Question 3 Media


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Question 3)
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Time Inc.

The International Publishing Corporation Ltd was formed in 1963 following the merger of the UK's three leading magazine publishers - George Newnes, Odhams Press and Fleetway Publications.Time Inc. UK is Britains leading publisher of print and digital magazine content.

With more than 60 iconic brands - including Decanter, Country Life, Horse & Hound, NME, What's On TV and Wallpaper - Time Inc. UK creates content for multiple platforms, across print, online, mobile, tablets and experiences.Time Inc. is one of the world's leading media companies, with a monthly global print audience of over 120 million and worldwide digital properties that attract more than 120 million visitors each month, and over 26 million adults in the UK reading it, and having over 50 websites.

I think Time Inc, would be the suitable media institution for my magazine as it has a wide range of social platforms, a wide audience due to its recognisable name and also popular indie rock magazines such as NME are in cooperation with Time inc, which would make distribution of my magazines quicker and more successful as the target audience already expect related indie rock content.

Where might your magazine be distributed?

I would like my magazine to be distributed in all types of magazine selling and music stores, for example, HMV, bookshops like WHSmiths and regular supermarkets such as asda, tesco and sainsburys. This is because logically, the higher the availability and access towards purchasing a magazine, like in your local corner shop or on amazon, the higher number of magazines purchased. And so by having my magazine The Hum available in most known retailer shops and stores, it would be available to access to more people and thus more consumers.

How much will it cost? How frequently will the magazine be circulating?

My magazine will cost 4.99, as specified on my front cover. This is because not only will the content of the magazine be accurate it will also be exclusive and up to date. This would suggest that the price of the magazine is suitable both customers and publishers.

The magazine will be circulating monthly, this is because music is a fast paced media which is constantly changing and so new people are always making it into the spotlight, this magazine introduces new artists, as well as supporting existing artists by featuring their albums in reviews and articles.You can also sign up for my magazines subscription which delivers the magazine to your door precisely on distribution date for 6 a month.

Does your magazine feature online?

My magazine, like most magazine in the 21st century also feature online on the magazines website of .The website shows exclusive content separate to the content in the magazine.It shows videos of artistic and link you to their websites.Buying merchandise from the website is also available.

Online copies of the magazine are also available by subscribing to the website, buying the magazine on your phone, or buying and downloading the magazine onto kindles and tablets.

This is beneficial to my audience of teenagers and young adults as it means that it is easily available on most devices, which this generation uses a lot of, and convenient to carry