Media evaluation question 5


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Media Evaluation Question 5


How did we attract our audience?

As a group effort we discussed what we were going to use in our fil to attract our audience. We decided that our film had to include things such as violence to attract the young to middle aged male whilest keeping a romantic love style theme to attract the same age female. With in our film we tried to add music that would make our audience feel the atmosphere we want to give being this is a thriller film.

Codes and conventions

Another way we tried to connect to our audience would be by actually sticking to the codes and conventions of a thriller, such as the music, shadows and the urban setting along with a rom-crime theme. This shows our audience that our film isn’t just any film and is directed at a thriller film orientated audience.

You can see more codes and conventions here.


I did look into some others results and projects to help me with mine. I found a Prezi that you may want to look at, it has lots of information to do with audience types and attracting a thriller film audience.

audience stats for thriller movies by Hamza Mirza on Prezi