The Truth About the Fashion Industry Sizing Lies



Whether you're a fan of vegetarian fashion or not, you need to know the truth about sizing. You might not be the size you think you are!

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The Truth About the Fashion Industry’s Lies in Sizing

Written by: Renia Pruchnicki on January 30th, 2014

Believe it or not, the fashion industry has been telling you you’re a different size than what you really are!

When I was in my twenties I decided I wanted to start a vegan and vegetarian fashion business. One of the first decisions I had to make was how I was going to size my belts. Not having any experience with this aspect of the business of belts, I started my research. And I have to admit that what I found out was quite shocking. Now, vegan and vegetarian fashion or not, there are certain things you’d expect to be true everywhere, but that’s not the case!

Fashion Psychology

The truth is that even though there are 12 inches in one foot on every ruler on the planet, a 34-inch belt is not 34 inches in every place on the planet. What is going in our world is something called psychological sizing, or vanity sizing. Call them what you will, they’re simply lies in the fashion industry! Over the years, sizes have gradually become larger. What used to be a size 10 is now a size 6.Years ago being a size 12 was considered average (certainly not overweight!). But now, size 12 is considered to be overweight! We are filling people with a false sense of security. Instead of bringing them to the realization of their actual size which could possibly mean they would need to hit the gym more often or change their diet, we feed them these fashion industry lies.

One writer for Esquire did an in-depth analysis of men’s’ slacks a few years ago. In most cases, major brands were adding 2-3 inches to their flattering size number. Old Navy added 5 inches! To me, this is unacceptable!

The Truth in Vegan and Vegetarian Fashion!

As the owner of a vegan and vegetarian fashion company, you can imagine the confusion I experienced. Because my company name is “Truth”, I decided to be honest and go with what I call ‘true sizing’. I decided to make my belts with 6 holes instead of 5. Truth vegan and vegetarian fashion belts are sized in such a way that if you are looking for 34”, the actual measurement of 34” is measured to the second hole. If you need more space, you have 4 extra holes that you can expand to. This seems to work out, but not all the time. As the years progress and pant sizes become larger, people have become accustomed to think they are 2-4 inches smaller than they really are! Customers have actually expressed their anger to me and have told me that my belt sizing is wrong! Picture this. I’m at a trade show, and a guy will come up to me and check out my belts. He likes the Westie, and asks for “his” belt size, which I know by looking at him, is way too small. What can I do? I do my best to be polite and explain the psychological sizing in today’s world. Some people do not accept it and actually get angry at me. My main explanation is that whatever your pant size is; order one size up for your belt. Other belt manufacturers do the same thing. I will not waiver. I don’t think it’s right that a person fits a size 6 in one store and a size 10 in another. I will stand firm on my decision to use true sizing with my vegan and vegetarian fashion products. Rulers and tape measures can be found in manufacturers all over the world. Here’s an idea… let’s actually use them! Thanks for reading! Yours in health, consciousness, and cool fashion, this is Renia Pruchnicki of Truth Belts! Live Your Truth, and Respect Others!

Renia Pruchnicki is a fashion designer, and owner of Truth, a vegan belts and vegan fashion

company. With a passion for sustainability, healthy living, buying local and organic and zero foot-

print lifestyles, Renia expresses her creativity wherever she can. To discover more about vegan

fashion, check out Truth online: Website | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter |