Examples Of Tech Tools As Learning Tools


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Examples of Tech Tools as Learning Tools


This website provides winners of a student-created website competition. The websites cover various topics and grade level examples. This is an excellent source of examples to show students how creative website design can be.


This website provides wonderful examples of iMovies created by students. The students create the iMovies by creating a video biography. This demonstrates an effective integration of technology in a Language Arts classroom, although this could easily be used in other disciplines (for example, completing a biography for a famous chemist for science class).


This website provides samples of student interviews with women who participated in World War II activities to support the war effort. These interviews were completed many years ago; however, their value for teaching history through personal interviews makes them a valuable addition to a classroom studying WWII. These examples of student work show use of word processing to produce summaries of personal interviews. With my Summer of My German Soldier unit, students will also be completing personal interviews and compiling their work in a typed document.


This website includes an array of student work (categorized by quality—high, medium high, medium, medium low, and low) along with the scores and commentary from two evaluators. There are examples of informative essays as well as literary essays. This is an excellent tool to use with students and parents working to perfect the writing process.