12 Smarter Ways To Use Twitter To Grow Your Small Business


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Twitter for Small Business12 Ways To See MORE Results

Visit me at: JohnPaulAguiar.com or @JohnAguiar


Twitter for Small BusinessAre you seeing real results when using Twitter for Small Business?

I want to share 12 smarter and effective ways you can use Twitter to grow your Small Business.


John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

What Are Your Goals On Twitter?When using Twitter for a Small Business, your may have a few goals in mind like…

Expanding your brandFinding new customersSupporting existing customersMaking salesGetting customers to your doorBuilding beneficial relationships

No matter what your goals are, there are a few things you can do to better use Twitter to help you reach any or all those goals.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

1 Be Human, Show PersonalityBe Human and Show Personality

Be you, showing that there is a real person with personality behind the Twitter account is one of the best things you can do to help your business.

Learn to share things that are NOT about business, or even your business.

Share things similar and that relate to your business, but that are funny, clever, news related etc…

Also acknowledge holidays with funny images or even images of you and your family or team members.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

2 Be There, Be Available

Be There, Be Available

Your #1 goal on Twitter BEFORE anything else, is to get people to trust you!

Once you have their trust it will be much easier to get them to listen to what you share things you say and share.

The best way to do both is to be active, be available, be helpful.

When potential followers or customers visit your Twitter feed and see that you are sharing great content and answering questions on a regular basis it will make them trust you and bringing them one step closer to buying from you.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

3 Share Helpful Content

Share Helpful Content

You have to assume that the people that follow you, followed you to learn more about your Small Business.

So the best way to do that in a SOFTER way, is by sharing tutorials and how-to’s about your product or services.

This does 2 things…

1, It helps people see the value of your product or services and will help motivate them to buy.2, It helps your customers to better understand and use your products or services.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

4 Be RememberedBe The One They Think Of First

You want to be the ONE they think of first when they want or need something in YOUR niche.

Your goal is to constantly share helpful on target content that fits around what your small business is or does so that you are constantly in there feed, in their face on there mind.

Once they are following you, then they will start to not only see the content you share from OTHERS, but they will start to see YOUR content as well.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

5 Promote SmarterPromote In A Smarter Way

Most small business owners come to Twitter with a mindset of sell sell sell, and that is not a smart move.

You have to be smarter with the way you promote, you have to learn how to promote through content.

How do you do this?  

The fact is, if you just keep a well managed feed by following the tips I shared above, you will have customers and followers LISTENING to you and ACTING on what you share.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

6 Use HashtagsUnderstand & Use Hashtags

Using hashtags in tweets will help you expand your conversations and audience.

The hashtag can be used following any word or phrase to identify a common topic, for example #smallbiz is a popular hashtag.

By liking on the #smallbiz hashtag it will bring up list of all the tweets, conversation that also use that same hashtag.

But overuse of hashtags will get messy and take focus away from the actual tweet you are sending, so I would say use no more than 2 hashtags per tweet.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

7 Get More LeadsKeep Growing, Get Leads

Remember that soft promoting with content I talked about above?

By sharing helpful content in the form of blog posts, ebooks, slideshares, videos, webinars etc…

Giving you the ability to then get their email address where you can THEN do more ongoing promotion directly to their email.

When you hear people say they do social selling, this is what they mean, share great content, get their email, promote through email and make sales.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

8 Google Loves TwitterGoogle Loves Twitter

Google now includes Twitter data in their search results, meaning tweets now get ranked for keywords.

So make sure to include your keywords from your content into your tweets, and use keywords in the image files you share.

This will give you the potential to get tweets ranked, but it also to let Google know what you talk about most and are an expert in giving you an even better chance to get your CONTENT ranking higher.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

9 Use Twitter SearchDig Into Twitter Search

If you have a small business, then Twitter search is a goldmine.

All the tweets sent every week are all available by using twitter.com/search-advanced.

To find new customers, search for terms, phrases people interested in your business would search.

You own a dog clothes business, search terms like “dog clothes” “pet clothes”.  You want to search terms used when talking about problems YOUR business can solve.

Once you find those tweets, you can then jump into those conversations and offer help or answer questions, just be helpful, solve their problem.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

10 Share VisualsShare The Visuals

Sharing images in your tweets will get you more retweets then a tweet with no image, that is a proven fact.

Learn to find great images that match the content of the tweet perfectly.

You can also share just images, funny images, holiday images etc... 

Share image quotes, share funny images, share personal images of things you enjoy, even share images of you “doing” your business.

This is a good time to just have fun and show you are a real person, not JUST a business.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

11 Influencers MatterBelieve In The Power Of Influencers

Influencers are people, “experts” in a niche that have a large following and have influence in that following and people listen to them.

By building relationships with influencers, your small business can benefit greatly on Twitter by the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

To find your influencers, start by searching for industry keywords and paying particular attention to who is getting retweeted the most.

In the beginning it will be a lot of GIVING on your end to get that influencer to see you and connect with you.

The more you give and support them the faster they will give and support with you and your small business.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

12 Let Them Find YouLet Leads and Customers Find You

4 important areas that all small business owners should get right.

Location, Where they can find you, very important if you are a local business.

Website, Add your website url, but not a shortened url, you want people to see your website name. You can also use a Twitter landing page, that is setup just for your Twitter followers.

Age, Sharing your age helps validate you and people will trust you more.

Bio, Talk about how you can help people and why they should listen. A little personality here goes a long way too.

John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

The Wrap

Using Twitter for small business has changed a lot in the past few years, you now have to have goals, you have to have a plan.

If you follow the steps I shared and put in the work and time, you will start to see real results.

More traffic to your blog or website, more conversation and retweets on Twitter, more email opt ins and MORE SALES!

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John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com

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John Paul Aguiar | @JohnAguiar | JohnPaulAguiar.com
