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St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

St Philip’s School Homework Pack *Please visit the school website for further instructions

Round 4 – Tasks 91-120

91. To be able to tie your tie independently.92. To be able to wash your hair independently.93. To be able to hair dry your hair with a hairdryer (if applicable).94. To be able to independently put a duvet cover onto a duvet.95. To be able to fold up different items of clothing.96. To be able to make yourself a sandwich.97. To be able to fry an egg.98. To be able to learn your email address (if applicable).99. To be able to write a short shopping list of items to collect from a local shop which can make some kind of food, like a sandwich (bread, butter and ham).100. To be able to photograph things in nature.101. To be able to read aloud 3-4 pages from a book of your choice to a parent.102. To be able to play a new game you have never played before.103. To be able to read for 20 minutes, four days in a row, from a book of your choice.104. To be able to help a parent wash their car.105. To be able to make your own word search.106. To be able to be able to ring a family member on the phone and tell them about your day.107. To be able to recognise and plan appropriate clothing to wear for the weather tomorrow.108. To be able to draw a plan of your house.109. To be able to learn which materials cannot be recycled.110. To be able to help unload the washing machine.111. To be able to independently hoover your bedroom.112. To be able to help a parent cook dinner.113. To be able to make your own crossword. 114. To be able to learn and recite a poem to an adult. 115. To be able to make your own comic strip.116. To be able to be able to visit a museum or a historical site.118. To be able to choose five countries and find them on a world map. 119. To be able to create a PowerPoint presentation/poster about one country in the world.120. To be able to buy a train ticket from the train station.


91 Level:

4 Theme:

Personal Care Date task completed:

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Learning Intent:

To be able to tie your tie independently.


Shirt and tie. Internet connection (paper based instructions available at school).

Top tips: 1. Find a tutorial online by typing into Google ‘how to tie a tie’.

2. Make sure you find a right-handed tutorial if you are right-handed, or a left-handed tutorial if you are left-handed.

3. Sit with your tie in front of the tutorial and practice.

4. Repeat over the course of several days until you can tie your tie without the need of the tutorial.

Success criteria: When you can tie your own tie without the aid of an internet tutorial or adult.

Suggested evidence:

Photo and witness statement.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


92 Level:

4 Theme:

Personal Care Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to wash your hair independently.


Shower, shampoo, conditioner, towel and a mirror.

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Top tips: 1. Pour shampoo on your hand that is the same amount as 2 full teaspoons. Have a look at a teaspoon to get a better idea of how much this is.

2. Make sure all the shampoo is rinsed out. You can use a mirror if you need help with this.

3. Cover your hair with a towel to help absorb the water.

Success criteria: When you can wash your hair independently using the correct amount of shampoo.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


93 Level:

4 Theme:

Personal Care Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to dry your hair with a hairdryer (if applicable).


Hairbrush, hair dryer, clip and mirror.

Top tips: 1. Find a tutorial online that is easy for you to

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

understand by typing ‘how to hair dry your hair’ into a search engine such as Google.

2. Remember to rough dry your hair before using a hair dryer with a towel.

3. Divide your hair into sections with a clip if you find this easier.

4. Practice this a few times until you can dry your hair without the need for a tutorial.

Success criteria: When you can dry your hair independently with a hair dryer.

Suggested evidence:

Photo and witness statement.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


94 Level:

4 Theme:

Independence Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to independently put a duvet cover onto a duvet.


Duvet, duvet cover and internet connection (paper-based instructions available at school).

Top tips: 1. Find an online tutorial that is easy for you to understand by typing ‘how to put a duvet cover onto a duvet’ into a search engine such as Google.

2. Practice doing this until you can do it independentlySuccess criteria: When you can put a duvet cover onto a duvet without the

aid of a tutorial or adult.

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Suggested evidence:

Photo and witness statement.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


95 Level:

4 Theme:

Independence Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to fold up different items of clothing.


