September 2004 Volume 11 Issue · 2014....


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October 17, 2014 Published Weekly / Issue - 08

Principal: Jeff Crane Vice-Principals: Shari Green-Brown; Margaret Wolf

Office Administrator: Raj Dhanota Secretaries: Wafa El Maseh; Cathy Giannopoulous, Dawn Hazel,

Jane Sauer

Superintendent: Kathleen Garner Trustee: Gerri Gershon SAC Chair: Ossama El Sarraff SAC Vice-Chair: Safeera Mulla CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ATTRIBUTE October: RESPONSIBILITY


Please visit the Thorncliffe Park Public School Website at: You will find resources for parents and students, teacher’s blogs

and websites, community links, Parent Council meeting agendas

and minutes, weather reports and lots more information!

The Safe Arrival Program is in place to help ensure

the safety of Thorncliffe Park students. This is a 24-hour call-in

system where parents can leave a message to let the school know

that their child/children will be absent.

Here is how it works:

Call 416-396-2460 Press 1 for Safe Arrival

Press option 1, if your child is in grade 1 Press option 2, if your child is in grade 2 or 3 Press option 3, if your child is in grade 4 or 5

Date Time Details

Monday, October 20 Day 4

1:00p.m.-3:15p.m. 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.

Grade 2 – Skating – Hozy 2F Room 101 Grade 2 – Science Centre –Reese 2A, Ball 2B, Suh 2G

Tuesday, October 21 Day 5

11:40a.m-12:05p.m. 12:40p.m.-1:15p.m. 11:40a.m.-12:40p.m. 1:30p.m.-3:00p.m. 3:30p.m.-4:30p.m.

Grade 3 – Intramural Sports– Gym C Parent Lending Library Junior Choir - LMA Grade 2 – Skating – Reese 2A Room 126 & Ball 2B Room 127 Grade 4 & 5 - Boys Volleyball – Gym B/C

Wednesday, October 22 Day 6


Grade 4 - Upper Canada College – Nicholls 4B & Beretta 4D

Thursday, October 23 Day 7

9:00a.m-11:00a.m. 11:40a.m-12:05p.m. 11:45a.m.-12:40p.m. 3:30a.m.-4:30p.m

Grade 2 – Skating – David 2C Room 106 & Evelyn 2D 110 Grade 3 – Intramural Sports– Gym C Grade 3 – Yoga Club – LMA Grade 4 & 5 - Boys Volleyball – Gym B/C

Friday, October 24 Day 8

9:00p.m.-10:00p.m. 11:45a.m.-12:40p.m. 3:30p.m.-4:30p.m.

Parent Lending Library Grade 5 – Boys Book Club – Library Grade 4 & 5 - Boys Volleyball – Gym B/C

PICK-UP/DROP OFF ROUTINES The safety of our students is a top priority. All Thorncliffe Park students have an assigned pick-up and drop-off spot. Spots are marked with a green letter or number on the concrete at the back of the building. Please walk your child to their classroom line-up spot.

Parents, please wait behind the designated line marked with pylons to ease congestion at the classroom lines. Thank you for your continued support in keeping all our students safe. All students enter from the back of the school at doors 5, 6 or 7. 8:40–8:55 a.m. Schoolyard Supervision 8:55 a.m. Entry (please ensure your children are on time) 9:00 a.m. Instructional day begins 11:40a.m.-12:40p.m. Lunch 3:25 p.m. Dismissal

Our school has worked in partnership with Canadian Tire, the Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office and the Leaside Memorial Arena to create an exciting opportunity for all our students in grade 2 and 3 to learn to skate. Children will have approximately 4 opportunities to be involved in this program throughout this school year. The program is free to students. Helmets

and skates will be lent to all students. Students need to come to school on their skating day with:

1. warm gloves 2. a thin hat to be worn under the helmet 3. a winter jacket

Winter snow pants are recommended but not essential.

Dear Thorncliffe Park Parents,

We would like to thank those parents who were able to attend the October School Council meeting which we had at Fraser

Mustard Early Learning Academy on Wednesday, October 15th. We would also like to thank those parents who have

shared their issues/concerns/ideas with us through our e-mail address with regards to our meeting agenda.

