SUMMARY & RefeRenceS - · In the paper a review of indicators characterising the...


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S U M M A R Y & R e f e R e n c e SS o c i e t y


L.A. GuzikovaDr. of Sciences, professor, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg;


A.S. PanteleyevBachelor, Master’s degree student, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg;

e-mail: panteleev_alexandr@mail.ruCorrelatIon analySIS of InnoVatIVe aCtIVIty and InformatIZatIon In the regIonS of rUSSIan federatIonIn the paper a review of indicators characterising the level of informatizatiom and innovation in the regions of Russia was done. The characteristics of variational series of these indicators were calculated and attempts to con-firm the relationship between these indicators were undertaken. According to the results of analysis conclusions about the level of informatization and innovation activity of organizations in regions of the Russian Federation were made. It was also concluded that there are no grounds to recognize the level of information a key factor of innovation development in the regions of Russia.Key words: informatization and communication technology, innovative activity, single-equation methods, vari-ational series, statistic correlation, coefficient of determination, the coefficient of variation.

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[2] Guzikova L.A., Volkova N.V. The information economy and the new paradigm of the credit market [Infor-matsionnaya ekonomika i novaya paradigma kreditnogo rynka] // Scientific and technical sheets of St. Pe-tersburg State Polytechnic University. Economics [Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Ekonomicheskie nauki], 2009, Volume 3 [T. 3], № 79, pp 262–267.

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[8] Statistics of Science and Innovation: A brief glossary of terms [Statistika nauki i innovatsiy: Kratkiy termino-logicheskiy slovar’]. Ed. LM Hochberg, Moscow, CSRS, 1998.

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V.V. NikiforovPhD, director, Scientific and Information Technologies Center “Asterion”, St. Petersburg;

e-mail: nix@asterion.ruCorrUptIon aS a defeCt of SyStem of pUblIC admInIStratIonThe «agency» model of management process is considered. «Owner» (the state or corporation) charges to «agents» (performers) to distribute resources between «clients». If «owner» is corrupted owing to incompetence, negli-gence, self-confidence, arrogance, insufficient abilities, laziness, there is the greatest decline of quality of man-



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223agement that is especially dangerous in the the North. It is shown that «feedback» in management process are provided decrease in corruption risks. These communications can be realized through control from society which represents «clients». The great value for decrease of the corruption in a control system will provide in the north: an accurate goal-setting concerning development of northern territories; correction of differentiation of powers of the center and periphery; expansion of control of «agents» as from higher power, and ordinary citizens and civil structures.Key words: Civil control, corruption, feedback, northern region, control system.

References:[1] Bogdanov S. The governor of Sakhalin is detained for a bribe [Gubernator Sahalina zaderzhan za vzjatku] // URL:[2] The head of Yakutia notes deficiency of financing on northern delivery of 2015 [Glava Jakutii otmechaet

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[5] Nikiforov V.V. Corruption: in search of overcoming it by means of the system analysis [Korrupcija: poisk putej preodolenija s pomoshh’ ju sistemnogo analiza] // Problems of modern economics [Problemy sovremen-noj jekonomiki]. 2011, № 4, pp. 63–67.

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[7] Nikiforov V.V. Estimation of resistance to corruption for the systems with network structure [Ocenka rez-istentnosti k korrupcii dlja sistem, imejushhih setevuju strukturu] // Society. Environment. Development [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie]. 2011, № 4, pp. 25–31.

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E.Ch. ChabiboullinaPhD in economics, Specialist on education, Moscow State University, Moscow;

e-mail: habibullina888@mail.ruQUantatIVe appreCIatIon of the role of hIgh CredIt rate for the real SeCtor aS a faCtor of growth of InflatIonThis article deals with quantative appreciation of the role of high credit rate for the real sector as a factor of growth of inflation. Russian neodirigism`s credit policy proposing the radical reduction of the key rate for real sector investitions can generate the reduction of the inflation.Key words: public expenditures, money supply, monetary policy, investments, innovations, inflation, key interest rate, neodirigisme, monetarism, development.

References[1] Verner R. Report on the forum of the Institute of economy of RAS [Doklad na forume Instituta economiki

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[3] Osipoff Y. M. Neodirigism plus neoliberalism equals modern Russian economy. [Neodirigism plus neolib-eralism pavniaetsya economuca sovremennoy Rossii] // Philosophy of economy [Filosofiya hoziaystva], 2012, № 2, pp. 9–13.

[4] Souvorov P.A. The INPUT-OUTPUT method as an instrument of evaluation of the macroeco-nomic effec-tiveness of the innovation-investement projects. Author’s abstract of dissertation [Metod zatrati-vipusk kak instrument ozenki makroekonomicheskoy effectivnosti innovazionnih proectov. Aftoreferat dissertazii na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata ekonomicheskih nauk], Moscow, 2014, 26 p.

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[6] Khabibullina E.Kh. The Concept of national-state Dirigism of Francois Perroux and its Possibles Applications in Russian Economic Reality [Uchenie o nazionalno-gosudarstvennom dirigisme F.Perru i yevo rossiyskoie pril-ogenie] // Economic theory of the XX1 century: Russian anticrisis and the economic science [Ekonomicheskaya teoriya v XX1 veke: rossiyskiy antikrisis i econimicheskaya nauka], Moscow–Tambov, 2015. pp. 513–525.


V.S. Brachev,PhD, professor, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg;

e-mail: V.Brachev@yandex.ruhIStorIan Zalman borISoVICh loZInSKy (1898–1936)The biography of the prominent historian Marxist of the end of the 1920th – the first half of the 1930th of professor of department of the Russian history of the Leningrad teacher training college of A.I. Herzen and All-Union com-munistic agricultural university of I.V. Stalin, the director of Institute of literature and art of the Leningrad office of the Z.B Communistic academy Lozinsky. The main milestones of a course of life of the scientist are considered, his scientific works are analysed. The special attention is paid to arrest of the historian in July, 1936 elected by him lines of conduct during the investigation and to its indications. Work is based on materials of UFSB Archive of the Russian Federation across St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and other libraries and archive depositories.Key words: Z.B. Lozinsky, the Soviet historical science, political repressions to the USSR, the Leningrad teacher training college of A.I. Herzen, the Leningrad office of Communistic academy, economic policy of Provisional government

References:[1] RGPU archive of A.I. Herzen [Arkhiv RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena]. D. 400 (Z.B. Lozinsky).[2] UFSB archive of the Russian Federation across SPb. and LO [Arkhiv UFSB RF po SPb. i LO]. Act of P-80091

in 20 t. Vol.1 (on Lozinsky Zalman Borisovich’s charge [po obvineniyu Lozinskogo Zalmana Borisovicha]).[3] UFSB archive of the Russian Federation across SPb. and LO [Arkhiv UFSB RF po SPb. i LO]. Act of P-80091 in

20 t. Vol.2 (on Lidak Otto Avgustovich’s charge and others [po obvineniyu Lidak Otto Avgustovicha i drugikh]).[4] UFSB archive of the Russian Federation across SPb. and LO [Arkhiv UFSB RF po SPb. i LO]. Act of P-80091

in 20 t. T.9.[5] The bourgeoisie and landowners in 1917: private meetings of members of the State Duma [Burzhuaziya i

pomeshchiki v 1917 g.: chastnye soveshchaniya chlenov Gosudarstvennoy dumy] / Under the editorship of A.K. Drezen, with предисл. Z.B. Lozinsky. Moscow-Leningrad, Partizdat, 1932.

[6] Volobuyev P.V. Economic policy of Provisional government [Ekonomicheskaya politika Vremennogo pravitel’stva]. Moscow, Publishing house of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1962.

[7] Zaydel G., Tsvibak M. The class enemy on the historical front [Klassovyy vrag na istoricheskom fronte] // G. Zaydel and M. Tsvibak’s Reports on Tarle and Platonov and their schools and debate [Doklady G. Zaydelya i M. Tsvibaka o Tarle i Platonove i ikh shkolakh i preniya]. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.

[8] News [Izvestiya]. 1934, December 5.[9] Lozinsky Z. Provisional government in «fight» against industrial ruin [Vremennoe pravitel’stvo v «bor’be» s

promyshlennoy razrukhoy] // Proletarian revolution [Proletarskaya revolyutsiya]. 1927, № 10(69), pp. 138–165, № 11(70).

[10] Lozinsky Z. Historian of great-power Russia S. M. Solovyyov [Istorik velikoderzhavnoy Rossii S.M. Solov’ev] // the Russian historical literature in class lighting. Collection of articles. With the preface and under the editorship of M. N. Pokrovsky. Works of Institute of Red professorate [Russkaya istoricheskaya literatura v klassovom osveshchenii. Sbornik statey. S predisl. i pod red. M.N. Pokrovskogo. Trudy Instituta Krasnoy professury]. Vol.1 [T.1], Moscow, 1927.

[11] Lozinsky Z.B. Autobiography [Avtobiografiya]. RGPU archive of A.I. Herzen. 400 (Z.B. Lozinsky).[12] Lozinsky Z.B. Autobiography [Avtobiografiya], 1934. SPb. branch of Russian Academy of Sciences archive.

Vol. 225. Op. 4a. 163.[13] Lozinsky Z.B. Fight for socialist realism and literary criticism [Bor’ba za sotsialisticheskiy realizm i liter-

aturovedenie] // In disputes on a method. Collection of articles about socialist realism [V sporakh o metode. Sb. statey o sotsialisticheskom realizme]. Leningrad, Leningrad regional publishing house [Leningradskoe oblastnoe izdatel’stvo], 1934.

[14] Lozinsky Z.B. A personal leaf on registration of personnel [Lichnyy listok po uchetu kadrov]. On April 8, 1934. RGPU Archive of A.I. Herzen. 400 (Z.B. Lozinsky).

[15] Lozinsky Z.B. List of scientific works [Spisok nauchnykh rabot], 23.04.1934. CSGAIPD SPb. F. 1728. Оp. 1. 654420 (Z.B. Lozinsky).

[16] Lozinsky Z.B. Economic policy of Provisional government [Ekonomicheskaya politika Vremennogo pravitel’stva]. Leningrad, Surf [Priboy], 1929.

[17] Lozinsky Zalman Borisovich // Professors of the Russian state pedagogical university of A.I. Herzen in the XX century [Professora Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A.I. Gertsena v XX veke]. SPb, publishing house of RGPU of A.I. Herzen, 2000, 392 p.

[18] SPb. Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences archive [filial arkhiva RAN]. Vol. 225 (Komakademiya’s LO). Оp. 4a. 163.

[19] Central state archive of historical and political documents of St. Petersburg (TSGAIPD SPb) [Tsentral’nyy gosudarstvennyy arkhiv istoriko-politicheskikh dokumentov Sankt-Peterburga (TsGAIPD SPb)]. Vol. 1728. Оp. 1. 654420 (Z.B. Lozinsky).



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22�D.V. Shevchenko,Post-graduate student, St. Petersburg State University;

e-mail: tunridash@yandex.ruthe XXI ConVoCatIon of the lenSoVIet and the featUreS of ItS StrUCtUre’S formatIon (1990–1991)The article is devoted to the features of the structure formation of the Leningrad Soviet of People’s Deputies (XXI convocation). Chronological framework covers the period from the convening of the first session in April 1990 to the election of the city’s mayor in June 1991. The author considers the problem of choosing a chairman, the presidium, the standing committees and the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Soviet. The author describes the conflict in the Leningrad City Soviet in the 1990-1991, which prevented deputies from effective urban management. The changes in the structure of the Leningrad City Soviet in connection with the election of the mayor of Leningrad in 1991 are formulated.Key words: Leningrad, Lensoviet, the XXI convocation of the Leningrad soviet of the people’s deputies, per-estroika.

References:[1] Autobiography of St. Petersburg City Soviet [Avtobiografiya Peterburgskogo gorsoveta] / Ed. A. N. Belyaev.

Vol. 2 [T.2]. St. Petersburg, A. Sazanov’s publishing house [izd-vo Aleksandra Sazanova], 2011, 312 p.[2] Belkin A.A. Lensoviet: April 1990 –June 1991 [Lensovet: aprel’ 1990 – iyun’ 1991] // Bulletin of St.Petersburg

State University [Vestnik of St. Petersburg State University]. 1992, Ser. 6. Vol. 4, pp. 101–108.[3] Vecherniy Leningrad. 1990, September 15.[4] Vecherniy Leningrad. 1990, October 9.[5] Vecherniy Leningrad. 1991, January 9.[6] Vecherniy Leningrad. 1991, February 19.[7] Vecherniy Leningrad. 1991, January 17.[8] Vecherniy Leningrad. 1991, April 26.[9] Vinnikov A. Ja. Cena svobody The Price of the Freedom [Tsena svobody]. St. Petersburg, Bibliopolis Publ.,

1998, 655 p.[10] Vishnevskij B. L. The Fatal Error of the Lensovet [Smertel’naya oshibka Lensoveta] // Politicheskiy zhurnal

[Political journal]. 2005, № 18, pp. 10–15.[11] The resolution of Presidium of the Supreme Council of RSFSR from 20.5.1991 g. № 1260-1 «About structure

of governing bodies of the city of Leningrad» [Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta RSFSR ot 20.5.1991 g. № 1260–1 «O strukture organov upravleniya goroda Leningrada»] // the Bulletin of the Lenin-grad city council of People’s Deputies [Vestnik Leningradskogo gorodskogo soveta narodnykh deputatov]. 1991, № 2, pp. 3–5.

[12] The resolution of Presidium of the Supreme Council of RSFSR from 8.7.1991 g. № 1562-1 «About structure of governing bodies of the city of Leningrad» [Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta RSFSR ot 20.5.1991 g. № 1260–1 «O strukture organov upravleniya goroda Leningrada»] // the Bulletin of the Lenin-grad city council of People’s Deputies [Vestnik Leningradskogo gorodskogo soveta narodnykh deputatov]. 1991, № 2, pp. 17–19.

[13] Solution of the ninth session 27.6.1991 – The solution of the ninth session of Leningrad Soviet of the 21st convocation of 27.06.1991 № 15 «About the draft of the Resolution of Presidium of the Supreme Council of RSFSR» // the Bulletin of the Leningrad city council of People’s Deputies. 1991, № 2, pp. 11–17.

[14] Smena. 1990, April 1.[15] Smena. 1990, April 26.[16] Smena. 1990, June 19.[17] Smena. 1990, June 30.[18] Smena. 1990, August 12.[19] Smena. 1990, August 14.[20] Smena. 1990, September 16.[21] Central State Archive of St. Petersburg (SPb CSA) [Tsentral’nyy gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga

(TsGA SPb) F. 7384. (Leningrad Council of People’s Deputies [Leningradskiy Sovet narodnykh deputatov]) Op. 62. D. 497.

[22] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 490.[23] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 499.[24] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 500.[25] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 515.[26] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 521.[27] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 531.[28] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 534.[29] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 535.[30] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 62. D. 536.[31] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 63. D. 77.[32] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 63. D. 83.[33] SPb CSA [CGA SPb]. F. 7384. Op. 63. D. 86.




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E.A. Tarasova,Candidate of Historical Sciences, docent, Saint-Petersburg State University;

e-mail: tarasova_e_a@mail.rulegItImaCy VerSUS legalIty: the CreatIon and eVolUtIon of the preSIdentIal draft ConStItUtIon of rUSSIa 1993Emergence and further evolution of the «presidential Draft» new constitution which appeared in May, 1993 is analyzed. On the basis of normative legal acts, certificates of contemporaries developers of the project at differ-ent stages, key features of the project come to light. Work of the Constitutional Meeting of the Russian Federa-tion called at the initiative of B. N. Yeltsin in the summer of 1993 is shown. The main amendments made to the project at different stages are investigated. Work on the project as fall of 1993, institutes and the politicians who are engaged in its creation at this time is considered. It is noted that the key role in emergence, preparation and contents of the project was played by B. N. Yeltsin, and the main ideas of the «presidential Draft», having under-gone changes in process of work of the Constitutional meeting, were again reflected in final option.Key words: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Constituent Assembly, Draft Constitution, constitutional construction, President, Constitutional commission.

