TKDE_semantic_similarity (1).pdf


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  • 8/10/2019 TKDE_semantic_similarity (1).pdf



    A Web Search Engine-based Approach toMeasure Semantic Similarity between Words

    Danushka Bollegala, Yutaka Matsuo, and Mitsuru Ishizuka,Member, IEEE

    AbstractMeasuring the semantic similarity between words is an important component in various tasks on the web such as relation

    extraction, community mining, document clustering, and automatic meta data extraction. Despite the usefulness of semantic similarity

    measures in these applications, accurately measuring semantic similarity between two words (or entities) remains a challenging task.

    We propose an empirical method to estimate semantic similarity using page counts and text snippets retrieved from a Web search

    engine for two words. Specifically, we define various word co-occurrence measures using page counts and integrate those with lexical

    patterns extracted from text snippets. To identify the numerous semantic relations that exist between two given words, we propose a

    novel pattern extraction algorithm and a pattern clustering algorithm. The optimal combination of page counts-based co-occurrence

    measures and lexical pattern clusters is learned using support vector machines. The proposed method outperforms various baselines

    and previously proposed web-based semantic similarity measures on three benchmark datasets showing a high correlation with human

    ratings. Moreover, the proposed method significantly improves the accuracy in a community mining task.

    Index TermsWeb Mining, Information Extraction, Web Text Analysis


    A CCURATELY measuring the semantic similarity be-tween words is an important problem in web min-ing, information retrieval, and natural language pro-cessing. Web mining applications such as, communityextraction, relation detection, and entity disambiguation,require the ability to accurately measure the semanticsimilarity between concepts or entities. In informationretrieval, one of the main problems is to retrieve a setof documents that is semantically related to a givenuser query. Efficient estimation of semantic similarity

    between words is critical for various natural languageprocessing tasks such as word sense disambiguation(WSD), textual entailment, and automatic text summa-rization.

    Semantically related words of a particular word arelisted in manually created general-purpose lexical on-tologies such as WordNet1, In WordNet, asynsetcontainsa set of synonymous words for a particular sense ofa word. However, semantic similarity between entitieschanges over time and across domains. For example,apple is frequently associated with computers on the

    Web. However, this sense of apple is not listed in mostgeneral-purpose thesauri or dictionaries. A user whosearches for apple on the Web, might be interested inthis sense of apple and not apple as a fruit. New wordsare constantly being created as well as new senses areassigned to existing words. Manually maintaining on-tologies to capture these new words and senses is costlyif not impossible.

    The University of Tokyo,


    We propose an automatic method to estimate thesemantic similarity between words or entities usingWeb search engines. Because of the vastly numerousdocuments and the high growth rate of the Web, it istime consuming to analyze each document separately.Web search engines provide an efficient interface tothis vast information. Page counts and snippets are twouseful information sources provided by most Web searchengines. Page count of a query is an estimate of the num-

    ber of pages that contain the query words. In general,

    page count may not necessarily be equal to the wordfrequency because the queried word might appear manytimes on one page. Page count for the query P AND Qcan be considered as a global measure of co-occurrenceof words P and Q. For example, the page count of thequeryapple AND computerin Googleis 288, 000, 000,whereas the same for banana AND computer is only3, 590, 000. The more than 80 times more numerous pagecounts forappleAND computer indicate thatappleismore semantically similar to computer than is banana.

    Despite its simplicity, using page counts alone as ameasure of co-occurrence of two words presents sev-eral drawbacks. First, page count analysis ignores the

    position of a word in a page. Therefore, even thoughtwo words appear in a page, they might not be actuallyrelated. Secondly, page count of a polysemous word (aword with multiple senses) might contain a combinationof all its senses. For an example, page counts for applecontains page counts for apple as a fruit and apple asa company. Moreover, given the scale and noise on theWeb, some words might co-occur on some pages without

    being actually related [1]. For those reasons, page countsalone are unreliable when measuring semantic similarity.

    Snippets, a brief window of text extracted by a searchengine around the query term in a document, provide

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    useful information regarding the local context of thequery term. Semantic similarity measures defined oversnippets, have been used in query expansion [2], per-sonal name disambiguation [3], and community min-ing [4]. Processing snippets is also efficient because itobviates the trouble of downloading web pages, whichmight be time consuming depending on the size of thepages. However, a widely acknowledged drawback ofusing snippets is that, because of the huge scale of theweb and the large number of documents in the resultset, only those snippets for the top-ranking results fora query can be processed efficiently. Ranking of searchresults, hence snippets, is determined by a complexcombination of various factors unique to the underlyingsearch engine. Therefore, no guarantee exists that allthe information we need to measure semantic similarity

    between a given pair of words is contained in the top-ranking snippets.

    We propose a method that considers both page countsand lexical syntactic patterns extracted from snippets

    that we show experimentally to overcome the abovementioned problems. For example, let us consider thefollowing snippet from Google for the query Jaguar


    The Jaguar is the largest catin Western Hemisphere andcan subdue larger prey than can the puma

    Fig. 1. A snippet retrieved for the queryJaguarANDcat.

    Here, the phrase is the largest indicates a hypernymicrelationship between Jaguar and cat. Phrases such asalsoknown as, is a, part of, is an example ofall indicate various

    semantic relations. Such indicative phrases have beenapplied to numerous tasks with good results, such ashypernym extraction [5] and fact extraction [6]. From theprevious example, we form the patternXis the largestY,where we replace the two words Jaguar and cat by twovariablesX and Y.

    Our contributions are summarized as follows.

    We present an automatically extracted lexical syn-tactic patterns-based approach to compute the se-mantic similarity between words or entities usingtext snippets retrieved from a web search engine.We propose a lexical pattern extraction algorithmthat considers word subsequences in text snippets.

    Moreover, the extracted set of patterns are clusteredto identify the different patterns that describe thesame semantic relation.

    We integrate different web-based similarity mea-sures using a machine learning approach. We extractsynonymous word-pairs from WordNet synsets aspositive training instances and automatically gen-erate negative training instances. We then train atwo-class support vector machine to classify syn-onymous and non-synonymous word-pairs. Theintegrated measure outperforms all existing Web-

    based semantic similarity measures on a benchmark

    dataset. We apply the proposed semantic similarity measure

    to identify relations between entities, in particularpeople, in a community extraction task. In thisexperiment, the proposed method outperforms the

    baselines with statistically significant precision andrecall values. The results of the community miningtask show the ability of the proposed method tomeasure the semantic similarity between not onlywords, but also between named entities, for whichmanually created lexical ontologies do not exist orincomplete.


    Given a taxonomy of words, a straightforward methodto calculate similarity between two words is to find thelength of the shortest path connecting the two words inthe taxonomy [7]. If a word is polysemous then multiplepaths might exist between the two words. In such cases,only the shortest path between any two senses of thewords is considered for calculating similarity. A problemthat is frequently acknowledged with this approach isthat it relies on the notion that all links in the taxonomyrepresent a uniform distance.

