The Aliya Update Nov. 16 2018€¦ · to punch out a menorah Dovy putting candles in the...


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The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya

Nov. 16 2018

ט‘‘כסלו, תשע ‘ח

פרשת ויצא

Vol.2 Issue 8

Menahel’s Message

A Weekly Column on the Topic of Al Pi Darko Chinuch


There will be

no busses on

Thursday and Friday,

Nov 22-23.

Thursday 2:00 pm dismissal

for all elementary grades.

Friday 12:00 pm dismissal.

SKILLS In an APD environment, 'skills' refer to all the tools a

talmid needs to become an independent As the

talmid gains new skills, he must constantly apply

them to his learning in order for them to be truly


FROM CONCRETE TO ABSTRACT In the area of child development, there is a

progression that has implications when it comes to

learning new skills. Very young children can relate

to and understand that which is concrete. As the

child's mind develops, he is able to eventually

understand that which is abstract.

Therefore, in an APD environment, if the child is to

develop skills at a very young age, he must use

concrete, physical materials that he can

understand. As he gets older, he can move to

representations of more abstract ideas using paper

and pencil. This explains why in our yeshiva we use

two- and three-dimensional objects for as long as

the student needs them to develop the particular


MOTIVATION & INTEREST Developing skills not only fosters independence,

but also generates student motivation and interest.

Like adults, most children enjoy doing that which

they are good at doing. And like adults, children

feel that they are good at something when they are

able to do it on their own

To be continued....

Yaakov Levine, grade 5 helping

Avram Gez grade 1 with reading

Happy Birthday to... Hillel Feder-8 Kislev

Mazel Tov to…

Rabbi & Mrs. Skaist

on the birth of a grandson.

May you see much nachas

from him

and from the whole family!

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Dear Parents, ש“עמו


Chanukah is definitely in the air as we began to decorate our classroom with the

children’s chanukah artwork! The boys are all enjoying the many new chanukah works

in every area. It was with much excitement that we began learning the חנוכה story.

First we started with the history, of when the חנוכה story happened on the timeline.

Then we heard about king אנטיוכוס and what kind of king he was. We simply can’t wait

to continue learning more about it next week ה“אי !

Preschool Morah Hindy Meisels

Shloimy using rubber bands to

make different chanukah pictures

Yehuda making a dreidel

Ezriel writing real words חנוכה

Ahron putting the right amount of dreidels to the corresponding number

Eliyahu using pushpins to punch out a menorah

Dovy putting candles in the corresponding holes

:נפלאות הבורא

This week we continued learning about our five senses and focused on the sense of sight. We

learned how intricate the eye is and how the eyelid protects our eyes. We discussed that

Hashem made everybody’s eyes so nice to look at with the different colors, and when we talk

to someone we should look at their eyes. Morah then asked us when it is that we can’t see

with our eyes and we were all trying to guess, but when we went into a room with no

windows and closed the light we understood! It was so dark! We couldn’t see anything! We

spoke about the different things that help us see. The boys loved coming up with different

sources of lights– sun, light bulb, flashlight, and of course the חנוכה lechtilich! We discussed

why Hashem gave us eyes, what מצות we can do with them and how we can keep them heilig!

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

The mitzvos the boys

shared with morah

Yehudah checking his

eye color in the mirror

Preschool Morah Hindy Meisels

The boys made a check

by their eye color

Ahron and Eliyahu enjoying a game of ‘I Spy’ using a magnifying glass

Ezriel and Eliyahu working on their sight project



We love story time! We already learned so many literary elements such as title,

author, illustrator, topic etc. This week we learned about fact/fiction.

We are sending home our five senses folder for you to enjoy. Please remember to send it back on Monday!

Have a good Shabbos

Morah Hindy Meisels and Morah Hindy Grinblat

Each child's creativity and uniqueness really

shone through as they each created a ladder

to depict Yaakov’s dream. They were all able

to choose from various materials such as

straws, popsticks, pipecleaners, toothpicks,

and q-tips to create their own ladder. We

learned such an important lesson from רחל

about not embarrassing someone and אמינו

being מוותר. We are really trying to learn and

emulate her ways.