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budet tsar’-batyushka] // Russian newspaper [Rossiyskaya gazeta]. 1993. April 28, 2 p.[21] Sheynis V. Take-off and falling of parliament: Critical years in the Russian policy (1985–1993) [Vzlet i pad-

enie parlamenta: perelomnye gody v rossiyskoy politike] (1985–1993). Vol. 2 [T. 2]. Moscow, Moscow fund of Carnegie INDEM Fund [Moskovskiy fond Karnegi Fond INDEM], 2005, 769 p.

[22] Sheynis V.L. Constitution-93: a look through years [Konstitutsiya-93: vzglyad skvoz’ gody] // From history of creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Constitutional commission: Shorthand reports, materials. Documents (1990-1993) [Iz istorii sozdaniya Konstitutsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Konstitutsionnaya komissiya: stenogrammy, materialy, dokumenty (1990–1993 gg.)] / Vol. 6: Additional, memoirs, reference ma-terials [Dopolnitel’nye, memuarnye, spravochnye materially]. Moscow, Wolters Kluwer, 2010, pp. 1010–1022.

[23] Schulz L. One stroke [Odnim roscherkom] // Soviet Russia [Sovetskaya Rossiya]. 1993. May 27, 1 p.



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I.V. GorinаDoctor of philosophy, Sosnovy Bor branch of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation,

Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad region); e-mail:

phIloSophICal foUndatIonS of perSonalIty In rUSSIan hIStoryThe article presents the philosophical analyst of personality in Russian history. Made a conceptual overview of the ideas of L.P. Karsavin, V.V. Rozanov, J.P. Chaadaev in correlation with the critical philosophy of I. Kant. The problem of personality in space and time in Russian history in focus understanding of the antinomies of life and consciousness. It is revealed that the formation of the critical thought of the Russian school of philosophy was based on the best achievements of German classical philosophy. However, the feature of the Russian philosophi-cal thinking is not the solution to the transcendental subject of Kant, and the dialogue with his own timeand formation of the person as «a thinking soul». The development of generational relations of the Russian school of philosophy, the notion of «a thinking soul» can be regarded as the noumenal inner development of critically thinking personality, capable of self-recognition of his being in the perspective of history.Key words: identity, formation, Genesis, history, time, transcendence, consciousness, understanding antinomies.

References:[1] Kagan M.S. An introduction to the history of world culture [Vvedenie v istoriyu mirovoy kul’tury]. B.2.

St. Petersburg, 2003, 320 p.[2] Kant I. Treatises and letters [Traktaty i pis’ma]. Moscow, Nauka, 1980, 710 p.[3] Karsavin L.P. Prolegomena to the doctrine of the personality [Prolegomeny k ucheniyu o lichnosti] // The

Path [Put’]. 1928, № 12, pp. 32–46.[4] Mamardashvili M. K. The Kantian variations [Kantianskie variatsii]. Moscow, Agraf, 1997, 320 p.[5] Rozanov V.V. Psychology of the Russian schismatics [Psikhologiya russkogo raskola] // Rozanov V.V. The

Twilight of the enlightenment [Sumerki prosveshcheniya]. Moscow, Pedagogics [Pedagogika], 1990, 624 p.[6] Rozanov V.V. About understanding: a study of the nature, boundaries and internal. The structure of science

as an integral knowledge [O ponimanii: opyt issledovaniya prirody, granits i vnutrennego stroeniya nauki kak tsel’nogo znaniya]. Moscow, Tanais, 1996, 802 p.

[7] Chaadayev P.Y. Selected works and letters [Izbrannye sochineniya i pis’ma]. Moscow, True. 1991, 560 p.

E.A. Klyueva,Postgraduate student, chair of theory and history of culture,

Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg; e-mail:

CUltUral SpaCe aS a SCIentIfIC CategoryThe category of cultural space is comparing with such concepts as «culture», «social space», «cultural landscape» and «anthropose «. Specific properties of cultural space are distinguished based on this comparison. These prop-erties include boundaries, center and periphery, global and local scope of cultural space and different ways of using and saving cultural memory. Cultural spaces considering as the foundation of cultural genesis. This genesis based on the human being us the creator and the creation of culture. Also in the article rising the issue of the functioning the subject of cultural space who is the carrier of identity in the context of social discussion. One of the results of this research is the conclusion that cultural space is integrity and discreteat the same time what displaying similar to phenomenology diversity of culture and whose single essence.Key words: cultural space, cultural genesis, the scope of cultural space, anthropose, boundaries, levels and func-tions of cultural space.

References:[1] Bukin A.G. Cultural space and spaces of cultures: regional aspect [Kul’turnoe prostranstvo i prostranstva

kul’tur: regional’nyy aspekt] / Thesis of the dissertation, philosophy. 09.00.13. Chita, 2006, 22 p.[2] Ikonnikova S.N. Cultural space as value and national property [Kul’turnoe prostranstvo kak tsennost’ i

natsional’noe dostoyanie] // History of culturological theories [Istoriya kul’turologicheskikh teoriy]. Saint Petersburg, Piter, 2005, 474 p.

[3] Kuzitsyn G.M. Design of cultural space: theory and practice [Proektirovanie kul’turnogo prostranstva: teor-iya i praktika] // Time of culture and cultural space: digest theses of the international scientific and practical conference [Vremya kul’tury i kul’turnoe prostranstvo: sb. tezisov mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii]. Moscow, MGUKI, 2000, pp. 49–51.

[4] Orlova E.V. Cultural space: definition, specifics, structure [Kul’turnoe prostranstvo: opredelenie, spetsifika, struktura] // Analytics of Cultural Science [Analitika kul’turologii]. 2010. Edition 3 (18). URL: (date of the address: 09.10.2013).

[5] Saraf M.Ya. Cultural space as object of research [Kul’turnoe prostranstvo kak predmet issledovaniya] // Space and time [Prostranstvo i vremya]. Moscow, 2011, № 4, pp. 15–19.

[6] Tripuzov M. G. Cultural space as object of culturological research [Kul’turnoe prostranstvo kak ob»ekt kul’turologicheskogo issledovaniya] // Messenger of Irkutsk state linguistic university [Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta]. Irkutsk, 2012, Vol. 1, № 17, pp. 64–70.




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[7] Fliyer A.Ya., Poletayeva M. A. Thesaurus of the basic concepts cultural science [Tezaurus osnovnykh ponyatiy kul’turologii] / Study guide. Moscow, MGUKI, 2008, 284 p.

[8] Shishkina A. A. Cultural space and cultural landscape as forms of reflection of culture [Kul’turnoe prostran-stvo i kul’turnyy landshaft kak formy otrazheniya kul’tury] // Historical, philosophical, political and juris-prudence, cultural science and art criticism. Questions of the theory and practice [Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kul’turologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki]. Tambov, Diploma, 2011, № 7–2, pp. 219–223.

I.V. Aladyshkin,Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor,

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg; e-mail:

between tradItIon and InnoVatIon: on the SpeCIfICS of poSt-SoVIet teChnology StUdIeSThe article presents the distinctive characteristics of reasoning on technological reality in contemporary Russia, and reveals perspective directions of its analysis. Particular attention is given to the renovation of the general theoretical bases of technology perception, which is linked to the deformation of the previous analytical practices and adoption of technological dominants of socio-cultural development. Multistructural character of research strategies of technology in Russia, intertwining of various versions of traditional understanding of technology and its modern forms of articu-lation are shown. In the last section recent perspective directions in technology studies in Russia will be introduced.Key words: technical actuality, technicism, intellectual traditions, models of representation, technological domi-nance of modern culture.

References:[1] Voronin A.A. The Myth of technology [Mif tekhniki]. Moscow, Science [Nauka], 2004, 198 p.[2] Gibelev I.V. Theming techniques in the post classical philosophy [Tematizatsiya tekhniki v postklassicheskoy

filosofii] // Society. Environment. Development [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie]. 2011, № 2, pp. 152–155.[3] Gnatyuk V.I. Lectures about techniques, technocenosis and technoevolution [Lektsii o tekhnike, tekhnotse-

nozakh i tekhnoevolyutsii]. Kaliningrad, KVI FPS RF, 1999, 84 p.[4] Demidenko E.S. Technogenetical development of society and the transformation of the biosphere [Tekhno-

gennoe razvitie obshchestva i transformatsiya biosfery]. Мoscow, KRASAND, 2010, 286 p.[5] Dergachyova E.A. Philosophy of technogenic society [Filosofia tehnogennogo obschestva]. Мoscow, Lenand,

2011, 214 p.[6] Dyatchin N.I. History and regularities of technological development, principles of the structure, functioning

and development of technical objects and systems. In 2 vol. [Istoriya i zakonomernosti razvitiya tekhniki, zakony stroeniya, funktsionirovaniya i razvitiya tekhnicheskikh ob»ektov i sistem.] Barnaul, AltGTU, 2010.

[7] Elkina E.E. Philosophical analysis of the phenomenon and concept of technical reality [Filosofskiy analiz fenomena i ponyatiya tekhnicheskoy real’nosti] // Herzen University Journal of Humanities & Science [Iz-vestiya rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.I. Gertsena]. 2009, № 108, pp. 43–50.

[8] Efremenko D.V. Introduction to estimation of technology [Vvedenie v otsenku tekhniki]. Moscow, MNEPU, 2002, 184 p.

[9] Ivanov B.I. Philosophical problems of study on engineering [Filosofskie problemy tekhnoznaniya]. Petroza-vodsk, Publ. PetrGU, 2009, 156 p.

[10] Kudrin B.I. Introduction to technetic. Second ed. [Vvedenie v tekhnetiku] Tomsk, Publ. TGU, 1993, 552 p.[11] Kutirev V.A. Natural and artificial: wrestling worlds [Estestvennoe i iskusstvennoe: bor’ba mirov]. N.

Novgorod, «Nizhny Novgorod», 1994, 200 p.[12] Kutirev V.A. Culture and technology: wrestling worlds [Kul’tura i tekhnologiya: bor’ba mirov]. Moscow,

Progress-Tradition, 2001, 238 p.[13] Mironov А.V. Technocratism - vector of development of globalization [Tekhnokratizm – vektor razvitiya

globalizatsii]. Moscow, Maks Press, 2009, 130 p.[14] Nikiforova N.V. American culturological experience: technological history of culture as a discipline [Ameri-

kanskiy kul’turologicheskiy opyt: nauchnoe napravlenie tekhnologicheskoy istorii kul’tury] // Cultural sci-ence questions [Voprosy kul’turologii]. Moscow, Panorama, 2013, № 2, pp. 38–42.

[15] Pavlenko А.N. Possibility of technology [Vozmozhnost’ tekhniki]. Saint Petersburg, Aleteya, 2010, 224 p.[16] Popkova N.V. Technosphere philosophy. Second ed. [Filosofiya tekhnosfery]. Мoscow, «LIBROKOM», 2009,

344 p.[17] Rachkov V.P. Technology and its role in the fate of humanity [Tekhnika i ee rol’ v sud’bakh chelovechestva].

Sverdlovsk, Uprinformpechat, 1991, 328 p.[18] Rosin V.M. Traditional and modern technology (philosophic-methodological analysis) [Traditsionnaya i

sovremennaya tekhnologiya (filosofsko-metodologicheskiy analiz). Moscow, IFRAN, 1998, 216 p.[19] Rosin V.M. Notion and modern concepts of technology [Ponyatie i sovremennye kontseptsii tekhniki]. Mos-

cow, IF RAN, 2006, 252 p.[20] Surkova L.V. Paradigm of tehnicizm in the civilizing process [Paradigma tekhnitsizma v tsivilizatsionnom

protsesse]. Мoscow, IF RAN, 1998, 168 p.[21] Tavrizyan G.M. Philosophers of the 20th century about technique and technological civilization [Filosofy

KhKh veka o tekhnike i tekhnicheskoy tsivilizatsii]. Мoscow. ROSSPEN, 2009, 210 p.[22] Schurov V.A. New technocratism. The phenomenon of technology in the context of spiritual production

[Novyy tekhnokratizm = New technocratism. Fenomen tekhniki v kontekste dukhovnogo proizvodstva]. N. Novgorod, Nigny Novgorod university’s publ. [Izd-vo Nizhegor. un-ta], 1995, 111 p.

[23] N. Nikiforova. The Concept of Technology and the Russian Cultural Research Tradition // Technology and Culture. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. Vol. 56. № 1, pp. 184–203.



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229Globalization: Polemic of civilizations

m.m. nabat,PhD student, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg;

e-mail: maria_nabat@yahoo.itTHE US WAR IN AFGHANISTAN: IS IT A JUST WAR?The purpose of this article is to find out if the US war in Afghanistan is a just war, from the point of view of Michael Walzer’s Just War Theory, whose work is one of the first fundamental scientific researches on the issues of the war ethic limitations in the 20-th century. The Author analyzes the beginning of the US war operations in Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and correlates them with the main provisions of the just war theory. As a result, the Author shows that the George Bush Administration, using the just war rhetoric, at the same time, was implementing a new global leadership strategy, in which the USA appropriate the right of preemptive and preventive strikes. The Author comes to a conclusion that the US war in Afghanistan may not be considered as a just one, since it does not comply with the main criteria of the theory.Key words: Afghanistan, US policy in Afghanistan, war in Afghanistan, just war, Taliban.

References:[1] Borger J. Rumsfeld blames regime for civilian deaths // The Guardian. October 16, 2001. URL: http://www.[2] Bush Announces Opening of Attacks // CNN. October 7, 2001. URL:

ret.attack.bush/[3] Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over // The Guardian. October 14, 2001. URL: http://www.[4] Butler M.J. U.S. Military Intervention in Crisis, 1945–1994 // An Empirical Inquiry of Just War Theory, The

Journal of Conflict Resolution. Vol. 47, 2003, №. 2, pp. 226–248.[5] Campbell D. US Buys Up All Satellite War Images // The Guardian. October 17, 2001. URL: http://www.[6] Herold M.W. The Human Cost of the War // Frontline. Vol. 19. 2002, Iss. 01, Jan. 05–18, http://www.front-[7] Ikenberry J.G. America’s Imperial Ambition // Foreign Affairs. Vol. 81. 2002, № 5, pp. 44–60[8] Kemp K.W. Just-War Theory: A Reconceptualization // Public Affairs Quarterly. Vol. 2. 1988, № 2, pp. 57–74.[9] Kurtz H. CNN Chief Orders “Balance” in War News: Reporters Are Told To Remind Viewers Why U.S. Is

Bombing // The Washington Post. October, 31, 2001. URL: war-news/0953cacf-77a4-4801-b99b-41a730e43ca7

[10] Military. Transcript: Rumsfeld, Myers Brief on Military Operation in Afghanistan // October 7, 2001. URL:

[11] Pincus W. Mueller Outlines Origin, Funding of Sept. 11 Plot // The Washington Post. June 6, 2002. URL: origin-funding-of-sept-11-plot/aee754ab-a43e-4db1-90ca-b80c4c550bcc

[12] Steele J. Forgotten victims // The Guardian. May 20, 2002. URL:

[13] The 9/11 Commission Report. Pp. 1–585. URL:[14] Traynor I. Afghans are still dying as air strikes go on. But no one is counting // The Guardian, February 22,

2002. URL:[15] Walzer M. Is Obama’s War in Afghanistan Just? // Dissent. December 3, 2009. URL: http://www.dissentmaga-[16] Walzer M. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. New York: Basic Books,

2006.[17] Walzer M. The Triumph of Just War Theory (and the Dangers of Success) // Social Research. Vol. 69. 2002,

№ 4, International Justice, War, Crimes, and Terrorism: The U.S. Record. Pp. 925–944.

l.v. sanzheeva,Doctor of Culturology, Professor, Vice-rector for science,

Institute of design, applied art and Humanities education, St. Petersburg; e-mail:

ETHNIC IDENTITY IN SYNERGETIC MODELLING OF CULTUREA synergistic modeling ethnic identity in the system of culture being which gives the possibility to detect bifurca-tion points is considered. Culture as the sphere of life that opens new ways in a synergistic modeling of the sur-rounding world, in which identity defines the essence of human existence. Synergistic modeling of multivariate culture determines the nature of the evolution of ethnic identity, the irreversibility of the evolutionary process, the unpredictability and spontaneous nature of ethnic structures, where identity is a result of the dominant fluctua-tions, each of which creates a bifurcation point in the system of being and can determine the direction of movement of ethnic cultures. Keywords Synergetics, synergetic modeling, ethnic identity, bifurcation, system, culture.Key words: Synergetics, synergetic modeling, ethnic identity, bifurcation, system, culture.