    Resnik [8] proposed a similarity measure using infor-mation content. He defined the similarity between twoconceptsC1 and C2 in the taxonomy as the maximum ofthe information content of all concepts C that subsume

    bothC1 andC2. Then the similarity between two wordsis defined as the maximum of the similarity between anyconcepts that the words belong to. He used WordNet asthe taxonomy; information content is calculated using

    the Brown corpus.Li et al., [9] combined structural semantic informationfrom a lexical taxonomy and information content from acorpus in a nonlinear model. They proposed a similaritymeasure that uses shortest path length, depth and localdensity in a taxonomy. Their experiments reported ahigh Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.8914 on theMiller and Charles [10] benchmark dataset. They didnot evaluate their method in terms of similarities amongnamed entities. Lin [11] defined the similarity betweentwo concepts as the information that is in common to

    both concepts and the information contained in eachindividual concept.

    Cilibrasi and Vitanyi [12] proposed a distance metricbetween words using only page-counts retrieved froma web search engine. The proposed metric is namedNormalized Google Distance (NGD) and is given by,

    N GD(P, Q) =max{log H(P), log H(Q)} log H(P, Q)

    log N min{log H(P), log H(Q)} .

    Here, P and Q are the two words between which dis-tance N GD(P, Q) is to be computed, H(P) denotes thepage-counts for the word P, and H(P, Q) is the page-counts for the queryP AND Q. NGD is based on normal-ized information distance [13], which is defined using

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    Kolmogorov complexity. Because NGD does not takeinto account the context in which the words co-occur,it suffers from the drawbacks described in the previoussection that are characteristic to similarity measures thatconsider only page-counts.

    Sahami et al., [2] measured semantic similarity be-tween two queries using snippets returned for thosequeries by a search engine. For each query, they collectsnippets from a search engine and represent each snippetas a TF-IDF-weighted term vector. Each vector is L2normalized and the centroid of the set of vectors is com-puted. Semantic similarity between two queries is thendefined as the inner product between the correspondingcentroid vectors. They did not compare their similaritymeasure with taxonomy-based similarity measures.

    Chen et al., [4] proposed a double-checking modelusing text snippets returned by a Web search engineto compute semantic similarity between words. For twowordsPandQ, they collect snippets for each word froma Web search engine. Then they count the occurrences of

    word Pin the snippets for word Q and the occurrencesof wordQ in the snippets for word P. These values arecombined nonlinearly to compute the similarity betweenP and Q. The Co-occurrence Double-Checking (CODC)measure is defined as,

    CODC(P, Q) =0 iff(P@Q) = 0,





    Here, f(P@Q) denotes the number of occurrences ofPin the top-ranking snippets for the query Q in Google,

    H(P) is the page count for query P, and is a con-stant in this model, which is experimentally set to thevalue 0.15. This method depends heavily on the searchengines ranking algorithm. Although two words P andQ might be very similar, we cannot assume that onecan find Q in the snippets for P, or vice versa, becausea search engine considers many other factors besidessemantic similarity, such as publication date (novelty)and link structure (authority) when ranking the resultset for a query. This observation is confirmed by theexperimental results in their paper which reports zerosimilarity scores for many pairs of words in the Millerand Charles [10] benchmark dataset.

    Semantic similarity measures have been used in var-ious applications in natural language processing suchas word-sense disambiguation [14], language model-ing [15], synonym extraction [16], and automatic the-sauri extraction [17]. Semantic similarity measures areimportant in many Web-related tasks. In query expan-sion [18] a user query is modified using synonymouswords to improve the relevancy of the search. Onemethod to find appropriate words to include in a queryis to compare the previous user queries using semanticsimilarity measures. If there exist a previous query thatis semantically related to the current query, then it can











    H(gem AND jewel)







    frequency of

    lexical patterns

    in snippets

    X is a Y: 10

    X, Y: 7

    X and Y: 12















    Fig. 2. Outline of the proposed method.

    be either suggested to the user, or internally used by thesearch engine to modify the original query.

    3 METHOD

    3.1 Outline

    Given two words P and Q, we model the problem ofmeasuring the semantic similarity between P andQ, asa one of constructing a functionsim(P, Q)that returns avalue in range [0, 1]. IfP and Q are highly similar (e.g.synonyms), we expect sim(P, Q) to be closer to 1. Onthe other hand, ifP and Q are not semantically similar,then we expect sim(P, Q) to be closer to 0. We definenumerous features that express the similarity betweenPandQ using page counts and snippets retrieved from aweb search engine for the two words. Using this featurerepresentation of words, we train a two-class support

    vector machine (SVM) to classify synonymous and non-synonymous word pairs. The function sim(P, Q) is thenapproximated by the confidence score of the trainedSVM.

    Fig. 2 illustrates an example of using the proposedmethod to compute the semantic similarity between twowords, gem and jewel. First, we query a Web searchengine and retrieve page counts for the two words andfor their conjunctive (i.e. gem, jewel, and gem AND

    jewel). In section 3.2, we define four similarity scoresusing page counts. Page counts-based similarity scoresconsider the global co-occurrences of two words on theWeb. However, they do not consider the local context in

    which two words co-occur. On the other hand, snippetsreturned by a search engine represent the local context inwhich two words co-occur on the web. Consequently, wefind the frequency of numerous lexical-syntactic patternsin snippets returned for the conjunctive query of thetwo words. The lexical patterns we utilize are extractedautomatically using the method described in Section 3.3.However, it is noteworthy that a semantic relation can beexpressed using more than one lexical pattern. Group-ing the different lexical patterns that convey the samesemantic relation, enables us to represent a semanticrelation between two words accurately. For this purpose

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    we propose a sequential pattern clustering algorithm inSection 3.4. Both page counts-based similarity scores andlexical pattern clusters are used to define various featuresthat represent the relation between two words. Usingthis feature representation of word pairs, we train a two-class support vector machine (SVM) [19] in Section 3.5.

    3.2 Page-count-based Co-occurrence Measures

    Page counts for the query P AND Q can be consideredas an approximation of co-occurrence of two words (ormulti-word phrases) P and Q on the Web. However,page counts for the query P AND Q alone do not accu-rately express semantic similarity. For example, Googlereturns 11, 300, 000 as the page count for car ANDautomobile, whereas the same is 49, 000, 000 for car

    AND apple. Although, automobile is more semanticallysimilar to car than apple is, page counts for the querycar AND appleare more than four times greater thanthose for the query car AND automobile. One must

    consider the page counts not just for the query P ANDQ, but also for the individual words P and Q to assesssemantic similarity between P and Q.

    We compute four popular co-occurrence measures;Jaccard, Overlap (Simpson), Dice, and Pointwise mutualinformation (PMI), to compute semantic similarity us-ing page counts. For the remainder of this paper weuse the notation H(P) to denote the page counts forthe query P in a search engine. The WebJaccard coeffi-cient between words (or multi-word phrases) P and Q,WebJaccard(P, Q), is defined as,

    WebJaccard(P, Q) (1)


    0 ifH(P Q) c,H(PQ)

    H(P)+H(Q)H(PQ) otherwise.

