Secrets of the Pyramids


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Secrets of the Pyramids—Experiments in Energy-Form, Part One

Report Topics:

Some General Observations Phenomena Associated With Inorganic Materials Air, Heat, Light, Gravity, Electromagnetic and Radiation Phenomena Bio-Energy Phenomena Mechanical Phenomena

Full Report:

Some General Observations

The standard instrument used for experimental purposes is a hollow model pyramid—four triangular sides and a square bottom—constructed to the scaled-down dimensions of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt.

The pyramid model is oriented so that its sides are squared to magnetic north, which can be done with the use of a magnetic compass.

Materials to be tested are usually placed inside the pyramid so that they are one-third up the distance from the based toward the apex, and directly below the apex. This is the location of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid, the floor of which is within one-half inch of being perfectly at the one-third level within the Pyramid structure.

This type of model, and the setup procedure, has been utilized in most of the experiments to be described, unless otherwise specified.

The operation of the pyramid is not dependent upon what the pyramid is made of. Rather, the key is the pyramid shape.

Pyramid energy phenomena cannot be duplicated merely by placing an electromagnetic field around a test object. Only a pyramid form produces the effects.

One type of pyramid model can be made with solid panel faces and base. However, the panels and base must be attached at all the edges to form the pyramid shape, or it will not work. One line edge missing appears to break the circuit of energy flow.

A pyramid model with four triangular panel faces but with no base will work, but not as well as one with an attached base face, which completes the pyramidal form more completely.

The increase of the size of the pyramid model does increase the energy output, but the

increase is not directly proportional.

If a pyramid model employs side panels, the panels should be made with smooth surfaces, otherwise the phenomena within is greatly inhibited. Some energy phenomena will not occur today in the Great Pyramid because its original casing stones—which once gave it a smooth exterior—were removed centuries ago.

Pyramids with slightly indented panels (bowing inward toward the central apex-base line) tend to concentrate energy at the one-third level, aiding in phenomena speed and quality. This matches the actual side designs of the Great Pyramid itself.

Holes, windows, doors or openings in a pyramid model with solid panel sides appear to effect the energy performance little, as long as they do not break any of the pyramid edges or angles.

Some experimenters report that holes or openings in pyramid sides actually improve the energy phenomena.

A pyramid model does not have to have solid panel sides. Little energy is lost by using only a pyramid frame. However, a pyramid fame without all the corners interconnected will not work. Again, the circuit of line edges is the key.

Also, if anything is leaned up against the pyramid model, the energy pattern is broken, or severely reduced.

Several pyramids placed in a plate formation—small pyramids in one horizontal plate, joined at their bases—increases the energy output.

Pyramids in a tower configuration—small pyramids stacked or strung together one on top of the other—increases the energy output.

Interestingly, an inverted pyramid, apex pointed downward, tends to lose energy.

A pyramid model based on the scaled-down proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza appears to work the best, though there is a certain degree of controversy over this among some experimenters.

In the Great Pyramid model, the lengths of the sides equals the length of the base minus five percent. Example: A pyramid with a 20-inch base should have side lengths equal to 19 inches--20 x .05 = 1; 20 - 1 = 19.

This can also be expressed as: The vertical height of the apex from the base-line yields the same ratio as the base circumference of a circle to its radius. The circumference of the square around the base of the pyramid is equal to the circumference of the circle around its apex.

In the Great Pyramid model, each triangle face should have an apex angle of 76 degrees, and lower corner angles of 52 degrees each. Some researchers believe that the 76 degrees angle is the energy angle at which the Life Force or Chi resonates, and is therefore crucial that it be included in the pyramid model if it is to work to its

fullest potential.

A number of experimenters claim that a phi pyramid gives better results than a Great Pyramid model—though some mathematicians see little difference between the two. To construct: First choose a desired base length. Then divide it in half and multiply by 1.618, the Golden Proportion number. This will give you the height of each triangular side—the length from the center to the base line to the apex.

Another pyramid form that works is the 7-11 pyramid. This has a height-to-base ration of 7:11.

Another form is the Euler pyramid, based on the Euler irrational number of 2.72. The formula used is height x E = area.

One other pyramid form which works, but which is decidedly less effective, is the Equal pyramid. This is a model built with all equilateral triangular sides.

A number of experimenters feel that the side angle of a pyramid form is a function of its location upon the Earth’s surface, and is dependent upon what latitude the pyramid is to be constructed for it to work at its most optimum energy level.

A pyramid model works best when aligned—sides are squared—90 degrees with magnetic north. Pyramid energy decreases as the pyramid model is turned farther out of alignment. At 45 degrees, with corner pointing north, the pyramid produces the least energy.

Some researchers have found good results by aligning their models to true north, rather than magnetic north. The difference between the two depends on one’s location on the Earth’s surface. The pyramid model can be aligned to north by squaring the sides to the North Star. It is noteworthy that the Great Pyramid is still today the world’s most perfectly aligned structured to true north, and that its Descending Passage points upward toward the celestial polar axis.

A freely swinging suspended pyramid model, even of non-magnetic material such as cardboard, will automatically orient itself to magnetic north.

A pyramid model’s performance is at times affected by its location. There are certain places on the Earth’s surface which are energy-dampening and energy amplifying. Either one can affect pyramid energy, usually nullifying the results sought after. Experimenters have sometimes had to move their pyramid models to new locations—from a few feet to several miles—in order to get best results.

Pyramid models should be placed at least six feet away from all electrical apparati, windows and radiators.

Pyramids placed inside rooms with a lot of electrical circuitry, machinery or large metal objects or sheeting will not perform well, if at all.

Pyramid energy does not operate uniformly inside or outside a pyramid model. There are certain areas of high and low concentration.

A weak field surrounds all pyramids. For a pyramid 4 inches high, it may reach outward 6 to 12 inches; for a 6-inch pyramid, it can extend 2 feet.

One interesting phenomenon that can be observed using dowsing rods to measure the energies is that if you place a pyramid model in a location and immediately dowse around it, very little energy seems to emanate from it. Let the model sit and after a few minutes a definable field is detected. If the pyramid model is then removed and placed elsewhere and its field measured, nothing again is found around it. But return to the place where the model was previously, and the field is still present and detectable. However, after a few minutes’ time, the energy pattern begins to dissipate, and its energies can be dowsed moving in a straight line—a ley line?—toward the pyramid model’s new location, where its field slowly builds up anew.

Energy flows up and down along the outer edges of a pyramid model. It is weakest in the centers of the side panels.

The apex of the pyramid has one of the highest concentrations of energy. Energy appears to flow both upward and downward through the apex. A beacon of up-flowing energy can be detected ten feet above the apex of a one-foot high pyramid.

A truncated pyramid—a pyramid with the apex cut off and left open—generates a more intensive down-pouring of energy than a pyramid with the apex left in place.

As noted previously, the point inside the pyramid one-third up from the base and directly below the apex is the major energy center.

Energy is also concentrated, though to a lesser degree, at the center of the pyramid base.

Another energy center is located directly below the center of the pyramid base. In a one-foot high pyramid model, this center can be located at 4 to 6 inches below the base.

Energy is generated a good distance below a pyramid as extensions from the corner edges. A small pyramid model suspended from the ceiling becomes the capstone for an invisible larger pyramid, and can be used like a large pyramid.

