Hrad Beckov


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Beckov Tím Piešťany

O hrade / About the castle

Beckov Castle is a castle in ruins located on the 60 metres high hill above the village of Beckov in western Slovakia.

Beckovský hrad je zrúcanina hradu na 60 metrov

vysokom brale nad dedinou Beckov na západnom


»Matúš Čák Trenčiansky

»Stiborovci / Stibors

»Bánffyovci / Bánffys

Majitelia / The owners

Matúš Čák Trenčiansky



Legenda o Beckove / The legend of the Beckov Castle

História hradu je predmetom rôznych legiend. Jedna z nich rozpráva o pôvode názvu hradu, odvodeného od šaša Becka, pre ktorého bol vraj hrad postavený.

The history of the castle is the subject of different legends. One of them narrates the origin of the name of castle derived from that of jester Becko for whom the Duke Stibor had the castle built.

Obec Beckov / The village of Beckov