    Therein, P Q denotes the conjunction query P ANDQ. Given the scale and noise in Web data, it is possiblethat two words may appear on some pages even thoughthey are not related. In order to reduce the adverseeffects attributable to such co-occurrences, we set theWebJaccard coefficient to zero if the page count for thequery P Q is less than a threshold c2. Similarly, wedefine WebOverlap, WebOverlap(P, Q), as,

    WebOverlap(P, Q) (2)


    0 ifH(P Q) c,H(PQ)

    min(H(P),H(Q)) otherwise.

    WebOverlap is a natural modification to the Overlap(Simpson) coefficient. We define the WebDice coefficientas a variant of the Dice coefficient. WebDice(P, Q) isdefined as,

    WebDice(P, Q) =

    0 ifH(P Q) c,2H(PQ)

    H(P)+H(Q) otherwise. (3)

    2. we set c = 5 in our experiments

    Pointwise mutual information (PMI) [20] is a measurethat is motivated by information theory; it is intended toreflect the dependence between two probabilistic events.We defineWebPMIas a variant form of pointwise mutualinformation using page counts as,

    WebPMI(P, Q) (4)


    0 ifH(P Q) c,




    ) otherwise.

    Here, N is the number of documents indexed by thesearch engine. Probabilities in (4) are estimated accord-ing to the maximum likelihood principle. To calculatePMI accurately using (4), we must know N, the numberof documents indexed by the search engine. Althoughestimating the number of documents indexed by a searchengine [21] is an interesting task itself, it is beyondthe scope of this work. In the present work, we setN= 1010 according to the number of indexed pages re-ported by Google. As previously discussed, page counts

    are mere approximations to actual word co-occurrencesin the Web. However, it has been shown empiricallythat there exist a high correlation between word countsobtained from a Web search engine (e.g. Google andAltavista) and that from a corpus (e.g. British Nationalcorpus) [22]. Moreover, the approximated page countshave been sucessfully used to improve a variety oflanguage modelling tasks [23].

    3.3 Lexical Pattern Extraction

    Page counts-based co-occurrence measures described inSection 3.2 do not consider the local context in which

    those words co-occur. This can be problematic if one orboth words are polysemous, or when page counts areunreliable. On the other hand, the snippets returned bya search engine for the conjunctive query of two wordsprovide useful clues related to the semantic relationsthat exist between two words. A snippet contains awindow of text selected from a document that includesthe queried words. Snippets are useful for search be-cause, most of the time, a user can read the snippetand decide whether a particular search result is relevant,without even opening the url. Using snippets as contextsis also computationally efficient because it obviates theneed to download the source documents from the Web,

    which can be time consuming if a document is large.For example, consider the snippet in Figure 3.3. Here,

    Cricket is a sportplayed between two teams,each with eleven players.

    Fig. 3. A snippet retrieved for the query cricket ANDsport.

    the phraseis aindicates a semantic relationship betweencricketand sport. Many such phrases indicate semanticrelationships. For example, also known as, is a, part of, is

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    Ostrich, a large, flightless bird that lives in the drygrasslands of Africa.

    Fig. 4. A snippet retrieved for the query ostrich * * * * *bird.

    an example ofall indicate semantic relations of different

    types. In the example given above, words indicatingthe semantic relation between cricket and sport appear

    between the query words. Replacing the query wordsby variablesXand Ywe can form the pattern X is a Yfrom the example given above.

    Despite the efficiency of using snippets, they pose twomain challenges: first, a snippet can be a fragmentedsentence, second a search engine might produce a snip-pet by selecting multiple text fragments from differ-ent portions in a document. Because most syntactic ordependency parsers assume complete sentences as theinput, deep parsing of snippets produces incorrect re-sults. Consequently, we propose a shallow lexical patternextraction algorithm using web snippets, to recognizethe semantic relations that exist between two words.Lexical syntactic patterns have been used in variousnatural language processing tasks such as extractinghypernyms [5], [24], or meronyms [25], question an-swering [26], and paraphrase extraction [27]. Althougha search engine might produce a snippet by selectingmultiple text fragments from different portions in adocument, a pre-defined delimiter is used to separatethe different fragments. For example, in Google, thedelimiter ... is used to separate different fragments in asnippet. We use such delimiters to split a snippet before

    we run the proposed lexical pattern extraction algorithmon each fargment.Given two words P and Q, we query a web search

    engine using the wildcard query P * * * * * Q anddownload snippets. The * operator matches one wordor none in a web page. Therefore, our wildcard queryretrieves snippets in which P and Q appear withina window of seven words. Because a search enginesnippet contains ca. 20 words on average, and includestwo fragments of texts selected from a document, weassume that the seven word window is sufficient tocover most relations between two words in snippets.In fact, over 95% of the lexical patterns extracted by

    the proposed method contain less than five words. Weattempt to approximate the local context of two wordsusing wildcard queries. For example, Fig. 4 shows asnippet retrieved for the query ostrich * * * * * bird.

    For a snippet , retrieved for a word pair (P, Q),first, we replace the two words P and Q, respectively,with two variables X and Y. We replace all numericvalues by D, a marker for digits. Next, we generateall subsequences of words from that satisfy all of thefollowing conditions.

    (i). A subsequence must contain exactly one occur-

    rence of each Xand Y(ii). The maximum length of a subsequence isL words.

    (iii). A subsequence is allowed to skip one or morewords. However, we do not skip more than gnumber of words consecutively. Moreover, the totalnumber of words skipped in a subsequence shouldnot exceed G.

    (iv). We expand all negation contractions in a context.For example, didnt is expanded to did not. Wedo not skip the word not when generating subse-quences. For example, this condition ensures thatfrom the snippet X is not a Y, we do not producethe subsequence X is a Y.

    Finally, we count the frequency of all generated subse-quences and only use subsequences that occur more thanTtimes as lexical patterns.

    The parameters L, g, G and Tare set experimentally,as explained later in Section 3.6. It is noteworthy that theproposed pattern extraction algorithm considers all thewords in a snippet, and is not limited to extracting pat-

    terns only from the mid-fix (i.e., the portion of text in asnippet that appears between the queried words). More-over, the consideration of gaps enables us to capture rela-tions between distant words in a snippet. We use a mod-ified version of the prefixspan algorithm [28] to generatesubsequences from a text snippet. Specifically, we use theconstraints (ii)-(iv) to prune the search space of candidatesubsequences. For example, if a subsequence has reachedthe maximum lengthL, or the number of skipped wordsis G, then we will not extend it further. By pruning thesearch space, we can speed up the pattern generationprocess. However, none of these modifications affect theaccuracy of the proposed semantic similarity measure

    because the modified version of the prefixspan algorithmstill generates the exact set of patterns that we wouldobtain if we used the original prefixspan algorithm (i.e.without pruning) and subsequently remove patterns thatviolate the above mentioned constraints. For example,some patterns extracted form the snippet shown in Fig. 4are: X, a large Y, Xa flightless Y, and X, large Ylives.

