Effects of Early Literacy


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The Effects of Early Literacy

Jessi TevisD. Mascle -ENG 100

Does the early learning of literacy actually effect a child’s future?

Research shows that a child’s literacy is effected


A child’s parent’s

literacy level

A family’s income

Learning Disabilities

Parent Intervention

Teacher Intervention Preschool And Many


Parent Literacy

Levels Affect Their Child’s

Literacy Levels…

Research shows that a mother’s level of education is

one of the most important factors influencing children’s

reading levels and other school achievements.

It is proven that more highly educated mothers have greater success in providing children with the cognitive and language skills that contribute to early success in school.

Research also proves that children of mothers with high levels of education stay in school longer that children of mothers with low levels of education.

How does income affect a child’s

literacy level???According to the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) children of low-income families began school far below their more income advantaged peers.

In fact…•Before entering kindergarten, the average cognitive scores of preschool-age children in the highest income group are 60 percent above the average scores of children in the lowest income group.

At age 4 years, children who live below the poverty line are 18 months below what is normal for their age group; by age 10 that gap is still present. For children living in the poorest families, the gap is even larger…

By the time children from middle-income families with well-educated parents are in third grade, they know about 12,000 words. Third grade children from low-income families with undereducated parents who don’t talk to them very much have vocabularies of around 4,000 words, one-third as many words as their middle-income peers…

Low-literate parents are more likely to exert a positive influence on their children’s academic achievement when they are able to enhance their own literacy skills as well.

The Effects of Learning


Learning disabilities are problems that affect the brain's

ability to receive, process, analyze, or store information.

These problems can make it difficult for a student to

learn as quickly as someone who isn't affected by learning disabilities…

Learning Disabilities Can Cause:







Parent Intervention…

it affects a child’s literacy level.

Children who read to their parents on a regular basis made greater gains than

children receiving an equivalent amount of extra

reading instruction by reading specialists at

school .

Teacher intervention should be INCREASED!

If teacher intervention is increased…

So is a child’s literacy level.

Does it really matter??

Out of thirteen students that completed an online survey, only seven students attended preschool…

The preschool phase is strongly associated

with the improvement in academic

functioning in children.

Early Literacy


is our ladder…


Works Cited• Benjamin, Ann L. "Parents' Literacy and Their Children's Success in School: Recent Research, Promising Practices, and

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