The different energy centers in a pyramid produce different results. Plants grow best at the base and one-third levels, but not at the apex or corners. Razor blades, however, will sharpen in a pyramid only at the one-third level. In the same way, materials placed directly below the pyramid apex read differently than when placed directly above it.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the energy inside the pyramid model is associated with the energies of the human mind. This is essentially the reason why pyramid energy works for the believer and not for the skeptic. Human psycho-emotional energy aids or interferes with pyramid phenomena, and it is impossible to shield out. The experimenter is an integral part of the experiment.

The key to pyramid energy, we noted, is the pyramid shape. A pyramid made out of practically anything will work. However, the energy output is enhanced by using certain materials.

Different materials will create different energy intensities. Metals produce sharper, stronger, harsher energy, while organic substances produce softer, gentler energy.

Recommended metals to use, in descending order of preference, are: gold, gold alloy, solid copper, copper foil, copper plated brass, brass, pure silver, silver plated, nickel plated, antimony, titanium, stainless steel, aluminum, aluminum foil. The last two can create build-ups of positive ions, and should be avoided if possible.

Recommended organic or non-metal materials to use, in descending order, are: cardboard, wood, glass, silver mirror, special non-static plastic.

The use of plastic as a covering for pyramid models is not recommended, not because a plastic pyramid will not work, but because of an electrical side-effect. Plastic tends to build up positive ions over a period of time, which can be harmful to well-being. The effects of pyramid energy are thus neutralized.

Pyramid energy can be increased in intensity by layering the sides and base of the pyramid model with alternating layers of inorganic and organic materials, similar to what is known as an orgone box. Good results have been obtained with cardboard or wood with copper foil, or wood with silver plated sheets. Some experimenters warn, however, not to layer more than two or three combinations deep. Otherwise the energy intensity can become so great as to be harmful.

Electroplated metal layering have also been successful in enhancing energy effects, with gold, silver, copper and titanium platings in various combinations working the best.

Pyramid energy can be improved by adding a capstone of gem or semi-precious material. The best are reported to be: quartz, emerald, amethyst, lapis lazuli, ruby, peridot. Each produces its own individual qualities and phenomena.

Solid pyramids made of these same materials also produce dramatic effects, as do pyramids of various types of stone, including alabaster, marble, onyx, basalt, granite, obsidian, greenstone.

A mirrored pyramid—a model with inside panels of highly reflective materials—also enhances the energy, which may indicate that pyramid energy has some of the properties of light. A mirrored pyramid reflecting different colors of lighting also produces different effects.

A metal pole attached to the base and extending through the center of the pyramid to just above the apex, or simply a pole added to the apex, also increases the pyramid energy output.

Phenomena Associated With Inorganic Materials

One of the most publicized experiments with pyramid models involves their ability to sharpen razor blades. A pyramid model is set up in the standard procedure, aligned with magnetic north, and a dull razor blade is placed one-third up inside the model from the base, directly below the apex. In addition, the blade edge is aligned in a north-south direction. By this process the dull blade will be re-sharpened, and can be used over and over again simply by returning it in the pyramid for a twenty-four hour period. One idea is that the crystalline structure at the blade’s edge is somehow realigned or even grown back to its original configuration because of the pyramid energy working upon it.

Using the above process, one experimenter got over 200 shaves out of one single-edge blade. He kept placing the blade inside a pyramid model immediately after each use and kept it there.

Another experimenter, with his pyramid, used only 80 razor blades shaving every day for 27 years. That works out to an average of 123 shaves per blade.

The re-sharpening also works on other types of shaving blades. One man used the same two-track blade for nine months with a pyramid.

When a blade is placed in a pyramid model, it does not need to lay flat. It can be stood upright or at any other angle. The one important element is that, whatever the angle, the edge must remain parallel to a north-south axis. Otherwise it will not work.

In some razor blade experiments, investigators have noticed a cycle of about 25 to 28 days. The blades are continually re-sharpened in this period, but then follows 1 or 2 days during which the blades remain dull, giving poor shaving results. Then they return to sharpness for another 25 to 28 days. Investigators believe the cycle is somehow affected by the Moon.

One experimenter found that a pyramid’s ability to re-sharpen blades is increased by first putting the blade under hot water for 30 seconds before placing it in the pyramid. It may be that the heat increases the molecular readjustments stimulated beneath the pyramid.

It has been noted that the same number of shaves gotten from a blade placed inside a pyramid can be obtained by simply rinsing a blade with water treated by a pyramid after every shave.

Pyramid treatment improves the tensile strength of metals. It is known that water molecules wedged among metal atoms can reduce the strength of steel by 22 percent. A pyramid appears to have the ability to drive the water molecule out.

A pyramid helps maintain the sharpness of not only razor blades, but also knives, scissors and even electric razor heads.

A X-acto cutting knife was kept inside a pyramid model for three years, and though it was used extensively, the knife never needed a new blade.

A pyramid helps to take rust off metal objects. If a metal object with hardened rust

deposit is placed inside a pyramid, after several days the rust will easily rub off.

Tarnished coins, after being inside a pyramid, are easier to clean.

Pyramid tarnish removal works best on silver, copper and steel.

A pyramid can also retard the tarnishing of metal objects kept inside it. However, it cannot completely prevent the process.

The characteristics of water are significantly changed by a pyramid. For treating water, place inside a pyramid model about 15 minutes minimum for every 8 ounces or 1 cup. This works out to one half hour for a pint, and one hour for a quart. No longer time periods are needed—the water is transformed, and further treatment has no added effect.

What is more, once water has been treated, the effect is permanent. It will not return to a normal state.

Pyramid water can be diluted also, down to 2 parts plain water and 1 part pyramid water, and the liquid will exhibit the same properties as if it was full strength.

Water, inside a pyramid, evaporates faster. Two 100 milliliter graduates were filled with water, and one was placed inside a pyramid, the other in a box. Overnight, the box graduate lost 12 ml, but the pyramid graduate lost 17 ml.

Another test was conducted with 250 grams of pyramid-treated water, and 250 grams of plain water. After 15 days, the pyramid water had lost 15 more grams than the plain. It was suggested by the experimenters that, as a result of being subjected to a pyramid, the hydrogen-oxygen atoms of water are spread farther apart, resulting in less surface tension and thus more susceptibility to evaporation.

When a droplet of plain water is dropped into purified water, it forms tiny spheres that remain on the surface. When pyramid water is dropped in purified water, it has less shaping ability. Again, this is indicative of less surface tension being present.

A container of distilled water was placed in a pyramid, another in a box, for four weeks. A drop of each was then placed on a glass coated with mink oil, a substance impervious to oxidation. The drop of pyramid water was 50 percent flatter. The experimenters believe this indicated that the H-OH bond in pyramid water has been loosened by the addition of energy.

Pyramid water, put on a smooth surface, quickly beads and evaporates. It will not streak or run, like plain water.

More bubbles appear in pyramid water than ordinary water.

When pyramid water is frozen into cubes, the ice is clearer than with ordinary frozen water.

Pyramid-treated water when frozen melts in 22 percent less time than normal frozen

water, under identical conditions. Polluted water, placed inside a pyramid, more rapidly clears than left standing elsewhere. The particle pollutants are filtered out and settle to the bottom, while water-chemical bonds are broken down and separate faster than in ordinary water.

A water sample containing traces of zinc and copper, sealed in a glass tube and placed in a pyramid, was completely purified in 14 days.