    3.4 Lexical Pattern Clustering

    Typically, a semantic relation can be expressed usingmore than one pattern. For example, consider the twodistinct patterns, X is a Y, and X is a large Y. Both

    these patterns indicate that there exists an is-a relationbetween X and Y. Identifying the different patternsthat express the same semantic relation enables us torepresent the relation between two words accurately.According to the distributional hypothesis [29], wordsthat occur in the same context have similar meanings.The distributional hypothesis has been used in variousrelated tasks, such as identifying related words [16], andextracting paraphrases [27]. If we consider the wordpairs that satisfy (i.e. co-occur with) a particular lexicalpattern as the context of that lexical pair, then fromthe distributional hypothesis it follows that the lexical

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    Algorithm 1 Sequential pattern clustering algorithm.

    Input: patterns = {a1, . . . ,an}, threshold Output: clusters C

    1: SORT()2: C {}3: forpattern ai do4: max

    5: c

    null6: forcluster cj C do7: sim cosine(ai, cj)8: ifsim > max then9: max sim

    10: c cj11: end if12: end for13: ifmax > then14: c c ai15: else16: C C {ai}17: end if

    18: end for19: return C

    patterns which are similarly distributed over word pairsmust be semantically similar.

    We represent a pattern a by a vector a of word-pair frequencies. We designate a, the word-pair frequencyvector of pattern a. It is analogous to the document fre-quencyvector of a word, as used in information retrieval.The value of the element corresponding to a word pair(Pi, Qi)ina, is the frequency, f(Pi, Qi, a), that the pattern

    a occurs with the word pair (Pi, Qi). As demonstratedlater, the proposed pattern extraction algorithm typicallyextracts a large number of lexical patterns. Clusteringalgorithms based on pairwise comparisons among allpatterns are prohibitively time consuming when thepatterns are numerous. Next, we present a sequentialclustering algorithm to efficiently cluster the extractedpatterns.

    Given a set of patterns and a clustering similaritythreshold , Algorithm 1 returns clusters (of patterns)that express similar semantic relations. First, in Algo-rithm 1, the function SORT sorts the patterns intodescending order of their total occurrences in all word

    pairs. The total occurrence(a)of a patterna is the sumof frequencies over all word pairs, and is given by,

    (a) =i

    f(Pi, Qi, a). (5)

    After sorting, the most common patterns appear at thebeginning in, whereas rare patterns (i.e., patterns thatoccur with only few word pairs) get shifted to the end.Next, in line 2, we initialize the set of clusters, C, tothe empty set. The outer for-loop (starting at line 3),repeatedly takes a pattern aifrom the ordered set, andin the inner for-loop (starting at line 6), finds the cluster,

    c ( C) that is most similar to ai. First, we represent acluster by the centroid of all word pair frequency vectorscorresponding to the patterns in that cluster to computethe similarity between a pattern and a cluster. Next,we compute the cosine similarity between the clustercentroid (cj), and the word pair frequency vector of thepattern (ai). If the similarity between a pattern ai, andits most similar cluster, c, is greater than the threshold, we append ai to c

    (line 14). We use the operator to denote the vector addition between c and ai. Thenwe form a new cluster {ai} and append it to the setof clusters, C, if ai is not similar to any of the existingclusters beyond the threshold .

    By sorting the lexical patterns in the descending orderof their frequency and clustering the most frequentpatterns first, we form clusters for more common re-lations first. This enables us to separate rare patternswhich are likely to be outliers from attaching to oth-erwise clean clusters. The greedy sequential nature ofthe algorithm avoids pair-wise comparisons between all

    lexical patterns. This is particularly important becausewhen the number of lexical patterns is large as in ourexperiments (e.g. over 100, 000), pair-wise comparisons

    between all patterns is computationally prohibitive. Theproposed clustering algorithm attempts to identify thelexical patterns that are similar to each other more thana given threshold value. By adjusting the threshold wecan obtain clusters with different granularity.

    The only parameter in Algorithm 1, the similaritythreshold,, ranges in [0, 1]. It decides the purity of theformed clusters. Setting to a high value ensures thatthe patterns in each cluster are highly similar. However,high values also yield numerous clusters (increased

    model complexity). In Section 3.6, we investigate, exper-imentally, the effect of on the overall performance ofthe proposed relational similarity measure.

    The initial sort operation in Algorithm 1 can be carriedout in time complexity of O(nlogn), where n is thenumber of patterns to be clustered. Next, the sequentialassignment of lexical patterns to the clusters requirescomplexity of O(n|C|), where |C| is the number ofclusters. Typically,n is much larger than |C| (i.e.n|C|).Therefore, the overall time complexity of Algorithm 1is dominated by the sort operation, hence O(nlogn).The sequential nature of the algorithm avoids pairwisecomparisons among all patterns. Moreover, sorting the

    patterns by their total word-pair frequency prior toclustering ensures that the final set of clusters containsthe most common relations in the dataset.

    3.5 Measuring Semantic Similarity

    In Section 3.2 we defined four co-occurrence measuresusing page counts. Moreover, in Sections 3.3 and 3.4we showed how to extract clusters of lexical patternsfrom snippets to represent numerous semantic rela-tions that exist between two words. In this section,we describe a machine learning approach to combine

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    both page counts-based co-occurrence measures, andsnippets-based lexical pattern clusters to construct arobust semantic similarity measure.

    GivenNclusters of lexical patterns, first, we representa pair of words (P, Q)by an(N+ 4)dimensional featurevector fPQ. The four page counts-based co-occurrencemeasures defined in Section 3.2 are used as four distinctfeatures infPQ. For completeness let us assume that(N+1)-st,(N+ 2)-nd,(N+ 3)-rd, and(N+ 4)-th features areset respectively to WebJaccard, WebOverlap, WebDice,and WebPMI. Next, we compute a feature from each ofthe Nclusters as follows. First, we assign a weight wijto a pattern ai that is in a cluster cj as follows,

    wij = (ai)tcj

    (t). (6)

    Here,(a)is the total frequency of a pattern ain all wordpairs, and it is given by (5). Because we perform a hardclustering on patterns, a pattern can belong to only onecluster (i.e. wij = 0 for ai / cj). Finally, we compute the

    value of the j -th feature in the feature vector for a wordpair (P, Q) as follows,aicj

    wijf(P,Q,ai). (7)

    The value of the j-th feature of the feature vector fPQrepresenting a word pair (P, Q) can be seen as theweighted sum of all patterns in cluster cj that co-occurwith words P and Q. We assume that all patterns in acluster to represent a particular semantic relation. Con-sequently, the j-th feature value given by (7) expressesthe significance of the semantic relation represented byclusterj for word pair(P, Q). For example, if the weight

    wij is set to 1 for all patterns ai in a cluster cj, thenthe j-th feature value is simply the sum of frequen-cies of all patterns in cluster cj with words P and Q.However, assigning an equal weight to all patterns in acluster is not desirable in practice because some patternscan contain misspellings and/or can be grammaticallyincorrect. Equation (6) assigns a weight to a patternproportionate to its frequency in a cluster. If a patternhas a high frequency in a cluster, then it is likely to

    be a canonical form of the relation represented by allthe patterns in that cluster. Consequently, the weightingscheme described by Equation (6) prefers high frequentpatterns in a cluster.