References:[1] Baklanov, I.S., Dushyn T.V., Makeeva O.A. Ethnic People: the problem of ethnic identity [Chelovek et-

nicheskiy: problema etnicheskoy identichnosti] // social theory: Scientific almanac. Volume IV. Man in search




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of identity [Voprosy sotsial’noy teorii: Nauchnyy al’manakh. T. IV. Chelovek v poiskakh identichnosti] / Insti-tute of philosophy, RAS; ed. by Yu. M. Reznik and M. V. Tlostanova. Moscow, Association «Interdisciplinary social theory», 2010, pp. 396–408.

[2] Bibler V.S. From naukuchiya to the logic of culture: Two philosophical introductions in the twenty-first cen-tury [Ot naukoucheniya k logike kul’tury: Dva filosofskikh vvedeniya v XXI vek]. Moscow, 1991, 414 p.

[3] Budanov V.G. Methodology of synergetics in postnonclassical science and education [Metodologiya sinerge-tiki v postneklassicheskoy nauke i v obrazovanii]. Moscow, Publishing house of the LCI, 2009, 240 p.

[4] Vikentiev I.L. Behavior of complex systems at bifurcation points according to I.R. Prigozhin. URL: (03.08.2015).

[5] Civil, ethnic and regional identity: yesterday, today, tomorrow [Grazhdanskaya, etnicheskaya i regional’naya identichnost’: vchera, segodnya, zavtra] / Project manager and resp. ed. L. M. Drobizheva [Ruk. proekta i L.M. Drobizheva]. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2013, 485 p.

[6] Kagan M. S. An introduction to the history of world culture. Vol.1. SPb, LLC Publishing house «Petropolis», 2003, 368 p.

[7] Knyazeva E.N., Kurdyumov S.P. Synergetics: Nonlinearity of time and landscapes of co-evolution [Sinerge-tika: Nelineynost’ vremeni i landshafty koevolyutsii]. Moscow, Komkniga, 2007, 272 p.

[8] Prigogine I., Stengers I. Time, chaos, quantum mechanics to the solution of the paradox of time [Vremya, khaos, kvant: K resheniyu paradoksa vremeni]. Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2000, 240 p.

[9] Sanzheeva L.V. Synergetic model of culture [Sinergeticheskaya model’ kul’tury] // Proceedings of the TRANS-Baikal state University (series: philosophy, cultural studies, sociology) [Uchenye zapiski ZabGU (seriya filosofiya, kul’turologiya, sotsiologiya]. Chita, 2014, № 4 (57), pp. 156–16.

[10] Stefanenko T. Ethnopsychology. Moscow, Institute of psychology RAS [Etnopsikhologiya], 1999.[11] Philosophy and synergy [Filosofiya i sinergetika] / Site S.P. Kurdyumov [Sayt S.P. Kurdyumova]. URL: http:// (18.09.2015).[12] Haken G. Basic concepts of synergetics [Osnovnye ponyatiya sinergetiki] // Synergetic paradigm [Sinerget-

icheskaya paradigma]. Moscow, 2000, pp. 28–57[13] Erikson, E. Identity: youth and crisis [Identichnost’: yunost’ i krizis] / Per. angl. Moscow, Flinta, 2006. (Series:

Library of foreign psychology). 342 p.

I.N. Gudkova,Ph.D Cultural Studies, Senior Lecturer,

East-Siberian State University Technology and Management, Ulan-Ude; e-mail:

E.T. Tsyngunova,Ph.D Cultural Studies, Senior Lecturer,

East-Siberian State University Technology and Management, Ulan-Ude; e-mail:

the CUltUral SpaCe of the repUblIC of bUryatIa aS a mUltI-ethnIC regIonThe article deals with the definition of «cultural space» opinion of scientists on this concept. Of greatest interest is the cultural space of a multi-ethnic region is a holistic systemic phenomenon. One of these regions is the Republic of Buryatia in the territory of which for centuries had special cultural space, the specifics of which are defined by natural conditions peculiar historical social, ethnic and cultural, religious backgrounds, sustainable cultural, political and economic development. Scientific analysis of the cultural space of the republic as a multi-ethnic region allows to understand the processes in the translation of the values of national and all-Russian culture, to understand the uniqueness and its inseparability from the cultural space of the country and the world.Key words: Culture, cultural space, national values, multi-ethnic region, republic, territory, tradition, ethnicity.

References:[1] Bolshakov V.P. Provincialism cultural spaces of today’s Russia [Provintsial’nost’ kul’turnykh prostranstv ny-

neshney Rossii] // Culture of the Russian province: Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of the round table [Kul’tura rossiyskoy provintsii: proshloe, nastoyashchee, budushchee materialy kruglogo stola]. Saint Peters-burg, 2005, 8 p.

[2] Gudkovа I.N. The cultural space as a multi-ethnic region [Kul’turnoe prostranstvo kak polietnicheskiy re-gion] // Herald of the Trans-Baikal State University [Vestnik Zabaykal’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta]. № 11 (102). Chita ZabGU, 2013, pp. 3–7.

[3] Gudkova I.N. Tourism as a factor in the development of the cultural space of the Republic of Buryatia [Turizm kak faktor razvitiya kul’turnogo prostranstva Respubliki Buryatiya] // Herald MGUKI [Vestnik MGUKI]. 2015, № 3, pp. 98–102.

[4] Zamyatin D.N. Culture and space: modeling geographical images [Kul’tura i prostranstvo: modelirovanie geograficheskikh obrazov]. Moscow, Znak, 2006, 487 p.

[5] Ikonnikova S.N. The history of cultural theories [Istoriya kul’turologicheskikh teoriy]. Saint Petersburg, Piter, 2005, 474 p.

[6] Kagan M.S. Philosophy of Culture. Saint Petersburg, Petropolis, 1996, 416 p.[7] Cultural twentieth century: encyclopedia. Vol. 2 [Kul’turologiya KhKh vek: entsiklopediya. T. 2] / comp.

S. Levit. Saint Petersburg, University book [Universitetskaya kniga]. Vol., 1998, 447 p.[8] Kurguzov V.L. On the concept of «cultural space» and the problem of the regional identity of its image [O

ponyatii «kul’turnoe prostranstvo» i problema samoidentifikatsii ego regional’nogo obraza] // Cultural space of Eastern Siberia and Mongolia [Kul’turnoe prostranstvo Vostochnoy Sibiri i Mongolii]. Ulan-Ude, 2002, pp. 21–33.



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231[9] Lyapkin T.F. «Measurements» of the cultural space of the region: to the problem [«Izmereniya» kul’turnogo prostranstva regiona: k postanovke problemy] // Second Congress in Cultural Research: program mes. rep. [Vtoroy kul’turologicheskiy kongress: programma, tez. dokl.]. Saint Petersburg, 2010, 495 p.

[10] Mackinder H.J. Round the land and the acquisition of the world [Kruglaya zemlya i obretenie mira] // Cos-mopolis [Kosmopolis]. 2007, № 2, pp. 56–69.

[11] Milyukov P.N. Essays on the History of Russian Culture. Moscow, Science [Nauka]. 1993, 539 p.[12] Ratzel F. Humanity as a phenomenon of life on earth [Chelovechestvo kak zhiznennoe yavlenie na zemle] /

per. with him, ed. N.N. Kharuzin. – Moscow: URSS, 2010. – 56 p.[13] Zuckerman V.S. One socio-cultural space: aspects of consideration [Edinoe sotsiokul’turnoe prostranstvo:

aspekty rassmotreniya] // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk state academy of culture and arts [Vestn. Chelyab. gos. akad. kul’tury i iskusstv]. 2009, № 2 (18), pp. 49–56.

[14] Tsyngunova E.T. Traditional culture of the Buryat people [Traditsionnaya kul’tura buryatskogo naroda] // Bulletin of the Buryat state university [Vestn. Buryat. gos. un-ta]. Ulan-Ude, 2009, № 6a, pp. 297–300.

[15] Tsyngunova E.T. essence of the concept of «health» in the context of the cultural approach « // Bulletin of the Buryat state university [Vestn. Buryat. gos. un-ta]. Ulan-Ude, 2009, № 14, pp. 300–305.

[16] Markusen Ann R. Regions: Economics and Politics of Territory. New York, Rowman and Littlefield Pub-lishes, 1987, 304 р.

V.P. Solomin,Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of higher school of Russia,

Honorary worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation, rector, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg;

e-mail: rector@herzen.spb.ruK.S. Pigrov,

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

K.V. Sultanov,Doctor of Philosophy, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation,

Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

amateUrISm aS a problem of modern eUropean CIVIlIZatIonComprehended in the article amateurism in the long term development of human capital in Russia. It is shown that the simple moralistic assessment of amateurism as a negative phenomenon in the conditions of modern European civilization is impossible. Amateurism, for all its danger, opens the creative horizons of development, without which our civilization is doomed to stagnation.Key words: аmateurism, professionalism, human capital, creativity, modern European civilization.

References:[1] Azimov A. Profession [Professiya] // Isaac Asimov. Farewell to the Earth. [Proshchanie s Zemley]. Moscow,

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naniya chernobyl’tsev] / Scenarios. Nicholskij B.F. and etc., M. Energomash, 2004, 237 p.[10] Leszek Kolakowski. Praise of inconsistency [Pokhvala neposledovatel’nosti] / The translation with Polish V.

Koltsov. Firenze, Edizioni Aurora, 1974, 342 p.[11] Modestov A.P. Wonderful workers of science and technology [Zamechatel’nye rabotniki nauki i tekhniki].

Moscow, publishing house ASSNAT, 1927.[12] Motroshilova N.V. Chernobyl, Fukushima – What’s next? Philosophical report from Germany [Chernobyl’,

Fokusima – Chto dal’she? Filosofskiy reportazh iz Germanii?] // Philosophical Sciences [Filosofskie nauki], 2011, № 6, pp. 5–24.

[13] Pigrov K.S. The Phenomenon of Amateur philosophy in St. Petersburg [Fenomen samodeyatel’noy filosofii v Sankt-Peterburge] // Cultural History of St. Petersburg and modernity. Materials of interuniversity scientifi-cally-practical conference on 30 June 2005 [Istoriya kul’tury Peterburga i sovremennost’. Materialy mezhvu-zovskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii 30 iyunya 2005 goda]. St. Petersburg, 2006, pp. 57–61.

[14] Pigrov K.S. Amateurs in philosophy and professionals: alternative horizons of the XXI century [Lyubiteli filos-ofii i professionaly: al’ternativy v gorizontakh XXI v.] // Alternative education in search of quality: collection of




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materials of conferences on alternative education [Al’ternativnoe obrazovanie v poiskakh svoego kachestva: sb. materialov konferentsiy po problemam al’ternativnogo obrazovaniya]. St. Petersburg, 2006, pp. 69–80.

[15] Pigrov K. S. The Professional and Amateur philosophers to the development of receptive philosophy [Profes-sionaly i samodeyatel’nye filosofy: k razvitiyu retseptivnoy filosofii] // The Phenomenon of Amateur philoso-phizing. A collection of articles [Fenomen samodeyatel’nogo filosofstvovaniya. Sbornik statey] / Chief editor Pigrov K.S. St. Petersburg, 2005, pp. 11–29.

[16] Pigrov K.S. The Scientific-technical creativity. Socio-philosophical analysis [Nauchno-tekhnicheskoe tvorchestvo. Sotsial’no-filosofskiy analiz]. Leningrad, Leningrad University Publishing [Izdatel’stvo Lenin-gradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta], 1979, 144 p.

[17] Professionalism in education and innovation. A collection of articles [Professionalizm v obrazovanii i inno-vatsii. Sbornik statey] / under the editorship of K. S. Pigrov. Saint-Petersburg, 2008, 211 p.

[18] Smith A. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of Nations [Issledovanie o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov]. Moscow, Eksmo, 2007, 960 p.

[19] Jauss H. R. the History of literature as a provocation [Istoriya literatury kak provokatsiya]. URL:; 17.04.14.

[20] Jauss H.R. The History of literature as a provocation of literary criticism [Istoriya literatury kak provokatsiya literaturovedeniya] // New literary review [Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie]. 1995. №12, pp. 55–84.

[21] Hamann J.G. Fьnf Hirtenbriefe das Schuldrama betreffend. Einfьhrung und Kommentar von Sven-Aage Jurgensen, Kobenhavn, 1962.


M. S. Kasabutskaia,Undergraduate, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint- Petersburg;


A.V. Petrov,PhD in History, Docent, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint- Petersburg;

e-mail: petroval4@yandex.ruthe role of IntelleCtUal CapItal In the organIZatIon of worK of modern CompanIeS (on eXample of the It-SeCtor)The article deals with the problem of studying the role of intellectual capital in the development of labor organi-zation on the example of IT-sector companies. The article analyzes the process of formation of modern economic and sociological approach to the study of intellectual capital. The authors analyze the transformation of the ex-ternal socio-economic environment of modern business development. The article deals with the formation of the theory of intellectual capital and its impact on modern economic and sociological studies of social capital and eco-nomic development. The authors analyze the approaches of classical economic theory to the study of intellectual capital. The article deals with features of the economic and sociological approach to the study of investment in intellectual capital. In this paper we present some results of empirical economic and social research the specifics of the intellectual capital of IT-companies working in the market of St.-Petersburg.Key words: intellectual capital, symbolic capital, economic development, investment, competitiveness, economic sociology.

References:[1] Bekker G. Human capital (chapters from the book). The impact on earnings of investment in human capital

[Chelovecheskiy kapital (glavy iz knigi). Vozdeystvie na zarabotki investitsiy v chelovecheskiy kapital] / USA: economics, politics, ideology [SShA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya]. 1993, № 11–12, pp. 19–145.

[2] Shubayev S.A., Dyatlov V.G. Network forms of functioning of the intellectual capital in global informa-tion economy [Setevye formy funktsionirovaniya intellektual’nogo kapitala v global’noy informatsionnoy ekonomike] // Education Economy [Ekonomika obrazovaniya]. 2015, № 2, pp. 50–54.

[3] Koulman D. Social and human capital [Kapital sotsial’nyy i chelovecheskiy] / Social Sciences and Modernity [Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’]. 2001, vol. 3, pp. 122–139.

[4] Marshall A. The principles of economics [Printsipy ekonomicheskoy nauki]. Moscow, Progress, 1993. Vol. 1 [T.1].

[5] Sakajya T. The value created by knowledge, or the History of the Future [Stoimost’, sozdavaemaya znaniem, ili istoriya budushchego] / The new post-industrial wave on the West. Anthology [Novaya postindustrial’naya volna na Zapade. Antologiya] / Ed. V. L. Inozemtsev. Moscow, Academia, 1999, pp. 340–371.

[6] Chigoryaev K.N., Skopinceva N.A., Ul’yashchenko V.V. Valuation of human capital on the basis of produced costs [Otsenka stoimosti chelovecheskogo kapitala na osnove proizvedennykh zatrat] // The Tomsk Polytech-nic University News [Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta]. 2008, vol. 313, №. 6, pp. 54–56.

[7] Chudinov G.V. Improving the efficiency of intellectual capital investments in high-tech industries [Povysh-enie effektivnosti investitsiy intellektual’nyy kapital v vysokotekhnologichnykh otraslyakh]. Moscow, Tradi-tion [Tradiciya], 2013, 165 p.

[8] Economic Sociology: Theory and History [Ekonomicheskaya sotsiologiya: teoriya i istoriya]. Saint-Peters-burg, Nestor Istoriya, 2012, 760 p.

[9] Demartini P. Paoloni P. Implementing an intellectual capital framework in practice // Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 14, 2013, №. 1, pp. 69–83.



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233[10] Huysman M. Knowledge Sharing, Communities, and Social Capital // Communities of Practice: A Special Issue of Trends in Communication. 2014, pp. 77–100.

[11] Schultz T. W. Investment in Human Capital // The American Economic Review. 1961. Vol. 51(1), pp. 1–17.[12] Wang E.T.G., Chiu C.H., Chen E. Impact of IT Intellectual Capital on IT Explorative-Exploitative Innova-

tion Strategy and Performance // System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 4266–4275.

