Then began he to curse and swear, saying, I


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"Then began he to curse and swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew"

Matthew 26:?4


Why do people act the way they do? Human motivation baffling. !/hat 'm<:ide me do it? Just don't understand ourselves and others. That is my subject this morning. And the key is in the word "precipitation".

Sounds familiar to us. Remember high school chemistry and process of precipitation. "Act of causing crystals etc. to separate and fall to bottom of a liquid". Remember the process. The adding of a re-agent; and out of the combination of the two there is formed a third substance -known as the precipitate.

I submit there is such a thing as moral and spiritual precipitation. What happens in field of chemistry happens in field of character. Key to many of life's sudden disclosures is in the terms of moral and spiritual precipitation.

CHAR CTER AND CIRCUMSTANCE stonished and hap-pily surprised by thrilling discovery

of goodness, or strength, or beauty, or sacri­fice in a person's life. Never thought they had it in them. It comes as a complete surprise -it was a combination of character and circum­stance which precipitated and produced the love­ly thing. Have seen it happen. Under pressure and in time of sorrow and tragedy, a person has responded in terms of splendid reaction - and we have been amazed. But not altogether mysterious when regarded in terms of precipitation.

This is true in regard to trdgic discovery of weaknesses and flaws in character of others. de thought they were open books; we trusted them; thought they had integrity. Now we see this aw­ful thing. ive say, How could they do it? The answer is in terms of moral precipitation - the combination of character and circumstances pre-

Bible says "The heart is deceitful above all things" - that is, we can never be sure of our­selves. It takes but a small thing - just a word, just a look, just the right circumstances to pro­duce personal or family tragedy.

~illd when a person deliberately courts those circumstances in which there is inherent tragedy, then they are both fool and knave.

Do not want to close on such a stern note. The denial of Jesus by Peter does not end with oaths and curses. The story continues: Just at that moment - as Peter realises what a ·mess he has made of things, and as the first streak o~ dawn lights up the sky and the cock begins to crow, Jesus passes by. And as He passes, Jesus turns and looks on Peter.

That look did it. Not a look of rebuke but of tenderness and understanding. "Never mind, Peter, I know how you feel " - and it broke Peter all to pieces. Se had made such a sorry mess of things. But that look led to another precipita­tion - one of tears and remorse, for Peter went out and wept bitterly. And in those tears was healing and eventual restoration.


Unstable. Yes. Impulsive. Yes. Cowardly. No. Whatever his faults none ever accused Peter of cowardice. Had taken a sword to the Garden Geth­semane and h~d used it. Nor does he skulk in the shadows - he is in the firelight and with crowd.

Peter's denial of hi ~ Lord was not due to fear. It was a moral and spiritual precipitation - the result of a combination of his own boasting confidence and the circumstances of the hour. He was caught off guard. That was Peter's weakness -over-confidence. Not many hours previously, Jesus had warned Peter against his impulsive over-confid­ence. Peter had said, "Though all shall be offend­ed in thea , yet will not I". Rather boastful -"Though everybody forsake thee, Master, you may count on mel" Je-sus' reply - "Thou shalt deny Me thrice before the cock crow".

But the circumstances were too much for him. There _ was an inner weakness. And the two coming together produced the tragic denial. Of course, it was a bad ten minutes for Peter. It is the ten minutes of his life that we best remember -but God forgive us if we judge Peter's whole life on the basis of this particular ten minutes. He would have given everything to have been able to expunge that tragic denial of that terrible night. Yes, it was a bad ten minutes. How would we like to be judged on the basis of our worst ten minutes I wonder?

The point was the result and character.

I am making is this: the denial of a combination of circumstances There was a ~oral precipitation.

ARE WE -EVER SAFE? Let us remember that Peter failed at the point of his greatest strength. He had

vowed he would follow Jesus. But there was a weak place in his armor. And when temptation suddenly presented itself, Peter went down.

1Je think ourselves so strong. Others might fail but we are not like that. But are we so sure of ourselves? Can we trust ourselves completely? Well, Peter was sure of himself; terrible sure.


cipitated the hateful thing. -./e are shocked and community is shocked - and bewildered. He would have staked everything upon their integrity and honor. :Jas a combination of character and certain circumstances which precipated the moral tragedy.

Certain fable guoted by Bacon in his essay on "The Nature of Men". Story of girl who once had been a cat. Changed by a wi tch to a human being. One day invited to banquet. Demure, lady­like. Suddenly a mouse ran across the table and the floor, and she flung herself headlong after it. As Bacon obse~ved, she was still a cat in her heart. It only needed a mouse or the right circum­stances to reveal what she really was inside. A precipitation there.

PET~R - CASE HISTORY But what of the text. Let us look at the picture. A picture of dark shadows.

Incidentally, we like Peter because we are like Peter. Undependable; volatile; shifting sand -always saying wrong thing - at least, sometimes saying the wrong thing. Impulsive. Peter was so human.

On night of dark betrayal. Jesus had been taken before High Priest and Sanhedrin. Peter, like many of us, had followed afar off. Though this has to be said, he at least followed. There Peter was in courtyard of high priest's palace. Leaping flames light up the scene - night is cold. Crowd around the fire. Peter broods before fire. Wondering as to the outcome of sorry adventure.

