Would you recommend our service to friends and family?



Put us to the test and tell us what is working and what we can improve on. All feedback is anonymous and we will use the information to help plan improvements to our services. Please ask at Reception for a ‘family and friends test’ and any more information.

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Would you recommend our service to friends and family?

We would like your feedback on the care and treatment we give you any time you visit

your GP or have contact with the practice.

Put us to the test and tell us what is working and what we can improve on.

All feedback is anonymous and we will use the information to help plan improvements to our services.

Please ask at Reception for a ‘family and friends test’ and any more


We’ve already had some great feedback so far…

“This is an extremely friendly & approachable

practice that will go out of their way to get and give

the right treatment”“All of the staff are

willing to help you as much as possible.

The Doctors do their very best to help,

what more could you ask for?”

“I think they are doing a great job

for patient, including myself,

it’s great”
