UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


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  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)



    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................iii

    LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................iv

    LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................iv




    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OUTSOURCING.........................................2

    1.2 Outsourcing.........................................................................................................2

    1.2.1 Definition...............................................................................................................21.2.2 Types of outsourcing..............................................................................................3

    1.2 Information technology outsourcing....................................................................4

    1.2.1 Overview of information technology outsourcing.................................................41.2.2 Model for the evolution of information technology outsourcing providers..........5



    2.1 Overview of Vietnams information technology outsourcing................................7

    2.1.1 Development of IT industry...................................................................................72.1.2 IT companies.......................................................................................................10

    2.2 SWOT analysis of ietnam!s information technology outsourcing...................13

    2.2.1 trengths.............................................................................................................. !ow production cost..................................................................................... trong la"our pool........................................................................................142.2.1.# ta"le political environment.........................................................................142.2.1.$ %overnment support....................................................................................152.2.1.& 'ast growing domestic economy..................................................................1"

    2.2.2 (ea)nesses..........................................................................................................1" (or)force limitations...................................................................................1" scale industry.....................................................................................*oor security and intellectual property protection......................................1#

    2.2.# Opportunities.......................................................................................................1$2.#.#.1 The trend toward cost+savings of ITO..........................................................1$2.2.#.2 ,ntry of M-s to Vietnams IT mar)et........................................................202.2.#.# *otential of /apanese mar)et.......................................................................21

    2.2.$ Threats.................................................................................................................212.2.$.1 trongly competitive environment................................................................212.2.$.2 The downturn of glo"al economy.................................................................22

    2.3 SWOT matri%....................................................................................................23


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    3.1 Selection of a&&ro&riate 'evelo&ment strategies for ietnam!s ITO in'ustry....2"

    3.2 Some im&lications for ietnam!s ITO in'ustry.................................................27

    3.2.1 (evelo& IT human resources...............................................................................273.2.2 )nhance ietnam!s trust*orthiness on glo+al mar,et........................................2$3.2.3 Im&rove legal system..........................................................................................30




  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


























    -sia acific

    usiness rocess Outsourcing

    /om&oun' -nnual ro*th ate

    /a&a+ility aturity o'el

    /a&a+ility aturity o'el Integration

    /hinese uan/om&uter Sciences /or&oration

    ross (omestic ro'uct

    )lectronic (ata System

    6o /hi inh /ity /om&uter -ssociation

    6igher )'ucation Institution

    International usiness achine

    Information an' /ommunication Technology

    Intellectual ro&erty

    International Stan'ar's Organi:ation

    Information Technology

    Information Technology )na+le' Service

    Information Technology Outsourcing

    no*le'ge rocess Outsourcing

    inistry of Information an' /ommunications

    ultinational /or&oration

    esearch an' (evelo&ment

    9nite' States


  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)



    ;igure 1.2 One mo'el for the evolution of soft*are e%&orting firms in Tier ;our


    ;igure 2.1 evenue of ietnam!s soft*are in'ustry ...........................#

    ;igure 2.2 ro*th of soft*are com&anies in ietnam.............................................11

    ;igure 2.3 -verage ITO salaries in the --/ in 2005? +y level of e%&erience........13

    ;igure 2." ro&ortion of soft*are com&anies in ietnam? +y num+er of em&loyees



    Ta+le 2.1 lo+al Services @ocation In'e%.................................................................$

    Ta+le 2.2 Information technology in'ustry em&loyment? 200#...............................10


  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)



    (uring the time of &re&aring an' com&leting my thesis? I *as very luc,y to receive

    numerous su&&ort an' encouragement from many &eo&le. -n' this is here+y to

    e%&ress my sincere gratitu'e to them.

    ;irst an' foremost? I *oul' li,e to give my s&ecial than,s to my su&ervisor? h(.

    ham Thuy @inh for &rovi'ing me *ith valua+le recommen'ations an' hel&ful

    materials. (es&ite her +usy *or,? she s&ent much time on rea'ing my 'raft an'

    hel&ing me correct the mista,es carefully an' ,in'ly. Wor,ing *ith her? I gaine' a

    'ee&er ,no*le'ge +ac,groun' a+out ho* to con'uct a scientific research.

    Secon'? I *ish to e%&ress my gratefulness to all lecturers of ;aculty of International

    usiness an' )conomics an' other lecturers for &rovi'ing me *ith im&ortant

    ,no*le'ge of economics an' +usiness? *ithout *hich I can never finish this thesis. I

    also *ant to sho* my a&&reciation to li+rarian staffs of 9niversity of )conomics

    an' usiness an' ietnam ational 9niversity? 6anoi? from *hom I coul' +orro*

    many useful materials.

    @ast? +ut +y no means least? my sincere than,s are 'evote' to my family? es&ecially

    my mother? for their love an' su&&ort through my years of stu'ies. I am greatly

    in'e+te' to all of them. I also o*e my gratitu'e to my frien's for their

    encouragement through all my 'ifficult times.


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    Information technology is an in'ustry *ith high intension of intellectual? high

    rate of interest an' great &otential of e%&ort. -ccor'ingly? IT outsourcing is a goo'

    'irection for 'evelo&ing countries to choose so as to Auic,ly strengthen the

    country!s material? intellectual an' s&iritual gro*th? s&ee' u& the mo'erni:ation of

    economic sectors? an' em&o*er the com&etitiveness of +usinesses.

    ;oreseeing the &otential of ietnam in this in'ustry? in Bune 2000? ietnamese

    government release' a 'ecision to +uil' an' 'evelo& the country!s soft*are in'ustry?

    o&ening the ne* o&&ortunity to attract international IT outsourcers. In recent years?

    ietnam has +een emerging as a 'ynamic 'estination for the 'evelo&ment of lo*C

    cost ITO in -sia.

    The research aims to e%&lore the real situation of ITO in ietnam an'? accor'ingly?

    formulate 'evelo&ment strategies an' give some recommen'ation for the country to

    enhance this economic sector. -n overvie* of ietnam!s ITO sector is given +efore

    SWOT mo'el is a&&lie' to i'entify the sector!s strengths? *ea,nesses? o&&ortunities

    an' threats as *ell as formulate 'evelo&ment strategies for the sector. 9tili:ing a

    threeC&hase mo'el of evolution for IT com&anies in 'evelo&ing countries? the

    research recommen's that? among availa+le strategies? the most a&&ro&riate ones are

    focusing on lo*Cen' &ro'ucts? ta,ing a'vantage of lo* costs in short term an'

    im&roving service maturity? moving to highCen' &ro'ucts in long term. asing onthe selecte' strategies? some im&lications such as 'evelo&ing human resources?

    enlarging scale of IT in'ustry? enhancing ietnam!s trust*orthiness on glo+al

    mar,et an' im&roving legal system are &rovi'e' to hel& &romote the 'evelo&ment

    of ITO in ietnam.


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    1'1 O(#)$(r*!%&

    1.1.1 Definition

    Outsourcing has a long history. It starte' a fe* hun're' years ago *ith the

    &ro'uction an' selling of foo'? tools an' other househol' su&&lies. -t the 'a*n of

    man,in'? each &erson or family &rovi'e' everything for themselves. They create'

    their o*n tools? gre* their o*n cro&s? hunte' their o*n foo'? an' s,inne' hi'es to

    ma,e their o*n clothing. When village s&rung u&? &eo&le +egan to s&eciali:e. They

    +artere' *ith one another for goo's an' services? an' soon money *as invente' to

    sim&lify the +artering &rocess. ;or e%am&le? a family coul' +uy hi'es from another

    family? ma,e clothes an' sell to others. That is the sim&le form of outsourcing from

    the early stage of humanity. In s&ite of such a long history? a &recise 'efinition ofoutsourcing has not yet +een agree' u&on.

