The Wizard of Oz - Centro Escolar Lancaster...


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English 4th grade

“The Wizard of Oz”



This is the story of Dorothy Gale and her pet dog TOTO, she lived in the state of Kansas, because

of a terrible storm, both were swept away by a big tornado and came to rest in an strange

place which results to be the mythical land of Oz.

The tale of Dorothy’s encounters along with three other traveling companions which consisted

of a Scarecrow, a Tin Man and a Lion.

Each one of them along with Dorothy felt that they lacked a vital element that impeded their

success, so they needed to travel to Emerald City to get the help they desire most.


Act 1 Story Locations: Dorothy’s home at Kansas Munchkinland that is actually part of the Land of Oz. Grammar & Vocabulary focus:

Present tense, Yes/no questions Wh questions Feelings

Lasting time: 15 minutes

Intro song: Somewhere over the rainbow

Piano guys version At the farm, where Dorothy lives



Dorothy was a little girl who lived in a farm with her uncle Henry, her aunt Em

and a little black dog called TOTO. One day Dorothy was ´playing outside with

her dog when her uncle said…

Uncle Henry


A big tornado is coming…! (Shouting)



Aunt Em went to the door and when she saw the dark sky she knew that they

were in big danger

Aunt Em


Dorothy !, Come inside and get into the basement



TOTO and Dorothy went inside, however, TOTO got scared and hid under

the bed, While Aunt Em opened the basement door and went inside.

Meanwhile, Dorothy tried to get TOTO from under the bed



TOTO, TOTO, Come here !

Little dog barking sound





Suddenly the house started to shake… Dorothy fell down to the floor and

TOTO jumped into her arms



The house started to spin a few times and to raise slowly into the sky like

a balloon and they were taken miles and miles away from their home.

Dorothy tried to calm down.

Narrator Ananda She went to her bed, close her eyes and fell asleep. After a few hours, the

house stopped spinning and she was awaken by a loud noise.

Loud noise

House crashing

(building explosion sound effect)



What happened…? The house isn’t moving anymore…

Come TOTO, let’s find out Where we are…



When she went outside… She was astonished

(Squeaking sound all over the place…)

Dorothy Camila Oh!, this place is so beautiful…!



Then some people came out from all over the place to see what


Munchkin people came out from their houses…

Good North witch

Mariana M

Welcome to our country. We want to thank you for destroying the Evil

Witch (Moaning sound of the evil witch)

Dorothy Camila But…. I have not destroyed anybody!

Munchkin woman

1 Vicky

Well…..maybe you didn’t, but your house did…!

Look over there… (Pointing under the house)



Under the house Dorothy could see a pair of legs with a pair of beautiful

sparkling red shoes…

Dorothy Camila Oh, no !... What can we do…? Let’s help her…!


people …very


NO… No….! Don’t do that…!

North Witch

Mariana M

There is nothing we can do…!

Dorothy Camila But… Who was she…?


Munchkinman 1


She was the Evil Witch from the East…! She kept our people prisoners…!

Munchkinman 2


They were her slaves, day and night… and now, Thanks to you, they are




And… Who are you…? Staring at the Witch…

Good North Witch

Mariana M

I am the Witch of the North, and this is my sister the Good Witch of the


Dorothy Camila Are you real witches…?

Good South Witch


Of course we are…! We are both good Witches…! However, not as

powerful as our sister, the Evil Witch of the East…

Munchkinwoman 2


Look over there…!, (staring at the house)

Munchkinman 1


Her feet are gone…!

Munchkinwoman 1


She left only her red shoes…!

North Good witch

Mariana M

She was so old that her feet dried with the sun. The shoes are yours now…

Please try them on…!



Then she took the shoes and gave them to Dorothy, who tried them on and

they fitted perfectly…!

Dorothy Camila But I want to go home…! Can you please show me the way to Kansas…?

West Good Witch


To the East and to the West there are great deserts and nobody dares to

cross them…

Munchkinman 2


And also, to the West, there lives an Evil Witch, if you go there, you would

become her slave…!

Good South witch


We live South and North, and they are great deserts too, So we can’t help

you either…!

Narrator Leon Dorothy started to cry…!

Good South Witch


What is your name dear…?

