, because when righteousness is present, faith flows like a flood. • 1 John 5:4 • Without faith we will not be able to fulfill our destiny and overcome this world, or our present circumstances.

• Mark  2  –  The  account  of  the  paralytic  is  a  clear  example  of  violent  faith  • There  are  different  types  or  levels  of  faith  that  believers  may  be  on  • No  faith  –  the  disciples  when  they  were  crossing  the  sea  and  a  violent  storm  broke  out-­‐  Jesus  said  that  they  had  no  faith  • Little  faith  –  when  Peter  walked  on  the  water  –  little  faith  means  a  short  burst  of  faith  • Great  faith  –  Matthew  8  –  Jesus  marveled  at  the  faith  of  the  Roman  Centurion  • Great  faith  does  not  need  to  see  anything  in  the  natural  to  confirm  that  God  has  done  what  He  said  he  is  going  to  do  • Great  faith  is  not  dependant  on  your  feelings  or  flesh  

Ephesians  1:3  • All  our  needs  are  already  provided  ,  they  are  in  the  supernatural,  we  access  this  through  our  faith  • Revelation  is  faiths  greatest  asset  • Revelation  =  is  seeing  with  your  spiritual  eyes  • When  you  have  revelation  ,  doubt  ceases  to  exist  • Your  feet  will  never  go  where  your  mind  has  never  been  • We  don’t  see  with  our  eyes,  we    see  through  our  eyes,  we  see  with  our  mind  

• 2  Corinthians  4:3  -­‐  6  • Satan  blinds  the  mind  of  believers    • Vision  –  being  able  to  see  conditions  that  do  not  currently  exist  • Heb  11:  1  [  amp]  • Violent  faith  =  no  dependence  on  your  feelings  • Genesis  13  :14-­‐  how  far  can  you  see  • It  will  take  a  degree  of  spiritual  violence  to  fulfill  your  glorious  destiny  • Faith  is  fight    -­‐  1  Timothy  6:12  

• It  takes  a  fight  of  faith  to  live  a  triumphant  life  • Violent  Faith  –  the  type  of  faith  that  always  produces  results  • This  is  the  kind  of  faith  that  is  missing  in  the  body  of  Christ  • You  will  need  to  have  violent  faith  to  maximize  all  that  God  has  for  you.  • Faith  is  not  religious  theory,  but  a  mystery  of  the  kingdom  =  I  Timothy  3:9  • Faith  is  a  mystery  that  empowers  us  to  gain  mastery  over  situations  • Faith  is  a  spiritual  force  and  spiritual  empowerment  an  unstoppable  force  • Faith  is  the  master  key  to  a  world  of  unlimited  possibilities    

• Mark  9:23b  • Every  situation  is  reversible  by  faith    • Why  do  we  need  violent  faith?  • There  are  giants  in  every  mans  promise  land  • It  will  take  violent  faith  to  disposes  the  giants  of  your  possessions  • Characteristics  of  violent  faith  • Spiritually  resolute  

• Confidently  restful  • Consistently  charged  • Always  on  the  offensive  • Supernaturally  bold  • Violent  faith  is  not  the  amount  of  faith,  but  the  application  of  your  faith.  We  are  all  given  a  measure  of  faith,  we  need  to  develop  it  • Joshua  1:8-­‐  Joshua  Principle  =  how  to  develop  violent  Faith