When water evaporates out of a glass of ordinary water, it leaves rings of mineral deposits evenly distributed. But in a glass of water placed near the south face of a pyramid, the mineral deposits gather on the side of the glass next to the pyramid.

Sodium hydroxide pellets will absorb less water when inside a pyramid than will control samples placed in boxes.

Tap water was placed inside a pyramid for 24 hours. Then when tested with a mass spectrometer, it was discovered that the normal chlorine and fluoride impurities were gone, and that the water’s molecular structure had been altered.

Water droplets sometimes appear in the southwest corner of a large pyramid model or structure, but nowhere else outside or inside. This will occur even on hot, dry days when there has been no rain or high humidity.

Cigarette smoke in a pyramid does not layer or stagnate. It dissipates and disappears, as if the air is constantly being filtered out.

A large wire frame pyramid has been observed to keep the air smog-free in the atmosphere around it.

Peroxide energized by a pyramid for 8 hours, when mixed with a selected tint, produced greater depth and color for hair. When pyramid water is then used as a rinse, it eliminates uneven bleaching and makes hair shine and curl better.

Vitamins and minerals increase their potency by being placed inside a pyramid. They also maintain their potency longer when continually stored inside a pyramid.

Aspirin and other medicines are reported to work better and faster in the digestive system after having been placed inside a pyramid. Fewer upset stomachs and other side-effects have also been noted.

Any paint within a pyramid will generally bind better, flow easier and last longer.

There is a group of solvents for paints known as aromatic solvents which cannot be used with electrostatic paint-spray equipment, because they are non-polar and carry no charge. One industrial user, however, placed aromatic solvents inside a pyramid for 4 weeks. The solvent now has a 20 micro-amp charge and can be used by an electrostatic sprayer. The user then placed regular polar solvents, called keytones, inside a pyramid and discovered their charge had increased from 20 to 50 micro-amps, and are now easier to apply with sprayers.

Gasoline stored inside a pyramid will produce better mileage. Fuel oil likewise will provide better warmth and greater efficiency.

Crystals, grown inside a pyramid and using super saturation-evaporation processes, show a high frequency of odd striations and distortions, optical and color and piezoelectric effects, as well as screw-like orientations.

Black jade, lapis lazuli and opal increase in luster and reflection after a few hours inside a pyramid.

Air, Heat, Light, Gravity, Electromagnetic and Radiation Phenomena

As air flows around a solid pyramid form, the sloped sides conduct air current up from the base and dissipates more than 80 percent of its energy into the air above. A kalliroscope is an instrument containing perchlorethyleme, a liquid sensitive to heat, which shows heat-flow patterns and intensity of changing color and shape. Left by itself, with no heat source acting upon it, the liquid shows random patterns. After a half hour inside a pyramid, straight lines had formed across the liquid, the lines pointing north-south. When a magnetic lodestone was placed with the liquid inside the pyramid, the liquid line pattern disappeared, and it returned to its normal, random arrangement. When the lodestone was taken out, the north-south pointing lines formed again.

Take a teaspoon of salt and divide it in half. Place one half in a glass and dampen with tap water. Place the other half in a separate glass and dampen with pyramid-treated water. Let both samples evaporate. Take a pinch of salt from each sample and sprinkle on a candle flame. The second sample, subjected to pyramid-treated water, will cause the flame to burn brighter and longer, with color differences apparent, indicating an effect on heat output.

Photographic film was suspended in a pyramid model, placed in a darkroom for 48 hours. After being developed, the film showed strange patterns, including wavy lines and splotches.

A light meter registers the presence of light in a completely darkened 12-foot pyramid. On taking the meter outside, however, the meter refused to operate, even in light.

Take a wool string, attach it to a pyramid model’s apex point and support the string on posts coated with bakelite. Dim the light until the model is barely visible. Using peripheral vision, one can usually see a faint glow surrounding the string, but not on the posts.

A balance on a fulcrum was constructed in such a manner that one arm was within a 16-foot pyramid model, the other arm was outside. On each arm identical metal objects were placed, each weighing exactly 9.5 lbs. Within 24 hours the weight inside the pyramid lost 1.5 ounces. In other experiments, iron weighing 1.094 grains—437.6 grains per ounce—lost 3.3 grains in 2 hours, 5.1 grains in 11 hours. Soft aluminum weighing 1.004 grains was lightened by 5.2 grains in 14 hours. Yet an aluminum alloy weighing 755 grains neither lost nor gained weight in 12 hours. Significant weight

changes were also apparent for sealed organic materials, such as sugar and plastic. These weight reductions were not caused by moisture loss.

The above experiment was repeated, but instead using rotating gyroscopes. The results were a gradual increase in the weight of the gyros when spun clockwise, and a decrease in weight when spun counter-clockwise.

A gyroscope placed on top of a pyramid will move radically different from one that is rotating under normal conditions.

Flashbulbs will not function if they are left unused over a long period of time. But after being placed inside a pyramid for 40 minutes, the bulbs were again usable.

A pyramid grid was placed overnight on top of a lampshade, directly over the lamp light bulbs. In the morning when the light was turned on the bulbs exploded.

A 12 x 12-inch brass pyramid frame was put over another lamp for the same period. When the light was switched on no explosion occurred. However, the light filament inside the bulb was burned out.

In several tests, on the average a flashlight outside a pyramid gave five to six hours of light, but a flashlight kept inside a pyramid gave twelve to fifteen hours of light.

New flashlight D batteries were charged and then left to sit for one month until they were dead. The batteries were then placed inside a pyramid for 24 hours. Put into a flashlight, the batteries produced 25 percent brightness of one hour. They were returned to the pyramid for 48 hours, after which they produced 25 percent brightness for two hours. The batteries were then placed back inside the pyramid for one week. When they were put into the flashlight and turned on, the bulb burst.

Four flashlight D batteries were placed in a charger for 24 hours. Two were then left to sit on a shelf and the other two were put inside a pyramid for one week. Both pair were then placed in flashlights and left on for four hours. Both pair sat idle for another week. At the end of a week the regular batteries were leaking acid and would not work. The pyramid batteries on the other hand were intact and lit up to 50 percent brightness. They continued to work for one hour every day for five days.

In another test, several C batteries were put in a pyramid, others were left out. When tried every day over a period of two weeks, the regular batteries’ voltage first fluctuated then decreased slowly. The pyramid batteries’ voltage rose significantly, then suddenly fell off on the last day. The experimenter linked the voltage drop-off in the pyramid batteries to changes in either the Moon or planetary alignments.

Magnetic compass readings were made on the outside of a steel pyramid with a 14-inch base. At the base edges the compass registered neutral. At all the corner edges the compass turned south, up to two-thirds distance toward the apex. In the upper third on up to the apex the compass turned in radical deviations.

A compass was placed below a steel pyramid and showed a disorientation of 38 degrees. When five pyramids were put above, in a tower configuration, the needle

turned 90 degrees out of north.

Voltage readings were made on a pyramid to which wires were attached to one corner and the apex, each wire leading to copper plates. The voltage when the pyramid was not aligned with north registered 0. When aligned to true north–8. Aligned to magnetic north–9. Aligned to magnetic north with a solid base plate added–15. Aligned, base plate added and with an aluminum tip at the apex–17. Aligned, base plate, tip, and with magnets placed at the north and south ends of the pyramid base–19.