Dorothy Camila My name is Dorothy, and this is TOTO, my pet…


Narrator Ananda Suddenly, The Evil Witch of the West appears, and shouts to Dorothy…

(Appearing Witch sound )

Evil Witch of the

West Karla

What have you done…!!!! You destroyed my sister…!!!

Narrator Coty Then, the Good Witch of the North said…

Good North Witch

Mariana M

Get away from her… You can’t harm her….!

Evil West Witch


I want my sister’s shoes…! Give them to me now….! (She tries to take them

from Dorothy, when a bright light struck her and push her away…!)

(Magic sound appears)

Good South Witch


Now they belong to her… Go away and leave us alone….!

Evil West Witch


I will leave… but I will find you later… I will be back… HA, Ha, Ha…

Narrator Renata And the Evil Witch of the west disappear…

Narrator Ananda Then the Good North Witch said to Dorothy…

Good North Witch

Mariana M

You must go to Emerald City, and look for the Wizard of Oz…He is the only

one who might help you…

Dorothy Camila Where is it…?

Good South Witch


It is in the middle of the country, the Wizard of Oz rules the city, Nobody

knows him…

Dorothy Camila Is he a good man…?

Good North Witch

Mariana M

He is a good Wizard…! But I have never seen him !

Dorothy Camila How can I get there…?

Good South Witch

Adriana with all

the Munchkins…

Just follow the Yellow Brick Road…!


Munchkinwoman 1


Follow the yellow brick road…!

Munchkinwoman 2


Follow the yellow brick road…!

Munchkinman 1


Follow the yellow brick road…!

Munchkinman 2


Follow the yellow brick road…!

Play the song Follow the Yellow Brick Road

All the cast is dancing along…and leave the stage together…


Act 2 Story Locations: Munchkinland Following the Yellow Brick Road Cornfield Forest Grammar & Vocabulary focus:

Future going to/will Modals Feelings

Lasting time: 15 minutes

Music Intro… Follow the yellow brick road…



Dorothy is in Munchkinland asking for help and directions to go to

Emerald City…


Mariana G

Are you coming with me…?

Good North Witch

Mariana M

No we can´t, when you get to Oz tell him your story and ask for help…

Narrator Coty And the Good North Witch disappeared…

(Disappearance sound effect)

Dorothy Mariana G Oh! She is gone… TOTO, We have to go…!

Narrator Leon And Dorothy and TOTO started walking through the yellow brick road.

After a while, they heard someone talking.

Scarecrow Alan I need a brain please…!

Dorothy Mariana G Did you hear that Toto…? Who is talking…?

Scarecrow Alan It is me, look this way…!

Narrator Renata Then Dorothy saw a big cornfield where there was a scarecrow talking

to her…

Dorothy Mariana G Did you say that you need a brain…?

Scarecrow Alan Yes…! I only have straw…!

(song if I only had a brain)


Dorothy Mariana G If you don’t have a brain… How come you can talk…?

Scarecrow Alan I don’t know… Good question…!

Dorothy Mariana G Well, I can not get you a brain, but if you come with me to visit the

wizard of Oz, I sure that he could give you one…

Scarecrow Alan I will go with you…!

(song follow the yellow brick road) Everybody sings here…

Narrator Ananda So Dorothy, TOTO and the scarecrow kept walking. After a while they

listen to a strange sound and saw a tin man beside the road…

(Metal squeak sound)

Tin man Pedro Oil can…! Oil can…!

Dorothy Mariana G Oil can…? (Looking at the scarecrow)

Scarecrow Matteo I think that he is trying to say that he needs some oil…!

Dorothy Mariana G Look ! There is an oil can on the floor… Maybe that is what he wants!

Scarecrow Matteo Where do you want me to put the oil in…?

Tin Man Pedro In my chin …! In my chin please…!

Scarecrow Matteo Here, I will put some drops in your chin…!

(sound of dropping oil)

Tin Man Pedro OH… yes ! Now I can talk again… Thank you! But I need some in my

arms too…

Scarecrow Matteo Let me put some in your arms…!

(sound of dropping oil)

Tin man Pedro I also need oil in my legs and my feet pleaseeeee…!

(sound of dropping oil)

Dorothy Mariana G Let me put some too…!