V.H. Thakahov,Doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor, St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg;

e-mail: atalik7@yandex.rurUSSIan IdentIty: reSoUrCeS of ethnIC entrepreneUrShIpThe article examines the resource potential of ethnic (ethnonational) entrepreneurship for construction and reproduction of the Russian identity. The author proposes that the traditional definition of ethnic entrepreneur-ship should be refined to emphasize ethnicity in Russian business. Using an example of auto-identity, the author analyzes the current state and development trends of symbolic capital of the Russian identity.Key words: Russian identity, ethnic entrepreneurship, national entrepreneurship, symbolic capital, ethnona-tional identity in automobile industry.

References:[1] The cars, which go Monarchs and their heirs [Avtomobili, na kotorykh ezdyat Monarkhi i ikh nasledniki] //

Liveinternet. 2012, December 13. URL: (01.12.2015)

[2] Grand Prix driving. The card and instructions for voting [Gran pri za rulem. Kartochka uchastnika i in-struktsiya dlya golosovaniya] // Driving [Za rulem]. 2013, №11, pp. 290–291.

[3] Kogatko D.G., Thakahov V.H. Russian identity: its specific cultural and civilization nature and transforma-tion processes [Rossiyskaya identichnost’: kul’turno-tsivilizatsionnaya spetsifika i protsessy transformatsii]. Saint Petersburg, Aleteya, 2010. 136 p.

[4] Motorcade project: summarizing the outcomes [Proekt «Kortezh»: podvedenie itogov] // Driving [Za rulem]. Region. Saint-Petersburg. 2014, №19 (314), pp.10–13.

[5] Radaev V.V. Ethnic entrepreneurship: world experience and Russia [Etnicheskoe predprinimatel’stvo: mi-rovoy opyt i Rossiya] // Polis. 1993. №5, pp.79–87.

[6] Thakahov V.H. Construction of Russian identity: resources of Russian [Konstruirovanie rossiyskoy iden-tichnosti: resursy russkogo] // Bulletin of St.Petersburg State University. Series 12. Edition 3. September 2012. Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy [Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Ser. 12. Psikhologiya. Sotsiologiya. Pedagogika]. pp. 251–256.

[7] Waldinger R., Aldrich H., Ward R. Ethnic Entrepreneurs [Etnicheskie predprinimateli] // Economic sociol-ogy. Vol. 9 [Ekonomicheskaya sotsiologiya. T. 9]. 2008, № 5, pp. 30–55. URL: November volume 2008_final.pdf (01.12.2015)

[8] Fedorov D. Air Force One [Bort nomer odin] // Driving [Za rulem]. 2012. №11, pp. 211–217.[9] Waldinger R., Aldrich H., Ward R. Ethnic Entrepreneurs // Immigrant Bisiness in Industrial Societies. Lon-

don, Sage Pullications, 1990.


V.V. Ermilova,Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Managing Chair of the Department of the social technologies,

Lesgaft National State University of physical education, sport and health, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

E.E. Krotova,Senior Lecturer, Lesgaft National State University of physical education, sport and health, Saint-Petersburg;

e-mail: vika6408@rambler.ruSportS CompetItIon and SeCUrIty problem (the legal aSpeCt)The paper dwells on the problems of security during the sports a competition that forms from many factors in-cluding supporters’ behavior. Authors analyze the last amendments to the federal law in physical education and sport that has a big importance for the sustainable development at the system of physical education and sport in Russia. Particularly, the paper dwells on the amendments, which become mandatory for the Federal Law “About physical education and sport in Russia” such as: the appearance of new subjects at the system of physical education and sport (we mean supporter and security officer), the division of responsibility for the safe holding of sports competitions between owners of athletic facilities and organizers that are analyzed from the side of their legal status. Authors think that this legal status isn’t adjusted enough and it demands the subsequent elaboration and explanation from legislator.Key words: spectators, sports competition, security, security officer, Federal Law.

References:[1] Federal Law № 329-FL from 4.12.2007 «About physical education and sport in Russia» [Federal’nyy zakon

№ 329-FZ ot 4 dekabrya 2007 goda «O fizicheskoy kul’ture i sporte v Rossiyskoy Federatsii». Elektronnyy fond pravovoy i normativno-tekhnicheskoy dokumentatsii]. URL:




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[2] Federal Law № 192-FL from 23.07.2013 «About amendments in the certain legislative acts in Russia in con-nection with the public order and security during the official sports competitions» [Federal’nyy zakon № 192-FZ ot 23 iyulya 2013 g. «O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel’nye zakonodatel’nye akty Rossiyskoy Federat-sii v svyazi s obespecheniem obshchestvennogo poryadka i obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti pri provedenii ofitsial’nykh sportivnykh sorevnovaniy»]. URL:

[3] Vinokurov O. Between the competitor and the rival [Mezhdu sopernikom i protivnikom] // Domestic notes [Otechestvennye zapiski]. 2006, № 6 (32). URL:

[4] Ermilova V.V., Krotova E.E. Spectacular component of sport and its transformation in current society [Oso-bennosti zrelishchnosti v sporte i ikh transformatsiya v usloviyakh sovremennogo obshchestva] // Society. Environment. Development [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie]. 2015, № 2 (35), pp. 100–103.

[5] Ermilova V.V., Filippov S.S. Sport’s federation: administration, information (monograph) [Sportivnaya fed-eratsiya: upravlenie, informatsiya. Monografiya]. Saint Petersburg, Publishing Polytechnic University [Izd-vo Politekh. un-ta], 2008, 172 p.

[6] Ermilova V.V., Filippov S.S. Informational supply of the administration of sports copmpetition [Informatsionnoe obespechenie upravleniya sportivnym sorevnovaniem] // Theoretical journal «Sciential notes of Lesgaft University» [Nauchno-teoreticheskiy zhurnal «Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta»]. 2009, № 2 (48), pp. 83–87.

[7] Kozlova V.S. Sport as social and spectacular sphere: formation, functioning, management [Sport kak sotsial’no-zrelishchnaya sfera: formirovanie, funktsionirovanie, upravlenie] // Abstract Thesis On competi-tion of an academic degree of the associate professor of social sciences [Avtoref. diss. … d. sots. n]. 22.00.06, 22.00.08. Orel, 2005, 62 p.

[8] Litvinskiy V.M. The escaping beauty of a show. Scientific researches and development in sport [Uskol’zayushchaya krasota zrelishcha. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki v sporte] // The bulletin of Les-gaft state academy of physical culture [Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskoy gosudarstvennoy akademii fizicheskoy kul’tury im. P.F. Lesgafa]. Saint Petersburg, 1999, pp. 45–54.

[9] Ponomarev N.N. Sport as a phenomenon of culture: lectures [Sport – fenomen kul’tury: lektsiya]. Leningrad, GDOIFK of P.F. Lesgaft, 1987, 23 p.

[10] Foer F. How soccer explains the world [Kak futbol ob»yasnyaet mir]. Moscow, Olymp-Business, 2006, 272 p.

A.H. Daudov,Ph.D, directorof Institut of History, St. Petersburg state University, St. Petersburg;

e-mail: a.daudov@spbu.ruD.V. ovsyannikov,

Ph.D, associate Professor, St. Petersburg state University, St. Petersburg; e-mail:

A.R. Khasanovgraduate student , St. Petersburg state University, St. Petersburg;

e-mail: azat.suisse@yandex.ruD.G. yanchenko

Ph.D, Senior Lectory, St. Petersburg state University, St. Petersburg; e-mail:

the problem of tranSformatIon of the StatUS of the natIonal langUageS of the USSr on the eXample of SoVIet and poSt-SoVIet taJIKIStan In the 1980–2010The article is a comprehensive study on national policy of the leadership of Tajikistan in the period from the 1980s to the present time by the example of the evolution of the two the «Language Act» of the 1989 and of the 2009. Also raised the issue of ousting the Russian language from the legal field of sovereign Tajikistan and the Tajiks outside the Republic in the context of formation of the Tajik nation. Based on archival materials and sources in periodicals, and statistical data, the authors analyze the causes, stages and results of the policy of the Tajik ruling elite in this matter. Basing their conclusions on unique archival materials, the authors tried to show the problem of transformation of the status of national language in Tajikistan over the last 25 years.Key words: Central Asia, Tajikistan, the Tajiks, the «Language Act», nationalism, ethnic identity.

References:[1] Amirkulov T. Tajiks in Uzbekistan is not the diaspora [Tadzhiki v Uzbekistane – ne diaspora]. URL: www. (12.07.2015)[2] Afghanistan: Clashes between Uzbeks and Tajiks in the North resulted the deaths of three people [Afgani-

stan: Na severe strany stolknoveniya uzbekov i tadzhikov zavershilis’ gibel’yu trekh chelovek]. URL: (24.07.2015)

[3] Ahmedova M. Fairact [Spravedlivyy zakon] // Evening Dushanbe [Vecherniy Dushanbe]. 1989, July 3, № 126 (5266).

[4] Bushuev M. Rakhmon’s visit to Moscow and issues of foreign policy of Tajikistan [Vizit Rakhmona v Moskvu i problemy vneshney politiki Tadzhikistana]. URL: (09.07.2015)

[5] Evening Dushanbe [Vecherniy Dushanbe]. 1989, July 3. № 126 (5266).[6] The 1939 Soviet census [Vsesoyuznaya perepis’ naseleniya 1939 goda]. URL:

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23�[9] The 1959 Soviet census [Vsesoyuznaya perepis’ naseleniya 1959 goda]. URL: (10.07.2015)

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[16] The 1989 Soviet census [Vsesoyuznaya perepis’ naseleniya 1989 goda]. URL: (07.07.2015)

[17] Official language. The twenty years of independence [Gosudarstvennyy yazyk. 20 let suverennosti]. URL: (21.06.2015)

[18] Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on the state language of Tajikistan on October 5, 2009 [Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan o gosudarstvennom yazyke Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 5 oktyabrya 2009 goda]. URL:

[19] Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on June 28, 2011 №730 On amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About normative legal acts» [Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 28 iyunya 2011 goda № 730 O vnesenii izmeneniy i dopolneniy v Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «O normativnykh pravovykh aktakh»]. URL: (21.06.2015)

[20] Klimenko E. Had chance of survival of the Tajik language in Uzbekistan – experts. [Est’ li shansy na vyzhiv-anie tadzhikskogo yazyka v Uzbekistane – eksperty]. URL: (13.07.2015)

[21] The Number of Uzbeks in Tajikistan has decreased from 23.5% to 12% in the period of independence [Koli-chestvo uzbekov v Tadzhikistane umen’shilos’s 23,5% do 12% v period nezavisimosti]. URL: (19.10.2015)

[22] Constitution of the USSR [Konstitutsiya SSSR]. Moscow, 1978.[23] Nagzibekova M. Russian language in Tajikistan. [Russkiy yazyk v Tadzhikistane] // Slavica Helsingiensia 35.

With love to the word. [S lyubov’yu k slovu] Festschrift in Honour of Professor Arto Mustajoki on the Occa-sion of his 60th Birthday. Ed. by Jouko Lindstedt et al. Helsinki, 2008, pp. 233–241.

[24] National Archive of the Republic of Tajikistan [Natsional’nyy arkhiv Respubliki Tadzhikistan]. F. 297. L. 41. № 336.

[25] National Archive of the Republic of Tajikistan [Natsional’nyy arkhiv Respubliki Tadzhikistan]. F. 297. L. 41. № 355.

[26] National Archive of the Republic of Tajikistan [Natsional’nyy arkhiv Respubliki Tadzhikistan]. F. 297. L. 41. № 365.

[27] National Archive of the Republic of Tajikistan [Natsional’nyy arkhiv Respubliki Tadzhikistan]. F. 297. L. 41. № 366.

[28] Ethnic composition of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan [Natsional’nyy sostav naseleniya Respub-liki Tadzhikistan]. URL: (07.07.2015).

[29] On mother̀ s language [Na rodnom yazyke // Evening Dushanbe [Vecherniy Dushanbe]. 1989, July 25, № 142 (5282).

[30] No nation outside language [Net natsiy vne yazyka] // Evening Dushanbe [Vecherniy Dushanbe]. 1989, July 14, № 135 (5275).

[31] Nozimov A. The language situation in Tajikistan: the state, features and perspectives [Yazykovaya situatsiya v sovremennom Tadzhikistane: sostoyanie, osobennosti i perspektivy]. Dushanbe, 2010.

[32] The main indicators of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2014–2015 academic year [Osnovnye pokazateli Ministerstva narodnogo obrazovaniya Respubliki Uzbekistan na 2014/15 uchebnyy god]. URL: (21.07.2015)

[33] The situation of national minorities in Tajikistan [Polozhenie natsional’nykh men’shinstv v Tadzhikistane]. URL: (07.07.2015).

[34] Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR «The measures on the implementation of the Law of the Tajik SSR on language» [Postanovlenie Soveta Ministrov Tadzhikskoy SSR «O meropriyatiyakh po vypolneniyu Zakona Tadzhikskoy SSR o yazyke»] // Evening Dushanbe [Vecherniy Dushanbe]. 1989, July 17, № 136 (5276).

[35] Sadykov M. Uzbekistan: The Tajik language is suppressed [Uzbekistan: tadzhikskiy yazyk podavlyaetsya]. URL: (13.07.2015)

[36] Salimov R. Issues of language policy and language development in multilingual Tajikistan [Problemi yaziko-voi politiki i yazikovogo razvitiya v mnogoyazichnom Tadjikistane] // Baltic accent. Release № 2, 2012, pp. 56–60.

[37] Sarkorova A. Moscow will not send Russian teachers in Tajikistan [Moskva ne budet napravlyat’ uchiteley russkogo v Tadzhikistan]. URL: (10.07.2015)

[38] Tajik expert: In the Kyrgyzstan appeared the politicians who aren’t interested in special treatment to neigh-bours [Tadzhikskiy ekspert: v Kirgizii poyavilis’ politiki, nezainteresovannye v osobom podkhode k sosedyam]. URL: (27.07.2015)




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[39] Tajiks in Uzbekistan: two views [Tadzhiki v Uzbekistane: dva mneniya]. URL:таджики-в-узбекистане-два-мнения/a-965253 (23.06.2015)

[40] Usmonov R. A. Russian in culture and policy of Tajikistan [Russkiy yazyk v kul’ture i politike Tadzhikistana] // Language. Literature. Culture [Yazyk. Slovesnost’. Kul’tura]. 2011, № 2, pp. 8–22.

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[42] Khudoyorov M. Problems of development and preservation of the Pamir languages in Tajikistan [Problemy razvitiya i sokhraneniya pamirskikh yazykov v sovremennom Tadzhikistane] / Diploma [Gramota]. URL: (17.11.2015)

[43] Chelnokov A. How Rakhmonov became Rakhmon [Kak Rakhmonov stal Rakhmonom]. URL: (09.07.2015)

[44] Total population by nationality, 2009–2015 [Chislennost’ naseleniya Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki po natsional’nostyam 2009–2015 gg.]. URL: (27.07.2015)

[45] Shanbezoda H.D. Functioning of the Russian language in the Republic of Tajikistan: the past, present and future [Funktsionirovanie russkogo yazyka v Respublike Tadzhikistan: proshloe, nastoyashchee, budush-chee] // Russian language abroad [Russkiy yazyk za rubezhom]. 2007, № 3, pp.102–106.

[46] Egamzod M. Myths and facts about the Russian language in Tajikistan [Mify i fakty o russkom yazyke v Tadzhikistane]. URL: (16.07.2015)

[47] Ergasheva Z. Tajikistan: the realities of the Uzbek community [Tadzhikistan: realii zhizni uzbekskoy obsh-chiny]. URL: (14.07.2015)

[48] Ethnic Atlas of Uzbekistan [Ehtnicheskij atlas Uzbekistana]. Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation [Institut «Otkrytoe obshchestvo» Fond Sodejstviya]. Uzbekistan, 2002, 452 p.

[49] Youssoufi M. The language – the way to the heart [Yazyk-put’ k serdtsu] // Evening Dushanbe [Vecherniy Dushanbe]. 1989, July 10, № 131 (5271).

[50] Jonson L. Tajikistanin the New Central Asia.I.B.Tauris, 2006, 256 р.


o.V. Profatilo,Artistic director, Marina Gisich Gallery, St. Petersburg;

e-mail: olia.bukina@gmail.comthe eXternal and Internal tIme of an art worK (baSed on InStallatIon art)The article is based on the analysis of the contemporary art, more precisely installation art. The main theme is ar-tistic time. Author also talks about how the conceptual idea of time today influences contemporary art. Analysis is based on the artworks of the following artists: I. Kabakov, K. Boltanski, M. Nilson, J. Beuys, O. Eliasson, V. Push-nitsky, P. Belyi etc. Installation manages to accumulate all three times: past, present and future in one art piece due to the particular structure. Many contemporary artists use archives in order to present the idea of memory, which is quite popular today. When installation catches the viewer completely, it also gives him an opportunity to fully realize the special nature of time. This makes installation art especially different from other artworks.Key words: contemporary art, artistic time, time of perception, installation, total installation, memory.