    To train a two-class SVM to detect synonymousand non-synonymous word pairs, we utilize a trainingdataset S = {(Pk, Qk, yk)} of word pairs. S consistsof synonymous word pairs (positive training instances)and non-synonymous word pairs (negative training in-stances). Training dataset S is generated automaticallyfrom WordNet synsets as described later in Section 3.6.Label yk {1, 1} indicates whether the word pair(Pk, Qk) is a synonymous word pair (i.e. yk = 1) ora non-synonymous word pair (i.e. yk = 1). For eachword pair inS, we create an(N+4)dimensional featurevector as described above. To simplify the notation, let

    us denote the feature vector of a word pair (Pk, Qk) byfk. Finally, we train a two-class SVM using the labeledfeature vectors.

    Once we have trained an SVM using synonymous andnon-synonymous word pairs, we can use it to computethe semantic similarity between two given words. Fol-lowing the same method we used to generate featurevectors for training, we create an (N+ 4) dimensionalfeature vector f for a pair of words (P, Q), betweenwhich we must measure semantic similarity. We definethe semantic similarity sim(P, Q) between P and Q

    as the posterior probability, p(y = 1|f), that the fea-ture vector f corresponding to the word-pair (P, Q)

    belongs to the synonymous-words class (i.e. y = 1).sim(P, Q) is given by,

    sim(P, Q) = p(y = 1|f). (8)

    Because SVMs are large margin classifiers, the outputof an SVM is the distance from the classification hy-perplane. The distance d(f) to an instance f from the

    classification hyperplane is given by,

    d(f) = h(f) + b.

    Here, b is the bias term and the hyperplane, h(f), isgiven by,

    h(f) =i

    ykkK(fk, f).

    Here, k is the Lagrange multiplier corresponding tothe support vector fk3, and K(fk, f) is the value ofthe kernel function for a training instance fk and theinstance to classify, f. However, d(f) is not a cali-

    brated posterior probability. Following Platt [30], we usesigmoid functions to convert this uncalibrated distanceinto a calibrated posterior probability. The probability,

    p(y = 1|d(f)), is computed using a sigmoid functiondefined over d(f) as follows,

    p(y = 1|d(f)) = 1

    1 + exp(d(f) + ).

    Here, and are parameters which are determinedby maximizing the likelihood of the training data. Log-likelihood of the training data is given by,

    L(, ) =


    logp(yk|fk; , ) (9)


    {tklog(pk) + (1 tk)log(1 pk)}.

    Here, to simplify the notation we have used tk = (yk+1)/2 and pk = p(yk = 1|fk). The maximization in (9)with respect to parameters and is performed usingmodel-trust minimization [31].

    3. From K.K.T. conditions it follows that the Lagrange multiplierscorresponding to non-support vectors become zero.

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    TABLE 1No. of patterns extracted for training data.

    word pairs synonymous non-synonymous

    # word pairs 3000 3000# extracted patterns 5365398 515848# selected patterns 270762 38978

    3.6 Training

    To train the two-class SVM described in Section 3.5, werequire both synonymous and non-synonymous wordpairs. We use WordNet, a manually created Englishdictionary, to generate the training data required by theproposed method. For each sense of a word, a set ofsynonymous words is listed in WordNet synsets. Werandomly select 3000 nouns from WordNet, and extracta pair of synonymous words from a synset of eachselected noun. If a selected noun is polysemous, then weconsider the synset for the dominant sense. Obtaininga set of non-synonymous word pairs (negative traininginstances) is difficult, because there does not exist a largecollection of manually created non-synonymous wordpairs. Consequently, to create a set of non-synonymousword pairs, we adopt a random shuffling technique.Specifically, we first randomly select two synonymousword pairs from the set of synonymous word pairscreated above, and exchange two words between wordpairs to create two new word pairs. For example, fromtwo synonymous word pairs (A, B) and (C, D), wegenerate two new pairs (A, C) and (B, D). If the newlycreated word pairs do not appear in any of the wordnet synsets, we select them as non-synonymous word

    pairs. We repeat this process until we create 3000 non-synonymous word pairs. Our final training dataset con-tains6000 word pairs (i.e.3000synonymous word pairsand 3000 non-synonymous word pairs).

    Next, we use the lexical pattern extraction algorithmdescribed in Section 3.3 to extract numerous lexicalpatterns for the word pairs in our training dataset. Weexperimentally set the parameters in the pattern extrac-tion algorithm toL = 5,g = 2,G = 4, andT = 5. Table 1shows the number of patterns extracted for synonymousand non-synonymous word pairs in the training dataset.As can be seen from Table 1, the proposed patternextraction algorithm typically extracts a large number

    of lexical patterns. Figs. 5 and 6 respectively, show thedistribution of patterns extracted for synonymous andnon-synonymous word pairs. Because of the noise inweb snippets such as, ill-formed snippets and misspells,most patterns occur only a few times in the list ofextracted patterns. Consequently, we ignore any patternsthat occur less than 5 times. Finally, we de-duplicatethe patterns that appear for both synonymous and non-synonymous word pairs to create a final set of302286lexical patterns. The remainder of the experiments de-scribed in the paper use this set of lexical patterns.

    We determine the clustering threshold as follows,

    0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.50









    18x 10


    log pattern frequency




    Fig. 5. Distribution of patterns extracted from synony-mous word pairs.

    0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5






    2.5x 10


    log pattern frequency






    Fig. 6. Distribution of patterns extracted from non-synonymous word pairs.

    First, we we run Algorithm 1 for different values, andwith each set of clusters we compute feature vectorsfor synonymous word pairs as described in Section 3.5.Let W denote the set of synonymous word pairs (i.e.W = {(Pi, Qi)|(Pi, Qi, yi) S, yi = 1}). Moreover, let fW

    be the centroid vector of all feature vectors representing

    synonymous word pairs, which is given by,

    fW= 1



    fPQ. (10)

    Next, we compute the average Mahalanobis distance,D(), between fW and feature vectors that representsynonymous as follows,

    D() = 1



    Mahala(fW, fPQ). (11)

    Here, |W| is the number of word pairs in W, and

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    mahala(fW, fPQ)is the Mahalanobis distance defined by,

    mahala(fw, fPQ) = (fw fPQ)T

    C1(fw fPQ) (12)

    Here, C1 is the inverse of the inter-cluster correlationmatrix,C, where the (i, j)element ofCis defined to bethe inner-product between the vectors ci, cj correspond-

    ing to clusters ci and cj . Finally, we set the optimumvalue of clustering threshold, , to the value of thatminimizes the average Mahalanobis distance as follows,

    = arg min[0,1]


    Alternatively, we can define the reciprocal of D() asaverage similarity, and minimize this quantity. Notethat the average in (11) is taken over a large numberof synonymous word pairs (3000 word pairs in W),which enables us to determine robustly. Moreover,we consider Mahalanobis distance instead of Euclidean

    distances, because a set of pattern clusters might notnecessarily be independent. For example, we wouldexpect a certain level of correlation between the twoclusters that represent anis-arelation and ahas-arelation.Mahalanobis distance consider the correlation betweenclusters when computing distance. Note that if we takethe identity matrix as C in (12), then we get the Eu-clidean distance.