( sound of dropping oil)

Tin man Pedro Perfect! Now I can talk and move again…And now my problem is that

I don’t have a heart…!

Dorothy Mariana G You don’t have a heart… ! (surprised)

Tin man Pedro No I don’t, and I need a heart…! I want to feel emotions, I want to

know what love is…!

(song if I only had a heart)

Dorothy Mariana G Well, come with us then… We are going to see the Wizard of Oz…

Maybe he would give you a heart…!

(song follow the yellow brick road)


Narrator Leon And Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man continue the

journey through the yellow brick road and after a few hours Toto

started barking…

( little dog barking sound)

Dorothy Ambar TOTO, stop barking… ( sound of wind moving bushes )

Narrator Ananda A scare big Lion was hiding behind he bushes beside the road…

Dorothy Ambar Come here Lion…! Toto will not harm you…!

Narrator Renata The Lion came out from his hiding place… He was crying…!

Dorothy Ambar Why are you crying… ?

Lion Aldo Because I wish I had courage… I was scared of your little dog…!

Dorothy Ambar I don’t understand, we know that you are the king of the jungle…!

Lion Aldo I know ! ( shaking all over…)

(Song If I only had courage)

Tin man Pedro Why don’t you come with us to visit the Wizard of Oz…? Maybe he

can also help you…!

Lion Aldo Yes ! I need courage…! And I really want to get it ! … Let’s go…!

Narrator Leon So everybody decided to go and visit the Wizard of Oz to make their

wishes come true…!

Song Follow the yellow brick road for the end of Act 2...


Act 3 Set Locations: At the palace at Emerald City At the West Witch Palace Back at the farm Grammar & Vocabulary focus:

Present tense Yes/No questions W/H questions Feelings.

Lasting time: 15 minutes

Intro music Joe versus the Volcano At the palace … Narrator Coty Finally, Dorothy, Toto and friends arrived to the palace and the

gatekeepers stopped them at the entrance…

Guard 1 Rafael Who are you and what do you want…! Go away…! No one is allowed

to be here…!

Guard 2 Erik No one is allowed to get even near the palace… Go away !



Please! Open the door, we have come to see the great Wizard of

Oz, he is the only one who can help us…

Guard 1 Rafael Who sent you here…?

Guard 2 Erik We don’t care, no one can see the Great Wizard…!

Dorothy Fernanda

Scarecrow Matteo

Tin man Santiago

Lion Aldo

The good witch of the North sent us, look at her shoes…!

Narrator Ananda One of the gatekeepers looked at the shoes and said….

Guard 1 Rafael Those are the Evil East witch’s shoes! (surprised)

Guard 2 Erik Let me see what I can do…! Please wait here…!

Narrator Coty After a while, the guard finally opened the door and allow them to

enter into the palace…

Guard 1 Rafael Come in… Go straight to the hall, then turn to the right…!

Guard 3 Cuauhtémoc You will find a red door, open it and there you will find the wizard…!

Dorothty Fernanda Oh! Thank you!...


Narrator León They entered the palace, when through the long hall, then they got

to the red door and opened it…!

Narrator Ananda And as soon as they were were inside the wizard appear behind the

big mirror that was on the wall…


Fernando Alt

What do you want… How do you dare to come to my palace and

bother me…? I really hope that it is important what you have to

say… Otherwise you all will regret it…!

Dorothy Fernanda Oh No ! Please great wizard, listen to us…

Lion Aldo Please Wizard !

Scarecrow Matteo What we have to say…

Tin Man Santiago It is really important…!

Wizard Fernando Alt Talk then…You are wasting my time…!

Narrator Renata And they explained what they needed…!

Wizard Fernando Alt Very well… I will help you, but with one condition… First, you have

to destroy the cruelest witch in the country… The witch of the West!

Then your problems will be solved…! ( suspense sound )

Tin man Santiago How…?

Wizard Fernando Alt When you destroy the witch, you (pointing at the

Scarecrow) You will get your brain. You, (pointing at the

Lion) You will get courage, and you (pointing at the Tin man)

You will have your heart…!

Dorothy Fernanda And what about me…?

Wizard Fernando Alt Then, and only after you have destroyed the evil witch, the North

witch will tell you how you can return home…! Now… Go!