References:[1] Kabakov I. Time in total installation [Vremya v total’noy installyatsii] / About total installation [O total’noy

installyatsii]. Moscow, Kerber, 2008, 288 p.[2] Petrov V.M. Social and cultural dynamics: fast running processes (information approach) [Sotsial’naya i

kul’turnaya dinamika: bystrotekushchie protsessy (informatsionnyy podkhod)]. Saint Petersburg, Aleteiya, 2008, 336 p.

[3] Petrov V.M. Quantative method in study of art: work book for higher education institutions [Kolichestvennyy metody v iskusstvoznanii: uchebnoe posobie dlya vysshey shkoly]. Moscow, Academic project: Foundation «Peace» [Akademicheskiy proekt fond «Mir»], 2004, 432 p.

[4] Prigozhin I., Stengers I. Order from the chaos: the diologue of human and nature. Transl. from English [Poryadok iz khaosa: novyy dialog cheloveka s prirodoy]. Moscow, Publishing house LKI [Izdatel’stvo LKI], 2008, 296 p.

[5] Reikhenbakh G. Philosophy of space and time. Translated from English [Filosofiya prostranstva i vremeni. Per. s angl.] / Common editing A.A. Lognova and Yu.B. Molchanova. 3-d edition. Moscow, Book house «LI-BROKOM» [Knizhnyi dom «LIBROKOM»], 2009, 320 p.

[6] Ryzhukhina G.V. Time in literature [Vremya v literature] // (07.02.2015)

[7] Shekhter T. E. Time as a problem and artistic image [Vremya kak problema i khudozhestvennyy obraz] // Shekhter T. E. Art as a visualization of the World: Selected works about the theory and history of art [Iskusstvo kak obraz mira: izbrannye raboty po teorii i istorii iskusstva]. Saint Petersburg, SPbSUP, 2012, 392 p.

[8] Archer M. Art since 1960. New edition. London, Thames &Hudson world of art. 2012, 256 p.[9] Boltanski C. Monumenta 2010. Paris, Artpress, 2009, 64 p[10] Moszynska A. Sculpture now. London, Thames&Hudson world of art, 2013, 232 p.[11] N. de Olivera. Time and narrative // N. de Olivera, N. Oxley, M. Petry. Installation art in the new millen-

nium: the empire of the senses. London, Thames&Hudson Ltd., 2006, pp. 132–165.



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23�o.S. DavydovaInstructor, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg;

e-mail:“photogenIe” by l.dellUC: phenomenologICal approaChThe article treats the “photogenie” cinema theory by L.Delluc which is read within the phenomenological ap-proach. The text is centered on the analyses of affectivity made by E.Husserl, which allows to specify the notion of “photogenie: and to give the detailed description of how truthfulness and sense are made in cinema with its help. Thus, discovery and depiction of original sensuality by E.Husserl allows to fix topography of affect, which is described through the notion of “beauty” by L.Delluc. When combined, the two conceptions spoken about above, form a step towards the new and broadened understanding of affect. The latter becomes one of the foundations for the new factuality and new truthfulness.Key words: photogenie, early cinema theory, Delluc, phenomenology, affect, Husserl, memory.

References:[1] Husserl E. Bernau-manuscripts on conscious-time (1917/18), №14–15 [Bernau-manuscripty o soznanii-vre-

meni (1917/118), №14–15] // Horizon. 2012, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 96–115[2] Husserl E. Phenomenology of Internal Time Consciousness [Fenomenologiya vnutrennego soznaniya vre-

meni] // Husserl, Edmund. Collected works. Vol. 1. Мoscow, Gnosis, 1994, 102 p.[3] Delluc L. Photogenie of cinema [Photogeniya kino]. Мodcow, “Novye Vekhi”, 1924, 172 p.[4] From the History of French Writings on Cinema: Silent Cinema 1911–1933 [Iz istorii frantsuzskoy kinomysli:

nemoe kino 1911–1933 gg.]. Мoscow, Iskusstvo, 1988, 317 p.[5] Kozyreva A. «Affective awakening of the past»: an analysis of pre-cognitive dimension of recollection in the

phenomenology of Edmund Husserl [Affektivnoe probuzhdenie proshlogo: analiz pre-kognitivnogo izme-reniya vospominaniya v fenomenologii Edmunda Gusserlya] // Horizon. 2012, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 41–63.

[6] Discussion on Husserl’s Bernau-manuscripts (guided by J.Orlova) [Tekstologicheskiy seminar po Bernau-manuscriptam E.Gusserlya (rukovoditel Y.Orlova)] // Horizon. 2012, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 115–124.

[7] Yampolskyi M. Visible World: Writings on Early Cinematic Phenomenology [Vidimyiy mir: ocherki rannei kinophenomenologii]. Мoscow, 1993, 216 p.

[8] Yampolskaya A. Affectivity as Historical Dimension of Subject [Affectivnost kak istoricheskoe izme-renie sub’ekta] // Questions of Philosophy [Voprosy filosofii], 2013, № 3. URL:

[9] Aitken I. European Film Theory and Cinema: A Critical Introduction. – Edinburgh University Press, 2001. – 275 p.

[10] Husserl E. Analyses Concerning Active and Passive Synthesis: Lectures on Transcendental Logic // Husserl, Edmund. Collected Works. Vol.LX. – Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. – 727 p.


K.S. Pigrov,Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Saint Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg;


K.V. Sultanov,Doctor of Philosophy,Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, professor,

Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

the ChIld In the moral labyrInth of the CItyThe basic idea of this study is that children by their very existence civilized urban community, releasing it in positive moral elements and creating conditions able to withstand the techniques of manipulation. Kid in town acts as the justification of the good and as a methodological principle that enables us to understand the moral contradictions of urbanism and the whole of civilization.Key words: civility, barbarism, city, baby, morality, courtesy, patience, tolerance, hypocrisy, vulgarity, cynicism, manipulation technology.

References:[1] Hegel G.W.F. The Phenomenology of Spirit [Fenomenologiya dukha] / translated by G. Shpet. Saint Peters-

burg, Science, 1992, 444 р.[2] Gaman I.G., Jacobi F.G. Philosophy of feeling and faith [Filosofiya chuvstva i very] / Compiling, introductory

article, translation from German, app, comments, notes by S.V. Volgina. Saint Petersburg, 2006, 487 р.[3] Dal V. Explanatory dictionary of the living great Russian language. In four volumes. Vol.1. Reprint reproduc-

tion of the edition 1903-1909 years, carried out under the editorship of Professor I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay [Tolkovyy slovar’ zhivogo velikorusskogo yazyka. V 4-kh tt. T. 1. Reprintnoe vosproizvedenie izdaniya 1903–1909 gg., osushchestvlennogo pod redaktsiey professora I.A. Boduena de Kurtene]. Moscow, Terra, 1998, 1744 p.

[4] Comte-Sponville A. Philosophical dictionary [Filosofskiy slovar’] / Transl. with fr. E.V. Golovina. Moscow, ETERNA, 2012. 752 p.

[5] Kierkegaard S. Concept of fear [Ponyatie strakha]. Moscow, The academic project [Akademicheskiy proekt]. 2012, 224 р.




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[6] Levinas E. Favorites. Totality and infinite [Izbrannoe: total’nost’ i beskonechnoe]. Moscow – Saint Peters-burg, University book [Universitetskaya kniga], 2000, 416 p.

[7] Pertsev V.A. The Life strategy of tolerance: the problem of formation in Russia and in the West. [Zhiznen-naya strategiya tolerantnosti: problema stanovleniya v Rossii i na Zapade]. Ekaterinburg, 2003, 253 р.

[8] Pigrov K.S. The Wrapping method and a transformed form in the historical process of creativity [Obora-chivanie metoda i prevrashchennye formy v protsesse istoricheskogo tvorchestva] // Materialistic teachings of Marx and the present [Materialisticheskoe uchenie K. Marksa i sovremennost’]. Leningrad, 1984, 386 р.

[9] Pigrov K.S. «Civilizing civility» of the urban environment [«Tsivilizuyushchaya vezhlivost’« gorodskoy sredy] // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West: dialogue of worldviews. Abstracts of 7th Russian Con-gress of philosophy... V.3. [Filosofiya. Tolerantnost’. Globalizatsiya. Vostok i Zapad – dialog mirovozzreniy. Tezisy dokladov 7-go Rossiyskogo filosofskogo kongressa… T. 3]. Ufa, the RITZ, the Bashkir state University, 2015, 314 р.

[10] Puyu Y.V. Philosophical foundations of anthropology manipulation [Filosofskie osnovaniya antropologii ma-nipulirovaniya] / Diss. on the competition of graduate the degree of D. SC.N. Saint-Petersburg, 2010, 372 р.

[11] Tolchin A.V. Mask, I know you [Maska, ya tebya znayu]. Petropolis, Saint Petersburg, 2011, 288 р.[12] Shemyakina E.V. The Social meaning of the gesture: a philosophical analysis [Sotsial’nyy smysl zhesta: filos-

ofskiy analiz] / Diss. ... candidate of pH.N. Saint Petersburg, 2014, 155 р.[13] Jaspers K. The Origins of history and its purpose [Istoki istorii i ee tsel’] // Karl Jaspers. The meaning and

purpose of history. Second edition [Smysl i naznachenie istorii]. Translations by M.I. Levin. Moscow, Respub-lika, 1994, 527 р.

[14] Blondel E. La patience de Nietzsche: Explication de texte // Nietzsche Studien: Intern. Jb. fьr die Nietzsche-forschung. B. New York, 1989. Bd.18, 546 р.

A.yu. Chukurov,PhD (cultural studies), assistant professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg;

e-mail: achukurov@yandex.ruthe meChanISmS of Self-adaptatIon aS the reaSon of SoCIal and CUltUral tranSformatIonSWe can see the erosion of national borders and boundaries of the social body of the person in the information so-ciety and it’s the reason of developing personal defense mechanisms. But these adaptive, protective mechanisms are themselves a representation of the individual cultural experience. The purpose of this article - to analyze the ambivalent process of interaction of a person with severe traumatic dominant and socio-cultural environment. But we can’t create a protective mechanism that would not be a representation of our cultural experience. In the basis of any protective mechanism, which is characterized as «deviant behavior pattern», there are the traumatic dominant and the pathoplastic cultural effect. Our culture creates a conflict and a ways of adapting to it at the same time. Protective mechanisms are determined by the dominant culture and are legitimate since its inception, they perform the renovation function of culture.Key words: culture, deviation, norm, adaptive mechanism, pathoplastic effect, autism, transgender.

References:[1] Bulgakova O.S. Formation of adaptive protection and mechanism of the psychosomatic disorders appearance

[Formirovanie adaptatsionnykh zashchit i mekhanizm vozniknoveniya psikhosomaticheskikh narusheniy] // Actual aspects of modern psychophysiology [Aktual’nye aspekty sovremennoy psikhofiziologii. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov] / Editor Bulgakov A.B. Saint Petersburg, NPCS PSN, 2015, pp. 45–48.

[2] Dekker M. On our own conditions: emergence of autichesky culture [Na nashikh sobstvennykh usloviyakh: vozniknovenie auticheskoy kul’tury] // Asperger’s syndrome [Sindrom Aspergera]. URL: http://www (15.10.2015)

[3] Macumoto D. Psychology and Culture [Psikhologiya i kul’tura] / Editor Macumoto D. Saint Petersburg, Piter, 2003, 718 p.

[4] Transcultural psychiatry: a critical review [Transkul’turnaya psikhiatriya: kriticheskiy obzor] // Laboratory of the intellectual resistance [Laboratoriya intellektual’nogo soprotivleniya]. URL: (17.09.2015)

[5] Chukurov A. Asperger’s Syndrome, art and socio-cultural transformation in the XXI century [Sindrom Aspergera, khudozhestvennyy tekst i sotsiokul’tunye transformatsii XXI veka (k postanovke voprosa)] // Psy-chophysiology News [Vestnik psikhofiziologii]. 2014, № 3, 2014, pp. 73–80.

S.yu. Tarasova,Senior Researcher, Psychological institute REA, Moscow;

Assistant Professor of Dubna Internation University for Nature, Society and Man, Dubna; e-mail:

the adaptIVe / maladaptIVe perfeCtIonISm aS ClInICal and SoCIo-CUltUral phenomenonThe results of the study as a part of which measurements of perfectionism indicators, anxiety indicators and ag-gression indicators in adolescence. The model based on R. Slaney “almost perfect model” is discussed. The results are discussed in the context of maladaptive perfectionism and its significance as a autoaggressive behavior risk factor. The consequence of maladaptive perfectionism can be aggressive behavior.Key words: maladaptive perfectionism, autoaggressive behavior, aggressive behavior, hostility.

References:[1] Guggenbyul’ A. Prevention of child aggression and violence [Zloveshchee ocharovanie nasiliya. Profilaktika

detskoy agressivnosti i zhestokosti]. Moscow, Kogito-Tsentr, 2006, 176 p.



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23�[2] Dudoladova M.M. Value-rational practices in post-Soviet society as a result of cultural trauma [Tsennostno-ratsional’nye praktiki v postsovetskom obshchestve kak rezul’tat kul’turnoy travmy] // Society, Environment, Development [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie]. 2014, № 4, pp. 131–134.

[3] Egorova M.S., Sitnikova M.A., Parshikova O.V. Adaptation of the Short Dark Triad [Adaptatsiya Korotkogo oprosnika Temnoy triady] // Psychological Studies [Psikhologicheskie issledovaniya]. 2015, № 8 (43), URL: (14.12.2015)

[4] Kekelidze S.I., Makushkin E.V. Tatyana Dmitrieva – psychiatrist in a time of change [«Tat’yana Borisovna Dmitrieva – psikhiatr v epokhu peremen».]. Moscow, Minzdravsotsrazvitiya Rossii, 2011, 191 p.

[5] Kempinski A. Psychopathology of neuroses [Psikhopatologiya nevrozov]. Varshava, Polish medical publish-ing house [Pol’skoe med. izdatel’stvo], 1975, 399 p.

[6] Pichikov A.A., Popov Y.V. «Gender paradox» of suicidal behavior [«Gendernyy paradoks» suitsidal’nogo pov-edeniya] // V.M. Bekhterev review of psychiatry and medical psychology [Obozrenie psikhiatrii i meditsin-skoy psikhologii imeni V.M. Bekhtereva]. 2015, № 2, pp. 22–29.

[7] Polozhii B.S., Vasil`ev V.V. Suicidal behavior of women [Suitsidal’noe povedenie zhenshchin]. Moscow, Minzdravsotsrazvitiya Rossii, 2014, 195 p.

[8] Prikhozhan A.M. Psychology of anxiety. Preschool and school age [Psikhologiya trevozhnosti. Doshkol’nyy i shkol’nyy vozrast]. Moscow, Piter, 2009, 192 p.

[9] Sokolova E.T., Tsygankova P.V. The structure of perfectionistic motivation in patients with adjustment disor-der and suicidal behavior [Struktura perfektsionnoy motivatsii u lits s narusheniem adaptatsii i suitsidal’nym povedeniem] // Psychological Studies [Psikhologicheskie issledovaniya]. 2011, № 5 (19). URL: (14.12.2015)

[10] Starshenbaum G.V. Sucidology and post-disaster psychosocial care [Suitsidologiya i krizisnaya psikhotera-piya]. Moscow, Kogito-Tsentr, 2005.

[11] Tarasova S.Yu., Osnitsky A.K. Physiological and behavioral indicators of school anxiety [Psikhofiziolog-icheskie i povedencheskie pokazateli shkol’noy trevozhnosti] // Psychological Science and Education. Vol. 20. [Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie. T. 20]. 2015, № 1 (20), pp. 59–68. URL: (14.12.2015)

[12] Khorni K. The neurotic personality of our time [Nevroticheskaya lichnost’ nashego vremeni. Samoanaliz]. Moscow, Progress, 1993, 480 p.