    Fig. 7 plots average similarity between centroid featurevector and all synonymous word pairs for differentvalues of . From Fig. 7, we see that initially averagesimilarity increases when is increased. This is becauseclustering of semantically related patterns reduces thesparseness in feature vectors. Average similarity is stablewithin a range ofvalues between0.5and0.7. However,increasingbeyond0.7results in a rapid drop of averagesimilarity. To explain this behavior consider Fig. 8 wherewe plot the sparsity of the set of clusters (i.e. the ratio

    between singletons to total clusters) against threshold. As seen from Fig. 8, high values result in a highpercentage of singletons because only highly similarpatterns will form clusters. Consequently, feature vectorsfor different word pairs do not have many features incommon. The maximum average similarity score of1.31is obtained with = 0.7, corresponding to 32, 207 total

    clusters out of which23, 836

    are singletons with exactlyone pattern (sparsity = 0.74). For the remainder of theexperiments in this paper we set to this optimal valueand use the corresponding set of clusters.

    We train an SVM with a radial basis function (RBF)kernel. Kernel parameter and soft-margin trade-offCis respectively set to 0.0078125 and 131072 using 5-foldcross-validation on training data. We used LibSVM4 asthe SVM implementation. Remainder of the experimentsin the paper use this trained SVM model.













    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


    Clustering Threshold

    Fig. 7. Average similarity vs. clustering threshold












    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


    Clustering Threshold

    Fig. 8. Sparsity vs. clustering threshold


    4.1 Benchmark Datasets

    Following the previous work, we evaluate the pro-posed semantic similarity measure by comparing it withhuman ratings in three benchmark datasets: Miller-Charles (MC) [10], Rubenstein-Goodenough (RG) [32],and WordSimilarity-353 (WS) [33]. Each dataset containsa list of word pairs rated by multiple human annotators(MC:28pairs,38annotators, RG:65pairs,36annotators,WS: 353 pairs, 13 annotators). A semantic similarity

    measure is evaluated using the correlation between thesimilarity scores produced by it for the word pairsin a benchmark dataset and the human ratings. BothPearson correlation coefficient and Spearman correlationcoefficient have been used as evaluation measures in pre-vious work on semantic similarity. It is noteworthy thatPearson correlation coefficient can get severely affected

    by non-linearities in ratings. Contrastingly, Spearmancorrelation coefficient first assigns ranks to each list ofscores, and then computes correlation between the twolists of ranks. Therefore, Spearman correlation is moreappropriate for evaluating semantic similarity measures,

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    which might not be necessarily linear. In fact, as we shallsee later, most semantic similarity measures are non-linear. Previous work that used RG and WS datasetsin their evaluations have chosen Spearman correlationcoefficient as the evaluation measure. However, for theMC dataset, which contains only28 word pairs, Pearsoncorrelation coefficient has been widely used. To be ableto compare our results with previous work, we use

    both Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients forexperiments conducted on MC dataset, and Spearmancorrelation coefficient for experiments on RG and WSdatasets. It is noteworthy that we exclude all wordsthat appear in the benchmark dataset from the trainingdata created from WordNet as described in Section 3.6.Benchmark datasets are reserved for evaluation purposesonly and we do not train or tune any of the parametersusing benchmark datasets.

    4.2 Semantic Similarity

    Table 2 shows the experimental results on MC dataset

    for the proposed method (Proposed); previously pro-posed web-based semantic similarity measures: Sahamiand Heilman [2] (SH), Co-occurrence double check-ing model [4] (CODC), and Normalized Google Dis-tance [12] (NGD); and the four page counts-based co-occurrence measures in Section 3.2. No Clust baseline ,which resembles our previously published work [34], isidentical to the proposed method in all aspects exceptfor that it does not use cluster information. It can beunderstood as the proposed method with each extractedlexical pattern in its own cluster. No Clust is expected toshow the effect of clustering on the performance of theproposed method. All similarity scores in Table 2 are nor-

    malized into[0, 1]range for the ease of comparison, andFishers confidence intervals are computed for Spearmanand Pearson correlation coefficients. NGD is a distancemeasure and was converted to a similarity score by tak-ing the inverse. Original papers that proposed NGD andSH measures did not present their results on MC dataset.Therefore, we re-implemented those systems followingthe original papers. The proposed method achieves thehighest Pearson and Spearman coefficients in Table 2and outperforms all other web-based semantic similar-ity measures. WebPMI reports the highest correlationamong all page counts-based co-occurrence measures.However, methods that use snippets such as SH and

    CODC, have better correlation scores. MC dataset con-tains polysemous words such asfather(priest vs. parent),oracle (priest vs. database system) and crane (machinevs. bird), which are problematic for page counts-basedmeasures that do not consider the local context of aword. The No Clust baseline which combines both pagecounts and snippets outperforms the CODC measure bya wide margin of0.2points. Moreover, by clustering thelexical patterns we can further improve the No Clust

    baseline.Table 3 summarizes the experimental results on RG

    and WS datasets. Likewise on the MC dataset, the

    TABLE 3Correlation with RG and WS datasets.

    Method WS RG

    WebJaccard 0.26 [0.16, 0.35] 0.51 [0.30, 0.67]WebDice 0.26 [0.16, 0.35] 0.51 [0.30, 0.67]WebOverlap 0.27 [0.17, 0.36] 0.54 [0.34, 0.69]WebPMI 0.36 [0.26, 0.45] 0.49 [0.28, 0.66]CODC [4] 0.55 [0.48, 0.62] 0.65 [0.49, 0.77]SH [2] 0.36 [0.26, 0.45] 0.31 [0.07, 0.52]

    NGD [12] 0.40 [0.31, 0.48] 0.56 [0.37, 0.71]No Clust 0.53 [0.45, 0.60] 0.73 [0.60, 0.83]Proposed 0.74 [0.69, 0.78] 0.86 [0.78, 0.91]

    TABLE 4Comparison with previous work on MC dataset.

    Method Source Pearson

    Wikirelate! [35] Wikipedia 0.46Sahami & Heilman [2] Web Snippets 0.58Gledson [36] Page Counts 0.55Wu & Palmer [37] WordNet 0.78Resnik [8] WordNet 0.74Leacock [38] WordNet 0.82Lin [11] WordNet 0.82

    Jiang & Conrath [39] WordNet 0.84Jarmasz [40] Rogets 0.87Li et al. [9] WordNet 0.89Schickel-Zuber [41] WordNet 0.91Agirre et al [42] WordNet+Corpus 0.93Proposed WebSnippets+Page Counts 0.87

    proposed method outperforms all other methods onRG and WS datasets. In contrast to MC dataset, theproposed method outperforms the No Clust baseline bya wide margin in RG and WS datasets. Unlike the MCdataset which contains only 28 word pairs, RG and WSdatasets contain a large number of word pairs. Therefore,

    more reliable statistics can be computed on RG and WSdatasets. Fig. 9 shows the similarity scores produced bysix methods against human ratings in the WS dataset.We see that all methods deviate from the y = x line,and are not linear. We believe this justifies the use ofSpearman correlation instead of Pearson correlation byprevious work on semantic similarity as the preferredevaluation measure.

