The refugees final


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The refugees

It was a sunny day in the colorful forest. All the colorful animals were happy to be at work or at school until suddenly ...

A terrifying shadow fell on the forest. The sky filled with black clouds. Or weren’t they clouds?They were the evil iron ravens who had come to claim the forest by force. The colorful little animals then said:- "Run for your lives, the iron ravens are attacking us" and all together they started running to their homes in a state of panic. But the iron ravens rushed on the animals and destroyed their homes.

The colorful little animals knew there was no hope and finally they decided to leave.They began to walk away from their village until they saw another village: the village of the grey animals.

Then they said:"We are saved! This village can host us all! We can ask the grey animals for help and maybe they’ll let us settle here for a while!" Hope was painted on their faces!But once the grey animals saw the colorful ones coming to their village, they said:- "These animals are different from us. They do not fit in our country" and they went on telling them:

- "We, the grey animals do not want you here, you're not welcome. We are grey and you are multicolored. Many different colors do not fit in a community. "

The little hope that was left in the colorful creatures flew away like a little piece of rubbish blown away by the wind…- "How are we supposed to live now?" they wondered desperately.- "We will continue to walk!" said some animals. "We will find a better place! Have patience!" and the colorful animals continued to walk.Suddenly they saw the village of the light blue animals. Hope flared again inside them."Let’s hope, even for a minute, that these animals are not like the grey ones and that they will accommodate us in their village until the problem with our village is solved", they said uneasily.

When they reached the village the light blue residents said:- "Welcome colorful creatures, could you tell us the reason for this surprise?"

The colorful creatures answered:- "The iron ravens occupied our village and forced us to leave. We went past the grey village, but we were not welcome there and afterwards we saw your village and hoped you could host us here! Thank you very much for your generous heart. "

And while they were being put up in the light blue village, just a short distance further, the grey village was being attacked by the iron ravens.

The grey animals ran away from the village and walked in the forest frightened until they saw the light blue village.The light blue animals greeted the grey ones in the same good way they had welcomed the colorful animals.

In the village all the animals decided to work together to drive the iron ravens away, which, sooner or later, would definitely happen.When the iron ravens reached the light blue village, all the animals said:- "Iron ravens, your tyranny must stop now, otherwise there will be consequences." The ravens refused to stop.

But all the animals were prepared and began throwing balloons filled with water at them. The iron ravens began to subside and finally left. The grey and light blue animals managed to get back to their villages. And since then the animals in these three villages have lived peacefully and all the animals have been good friends.


When you help the others, you always gain.

Based on an idea of:

Grigoriadou Eugenia B1Mosiitsouk Valeria B2Bofiliou Catherine B2

Writing team and sketches:

Nas Ofoure B2Renieri Kyriaki B2Grigoriadou Eugenia B1Mosiitsouk Valeria B2

Power Point:

Boudouraki Maria
