Key learning trends


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Key Learning Trends

Sukanya Patwardhan Ref : Deloitte Research

Learning Focuses on increasing Business Results

This trend sees organizational L&D put greater emphasis on effective and cost-efficient learning that positively impacts business results. This includes the strategic use of resources, alignment with business goals, direction of increasing innovation and work capability.

This means that L&D professionals need to correctly understand the business and its future and how your organization is placed amidst the scene.

Strategic talent management becomes essential

According to this trend, the strategic development, attraction, incorporation and retention of an ‘expertise elite’ is getting more attention, with organisations investing in human capital that can increase organisational performance.Why would top performers want to work for your organization? How do you ensure their employability in the fast changing market?

Personalised learning: focus on the individual learner

More learning contents and materials are customised for the learner, to ensure that learning contents meet the individual’s goals, passion and talent.

Who are your learners? What is their profile? What do they expect from the organization?

Learners become more self-directed

Learners are becoming responsible for their own L&D and determine their own career paths, learning contents and methods. As a result, employees are held responsible for their employability, mobility and transferability by developing expertise.

There are learnings available for free and several platforms learners can access. The organizations need to quickly form alliances and partnerships

with these possibilities and also have employee friendly policies and incentives that allow them to learn during work hours.

Mobile learning becomes popular

As a result of present needs for flexibility and mobility, the modern learner learns anywhere and anytime, using their smartphones, tablets and laptops. Time and location are not fixed in this way for learning, with mobile learning more and more accepted.

Having an attractive learner friendly repository and quick accessibility to the same is the key.

The workplace becomes the learning environment

Many organisations facilitate learning at the workplace as learning becoming a part of the daily work, integrated in the work processes by the use of informal learning tools and technologies.

Each organisation will have to device its own ways. Foundation is to ensure freedom from command and control type of management cultures. Down to earth team players and secure leaders will be in demand.

More knowledge sharing and team learning

Knowledge sharing is increasingly applied in both digital and personal forms, with employees sharing their knowledge with people in the fame field to learn from each other by discussing and evaluating practices.

Team events are not just about fun and frolik, people love to be treated with respect and explicit belief that they know a great deal.

Increased need for content curation

HRD (Human Resource Development) structures, organises, regulates, facilitates and enables learning as it connects the learner and the learning content.

HR needs to emulate relevant practices from the service industry – specially the hospitality industry and create great touch points at

every interaction.
