Radio Trailer Analysis


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With trailers from Jaws 2, The Great Gatsby and Gravity

Jaws 2 was produced and distributed in 1978 by Universal. It targets a wider audience falling into the age range of 15-25 years old and within the socio economic groups B-C. Rated a PG the film encourages a younger audience through its use of character profiling and loyalty to its predecessor that shocked millions of viewers away from the beaches in 1975. The radio trailer uses short clips from the films scripted dialogue to represent the narratives main theme of ignorance. The clips of dialogue used are short and precise in a continuous order so that the audience can easily recognise the structure of the film and create their own expectations of the film. By doing this Universal have ensured that their audience begin to create a wave of excitement leading up to the film’s release. The trailer has also used the film franchises’ theme song, as a result then Universal’s targeted audience will be able to instantly associate the new film with the original. This could influence box office revenues significantly as the successful reputation of the original can enhance that of the new film before the targeted audience even see Jaws 2.

JAWS 2 Video Link -


For regulatory reasons the producing institution have had to state the rating of the film and therefore have done so at the end of the sequence. In this placement Universal have ensured that the atmospheric tension is not broken by regulatory information. Making therefore a better trailer in terms of engaging its audience. Similarly with the films name the regulatory requirements are not stated until the end ensuring that their targeted audience remember the age rating as the last thing they heard. Finally then the radio trailer uses aspects such as sound and title association to entice it’s audience, partially relying on the success of the first film to entice and engage it’s targeted audience.

THE GREAT GATSBYThe Great Gatsby was created and distributed by Warner Bros in 2013. Targeting at a wide range of audience from a primary audience falling into the age range of 30-40 years old to a younger secondary audience falling into the age range of 15-25 the film takes a modern interpretation of a classic novel written by Scott F. Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby’s radio trailer places great emphasis on the films soundtrack. The voiceover credits a number of artists such as Jay-Z and Beyoncé in order to appeal to their younger secondary targeted audience whereas their primary audience are targeted by the franchise that revolves around the novel and original film released in 1974. Using clips of scripted dialogue taken from the film Warner Bros have effectively managed to capture the magical atmosphere of the film. The trailer quotes characters such as Nick Carraway in order to associate the novel directly whilst still communicating an engaging story. The trailer has not had to include the most appealing parts of the script in order to attract an audience as the film is based around a well-founded storyline. As a result, other than the A list celebrity endorsement, the film’s audience appeal was founded mostly on the successful reputation of the novel.

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GRAVITY Gravity is a mass produced film targeted at a wide audience mainly consisting of males falling into the age range of 20-30. Targeted through the use of casting and representation of the main character Warner Bros' targeted audience are effectively engaged by the radio trailer. The trailer uses scripted soundtrack from the most gripping parts of the movie in order to foreshadow the problems the main character will have to overcome in order to survive. By doing so Warner Bros provoke intrigue amongst their targeted audience who then become excited to see the film as the trailer creates anticipation. Along with the tense cuts from the scene the trailer uses eerie music to represent a theme of loneliness and solemnity that will be a common aspect throughout the film’s narrative, associating therefore the stereotypical assumptions of an astronaut’s life and career. By conforming to these conventions through the use of music Warner Bros have appealed to their targeted audience and engaged pre-release eagerness.

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The trailer also puts emphasis on the films successful casting of George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, sub consciously provoking celebrity endorsement and practising the male gaze theory whilst doing so.Finally then the film relies on the way in which it has taken advantage of 3D technology to influence the audiences decisions when it comes to seeing the film in cinemas. In promoting the fact that Gravity is available to view in 3D and would make the film better if it was viewed this way, Warner Bros are suggesting that their targeted audience will miss an amazing opportunity by waiting for the DVD copy of the film and consequently not contributing to box office revenues. Appealing to an audience then that have been convinced by the use of conventions and ideology within the trailer.