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Preschool Morah Hindy Meisels


This week we learned the letter

and the sound of the ‘ה. We

enjoyed Hopping in the Hula

Hoops to the correct letter. We had

a great time playing the Headband

game giving Hints to try to figure

out which ב-א is on our hat.

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Grade 1 Rabbi Miller

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

ה“ב and שלום עליכם for an exciting and prosperous week

here in כתה א‘ as we get closer to ט חנוכה“יו . We had an

exciting trip to the Living Torah Museum where we

actually saw and held the oldest used מנורה! We saw

helmets and swords from the time of בית שני and lots

more. The Rebbeim had a contest spinning a top that goes

back to בית שני! How exciting and real good learning

experience this trip was!

In our classroom this week one was able to hear the sweet

sounds of the טראפ as we began טעמים/טראפ in

preparation of our מסיבות חומש!

Areas of accomplishments for this week are:

andאשר יצר, ברכת על נטי‘ , and discussion on טיישט :תפילה

.נקבים נקבים חלולים חלולים A lesson on .אלקי נשמה

of our red א, י, ת, נ We learned future prefixes :לשון תורה

future banner.

each day. Please make sure קריאה We practice :קריאה

your son does קריאה homework every day!

.יד‘ new packet , א‘- יג‘ Review of packets :מילים

.עבודה זרה were about מצות This week :תרי“ג

להרג, שקר, לשמר, להתנבא

Timeline: We learned about the יהודי‘ בבל ותקופות הגאונים and about י הקדוש“רש leading into the part of גלות אדום the crusades.

.ע‘, ל‘,ד‘ We learned script letters :כתיבה

Work cycle: The boys are learning and reviewing their

גמטריא& קריאה and prefixes and suffixes as well as מילים

We learned parsha with parsha picture cards and :פרשה


Songs: רחם נא...,ואתה בנים שורו למלך

ן שבת,‘א גוט

י.א. מיללער‘ ר

Meir and Yossi enjoying chess together

Shimi working on his Lashon

Hatorah booklet

Shammai working on yellow banner suffixes

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

Now that we’re nearing the yom tov of chanukah we got to talking about the chashmonaim.

When the boys were questioned about the strength of the Greeks versus the strength of

the yidden they said that the Greeks were stronger physically but weaker in torah,

whereas the yidden were stronger in torah, but weaker physically. We then discussed

which group emerged the victor and we took that as proof that torah strength is the

ultimate strength. Afterwards the boys gave different examples of how they can prove

their true torah strength. During the month of chanukah, the first graders will be

challenged to exhibit this strength by earning stars which are symbolic of Jewish

strength. On chanukah, the victors will celebrate in a fun and meaningful way-in the spirit

of chanukah.

When we did math, the boys couldn’t for one second forget that chanukah is coming. All

their math work involved menorahs, candles, and the nights of chanukah. They practiced

creating four different equations from one number bond, two addition and two

subtraction equations. Also, just from hearing a number story, they needed to think up of

an appropriate subtraction equation. Most boys have a good grasp of their math facts, so

finding the answer was not difficult. The challenge was to engage their minds and

develop their thinking; through supplying the complete equation, they accomplished


By now handwriting is part and parcel of their daily work. The boys are making steady

progress and are finding it much easier to form letters with proper line boundaries.

They also learned about the parts of a plant and found all the parts on an actual live plant.

Next they’ll be learning about the functions of each individual part.

Both phonics groups steadily advanced in their reading. The first group learned the

digraph qu, as well as reviewed all previous digraphs. The second group learned the

rules of the soft c and soft g, and they also got started on compound words with long


Have a great Shabbos, Morah Posner

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Grade 1 Morah Posner

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Grade 2 Rabbi Sabbagh

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

In Second Grade this week the boys had the opportunity

to go to the Living Torah Museum and touch and feel some

of the history we have been learning about. Wow! What

an amazing experience that was!

Some of our accomplishments this week:

ברכות We have been going through :ביאור תפילה at a time. This week we learned ברכה one השחר

about שלא עשני אשה.

Davening is going strong. We are getting ready to :תפילה

add ישתבח to our davening this week.