Clothing and an internet connection.

Top tips: 1. Find a tutorial online that is easy for you to understand by typing to Google ‘how to fold clothing’.

2. Have your clothing in front of the tutorial and practice.

3. Repeat over the course of several days until you can do this without the aid of a tutorial and with different types of clothing.

Success criteria: When you can fold different items of clothing neatly and independently.

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and photo.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


96 Level:

4 Theme:

Food Skills Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to make yourself a sandwich.


Bread, butter, sandwich filling (of your choice) and butter knife. Internet connection.

Top tips: 1. If you need help, find online tutorial by searching ‘how to make a sandwich’.

2. Use the tutorial to help you and practice until you can do this without any prompts.

3. Remember to clear away any mess you have made and put any food back in the fridge.

Success criteria: When you can independently make yourself a sandwich.

Suggested evidence:

Photo and witness statement.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


97 Level:

4 Theme:

Food Skills Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to make eggs.


Eggs, oil, frying pan/saucepan and internet connection.

Top tips: 1. Choose what kind of eggs you would like to make: scrambled, fried, boiled.

2. Find instructions online by typing into Google ‘how to fry an egg’.

3. Follow the instructions and make your eggs.4. Remember to take a photo of your eggs when you

are finished. Success criteria: When you can independently make a type of eggs of your


Suggested evidence:

Photo and witness statement.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


98 Level:

4 Theme:

Independence Date task completed:

Learning Goal:

To be able to learn your email address (if applicable).



Top tips: 1. Practice writing down your email address on a blank piece of paper and test yourself to see if you get it correct.

2. If you are struggling to remember to remember all of your email address, break it down into sections.

3. Get a parent to test you to see if you have got it right.

Success criteria: When you can independently recite and write down your email address.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of you writing down the correct email address.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


99 Level:

4 Theme:

Independence Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to write a short shopping list of items to collect from a local shop which can make some kind of food, such as a sandwich.


Pen/paper, carrier bag, shopping list and change.

Top tips: 1. Think of what food you would like to make and write down all the ingredients you would need to make that. Remember to take your shopping list with you.

2. Remember to look both ways before crossing any roads and keep to pavement while you are walking.

3. Remember to count your coins before leaving to check you have enough money.

4. Make sure you keep your receipt to use in your evidence.

Success criteria: When you can independently write a shopping list of items to collect from a nearby shop and make some kind of food with what you have purchased.

Suggested evidence:

Photo of your food and receipt.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


100 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to photograph things in nature.



Top tips: 1. Decide where you would like to take some photographs of things in nature. It could be your garden, a local park or a forest.

2. If you are going out of your house remember to walk safely to your chosen location, looking both ways before crossing any roads.

3. Take pictures of as many different things in nature you can find.

Success criteria: When you can independently take photographs of different things in nature.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of the photos you have taken.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


101 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to read aloud 3-4 pages from a book of your choice to a parent.


Book of your choice.

Top tips: 1. Choose a book you have been reading or would like to read out loud.

2. Read 3-4 pages to a parent.3. Write down the name of the book you read, the date

and page numbers you read from to go in your evidence.

Success criteria: When you can read aloud 3-4 pages from a book of your choice to a parent.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and a log of your reading.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


102 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to play a new game you have never played before.


Card game or board game of your choice.

Top tips: 1. Choose a game you would like to play with a friend that you have never tried before, such as Scrabble, a card game, Pictionary.

2. Read the instructions that come with the game so you can learn the rules.

3. Practice playing the game a few times until you feel confident with the rules.

Success criteria: When you can learn how to play a new game and feel confident with the rules.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and photo of your game.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4


103 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to read for 20 minutes, four days in a row, from a book of your choice.


Book and glasses (if applicable).

Top tips: 1. Choose any book you would like to read from. 2. You can choose one from the school library if you

would like. 3. Find a comfortable spot where you can read for 20

minutes. 4. Keep a log of what you have been reading by writing

down the date you have done your reading, the name of the book and the page numbers you have read from (you can use this in your evidence).