Continued readings of the pyramid’s electrical potential showed significant increases during the time of the Full Moon.

A voltage gradient uses the ground as one plate and the ionosphere as the other, and measures atmospheric electrical intensity patterns. Objects, under normal conditions, at ground level are impressed with 110 volts. But inside a pyramid, objects receive no impression. The pyramid acts as an insulator, and there is no voltage gradient for anything contained within.

On the outside of a pyramid, however, the voltage gradient can be significant. For the Great Pyramid, for example, standing 481 feet tall, the field gradient can produce a static charge of electricity between 18,000 and 20,000 volts.

Tests were made using a magnetometer, or magnetic field analyzer, in a frame pyramid with a base length of 20 inches. The experimenter found marked changes in gauss readings at different locations within the pyramid, which is not supposed to happen under normal conditions. Increased readings took place along the edges, with one of the highest recorded near the apex, and the lowest at the base. By adding a magnet inside the pyramid, the gauss measurements increased throughout the pyramid, but with the same range of differences. The southeast corner appears to also be a high energy center, at times measuring stronger gauss strength than even the apex.

A quartz crystal was connected through a small capacitor to a standard alternating current voltmeter, with a lead serving as a probe. Significant jumps in voltage took place as the probe approached a cardboard pyramid. This occurred when the probe was moved toward the area below the apex and at the base, and when the pyramid was aligned rather than unaligned with magnetic north.

A razor blade was placed inside a 6-inch cardboard pyramid. Two 5-inch alnico 300 gauss magnets were placed on either side of the pyramid. The blade was resharpeneded when it was aligned with the magnets, even when the blade and magnets were at right angles to magnetic north.

One end of a copper wire is attached to the edge of a pyramid, and the other to a plate of copper or aluminum. So set up, the plate can act as a pyramid. It can change water, charge batteries, sharpen blades, etc. It will also work using ordinary string, a supposedly non-conducting material.

An aluminum plate, anodized, and charged with 100,000 volts of static electricity,

also has the same properties as a pyramid to sharpen blades, etc. The one difference, however, is that the plate will eventually lose this ability in time, while a pyramid will not.

The effectiveness of pyramid energy measured by changes in the radiation output of a gamma ray source (Manganese 54), placed within various locations inside a pyramid model, has produced the following indications:

1. The energy is not constant. There appears to be a general annual cyclic variation, peaking on June 4 and becoming minimal on December 4. March 3 and September 3 are times of an energy alteration, or a flux change, when the energy registers near zero.

2. The King’s Chamber area (the one-third level from the pyramid base) exhibits this full range of fluctuations and alterations, with a positive influence on matter manifesting between March 3 and September 3, and a negative influence taking place during the rest of the year.

3. In contrast, the Queen’s Chamber area (at the one-fourth level from the base) is a neutral zone in the pyramid, where all energies remain constant and balanced.

4. The Pit Chamber area (at the base level) undergoes energy variations somewhat like the King’s Chamber position, but the overall energy level is reduced.

5. The apex of the pyramid is always positive. Even after September 3, when other areas go negative, the very top or capstone area of the pyramid drops only to a quiescent positivity.

6. Other fluctuations that take place are caused by phases of the Moon—with the Full and New Moons exhibiting the greats influences, peaking and dipping respectively—lightning storms, earthquakes and solar storms.

A laser beam was directed into the west side of a solid glass capstone placed atop a glass paneled pyramid model with one-way mirror reflectors. The laser beam was first refracted, then reflected downward onto the south side of the gabled roof of a miniature glass King’s Chamber. From there it was reflected to the south side of the pyramid and again reflected, entering the model King’s Chamber as a horizontal ray. Researchers believe this represents the actual flow of tachyons or faster-than-light particles, which approach the Earth and the Great Pyramid from the west. Using a model pyramid with slightly indented sides, as has the Great Pyramid, the laser beam is further focused at the King’s Chamber level, and the Chamber area becomes the center for light accumulation, glowing red in color.

Bio-Energy Phenomena

A hand-held pendulum of a dowser, when suspended over the apex of a pyramid, will begin to swirl. The direction of turn will be either left or right, depending on the holder’s inner personal program and code.

As a dowsing pendulum is lowered over a pyramid, its gyrations will widen so that it

will not touch the pyramid sides.

A dowsing pendulum will swirl several feet above even a small pyramid model, indicating the presence of an up-flow of energy from the pyramid apex.

As a dowsing pendulum is suspended over a pyramid model’s edges, there is a pulling force felt on the pendulum. The same force is absent when the pendulum is suspended over the pyramid’s sides.

A dowsing pendulum, suspended and slowly moved toward a pyramid on the horizontal, will begin to hang out of plumb away from the pyramid as if being resisted by thicker air.

Dowsing rods, consisting of two metal L-shaped rods that can be made from coat hangers or welding rods, are held one in each hand, parallel to one another. As the rods are extended by the holder over the apex of a pyramid, the rods will cross.

Dowsing instruments detect the greatest intensity of energy in a pyramid just above and just below the pyramid’s apex. There are also some responses from the edges and in the lower third portion of the model.

In one experiment working with a group of dowsers, a small pyramid model was buried in sand at a beach and carefully covered up to hide its location. The dowsers were able to accurately detect it and identify what it was, because the pattern of energy they found was a large X, which was the energy of the apex and sides rising up to the surface from below. As the old saying goes, X marks the spot.

A pyramid model can nullify the emanations from an underground water source, sometimes called noxious rays, as detected by dowsing.

A dowser, concentrating on a pyramid model, will find that his or her rods will point in the model’s direction. A pyramid can thus be used as a dowsing beacon or locater.

One end of a copper wire is attached to and connects several pyramid model apexes. The other end is wound around a metal pipe. Wherever the pipe is pointed, a dowser can pick up a beam of energy coming out of it, as far as three miles away.

As noted previously, dowsing rods will react for several minutes in a place where a pyramid has been, after the model has been removed to a different location. Slowly, however, the energy matrix will dissipate and after about half an hour the rods will no longer react over the empty space. The larger the pyramid model, the longer the dissipation time.

Place your index finger in the space where the pyramid had been previously, and the dowsing rod held in the other hand will point to where the pyramid is now. The reverse is also true: hold your finger on the pyramid apex, and the rod points back to the old pyramid location, as long as the energy pattern remains. However, if the pyramid model is turned out from its standard north-south alignment, this dowsing connection will be broken.

The pattern of energy emanating from a human body as can be detected by dowsing instruments changes dramatically when a pyramid is either suspended over the person or placed directly on their head.

Kirlian photography is a process whereby pictures are taken of objects placed in a high frequency electric field. The results reveal an aura of colored lights gushing and swirling around all living things, or from inanimate objects having been held by the hands for several minutes. After a person has been in a pyramid structure for 15 minutes, it causes significant changes in the Kirlian aura to occur. A fingertips photographed show brighter colors, and an aura cloud about the finger that is more even in size and intensity, completely solidified and lacking in broken patterns. Experimenters in the Kirlian techniques recognize this to be indicative of a greater energy output and balance in a person’s body.

A freshly cut leaf, when pictured by Kirlian photography, over a space of several hours shows the energy aura and life flows and flashes slowly diminishing and going out, until the leaf is dead. Just before death, however, if the leaf is placed in a pyramid, the aura flares and flashes increase dramatically, and the life energy remains for a longer time.