.every day of the week פרק on a גירסא We did :גירסא

All the skills the boys have developed are :לשון התורה

really coming to life when we work on התורה לשון .

We worked on writing script letters neatly and :ּכתיבה

clearly and we focused on perfecting the script letter

‘&ח‘ז .

In חומש: We finished 'פרק יח this week

Reviewed hundreds of words together as a class :מילים

and in work cycles as well.

The boys have become more fluent with every day :קריאה

of practice.

Timeline: Uncovering the fourth layer of many layers of

the timeline. This has been so amazing; it makes the Torah

so real and tangible!

We learned through the whole parsha with the :פרשה

picture cards and explained some bullet points for each


Reviewed 30 mitzvos a day as a class besides for :תרי“ג

the mitzvos learned during the work cycles.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Sabbagh

The boys fascinated by Rabbi Deutch’s explanations

of the exhibits

Lazer davening beautifully

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Grade 2 Miss Tenenbaum

Learning how atoms connect

Working on synonyms and


Dear Parents, ש“עמו

This week we learned many new and important skills. First, we

learned how to write on loose leaf paper, neatly, with small legible

alphabet. We also learned how to write a heading so that we can

identify the papers and where they belong with ease.

That covered, we were able to go ahead and align our numbers

properly on our math sheets.

We are up to three digits in math! We can add and subtract

mentally, when its aligned properly! Now, we are learning to carry

numbers, because it’s so neat in our brains. Our progress is so

substantial, that some of us have completed our Mr. Math Charts


In Language Arts, we are deep into letter blends, such as three

consonants uninterrupted by vowels. Its hard work, but we’re really

getting there! We’re learning about doing synonyms and antonyms.

Science fun, here we come! Atoms connect to form molecules, and

just like little boys, they must follow rules, because otherwise there

is a completely different result. We had a fun, hands-on experiment

with marshmallows and toothpicks that was enlightening and


Happy birthday, Hillel! May you be a source of yiddish nachas for

your parents, always!

Gut Shabbos,

Miss Tenenbaum

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Grade 3 Rabbi Borr

Our board on parshas vayeitzei

Mordechai hard at work with the milim

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

Let's start off this weeks newsletter with a belated

MAZEL TOV! On Friday we celebrated finishing

parshas Vayeishev with a siyum for the ages. Granted

we are celebrating a month late, but we made up for it

with the best siyum ever! We had hot chocolate, mini

marshmallows, a story, and extra recess with Rebbi. It

was so much fun and it made last week's erev shabbos

a really special one!

In other news, this week we finished the sixth aliya in

parshas mikeitz, and the next siyum is just around the

corner! Can't wait!

Our Shemoneh Esrei has really been moving along. We

have added the bracha of atah chonen and will be

adding more brachos next week! We begin these

additions with learning about these tefillos in biyur

tefillah, and once we understand the tefillah's message

and application, we add it into our davening.

As our second shabbos in chodesh kislev is upon us,

our chanukah learning is in full swing. We began

learning minhagim, halachos, songs, and will be

learning about the special koach hatefillah that we

have on chanukah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Rabbi Borr Ariel working on the timeline

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Dear Parents, ש“עמו


Every day a math drill with a timer we do,

To race the time and have everything correct too.

Each time getting better in solving addition and subtraction,

Finally we are ready to observe more information.

How to solve word problems we are focusing,

Looking out for certain word they are using.

If it’s the word ‘sum’ we know a total they are asking,

When seeing the word ‘difference’ we are definitely



Third grade was full of joy,

When Mordy gave each boy.

Lego candy representing the letter ‘l’,

We practiced the letter until we knew it well.


The strategy of sequence helps us,

To summarize a story the right way,

We all wrote a paragraph without a fuss,

By arranging four things done throughout the day.

Have a great shabbos,

Miss Jacobowitz

Grade 3 Miss Jacobowitz

Mordy introducing the letter ‘L’ with

a lego candies

Finding the difference of the colored pencils.

