User Manual for Inventory Management


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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    User manual for Inventory management:-

    Gate Entry (JIEX_C) Capturing Incoming Excise Invoice.

    Select the capture excise invoice & enter the P.O. No. all information will be captured automatically.

    Note: - You enter the material with ref. to the following Document:-

    i. Purchase order

    ii. Stock Transport Order: - For Plant to Plant Transfer i.e.

    iii. Scheduling Agreement.iv. Without Purchase order: - For FOC material & cash purchase .

    Select only capture excise

    invoice option; enter excise

    invoice no. and date. Enter the

    P.O. no. all information will

    capture automatically from the

    P.O, but you can change theQty. as per challan qty.

    Enter the vendor excise / non

    excisable invoice no. And select

    the excise group as per LOV.

    Enter the business area i.e.1022

    for GGN HPDC

    You can also view the purchasedocument and excise entry. Check

    the document by clicking the check

    button. Entry will be generated

    automatically and Doc..NO. Will be


    Enter the Date of

    receipt in the

    additional data

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Goods Receipt: - (MIGO)You enter the material with ref. to the following Document:-

    i. Purchase order ii. Inbound delivery in case of Mtl. Receipt against Stock Transport order ( Plant to Plant transfer

    i.e. Ggn to dhr)

    iii. Scheduling Agreement.iv. Without Purchase order: - For FOC material & cash purchase.

    Write the Purchase Order Number in the relevant column & press enter. All the items of PO appear in the itemoverview. Write vendor bill no. in Delivery Note, LR number in Bill of Lading & Gate Entry number in Header textfields. Check the quantities from the bill & physical verification correct the quantity if required, enter the storagelocations for each line item and put tick mark in the OK check box and select to continue.

    Enter the P.O. no and all therecords will be capturedautomatically. Click the itemOK then go to Excise invoice& take the help of LOV.Onlycaptured invoice will bereflected and select thesame.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Check & post the Goods Receipt. Goods Receipt Material Document number appears at the statusbar given at the bottom.

    Enter the qty which is

    received physically. It is also

    mandatory to enter the

    Challan Qty. System will not

    enter more then the Gate In

    Qty but can be accept less qty

    as per physical receipt qty.

    You can view the Purchasing

    Doc. and excise detail also.

    Pl. also enter Deliver

    note & Bill lading no as

    challan /bill no and Bill

    of entry no. incase of

    Import. You can also

    write the special

    remarks in the HeaderText.

    Enter the Storage location where

    you want to keep thematerial and

    also can viewthe current stocks inthe plant.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Post Excise Invoice: - J1IEX_PIt is mandatory to prepare the GR for posting of excise invoice.

    Enter the vendor invoice no. all

    the entries will be reflected

    automatically as per GR.

    Check the excise amount with

    ref. to the supplier invoice. If

    the excise amount if deferent

    from the system amount pl.

    change the same manually

    (Excise & Ecess amount) in

    change mode and post the same.

    You can also check

    the entry by clicking

    simulate Cenvat. If itis Ok Post the same

    and the excise

    register will be



  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Invoice Verification (MIRO)

    1. Enter Invoice No in the Ref. field2. Enter Invoice date

    3. Enter the currency INR here

    before entering any other things.

    4. Select P.O/Schedule

    agreement /Service entry


    5. Enter P.O. No /

    Service entry sheet no.

    5. Select Planned delivery cost for import

    other otherwise select goods/service item

    + planned delivery cost and press enter.

    Enter Plant i.e.

    1011, 1022

    P.O. TIN No. to

    be entered.

    Pl. enter Diff.

    amount here if


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    1. Click the Calculate tax &

    enter the amount as shown

    in balance field.

    2. Choose the


    1. After Simulation above

    screen will appear which showyou the accounting entries.2. If the Entries

    are Correct then

    Post the IV

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    IV material document no. will

    be reflecting here.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Return delivery (MIGO) i.e. Line Rejection, MRR Rejection & Stock Rejection.

    It is mandatory to process the same though any material Doc. and all the data will be captured

    including the vendor from the same.

