


Birth preparedness Prepared by: Rashmi Regmi B. Sc Nursing Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences

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  • 1.Birth Preparedness Prepared By: Rashmi Regmi

2. Birth Preparedness DEFINATION Birth plan or preparedness is an action that is developed by the women and her family members. It is not written document but is an ongoing discussion with the women and her family to ensure that she and her baby will receive appropriate care promptly at the time of birth and if complication arise before or after the birth. 15% of all pregnant woman develop a life threatening complication requiring obstetric care Birth preparedness plan is usually given to the women during 1st antenatal visit 3. National protocol for Birth Preparedness and complication readiness Encourage all pregnant woman to have an institutional/ trained service providers for delivery Introduce the concept of a birth plan on a second visit and reinforce on follow up visits Confirm the place of delivery and the provider with the provider with the pregnant woman and family Give information on how to recognize onset of labor and when to seek assistance including danger signs in the pregnancy and labor For institutional delivery: Advise the pregnant woman and her husband/ family about when to go to the hospital and take along the necessary things 4. Arrange to have a second person of the womens own choice to be present and give support during delivery If the delivery is anticipated at home in case of emergency: Identify skilled birth attendant Inform pregnant woman about material required for clean and safe delivery Help her to identify her support people to take care of her children and / her household Arrange transportation to go to the health facility for the birth Identification of compatible blood donor in case of emergency Funds for birth related and emergency expenses 5. Rationale of birth preparedness The birth preparedness plan helps ensure that all arrangement for clean and safe delivery, including the presence of skilled provider are made in advance of estimated date of child birth as all women are at risk of complication during child bearing cycle and most complications cannot be predicted, the women and her family members should be prepared to respond approximately in an emergency. Such preparation can help prevent life threatening delays to recognizing and responding to complications. If the woman and her family are well prepared for normal child birth as well as any possible maternal and newborn complications , women is baby is more likely to receive the skilled and timely care needed to preserve health and survival 6. Components of Birth Preparedness Decision making in an emergency Skilled attendant at birth Supplies needed for clean delivery Identify support people Establish a financing plan for delivery Saving cost for normal delivery Blood donor Transportation 7. 1. DECISION MAKING IN AN EMERGENCY Appropriate place of birth home or health care facility and referral. Depending on the womans condition the health worker may need to recommend birth in specific level of health care facility. A facility should have staff, equipment, supplies and drugs available to provide best care 2. SKILLEDATTENDANTAT BIRTH The health worker should discuss the need for SBA, if possible someone trained to ensure that labor and delivery progress normally and to manage complication if they arise 8. 3. SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR CLEAN DELIVERY The health worker should advice the needed items, clean, dry and warm clothes for drying and wrapping the baby, sanitary pad, clean clothes, soap, placenta receptacle, clean unused razor blade, water proof plastic cover, clean cord ties, clothes for baby 4. IDENTIFY SUPPORT PEOPLE Includes who will accompany the woman and who will take care of the family. The family needs to discuss and arrange following things in advance A companion of the mothers choice to support her during birth Someone to care for the family and household in mothers absence 9. How to make decisions if the main family decision maker is absent in an emergency How to access community resources and support An appropriate blood donor who will be available in case of emergency 5. ESTABLISHA FINANCING PLAN FOR DELIVERY The health worker should discuss the need to have money available for such things are Saving cost for motherhood Additional food far pregnant and postpartum mother Medicine and treatment during pregnancy and postpartum period Assistance by skilled health care provider during delivery and family service Transportation for health care facility 10. 6.SAVING COST FOR NORMAL DELIVERY Assist the woman in planning to have funds available when needed to pay for care during normal birth or if danger signs arise Putting a side small amount of money in weekly basis Saving extra foods Extra work for income service Talk to reliable relatives for financial support 7.BLOOD DONOR Ensure that the women has identified an appropriate blood donor and that this person will be available in case of emergency 8.TRANSPORTATION Arrangement of transportation system for reaching health care facilities 11. Complication Readiness A person or person designated to make decisions on her behalf incase if she is unable to make them A way to communicate with a source of help(SBA, transportation, health facility) Emergency fund Emergency transportation Blood donor