Mordechai working on math

Ari working on cursive writing

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Intermediate Boys Rabbi Touretski

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

B”H we had another productive week in our IB

class! In חומש: “Why in the world is Moshe Rabbeinu

bringing קרבנות– he is not a Cohen!?” –

exclaimed the תלמידים as we learned through

the פרשה of the מילואים– the seven days of the

inauguration of the משכן. Also, to their surprise,

they discovered that the real amount of the

פרשה סימן is 97, despite the פרשה in the פסוקיםמזל טוב .which seems to indicate that it is 96 )צ"ו( on completing פרשת צו! We are looking

forward to our ה“בעז סיום .

In משניות: We are doing חזרה on the first two

Our popsicle sukkah .משניות סוכה of פרקים

collection keeps growing.

Looking forward to another exciting week,

ה“בעז .

Gut Shabbos,

Rabbi Touretski

The boys focusing

on gematria

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Upper Boys Rabbi Gildengorn

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

It’s been just a blast of a week! Baruch Hashem the boys have continued their hard work

learning תורה. We are now starting to use healthy methods of competition using our “גמרא

Gameshow” to enhance the level of knowledge of the תלמידים,. “The ultimate victory in

competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and

that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give.” – Howard Cosell

In גמרא : We continued to plunge deeper into the beautiful depths of מסכת מכות in פרק אלו הן Project” was used to evaluate our preparatory and skills. It was inspiring ריטבא“ The .הגולין

to see our budding תלמידי חכמים go out to the בית מדרש and learn on their own. As we

increase our חזרה and the healthy level of competition in שיעור, may we see קנאה סופרים תרבה !חכמה

In חומש: We have continued our investigation of פרשת שלח. This week we have been

reviewing פרק י"ג and are preparing for our בחינה. In our pursuit of educational skills and

proper educational behaviors, we have been continuously poring over our חומשים and fully

acquiring mastery of our פרק.

A Lesson Learned in Class: רש"י taught us that when the מרגלים traveled through ארץ כנען

their journey was cut significantly shorter in travel time. Why? Because 'ה knew that the עונש

for their time used for an עבירה would be one year in the מדבר for every day traveled.

Therefore, in 'ה‘s infinite רחמנרת, he shortened the travel time miraculously (by a minimum of

40 days). The boys brought out a very important lesson. 'ה is not just looking to punish us,

rather it is just an inevitable מידת הדין. Therefore, אבינו אב הרחמן felt that it was כדאי to change

the טבע of the world just to decrease having to punish us. How comforting is it to be watched

over by such a powerful yet merciful G-d? Can we appreciate the חסדי ה' ?

In הלכה: We have started preparing the הלכות of חנוכה. It was moving to see our boys’

excitement to tackle the numerous הלכות and answering their review booklets!

Have a great שבת!

Rabbi Moshe Gildengorn

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Upper Boys Rabbi Gildengorn

Reviewing the taryag mitzvos

Gemara Game Show trial run

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויצא תשע

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

Melamed Academy is loaded with different

subjects each offering a unique learning

experience. In order to familiarize you with what

the children are learning and share the boys

experiences we will be interviewing one boy

each week on a topic that he has covered. This

week, we will zoom in on Science Studies Weekly

with Chanoch Levine.

Studies Weekly is a platform we use for social

studies and science for the 5th grade. The topics

are divided up by weeks, so each week we take

one topic to learn about. This week he learned

all about electricity.

“At the end of the lesson they even teach you how

to make an electric circuit! When you open the

lessons, there are introduction videos to get you

ready to do the reading. As you read there is a

tracker on the progress of the reading, and when

finished you take a 10-12 question test.”

Based on an interview with Chanoch Levine

Melamed Academy Rabbi Sabbagh


Spotlight on…

The Aliya Update פרשת ויצא

This trip was an unforgettable experience, yet at the same time, very

difficult to describe. Our talmidim saw and actually held ancient artifacts

that related to Chanukah that were from that time period. These included

a silver coin minted with the image of Antiochus, a Greek dreidel, and

the oldest menora extant valued at $1 million. The difficult part is

describing the feeling of seeing and handling items thousands of years

old that are mention in various places throughout Torah. Fantastic!

Incredible! Amazing! Surreal!