Almighty God Beyond the Veil


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God’s plan fulfilled man can now boldly enter beyond the veil. Heb. 6:19

Almighty God Beyond the Veil

Almighty God Beyond the Veil In Ancient times the chosen race prepared Jehovah's

dwelling place. The people feared the voice of Him who dwelt between the cherubim, the cherubim. But once a year their priest would hail Almighty God beyond the veil.

"Behold, your King!" That shameful cry, Was echoed back as "Crucify!" The blood was shed that could atone, The Lamb that was Jehovah's own, Jehovah's own. That darkest hour, His last exhale, Fulfilled God's plan and tore the veil.

Now we, Jehovah's ransomed race, May enter His Most Holy Place. By faith our prayers ascend to Him Who reigns among the seraphim, the seraphim. We boldly bow, and thus prevail, With God who dwells beyond the veil.

Introduction The Law of Moses is filled with shadows

as God’s teaching tool to bring His people to a point of faith in Jesus Christ. The lesser and earthly that was understood by

His people pointed to a greater and spiritual that is realized in and through His Son.

One such shadow was the creation, purpose and tearing of the veil in the tabernacle/temple.

Introduction In this lesson:

We travel through time (via this hymn) as God unfolds His eternal plan, inviting His royal priesthood beyond the veil.

We focus on being able to come to our Royal Redeemer with all boldness and humility as we worship in His very presence.

In ancient times the chosen race prepared Jehovah’s dwelling place. Exo. 25:8-9


The people feared the voice of Him who dwelt between the cherubim. Exo. 20:18-21; 25:22


But once a year their priest would hail Almighty God beyond the veil. Lev. 16


“Behold, your King!” That shameful cry, Was echoed back as “Crucify!” Jn. 19:14-15


The blood was shed that could atone, The Lamb that was Jehovah’s own, Jehovah’s own. Jn. 1:29 (Mk. 1:9-11)


That darkest hour, His last exhale, Fulfilled God’s plan and tore the veil. Lk. 23:44-46


Going beyond the veil today – A New and Living Way Now we, Jehovah’s ransomed race, May

enter His Most Holy Place. Heb. 10:19-20 Leaving the Levitical shadow behind we enter

into God’s Holy presence. 1 Pet. 2:9 We are able to enter in spiritually cleansed

with full assurance of faith. Heb. 10:20-22


Going beyond the veil today – A New and Living Way By faith our prayers ascend to Him Who

reigns among the seraphim, the seraphim. Cp. Isa. 6:1-7 We are able to enter God’s presence as did

Isaiah…with clean lips. Heb. 9:13-14 Our souls and conscience cleansed we can

enter into the service of our Lord.


Going beyond the veil today – A New and Living Way We boldly bow, and thus prevail, With God

who dwells beyond the veil. Heb. 10:22 Thus, our prayers not only ascend to Him but

we – spiritually – enter His very Holy presence!

“We” are all draw near unto Him as New Testament priests…serving and stirring up love and good works. Heb. 10:23-25


Conclusion Jesus – our Great High priest – became our

forerunner in entering the Most Holy place of all: heaven itself.

Following Him – as a priestly nation of believers – should bring the utmost in humility, yet confidence as we enter the very presence of our Almighty God Beyond the Veil.
