Thoughts on Post Click Analysis


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Post Click Analysis


The Red BullsHarikrishna NatrajanRajkunvar Jadhavrao


What, Why, Who, How, When What is Post click analysis Why Post click analysis Who analyzes How much to analyze How to set up analysis How is data presented When to analyze

What is Post Click Analysis

Most important outcomes of an ad: Response & Revenue

Get a deeper understanding about the responsiveness of an ad at various levels & the revenue thus generated

Why Post Click Analysis

Business Benefits

Segment the users & observe user behaviour

Observe market trends

Rank advertisers & publishers

Technical Benefits

Judge the honesty and accuracy of the system

To understand & fine tune the accuracy of the system

Design & implement learning & tuning algorithms for maximizing future revenue

To build system alerts

− To alert against fraud / discrepancies

− To alert against fatiguing ads

Who Analyzes Publisher

− Find the best performing advertisers

− To profile his users & pitch his inventory to the market


− To gauge the responsiveness of his ads & infer if his campaign message has got through

− To gauge his return on investment

− To find the best publishers

− To plan future campaigns

Ad networks & exchanges

− Operations teams To fine tune the delivery of ads To give feedback to the developers about any issues in the system

− Technical teams To build new algorithms based on the learnings of how the current system functions

in the real world To remove any discrepancies in the system & put up security & fraud detection


How much to analyze

Budget, Requests, Impressions, Fill Rate, Clicks, CTR, eCPM

Geography: Country, Region, City, Locality

Device: Brand, Model, OS & its version

Carrier: Country, Carrier, Circle

Page content: Subject, URL

Event Funnel: For a multiple interaction ad, how many interactions has a consumer completed

If the following information is available via apps which support user profile storage / retrieval: Age, Gender, Income / Purchasing power, Occupation, Likes / dislikes, Hobbies

Custom information which varies from business to business

How to setup analysis

Trackers for various events Cookies, UDID & other device identifiers Info related to the subject of the consumed

content User Profile Retrieval from apps Social Network Integration

How is data presented

Tabular & Summarized data Charts Event Funnels Geospatial data Heat maps Progress Bar


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CheckedDetails: 55

Heat Map

When to analyze

Real time analysis: Live campaign performance & to check if campaign budgets are correctly met & capped

Daily review: Daily reports to keep track of progress

Weekly Review: To check weekday & weekend trends & watch out for discrepancies in the system

Monthly Review: To check performance on regular days & during occasions

Quarterly Review: To find the best advertisers, publishers & user segments

Yearly Review: To formulate new plans & strategies
