See And Feel Before You Think April 2010



When a healthcare client kept getting terrible customer satisfaction scores and employees were discouraged we took the administration out exploring. They had to spend a day in the life of a patient and a doctor and another staff member. What they saw and felt helped change they way they thought about their organization and how to help it improve its entire experience. This presentation was provided to a Direct Marketing organization in April, 2010

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How to See, Feel and Think as Cultures Change

Andrea J. Simon PhD


Marketing Evolution

ChangeMatters !!!


Why Crisis Drives Change

Change is literally pain.

Brain fights change.



How do you flip your thinking? That brain of yours

gets stuck on what it thinks it knows

Facts get in the way

Need a new picture of what is happening


Time for Visual Exploration

“If you want to understand how a lion hunts, don’t go to the zoo. Go to the Jungle.” (Kevin Roberts, Saatchi & Saatchi)


Please, don’t ask your customers

“Buyers are liars”

Henry Ford’s quote:

“If I had asked people how I could improve their transportation they would have told me to make their horses go faster.”

A Safety-Net Hospital

Struggling with financial crisis

Needed to attract more diversified patient base

Had terrible patient and employee satisfaction scores

I could direct market to suburbs and hope they needed us for new knees and hips—but they might never try us


Went exploring

Experience had to change.

But from what to what?

What was the experience a patient or a doctor actually had at the hospital?

How about the internal customer experiences?

Administrators sat in their offices imagining.

Took hospital administrators to spend a day in the life of their patients, doctors and staff

Boy, what they found!


Culture Mattered

I’d call my doctor and ask him but I can’t speak his national language.”


The Human Face was Missing


Hard Time Communicating between Generations


Paved with Good Intentions

“I would have been here sooner if not for a wonderful caring nurse in the hospital.”


Profound Disconnect


Of course I am listening to your expression of spiritual suffering. Don’t you see me making eye contact, striking an open posture, leaning towards you and nodding empathetically?

For your own protection

“The restraints are for your own protection, Mr. Norris. We’re concerned that if you rung the nurses station once more they’ll strangle you.”


Expectation meets reality


The “aha” moments

Executives realized that they really didn’t know what was happening.

This was a really tough job—from registering a patient in the ER to being patient with a man who wanted their attention.

That providing the pill was not the same as showing kindness and caring—In a multi-cultural setting, there were many ways to do the wrong thing.

That ethnic and cultural differences were not inconsequential in the delivery of true medical care—they were fundamental.

That keeping someone on a tube was not always in their best interest.

That managing expectations was crucial to having satisfied, happy patients, staff, nurses and doctors.

But exceeding those expectations was even more important.

That registering a patient at 3 in the morning was really tough.

Where was the human in this stuff?


Even more interesting

Much of this is in the literature, but little of it was really seen, felt or understood before.

Poor patient and employee satisfaction were not only connected but really could be seen as one thing—the social relationships were effecting each of them.

Doctors were living in another world—75% came from foreign cultures and everything mattered from how they looked you in the eye, or didn’t, to how they spoke to you and your family, or shouldn’t.

Nurses thought they ran the place—what does that mean?



Time for you to go Exploring?

Get out of the office and into the field.

Visual is key: the brain learns best when it discovers something itself and it sees better than it hears.

This is really about being a human with a unique brain and a fundamental need for social belonging and cultural order.

What could you discover?

Have you spent a “day in the life of your client and theirs”? Don’t imagine.

Shed the barriers – stop the “No, buts” and build the “Yes, and…!

Take a camera and capture the experiences.

Build an video vault of your observations.

Look for the intersections.

Challenge your mind map.

Focus, repetition and density.

Tell stories and draw pictures.


World turning upside down

Don Tapscott’s “Grown Up Digital” – those 11-30 year olds are changing us.

American and global cultures are changing—but not as much as they are creating tension when they meet.

World has become Google-ized.

Wayne Reuters “LiveTechnology” has created a digital marketing system to replace marketing departments.



Marketing Evolution

ChangeMatters !!!

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