Mobile Marketing: Formic Media Lunch & Learn Seminar



Mobile usage continues to grow at an exponential pace, with innovation coming at breakneck speeds. Smartphones will soon account for more than 50% of the U.S. cell phone market share, meaning that optimizing, and engaging customers proactively through mobile platforms has become a necessity not a luxury. This presentation will teach you about the growth of the mobile and tablet marketplace and best practices for designing and optimizing your website for mobile. It also covers mobile advertising tactics, local-social opportunities and what’s on the horizon for mobile.

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Lunch & Learn: Mobile MarketingPresenter:Date:Location:

Alex Peerenboom & Anna HutsonMay 9th, 2012Formic Media

Formic Team Open Source Awesomeness

• Launched in 2008 to service small business & partners

• Specializes in search, social and website development

• 100% of Account Team Google AdWords & Google Analytics Certified

• 7 employees & 45+ clients• Strategic partnerships (SEMA, AlphaGraphics,

etc.)• Focus on education via monthly Seminar Series

Agenda Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Growth of Mobile Industry•Mobile User Profile•Mobile Website Optimization•Mobile Advertising• Local-Mobile• The Future of Mobile

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

Growth of the Mobile Industry

Growth of Mobile Mobile Marketing Seminar

Growth of Mobile Mobile Marketing Seminar

For total % of smartphone sales, China now leads with 22% as of Quarter 1 2012.

Growth of Mobile Mobile Marketing Seminar

The latest version of the iPad, launched in March 2012, sold 3 millions units in the first 3 days!

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

Mobile User Profile

Mobile User Profile Mobile Marketing Seminar

Mobile User Profile Mobile Marketing Seminar

Mobile User Profile Mobile Marketing Seminar

*Google Retail Advertising Blog

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

Mobile User Profile

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

What do I serve to users?Mobile FriendlyMobile OptimizedMobile App

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

How do I serve it?

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Why does design matter?

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Mobile Design Mobile Marketing Seminar

Best Practices

* Google How To GoMo

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

Mobile Advertising

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Paid results on mobile search results pages take up a significant portion of screen real estate and lead to significantly higher CTRs.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

•Google AdWords offers mobile Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising through dedicated campaigns targeting mobile users.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

•Google AdWords lets users create dedicated campaigns with specific targeting settings.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Keeping mobile campaigns separate from other PPC efforts ensures that mobile budgets can be controlled effectively and landing pages targeted specifically for mobile devices.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Call Extensions allow customers to reach you by adding a click-to-call business phone number in Google AdWords ads that appear on mobile devices with full internet browsers.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Location extensions provide a physical address where users can locate the product or service they have searched for in Google.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Location Extensions with Multiple Addresses let advertisers show nearby business locations on Google Maps on mobile devices.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

•Ads with Offers let advertisers include special deals in their mobile search ads. A user can click the ad, then redeem the offer in store by showing the ad at the checkout.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Click-to-download ads let you promote your mobile apps in Google search results and on sites which are part of the Google Display Network.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Image banners and animated banners are available across all mobile devices, including Smartphones and feature phones, from iPhones and Androids to simple WAP phones.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Expandable ads are started by the user and can expand to cover the entire phone screen.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Interactive video ads engage the users as they launch apps or click on banners.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar


Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

•Google Research shows that local-mobile consumers want to connect with local businesses.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Location-based social networking sites such as FourSquare, Google Places, Yelp, and Facebook Places have quickly gained in popularity as consumers have begun using their Smartphones more and more while on the go.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• FourSquare allows users to check-in to location and broadcast location via app, email, social networks.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• FourSquare allows business owners to claim, manage and run promotions/specials for their business.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Yelp allows users to check-in to location and broadcast location via app, email, social networks.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

•Google Places allows users to find nearby businesses, get directions, call a business, check-in to a location and find friends nearby.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• Facebook Places allows users to check-in to

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

The Future of Mobile

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

• The constantly evolving market includes technologies far beyond just mobile web browsing and apps. • Two major examples of these technologies are:•Mobile Payments•Near Field Communication (NFC)

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

•Despite a concern for private information security, direct ecommerce through mobile phones is growing among users.

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar

•Near Field Communication (NFC) is a wireless technology that allows devices to communicate with each other over short distances.

What We Do


Local SEM Company for Small Business

Formic Media's pay-per-click (PPC) advertising services provide small and local businesses guaranteed visibility within targeted search results, via paid "sponsored listings".

PAY PER CLICKFormic Media's search engine optimization (SEO) services help small and local businesses to generate visibility within "organic" or “natural" search engine listings.


Formic Media's SEO-friendly website design and development services provide small businesses with an affordable, functional and highly visible Web presence.

WEB DESIGNFormic Media's social media marketing (SMM) services enable small and local businesses to leverage free/ low-cost networks to gain increased brand awareness.


We have created the appropriate processes, tools and methodologies needed to be efficient and cost effective for your team and your clients.

PARTNERSHIPSAttend Formic Media's free monthly search engine marketing seminars. Learn the latest and greatest in the search engine marketing industry.


Thank you!

Contact John McPhee for more

503.517.9059 x122

Lunch & Learn Mobile Marketing Seminar