St Marker November 2012 Edition



St Marker November 2012 Edition

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St. Mark United Methodist Church 413 Geddes Avenue, Charleston, SC 29407 Church Office Phone: 843-5-766-5239 Email

Rev. Jonathan Holston, Resident Bishop Rev. Patty Parrish, District Superintendent Rev. Scarlett Hester, Pastor Mr. Dale Wilson, Director of Education Mrs. Libby Massalon, Administrative Assistant

SUNDAY Worship services 9:00 & 11:00

Sunday School 10:00 UMYF 6:30


St. Mark United Methodist church seeks to live as a witness to the Kingdom of God through worship, teaching and evangelism. Our purpose is to make disciples for Jesus Christ by reaching up to God in worship, prayer and spiritual disciplines, reaching down into the scriptures and the Christian faith in study and obedience and reaching out to each other and our world in service, witness and friendship. We rely on the guidance, gifts and power of the Holy Spirit as we carry out the mission of this congregation. *********************************************

ELECTION DAY HOLY COMMUNION Come to the table on Election Day! At 7 PM, November 6, come to the table of Christ the Lord and remember to whom we ultimately belong. We will refocus and refresh our souls, sharing the sacrament as one people. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:2-6)

Election Day Communion is part of an effort to unite Christians from many places on the political spectrum. For more information, go to ******************************************


DID YOU KNOW…South Carolina has one of the highest death rates of breast cancer in the country? On Sunday, November 4, we will recognize this threat and how we can be active in its prevention. Please wear pink in memory, honor or support of those who fight this battle.


Chili Cook Off and Craft Show

The anticipation is mounting! Who will be named the “2012 Chili Master”? Please join in on the judging and the fun with all proceeds benefiting Relay for Life. The big event

will be held Saturday, November 3, 1:00 – 4:00. Everyone can enjoy the fun for $5. This price includes your admittance to the event, your “tastings” and the option to vote for your favorite chili. There will be

music to enjoy and shopping opportunities while you wait for the judging to be complete. All vendors present pledge to donate at least 10% of their profits to Relay for Life.

Mmmmm – I can smell the chili already and plan to do a little Christmas shopping with some of the vendors. See you there!


3:00 – 5:00 Cokesbury UMC

4990 Dorchester Road, North Charleston, SC 29418

3:00 – Devotional Period 3:10 General Session 3:40 Seminar Period 5:00 Dismissal


Our sympathy and prayers are expressed to:

Susan Brooks on the death of her brother Alan Hitt. Thelma Muckinfuss on the death of her sister Myrtle Gatch. Buddy Elsey, Sr. on the death of his sister Amanda Nelson. Jane Morley on the death of her father George Waggoner.

NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Roy Baker 2 Stacey Power 4 Susan Brooks 5 Brenda Malone 5 Jason McCabe 6 Tiffanie Rogers 7 Dennis McCoy III 7 Brett O’Toole 9 Hayley O’Toole 10 Frank Morley 11 Amelia Dawson 12 Zachary Hester 12 Lucianna Lee 12 Doris Robertshaw 13 Nelda Gaines 16 Kerri Weiss 19 Robert Kotlowski 22 Mary Lu Piersol 22 Dorothy (Dot) Pace 22 Leigh Elsey Lapin 22 Randy Withrow 24 Rhoda Cummings 26 Hunter McMillan 26 Betsy Johnson 27 Ginny Ringhizer 27 Christopher Stinson 27 Frank Brown 28 Justin Brownell 28 Marijane Scott 29 Mark Motley 30


BLESS YOU WITH MANY MORE Note: If you have a birthday or anniversary in November and we omitted it, please let us know so that we can correct our records. ************************************************

FOOD PANTRY As we look forward to a sumptuous dinner

on Thanksgiving, there are many in our community who will not be so fortunate. The Food Ministry of St. Mark is preparing for Thanksgiving. If you would like to contribute groceries, help with the distribution of meals or know of a family or families who need a dinner, please fill out a form from Sunday’s bulletin or call Jo Ann Pelham (843-763-8700).



AND PRAYERS Home: Dean James, Joan McCambridge, Lillian McLean, George & Thelma Muckenfuss, Mary Lu Piersol (with daughter Jackie Brinson), Bob & Maureen Ratcliff, Robert & Mary Jane Scaffe, Leila Shealy, Bernell & Margie Shuler, Margaret Skinner, Ann Smith, Lib Way Ashley Park: Betty Beach, Dot Connor, Tommy & Margaret Johnson Ashley River Plantation: Shirley Kaiser Ashley Hall Plantation: Dot Caulder Summit Place of Daniel Island: Gordon (Newt) Cummings Victory House Walterboro: Robert McKenna Military & their families: Sgt. Tim Duncan – Afghanistan, Master Sgt. Jay Piersol, Phillip Paggi, Charles and Darlene, SFC Mark Elsey, Sgt. Maj Chris Barnard & Susan Barnard, LTJG Edward Dawson, LCDR Spencer Baker, Betsy Donoho Rousch – Lackland Air Force Base, and all of our military.

