Second Language Acquisition



Second Language Acquisition

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Topic : Second Language Acquisition

Name: Goswami Gayatri M.Roll No:8M.A.Sem.3Year : 2014-15PG Enrolment No : PG13101011Email ID : gayatrigoswami19@gmail.comPaper no.:12 English Language Teaching-1 Submitted to: Department Of English Smt. S. B. Gardi M. K. Bhavnagar University

Dt .4/10/2014

• SLA means the processes through which someone acquire one or more second or foreign language.

• SLA is also closely related to cognitive psychology , and education

• According to Kreshan ,the Acquisition of a language is naturalistic process, where as learning a language is a conscious one

What is Second language Acquisition ?

What is First language

•First language means mother tongue .Primary language that the child would learn.

• First language has an importance influence on the second language acquisition . • First language is our identity

What is second Language ?

• Second language is a foreign language

• More informative , L2 can be said to be any language learned in addition to one’s mother tongue • L2 – target language

Positive Transfer Negative


Two types of

Contrastive Analysis

Contrastive Analysis (CA):

Positive transfer

• These studies were conducted in the belief that a learner’s first language (L1) has an important influence .

Negative transfer

• Proponent of constructive analysis argued that where L1 and L2 rules are in conflict , errors are likely to occur that are result of ‘interference’ between L1 and L2

Product-orient research


To types of Research


Product orient Research

• Morpheme order means minimum meaningful language• In the order ‘natural’ sequence • Language competence morpheme is second level of the rules

Process oriented Research

• Research reviewed above focused on the product or outcome of acquisition

First language

Second language

Grammatical Structure

Grammatical approach

• Grammatical approach was structure of first language and second language.

• Grammatical approach is based on language structure

• Grammar is the ways that words can be put together in order to make sentence


•“Applied knowledge is power”

• Practical pedagogical implicit of the conceptual and empirical work summarized about are presented and exemplified


Online collaborative


Self paced Learning

Learning theory SLA

Current and future trends and directions•That input and output are both important, that form and meaning are ultimately inspirable.

• Language acquisition is an organic rather than liner process.

• Task based Language Learning: E-tasks, CALLo Pre-tasko While-tasko Post-task


• SLA Pedagogy - SLA Methodology

• The chapter also looks at the practical implication of current research for syllabus design and methodology etc

• In this chapter shown how to acquire a knowledge and how to learn and to get one and Other language

Thank you…
