Brand you



Powerpoint presentation on creating your personal brand as a financial services professional, as presented at Adviser Edge 2013, Gold Coast, Australia. By Tony Vidler Strictly Business Ltd

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Brand: YOU

Today...the road ahead... Does Brand matter? Individuals have brands? What is a brand Brand: YOU...and your

business branding

Creating Brand: YOU Your value proposition, or

USP Being different: but blending

in Behavioral Attributes

How to: Positioning Getting credibility Free Press tips ...and...some lessons &


“Brand” and Social MediaSocial Media Examiner noted that 72% of their clients reported closing more business as a result of social media efforts, and 52% reported increased lead generation results.

Brand awareness matters: brands in the initial-consideration set can be up to 3 times more likely to be purchased eventually than brands that aren't in it...

“Winning the Consumer Decision Journey”. McKinsey Report, by David Court

The Brand: YOU challenge for Professional Advisers

Being different...While fitting in!

When People think “Branding”...

What is a Brand?

USPUSP IdentityIdentity PositionPosition

Your what people believe about you...

Barack Obama

BRAND Obama?

Steve Jobs

BRAND: Jobs?

Lance Armstrong

BRAND: Armstrong?

Gina Rinehart

BRAND: Rinehart?

Elle Macpherson

BRAND: Elle?

Julia Gillard

BRAND: Gillard?

Sir Donald Bradman

BRAND: The Don

Attributes of “A” Brand

Value proposition + Brand identity + Positioning = Brand Most advice businesses compete on “approximation” and “relationships”All financial advice businesses are approximately equal – To The Customer...Until “relationships” come into the equation – this is a differentiator

Strategic Value


Reduce below industry’s standard

Do somethingAbove the

industry’s standard

CreateWhat the industryHas never offered

EliminateIndustry takes

for granted

Your Business’ Brand Position


Business Brand


Personal Brand

do not mesh...the customer thinks:

Are you serious?In the absence of strong brand positioning the customer uses these decision making filters:


Delivery – availability and convenience


The Business Brand and Brand: YOU meet...

USPUSPIdentityIdentity PositionPosition

Being Different....while looking the same.

Your Personal Brand

Why deal with you?

You have to know:

1.Why are you so special?

2.Who are you targeting?

1.Why should they deal with you?

These are then ingredients of your value


YOUR Proposition Checklist

A great value proposition:

Defines what you DO

Is different to competitors

Creates interest, or intrigue

Is strong and confident

Is about an outcome

Uses simple language

Is succinct

Is convincing – because YOU believe it

EXAMPLE: What’s my value proposition?

Adviser to the Advice Industry

(is a positioning statement)

I get my customers more customers  

(is the value proposition)

My service is unique and advisers love it, as they get practical tools and help that they can use easily and quickly to remove risks from their business, and create new business opportunities.  The key benefits are advisers have safer and easier businesses to run, that make more money for them and grow in value.

(It may not be great, but it seems to work!)

Unique Selling Proposition Worksheet how to say......My Brilliance! + My Passion! = YOUR gain

What do you do? How would a customer describe what you do?



Customer's Alternatives Why would a potential customer choose your competitors in lieu of you?



The IDEAL Client is: A "Good" Client is:



Your Key Differentiators for the IDEAL client are: Your Key Differentiators for a Good client are:




KEY Value to the customer? KEY Value to the customer?


Secondary Value to the customer? Secondary Value to the customer


THE Essential Value Proposition  

what makes me unique...  

what I do to create value...  

how the customer benefits from that....  


YOUR Unique Selling Proposition is therefore:  




Some real examples....I put in place the plans that buy people time, when they need it most.

I help business stay solvent when disasters strike

What makes me unique is my ability to grasp complex technical information REALLY quickly, and provide practical simple solutions straight away that clients benefit from.

What makes me unique is my ability to positively influence people to change their thinking on how their financial future can be, and then help them make it happen the way they want it to. 

I arrange the plan and tools to help people get predictable income streams when they are no longer working

I am great at taking complex financial problems onboard, and working out and delivering simple solutions that work for my clients. I fix financial headaches.

Brand: YOU is about being different...While fitting in!

How’s this going to come across on Fair Go?

Brand Management is Business Ethics

Color in Brands

Consistent imagery

Business cards:




Presentation materials:

Your Behavior is what gets you in.


Marketing 101

The Strategy Marketing systems feed the


Website is the core of the content marketing, or engagement, strategy

Social media feeds the funnel, AND, produces content and traffic to the website and blog.

Email, e-zines & social media provide ongoing engagement; and deliver content.

When they have an itch, they know I am the scratcher

When they have an itch...the sales process begins


Getting attraction...and traction...

Beginners Brand Positioning Tactic

Leveraging other people’s networks

Connect to journalists Connect to

Influencers Feed your blog in Share articles –

home page, groups, direct to contacts

Observe – watch what people like, then feed that in


Curate content for your market

Develop a “personality”


Feed your content in & cross-promote your #SM

Rule of thirds!

Images & Video’s rule

Keep it light – your friends are there

Helpful consumer tips

Like others pages

Do you like what you found about you?

Using keywords for better SEO

Blog stats:



Already too much to do?’ll have lots of time if you have no customers...your ROI is “survival”

Exponential ResultsNewsletter (Tips, Taps & Trends – 1,400+ readers/fortnight)

LinkedIn: now 1,150+ 1st connections

Twitter: 1,300 + followers

Blog: 1,500 + following; 70 reads/day and rising...

Facebook: 240+ fans

Learning and dabbling with

Pinterest (BIG deal),

You Tube (BIGGER deal),

Google+ (bound to be BIG, but a struggle for me...)

Clarify your core offer

Know your target market

Know how they benefit from you

Put that into a “value proposition”

Work out where they are, or are going to be, and be there.

Your value proposition HAS to fit with the overall business brand and focus on customer benefit

Marketing the brand goes beyond just you & the customer

Customer benefit must be “outcome” focused

Engagement marketing is critical

Creating buzz...

The Journey to “Success”

The Journey to “Success”

Your Market Influence

This is Brand: YOU


For more information or to connect or contact:

Or, visit the website for loads of FREE stuff