    In the +oo, O&eration anagement +y Bay 6ei:er et al ? the 'efinition is

    more s&ecificD EOutsourcing means &rocuring from e%ternal su&&liers services or

    &ro'ucts that are normally a &art of an organi:ation. In other *or's? a firm ta,es out

    functions it *as &erforming inChouse an' has another com&any 'o the same Fo+.G

    -nother 'efinition from the vie*&oint of outsourcing &rovi'ers is offere' in

    WhatIs.com = the online technical 'ictionary an' IT encyclo&e'iaD EOutsourcing is

    an arrangement in *hich one com&any &rovi'es services for another com&any that

    coul' also +e or usually have +een &rovi'e' inChouse.G


  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    asing on these 'efinitions a+ove? outsourcing in this thesis *ill +e 'efine' as

    transferring tas,s that coul' also +e or usually have +een &erforme' inChouse to

    e%ternal &rovi'ers. Outsourcing involves t*o or more in'e&en'ent com&anies? the

    transfer is not outsourcing if it is from a com&any to a +ranch of its. 9sually?

    outsource' tas,s are ta,en for only some of the com&any!s +usiness &rocesses? not

    the entire &rocesses.

    1.1.2 Types of outsourcing

    There are several *ays to 'efine 'ifferent ty&es of outsourcing accor'ing to'ifferent criteria. 6o*ever? the general criterion for outsourcing classification is the

    ty&es of *or, outsource'.

    One metho' that is no* *i'ely acce&te' 'ivi'es outsourcing into three main

    categories H2? 25. The main criterion is the com&le%ity an' s,ill reAuirement of the

    *or, outsource'. The three categories inclu'eD

    B()!%e)) Pr$*e)) O(#)$(r*!%& +BPO, is outsourcing a s&ecific +usiness tas,.

    O *or, coul' +e either +ac, office relate' or front office *or,. y front

    office functions *e mean customer relate' *or, such as mar,eting? ans*ering

    calls? an' technical su&&ort. On the other han'? +ac, office functions inclu'e

    internal *or, li,e +illing an' &urchasing. Other e%am&les of O *or, are

    multime'ia? +oo, ,ee&ing? +usiness consultancy? call center? 'ata entry?

    ty&esetting? an' han'*riting services. K%$-.e/&e Pr$*e)) O(#)$(r*!%& +KPO, involves &rocess that 'eman'

    a'vance' research an' analytical? technical an' 'ecisionCma,ing s,ills.

    )%am&les are investment research services ? mar,et research services? legal research services an' &atent research services. O

    in'ustry is ne*er an' less mature than the O sector.


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    I%0$r"#!$% Te*%$.$& O(#)$(r*!%& +ITO, is another maFor category that

    covers the outsourcing of IT functions. ITO is usually overseen +y the /IO

    of an organi:ation. 6o*ever? the /IO is often calle'

    in to manage O an' O o&erations *here no significant IT s,ills are

    involve'. This is 'ue to the e%&ertise the /IO *oul' have 'evelo&e' in

    outsourcing negotiations. In some other classifications? ITO is consi'ere' a

    su+set of O. 6o*ever? *ith the +ooming of ITO in +oth sco&e an' 'e&th? the

    *or, outsource' has reAuire' more com&le% IT s,ills. -s a result? ITO is no*

    consi'ere' as one maFor category of outsourcing that must +e &ai' &articular


    1'2 I%0$r"#!$% #e*%$.$& $(#)$(r*!%&

    1.2.1 Overview of information technology outsourcing

    -s mentione' in the first &art of this cha&ter? outsourcing is an ol' &henomenon

    *ith the history of hun're's of years. 6o*ever? ITO is much less mature *ith thehistory of Fust a+out 30 years H15. In the early ages of com&uting? IT tas,s *ere

    consi'ere' as internal +usiness +y most com&anies. The 9S *as one of the first

    countries to a'o&t ITO. o*a'ays? ITO has +ecome &o&ular all over the *orl' an'

    ITO in'ustry has +ecome one of the fastest gro*ing in'ustries. This in'ustry has

    +een &laying an im&ortant role in the economy of many countries such as In'ia?

    /hina? 9,raine an' Irelan'. - num+er of other countries li,e ietnam? hili&&ines

    an' ra:il are trying to &rove their com&etency on the ITO mar,et? *hich &romises

    even faster gro*th in near future.

    -lthough com&anies outsource IT for many reasons? the gro*th of the ITO mar,et

    is often attri+ute' to t*o &rimary &henomena. ;irst? rising interest in ITO is largely

    a conseAuence of a shift in +usiness strategy. any com&anies have recently

    a+an'one' their 'iversification strategies = once &ursue' to me'iate ris, = to focus

    on core com&etencies. -s a result of this focus strategy? IT tas,s? *hich are usually


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    vie*e' as nonCcore activities? came un'er consi'eration. )ven in IT com&anies? not

    all IT tas,s are core activities? an' those that are nonCcore *ill +e outsource'.

    Secon'? the gro*th in IT outsourcing may also +e thought as a result of costCsaving

    strategies. In many com&anies? senior e%ecutives vie* IT as an essential cost +ut

    one to +e minimi:e' nevertheless. ean*hile? IT ven'ors? &ossessing economies of

    scale an' technical e%&ertise? can &rovi'e IT services more efficiently an' less

    e%&ensively than internal IT 'e&artments. Thus? ITO is a'o&te' as a metho' of

    re'ucing the costs.

    1.2.2 Model for the evolution of information technology outsourcing providers

    In an article title' ESoft*are Outsourcing in ietnamD - case Stu'y of a @ocally

    O&erating ioneerG? Bohn allaugher an' reg Stoller mentione' a mo'el

    for the evolution of ETie ;our soft*are firms &ursuing glo+al mar,etG. The mo'el!s

    sco&e is *ithin soft*are sector +ut it also can +e a&&lie' for IT sector in general.



    Le"/ $r S$.eDee.$5e%#




    ;irms enter the

    mar,et for glo+al

    soft*are services

    via small &roFect

    *or,? &erha&s&rovi'ing

    com&onents of a

    larger effort

    ;irm moves from


    com&onents of a

    &roFect to lea'ing

    &roFect'evelo&ment or

    han'ling all

    'evelo&ment on a

    single overseas

    client &roFect

    ;irm has gaine'



    maturity an'

    cre'i+ility tocreate an' launch

    its o*n &ro'ucts

    for glo+al mar,et


  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    F!&(re 1'1 O%e $/e. 0$r #e e$.(#!$% $0 )$0#-"re e65$r#!%& 0!r) !% T!er F$(r


    ource0 %allaugher and toller 2$3

    -ccor'ing to the mo'el? a soft*are e%&orting firm in Tier ;our nations *oul' evolve

    through three &hases. In the first &hase? 'ue to intellectual &ro&erty concerns an' the

    small si:e of the 'omestic mar,et? the firm concentrates on small &roFects *or,

    mainly for international clients

  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)





    2'1 Oer!e- $0 V!e#%") !%0$r"#!$% #e*%$.$& $(#)$(r*!%&

    In or'er to &rovi'e a thorough insight into ietnam!s ITO? the 'evelo&ment of this

    sector *ill +e consi'ere' from t*o 'ifferent anglesD the *hole IT in'ustry an' IT


    2.1.1 Development of IT industry

    ietnam!s IT in'ustry has a short history +ut it is one of fastest gro*ing sector of the

    country!s economy. In (ecision 012#J2000JK(CTTg 'ate' ovem+er 11? 2000?

    issue' +y the rime inister? ietnamese government has 'eclare' its commitment

    to +oost the 'evelo&ment of I/T in'ustry? &articularly in soft*are &ro'uction?

    internet infrastructure? IT e'ucation an' other forms of human ca&ital 'evelo&ment.