Success criteria: When you can independently read for 20 minutes, four days in a row, from a book of your choice.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and log off your reading (including date, book and page numbers).

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4


104 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to help a parent wash their car (if applicable).


Bucket, water, sponge, hose and old clothes.

Top tips: 1. Check with your parents if they would like their car washed and how they would like it done.

2. You could always use an online tutorial to help you.3. Take a photo of the car before and after you have

washed it to go in your evidence.

Success criteria: When you can help a parent wash their car.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and photo of the car before and after.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4


105 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to make your own word search.


Pen, paper, ruler and internet connection (paper templates available at school).

Top tips: 1. You can either draw your own word search with a ruler or find a template of a word search online typing into Google ‘word search template’.

2. If you need more instructions, you can find an online tutorial to help you fill in your word search by typing ‘how to make a word search’ into Google.

3. Remember to think of a theme for your word search, such as premiership football teams or breeds of dog.

4. Once you have completed it, give it to someone to complete. You can mark their work!

Success criteria: When you can make your own word search and give it to a friend or someone in your family to complete.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of your word search.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


106 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Learning Intent:

To be able to be able to ring a family member on the phone and tell them about your day.


Telephone and phone number of the person you are ringing.

Top tips: 1. Choose someone you would like to ring. It could be a family member or a friend.

2. Make sure you have their phone number and dial it into your phone.

3. Remember to tell them everything you have been up to that day.

Success criteria: When you can independently ring someone on the phone and talk to them about your day.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and the name of the person you rung.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


107 Level:

4 Theme:

Research Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to recognise and plan appropriate clothing to wear for the weather tomorrow.

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4


Internet connection.

Top tips: 1. Type into a search engine such as Google ‘weather’ and the area you live in e.g. ‘Kingston’.

2. Once you have found out what the weather is going to be, think about what kind of clothing you will be needing to wear and find these in your wardrobe.

3. Questions you might ask yourself: Do I need a coat? Do I need gloves? Do I need a hat? Do I need sunglasses?

4. Write down what the weather is going to be and clothing you will wear to go in your evidence.

Success criteria: When you can independently plan appropriate clothing to wear considering tomorrow’s weather forecast.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and your findings.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


108 Level:

4 Theme:

Research Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to draw a plan of your house.


Pencil, paper, coloured pencils, ruler and internet connection.

Top tips: 1. Find a template of a house plan online by typing into Google ‘house plan template’ to get some ideas for how you can create your own plan.

2. Create your own plan of your house including all the

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

different rooms such as living room, bathroom and bedrooms.

Success criteria: When you can draw a plan of your house including all the different rooms.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of your plan.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


109 Level:

4 Theme:

Caring for the Environment

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to learn which materials cannot be recycled.


Internet connection (paper instructions available at school).

Top tips: 1. Use the internet to find out ‘what materials cannot be recycled’ by typing this into Google.

2. Write down the results you find to go in your evidence.

3. See if you can find any of these items around your house.

Success criteria: When you have learnt which materials cannot be put in the

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

recycling bin.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and list of materials that cannot be recycled.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


110 Level:

4 Theme:

Caring for Others

Date task completed:

Learning Goal:

To be able to help unload the washing machine.


Basket to put laundry in.

Top tips: 1. Ask a parent if they need help unloading the washing machine.

2. It is useful to have a basket to put clean washing in. Success criteria: When you can help a parent unload the washing machine.

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and photo.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


111 Level:

4 Theme:

Independence Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to independently hoover your bedroom.



Top tips: 1. Make sure you give your room a tidy before to make sure there is nothing on the floor.

2. Check with you parents how to turn on the hoover on if you are unsure.

3. Hoover all the floor that is visible in your bedroom. Success criteria: When you can independently and safely hoover your


Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and photo before and after.