[13] Schipitsyna A.S. The methods of measuring perfectionism [Metodiki izmereniya perfektsionizma] // PSHPU bulletin. Series № 1. Psychological and pedagogical sciences [Vestnik PGGPU. Seriya № 1. Psikhologicheskie i pedagogicheskie nauki]. 2014, № 1, pp. 235–245

[14] Yasnaya V.A., Enikolopov S.N. The current models of perfectionism [Sovremennye modeli perfektsioniz-ma] // Electronic journal Electronic magazine «Psychological Studies» [Elektr. zh-l «Psikhologicheskie issle-dovaniya»]. 2013, № 6 (29). URL: (14.12.2015)

[15] Yasnaya V.A., Mitina O.V., Enikolopov S.N., Zurabova A.M. Approbation of R. Slaney’s Almost Perfect Scale perfectionism measure [Aprobatsiya metodiki izmereniya perfektsionizma R. Sleyni «Pochti sovershennaya shkala»] // Theoretical and Experimental Psychology [Teoreticheskaya i eksperimental’naya psikhologiya]. 2011, № 4 (4), pp. 30–45.

[16] Haase A.M., Prapavessis H. Assessing the factor structure and composition of the positive and negative per-fectionism scale in sport // Personality and Individual Differences. 2004, № 36 (7), pp. 1725–1740.

[17] Hamachek D.E. Psychodynamics of normal and neurotic perfectionism // Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior. 1978, № 15, pp. 27–33.

[18] Hobgood D.K. Personality traits of aggression-submissiveness and perfectionism associate with ABO blood groups through catecholamine activities // Med Hypotheses. 2011, № 77 (2), pp. 294–300.

[19] King L., Saules K., Irish J. Weight concerns and cognitive style: Which carries more «weight» in the predic-tion of smoking among college women? // Nicotine&Tabacco Research. – 2007, № 9 (5). – P. 535–543.

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[23] Slaney R.B., Rice K.G., Mobley M., Trippi J., Ashby J.S. The revised Almost Perfect Scale // Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 2001, № 34 (3), pp. 130–145.

[24] Slaney R.B., Rice K.G., Ashby J.S. A programmatic approach to measuring perfectionism: The Almost Per-fect Scales. In: G. Flett, P. Hewitt (Eds.), Perfectionism: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2002, pp. 63–88.

[25] Terry-Short L.A., Owens R.G., Slade P.D., Dewey M.E. Positive and negative perfectionism // Personality and Individual Differences. 1995, № 18 (5), pp. 663–668.




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V.V. Babiyak,Doctor of Fine Arts, professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg;


L.M. Mosolova,Doctor of Fine Arts, professor, Head of the Department of theory and history of culture, Herzen State

Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

world art CUltUre In the rUSSIan edUCatIon (from the «thaw» perIod to the preSent day)The article describes the evolution of the subject «World Art Culture» in Russian education in the context of the dynamics of culture in the period from 1960s to the present. On the background review of the historical and cultural situation in the country since the Renaissance processes in the culture of the Khrushchev «thaw», the 1970-80s, with the emergence of a new pedagogy of art, understanding its importance in the formation of spiritual culture of society reflects the views of leading national scientists. The «cultural turn» of the 1980s-90s. contributed to the interdisciplinary interaction of Sciences, initiating the development of school and University programs on the world culture that determined the strategy of the effects of different arts on the formation of a young person determined the strategy of the effects of different arts on the formation of a young person. At the end of the 1990s, becoming topical, the idea of bridging the gap between school and culture, the creation of regional-ethnic versions of art and culture. In the 2000s there has been a turn in the direction of the administra-tive regulation of the higher and average schools, their standardization, which led to a serious weakening of the educational and pedagogical role of world art and culture. The article reveals the reasons of this phenomenon, emphasizes the need to develop the concept of education as socio-cultural development of the Russian nation, define its values, the formation of a new cultural-educational space of the country.Key words: world art culture, education, dynamics of culture, cultural context, typology of culture.

References:[1] Art in the culture system / Ed. M.S.Kagan [Iskusstvo v sisteme kul’tury]. Leningrad, Science, 1987, 272 p.[2] Kondakov I.V., Sokolov K.B., Hrenov N.А. Civilizational identity in a transitional period. Cultural, socio-

logical and artistic aspect. [Tsivilizatsionnaya identichnost’ v perekhodnuyu epokhu. Kul’turologicheskiy, sotsiologicheskiy i iskusstvovedcheskiy aspekt]. Moscow, Progress-Tradition, 2011, 1024 p.

[3] Mosolova L.M., Valitskaya А.P., Shedrina G.K. World art culture. The program for pedagogical institutes. [Mirovaya khudozhestvennaya kul’tura. Programma dlya pedagogicheskikh institutov]. Lenin-grad, Publishing LSPI Herzen [Izd-vo LGPI im. A.I. Gertsena], 1989.

[4] Mosolova L.M., Valitskaya А.P., Shedrina G.K. World art culture. Scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical materials. [Mirovaya khudozhestvennaya kul’tura. Nauchno-pedagogicheskie i uchebno-pedagogicheskie materialy]. Vol. 1–2. [Vyp. 1–2]. Leningrad, Publishing LSPI Herzen [Izd-vo LGPI im. A.I. Gertsena], 1991, 67 p.

[5] Nemensky B. M. Pedagogy of art. [Pedagogika iskusstva]. Moscow, Enlightenment, 2007, pp. 246 p.[6] Nikiforova L.V. The palaces of power. The Palace in the space of culture [Chertogi vlasti. Dvorets v prostran-

stve kul’tury]. Saint Petersburg, Art-SPb, 2011, pp. 703 p.[7] Multicultural space of the Russian Federation in 7 books [Polikul’turnoe prostranstvo Rossiyskoy Federatsii

v 7 knigakh] / Ed. Mosolova L.M. Saint Petersburg, PH Petropolis, 2012–2015.[8] Problems of teaching world artistic culture in pedagogical higher education institution. Abstracts of re-

ports at the all-Russian meeting-seminar [Problemy prepodavaniya mirovoy khudozhestvennoy kul’tury v pedagogicheskom vuze. Tezisy soobshcheniy na Vserossiyskom soveshchanii-seminare] / Ed. Mosolova L.M. Leningrad, LSPI Herzen, 1990, 91 p.

[9] Stepin V.S. Civilization and culture [Tsivilizatsiya i kul’tura]. St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011, 408 p.

[10] Hrenov N.A. The development and operation of spectacular forms in the context of culture [Razvitie i funktsionirovanie zrelishchnykh form v kontekste kul’tury] / Art in the system of culture [Iskusstvo v sisteme kul’tury] / Ed. M.S.Kagan. Leningrad, Science, 1987, pp. 156–158.

[11] Hrenov N. A. Art culture of the epoch of the breakdown of the Empire in the civilizational context [Khu-dozhestvennaya kul’tura epokhi nadloma imperii v tsivilizatsionnom kontekste] / The art of the era of the breakdown of the Empire: religious, national and philosophical-aesthetic aspects. Proceedings of the inter-national conference [Iskusstvo epokhi nadloma imperii: religioznye, natsional’nye i filosofsko-esteticheskie aspekty. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii] (17–19 may 2010). Moscow, SIA, 2010, pp. 15–118.

[12] Art culture in pre-capitalist formations [Khudozhestvennaya kul’tura v dokapitalisticheskikh formatsiyakh] / Ed. M.S. Kagan. Moscow, LSU, 1984, 303 p.



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241J.V. Pujy,PhD, professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg;


I.B. Romanenko,PhD, professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg;


K.V. Sultanov,Doctor of Philosophy, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, professor,

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

manIpUlatIVe ImpaCtS and edUCatIonal teChnologIeS: the formatIon of the dISCUSSIon and dIalogUe CUltUre of StUdentSThe article deals with the problem of the educational technologies use with some mechanisms of manipulative impacts. A special attention is paid to the analysis of its influence character in the wide context of the university discussional and dialogue culture. A special educational technologies (their functional characteristics, advantages and limitations) which are used by the university professors in the experimental way is the material of the re-search. A special attention of the study was paid to the fact that the targeted, jewelry-pointed manipulative effects require the account communicative personal potential impact of an object, the ability to the purposeful personal-ity-oriented projective activity, the ability to act quickly in a dynamically changing discussion environment and also the advanced imagination from the professor.Key words: educational technologies, manipulative impacts, university discussional and dialogue culture, experi-mental practices, philosophical dialogue.

References:[1] Barsukov E.N., Romanenko I.B. The Socio-Cultural Identity and the National Mentality: the Urbantro-

pological Approach [Sotsiokul’turnaya identichnost’ i natsional’nyy mentalitet: urbantropologicheskiy pod-khod // Society. Environment. Development [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie]. 2012, № 4, pp. 193–197.

[2] Bordovskaya N.V. The Lecture-Dialogue Technology as a Way of Organizing the Collective Interaction in the System «Teacher-Student» [Tekhnologiya chteniya lektsii-dialoga kak sposoba organizatsii kollektivnogo vzaimodeystviya v sisteme «prepodavatel’ – student»] // Humanitarian Technologies in the University Edu-cational Practice: the Practice of Design, Analysis and Applications: the Manual [Gumanitarnye tekhnologii v vuzovskoy obrazovatel’noy praktike: praktika proektirovaniya, analiza i primeneniya. Uchebnoe posobie] / Under total. Ed. N.V. Bordovsky. Saint Petersburg, Publishing House of the Herzen State University, 2008, pp. 160–171.

[3] Goncharko O.J. Logical and Informational Educational Technology: the Programmed Instruction [Logiko-informatsionnye obrazovatel’nye tekhnologii: programmirovannoe obuchenie] // Scientific Opinion: Scien-tific Journal [Nauchnoe mnenie. Nauchnyy zhurnal]. 2014, Vol. 6, June, pp. 150–155.

[4] Goncharko D.N. The Crisis of Representation in Ethics [Krizis reprezentatsii v etike] // Bulletin of the Len-ingrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin [Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.S. Pushkina]. Vol. 1 [T. 1], 2009, № 3, pp. 106–112.

[5] Dandarova J.K. The Technology to Increase the Motivational Potential of the Educational Environment [Tekhnologiya povysheniya motivatsionnogo potentsiala obrazovatel’noy sredy»] // Humanitarian Technolo-gies in the University Educational Practice: the Practice of Design, Analysis and Applications: the Man-ual [Gumanitarnye tekhnologii v vuzovskoy obrazovatel’noy praktike: praktika proektirovaniya, analiza i primeneniya. Uchebnoe posobie] / Under total. Ed. N.V. Bordovskikh. Saint Petersburg Publishing House of the Herzen State University [Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena], 2008, pp. 7–24.

[6] Erunov B.A. Epistemology and Social Psychology: the New Features of Human cognition [Gnoseologiya i sotsial’naya psikhologiya i novye vozmozhnosti chelovecheskogo poznaniya]. Saint Petersburg, Publishing House: St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology, 2007, 272 pp.

[7] Zhebrovskaya O.O. The technology «Debate» [Tekhnologiya «Debaty»] // Humanitarian Technology in the University Educational Practice: the Practice of Design, Analysis and Applications: the Manual [Gumani-tarnye tekhnologii v vuzovskoy obrazovatel’noy praktike: praktika proektirovaniya, analiza i primeneni-ya. Uchebnoe posobie] / Under total. Ed. NV Bordovskikh. Saint Petersburg, Publishing House RSPU. AI Herzen, 2008, pp. 78–100.

[8] Kaverina E.A. The Phenomenon of Creativity: the Game with the Purpose [Fenomen kreativa: igry s tsel’yu] // Society. Invironment. Development. [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie]. 2011, № 1, pp. 148–152.

[9] Mureyko L.V. To the Problem of the Mass Consciousness Rationality [K probleme ratsional’nosti massovogo soznaniya] // Proceedings of the Russian State Pedagogical University [Izvestiya Rossiyskogo gosudarstven-nogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A.I. Gertsena]. 2009, № 117, Saint Petersburg, pp. 126–134.

[10] Puiu Y. Motivational Management: the Prospects for Development [Motivatsionnoe upravlenie: perspektivy razvitiya] // Philosophy of Law [Filosofiya prava]. 2011, № 6, pp. 75–77.

[11] Puiu Y. Political Manipulation: Yesterday, Nowdays and Tomorrow [Politicheskoe manipulirovanie: vchera, segodnya, zavtra] // Philosophy of Law [Filosofiya prava]. 2011, № 1, pp. 49–52.

[12] Puiu Y. Anthropology manipulation [Antropologiya manipulirovaniya]. Saint Petersburg, Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press [Izd-vo Politekhn. un-ta], 2009, 255 p.

[13] Romanenko I.B. The Socio-Cultural Identity and Spiritual and Moral Education (the Reflection on the Ar-ticle of D.K. Burlaka «The Spiritual Education in the Post-Secular Space») [Sotsiokul’turnaya identichnost’




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i dukhovno-nravstvennoe vospitanie (razmyshleniya o stat’e D.K. Burlaki «Dukhovno-fundirovannoe obra-zovanie v postsekulyarnom prostranstve»)] // Bulletin of Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy [Vestnik Russkoy khristianskoy gumanitarnoy akademii]. Vol. 14 [T.14], 2013, rel. 2, pp. 65–72.

[14] Romanenko Y.M., Chulkov O.A. The Metaphor and Symbol of the Cultural Circulation [Metafora i simvol v kul’turnom obrashchenii] // Metaphysical Studies [Metafizicheskie issledovaniya]. 1997, № 5, pp. 46–59.

[15] Romanenko Y.M. The Ontology of Myth [Ontologiya mifa. Uchebnoe posobie]. Saint Petersburg, Publishing House of the St.-Petersburg University [Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta], 2006, 142 p.

[16] Romanenko Y.M. Philosophy in the Glare of the Myth: Metaphysics as the Poetic Fancies [Filosofiya v otsvete mifa: metafizika kak poetika mysleobrazov] // Metaphysical Studies [Metafizicheskie issledovaniya]. 2000, №15, pp. 69–76.

[17] Sultanov K.V., Romanenko I.B. The Socio-Cultural Identity of Youth as a Philosophical Problem // Society. Environment. Development [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie]. 2012, № 1, pp. 116–121.

N.A. Rakhmatulina,Reasecher, St. Petersburg State Conservatory; teacher,

St. Petersburg State Musical College named after Rimsky-Korsakov, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

the teaChIng aCtIVItIeS of olIVIer meSSIaen: mUSIC analytICal prInCIpleS and gUIdelIneSThe author first makes an attempt to identify and summarize the most important music analytical principles and guidelines of Olivier Messiaen, which the composer developed and included in the course of his educational activities at the Paris Conservatoire. Based on the original sources, the author systematised and revealed the essence of analytic approach to the study of Olivier Messiaen’s musical heritage of outstanding composers from the XIV century till XX century. This paper was the result of the author’s translations of documents containing statements from Messiaen, as well as memories of his students.Key words: music pedagogy, music analysis, composition, O. Messiaen.

References:[1] The Century of Messiaen: a collection of papers [Vek Messiana: sbornik statey] / Ed. K.V. Zenkin, T.S. Kyur-

egyan. Moscow, Moscow conservatory [Moskovskaya konservatoriya]. 2011, 272 p.[2] Samuel C. Interviews with O. Messiaen [Besedy s O. Messianom]. Soviet music [Sov. Muzyka]. 1982, № 2,

pp. 105–109.[3] Zaregradskaya T.V. Time and rhythm in Olivier Messiaen’s works [Vremya i ritm v tvorchestve Oliv’e Mes-

siana]. Moscow, Classica-XXI, 2002, 375 p.[4] Boivin J. La classe de Messiaen. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1995, 483 p.[5] Halbreich H. Olivier Messiaen. Paris: Fayard / Sacem, 1980, 532 p.[6] Messiaen au Conservatoire. Paris: CREC, 2008, 288 p.[7] Samuel C. Permanences d’Olivier Messiaen. Paris: Actes Sud, 1999, 488 p.

e n v i r o n m e n tUNDERSTANDING THE NooSPHERE

A.I. Subetto,PhD, professor, Honored builder of the Russian Federation, president, Noospheric Public Academy, St. Petersburg;

e-mail: subal1937@yandex.runooSphere paradIgm of a goal-SettIng of a SUStaInable deVelopment of manKInd and rUSSIaFeature of a sustainable development of mankind is an emergence of a noosphere paradigm of a goal-setting. Development of humanity before the XX century happened spontaneously, a trial and error method. The live substance of the Biosphere made a negentropy more powerfully, than the mankind made entropy. The big power of the world economy with action of forces majeure of development brought in the XXI century to Global Envi-ronmental Disaster. The imperative of transition to a sustainable development in the form of the operated social evolution arose on the basis of public intelligence and scientific and educational society.Key words: goal-setting, sustainability, intelligence, imperative, evolution, spontaneity, entropy, negentropy, noo-sphere.