SENIORS ANNUAL TRIP Good Neighbors is planning a trip to Myrtle Beach November 14 and 15, to see the show “Pirates Voyage.” This is a fantastic show and we would love to have a great turnout. If anyone is interested, please call Georgia Odom at 766-5064. *************************************** In December issue, I would like to provide addresses for those in the military. If you have a loved one serving please let Jacki know the address so that we can remember them at Christmas time.

CHRISTMAS CRAFTS WITH OUR CHILDREN This event was so well-received last year and we look forward to offering it again on November 10 from 10:00 – 12:00. We will not be doing ceramics this year, but meet in Fellowship Hall for a fun morning of crafting.

Adults or kids – who had more fun at Trunk or Treat?


Children’s Church Children’s Sermon Nov. 4 Jacki Ratledge None (Communion) Nov. 11 Nikki Boofer Amy Alexander Nov. 18 Melissa Peterson Timmy Linker Nov. 25 Abbie O'Toole Kenny Barfield

Nursery Volunteers: Nov. 4 Stacey Shealy Nov. 11 Cynthia Sunde Nov. 18 Lisa Smith Nov. 25 Amy McCabe Acolyte/crucifer Nov. 4 Molly McCabe/Sydney Brown Nov. 11 Sophie Weiss/Morgan Weesner Nov. 18 Madison Wilcox/Emily Lanter Nov. 25 Lydia Capps/Ellie McCabe

CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Before you make all of your Christmas party plans, here are many of the dates you may want to reserve to celebrate and rejoice in the birth of our Lord with your St. Mark family and friends. Dec. 1 – 9:00 Help decorate the church for Advent season

Dec. 9 – 4:00 Children’s Musical & Birthday Party for Jesus Dec. 16 – 5:00 Handbell Concert followed by spaghetti supper Dec. 20 – 7:00 Hope for the Holidays service Dec. 23 – 11:00 Cantata 3:00 Caroling Dec. 24 - 7:00 Worship 11:00 Worship


FROM PASTOR SCARLETT Our Charge Conference was convened at

7:00 PM on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, by our district superintendent, Rev. Patricia Parrish. Within the necessary reviews of administrative records and votes, Rev. Parrish delivered a stirring word from the first chapter of the gospel of John. "Come and see," come and see what is happening here. Come and see our Jesus is a powerful invitation for all Christians. Therefore we need to be aware of God's presence and work in and among us.

To look for God at work among us is to see God in the many reports shared. We talked about what had been done here at St. Mark over the past year, of lives touched and souls blessed. We shared our hopes and plans for the future; how we hope to see God at work. In that perspective, Charge Conference is more than a bunch of statistics and reports, it is a holy review of God's people interacting with God's will.

Those who attended shared from the heart. Bert Motley, chair of Church Council, reviewed the year as what had been meaningful to us and what we anticipated in addition to a detailed written report. Kevin Shealy led us in a prayer of thanksgiving that lifted us to God, and George Davidson and his daughter Samantha blessed us with a beautiful duet. It was a holy night.

For my part, I delivered the "State of the Church" report. In this political season, the very title seems heavy with implications, but it was a joy to share what I know. My report follows. “Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit.” (Joel 2:28-29)

Historians cannot see Joel in the musty records of ancient days, but I can. His beard swirls in the evening breeze and his brow furrows in concentration. The word is from God; this he knows, but the proclamation challenges all he knows of men and women and their appropriate

place before God. In days to come men and women, slaves even, will all be awash in the Spirit of God? How indiscriminate! How new! How wonderful!

The prophesy from Joel has lurked in the edges of my consciousness for days. It is not my gift to proclaim an eschatological beginning, but I sense God’s Spirit at St. Mark, and rejoice in the burgeoning recognition of new possibilities and new ministries.

Right now, we are a solvent, solid church where the bills are paid, the Word is proclaimed, the sacraments are administered, and the work of the Kingdom is done. But we are beginning to dream… a new Sunday school class is laboring to be born, a communion steward ministry is beginning, a new prayer ministry will be launched Sunday, and a visioning process is being conceived with the assistance of Rev. Jim Arant (Congregational Specialist.) As such, we know we have to define ourselves again: Who are we? Who are our neighbors? How can we meet the Risen Christ together? Along the way, we will discern our mission statement for these days. Who it that God is calling St. Mark to be NOW? To whom are we called to minister? How shall we do this? We look ahead with some trepidation, but with great faith. What is the state of St. Mark UMC? We are faithful in what we have done, are doing and will do.

