Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?


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Our film is a low budget, independent British film and for this reason an appropriate institution would need to be selected to distribute it.We would look towards low budget British film companies to distribute our film, as they would have experience in this area.Institutions which may be appropriate for our film include: - Hammer Film Productions - Patchwork Productions

- BBC Films - Film4

These are all institutions which take on independent films created by independent British filmmakers. I believe that the film company most likely to take on our film is likely to be Hammer Film Productions - Hammer Film Productions was originally founded in 1934 as an independent British company - Closed down production the 1980s - Marked its return to filming in 2010 by releasing ‘Let Me In’, its first film theatrical feature of the millennium - Since 2008, the companies been part of Exclusive Media- Previously had deals with Universal Studios, Columbia Pictures, Seven Arts, Twentieth Century Fox, Lionsgate and Warner Bros Studios – But all these deals were lost- Busiest period was in the 1950s, 60s and 70s- Known largely for making thrillers and horrors, it soon became known as the ‘Hammer House of Horror’ - Known for creating classic horrors such as ‘The Mummy’, ‘Frankenstein’ and ‘Dracula’ - Since re-opening they have created Films such as ‘Women In Black’

- This received the biggest US box office opening in Hammer history and is the highest-grossing British horror in 20 years

- Hammer Films Productions have created a number of popular, classic films and experience partnerships with big American distributors, and for these reason they may initially seem to be the wrong sort of institution - Since their downfall and resurrection, the type of films created have changed; they’re no longer big budget American films, but Independent British films - Reasons our film should go with Hammer Film Productions: - - They’re a British, independent film company - - They focus on the horror/thriller genre, which suits our production as a thriller - - They create low-budget British horror films - - I believe that this institution would be the best for our film in terms of distribution

- It would be unrealistic to assume a big American company, such as Universal Studios or Warner Bros, would take on our film- They create big budget, American films with a Hollywood cast, which is sure to turn a large profit at the box office, and not a small budget, independent, British film

- The best way to distribute our film would be through the use of social network sites such as facebook and twitter, and through video sharing sites, most notably YouTube - These sites are used by millions of people and allow news to be spread and shared very quickly

- This is a very effective way of cheaply advertising our product which could be spread a shared among friends and family members to create awareness