Crash presentation for class


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Team Members: Tiffany Kotak Abdul Khan Zorina Madrid Adabayo (BO) Soyele Chris Hull *** A movie full of stories

of emotion, racism, and holding on to one’s self***

Sandra Bullock as Jean Calbot

Director: P Haggis

Sandra Bullock plays Jean Cabot: Jean is the wife of a DA, who is trying to get

himself re-elected She is a woman who has wealth, prestige, and

everything that any woman would dream of However, she is not connected with herself or

anyone in her life, especially her best friend and husband

Jean’s friends’ don’t care or understand her. Her husband is always busy with his re-election. She feels alone and misunderstood.

The people Jean interacts with daily are the ones who listen and love her even though she feels they are not “real people.”


Jean has lack of trust in her husband – maybe thinking husband is having an affair with a woman from work

Always angry and yelling, but doesn’t understand why

Abnormal Behavior of paranoia: Jean gets angry after two black men stole her husband’s car, wanted locks

changed. Black men put a gun to her face, she was shaken up Thought Hispanic man was in a gang and would rob her house Wonders why if a white person looks away from a black person, she would

be considered a racist she doesn’t realize that by holding on to her husband at that minute shows

that she is telling the her peers that she is afraid the two black guys will do something to her.

Jean Calbot, had a mental illness of paranoia after she was thrown out of her car, while two men drove off in it. She was always angry and thought anyone who wasn’t white will do something terrible to her. She felt her husband didn’t care for her, neither did her best friend. When she fell down the stairs, the first person who took her to the emergency room was her maid. She realized that people who help her everyday, are the ones who are true to her.
