Jayson flores(edtec1)


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Teaching withDramatize Experiences


“All Dramatization is essentially a process of communication in which both participant and spectators are engaged. A creative interaction takes place of a sharing ideas.”

Dramatize experiences can range from the formal plays,

pageants to less formal tableau, pantomime,

puppets and role playing.

Plays Depict life, character, or culture or a combination of all three.

Pageants Local history, local actors. Usually community dramas that are based on local history.

Pantomime it is the “art” of conveying a story through bodily movements only.

Tableau (a French word which means picture) A picture-like scene composed of people against a background.

Puppet -unlike the regular stage play, can present ideas with extreme simplicity- without elaborate scenery or costume- yet effectively.

Types of Puppet

Shadow puppet flat back silhouette made from lightweight cardboard and show behind a screen.


Rod puppets flat cut out figures tacked to a stick, with one more movable parts, and operated from below the stage level by rods or slender stick


Hand puppets The puppet’s head is operated by the forefinger of puppeteer, a little finger and thumb being used to animate the puppet hands

Glove-and-finger puppets make use of old gloves to which small costumed figure are attached.

Marionettes Flexible, joined puppets operated by string or wires attached to a cross bar and maneuveredfrom directly above the stage.


What principles Must be observed in choosing a puppet play for teaching?.

• a) Do not use puppets for plays that can be done just as well or better by other dramatic means

• b) Puppet plays must be based on actions rather than on words

• c) Keep the plays short d) Do not omit the possibilities of music and dancing as part of the puppet show

• D) Adapt the puppet show to the age, background, and tastes of the students.

Role Playing Is an unrehearsed, unprepared and spontaneous dramatization of a “let’s pretend” situation where assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles in the situation described by the teachers.

Another sort of question regarding role playing are:


Consider situations in school at home on the playground, at work, in government. The role plating is followed by a discussion. Among the questions that may be asked are:

Prepared by: JAYSON M. FLORES