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


112 Level:

4 Theme:

Food Skills Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to help a parent cook dinner.


Any equipment necessary for making your chosen meal.

Top tips: 1. Ask a parent if you can help them make dinner.2. Assist them with any jobs they need help with,

such as chopping vegetables. Success criteria: When you can help a parent cook dinner.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and photo of the dinner you made.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


113 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to make your own crossword.


Pencil, paper, squared paper and internet connection (paper templates available at school).

Top tips: 1. Decide if you want to draw your own crossword puzzle (squared paper would be useful) or if you want to use a template from the internet (type into Google crossword templates).

2. If you need help with creating your crossword find an online tutorial that can help you by typing into Google ‘how to make a crossword’.

3. Think about a theme for your crossword e.g. rugby teams or Avengers characters.

4. Once you have finished it, give it to someone to complete. You can mark their work!

Success criteria: When you can independently make your own crossword,

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

which has a theme and give it to someone to complete.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of your finished crossword.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


114 Level:

5 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to learn and recite a poem to an adult.


Poem, pen, paper and internet connection.

Top tips: 1. Choose a poem you would like to learn. Have a look at any poetry books in the library and find one you like. You could also have a look on the internet (printed poems available at school).

2. Try learning it one line at a time. Use a pen and paper to test yourself and see if you have got it right. Keep practicing until you can remember the poem without having to look at it.

3. When you feel you are confident you can remember all of it, recite it to an adult.

Success criteria: When you can learn and recite a poem to an adult.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of the poem you have learnt.

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2


115 Level:

4 Theme:

Skill Development

Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to make your own comic strip.


Pen, A3 paper (available at school), coloured pens and pencils.

Top tips: 1. Choose what you would like your story to be about. Is it fiction or non-fiction?

2. Divide your page into 6-8 boxes and remember to include writing as well as pictures in each box.

Success criteria: When you can design your own comic strip.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of your comic strip.

Evidence box 1

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4

Evidence box 2


116 Level:

5 Theme:

Research Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to be able to visit a museum or a historical site.



Top tips: 1. Ask your parents about any nearby historical places you might be able to visit.

2. Decide where you would like to go and plan how you are going to get there.

3. Take pictures while you are there. Success criteria: When you can go to a museum or historical site and find

out information about it.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and photo of your chosen destination.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4


118 Level:

4 Theme:

Research Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to choose five countries and find them on a world map.


Internet connection (paper maps available at school).

Top tips: 1. Choose five countries in the world you would like to find out where they are.

2. Find a world map on the internet and try and see if you can find your chosen countries.

3. Practice finding these countries on a map a few days in a row until locate them without help.

Success criteria: When you can find five countries of your choice on a world map without any help.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and names of the countries you have found.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4


119 Level:

4 Theme:

Research Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to create a PowerPoint presentation/poster about one country in the world.


Internet connection, paper, coloured, pens, pictures.

Top tips: 1. Choose a country you would like to find out about. 2. Think about key things you might want to find out:

its capital city, climate, size, population etc. 3. It is your choice how you would like to present you

work. You could present it in PowerPoint, Word or even make your own poster.

Success criteria: When you can independently research a country of your choice and present your work in a PowerPoint presentation or poster.

Suggested evidence:

Witness statement and copy of your PowerPoint.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4


120 Level:

4 Theme:

Independence Date task completed:

Learning Intent:

To be able to buy a train ticket at the train station.



Top tips: 1. Make sure you have some money to purchase your train ticket with.

2. Look for the ticket counter in your chosen train station, where you can buy a ticket.

3. Remember to ask for a ticket for the place you have chosen and if you want a single (one way) or return (both ways).

4. Keep your receipt to go in your evidence.

Success criteria: When you can independently buy a train ticket at a train station.

Suggested evidence:

Receipt and witness statement.

Evidence box 1

Evidence box 2

St Philip’s Homework pack round 4