    ITO in ietnam mostly falls in the category of soft*are a&&lication.

    ietnam!s entry into IT sector as *ell as soft*are sector is rather late in com&arison

    *ith some other countries. It *as not until 1$$# that this in'ustry starte' to emerge

    in ietnam. 6o*ever? *ithin 10 years from 1$$# to 200#? revenue of ietnam!s

    soft*are in'ustry increase' +y 1#.5 times? *ith com&oun' annual gro*th rate

    of nearly 35L. )s&ecially 'uring the &erio' of 2005 = 200#? the gro*th

    rate *as al*ays aroun' 40C50L . In 200$? 'es&ite of many

    'ifficulties 'ue to the glo+al financial crisis? ietnam!s soft*are maintaine' its

    gro*th rate of nearly 30L? reaching 9S( ##0 million H2$.


  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    F!&(re 2'1 Ree%(e $0 V!e#%") )$0#-"re !%/()#r +1778 9 27,

    ource0 -guyen Trong Duong 4 M. hung 253

    -ccor'ing to ;igure 2.1? the value of soft*are outsource' in ietnam is still

    mo'erate as com&are' to the 'omestic soft*are sector. 6o*ever? the gro*th rate of

    soft*are outsourcing sho*s a remar,a+le increase *hereas that of 'omestic

    soft*are sector ten's to slo* 'o*n over the &erio'. In 2002? value of outsource'

    soft*are *as only a+out 9S( 20 million +ut it reache' nearly 9S( 300 million in

    200#? e%&eriencing an increase of a&&ro%imately 9S( 2#0 million after " years.

    ase' on the 'ifference +et*een the slo&es of e%&ort an' 'omestic lines? it can +e

    sai' that the annual gro*th rate of the soft*are outsourcing sector is relatively

    higher than that of 'omestic soft*are sector through these years. This in'icates that

    the soft*are outsourcing sector in &articular an' ITO in general is more an' more

    e%&an'e'. ITO sector of ietnam consists of har'*are? soft*are an' relate' services

    in *hich soft*are is the largest an' most im&ortant &art. Therefore? the 'evelo&ment

    of ietnam!s soft*are outsourcing is also the 'evelo&ment of its ITO.


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    In recent years? ietnam!s role in ITO mar,et has +een significantly gro*ing. In

    200$? for the first time? the country *as ran,e' the 10th in -.T. earney lo+al

    Services @ocation In'e%. The In'e% analy:e' an' ran,e' the to& 50 countries

    *orl'*i'e as the +est 'estinations for &rovi'ing outsourcing activities? inclu'ing IT

    services an' su&&ort? contact centers an' +ac,Coffice su&&ort. ietnam has clim+e'

    from 1$th &lace in 200# to 10th &lace in 200$. -ccor'ing to -.T. earney? Ethis

    change reflects an increasingly +usy offshoring in'ustry? es&ecially focuse' on ITG.

    T"b.e 2'1 G.$b".Ser!*e) L$*"#!$% I%/e6

    ource0 6.T. 7earney 253

    6anoi an' 6o /hi inh /ity also +egan to figure on the ma& of glo+al ITO mar,et.

    In 200#? 6o /hi inh /ity *as ran,e' the 4 th&lace an' 6anoi the 10thin the To& IT

    cities in 'evelo&ing countries. These t*o large cities have outstan'ing a'vantages ininfrastructure an' human resources? an' have +ecome t*o IT clusters of ietnam?

    accounting for a&&ro%imately $0L of ietnam!s IT com&anies.

    -lthough IT in'ustry has a remar,a+le gro*th rate? it is still not a maFor sector in

    ietnamese economy. Its contri+ution to the country!s ( is small. In 200"? IT

    in'ustry!s revenue accounte' for 0.24L of (. T*o years later? the num+er has

    'ou+le'? stan'ing at 0.51L H40. 6o*ever? this &ro&ortion is still Auite lo* in


  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    com&arison *ith In'ia!s IT sector? *hich contri+ute' to "L of the country!s 200#

    (. In the same year? ietnam!s total IT em&loyment *as 200?000 &eo&le ? accounting for Fust 0?45L of ietnam!s total la+our force. ;urthermore?

    only one si%th of those &eo&le serve in soft*are sector? *hich is the main &art of

    ietnam!s ITO.

    T"b.e 2'2 I%0$r"#!$% #e*%$.$& !%/()#r e5.$e%#; 28

    Se*#$r E5.$e%#

    6ar'*are 110?000

    Soft*are 57?000(igital content 33?000

    Total 200?000

    ource0 MI 253

    Targete' clients of ietnam!s ITO are foreign com&anies .

    @argest mar,et of the sector is Ba&an 'ue to similarities in culture? society an' the

    goo' relationshi& +et*een t*o governments. Ba&an!s total value of offshoreoutsource' IT activities in 200# num+ere' 9S( 3.$ +illion? in *hich ietnam

    accounte' for the thir' largest share? follo*ing /hina an' In'ia H35.

    2.1.2 IT companies

    -long *ith the ra&i' gro*th of IT in'ustry? the num+er of IT com&anies? es&ecially

    soft*are com&anies in ietnam also increase' su+stantially.


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    F!&(re 2'2 Gr$-# $0 )$0#-"re *$5"%!e) !% V!e#%"

    ource0 ompiled from 86 and VI-66 2$ 9 253

    -ccor'ing to ;igure 2.2? the num+er of soft*are com&anies in ietnam sho*s a

    ra&i' clim+ u& over the &erio' of 1$$" = 200#. In 1$$"? ietnam ha' only $5

    soft*are com&anies +ut after 12 years? the num+er increase' more than # times?

    &ea,ing at 230 com&anies. The &erio' from 2000 to 2004 *itnesses the most

    'ramatic gro*th *ith the increase of 370 com&anies. The u&*ar' tren' *as

    continue' in 200# *ith 200 more com&anies entering the sector.

    In terms of scale? ietnamese IT com&anies have also 'evelo&e' ra&i'ly in recent

    years. To& com&anies such as ;T Soft*are an' T- have +een e%&eriencing

    human resource gro*th rate of 75 = 100L &er year for several years. -t the en' of

    2007? ;T Soft*are ha' 2300 em&loyeesM T- an' ;/ ha' a&&ro%imately 1000

    an' #00 engineers res&ectively. In the *hole country? there are currently a+out 150

    soft*are com&anies s&eciali:ing in ITO *ith average scale of 100 = 150 em&loyees.

    In com&arison *ith Fust a+out 30 com&anies s&eciali:ing in ITO in 2005? this is a

    significant 'evelo&ment H31? 33? 42.