If a person holds in their hands metal plates that have been inside a pyramid, and then has their hands Kirlian photographed, they will show the same changes in energy emanations as if they had been inside the pyramid themselves.

A pyramid subjected to Kirlian photography shows a strong light form emanating from the pyramid apex, and along its sides.

Mechanical Phenomena

A wind-up clock was wound too tight and would not run. It was placed inside a pyramid for 24 hours, after which the clock was found to be run down, the hands moved. When the clock was re-wound, again it would not work. Placed once more in the pyramid for 24 hours, it was again found run down, the hands moved. Outside the pyramid no amount of winding could activate the clock. It worked only in the pyramid.

Another wind-up clock, this one in excellent working condition, was placed in a pyramid model, wound tight. After 24 hours the clock was found to have kept time well. But the rewinding only took two turns to tightness, when normally it took seven turns for the same time-length to wind down outside the pyramid.

Still another wind-up clock was placed in a pyramid, wound tight. After 22 hours the hands of the clock had moved, and showed the correct time, but the clock was still wound tight.

One end of an antenna wire was attached to the apex of a pyramid, the other attached to an AM radio. Curious static patterns were recorded. When a second pyramid was suspended over the first, the static patterns increased.

A pyramid was placed on top of a TV set with a rolling picture for 24 hours. After the

pyramid was removed the picture stabilized and remained that way.

A pyramid of .010 aluminum plate was suspended above a black-and-white TV with poor reception. There was no immediate difference. Over a two-week period, however, the reception slowly improved. There was no significant change in weather during that time.

An aluminum pyramid was suspended over a color TV with reception good only on one of two channels. When a wire was fastened from the pyramid apex to the TV lead-in, and another wire was attached from the lead-in to a roof antenna, two more channels came in perfectly, but the original two channels came in poorly. The pyramid was next hooked up without the roof antenna. All the channels then came in strong, but with strange color shifts.

A man brought a 12 x 12 brass rod pyramid frame onto a TV talk show. Both studio cameras on the set failed to function, and continued not to work until the pyramid was removed from the stage.

Electric motors, kept in a pyramid, are reported to run smoother, and longer, with less repair.

A care was parked nightly beneath a pyramid suspended in its garage. The owner drove it 156,000 miles with no repairs, and never changing the oil or filter. He only had to add lubrication to the brakes. He sold the car in good condition after six years.

A pyramid model was placed in a 1966 Jeep Wagoner. Prior to this the hydraulic valve lifter needed fixing, making a clattering noise as the car ran. After one week with the pyramid, the lifter clatter ceased, the car ran perfect, with more power and better mileage.

An 8 x 8-inch wire pyramid frame was put on the dashboard of a 1970 Volvo. At the time the stick-shift was stiff and a gnashing of gears occurred during shifting. A mechanic had advised an overhaul. Two weeks later, with the pyramid, the problems disappeared--the stick became freer to move and the gnashing had stopped. Next, the differential began making noises. The mechanic predicted an imminent breakdown if the problem was not corrected. But six years and 40,000 miles later there have been no further problems, either with the differential or any other failure. The car also got better mileage than before.

One owner placed a pyramid on his car’s dashboard. The car is capable of only 19 miles to the gallon, but by concentrating on the pyramid model, the owner was able to drive on two gallons for a distance of 83 miles, before the car finally stopped.

Secrets of the Pyramids—Experiments in Energy-Form, Part Two

Report Topics:

Phenomena Associated with Organic Materials Pyramid Effects on Plants Phenomena Associated with Fauna The Effects o Pyramids on Human Physical Health The Pyramid and the Human Mind and Spirit

Full Report:

Phenomena Associated With Organic Materials

Organic substances, placed in a pyramid model at the one-third level from base position and below the apex, generally will undergo dehydration and weight loss, but without putrefaction or decay. Examples of tests: uncleaned fish reduced from 36 grams to 10 grams in 13 days with 71 percent dehydration but no odor or mold. An egg, without shell, reduced to half its weight in 19 days, with 53 percent dehydration yet no rotten egg smell present. The brain of a sheep, which usually decays in a matter of hours, underwent shrinkage with no putrefaction whatsoever inside a pyramid, undergoing a loss of 93 to 33 grams in 49 days with 75 percent water loss.

Other tests with other materials show the same phenomenon: an egg with shell, 51 grams to 19 grams in 60 days. An egg without shell, 34 to 16 grams in 19 days. Calf liver, 45 to 16 grams in 20 days. Fish, cleaned, 45 grams to 14 grams in 15 days. Steak, 245 grams to 97 grams in 40 days. In every case no spoilage was present.

Two ounces of pork, half fat, was placed inside a 4-inch pyramid, put in a hot and steamy bathroom, an environment conducive to decay. After three days there was a faint odor present, but it disappeared, Dehydration was complete in 9 days. After two months in the pyramid and in the same environment, the pork was edible.

One pyramid kept venison fresh for three weeks, in a room at 65 degrees F in temperature.

While pyramid energy dehydrates and preserves organic matter that is dead, it does not have the same effect on living organic matter. Thus, a person cannot go on a water-reduction diet inside a pyramid.

A liver extract was put in a pyramid, and another extract left in the open air. Seventy-two hours later a mass spectrometer test was run on both samples.

The pyramid extract was untainted, with stable oxygen levels, but the control extract showed chemical decomposition and unstable oxygen levels.

Three eggs were broken, and the contents of each were placed on separate plates. The plates were then put in a pyramid, a box and open air respectively. After three weeks, the open air egg was slightly spoiled, the boxed egg was very spoiled, and the pyramid egg remained fresh.

A hot dog was placed inside a pyramid for 30 days. During this period all the oils and fates oozed out and evaporated. At the end of 30 days the hot dog had shrunk to half its normal size and appeared dark red on its hardened, shriveled exterior. Breaking it open, however, the hot dog contained pink meat. Placed in a glass of water for half an hour, the hot dog quickly regained its normal size. It was cooked and eaten, and tasted like a fresh hot dog, only leaner, without the fats and oils.

A container of raw milk was placed in a pyramid, with no souring taking place. After 60 days, a cheese layer formed at the bottom of the container. The cheese residue was edible and good-tasting. Repeated tests under the same conditions, however, did not produce the same effects. The cheese produced was different, and inedible, once out of every ten times.

The above experiment was repeated using raw goat’s milk. Again, no spoilage occurred, but the resulting cheese tasted flat.

A six-inch pyramid was placed above a one-half pint carton of milk in a refrigerator. The milk still remained fresh after two months.

Contaminated milk placed in a pyramid showed a 16 percent reduction of bacteria growth, while in control samples bacteria continued to multiply.

Because of the unusual preservative properties of the pyramid shape, dairy producers in Italy and southeastern Europe have packaged milk in pyramid containers.

In France, yogurt has been marketed in pyramid containers, with good success.

Pyramid-treated cream, when used to make ice cream or shakes, has improved texture and taste.

Pyramid dehydration effects on organic materials will slow significantly during periods of minimum solar flare and sunspot activities.

Clipped flowers, when placed in a pyramid, will dry out, but will not lose their shape, scent or color. In some cases the colors appear brighter.

Cut apples in a pyramid will dry, but will not turn brown.

Apples were successfully dried in one pyramid in two weeks, even in the middle of stormy, wet weather.