    2. Enter MVT type 122for return delivery.

    3. Enter Storage Location

    from where material to

    be return.

    1. Always select

    Return Delivery

    1. Enter item code in

    material view & qty in

    quantity view

    2. View the P.O. No

    and Document no. of

    the material

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Excise Invoice Creation for Returned Delivery (J1IS)

    1.Always select MATD

    for Returned Delivery

    2. Enter the doc.

    Number & Year

    3. Enter the series group &

    Excise group as plant.

    4. Enter vendor code &

    Business Area then click

    execute button then nextscreen will be appear

    Check the Qty Value, BED &

    ECess as per excise invoice

    posted if O.K then click the save


    Please note that Invoice is relatedonly for Excise Duty purpose & itwill not Debited vendor for fullrejected amount. For debiting thevendor you have to create the creditmemo.

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    Credit Memo or Subsequent Credit for Return Delivery (MIRO)

    1. Select the Credit

    memo in case of any

    rejection to be returned

    to vendor

    2. Enter

    Doc. Date

    3. Enter ref invoice no.

    4. Select P.O/Schedule


    5. Enter P.O. / Schedule

    agreement no.

    6. Enter Qty & Value as per Return

    delivery & IV. Always Select Line item if

    Multiple item in P.O.

    7. Click Calculate Tax

    1. Enter TIN No. Here

    1. Enter Plant i.e. 1011, 1022

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Enter the Amount as

    shown in balance field.

    Choose the Simulate to

    View the Accounting


    After Simulation above screen willappear and you can see the

    accounting entries.

    2. If the entries areOK then post the

    Credit Memo. It Will

    Debit Vendor &

    Credit to RICO.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Note: - Credit Memo will open the Purchase Order for returned Qty. andSubsequent Credit Will not open P.O.

    If Wants to close the P.O. Pl. make and Subsequent Credit if wants to material inagain in the same P.O. Pl. make Credit Memo only.

    Credit Memo No. (Document No.)

    Will be generated automatically.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Create Reservation (MB21) MVT TYPE- 201(Consumption to cost center)

    Enter the requirement date

    as the baseline date,

    movement type i.e. 201 for

    issue to Cost center and the

    relevant plant and press


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Create Reservation (MB21) MVT TYPE- 311(For transfer posting storage location)

    1. Enter Cost Center

    2. Enter Goods Recipient

    who is supposed to receivethe material.

    3. If you want to prevent a goods

    movement in respect of this reservation

    item, you must deselect the field. If you

    want to allow a goods movement in

    respect of this reservation item, select the


    4. Enter material, quantity,

    plant, storage location, etc. as

    required and select to save

    the reservation. System will

    generate the Reservation


    Enter the requirement date

    as the baseline date,

    movement type i.e. 311(for

    transfer posting storage

    location) and the relevant

    plant and press Enter.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    For changing a reservation execute transaction MB22 and for displaying a reservation execute MB23 andproceed as required.

    1. Enter the Store Code

    where material has to be

    transfer all others field

    will remain same as

    MB21 MVT type 201

    2. Enter Goods Recipient

    who is supposed to receive

    the material.

    2. Enter the valuation class if thematerial is subject to splitvaluation. Which you want towithdraw from stores.

    Enter the valuation type.It is mandatory if If thematerial is subject tosplit valuation

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Goods Issue - MIGO (Against Reservation) to Cost Center

    1. Select Goods Issue &Reservation

    2. Enter Reservation No. All the

    information related to issue will

    reflect from the reservation only.

    3. Always Select

    201 if it is

    consumption to cost


    4. Enter Any Type

    of detail here

    5. You can change the qty asper physical issuances

    6. Click the OK and save

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Transfer Posting (Storage location to Storage location with-in Plant) - MIGO (AgainstReservation)

    A stock transfer from storage location to storage location takes place within a plant. It is usually posted without valuesince the transferred material is managed in the same plant and therefore has the same valuation data as before. Ifthe material is subject to split valuation, and the valuation type of the material changes due to the stock transfer, thesystem also creates an accounting document during the stock transfer.