Bathed in the Spirit, in the coming months, we will see: · New computer and software in the church office · An AED (defibrillator) installed at the church · New carpet in the sanctuary and a new configuration within the choir loft · New paint on ALL of the buildings · A taller, shinier sign out front · We will refocus our Santa’s Visit at the beginning of Advent to be a Birthday Party for Jesus. (Santa’s still coming; just a more predominate emphasis on Jesus and giving.) Faithfully, Scarlett Hester


KINGDOM OF GOD MINISTRY (KOG) A new ministry kicked off on October 28, at St. Mark UMC! We are so excited to let you know that after much prayer, training and planning, a few of your fellow parishioners want to pray for you! The Kingdom of God Ministry (KOG) is a few faithful servants of God who have been called to serve this congregation by personal prayer. What this means is, if you would like to be prayed for because you are ill, before surgery, or you are just feeling the need to be prayed for, you can contact this ministry and a time will be set aside for one of them to come pray with you and your specific need. The prayer will be confidential and can be done anywhere – your home, the parking lot, hospital or wherever you can meet. The emphasis will be on healing prayer, however prayers of any kind will be done with gladness. To contact the KOG ministers, please fill out the blue contact sheet in the pew attendance pad and place it in the KOG container in the narthex. Or you may contact Susan Caulder at 843-819-8727, May God bless this new ministry at St. Mark!


Once again we will be collecting filled

shoeboxes for children all around the world through

Operation Christmas Child. The boxes not only

give less fortunate children gifts, but also show

them that they are loved by others and by

God. We will be collecting the boxes October 28,

November 4 and November 11. The brochures with

directions on how to pack your shoebox and the

labels for them are on a table in the narthex. If you

have any questions or are unable to shop for your

box, please contact Peggy Edgerton at 209-4339 or

Patty Barfield at 556-4131. Please pray for the

children who will receive these boxes and help them

feel the love of God by giving as you are

able! Thanks!


How many places in the Bible can you find that mention “ thanks” in some way or another? Which book has more than any other? ******************************************

A NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS The June Smith Memorial Class is a new Sunday School class for women. They are currently studying Proverbs 31:10 – 31, the Virtuous Wife. Dawn McMillan is the teacher and all women are invited to be a part of this class. They are meeting in the room next to the work room. **************************************

YOUTH NEWS Some of our youth had the privilege to worship with over 20 neighboring churches in a recent youth rally held at James Island County Park. The rally was held on Sept. 29 with over 200 youth in attendance. They enjoyed an afternoon filled with numerous activities, games, local bands, refreshments and a guest speaker from The Citadel. The rally was truly a blessing to our youth and we look forward to interacting with the other local youth ministries in the near future. St. Mark Youth Ministries is currently exploring a name for the youth gatherings held on Sunday afternoons at 6:30 p.m. Once the name has been finalized, we have plans to start utilizing that name in various ways including T-shirts and birthday cards. We are EXCITED about what God is going to do in the lives of our youth!

UPCOMING EVENTS Nov. 4 – Shopping for Operation Christmas Child Nov. 18 – Youth in charge of both Worship Services Dec. 15 – 6:30 – 8:30 Christmas Party at home of Christian & Logan Leprettre Dec. 16 – Spaghetti Supper following Handbell Concert Dec. 30 - End of Year Blast


WE’RE BACK! In an effort to improve communication, The

St. Marker is staging a comeback. We will be publishing monthly and distributing as much as possible via email. We will be mailing copies to our shut-ins and providing copies in the Narthex to those who do not have Internet access. Please give us your email address if you have one and are reading a hard copy of this. Please do this at .

Also, if you have any information, pictures or praises to share in our newsletter, please email them to Jacki Ratledge at or call her at 843-571-0054. We would appreciate having all items to Jacki no later than the 20th of each month if at all possible.

If you see errors within, particularly anniversary/birthday dates or information, please let us know so that we can make corrections. (Typos – please forgive us – we’re trying our best.)

St. Mark United Methodist Church 413 Geddes Avenue Charleston, SC 29407 Return Service Requested




November 2012


1 2 3 1 – 4:00 Chili

Dook-Off to benefit Relay for Life

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -Breast Cancer Awareness

-Bible Study

-3:00 –5 :00 Annual Lay Leadership Training -


7:00 Holy Communion

9:00 Bible Study

7:00 SPRC

10:00 Louise Massalon Circle

7:30 Shawn Ramsey Circle

9:00 Connie Wieck Circle

10 – 12:00 Christmas Crafts for Children

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 VETERAN’S DAY

Dedication of Christmas child Shoeboxes

10:00 Susannah Wesley Circle

7:00 Outreach/ Mission

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

6:30 Planning Meeting




25 26 27 28 29 30