An apple was sliced, and some of the pieces were placed at the one-third position inside a pyramid model, while the rest were left outside. In two days the pyramid pieces still were fresh, while the outside pieces had turned brown and shriveled. The pieces in the pyramid were then moved from the one-third position to the southwest corner of the pyramid model. In only 45 minutes the pieces became as brown and shriveled as the pieces that had remained outside for two days. The experimenter concludes that in the pyramid’s southwest corner the energy is not beneficial, and has a reversing quality.

A raw egg was placed inside a pyramid for three weeks. It became shriveled and dehydrated. When water was added, the egg was reconstituted to its original form with no loss of taste, freshness or nutritional value.

Taste tests conducted with blindfolded people sampling control foods and meats, and foods and meats placed under a pyramid, demonstrated a majority preference for the pyramid samples as having tasted better and fresher.

Coffee and tea, after 5 to 10 minutes in a six-inch pyramid, will be more acid free and mellowed.

Stale coffee, ea, orange, pineapple, grape, tomato and grapefruit juices will be renewed in taste and vigor after being placed in a pyramid model for several minutes.

Canned fruit juices, after being inside a pyramid for 20 to 25 minutes, will lose that tinny and biting taste, and will taste more fresh-like. There is also a noticeable improvement in fruit color and aroma.

Pineapple usually becomes more acid and less sweet with age. In a pyramid, however, the process is reversed. The acidity is greatly reduced, and sweetness is returned to that of when the pineapple was freshly picked.

The juice of a freshly squeezed lemon tastes sour and has a pungent odor. Two samples of lemon juice, one left in the open and the other put atop a six-inch pyramid, were tested after two hours. The control sample remained sour and strong-smelling, but the pyramid sample was greatly reduced in sourness and its odor was completely gone.

Apple cider, placed in a pyramid, will lose its tartness.

The surface of bananas, prunes and raisins will become moist in a pyramid. Their tastes are improved generally as well, though sometimes a pyramid will leave them with a metallic aftertaste.

Green or hard fruit ripens quicker in a pyramid.

Unripe avocadoes do not normally improve in taste if left to ripen in the open. But they will ripen in a pyramid, with their taste becoming more concentrated and improved.

Fruits and vegetables of all kinds, if placed in a pyramid for a half hour before being stored away, will stay fresher longer.

Frozen foods, meats, fish and fowl, when defrosted inside a pyramid model, have a richer and more natural taste. Also, foods and meats placed in a model before they are frozen will preserve both taste and texture when defrosted later.

Pickled foods and olives, when placed in a pyramid, undergo dramatic changes, the acidity of the vinegar being partially neutralized, and allowing more of the natural taste of the foods to come through.

Cheese inside a pyramid will have significantly less mold growth, causing a slowing of the age process, with reduced waste, yet creating a richer and mellower taste. This is true of Cheddar, Swiss, American, Colby and various European cheeses. However, prolonged pyramid exposure will eventually dry the samples out.

Bread stored inside a pyramid will remain fresh for up to seven weeks, then will begin drying out. Crackers and most crisp types of grain foods, however, become moistened in a pyramid. Since these are usually artificially crisped by manufacturers, the pyramid may be restoring the natural state.

Flour placed inside a pyramid for half an hour before use in baking, especially for bread and pastries, is more manageable and improves the taste and consistency of the finished product. Packaged mixes for cakes and cookies kept inside a pyramid are also improved.

Pyramid-treated sugar stays fine longer, will not lump as easy, and improves baking, cooking and making frosting.

Spices subjected to a pyramid have a better flavor—sometimes stronger, mellower or sharper, depending on what is used—and mixes easier. Honey, placed in a pyramid, acts in strange ways, and differently from one experiment to the next. Usually it turns stiff and tacky after three days.

Artificial flavors, such as in candies, rapidly break down and disappear in a pyramid, leaving only an odor residue. Lemon, cherry, grape and orange artificially-flavored candies were put in a pyramid for one hour. Afterwards, tasters could not tell what flavors the candies were supposed to be, or even tell them apart. Since most artificial flavors contain citric acid, it is thought that the pyramid acts to neutralize the acid, and the increased odor is indicative of a breakdown and release of chemicals to the air.

Carbonated beverages left open in a pyramid will go flat faster.

Carbonated beverages in an unopened bottle placed in a pyramid will go flat.

A pyramid improves the taste and quality of wines and liquors, giving them a

richer, smoother, mellower taste in only 20 minutes.

In one test with a Chablis, the wine placed inside a pyramid began to bubble, while a control sample remained normal. A taste sampling of the pyramid Chablis, after being inside for less than an hour, revealed it had acquired a milder effervescence, like champagne.

Two samples were made of a natural wine with no preservatives. One was placed in a pyramid model, the other left in open air. After 20 days, the outside sample had deteriorated to a vinegar state, with loss of color, a putrid smell and bacteria growth present. The wine in the pyramid remained stable and was purer in state than when the test began. A mass spectrometer revealed that the pyramid wine had undergone changes in its molecular structure, yet remaining stable and with no deterioration.

Whiskey ages faster when placed in a pyramid.

Harsh cigars, cigarettes and pipe tobacco smoke milder and smoother after having been in a pyramid. Exposure time for one cigar or cigarette is about 20 minutes. For a box or pack it is about 2 hours. And for a carton or large pouch it is about 12 hours.

Mexican black tobacco, which is usually very harsh, was transformed in a pyramid to the mildness of best Virginia blends.

Artificial flavoring of cigarettes—such as menthol—are eliminated after being inside a pyramid. Also, the tobacco smoke aroma is either altered or disappears.

Strong perfumes, after being in a pyramid, will be altered to a subtler fragrance. Interestingly, though the exact same perfume can be used, the resulting fragrance is strangely different after practically every experiment.

Cosmetics and night creams—which have organic bases—after being placed inside a pyramid have a longer shelf life, apply more evenly, have a tingling sensation associated with application, and lose their strong aromas, leaving only the scent of the natural oils.

Blood samples coagulate faster placed in a pyramid.

Aluminum foil, if placed in a pyramid model for a few minutes, and then used as a wrap for cooking, will shorten the cooking time and improve the taste of the food.

Foods and meats, wrapped in aluminum foil treated in a pyramid, will be preserved without spoilage as if they were in a pyramid themselves. However, the foil will lose its effectiveness in about a week’s time, and must be re-treated.

An aluminum plate was put in a pyramid for five weeks. After being removed,

coffee and wine samples were placed on it. The tastes of both were improved.

Two samples were taken from a piece of decayed meat. One sample was placed in plain water, the other in water treated in a pyramid. After one week, the meat sample in the plain water produced a strong odor, and the water was discolored. The meat in the pyramid water had no smell, residue in the water had precipitated to the bottom, and the liquid remained clear.

An advantage has been discovered in making garbage cans and containers pyramid shaped. The waste contained will only dehydrate, with no rotting or smell being produced.

One experimenter hung a pyramid model in his unaired garage and found it acted as a deodorizer. Gasoline fumes, dog dropping odors, garbage can smells—all disappeared, the air remaining fresh.

Storage containers for rice, dried beans, dried foods, etc. when built with a pyramid shape, have been found to have several advantages over other shaped storage units. Foodstuffs are preserved longer, their taste is improved, and there is a noticeable lack of insects which will not invade the compartments, even in summer.