Narrator Ananda They left the palace and started the journey looking for the Evil Witch, and after a long walk, they arrived to a beautiful garden…

At the garden Dorothy Fernanda Oh! This garden is so beautiful and those flowers are so pretty, and

the smell is so fragrant… That I really want to sleep…!

Narrator Coty And Dorothy fall asleep…!

Lion Rafael Me too! I feel so relaxed! (and also falls asleep)

Tin man Santiago Oh! I can’t even feel my arms, I am so sleepy… (and also falls asleep)


Scarecrow Matteo No, you can’t all go to sleep now… We have things to do…! (but also

falls asleep )

Narrator León While they were sleeping, they were captured by some evil flying

monkeys that were sent by the Evil Witch of the West…! After a few

hours they finally woke up…!

At the Evil West Witch’s palace… (Twilight zone music)

Dorothy Abril

Scarecrow Alan

Tinman Pedro

Lion Armando

Where are we…? This is not where we are supposed to be…!

(Evil West Witch Laughing)

Evil West witch


You are in my palace…! Ha, Ha, Haaaaa…! And now, take off my

sister’s shoes…!

Dorothy Abril No! I will never give them to you…!

Evil West witch


I am warning you…! If you don’t give me the shoes, You will never

see the light of day again…Ha, Ha, Ha…..!

Scarecrow Alan Let’s get her…! That is what we are here for!

Evil West Witch


Ha, ha, haaaaa ! You Will be very easily destroyed…! I will cast a spell

on you, Tricky trash!, Tricky mash!, Turn this piece of straw into ash!


(Burning sound)

Dorothy Abril Stop it….!

Narrator Ananda Then, Dorothy saw a bucket of water that was on the floor, grabbed

it and threw it at the burning Scarecrow, however, some of the

water spilled over the witch without her noticing it…

Evil West Witch


No, no…! What have you done…? I am melting, I am melting…!


( Melting or fizzing sound) Steam hissing sound

Narrator Coty Dorothy didn’t know that water would make the evil witch


Tin man Pedro Dorothy…! YOU DESTROYED HER !!!!

Dorothy Abril Now that we have destroyed the evil witch, We will have what we

need. Scarecrow will get his brain…

Scarecrow Alan And the Tin man will get his heart…!


Tin man Pedro And the Lion will have Courage…!

Dorothy Abril And me…? How can I go home again…!

Narrator Leon Suddenly, the North Witch appears….

(Sudden witch appearance sound )

Dorothy Yazmin Oh, good witch…! Please help me…! Now everybody has

what they have wished for… Except for me…! Please, Help

me go home again…!

North Good Witch

Mariana M

Oh Dorothy, If you only knew…! The power has always been

inside you…! It has been inside you all this time…! The shoes

that you are wearing can take you anywhere you wish to


Dorothy Yazmin How can these Shoes take me home…?

Good south witch


All you have to do is tapped your heels together three times

and say to yourself… “There is no place like home”, “There

is no place like home”…There is no place like home”…

Dorothy Yazmin But before that…! I have to say goodbye to my friends…!

Oh! My good friends, I will miss you so much…!

Scarecrow Alan I will miss you too Dorothy, and thanks to you my brain will

help me think of you and never forget you…!

Tin Man Pedro And for me, I will always keep you in my heart…!

Lion Armando And I will always have courage to fight in your name…!

Good North Witch

Mariana M

Are you ready….?

Dorothy Yazmin Yessss! I really am…!!!

Good South Witch


Now, close your eyes and do as we told you to do…

Dorothy Yazmin “There’s no place like home” There is no place like home”,

There is no place like home” Tapping the heels of the shoes

(Appearance sound)

Back at the farm… (in Dorothy´s bedroom)


Narrator Fernanda And Dorothy woke up in her bed…!

Dorothy Vicky Where am I…?

Uncle Henry Erik Where do you think you are…? You are home….!!!!

Dorothy Vicky Home…? I am home…? It was all a dream…! Oh dear Uncle,

Oh dear Aunt… I love you so much… I thought I would never

see you again…!

Aunt Em Renata How innocent of you…!

Uncle Henry Aunt Em

Erik and Renata

(Hugging Dorothy) We love you too…!!!

Final act… Dance all together Crocodile Rock by Elton John…