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    -lthough IT com&anies in ietnam have e%&erience' noticea+le &rogress in terms of

    +oth num+er an' scale? in general? most of them are still smallCsi:e'. -ccor'ing to

    the inistry of Information an' /ommunications ? in 200#? 3#L of

    ietnamese soft*are com&anies have fe*er than 20 em&loyees? 3$L of them have

    from 21 to 50 em&loyees an' only 1L of them have more than 500 em&loyees. In

    terms of revenue? only 5L of soft*are com&anies have the revenue of more than

    9S( 1 million *hereas com&anies *ith revenue lo*er than ( 1 +illion

    accounts for $0L of ietnamese soft*are com&anies

    H30. These figures reveal the fact that ietnam!s IT in'ustry as *ell as ITO still has

    a lot of things to 'o to ,ee& a+reast *ith other countries.

    The 'evelo&ment of ietnam!s IT com&anies is not only in Auantity. ecently? many

    com&anies have +een trying to im&rove their Auality to gain international certificates

    of Auality management such as /? /I an' ISO. -t &resent? there are a+out

    20 IT com&anies in ietnam that have receive' /IC5? /IC4 or /IC3 an'

    more than 40 com&anies that have receive' ISO $001 an' ISO 27001. 6o*ever? this

    is still a small num+er in com&arison *ith the total of #00 soft*are com&anies in

    ietnam H43.

    To im&rove the com&etitive ca&acity of IT com&anies? investment in such activities

    as mar,eting an' &romotion? 8( an' human resource training is im&ortant.

    6o*ever? most of ietnam!s IT com&anies are of small an' me'ium si:e an' they

    'o not have enough financial resources to invest in those activities. -ccor'ing to the

    results of a survey of 6/- in 2005? it can +e sai' that ietnamese IT com&anies 'o

    not attach s&ecial im&ortance to investment in mar,eting an' &romotion? 8( an'

    human resource training. In &articular? 33L of 74 com&anies

    s&en' less than 5L of their total e%&enses on 8( an' human resource training

    *hile only 1#L of those com&anies have the rate of

    s&en'ing on these activities of more than 20L. The case is even *orse in the fiel' of


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    mar,eting an' &romotion. The figures are 3#L an' 14L for the s&en'ing rates of

    less than 5L an' more than 20L res&ectively.

    2'2 SWOT "%".)!) $0 V!e#%") !%0$r"#!$% #e*%$.$& $(#)$(r*!%&

    2.2.1 Strengths !ow production cost

    The maFor +enefit of outsourcing to ietnam is huge cost savings. These savings

    mostly come from *age rate 'ifferential +et*een ietnam an' other countries?es&ecially the *estern ones. ITO salaries in ietnam are consi'ere' the lo*est

    among emerging ITO 'estinations of the -sia acific region? the most costC

    com&etitive region in the glo+al ITO mar,et. -&&ro%imately? ITO salaries in

    ietnam are 40L lo*er than that in /hina or In'ia .

    F!&(re 2'3 Aer"&e ITO )"."r!e) !% #e APAC !% 2

  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    @o* *age is not the only financial +enefit of ietnam!s ITO. In his s&eech

    ESoft*are in'ustry 'evelo&ment in ietnamG in 2004? r guyen Trong (uong

    ? liste' many &olicies of ietnamese government that offere' incentives to IT

    sector? most of *hich are a+out ta% e%em&tion an' su+si'i:ing. These

    encouragement &olicies? along *ith lo* &rice level in ietnam? ma,e o&eration

    e%&en'iture in ietnam much lo*er than that in other ITO 'estinations such as

    In'ia? hili&&ines? alaysia? Singa&ore an' some *estern countries. trong la"our pool

    ietnam has a large &o&ulation of #5.# million &eo&le? ran,ing the 13 thin the *orl'

    &o&ulation. )s&ecially? the 200$ o&ulation an' 6ousing /ensuscon'ucte' +y the

    eneral Statistics Office reveale' that iet am is currently entering a &otential

    'emogra&hic gol'en &erio' in *hich the num+er of *or,ingCage &eo&le is nearly

    'ou+le the num+er of those of 'e&en'ent age. This is a Ngol'en o&&ortunityN for

    national economic gro*th. In a''ition? ietnamese &eo&le!s intellectual level is

    rather goo' *ith the literacy rate of $7L? among the *orl'!s highest rates? roughlyeAual to that of the 9S? Irelan'? ussia an' *ell ahea' of In'ia.

    (ue to the ne* entry of IT fiel' to ietnamese higher e'ucation system an' the

    great &otential of this sector? more an' more higher e'ucation institutions

    o&en ne* ITCrelate' maFors an' many e%cellent ietnamese stu'ents are attracte' to

    these maFors in recent years. Over the 200" = 200# &erio'? the &ro&ortion of 6)Is

    *ith ITCrelate' maFors in the total num+er of 6)Is in ietnam is very high?maintaining at "0 = 70L. -t &resent? ietnam!s total IT em&loyment is 200?000

    &eo&le. This is not a significant num+er +ut *ith the 'evelo&ment of IT e'ucation? it

    is fast gro*ing at annual gro*th rate of aroun' 35L.

    2.2.1.# ta"le political environment


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    -lthough *estern countries are still cautious a+out /ommunist arty of ietnam?

    ietnamese government? after 'eca'es of governance? has &rove' to +e +oth sta+le

    an' secure. Whereas all In'ia? /hina? hili&&ines? an' In'onesia have &ro+lems *ith

    terrorism? frontier conflicts? autonomist an' secessionist? ietnam!s &olitical

    environment is al*ays &eaceful. This is note*orthy in such an age of heightene'

    security concerns? es&ecially for clients from *estern countries.

    -nother as&ect of ietnam!s sta+le &olitical environment is the sta+ility in the

    government itself. ietnam!s singleC&arty system &revents the government from

    significant changes *hich ha&&en usually in countries *ith multiC&arty system. The

    sta+le government allo*s &olicies to have long term effects? unli,e in multiC&arty

    system countries *here &olicies frame' +y a &ast government can +e reverse' +y the

    successive government. In general? sta+le &olitical environment *ill ma,e goo'

    con'ition for sta+le economic environment? *hich is a very im&ortant factor to

    attract foreign clients.

    2.2.1.$ %overnment support

    6aving +een a*are the im&ortant role of IT in the mo'em *orl'? ietnamese

    government consi'ers IT as one of the ,ey 'riving forces for economic

    'evelo&ment an' social a'vancement. In the last fe* years? the government has

    im&lemente' a num+er of measures in or'er to facilitate the IT in'ustry an' attract

    the international ITO clients.

    To set u& a favora+le investment environment? the government a&&lies the most

    &referential levels to IT firms? es&ecially in regar's to ta% . esi'es?

    a'ministrative &roce'ures have also +een sim&lifie' to ma,e goo' con'itions for IT

    enter&rises to set u& an' o&erate. )s&ecially? the government encourages foreign

    investment an' even full foreign o*nershi& of ietnamese firms involve' in the

    technology sector.


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    -nother effective movement of the government is the significant investment in

    technology infrastructure? es&ecially the esta+lishment of soft*are &ar,s. So far

    there have +een ten soft*are &ar,s an' many ne* &ar,s are sche'ule' or un'er*ay

    through 2012. /om&anies in the soft*are &ar,s are offere' relatively goo'

    con'itions to o&erate such as +roa'+an' internet access? relatively chea& offices an'

    many other necessary services.