Gardeners using pyramid shaped greenhouses find that they cannot use compost too well inside. The organic materials will not decay and break down. This is compensated for, however, by the luxuriant growth of plants which occurs inside a pyramid regardless of the soil materials used.

Pyramid Effects on Plants

Most forms of plants thrive inside a pyramid model—provided also with sunlight, water, good soil and nutrients—with improved fruit, vegetable or nut taste, healthier leaf texture, greater flower color and size, and faster growth rates.

A plant placed outside a pyramid frame will in many cases grow bent over to get inside.

In particular, diseased or dying plants substantially improve when placed in a pyramid.

However, some plants, especially larger varieties, can be over stimulated and burn out by being in a pyramid or pyramid frame. They can wither and turn brown. The best procedure is to expose such plants to only short, hourly periods in a pyramid per day. Experimenters report that the time lengths vary from plant to plant.

In some cases also a plant will grow inside a pyramid very fast and then stop. Take the plant out from inside the pyramid at this stage, then return it every other day. The plant should continue to grow vigorously again.

In larger pyramid models, plants tend to respond better located on the west side, compared with the east.

Plants tend to react better in pyramids made of organic materials, such as cardboard or wood. Metal pyramids are sometimes too potent, and cases of overdose or burnout are reported oftener.

A gardener placed pyramid frames in only certain random spots in her vegetable garden. Wherever they were, the plants that sprouted and grew beneath always did better than those plants remaining outside. Pyramid onions averaged five inches higher. Pyramid eggplants grew to 44 inches diameter compared to 26 inches for the rest. And pyramid peas were 35 inches high, compared to 20 to 27 inches. Among the tomatoes, an early frost killed all the plants, except those in the pyramids.

The pyramid appears to increase the size of growing cells in early growth stages in plants, resulting in larger-than-average sized products.

Pyramid cucumbers have been recorded at 3.5 lbs., and 21 inches long. Pyramid cabbages grew to 12 lbs. And cherry ball radishes expanded to 4 inches in diameter, without holes or splitting.

One experiment utilized 60 hybrid garden beans. Two days after germination, 15 were placed in a glass box, 15 in a glass prism, 15 in a glass pyramid, and 15 in the open air. In ten days, growths were measured with a micrometer. Results averaged: Open air–4.1604 inches. Boxed–4.3442 inches. Prism–4.96107 inches. Pyramid–5.97553 inches. When the plants were pulled and weighed in grams, the pyramid plants were found to weigh the most. After drying in an herbal dryer, however, the pyramid plants weighed the least.

When alfalfa, mung bean, sunflower and soybean sprouts are grown in a pyramid, there is generally an increase of 15 to 17 ounces per batch. The sprouts are observed to grow more quickly, and thicker, tasting better, with less loss from rot or spoilage. After picking, the pyramid sprouts retain their nutritional value and flavor freshness longer.

Tests conducted with seeds of radishes, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts and strawberries in a pyramid had germination periods advanced 150 percent, and growth success increased by 80 percent.

Seeds stored in a pyramid will remain fertile longer than other seeds.

However, the same problem of overdose that can occur with some plants can also occur with seeds, leading to slowing of germination and stunting of growth. Again, the best procedure is to expose seeds for short periods of time.

Root cuttings in a pyramid have a higher percentage of successful germination than those outside.

A plant cutting was taken out of water and placed in a pyramid. It remained

alive for five days. Taken out of the pyramid the cutting died in half an hour.

Plant life lasts longer in a pyramid. A cut carnation, placed in a glass of water, will begin to wither in five days. Putting the carnation and glass in a pyramid, the carnation will remain colorful and fresh for a month.

Cut flowers in water, placed in a pyramid, generally remain fresher longer and the color is even improved. The water is also charged in the process, aiding in the preservation. During these experiments, the water will not get murky or produce an odor, but will remain clear.

Plants grown using water treated in a pyramid do as well in many cases as if the plant itself had been grown in a pyramid.

Pyramid water mixed with nitrogen, when used to water a lawn, will produce a greener glass that is less susceptible to disease and brown spotting.

One grape farmer incorporated pyramid water with regular irrigation water, and produced a yield 2.5 times greater than that of neighboring farmers who used only regular water.

A model pyramid will affect its environs. Plants grow better in a room simply containing a pyramid than one without one, with all other conditions identical.

Placing plants on top of pyramid models will benefit the root systems most, with increased absorption and root disease control.

Plants can withstand temperatures beyond their normal tolerances range inside a pyramid. Geraniums normally do well in 45 to 50 degrees F, with 60 to 70 degrees F as their upper limit. But geraniums in a pyramid will remain healthy in 85 degrees F heat.

A woman who owns a greenhouse placed two pyramids over some of her plants. During a snowstorm a window in the greenhouse was broken. Everything inside the greenhouse was frozen, except the plants under the pyramids.

A copper wire was attached to one pyramid and run along the ground, and attached to a second pyramid. Plants grown along the wire did better than those distant from the wire. The same experiment worked well using a cloth string instead.

A pyramid was placed outside in a sunlit location. A string was attached and led into a basement to plants shut off from sunlight. Other plants were also put in the basement, but were not attached. The plants unattached turned white, sickly and died. The plants that were attached, however, remained healthy and green. Photosynthesis was taking place, but without direct sunlight.

Two 6-B graphite sticks were aligned with magnetic north, one inside a box, the other in a pyramid, for two weeks. The sticks were then placed upright in

soil containing planted sunflower seeds. Near the box stick, germination occurred in random patterns. With the pyramid stick, germination first took place around the stick, then spread out. At the end of one week, the plants immediately around the pyramid stick were 70 millimeters high, those at the distance were 45 millimeters, and around the box stick the plants were all 45 millimeters average.

An instrument for measuring galvanic skin resistance was used on plants placed inside a pyramid and outside. Those plants in the pyramid registered a significant lowering of resistance during their daily active phase. When the plants were in a rest phase, however, the pyramid made little effect.

A sunflower was grown in the center of a glass pyramid. Daily it bent over, moving back and forth in an east-west direction in two-hour cycles, for two years. Then it suddenly stopped, and began swaying in a north-south arc. No such gyrations occurred among plants growing outside the pyramid.

Using the same sunflower above, an aluminum screen was placed on the west side of its glass pyramid. The plant’s swaying stopped, and would only begin again each time the screen was removed. The aluminum screen was then placed inside the pyramid for two weeks, then put back in the west side position. The plant inside continued to dance even with the screen in place. But after two weeks, the sunflower slowed down and stopped. The experimenters believe that the plant’s changing direction of movement is correlated with changes in sunspot activity, especially the 11-year cycle. The aluminum screen appears to act as a block for the solar effects, except when it is charged by the pyramid itself, and then the effects are only temporary.

Magnets placed in a pyramid with both large and small swaying flowers stopped the small plants in their dance, and greatly inhibited the movement of the larger plants.

Phenomena Associated With Fauna

One experimenter who constructed a pyramid-shaped greenhouse found that the environment within was pest-free. There were no flies, red spiders, red mites, aphids or caterpillars. Furthermore, there was no mildew or mold.

Lower life forms dependent on decay for their intake do not thrive in a pyramid, since a pyramid retards the decaying process.

In large pyramid structures, some insects will venture inside, but will be more prevalent on the east side than on the west.

Sterilized milk was inoculated with streptococcus loctis bacteria, and then placed inside a pyramid frame made of steel tubing. The bacterial growth was completely inhibited.