    This stock transfer procedure reduces the corresponding stock type at the issuing storage location and increases thesame stock type at the receiving storage location. At plant level, the stock level does not change, except that the stockis distributed differently among the storage locations in the plant. The system does not create an accounting

    document for the material document.

    Choose the relevant movement type to enter the transfer posting, for example, 311 (Transfer posting of unrestricteduse stocks from one storage location to another). Maintain the data as required and save the document.

    Enter the issuing and receiving plants, storage locations in the sections From and Dest in theitem details in the Transfer tab.Enter Header text, check and Save. The system creates a material document without any FIdocument, as there is no change in valuation when transfer posting takes place between storagelocations to storage location within the same plant.

    1. Select TransferPosting & Reservation

    2. Enter Reservation No. All the

    information related to transfer

    of material will reflect from the

    reservation only.

    3. Always SelectMVT type 311 if it isTransfer of materialStorage location toStorage location

    5. You can change the qty as

    per physical transfer of mtl.

    4. Enter Any Type

    of detail here

    Enter the valuation type inthe receiving location. Ifthe material is subject tosplit valuation

    6. Click the OK and save

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Transfer Posting to Subcontractor MB1B with Ref. to Purchase Order.For transfer Posting of material to subcontracting run T-Code MBIB and fill up all the details. Postthe document with reference to Purchase order

    Select MVT 541, Plant Code,Storage Location and pressTo Purchase Order

    Pl. select theP.O. No. andclick the adoptdetails.

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    Note: - No FI entry will be generated at the time of Transfer posting to Subcontractor.

    Returnable Gate Pass ZRGP

    Enter the Plant Code

    Enter the Store loc.Code from whereyou want to send thematerial

    Click save button. Thedocument no. will begenerated automatically &

    will appear as blow

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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    All the detail with reference toMaterial Doc. i.e. vendor, materialand qty will reflect automatically.

    Enter the Send through, Vehicle no,

    Header Text .Select the line itemand click the save button to savethe RGP.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Create subcontracting challan (57F4) J1IF01

    1. Enter the

    Material Doc. no.

    1. Enter the Excisegroup, series group asdefined in the system(LOV) and Plant thenclick the execute


    1. Enter RGP NO. And allother entries will comesautomatically from transferposting.

    2. You can view thematerial doc. byclicking here.

    3. Click the save button.

    The Document no. will

    be generatedautomatically.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    GR preparation of subcontracting material( Item & Scrap Reconciliation) MIGO

    Pl. deselects the base line item scrap in GR.

    Pl. De-selects the Base lineitem scrap for reconciliation ofvendor generated scrap andsave the document.

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    For Reconciliation of Scrap Generated at vendor end (MIGO)

    For the reconciliation of the Scrap pl. prepare the subsequent adjustment for the samePurchase order for which you have already prepared the GR as above.

    Select the line itemscrap and put the scrapqty which you arereceiving physically.

    Enter the challan no. &also enter header Text.

    Click the OK button & Post the

    same. Document no. will be

    generated automatically

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Updation of RG1 Register for scrap receipt from vendor(J1I5)

    Enter Company,Plant Excise Group,Posting date

    Always Enter RMA

    Select RG and enter

    Click the lineitem &

    SimulateGreen Light willappear on thescreen

    Click the Createbutton. The entrywill be created

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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Subcontracting Challan Reconciliation (J1IFQ)

    1. GR No. & Year

    2. Excise Challan no & Year

    3. Click to reconcile

    1. Enter qty. as perreceipt GR qty.

    2. Click thesave button

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    After clicking save button the given

    massage will appear

    You can displaythe challan to seethe reconciliationBy T.Code J1IF02

    See that 5000 pcs havebeen reconciled as per GRqty. & 5000 pcs isbalance.

    Click to view the material


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    You can view the material Document showing the Entry of Reconciliation.

    You can see the Challan qty., Receiptqty as well as balance qty respectively.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management



    TRANSCTION CODE MIGO MVT TYPY 303 ( Dispatch Plant)

    1. Select Transferposting & others

    2. Alwaysselect MVTType 303

    3. Enter material, Plant& Storage location with


    4. Enter plant inDestination & Savethe same

    View the document by SelectingDisplay & Enter the Materialdocument no.