    The government also &ays great attention to human resource 'evelo&ment.

    -ccor'ing to (ecision o"$#JK(CTTg of Bune 1? 200$? in the &erio' of 2010 =

    2015? ( $00 +illion is &lanne' to invest in IT human

    resource H3".

    2.2.1.& 'ast growing domestic economy

    ietnam is one of the fastest gro*ing economies in the *orl'. In the last 20 years?

    the gro*th rate of ietnam!s ( is al*ays at the level of " = #L. )s&ecially? in

    2007? the num+er soars to #.5L? ran,ing secon' &lace in -sia? Fust +ehin' /hina. In200$? 'es&ite the 'o*nturn in glo+al economy? the ( gro*th still stoo' at 5.32L


    The 'evelo&ment of the economy as a *hole results in im&rovement in

    infrastructure? e'ucation system an' ca&ital sources? *hich is a favora+le con'ition

    for any in'ustry to 'evelo&? inclu'ing IT in'ustry. The government is also a+le to

    &rovi'e IT in'ustry *ith more su&&ort. esi'es? the country!s miracle fast gro*th isan a'vantage for ITO in'ustry to attract the attention of foreign clients.

    2.2.2 Weanesses (or)force limitations

    ietnam!s IT in'ustry has an a'vantage of large an' young la+our &ool +ut the

    Auality of the la+our force is a +ig 'isa'vantage. ietnam!s IT com&anies are


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    currently in lac, of s,ille' engineers. Whereas thousan's of stu'ents of IT maFors

    gra'uate from 6)Is annually +ut they can not fin' a Fo+. This &ara'o% is 'ue to the

    fact that many ne* gra'uates 'o not meet the 'eman' of IT com&anies. -ccor'ing

    to guyen 6uu @e? /hairman of T- = one of ietnam!s lea'ing soft*are

    outsourcing com&anies? only a+out 10L of ietnamese IT gra'uates are Aualifie'

    for the outsourcing Fo+s.

    )ngineers *or,ing in IT firms are also not fully Aualifie'. ost of them lac, of

    *or,ing e%&eriences an' language s,ills. In the 200$ -.T. earny lo+al Services

    @ocations In'e%? ietnam!s &eo&le s,ills an' availa+ility are &oorly assesse'. The

    country ran,s the 2#th in 50 countries? lo*er than other five -S)- countries

    . ietnam!s *ea,est criterion is

    relevant e%&erience *ith only 0.4# &oint? roughly one eighth of that of In'ia.

    )'ucation is also a &ro+lem *hen it is assesse' at 0.5" &oint *hereas +oth In'ia an'

    /hina get 2.00 &oint for the same criterion.

    These figures raise a concern a+out the ina'eAuacy of ietnam!s 'evelo&ment

    strategy of IT human resource. The gro*th in the num+er of la+or is not

    accom&anie' +y the im&rovement in Auality. mall scaled industry

    In s&ite of all its fast gro*th an' great &otential? IT in'ustry is still a small sector inietnamese economy. Its contri+ution to the country!s ( is only 0.51L in 200#

    H40? far +ehin' In'ia!s IT sector? *hich contri+ute' to "L of the country!s ( in

    the same year. Soft*are e%&orts alone in /hina *as 9S( 14.7 +illion in 200#? a

    figure that is over three times larger than ietnam!s entire IT mar,et .


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    ost of ietnam!s soft*are com&anies are smallCsi:e' enter&rises .

    The first an' secon' largest &ro&ortions are com&anies *ith fe*er than 20

    em&loyees an' com&anies *ith 21 = 50 em&loyees ? res&ectively.

    /om&anies *ith more than 500 em&loyees account for only 1L? a small &ro&ortion.

    F!&(re 2'= Pr$5$r#!$% $0 )$0#-"re *$5"%!e) !% V!e#%"; b %(ber $0


    ource0 -guyen Trong Duong; MI 253

    To& com&anies such as ;T? T-? //? etc are only of me'ium si:e in

    com&arison *ith Tata? Wi&ro? Infosys in In'ia. This situation creates many

    'ifficulties for ietnam!s ITO in'ustry to 'evelo& +ecause com&anies 'o not have

    enough availa+le resources to ta,e over largeCscale &roFects.

    2.2.2.# *oor security and intellectual property protection

    et*or,ing security an' 'ata &rotection in ietnam is of &oor stan'ar'. -ccor'ing

    to (e&artment of Information Technology? numerous security vulnera+ilities are

    e%isting in ietnam. In 200#? there *ere nearly "0 million com&uter infections an'

    4"1 *e+site hac,s? inclu'ing 251 inci'ents relate' to international hac,ers. esi'es?

    over 40 cases involving hiCtech criminals cause' a loss of ( 30 trillion.


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    -ccor'ing to the ach hoa Internet*or, Security /entre ? virus strain

    soare' five times higher than in 2007 *hile 'o:ens of *e+sites *ere attac,e' each

    month H2".

    -lso? ietnam!s rate of / soft*are &iracy is among the highest in the *orl'. In the

    re&ort E200# lo+al Soft*are iracy Stu'yG +y S- an' I(/ &u+lishe' in ay?

    200$? &iracy rate of ietnam in 200# is #5L? ran,ing 12 thin To& 25 countries *ith

    high &iracy rates. -n' this is still an im&rovement. In 2003? the rate is $2L an'

    ietnam ran,s the first. This is the first time ietnam esca&es from To& 10 +ut it

    still o*ns the highest rate in --/ region H41.

    (ue to the nature of IT in'ustry? security an' I &rotection is an im&ortant &art of

    +usiness environment for ITO an' a great concern *hen foreign outsourcers

    choosing their &artners. Thus? these a+ove issues have ha' negative effects on

    ietnam!s image as an ITO 'estination.

    2.2.! Opportunities

    2.2.#.1 The trend toward cost+savings of ITO

    -lthough the 'o*nturn of the *orl' economy has negatively affecte' almost every

    economic sector? the case is not the same for ITO. -llie oung? ice resi'ent of

    artner sai'D E-lthough things loo, gloomy for the larger glo+al economy?

    the outsourcing mar,et re&resents a 'ichotomyD on the 'o*nsi'e? organi:ations!

    costCcutting outsourcing strategies may negatively im&act mar,et gro*th? +ut at the

    same time? the u&si'e is that outsourcing *ill +e a'o&te' +y more organi:ations to

    hel& them *or, through financial an' com&etitive challengesG. -ctually? the current

    economic slo*'o*n *ill lea' +uyers of IT services to consi'er an increase in the

    &ercentage of their la+our in offshore? lo*erCcost locations.


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    artner!s re&ort E)uro&ean Outsourcing an' Services Survey eveals /lient

    Organi:ation riorities for 200$G given in (ecem+er? 200# sho*s that 32L of

    organi:ations in the survey a&&ear to +e in the initial stage of their ne%t outsourcing

    en'eavor? 10L u& from the &revious year. 6o*ever? +u'get for ITO 'oes not ten' to

    increase. 75L of these organi:ations ta,e costCsavings as their first concern in

    consi'ering ITO 'estinations. -s for ITO &rice? artner forecasts the &rice *ill

    'ecrease 5 = 20L in orth -merica an' )uro&ean mar,et. /oncrete figures are


    These a+ove figures in'icate that the tren' to*ar' costCsavings in ITO *ill increase.

    This is a great o&&ortunity for lo*Ccost countries li,e ietnam to attract more

    clients? *in more contracts? gain more re&utation an' accumulate more e%&erience.

