it is Cambridge


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CAMBRIDGE by Todosii Ann

Cambridge - a city in the east England, chosen in separate region county Kembridgshir, one of the oldest university centers in Europe. It Is Located in 70 km northward from London, on r. Kem (the influx r. Tie). The Area of the territory 41 km2. In city is found one of the best universities of the world, with which are bound 87 Nobel laureates and 8 owners to medals Fields’, delivering for prominent mathematical achievements.

The Geography:

The Geography:

Cambridge - an old-time university city. The University

noted 800 jubilee in 2009. Cambridge is one of the most

popular places in Great Britain. It’s possible easy get

round on foot.

Earliest written mentioning about Cambridge pertains to 730. Cambridge is beside 2000 years. The History of Cambridge began from escape Oxfords students. The Reasons and details happened unknown, but in 1209 two Oxfords students were hung for murder. The Verdict was approved by king; however students and teachers of the university exuded its unacceptable. Many have came to a conclusion abandon the city and walls of the colleges. The Shelter fugitives have found riverside Kem, bridge through which, existed since 875, and gave the name a city. In 1223 decree-law of the Papa Gregory IX has confirmed the status Cambridge as university.


Cambridge consists of more than 100 departments: 31 colleges, faculties, administrative institutions.

In university exist the job titles Professors, Senior Lecturers, Readers, Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers, as well as scientific employees, librarians, museums and offices workman. In university works more than 600 teachers and scientific employees.

Managerial system of Cambridge consists of Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Regent House, Council, General Board of the Faculties, Finance Committee, Board of Scrutiny, Consultative Committee and Council of the Schools.

The University charter is published once at three years with annual additions. It available to the whole university. Also the university has a journal - Cambridge University Reporter, in which are published university news, students and scientist’s works.


Academic directions: Scientific: chemical engineering; the computer

sciences; industrial engineering; the mathematics; medicine; the natural sciences; veterinary medicine.

Humanitarian: english-saxon, Scandinavian and Celtic culture; the archaeologies and anthropologies; the architectures; the antique classicists; the economy; formation; the english; the geographies; the histories; the histories art; the rights; the linguistics; management; modern and medieval languages; the music’s; the east culture; philosophy; social and political sciences; the religions and theologies.

Cambridge is not only university and old-time city, here develop many branches of industry. It is machine building (the scientific equipment and instruments, computer technology), food and polygraphic industries.

The Faculties of the Cambridge:

The Number of the population is 130 thous. persons, from which 20 thous. - a students(17% - foreigners).

74, 5 % - white British 1, 4 % - white Irishman 9, 6 % - other white 2, 2 % - mixed races 5, 2 % - British Asians 5, 0 % - Chinese and

other 2, 2 % - black British


The Buildings of the colleges are very beautiful. The most known - a chapel in Kings College Chapel, Bridge of Sighs in St John's College and the Wren Library in Trinity College. The Buildings Queen's College are the most old-time and exciting. There are beautiful gardens In majority of the colleges, but the best are found in Clare College and Pembroke College.


The University has many museums: the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, the Museum of Classical Archaeology, the Museum of Zoology, the Scott Polar Research Institute Museum , the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences and the Whipple Museum for the history of Science.


Fitzwilliam's bequest included 144 pictures, among them Dutch paintings he inherited through his maternal grandfather and the masterpieces by Titian, Veronese and Palma Vecchio he acquired at the Orléans sales in London. During a lifetime of collecting, he filled more than 500 folio albums with engravings, to form what has been described as "a vast assembly of prints by the most celebrated engravers, with a series of Rembrandt's etchings unsurpassed in England at that time". His library included 130 medieval manuscripts and a collection of autograph music by Handel, Purcell and other composers which has guaranteed the Museum a place of prominence among the music libraries of the world.

Fitzwilliam Museum:

The Cambridge University Botanic Garden holds a plant collection of over 8000 plant species from all over the world to facilitate teaching and research. The Garden provides resources including plant material, horticultural expertise and facilities to research workers and lecturers.

Since its foundation, however, the Botanic Garden has also provided a beautiful place for everybody to enjoy and benefit from - a series of wonderful landscapes through which to discover the drama of plant diversity.

The Cambridge University Botanic Garden:

On street Cambridge is forbidden to play tennis. New students in Cambridge must pass the circle "beginner", which consists of ten

Cambridge's beer. In each you must drink the pint a beer. The Beginner must do this as quickly as possible.

Wittgenstein buried in Cambridge on graveyard St Giles Churchyard, not far from Churchill College.

In Cambridge were opened Structure DNK and created method of the artificial insemination.

Archeologists from university Cambridge have found southward from city remains english-saxon princess, lived in VII age of our era.

Do you know?...

Pink Floyd - British progressive/rock group, created in Cambridge.

Graduates of Cambridge: philosopher Frensis Bekon, lord Bayron, Coleridge, Vordsvort, Charles Darvin, John Meynard Keyns, A.A. Miln, Dgavaharlal Neru, Isaak Newton, Earnst Rezerford, Vladimir Nabokov, Petr Kapica, James Maksvell, Floor Dirak, George Thompson, Uiliyam Harvi, Jayne Gudell, Cue Filbi, princes Charles and Edward, Frensis Shout, Alan Tyuring, Steven Houking, Fred Sander.

Do you know?...

Guide to Cambridge from Wikitravel Cambridge Tourist Information Centre The Cambridge Evening News Cambridge 2000 — a large collection of photographs of

Cambridge architecture Cambridge in Colour — collection of night and low-light

photographs of Cambridge Cambridge (UK) Web Guide — Cambridge (UK) Web Sites Interactive aerial photo and map Cambridge on Google Maps

