21.who polluted the river kic version ver.3


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Who polluted the river?

Takatoshi AKAIJICA Kyushu


The Toga River is one of the biggest rivers in Northern Kyushu area.

The water of this river came from Umami Mountain in Kama City.

The length is 61 km.There are 21 cities beside

the river.There are 64species of fish exist, which includeendangered


River lizard goby

Endemic species

Dark chub

Bullhead Secret loachUpstream fat minnow Cherry trout


From Mt. Umami in Kama City the river flows into Chikuho Tanden.

In Chikuho Tanden, there are too much mining operation proceeded.The coal transported by railway.This transportation emit exhaust gas.This gas increase acid rain.The acid rain flows into the Toga River. (Insert into the bucket: check its smell① )


The minerals, such as arsenic and fluorine also pollute under

ground water. (Put )②


The sewage did not treat and dumped into the river. (Put )③


The railway driver throw his gum into the river from Toga River Iron Bridge.

(Put )④

Fishing line which fry fisherman used, but twined into stone

and flow into the river. (Put )⑤

In Yahata area, Yawata Steel Work is producing railway since 1901.

This company use iron powder remover to clean up their factory., and it flows into the river. (Put )⑥


Mothers wash their clothes by washing machine.

The detergent flows into the river. (Put )⑦


This water flows into the Dokai Bay.

Q: How are creatures in the waterin 1960’s?

Please help us!

Q: Who polluted river?

Q: Do you think you are also polluting river?

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Dokai Bay in Now

This fishing boat hunt for squid

Japanese Tiger PrawnKurumaebi

Rock FishMebaru


• When you go back to home, just remind what you thought today.

• Then recall “The person who polluted river is us”, and think about how to reduce pollution for river.