    Tables 4, 5, and 6 respectively compare the proposedmethod against previously proposed semantic similaritymeasures. Despite the fact that the proposed methoddoes not require manually created resources such asWordNet, Wikipedia or fixed corpora, the performance

    of the proposed method is comparable with methodsthat use such resources. The non-dependence on dic-tionaries is particularly attractive when measuring thesimilarity between named-entities which are not well-covered by dictionaries such as WordNet. We furtherevaluate the ability of the proposed method to computethe semantic similarity between named-entities in Sec-tion 4.3.

    In Table 7 we analyze the effect of clustering. Wecompare No Clust (i.e. does not use any clustering in-formation in feature vector creation), singletons excluded(remove all clusters with only one pattern), and single-

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    TABLE 2Semantic similarity scores on MC dataset

    word pair MC WebJaccard WebDice WebOverlap WebPMI CODC [4] SH [2] NGD [12] No Clust Proposedautomobile-car 1.00 0.65 0.66 0.83 0.43 0.69 1.00 0.15 0.98 0.92

    journey-voyage 0.98 0.41 0.42 0.16 0.47 0.42 0.52 0.39 1.00 1.00gem-jewel 0.98 0.29 0.30 0.07 0.69 1.00 0.21 0.42 0.69 0.82

    boy-lad 0.96 0.18 0.19 0.59 0.63 0.00 0.47 0.12 0.97 0.96coast-shore 0.94 0.78 0.79 0.51 0.56 0.52 0.38 0.52 0.95 0.97asylum-madhouse 0.92 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.81 0.00 0.21 1.00 0.77 0.79

    magician-wizard 0.89 0.29 0.30 0.37 0.86 0.67 0.23 0.44 1.00 1.00midday-noon 0.87 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.59 0.86 0.29 0.74 0.82 0.99furnace-stove 0.79 0.39 0.41 0.10 1.00 0.93 0.31 0.61 0.89 0.88food-fruit 0.78 0.75 0.76 1.00 0.45 0.34 0.18 0.55 1.00 0.94

    bird-cock 0.77 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.43 0.50 0.06 0.41 0.59 0.87bird-crane 0.75 0.23 0.24 0.21 0.52 0.00 0.22 0.41 0.88 0.85implement-tool 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.51 0.30 0.42 0.42 0.91 0.68 0.50

    brother-monk 0.71 0.25 0.27 0.33 0.62 0.55 0.27 0.23 0.38 0.27crane-implement 0.42 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.19 0.00 0.15 0.40 0.13 0.06

    brother-lad 0.41 0.18 0.19 0.36 0.64 0.38 0.24 0.26 0.34 0.13car-journey 0.28 0.44 0.45 0.36 0.20 0.29 0.19 0.00 0.29 0.17monk-oracle 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.45 0.33 0.80food-rooster 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.21 0.00 0.08 0.42 0.06 0.02coast-hill 0.21 0.96 0.97 0.26 0.35 0.00 0.29 0.70 0.87 0.36forest-graveyard 0.20 0.06 0.06 0.23 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.55 0.44monk-slave 0.12 0.17 0.18 0.05 0.61 0.00 0.10 0.77 0.38 0.24coast-forest 0.09 0.86 0.87 0.29 0.42 0.00 0.25 0.36 0.41 0.15

    lad-wizard 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.43 0.00 0.15 0.66 0.22 0.23cord-smile 0.01 0.09 0.10 0.02 0.21 0.00 0.09 0.13 0.00 0.01glass-magician 0.01 0.11 0.11 0.40 0.60 0.00 0.14 0.21 0.18 0.05rooster-voyage 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.20 0.21 0.02 0.05noon-string 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.04 0.10 0.00 0.08 0.21 0.02 0.00

    Spearman 1.00 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.52 0.69 0.62 0.13 0.83 0.85Lower 1.00 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.18 0.42 0.33 0.25 0.66 0.69Upper 1.00 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.75 0.84 0.81 0.48 0.92 0.93

    Pearson 1.00 0.26 0.27 0.38 0.55 0.69 0.58 0.21 0.83 0.87Lower 1.00 0.13 0.12 0.01 0.22 0.42 0.26 0.18 0.67 0.73Upper 1.00 0.58 0.58 0.66 0.77 0.85 0.78 0.54 0.92 0.94

    TABLE 5Comparison with previous work on RG dataset.

    Method Source SpearmanWikirelate! [35] Wikipedia 0.56Gledson [36] Page Counts 0.55

    Jiang & Conrath [39] WordNet 0.73Hirst & St. Onge [43] WordNet 0.73Resnik [8] WordNet 0.80Lin [11] WordNet 0.83Leacock [38] WordNet 0.85Proposed WebSnippets+Page Counts 0.86

    TABLE 6Comparison with previous work on WS dataset.

    Method Source SpearmanJarmasz [40] WordNet 0.35Wikirelate! [35] Wikipedia 0.48

    Jarmasz [40] Rogets 0.55Hughes & Ramage [44] WordNet 0.55Finkelstein et al. [33] Corpus+WordNet 0.56Gabrilovich [45] ODP 0.65Gabrilovich [45] Wikipedia 0.75Proposed WebSnippets+Page Counts 0.74

    tons included (considering all clusters). From Table 7 wesee in all three datasets, we obtain the best results byconsidering all clusters (singletons incl.). If we remove allsingletons, then the performance drops below No Clust.

    TABLE 7Effect of pattern clustering (Spearman).

    Method MC RG WS

    No Clust 0.83 0.73 0.53[upper, lower] [0.66, 0.92] [0.60, 0.83] [0.45, 0.60]singletons excl. 0.59 0.68 0.49[upper, lower] [0.29, 0.79] [0.52, 0.79] [0.40, 0.56]singletons incl. 0.85 0.86 0.74[upper, lower] [0.69, 0.93] [0.78, 0.91] [0.69, 0.78]

    TABLE 8Page counts vs Snippets. (Spearman)

    Method MC RG WS

    Page counts only 0.57 0.57 0.37[upper, lower] [0.25, 0.77] [0.39, 0.72] [0.29, 0.46]

    Snippets only 0.82 0.85 0.72[upper, lower] [0.65, 0.91] [0.77, 0.90] [0.71, 0.79]Both 0.85 0.86 0.74[upper, lower] [0.69, 0.93] [0.78, 0.91] [0.69, 0.78]

    Note that out of the32.207clusters used by the proposedmethod,23, 836are singletons (sparsity=0.74). Therefore,if we remove all singletons, we cannot represent someword pairs adequately, resulting in poor performance.

