Tag Games: an EVO SpeedGeek



Tag Games: Using tags in professional and language development -- This presentation shows how participants can go on to various web sites where they can use online tools to find the objects that other participants have tagged in pre-established ways.

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Tag Games: Using tags Tag Games: Using tags in professional and in professional and language development language development

Vance StevensA SpeedGeek presentation prepared

especially for Webheads, http://webheads.info

and the Multiliteracies EVO sessionat http://goodbyegutenberg.pbworks.com

Jan 24, 2010

NileTESOL AUC Skills Conference NileTESOL AUC Skills Conference February 3, 2010 – 14:00 GMTFebruary 3, 2010 – 14:00 GMT

This presentation was made partially in rehearsal for a lecture and workshop at the NileTESOL AUC Skills Conference from 14:00 to 16:00 GMT Feb 3, 2019

The entire presentation has lecture and hands-on components. What you see here is a quick run through the hands-on part.

◦ LECTURE Talking about Tags: How they work, why they're useful -- introduces the concept of tags, relating it to what participants already know about tagging (e.g. photos in Facebook). I will show how teachers can exploit tags when having their students create content online; for example, how students can find one another anywhere in the world by agreeing on a common tag, like 'writingmatrix'. I will show how projects (for example, conferences) can accumulate internet content about the project when participants use tags, and how all this can be applied to language learning.

◦ HANDS-ON Tag Games: Using tags in professional and language development -- Here participants will go on to some web sites where objects can be tagged and use online tools to find the objects that other participants have tagged.

Very important: Your tagVery important: Your tagIn order to aggregate content for your group or event, you must first establish a common tag that everyone will use on objects that can be tagged; e.g.

evomlit for the EVO2010 Multiliteracies course

WiAOC09 for Webheads in Action Online Convergence 2009

ITValley for the NileTESOL conference event

This presentation shows some of the ways these tags can aggregate content online.

Google Image SearchGoogle Image Search


Flickr and Tag GalaxyFlickr and Tag GalaxyFlickr

http://flickr.com displays items according to tags that users give their pics and those of others

Tag Galaxy http://taggalaxy.com creates a tag planet on which are arrayed tagged Flickr photos

Teresa Almeida d’Eca speedgeek on Tag Galaxy: http://tinyurl.com/090614tag-galaxy















Any others?Any others?Participants were asked to use the whiteboard to write in any other aggregation tools that you find productive … some people suggested:

PageflakesNetvibesProtopageYahoo Pipes

But it was pointed out that these all require some setup; whereas those mentioned here aggregate automatically, without setup.

Presentation archivesPresentation archives

The slides for this presentation will be posted to http://slideshare.net/vances

The Elluminate recording is here: http://tinyurl.com/100124tag-games

The WiAOC SpeedGeek archives are here: http://wiaoc09.pbworks.com/SpeedGeeking

And of course, all Web artifacts associated with this presentation are tagged evomlit

Thank youThank youThis has been a Webheads in Action

and TESOL EVO Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning Environments

live and recorded SpeedGeeking event, brought to you by

Vance Stevens, http://adVancEducation.blogspot.com