References:[1] Barbyus A. Stalin. Leningrad, Publishing house of RKPO «Russia», 1997, 186 p.[2] Berdyaev N.A. Russkaya idea. Main problems of the Russian thought of the XIX century and beginning of

the XX century. Destiny of Russia [Russkaya ideya. Osnovnye problemy russkoy mysli XIX veka i nachala XX veka. Sud’ba Rossii]. Moscow, JSC «Svarog i K», 1997. 541 p.

[3] Berdyaev N.A. Self-knowledge (Experience of the philosophical autobiography) [Samopoznanie (Opyt filos-ofskoy avtobiografii)]. Moscow, Book, 1991, 446 p.

[4] Bulgakov S.N. Filosofiya of economy [Filosofiya khozyaystva]. Moscow, Science, 1990, 412 p.[5] Vernadsky V.I. Philosophical thoughts of the naturalist [Filosofskie mysli naturalista]. Moscow, Science,

1988, 520 p.



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243[6] Gorshkov. V.G. Physical and biological bases of stability of life [Fizicheskie i biologicheskie osnovy ustoy-chivosti zhizni]. Moscow, 1995, 470 p.

[7] Dmitriyev A.N., Rusanov A.V. Missile defense of VOZVESTIYA, PRO ROCHESTVA, PRO GNOZY … Nov-osibirsk: Trina, 1997, 148 p.

[8] Ilyin I.V., Ursule A.D. Evolutionary global studies (concept of evolution of global processes) [Evolyutsionnaya globalistika (kontseptsiya evolyutsii global’nykh protsessov)]. Moscow, Publishing house Moskovsk. un-that, 2009, 192 p.

[9] Treasurers V.P., Dmitriyev A.N., Mingazov of I.F. Tsivilization in the conditions of growth of power con-sumption of natural processes of Earth [Tsivilizatsiya v usloviyakh rosta energoemkosti prirodnykh protsess-ov Zemli]. Novosibirsk, Russian Academy of Medical Science, Siberian office; Scientific center of clinical and expert medicine; Institute of geology, Siberian office of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology Novosibirsk Region Federal State Healthcare Institution [RAMN, Sib. otd.; Nauch. tsentr klinich. i eksp. meditsiny; In-t geologii, Sib. otd. RAN; FGUZ «Tsentr gigieny i epidemiologii Novosib. Obl.»], 2007, 422 p.

[10] Kommoner B. Zamykayushchiysya circle [Zamykayushchiysya krug]. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1973.[11] Koptyug V.A. Conference of the UN on environment and development (Rio de Janeiro, June, 1992). Informa-

tion review [Konferentsiya OON po okruzhayushchey srede i razvitiyu (Rio-de-Zhaneyro, iyun’ 1992 goda). Informatsionnyy obzor]. Novosibirsk, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1992, 62 p.

[12] Prokhanov A.A. The operated chaos [Upravlyaemyy khaos] // Tomorrow [Zavtra]. 2015, № 35 (1136), 1 p.[13] Subetto A.I. Kapitalokratiya (philosophical and economic sketches). Chosen articles and interview [Kapita-

lokratiya (filosofsko-ekonomicheskie ocherki). Izbrannye stat’i i interv’yu]. Saint Petersburg, KGU of N.A. Nekrasov, 2000, 214 p.

[14] Subetto A.I. Kapitalokratiya and global imperialism [Kapitalokratiya i global’nyy imperialism]. Saint Peters-burg, Asterion, 2009, 572 p.

[15] Subetto A.I. The manifesto of noosphere socialism [Manifest noosfernogo sotsializma] / Under науч. V.G. Egorkin edition. Saint Petersburg, Asterion, 2011, 108 p.

[16] Subetto A.I. Megakosmicheskaya a reason proskopiya (public intelligence) of mankind [Megakosmicheskaya proskopiya razuma (obshchestvennogo intellekta) chelovechestva] / Under edition of V.V. Lukoyanov. Saint Petersburg, Asterion, 2014, 218 p.

[17] Subetto A.I. Scientific and educational society as a basis of strategy of development of Russia in the XXI cen-tury [Nauchno-obrazovatel’noe obshchestvo kak osnova strategii razvitiya Rossii v XXI veke] / Under edition of V.V. Lukoyanov. Saint Petersburg, Asterion, 2015, 190 p.

[18] Subetto A.I. Noosferizm. Vol. 1. Introduction to a noosferizm [Noosferizm. T. 1. Vvedenie v noosferizm] / A. I. Subetto. Saint Petersburg, KGU of N.A. Nekrasov, KSU of Kirill and Mefodiy, 2001, 537 p.

[19] Subetto A.I., Gorbunov A.A. Noosphere format of sustainable innovative development of Russia in the XXI century [Noosfernyy format ustoychivogo innovatsionnogo razvitiya Rossii v XXI veke]. Saint Petersburg, Kostroma, KSU of N.A. Nekrasov, Asterion, 2010, 33 p.

[20] Subetto A.I. Reason and anti-reason (That day future prepares for us?) [Razum i antirazum (Chto den’ gry-adushchiy nam gotovit?)]. Saint Petersburg, Asterion, 2003, 148 p.

[21] Subetto A.I. Revolution and evolution (the methodological analysis of a problem of their ratio) [Revolyutsiya i evolyutsiya (metodologicheskiy analiz problemy ikh sootnosheniya)] / Under L.A. Zelenov edition. Saint Petersburg, Asterion, 2015, 76 p.

[22] Subetto A.I. Childbirth of the valid reason [Rody deystvitel’nogo razuma] / Under L.A. Zelenov edition. Saint Petersburg, Asterion, 2015, 200 p.

[23] Subetto A.I. The operating reason and a new paradigm of science about management (in the context of a noosphere imperative of the XXI century) [Upravlyayushchiy razum i novaya paradigma nauki ob uprav-lenii (v kontekste noosfernogo imperativa XXI veka)] / Under edition of V.V. Lukoyanov. Saint Petersburg, Asterion, 2015, 52 p.

[24] Subetto A.I. Epokh of the Russian Renaissance in a personnel (Titans of the Russian Renaissance) [Epokha russkogo Vozrozhdeniya v personaliyakh (Titany russkogo Vozrozhdeniya)]. I. Kostroma, KSU of N. A. Nekrasov, 2008, 500 p.

[25] Subetto A.I. Sotsiogenetika: sistemogenetika, public intelligence, educational genetics and world develop-ment (integrative synthesis) [Sotsiogenetika: sistemogenetika, obshchestvennyy intellekt, obrazovatel’naya genetika i mirovoe razvitie (integrativnyy sintez)]. Moscow, Research center of problems of quality of prepa-ration of spetsivlist, 1994, 156 p.

[26] Toynbee А.Dj. Comprehension of history [Postizhenie istorii]. Moscow, Progress, 1991, 736 p.[27] Fursov A. Forward,, to a victory! Russian success in the long term and retrospective [Vpered, k pobede!

Russkiy uspekh v perspektive i retrospective]. Moscow, Izborsky club, Book world, 2014, 320 p.[28] Goodland R., Daly H., El Serafy S. (Eds.), Environmental Sustainable Economic. Development. Building on

Brundtland. Washington DC: World Bank, 1991.




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V.V. Ivanov,Candidate of technical Sciences, Leading researcher, Arctic and Antarctic research Institute, St. Petersburg;


M.V. Tretiakov,Candidate of geographical Sciences, Head of the Department of hydrology of river mouths and water resources,

Arctic and Antarctic research Institute, St. Petersburg; e-mail:

«the problemS of rehabIlatIon and deVelopment of the SyStem of hydrometeorologICal obSerVatIonS In the UStIeVaya oblaSt (eStUarIon areaS) of rIVerS of the arCtIC Zone aS the baSIS for State monItorIng of theSe faCIlItIeS»The article discusses the status and problems of the rehabilation and development of system of hydrometeorologi-cal observations in ustievaya oblast (the estuarine areas) of rivers of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including internal sea waters, as a basis of State monitoring of these water bodies. Set the tasks for the reconstruc-tion and development of this system, relating to the elimination of contradictions in water legislation, the har-monization of hydrographic zoning of Roshydromet and Rosvodresursy, fill gaps in Federal legislation on river boundaries of the internal sea waters in the ustievaya oblast ( the estuarine areas) of the rivers, as well as the need to analyse the representativeness of the reference observation points and ancient hydrological transects in the ustievaya oblast (the estuarine areas) of the rivers, including areas of internal sea waters (internal waters).Key words: The State monitoring of waterbodies, the system of hydrometeorological observations, ustievaya ob-last (estuarine region of the river), internal waters, internal sea waters, Arctic zone of Russian Federation.

References:[1] Antonov V.S. Distribution of river waters in the Arctic seas. Works AANII [Rasprostranenie rechnykh vod v

arkticheskikh moryakh Trudy AANII]. 1957, vol. 208, rel. 2, pp. 25–52.[2] Antonov V.S. Studying of the hydrological mode of estuarial sites of the rivers of Siberia – Problems of the

Arctic and Antarctic, 1967, rel. 27, pp. 48–54.[3] Atlas of the Arctic. The edition of Head department of geodesy and cartography at CM of the USSR [Atlas

Arktiki. Izdanie Glavnogo upravleniya geodezii i kartografii pri SM SSSR]. Moscow, 1985, pp. 140–141.[4] Baiding S. S. Change of a natural complex of estuarial areas under the influence of activity of the person

[Izmenenie prirodnogo kompleksa ust’evykh oblastey pod vliyaniem deyatel’nosti cheloveka]. Works SOIN [Trudy GOIN]. 1978, vyp.142, pp. 6–12

[5] Bryzgalo V.A., Ivanov V.V. Role of an anthropogenous factor in formation of a current gidrologo-ecological state of the rivers of the North and the Arctic of Russia – the Ecological Chemistry Journal [Rol’ antropo-gennogo faktora v formirovanii sovremennogo gidrologo-ekologicheskogo sostoyaniya rek Severa i Arktiki Rossii – Zhurnal «Ekologicheskaya khimiya»], 2004, vol.13, rel. 2, pp. 79–92.

[6] Bryzgalo V.A., Ivanov V.V., Zamyatin V.Yu., Makeev V.M. Emergency ecological situations in regions of the Russian North [Chrezvychaynye ekologicheskie situatsii v rayonakh rossiyskogo Severa,]. Saint Petersburg, Publishing GPA, 2009, 81 p.

[7] Bryzgalo V.A., Ivanov V.V., Ivanova I.M. Inflow of the dissolved chemicals to Ob and Tazovsky estuarial area. Meteorology and Hydrology journal [Pritok rastvorennykh khimicheskikh veshchestv v Obsko-Tazovskuyu ust’evuyu oblast’. Zhurnal «Meteorologiya i gidrologiya»], 2011, № 3, pp. 82–90.

[8] Vendrov S.L. Problems of transformation of river systems [Problemy preobrazovaniya rechnykh system]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1979, 207 p.

[9] Water strategy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020 (The order of the Government of the Rus-sian Federation of August 27, 2009, .№1235-р.) [Vodnaya strategiya RF na period do 2020 g. ( utv. Raspo-ryazheniem Pravitel’stva RF ot 27 avgusta 2009 g.№1235-r )]

[10] The water code of the Russian Federation of 03.06.2006 N 74-FZ (it is edited of 13.07.2015 with the changes and additions which came into force from 24.07.2015) [Vodnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 03.06.2006 N 74-FZ (red. ot 13.07.2015 s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 24.07.2015)]

[11] Grigoriev M. N. Internal borders for internal waters [Vnutrennie granitsy dlya vnutrennikh vod]. URL: ht-tpi.//pro-arctic/ru/28/11/2013/legislation/5940 resource

[12] GOST Classification of water objects (with changes), approved in January, 1988 (IUS 4-88) with-out restriction of validity period No. 99 Is put into operation by the Resolution of the State committee USSR on standards of January 26, 1988, № 99 [GOST . Klassifikatsiya vodnykh ob»ektov (s izmeneni-yami), utverzhdennyy v yanvare 1988 g. (IUS 4-88) bez ogranicheniya sroka deystviya. Vveden v deystvie Postanovleniem Gosudarstvennogo komiteta SSSR po standartam ot 26 yanvarya 1988 goda, № 99].

[13] Ivanov V.V. Basic principles of gidrologo-morphological division into districts of estuarial areas of the riv-ers of the Arctic. Factors and principles of physiographic division into districts of Polar Regions of Earth [Osnovnye printsipy gidrologo-morfologicheskogo rayonirovaniya ust’evykh oblastey rek Arktiki. Faktory i printsipy fiziko-geograficheskogo rayonirovaniya polyarnykh oblastey Zemli]. Leningrad, 1974, pp. 108–120.

[14] Ivanov V.V. Main results and immediate tasks of researches of lower reaches and estuarial areas of the large rivers of the Arctic. Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic [Osnovnye itogi i ocherednye zadachi issledovaniy nizov’ev i ust’evykh oblastey krupnykh rek Arktiki. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki], 1978, rel. 54, pp. 30–41.

[15] Ivanov V.V. Gidrologichesky the mode of lower reaches and mouths of the rivers of Western Siberia and a problem of an assessment of its changes under the influence of territorial redistribution of water resources [Gidrologicheskiy rezhim nizov’ev i ust’ev rek zapadnoy Sibiri i problema otsenki ego izmeneniy pod vliya-



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24�niem territorial’nogo pereraspredeleniya vodnykh resursov] // Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic [Prob-lemy Arktiki i Antarktiki], rel. 55, 1980, pp. 20–43.

[16] Ivanov V. V. Estuarial areas of the Siberian rivers and transfer of a drain [Ust’evye oblasti sibirskikh rek i perebroska stoka] // Interbasin it is redistributed е water resources and its influence on natural resources and a national economy [Mezhbasseynovoe pereraspredelen e vodnykh resursov i ego vliyanie na prirodnye resursy i narodnoe khozyaystvo]. Leningrad, 1980, pp. 106–123.

[17] Ivanov V.V. Water resources of the Arctic: state and researches of prospect. In book: Materials of conference of the subarctic states [Vodnye resursy Arktiki: sostoyanie i issledovaniy perspektivy. V kn.: Materialy kon-ferentsii priarkticheskikh gosudarstv]. Moscow, Publishing house of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1990, p.1, pp. 193–202.

[18] Ivanov V.V. Technique of an assessment of reserves of fresh waters in estuarial areas of the Arctic with the closed estuarial beach [Metodika otsenki zapasov presnykh vod v ust’evykh oblastyakh Arktiki s zakrytymi ust’evymi vzmor’yami] // Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic [Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki], rel.66, 1991, pp. 224–238.

[19] Ivanov V.V. Makeev V.M. Role of hydrological and other natural factors in long-period formation of estuarial areas of the rivers of the Arctic zone. Works V of All-Union hydrological congress. Volume 9. Mouths of the rivers [Rol’ gidrologicheskikh i drugikh prirodnykh faktorov v dolgoperiodnom formirovanii ust’evykh oblastey rek Arkticheskoy zony . Trudy V Vsesoyuznogo gidrologicheskogo s»ezda .Tom 9. Ust’ya rek]. Len-ingrad. Gidrometeoizdat. Pp. 65–74.

[20] Ivanov V.V., Rusanov V.P. Features of allocation of sea borders of estuarial areas of the rivers of the Arctic [Osobennosti vydeleniya morskikh granits ust’evykh oblastey rek Arktiki]. Тр GOIN, 1978, rel. 142, pp. 122–125.

[21] Kuzin P.S. Classification of the rivers and hydrographic division into districts of the USSR [Klassifikatsiya rek i gidrograficheskoe rayonirovanie SSSR]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1960, 455 p.

[22] Cousins P.S., Babkin V. N. Geographical regularities of the hydrological mode of the rivers [Geograficheskie zakonomernosti gidrologicheskogo rezhima rek]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1979, 200 p.