We also had our 2014-2015 elections for the School Council Executive Members during our meeting, and we would like to

introduce them to you:

Chair : Ossama El Sarraff

Vice-chair : Safeera Mulla

Secretary : Henna Khan

Treasurer : Abdul Rauf Jangda

We would always like to hear from you through our e-mail address and we appreciate your feedback about

our website

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Ossama El Sarraff

Chair - TPC,

Thorncliffe Park School Advisory Council.

Nut and Scent Aware School

If your child has an allergy, especially to food, please be sure that the school office has

been notified. More and more children have extreme sensitivities to peanuts / nuts and

peanut / nut products. Therefore, Thorncliffe Park is a “Nut-Aware” environment. For

the safety of all our students, we ask you to check carefully that all food sent to school – for

recess snacks or lunch – NOT contain nuts or nut products (including peanut butter, Nutella, almonds, hazelnuts,

cashews, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, sesame seeds, sesame snaps, etc.). Careful reading of the ingredients in snack

bars, cookies and candy bars will tell you if peanuts or nuts are an ingredient. If they are, we ask that your child not

bring those foods to school. We also expect that students will not share food with other students.

Thorncliffe Park is also a “Scent-Aware” school. Please ensure your child does not come to school wearing heavy

perfumes, colognes, or scented products.

ECO Team News Over the last few years at Thorncliffe Park, our students, staff and

community members have done many wonderful things to reduce our

environmental footprint. This year we continue our littlerless and

boomerang lunch and snack initiative. The goal of this program is to

encourage students to reduce, reuse and recycle. You can help by

using reusable lunch bags, food containers and water bottles. We encourage the students at school to

“boomerang” any uneaten food and any waste material back home so it does not become part of the

school’s waste collection.

When the signal light turns red stop. If the light is red in the direction you are walking, do not cross the


Yellow lights and signs mean caution or that you are coming to a dangerous area. If you are waiting to cross

the street, you should not cross if the light is yellow. The light is about to turn red, and cars will enter the intersection.

When you cross the street at a corner with a signal light, you should wait for the green light to show in the

direction you are walking. Even though the light is green, always look both ways before crossing at the intersection. .

At busy intersections there may be lines on the road called a crosswalk for you to walk between. There may also be special signals to tell you it is okay to cross the street. These are the WALK signal or a picture of a person walking like the ones shown here.

Like a yellow traffic light, both of these flashing "DON'T WALK" signals mean to use caution. 1) If you are in the street, finish crossing the street. 2) If you have not started crossing the street, stay on the curb.

Crosswalk by a School

On school days this area will be busy when school is opening and closing.

At this crosswalk, like any other crosswalk, it is important to look carefully to the left, right and left again if you have to cross the street. Crosswalks are two white lines painted on the road which go across the street. You should walk inside the lines.

If you must walk through parked traffic, stop and look carefully before stepping out from between vehicles.

Don't run between parked cars and buses.

Remember the danger areas close to school buses where the driver can't see you.

Look What’s Happening in our AMAZING School

Ms. Mabey’s Grade 2 class visited Ontario Science Centre last

week. They worked with Scientist Russell, and had lots of fun

learning about energy. They even made lights work by touching

each other on the shoulder! They were surprised to learn that we

could hold bubbles on our hands! What an amazing day we

spent exploring liquids, solids, and energy.

Dear Thorncliffe Park Parents,

We are working on teaching our students NEW and BETTER ways to say things! When we find a better way to describe or say a word we use every-day we call that new word a “Million Dollar Word”. Our students are then encouraged to use and find that word in other classes, at home, in books and when they speak and write. For example: A million dollar word for ‘nice’ would be ‘fantastic’. A million dollar word for ‘big’ would be ‘gigantic’. Mr. Crane is making million dollar words too! He is giving each grade a new million dollar word to define and use each week. Grade 1 & 2 – Responsibility Grade 3, 4 & 5 - Effort Listen for your children to use them at home! Talk with your children about what the words mean and how you say them in your first language! Encourage your children to use them at home and you try to use them too! That way we can all develop million dollar vocabularies!

Fire Safety at Home and School As part of our school emergency procedures, we held our first few successful fire drill at Thorncliffe Park. The best way to practice fire safety is to make sure a fire doesn't break out in the first place. That means you should always be aware of potential hazards. In the event of a fire, families should plan a place to meet outside far away from the fire. Please look at the Fire Inspection Checklist

below, click the link to learn more

about fire safety with your children and download fun activities.

Events to Look Forward To:

School Photo Day –Monday, October 27th

, 2014

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