The Coca Leaf Debate



The Coca Leaf Debate. Melissa Maeda. The Coca Leaf Debate. Peru. International Opposition. The coca leaf is the source of the addictive narcotic – cocaine, so the plant must be outlawed. The Coca leaf has nutritional and medicinal properties, making it worth protecting. vs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Coca Leaf Debate

Melissa Maeda

The Coca Leaf Debate

-The coca leaf is the source of the addictive narcotic – cocaine, so the plant must be outlawed.

- The Coca leaf has nutritional and medicinal properties, making it worth protecting.





1961The United Nations listed the coca leaf as an illegal substance along with cocaine and heroin

Since then, the coca leaf’s legal International merchandising has been limited.

The Coca Leaf Debate

Coca Leaf

According to scientists: - If it is consumed in it’s natural form, the leaf is not

toxic and does not produce dependency.- Cocaine is just one of the many alkaloids found in the

coca leaf and accounts for only 1% of the leaf.

Coca Leaf’s benefits

It increases the amount of oxygen in your blood allowing to travel to high altitudes

1 2They are mild stimulant because provides your body with all sort of vitamins

+ proteins than meat+ calcium than milk+ phorphorus than fish

3Help overcome fatigue, hunger and thirst 4It is used as an anesthetic

to alliviate the pain of headache, rheumatism, wounds and sores.

Coca Leaf Legal Uses




Medicinal treatment

Food Industry

Traditional Culture

Coca Cultivation in Peru

Even though, the Coca cultivation has increased 2% in Peru, it continues having international limitations

Discussion question # 1

Do you think the coca leaf should be considered an illegal substance? Why or why not?

Discussion question # 2

Do you think US should allow the entrance of products that contain coca leaf like: energy drinks, granola bars, teas, etc?

Discussion question # 3

How do you think the Peruvian government should manage this problem? Do you think they should continue exporting this plant and allowing its cultivation?

Discussion question # 4

Does your country have a similar situation with any product/plant?

Discussion question # 5

Who do you think is responsible for the current issues related to the coca leaf: the farmers, the Peruvian Government, those who transform coca leaves into cocaine, or drug users?