    2.2.#.2 ,ntry of M-s to Vietnams IT mar)et

    With a gro*ing tren' to*ar's an e%&an'ing mar,et? multinational IT com&anies

    *ill see, investing 'estinations that meet their 'eman's an' strategies. -mong-sian countries? /hina an' In'ia have registere' strong IT 'evelo&ment. 6o*ever?

    most of /s share the same formula of investment? i.e. /hina an' In'ia &lus one

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    2.2.#.# *otential of /apanese mar)et

    Ba&an is currently the largest mar,et for ietnam!s ITO in'ustry an' there are stillmuch &otential in this mar,et. In 200#? revenue of Ba&anese soft*are in'ustry hit

    9S( 170 +illion. 6aving IT activities outsource' is a great tren' among Ba&anese

    com&anies in recent years *ith the annual gro*th rate of 30L. Ba&an!s total value of

    offshore outsource' IT activities in 200# num+ere' 9S( 3.$ +illion.

    -lthough ietnam!s share in this mar,et is still mo'erate? +ut it is the thir' largest

    share +ehin' /hina an' In'ia. -nnual gro*th rate of ITO activities +et*eenietnam an' Ba&an maintain at more than 100L in recent years. In ITO relation

    *ith Ba&an? ietnam has a great &otential of &rocessing em+e''e' soft*are

    &ro'ucts? *hich accounts for 5"L value of outsource' IT activities of Ba&an.

    Similarities in culture? society an' the goo' relationshi& +et*een t*o governments

    are other reason for Ba&anese com&anies to choose ietnam as their ITO 'estination.

    In fact? accor'ing to a recent survey of Ba&an Information Technology Service

    In'ustry -ssociation ? ietnamese com&anies are favourite ven'ors ofBa&anese com&anies H35.

    2.2." Threats

    2.2.$.1 trongly competitive environment

    The +iggest challenge from outsi'e to ietnam!s ITO in'ustry is the strong

    com&etitiveness from other countries? es&ecially those from --/ region. -lthough

    in 200$? ietnam entere' To& 10 of lo+al Services @ocation In'e% +y -.T.

    earney? the country still lags +ehin' many other -S)- such as alaysia

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    /hina has many a'vantages of huge la+our force *ith more s,ills an' e%&eriences

    than ietnam? su&erior infrastructure an' +ig com&anies *ith large financial

    resources. Their &ro'uction cost is also among the lo*est in the *orl'. -t another

    level? In'ia is the lea'er in ITO sector? a com&etitor that ietnam cannot 'irectly

    com&ete in near future. They have talente' e%&erience' vast la+our &ool *hich

    &rovi'es high Auality services? +ig IT com&anies *ith &restigious +ran' names an'

    close colla+oration. They also have a government *ith goo' vision an' strategy to

    su&&ort the in'ustry effectively.

    Other com&etitors in Southeast -sian region such as hili&&ines an' Singa&ore

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    met many 'ifficulties as foreign clients cut their IT +u'gets? cancelle' 'eals?

    'elaye' &ayments an' 'eals? *ent +an,ru&t an' renegotiate' &ricing.

    The year 2010 has *itnesse' some im&rovement in glo+al economy +ut the

    constraints still e%ist. any economists +elieve that at the en' of this year? *hen the

    stimulus &ac,ages of the 9S an' other countries in 20 en'? the *orl' economy

    *ill fall +ac, to recession. Thus? this is still an o&en threat for glo+al IT in'ustry as

    *ell as ietnam!s ITO sector.

    2'3 SWOT "#r!6

    In the &revious section? SWOT analysis has +een use' to i'entify strengths?

    *ea,nesses? o&&ortunities an' threats of ITO in ietnam. 6o*ever? the most

    im&ortant meaning of SWOT mo'el is to formulate a&&ro&riate strategies for the

    country? +asing on that analysis. In this section? SWOT mo'el *ill +e com&lete'

    *ith the +uil'ing of SWOT matri%. In the matri%? internal factors

  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    T"b.e 2'< SWOT "#r!6 0$r V!e#%") ITO


    C The tren' to costCsavings of ITO

    C )ntry of /s to ietnam!s IT mar,et

    C otential of Ba&anese mar,et


    C Strongly com&etitive environment

    C The 'o*nturn of glo+al economy


    C @o* &ro'uction cost

    C Strong la+our &ool

    C Sta+le &olitical environment

    C overnment su&&ort

    C ;ast gro*ing 'omestic economy

    SO strategy

    C SO1D aintain the lo* costs to attract

    more foreign clients

    C SO2D /reate goo' con'itions to attract

    more IT /s to invest in ietnam

    ST strategy

    C ST1D ;ocus on lo*Cen' &ro'ucts an'

    services? ta,e a'vantage of lo* costs

    to com&ete *ith other countries


    C Wor,force limitation

    + Ina&&ro&riate ,no*le'ge

    + @ac, of e%&erience+ @ac, of language s,ills? es&ecially Ba&anese

    C Small scale' in'ustry

    C a' security an' I &rotection

    WO strategy

    C WO1D Increase the si:e of IT in'ustry

    an' IT com&anies to ta,e over largeC

    scale &roFectsC WO2D ;ocus on Ba&anese mar,et

    WT strategy

    C WT1D Im&rove service maturity to

    com&ete *ith other countries

    C WT2D )nhance trust*orthiness ofietnam!s ITO in'ustry through

    international certificates an'

    &romotion activities


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    SWOT mo'el hel&s to formulate strategies *hich ta,e a'vantages of strength an'

    o&&ortunity? overcome *ea,ness an' threat. ;ollo*s are some strategies that can +ea&&lie' for ietnam!s ITO sector.

    C SO1D aintain the lo* costs +y assuring the sufficient IT la+our force an'

    maintain favoura+le &olicies for IT in'ustry.

    C SO2D /reate goo' con'itions of +usiness an' legal systems to attract more IT

    /s to invest in ietnam.

    C ST1D ;ocus on lo*Cen' &ro'ucts an' services? ta,e a'vantage of lo* costs tocom&ete *ith other countries.

    C WO1D Increase the si:e of IT in'ustry an' IT com&anies to ta,e over largeCscale

    &roFects through 'irect invest of the government an' cluster forming.

    C WO2D ;ocus on Ba&anese mar,et? ta,ing a'vantage of goo' relation +et*een to

    countries an' *i'ely teaching Ba&anese in 6)Is of IT.

    C WT1D Im&rove service maturity to com&ete *ith other countries +y 'evelo&ing

    human resources an' a&&lying international stan'ar's in Auality management.C WT2D )nhance trust*orthiness of ietnam!s ITO in'ustry through international

    certificates an' &romotion activities.


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    3'1 Se.e*#!$% $0 "55r$5r!"#e /ee.$5e%# )#r"#e&!e) 0$r V!e#%") ITO !%/()#r

    In &revious cha&ter? seven strategies for ietnam!s ITO in'ustry have +een

    formulate'. 6o*ever? 'ue to limite' resources? ietnam can not a&&ly all thosestrategies at the same time. In or'er to select the most a&&ro&riate strategies from

    those seven ones a+ove? *e consulte' t*enty ietnamese e%&erts in IT sector. They

    evaluate' seven strategies accor'ing to )-T mo'el? i.e. they mar,e' each

    strategy accor'ing to five criteriaD gains? ris,s? e%&enses? attaina+ility an' time.

    ;ollo*e' is the average result for all strategiesD

    S#r"#e& G"!% R!)> E65e%)e A##"!%"b!.!# T!e T$#".SO1 3.5 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.5 20.$SO2 3.2 3.5 4." 4.2 3.0 1$.5ST1 2.0 4.5 4.7 4.# 4.# 20.#WO1 4.0 3.# 3.5 3.# 3.2 1#.3WO2 3.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 4.1 1#.1WT1 4.5 4.2 2.7 3." 3." 1#."WT2 4.5 4.5 3.1 3." 3.7 1$.4

    -ccor'ing to the result a+ove? the selecte' strategies are SO1? SO2? ST1? WT1 an'

    WT2. T*o strategies WO1 an' WO2 are not selecte' 'ue to the lo* mar,s.

    -s mentione' in cha&ter 1? Bohn allaugher an' reg Stoller &rovi'e' a mo'el in

    *hich ITO of a Tier ;our country *oul' evolve through three &hases? in *hich ITO

    com&anies move from su+contractors &rovi'ing lo*Cen' &ro'ucts an' services to

    in'e&en'ent &ro'ucers &rovi'ing highCen' &ro'ucts an' services. -ccor'ing to the

    real situation of ietnam!s ITO in'ustry e%&lore' in cha&ter 2? it can +e sai' that


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    ietnam is currently in the first &hase of the evolution mo'el of ITO. eing at the

    early stage of the evolution? ietnam nee's longCterm vision an' a&&ro&riate

    strategies to 'evelo& the in'ustry. In short term? the in'ustry shoul' ta,e a'vantage

    of the lo* &ro'uction costs to com&ete *ith other countries? starting *ith lo*Cen'

    &ro'ucts an' services to accumulate e%&eriences as *ell as re&utation. This is the

    ,ey content of the strategies SO1 an' ST1. So? in near future these strategies are

    suita+le. esi'es? SO2 can also +e a&&lie'. 6o*ever? in long term? the country has to enhance the

    service maturity an' aims at highCen' &ro'ucts an' services to move u& in the value

    chain? gaining more value a''e'. That *ill +e a&&ro&riate time for WT1 an' WT2?

    strategies that focus im&roving service Auality an' enhancing trust*orthiness.

    3'2 S$e !5.!*"#!$%) 0$r V!e#%") ITO !%/()#r

    Success in the international soft*are mar,et as a &o*er outsourcing 'estination

    reAuires efforts an' colla+orations of the government an' IT com&anies as *ell as

    in'ivi'uals. The lesson from In'ia an' /hina sho*s that the vision of governmentta,es a critical role in the 'evelo&ment of soft *are sector. ;or +oosting the soft*are

    sector of ietnam to +ecome an outsourcing hu+s? ietnamese government nee's to

    ta,e an active role in setting u& a longCterm strategy an' have effective interference

    in the sector. ;urthermore? the con'uct of selecte' strategies for the 'evelo&ment of

    ITO a+ove also reAuires some relevant solutions offere' +y +oth the government an'

    IT com&anies. -ccor'ingly? follo*ing are some im&lication for +oth the government

    an' IT com&anies.

    !.2.1 Develop IT human resources

    The government shoul' have &olicies of 'evelo&ing IT human resources in terms of

    +oth Auality an' Auantity. This *ill contri+ute to +oth WT1 an' SO1 +ecause

    high Auality of human resource is an im&ortant factor of service maturity an' large


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    Auantity of la+our force *ill ,ee& the sufficiency of la+our? re'ucing the threat of

    *ageCrise an' maintaining the lo* costs.

    ;irst? the government shoul' e%&an' training scale an' raise enrolment Auotas of IT

    maFor for university? colleges? &rofessional secon'ary schools? institutions an'

    training centers. oth 'omestic an' foreign organi:ationsJin'ivi'uals are

    encourage' to invest in +uil'ing information technology training esta+lishments in

    or'er to attract more stu'ents into this sector? assuring sufficient la+our force for the

    in'ustry. esi'es? goo' e'ucation &rogram *hich &rovi'es hel&ful ,no*le'ge an'

    &ractical s,ills is also an im&ortant factor to encourage stu'ents to choose IT maFor.

    Secon'? the su+Fect of techniAues an' com&uter shoul' +e a&&lie' from the &rimary

    e'ucation +ecause information technology is the sector *ith highest change an'

    u&'ate. In ietnam? IT su+Fect usually starts to +e taught at high schools? therefore it

    may +e too late for the stu'ents to +egin learning such an easily changea+le an'

    huge source of information technology ,no*le'ge.

    Thir'? language s,ills shoul' +e &ai' more attention. The language training

    &rograms shoul' +e &arallel *ith the e%&ansion of engineering ,no*le'ge. Some

    high stan'ar' technological universities can a&&ly the training mo'el 1 4? in

    *hich the first year of the stu'ent *ill focus on language teaching an' the rest of

    stu'ying time are centere' on s&eciali:e' ,no*le'ge.

    ;ourth? the government an' enter&rises &ro+a+ly encourage the association *ithforeign soft*are institutions to esta+lish international high stan'ar' &rogramming

    centers. Such associations as -&tech? IIT or IT are 'oing these &atterns very

    *ell. uil'ing the lin,ages +et*een soft*are com&anies an' e'ucational institution

    is of great im&ortance. The soft*are com&anies shoul' su&&ort technical institutions

    *ith some ,in's of e%change &rograms? 'irectly &artici&ating in the training

    &roce'ure. y this *ay? the stu'ents *ill have o&&ortunities to a&&roach the


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    &ractical ,no*le'ge an' e%&eriences? im&roving their a+ility an' re'ucing the onC

    going training time of soft*are +usinesses.

    !.2.2 #nhance $ietnam%s trustworthiness on glo&al maret

    )nhancing trust*orthiness is very necessary to get closer to ne* outsourcing

    clients? es&ecially those *ith high 'eman'. This is the content of the strategy WT2.

    esi'es enlarging the in'ustry!s scale as mentione' in &revious section?

    trust*orthiness in IT in'ustry can also +e +uilt u& +y getting international stan'ar'

    certifications an' &romoting the image of the country. In'ia is very successful in itsstrategy to +uil' u& the trust from international counter&arts. Such lessons are also

    recommen'e' to ietnam.

    ;irst? the overnment shoul' encourage an' su&&ort ietnamese IT com&anies to

    a&&ly international Auality stan'ar's such as /? /I an' ISO. These

    international certifications are evi'ences sho*ing that the com&anies can meet the

    nee's of international clients an' have to follo* these management &roce'ures.;oreign clients? *ith the vie* of re'ucing ris,s an' failures? ten' to outsource their

    *or,s for a certificate' soft*are outsourcing ven'ors. /olla+oration *ith

    international IT cor&orations to o&en &rofessional

    training courses of international Auality management &rocess is also essential.

    Secon'? ietnam +ran' nee' to +e &romote' in international soft*are ma&.

    /urrently? the image of ietnam ITO sector is very 'im. In future 'evelo&ment?the country nee's to im&rove its +ran' through effective mar,eting strategies.