[23] The technique of water management division into districts of the territory of the Russian Federation is ap-proved the Order MPR Russian Federation from 25.042007 № 111 «About the statement of the Technique of water management division into districts of the territory of the Russian Federation» [Metodika vodokhozyay-stvennogo rayonirovaniya territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii utverzhdena Prikaz MPR RF ot 25.042007 №111 «Ob utverzhdenii Metodiki vodokhozyaystvennogo rayonirovaniya territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii»].

[24] The technique of hydrographic division into districts of the territory of the Russian Federation is approved by the Order MPR Russian Federation of 25.04.2007 № 112 «About the statement of a technique of hy-drographic division into districts of the territory of the Russian Federation» [Metodika gidrograficheskogo rayonirovaniya territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii utverzhdena Prikazom MPR RF ot 25.04.2007 № 112 «Ob utverzhdenii metodiki gidrograficheskogo rayonirovaniya territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii»].

[25] Mikhaylov V.N. Problems of studying, use and protection of estuarial areas of the rivers. Works V of All-Union hydrological congress Volume 9. Mouths of the rivers [Mikhaylov V.N. Problemy izucheniya, ispol’zovaniya i okhrany ust’evykh oblastey rek. Trudy V Vsesoyuznogo gidrologicheskogo s»ezda Tom 9. Ust’ya rek]. Len-ingrad, Gidrometeoizdat. 1990, pp. 5–18.

[26] Motovilov Yu.G., Omelyanenko V.A. Hydrographic division into districts of the territory of the Russian Fed-eration [Gidrograficheskoe rayonirovanie territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii] // Use and protection of natural resources in Russia [Ispol’zovanie i okhrana prirodnykh resursov v Rossii]. 2009, № 2, pp. 77–81.

[27] Nikanorov A.M., Ivanov V.V., Bryzgalo V.A. The rivers of the Russian Arctic in modern conditions of an-thropogenous influence [Reki Rossiyskoy Arktiki v sovremennykh usloviyakh antropogennogo vozdeystviya] / Rostov-on-Don. Publishing house of «NOC», 2007, 280 p.

[28] The provision on implementation of the state monitoring of water objects is approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2007 (in an edition of April 18, 2014) [Poloz-henie ob osushchestvlenii gosudarstvennogo monitoringa vodnykh ob»ektov utverzhdeno Postanovleniem Pravitel’stva RF ot 10 aprelya 2007 g. ( v red. ot 18 aprelya 2014 goda)]

[29] The resolution of the government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2006 № 728 «About hydro-graphic and water management division into districts of the territory of the Russian Federation and the state-ment of borders of basin districts» (The Russian Federation Code, 2006, N 49th Art. 5225) [Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 30 noyabrya 2006 goda N 728 «O gidrograficheskom i vodokhozyay-stvennom rayonirovanii territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii i utverzhdenii granits basseynovykh okrugov» (So-branie zakonodatel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, N 49 st. 5225)]

[30] The resolution of the government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 № 883 «About an or-der of development, the statement and implementation of schemes of complex use and protection of water objects, modification of these schemes» (with changes for December 31 for August 31, 2015) [Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 30 dekabrya 2006 goda № 883 «O poryadke razrabotki, utverzhdeniya i realizatsii skhem kompleksnogo ispol’zovaniya i okhrany vodnykh ob»ektov, vneseniya izmeneniy v eti skhe-my» ( s izmeneniyami na 31 dekabrya na 31 avgusta 2015 goda)]

[31] The order MPR Russian Federation from 11oktyabrya.2007 years № 265 «About the statement of borders of basin districts» [Prikaz MPR RF ot 11oktyabrya.2007 goda № 265 «Ob utverzhdenii granits basseynovykh okrugov»].

[32] The leading document RD 52.10.324-92. Methodical instructions. Hydrological supervision and works on a hydrometeorological network in estuarial areas of the rivers. SOIN [Rukovodyashchiy dokument RD 52.10.324-92. Metodicheskie ukazaniya. Gidrologicheskie nablyudeniya i raboty na gidrometeorologicheskoy seti v ust’evykh oblastyakh rek. GOIN]. Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat, 1993, 187 p.




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[33] The leading document RD 52.24. 508-96 Methodical instructions. Organization and functioning of a sub-system of monitoring of a condition of a cross-border surface water of land [Rukovodyashchiy dokument RD 52.24. 508-96 Metodicheskie ukazaniya. Organizatsiya i funktsionirovanie podsistemy monitoringa sostoy-aniya transgranichnykh poverkhnostnykh vod sushi]. Saint Petersburg, Gidrometeoizdat, 1999, 44 p.

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[38] Tretyakov M.V., Ivanov V.V. Sostoyaniye and problems of development of technologies of an assessment and forecasting of the intrusion of sea waters in estuarial areas of the rivers of the Arctic in the conditions of regu-lation of a drain and climatic changes. Works SOIN, rel. 214 [Sostoyanie i problemy razvitiya tekhnologiy otsenki i prognozirovaniya intruzii morskikh vod v ust’evye oblasti rek Arktiki v usloviyakh regulirovaniya stoka i klimaticheskikh izmeneniy. Trudy GOIN, vyp. 214], Moscow, 2013, pp. 200–212.

[39] The decree of the President of the Russian Federation «About overland territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation» of May 2, 2014, № 296 [Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii «O sukhoputnykh ter-ritoriyakh Arkticheskoy zony Rossiyskoy Federatsii» ot 2 maya 2014 g. № 296]

[40] The federal law of the Russian Federation of 31.iyulya 1998 (in an edition of 13.07.2015) No. 155-FZ «About internal sea waters, the territorial sea and contiguous zone of the Russian Federation» [Federal’nyy zakon RF ot 31.iyulya 1998 goda ( v red. ot 13.07.2015) №155-FZ «O vnutrennikh morskikh vodakh, territorial’nom more i prilezhashchey zone Rossiyskoy Federatsii»]

[41] The federal law from 21.07.2014-FZ «About modification of the Federal law «About environmental pro-tection» and separate acts of the Russian Federation» [Federal’nyy zakon ot 21.07.2014-FZ « O vnesenii izmeneniy v Federal’nyy zakon «Ob okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy» i otdel’nye zakonodatel’nye akty Ros-siyskoy Federatsii»].

[42] Ivanov V.V. Inflow and spreading of river water in the Kara sea. In book Polar seas oceanography: an inte-grated case study of the Kara Sea / Vladimir A. Volkov [et al.]. London [etc.]. Springer, cop. 2002, pp.36–54.


P.A. Vaynovskiy,C.Sci. (geogr.), senior research associate, «Prognoz», Saint-Petersburg;


V.N. Malinin,D.Sci. (geogr.), professor, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Saint-Petersburg;

e-mail: malinin@rshu.ruaboUt aIr temperatUre VarIatIonS of the northern hemISphere dUrIng the laSt two mIllennIaWe consider long changes in the air temperature during the last two millennia, based on Lundqvist data. Using wavelet analysis we distinguished 4 cycles transient in frequency and amplitude, the contribution of the 1,000th cycle in the dispersion of the initial series being nearly 58%. The method of approximation and the long-term forecast of the air temperature time series using complex shear autoregressive models of wavelet coefficients are proposed. Possible climate change until 2100 is discussed.Key words: climate change, air temperature, wavelet analysis, autoregressive models, cycles.

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24�[6] Lovelius N.V. Changes in the growth of pine in north-eastern Europe during 600 years [Izmeneniya rosta sosny v severo-vostochnoy Evrope za 600 let] // Society. Environent. Development [Obshchestvo. Sreda. Raz-vitie]. 2011, №2, pp. 229–233.

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[8] Malinin V.N. Statistical methods for the analysis of hydrometeorological information [Statisticheskie metody analiza gidrometeorologicheskoy informatsii]. Saint Petersburg, Publishing of RSHU, 2008, 407 p.

[9] Malinin V.N. Gordeeva S.M. Physical-statistical method of forecasting oceanographic characteristics [Fiziko-statisticheskiy metod prognoza okeanologicheskikh kharakteristik]. Murmansk PINRO, 2003, 164 pp.

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[16] Ljungqvist F.C. A new reconstruction of temperature variability in the extratropical northern hemisphere during the last two millennia. Geograf. Annal. 2010, № 92, pp. 339–351.

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[20] McIntyre S. McKitrick R. The M&M Critique of the MBH98 Northern Hemisphere Climate Index: Update and Implications // Energy and Environment. 2005, № 16(1), pp. 69–100.

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E.S. Urusova,Candidate of geographical Sciences, Lecturer, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Saint-Petersburg;

e-mail: e.s.urusova@gmail.comthe aSSeSSment of ohta rIVer pollUtIon wIthIn SaInt peterSbUrg wIth the USIng of Integral CUrVeSThe aim of the investigation is estimation of temporal-spatial dynamics of Ohta river pollution within of the Saint Petersburg on the base of integral curves analysis. Initial data for investigation are series of nitrogen forms, oxy-gen, oil products and detergents concentrations and BOD5 for period 1995-2013. Two monitoring stations (Rj-marovskiy and Ilyinskiy bridges) are considered. As investigation methods are used different statistical methods of assessment and method of territorial generalization. Analysis of numerical characteristics shows that series of annual concentrations has high variability and a high degree of positive asymmetry. Estimation of homogeneity shows that a little bit more than half of data series are homogeneous. It means that they show real condition of river under high level of anthropogenic impact. Nonhomogeneous data series contain two types of data: which show river pollution under regular anthropogenic impact, and which show conditions of industrial emissions or result of hydrometeorological factor influence. Estimation of spatial-temporal dynamics of Ohta River pollution shows that a lot of pollutants concentrations increased from the source to the mouth. All data series have periods or single years when concentrations are increase sharply. Integral curves are easy and reliable method for estima-tion of spatial-temporal dynamics of concentrations and runoff.Key words: the Ohta River, nutrients, numerical characteristics, water quality, integral curves.

References:[1] Galtsova V.V., Dmitriev V.V. Practicum in water ecology and monitoring of water ecosystems state [Prakti-

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A.V. Izmailova,Candidate of Geographical Scineces, Senior Researcher,

Limnology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg; e-mail:

the CrIterIa for aSSeSSIng the QUalIty of regIonal laKe water reSoUrCeSThe set of the criteria allowing to estimate quality of lake waters in relation to the territory which resource we de-fine is offered. Each criterion is considered from the point of view of its applicability to the purposes of a regional assessment of quality of water.Key words: criteria of an assessment of quality of waters, toxic pollution,

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H. Farjami,PhD Candidate, Russian State Hydrometeorology Universiry, Saint-Petersburg;


B. Chapron,PhD of Oceanography, Head of the Space Oceanography Laboratory, IFREMER, Plouzanй, France;

e-mail: bertrand.chapron@ifremer.frClImatology of Swell and wInd-Sea In the north of IndIan oCean by USIng SatellIte altImetry dataSwell and wind waves climatology in the North of Indian Ocean, covering the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, based on satellite altimeter measurements in the period 1993–2014 is presented. Contribution of swell and wind-sea to the total energy at different wind speed conditions is analyzed, for the both basins. Wavelet transform is applied to analyze annual and semi-annual cycle of the wave field in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. It is shown that annual and semi-annual cycles are stronger in the Arabian Sea as compared with Bay of Bengal. We revealed abnormal behavior of the significant wave height in the both of basins during 2004-2005. This feature is presumably caused by high activity of the tropical cyclones in the period from 15 November 2004 to 30 April 2005 in the south-west of Indian Ocean.Key words: Swell and wind-sea, North of Indian Ocean, Altimetry.

References:[1] Bhaskaran P.K., Gupta N., Dash M.K. Wind-wave Climate Projections for the Indian Ocean from Satellite

Observations // Journal of Marine Science Research & Development. 2014, S11:005.[2] Chen G., Chapron B., Ezraty R., Vandemark D. A Global View of Swell and Wind Sea Climate in the Ocean

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[3] Collard F., Ardhuin F., Chapron B. Monitoring and analysis of ocean swell fields from space: New methods for routine observations // Journal of geophysical research. 2009, vol. 114, C07023. doi:10.1029/2008JC005215.

[4] Farias,de, E.G.G., Lorenzzetti J.A., Chapron B. Swell and Wind-Sea Distributions over the Mid-Latitude and Tropical North Atlantic for the Period 2002–2008 // International Journal of Oceanography. 2012, vol. 2012. Article ID 306723, 8 p.

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[16] Young I.R., Zieger S., Babanin A.V. Global Trends in Wind Speed and Wave Height // Science 332, 451 (2011). doi: 10.1126/science.1197219.

[17] Fardzhami, X., Sopron B. Features of a field of a wind in northern part of the Indian Ocean on the basis of the analysis of data of NCEP during 2010–2014 [Osobennosti polya vetra v severnoy chasti Indiyskogo okeana na osnove analiza dannykh NCEP za period 2010–2014] // Scientific notes of RGGMU [Uchenye za-piski RGGMU]. 2015, № 39, pp. 142–148.

L.A. Pestryakova,D.Sc. (Geo.), Chief Researcher, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk;


D.A. Subetto,D.Sc. (Geo.), Professor, Director, Northern Water Problems Institute,

Karelian Research Centre RAS, Petrozavodsk; e-mail:

M.S. Potakhin,PhD (Geo.), Researcher, Northern Water Problems Institute,

Karelian Research Centre RAS, Petrozavodsk; e-mail:

L.A. Frolova,PhD (Biol.), Associate Professor, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology,

Kazan Federal University, Kazan; e-mail:

L.A. Ushnitskaya,Researcher, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk;


I.V. yadrihinsky,Engineer, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk;


E.I. Troeva,PhD (Biol.), Researcher, Criolitozone Biology Problems Institute, Siberian Branch RAS, Yakutsk;

e-mail: etroeva@mail.rupaleolImnologICal and paleoeCologICal StUdy of SUtUrUoKha laKe (IndIgIrKa rIVer baSIn)Paleolimnological expedition was organized on Suturuokha Lake in August 2015. The expedition had the pur-pose to identify changes of environmental conditions and reconstruction of climatic characteristics of lakes in the past. The lake located in the area of Resource Reserve «Suturuokha», on the catchment area of Suturuokha River, left tributary of Indigirka River (Abyisky District, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)). Indigirka River Basin has not been studied in paleolimnological and paleogeographic aspects. For the first time it has been made the bathy-metric survey of Suturuokha Lake, the geobotanical description of the catchment area and the hydro-biological samples (phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos) were taken. The lake bottom deposits were drilled by the Russian corer (thickness up to 2 m) for the first time for Indigirka River Basin to reconstruct paleoclimate and paleoevironmental conditions during the last 12000 years.Key words: Suturuokha Lake, Indigirka River, Paleolimnological and Paleoecological Study, Sediments.

References:[1] Ryanzhin S.V, Subetto D.A., Kochkov N.V., Akhmetova N.S., Veinmeister N.V. Polar Lakes of the World:

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G.G. Panova,PhD, Head of Department, Agrophysical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg;


I.N. Chernousov,PhD, Engineer of 1 category, Agrophysical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg;


o.R. Udalova,PhD, Section Head, Agrophysical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg;


A.V. Alexandrov,Lead engineer, Agrophysical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg;


I.V. Karmanov,PhD, Senior Researcher, Agrophysical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg;


L.M. Anikina,PhD, Leading Researcher, Agrophysical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg;


V.L. SudakovPhD, Leading Researcher, Agrophysical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg;

e-mail:, office@agrophys.rufItoteChCompleXeS In rUSSIa: baSIS for CreatIon and perSpeCtIVeS of USe for year-roUnd obtaInIng hIgh QUalIty plant prodUCtIon In the plaCe of reSIdenCe and worK of the peopleThe possibility of creating and using the high tech phytotechcomplexes on resource saving all-the-year-round intensive manufacture of high-quality vegetative production under artificial light is substantiated. Technical and agrobiological tests of the elaborated plant growing light equipment of various types for phytotechcomplexes shown high efficiency realized in them of the methods of the light and root-habitad environments organization, and resource-saving agrotechnologies in order to obtain all-year high yields of high-quality plant products.Key words: photoculture, plant growing, plant growing light equipment, lighting device, fitotechcomplexes, re-source saving agrotechnology, high-quality plant production.

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