    Table 8 shows the contribution of page counts-basedsimilarity measures, and lexical patterns extracted fromsnippets, on the overall performance of the proposed

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    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











    (a) WebPMI (0.36)

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











    (b) CODC (0.55)

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











    (c) SH (0.36)

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











    (d) NGD (0.40)

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











    (e) No Clust (0.53)

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











    (f) Proposed (0.74)

    Fig. 9. Spearman rank correlation between various similarity measures (y-axis) and human ratings (x-axis) on the WSdataset.

    method. To evaluate the effect of page counts-based co-occurrence measures on the proposed method, we gener-

    ate feature vectors only using the four page counts-basedco-occurrence measures, to train an SVM. Similarly, toevaluate the effect of snippets, we generate feature vec-tors only using lexical pattern clusters. From Table 8 wesee that on all three datasets, snippets have a greaterimpact on the performance of the proposed method thanpage counts. By considering both page counts as wellas snippets we can further improve the performancereported by individual methods. The improvement inperformance when we use snippets only is statisticallysignificant over that when we use page counts only inRG and WS datasets. However, the performance gain inthe combination is not statistically significant. We believe

    that this is because most of the words in the benchmarkdatasets are common nouns that co-occur a lot in websnippets. On the other hand, having page counts in themodel is particularly useful when two words do notappear in numerous lexical patterns.

    4.3 Community Mining

    Measuring the semantic similarity between named en-tities is vital in many applications such as query ex-pansion [2], entity disambiguation (e.g. namesake dis-ambiguation) and community mining [46]. Because most

    named entities are not covered by WordNet, similaritymeasures that are based on WordNet cannot be used

    directly in these tasks. Unlike common English words,named entities are being created constantly. Manuallymaintaining an up-to-date taxonomy of named entities iscostly, if not impossible. The proposed semantic similar-ity measure is appealing for these applications becauseit does not require pre-compiled taxonomies.

    In order to evaluate the performance of the proposedmeasure in capturing the semantic similarity betweennamed-entities, we set up a community mining task.We select50 personal names from 5 communities: tennis

    players,golfers,actors,politiciansandscientists5 , (10namesfrom each community) from the open directory project(DMOZ)6. For each pair of names in our data set, wemeasure their similarity using the proposed method and

    baselines. We use group-average agglomerative hierar-chical clustering (GAAC) to cluster the names in ourdataset into five clusters.

    Initially, each name is assigned to a separate cluster.In subsequent iterations, group average agglomerativeclustering process, merges the two clusters with highestcorrelation. Correlation, Corr()between two clusters A


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    and B is defined as the following,

    Corr() =1



    ||(|| 1)


    sim(u, v)

    Here, is the merger of the two clusters A and B.|| denotes the number of elements (persons) in andsim(u, v) is the semantic similarity between two personsuand v in . We terminate GAAC process when exactlyfive clusters are formed. We adopt this clustering methodwith different semantic similarity measures sim(u, v) tocompare their accuracy in clustering people who belongto the same community.

    We employed the B-CUBED metric [47] to evaluatethe clustering results. The B-CUBED evaluation metricwas originally proposed for evaluating cross-documentco-reference chains. It does not require the clusters to belabelled. We compute precision, recall and F-score foreach name in the data set and average the results overthe dataset. For each person p in our data set, let usdenote the cluster that p belongs to by C(p). Moreover,

    we use A(p) to denote the affiliation of person p, e.g.,A(Tiger Woods) =Tennis Player. Then we calculateprecision and recall for person p as,

    Precision(p) =No. of people in C(p) with affiliation A(p)

    No. of people in C(p) ,

    Recall(p) =No. of people in C(p) with affiliation A(p)

    Total No. of people with affiliation A(p) .

    Since, we selected 10 people from each of the fivecategories, the total number of people with a particularaffiliation is 10 for all the names p. Then, the F-score ofperson p is defined as,

    F(p) =

    2 Precision(p) Recall(p)

    Precision(p) + Recall(p) .

    Overall precision, recall and F-score are computed bytaking the averaged sum over all the names in thedataset.

    Precision = 1




    Recall = 1




    FScore = 1




    Here, DataSet is the set of 50 names selected fromthe open directory project. Therefore, N = 50 in ourevaluations.

    Experimental results are shown in Table 9. The pro-posed method shows the highest entity clustering accu-racy in Table 9 with a statistically significant (p 0.01Tukey HSD) F score of0.86. Sahami et al. [2]s snippet-

    based similarity measure, WebJaccard, WebDice and We-bOverlap measures yield similar clustering accuracies.By clustering semantically related lexical patterns, we seethat both precision as well as recall can be improved ina community mining task.

    TABLE 9Results for Community Mining

    Method Precision R ecall F Measure

    WebJaccard 0.59 0.71 0.61WebOverlap 0.59 0.68 0.59WebDice 0.58 0.71 0.61WebPMI 0.26 0.42 0.29Sahami [2] 0.63 0.66 0.64Chen [4] 0.47 0.62 0.49

    No Clust 0.79 0.80 0.78Proposed 0.85 0.87 0.86


    We proposed a semantic similarity measures using bothpage counts and snippets retrieved from a web searchengine for two words. Four word co-occurrence mea-sures were computed using page counts. We proposed alexical pattern extraction algorithm to extract numeroussemantic relations that exist between two words. More-over, a sequential pattern clustering algorithm was pro-posed to identify different lexical patterns that describethe same semantic relation. Both page counts-based co-occurrence measures and lexical pattern clusters wereused to define features for a word pair. A two-classSVM was trained using those features extracted forsynonymous and non-synonymous word pairs selectedfrom WordNet synsets. Experimental results on three

    benchmark datasets showed that the proposed methodoutperforms various baselines as well as previously pro-posed web-based semantic similarity measures, achiev-ing a high correlation with human ratings. Moreover, theproposed method improved the Fscore in a communitymining task, thereby underlining its usefulness in real-

    world tasks, that include named-entities not adequatelycovered by manually created resources.


    [1] A. Kilgarriff, Googleology is bad science,Computational Linguis-tics, vol. 33, pp. 147151, 2007.

    [2] M. Sahami and T. Heilman, A web-based kernel function formeasuring the similarity of short text snippets, in Proc. of 15thInternational World Wide Web Conference, 2006.

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    Danushka Bollegala received his BS, MS andPhD degrees from the University of Tokyo, Japanin 2005, 2007, and 2009. He is currently a re-searchfellow of the Japanese society forthe pro-motion of science (JSPS). His research interestsare natural language processing, Web miningand artificial intelligence.

    Yutaka Matsuo is an associate professor atInstitute of Engineering Innovation, the Univer-sity of Tokyo, Japan. He received his BS, MS,and PhD degrees from the University of Tokyoin 1997, 1999, and 2002. He joined NationalInstitute of Advanced Industrial Science andTechnology (AIST) from 2002 to 2007. He isinterested in social network mining, text process-ing, and semantic web in the context of artificialintelligence research.

    Mitsuru Ishizuka(M79) is a professor at Grad-uate School of Information Science and Technol-ogy, the University of Tokyo, Japan. He receivedhis BS and PhD degrees in electronic engineer-ing from the University of Tokyo in 1971 and1976. His research interests include artificial in-telligence, Web intelligence, and lifelike agents.