    )sta+lishing a tra'e &romotion organi:ation on IT &ro'ucts to &romote IT

    com&anies! image aroun' the *orl' is essential. In a''ition? the government

    nee's to encourage an' hel& ietnamese enter&rises to &artici&ate in international

    soft*are e%hi+ition an' affair to have chance to intro'uce their a'vantages an'

    com&etencies to international counter&arts. The governmental +o'ies locate'

    overseas such as ietnamese em+assies an' consulates shoul' ma,e themselves


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    the +ri'ge +et*een ietnamese IT com&anies an' outsourcing clients? &romoting

    the lin,ages +et*een them.

    !.2.! Improve legal system

    The government nee's to im&rove the legal system in t*o 'irections? strengthening

    measures to &rotect I an' increasing the trans&arency of legal system to attract

    more multinational IT cor&orations to invest in ietnam. These 'irections contri+ute

    to the strategies WT1

    an' SO2 .

    ;irst? the government shoul' focus on the com&letion of legislative system

    regar'ing of intellectual &ro&erty in IT sector? inclu'ing the registration of

    intellectual &ro&erty &rotection? the regulation of violation action an' &unishment

    sanctions. It is also necessary to raise the a*areness of consumers an' severely

    &unish the violating actions.

    Secon'? the government nee's to reform the la* system. /urrently? there is a

    &lethora of la*s an' regulations from 'ifferent ministries an' government offices

    *hich often 'o not fit together. In a''ition? a'ministrative &roce'ures nee' to +e

    sim&lifie' in or'er to create favoura+le con'itions for /s to invest an' o&erate

    in ietnam. 6igh corru&tion rate is also a &ro+lem that the government nee's to



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    Outsourcing is an ol' &henomenon an' has +ecome an inevita+le ten'ency in this

    era of glo+ali:ation. -ny country *ishing to integrate into the glo+al economy can

    not ,ee& itself a*ay from this im&ortant &laygroun'. There are several ty&es of

    outsourcing in *hich ITO is the youngest an' most 'ynamic sector. any countries?

    es&ecially 'evelo&ing countries? have ta,en the chance of this ne* an' &romising

    in'ustry to get into the glo+al value chain an' get e%&ertise for the further gro*th.

    -mong those countries? In'ia an' /hina are of the most remar,a+le. They are t*ocountries of 'ifferent levels? at 'ifferent &hases of the evolution of ITO +ut they are

    +oth successful ITO 'estinations among +iggest ITO &rovi'ers of the *orl'.

    @essons from their success are *orthy references for other countries? es&ecially

    'evelo&ing countries in -sia acific region inclu'ing ietnam? to +uil' their o*n

    'evelo&ment strategies.

    In the *ave of ITO? ietnam has +ecome an emerging 'estination *ith thenoticea+le a'vantage of costCcom&etitiveness. esi'es? the country also has a young

    large &o&ulation? fast gro*ing economy an' sta+le &olitical environment *hich are

    attracting more an' more investment from /s in IT sector. 6o*ever? there are

    some 'ra*+ac,s that 'iscourage the 'evelo&ment of ITJITO in'ustry inclu'ing lac,

    of s,ille' an' e%&eriences IT engineers *ith language &roficiency? smallCsi:e'

    in'ustry an' +a' security an' I &rotection. Strong com&etitiveness from other

    countries such as In'ia? /hina? alaysia? an' hili&&ines an' threat from the glo+aleconomic slo*'o*n are also +ig challenges that the country has to face.

    eing at the early stage of the evolution of ITO? ietnam nee's longCterm vision

    an' a&&ro&riate strategies to 'evelo& the in'ustry. In short term? ietnam!s ITO

    in'ustry shoul' ta,e a'vantage of the lo* &ro'uction costs to com&ete *ith other

    countries? starting *ith lo*Cen' &ro'ucts an' services to accumulate e%&eriences as

    *ell as re&utation. ut in long term? the country has to im&rove the service Auality?


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    &ro'ucing highCen' &ro'ucts an' services to move u& in the value chain. With

    strategies in that 'irection? ietnam shoul' 'evelo& IT human resource in terms of

    +oth Auality an' Auantity? enhance the legal system an' +uil' the re&utation of the

    in'ustry through certificates an' &romotion activities.

    In conclusion? ITO is a &otential sector for ietnam. With a&&ro&riate strategies an'

    action &lans? the country can turn into one of the most attractive ITO hu+s of the

    *orl' an' achieve the goal of +ecoming Ethe secon' In'iaG.


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    E%&.!) re0ere%*e)

    1. -.T earney ? %lo"al ervices !ocation Inde< 25;/hicago.

    2. al'ia S. ? Thin)ing Outside the =*O0 7nowledge *rocess Outsourcing

    to India; ayer ro*n? 6ouston.

    3. hatnagar S. .

    7. /o*ar' /. ? !oo)ing "eyond India0 'actors that shape glo"al

    outsourcing decisions of small and medium si?ed companies in 6merica;

    availa+le atD htt&DJJ***.eFis'c.orgJoFs2Jin'e%.&h&JeFis'cJarticleJvie*J#5J#5

  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    10.artner ? # leading locations for offshore services; Stamfor'.

    11. artner ? ,uropean Outsourcing and ervices urvey >eveals lient

    Organi?ation *riorities for 25;Stamfor'.

    12.artner ? %artner ays (orldwide IT pending to Decline #.B *ercent in

    25; Stamfor'.

    13.artner ? %artner ays (orldwide IT pending to %row &.# *ercent in

    21; Stamfor'.

    14.6ei:er B.? en'er .? aFashe,har B. ? EOutsourcing as a su&&ly chain

    strategyG? Operations Management;earson? e* or,.

    15.6irschheim . ?Information technology outsourcing0 The move towards

    offshoring;9niversitQts:entrum ottenmann? ottenmann.

    1". aynar' -. ? Outsourcing 11 9 6 primer; Technology )valuation

    /enters? Kue+ec.

    17.inistry of /ommunications an' Information Technology of In'ia ?

    Information technology annual report 25+1;e* (elhi.

    1#.inistry of Information an' /ommunications ?Information and Data onInformation and ommunication Technology Vietnam; Information an'

    /ommunication u+lishing 6ouse? 6anoi.

    1$. -SS/O ? Tracing hinas IT software and ervices Industry

    evolution;e* (elhi.

    20.-SS/O ? trategic review;e* (elhi.

    21.-SS/O ? trategic review;e* (elhi.

    22.eoIT ? *roductivity Impacts of Offshoring and Outsourcing0 6

    >eview;STI Wor,ing a&er? O)/(.

    24.eo&leRs (aily Online ? hinaCs software industry sees 5&1.# "ln yuan in

    annual revenues; availa+le atD


  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)



    2". guyen Thoa ? -etwor) ecurity in Vietnam0 Improper 6ttention;

    availa+le atD



  • 7/25/2019 UEB - Strategies for the Development of Information Technology Outsourcing in Vietnam (1)


    V!e#%"e)e re0ere%*e)

    2$.. /hung ? Eng nghiFp phGn mHm Jt doanh thu gGn 5 triFu KD

    nLm nay; availa+le atD htt&DJJvneconomy.vnJ200$112$104"01520/1"JcongC

    nghie&C&hanCmemC'atC'oanhCthuCganC$00CtrieuCus'.htm .35.T 6ong @an ?8i tho hZp tc phGn mHm 4 -TT ViFt -am 9 -h[t

    =n; availa+le atD




    ?*ht triUn cEng nghiFp phGn mHm ViFt -am0 -h`n lc vbn lN

    cha )ha; availa+le atD htt&DJJviet+ao.vnJiCtinhCienCthongJhatCtrienCcongC


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