Pert serving maid saucily flirting with the men. Sharp eyes interrogate Peter. Then comes a question, t'Thou art one of His followers? 1

' Then comes word of repudiation. Another maid speaks, "This man also was with Jesus". Emphatic denial follows. Then others, hearing the accent on now aroused and somewhat alarmed Peter, cried; "Of a truth thou art a Galilean; thy speech betrayeth thee''. Then comes the text - "Then began he to curse and swear, saying, I know not the man ••• u

Was cowardice behind Peter's denial? No.

Our Watchword: Eternity ·1 SAT in the house of God. Its dignified beauty lifted my

soul. Music from an unseen organ invited to worship.

The stlllness seemed to say, "Listen for the voice of

God." The world was shut out. Things high and holy en­gaged my thoughts-God, eternity, my own soul.

God-our Maker, Redeemer, and Comforter-was there to make Himself known to sinful man. Man must needs rec­ognize that "He rules the world with truth and grace," that

He still "comes to seek and to save that which was lost," that He comforts His own and guides them into the "way, the truth and the life."

Eternity-what a word for our day I So often the state­ment is repeated, "Time is running out on us." What of it? Time is of little significance as compared to eternity. Too long have we "permitted time to crowd out eternity." Eter­

nity should be our watchword. "In five years, or perhaps ten, nine-tenths of the world's population will have been anni­

hilated, our civilization destroyed." It is terrible to contem­plate. Yet in the light of eternity it is of lesser importance.

The children of God look forward to eternity in the presence of their Savior and in fellowship with all the saints in glory.

My soul-in the world it is troubled and restless. Sins disturb and sorrows distress. But in Christ, my Redeemer, there is forgiveness, joy and peace.

In the house of God .I learned to say, "Bless the Lord, 0

my soul, and forget not all His benefits." In eternity I, too, shall see Him face to face. S.D. G.

A.P.H. No. 8~1 Litho in U.S.A. a

The Lord Is in His 7emple

FREMONT STREET METHODIST CHURCH Gloversville, NeW York Fred Clarke. Minister

Janet Price Davis Minister of Music

Grace L. Gifford Church Secretary

Lewis Cunning, Sexton


ORGAN PRELUDE - "O Blessed Jesus" CALL TO WORSHIP - · By the Minister


HYMN 12 - "Joyful, joyful. we adore Thee" S URS IDA: CORDA :

Hymn to Joy

Minister: People:


The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. Lift up your hearts.

People: Minister: ' P~ople:

We lift them up unto the Lord. Let us give thanks unto the Lord . It is meet and right so to do.

DOXOLOGY ~ To be sung by all

* RESPONSIVE READING - 15th Sunday .. page S79 GLORIA PATRI :: APOSTLES' CREED SCRIPTURE LESSON - Matthew 26 :57•75 ANTHEM - 1'0 Holy Jesu" Luo.ff PAS'I'OR.b..L PRb.YER :: LORD'S PRAYER ORGhN OFFERTORY - "He Remembering His Mercy'~ D\Xpre PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS HYMN 175- "Come, Holy Ghost, 0\1¥ hearts inspire'' Win­


HYMN 200 - "Depth of mercy. can ther~ be" BENEDICTION :: CHORhL BENEDICTION ORGJJJ POSTLUDE - "Postlude and Fugue C Major" * Inter-val for Ushering


Seymour Dresden



11:00 11:45 3:15


APRIL 11, 194.8 "' CALENDAR FOR TL .1.. ·~. i

Morning Worship and sermon by the mini At er. Church-time Nursery Hour with Miss Ruth Foster. Junior· Church .with Miss Jane Van Arnam. Church School; Mr. s. w. Fear, superintendent. Ordinatioh Service of the Annual Conference at Saratoga Springs. The Rev. Robert H. Williams, one of our Fremont "boys" will be ordained., Choir Festival at Saratoga Springs. Twelve Meth­odist Choirs, including our Fremont ChoirL

~:30 Union Evening Service at St. James' Lutheran Church with the Rev. H. P. Kaulfuss · preaehing.






The· a1tar flowers are given in memory of George W. Fritch-er by his wife and daughter.

11:00 6:00 ~ '6:'!0 8:00 ~ "'7:'"W 8:'50 "'7:'30 8:00

Il:OO 1:00 '!?!0


Weekday School; grade 10. Council of Churches dinner-meeting. Boy Scouts meet at the church. Muddle Class covered dish at the church. Anna Mosher Class meets with .Mrs. Max J~hn. Weekday School; grades 4 1 5 and 6. Mid-week Service; Mr. Clarke leading. April meeting of' the Qf'fi.cial Board. Fremont Choir rehearsal. Laurel Band meets with Mrs. James M.ullen. Weekday School; grade 9. Weekday School; grades 7 aad 8.

· chapel Choir rehearsal.

5:00 to 7:00 - C~FETERll~ SUPPER under auspices Woman•S:soc~ety of christian Service . Salads, Baked Virginia Ham, homemade cakes etc.. Come ; bring your friends. A fine time assured.

SAT. 9:30 Carol Choir rehearsa l.

