Social Media. Social Media : Golden Rules Stay Consistent => Builds trust Stay Current => Keep...


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Social Media

Social Media : Golden Rules•Stay Consistent => Builds trust•Stay Current => Keep up to date•Stay Relevant => Share topical information

Social Media: Top 5•Facebook = PowerHouse•Twitter•Google Plus = Great for SEO• LinkedIn => fundraising•YouTube = visual

Social Media mix•Understand which platforms you want/can/need to

use => every channel has a different culture•Know where to spend time. Trying to manage all =

receipe for disaster

How to get more Facebook likes

Invite your friends•Simple•Ask your staff to like the page• Invite Facebook friends

Share the page•On your profile• In groups you join•Ask staff to share the page


E-mail• Integrate in your email signature

Patricia CoolsCoördinator mobiliteit & medewerker studentenwerkingSTIP - StudentenvoorzieningenCampus Geel | Kleinhoefstraat 4 | BE-2440 GeelTel. + 32 (0)14 56 23 00 | Tel. 3682 (intern) |

Voor studenten van Thomas More en KU Leuven in de provincie Antwerpen

Off-line promotion

WIN!•Remember the rules= > no sharing•Use app for listbuilding => long term result•Relevant prize•Simple•Offline promotions

Pictures•With actual people and let them tag them selves

Advertise•Use Ad management for better targetting•Ads for FB page work better then ads for websites

Advanced TwitterOn request

Twitter•Freightens you?•They Need To LIKE you

Twitter: Connect•Rude Truth but poor strategy: The following•Go beyond the usual suspects

Twitter: make it about them•Retweet + add comments•Complement, give credit•Conversate, be usefull,…•Establishing Relationships

Twitter: Shift your thinking•Help people•Not just promoting

Twitter: Super hint•Advanced Search▫

• Jump into the conversation•Use the other box => questions

Twitter: advanced tips• Link in 1st part of the tweet => higher CTR•Go Multimedia: video, pics, gifs•Not just replay use: .@twittername• Locate crowdinfluencers•Twitter List Function•Reward followers•Follow the competition