    You can also view theFI document byclicking the FIdocument button

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    After clicking the FI document Button the given screen will appear which shows you the FI entry.

    You can view the entry as

    1022 debited & 1021 is


    You can also view the detail

    document by clicking the same as

    shown in next screen

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    T.Code - MIGOM.Type - 501-MThe following activity should be done while receiving of RTP material from Supplier.

    You can view the stocks after receiving the same in Plant

    Stock of the

    same is 50 pcsbefore GR ofRTP material

    1. Select theothers at the timeof GR 2. Select MVT

    type 501 M

    3. Enter Item Code, Qty,Plant Code, StorageLocation and Vendor code

    4. Click Ok thenPost the same.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management

    35/55Returning back of RTP material to Supplier

    Stock of thesame is 60pcs beforeGR of RTPmaterial

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    T.Code - MIGOM.Type - 502-M

    1. Select theothers at the timeof GR

    2. Select MVTtype 502 M

    3. Enter Item Code, Qty,Plant Code, StorageLocation and Vendor code

    4. Click Ok thenPost the same.

    Returning 20 pcsto supplier which isgreater thenreceipt of 10 Pcs

    from the vendor

    System will not allowexcess dispatch to vendorIt will show the error

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Now stocks of the same is goes down by 10 pcs from the main stores and only 50 pcs is available in


    Power Consumption (can be issued directly to cost center) (MIGO)

    Now the

    stocks is only

    50 pcs

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    1. Select Goods

    Issue others

    2. Enter MVTType 201P

    3. Enter Material, Qty,Plant, Vendor name &Cost Center

    4. Check thedocument IfOK then Postthe same.

    Click the FIdocument to viewthe FI & CO. entry

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Click the documentwhich you want to view

    View the



    Pipeline Credit& Power


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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Select Settle & Enter

    You can view thecreated document.Click to View thedocument

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    View the entry

    created in FI asVendor credit &Pipeline debit.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Creating a Physical Inventory Document MI31

    Execute the transaction MI31 to create the physical Document

    1. Select thematerial, Plantstorage location,material type &group etc. to becounted

    2. Specify the maximum number ofitems that a physical inventory

    document will contain. If you enter

    a maximum number of items here,

    the system creates a new documentfor the remaining items when this

    number is reached, until all

    material has been recorded in

    physical inventory document.

    3. Select the stock type

    4. Click hereto execute

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    The System creates a new session and the screen is displayed as under:

    Click here to process the


    1. Select the line itemthen Process theSession

    2. Click here toprocess

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    The Next Screen Will Appear as under:-

    The Next Screen Will appear as under:-

    1. Select the processing

    mode. If large nos. of

    items is to be counted it is

    always advisable to

    process in the

    background. After

    selecting the processing

    mode, press processbutton. If not processed in

    background, selectdisplay error only option

    2. Select the Log

    1. Select the line itemand press to display

    Click here to Display

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    The Following Screen appears with auto generated numbers of the Physical inventory:-



    document No. is


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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Print physical Inventory Doc. - MI21

    The next Screen will appear as under:-

    1. Enter Materialdocument no. Plant,Storage location &Count date

    2. Click execute

    1. Select Printer

    2. If wants to view thedocument then ClickPreview & If wants totake print Click Print

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Enter Physical Count In the system as per Physical count

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    Display the document of Physical count T.Code.MI06

    Enter physical count in

    the shown space. If it is

    in store pl. enter the

    quantity in the 1st

    column & if it in QA

    inspection enter in 2nd

    column and if it is in

    blocked stock pl. enter

    in the 3rd column.

    Also pl. click thebutton if the qty

    is 0 in any case

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    You can also change the Doc. T.code.MI05

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    View the list of diff. T.code. MI20

    You can change the

    physical qty. if required.

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    Post the differences Doc. No. 4900001476

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual for Inventory Management


    You can give the reason of

    Diff by clicking above

    column & select the reason.

    And save thedocument