Maggots, infesting a piece of meat, will suddenly move to the outer edges of the meat when it is placed in a pyramid.

One group of ants was placed in a pyramid frame with a drop of sugar water. A second group of ants was put immediately outside the pyramid with another sugar water drop. The ants inside the pyramid left their drop untouched, and joined the other ants drinking the second drop outside the pyramid.

Tiny flying insects such as gnats have been observed approaching a pyramid frame and veering off at right angles, as if to avoid some invisible wall. Flies and mosquitoes will enter the pyramid frame, but do not linger long before leaving.

In one experiment, a jar filled with cockroaches was placed inside a pyramid frame, another jar with equal number of cockroaches was left outside. The cockroaches inside the pyramid all died in 2 or 3 days, while the control group lived 2 to 3 times longer, or their normal span.

Insects will also leave alone aluminum foil treated in a pyramid. They will approach it, even land on it, but leave quickly after, and will not return.

Flying insects are sometimes attracted to the tops of pyramids, possibly because the angle of a pyramid is generating the same frequency as high life forces. Mosquitoes and flies, for example, swarm near the apex of the Great Pyramid.

Wooden pyramids painted white have been used to attract and kill face flies on cattle farms, reducing face fly numbers in pastures by 70 percent.

A twelve-inch pyramid frame was placed over a nest of earthworms. In ten minutes the earthworms had increased their activity and began all together to writhe upwards toward the surface.

A pyramid is adverse to some lower life forms and is beneficial for others. After a pyramid was placed over an aquarium, algae growth diminished, while brine shrimp grew larger, with life-spans tripled.

Amoebas—one-cell life forms—when placed in a glass of water inside a pyramid, will live 7 to 9 times longer, and multiply faster, than amoebas kept in a glass outside a pyramid.

Goldfish in an aquarium topped with a pyramid are more active, brighter in color and live longer lives.

In an aquarium full of goldfish, when the light is turned off, they gather around a small pyramid placed on the bottom of the tank.

A six-inch pyramid was placed under an aquarium. In ten days the fish started dying, brown algae began invading the sides of the aquarium, and the water turned murky. The pyramid was then placed in the aquarium, resting on the bottom sand. The water cleared in hours, and the algae disappeared. The fish became more active and brighter in color. They also reproduced faster, with

six guppies surviving each batch, instead of the normal two. The offspring were tamer and could be hand-fed. The experimenter finally removed the aquarium filter and after a month the water remained clear, the fish healthy.

Do not transfer fish directly from an aquarium of normal water to one of pyramid-treated water, as it will prove to be a shock to their systems. Add a quart of pyramid water per day for ten days, then place a pyramid over the tank, for healthier, more colorful and longer-living fish.

A pyramid was placed over a cage of a hyperactive bird. The bird flew to the top of its cage, up inside the pyramid, and stayed there very much calmed down.

Aluminum foil treated in a pyramid was put in a cage with a sick bird. The bird stopped molting and began singing again, eventually returning to good health.

Birds which drink pyramid water sing better, and have brighter colors and plumage.

A gerbil in a cage was placed in a pyramid. It appeared contented, it ate well, and its nest was kept organized and neat. Then the cage was put in a box of the same volume as the pyramid. The gerbil became hyperactive, it ate less, and its nest was scattered about the cage.

Ailing or injured rats and mice placed in pyramids show significant healing effects in faster times.

A twelve-year old dog was stiff jointed and losing hair. Its owner suspended an 18-inch high pyramid six feet above the dog’s bed. After a few days the dog’s energy level had increased, its legs were limber, and its coat grew thicker with new luster.

A nine-year old cat which likes to sleep inside a pyramid is reported to act more like a younger cat. It plays a lot, and is gentle to handle, eats well and needs less sleep.

A horse trainer has put pyramids in stalls above his feeding stables. Horses which normally took weeks to recover from injuries or sickness returned to health in two to three days.

When two pans were set out, one with pyramid-treated water and the other with ordinary water, pets invariably go to the pan with pyramid water to drink.

Dogs and cats show an eagerness to be inside larger pyramid models and structures, to sleep and rest there.

One experimenter’s dog, a Labrador, preferred laying inside an eight-foot pyramid sitting out in the hot sun than being in a cooler, shaded area. When the door on the side of the pyramid was closed, the dog would paw to get in.

Cats and dogs, if they cannot get inside a pyramid structure, are contented to at least sleep next to it, on the outside.

Some animals will go into a pyramid, but remain only for 5 or 10 minutes and then leave. It is as if they have received a sufficient dosage and depart before overdoing it. Sick dogs and cats have been observed to seek out a pyramid and stay there all the time, until their health is improved.

Cats and dogs, in a pyramid structure, choose the northeast corner to sleep or rest. One owner, knowing his dog always went to this corner and had established its scent there, moved the pyramid around so that the northeast corner became the southwest corner. The dog entered, sniffed at its old resting place, then promptly went over to the new northeast corner and settled there.

Animals are attracted to the spot where a pyramid has been. After a pyramid structure in a garden was moved, birds continued to gather at the small spot for several days. A cocker spaniel, which had taken up continuous residence in a pyramid structure, kept returning to the same place after the pyramid was moved elsewhere. Finally, after a few days, the spaniel left the spot, and began sleeping in the pyramid in its new location.

Several cases have been reported of cats and dogs, normally meat-eaters, having turned vegetarian after repeated stays in a pyramid structure. They refused meats of all kinds, and developed preference for fruits, vegetables, cheeses and nuts. In experiments where the pyramids were dismantled, the pets eventually returned to a meat diet.

The Effects of Pyramids on Human Physical Health

In one experiment, the galvanic resistance of the skin was measured on several people before and after they had sat inside a pyramid structure. In every case, the tests recorded a significant drop. Before, the measurements were as great as 150,000 ohms. Afterwards—in only five minutes’ exposure in the pyramid—the resistance fell to as low as 2,500 ohms.

Instruments used to detect skin temperatures recorded increases for people who had been in a pyramid for several minutes. High skin temperature is indicative of a more relaxed state.

Blood tests were taken on a group of people before they entered a pyramid structure, and when they emerged fifteen minutes later. Under normal conditions, there should not have been any differences in blood chemistry in such a short time or at such a speed. Nevertheless, significant differences did show up in white and red cell counts, lymphocytes, monocytes, copper, zinc, iron and glucose contents. The degrees of differences varied from person to person.

A person suffering from high blood pressure measured high blood pressure before going into a pyramid. On coming out after a few minutes, his pressure

had stabilized dramatically.

Several cases have been reported of people in a pyramid being relieved of migraine headaches and toothaches faster and more effectively than by other means.

A pyramid grid was suspended from a ceiling in a dental laboratory office. Over a period of several months, the laboratory workers noted that their patients experienced less pain and quicker healing, and there was much less tissue rejection in transplants.

A pyramid model or frame, worn like a hat on the head, relieves headaches, induces clearer thinking, alertness and calmness of nerves.

A model pyramid placed under a bed helps induce deeper, more restful sleep, with the awakened having more energy and clearer thinking abilities in the morning.

The pyramid effect is not an aphrodisiac as some have claimed. Instead, the pyramid vitalizes and stimulates all body functions, reduces tensions and increases concentration—all of which aids in better enjoyment of sex.

It has been reported by several women who have slept every night within a pyramid frame that they feel significantly relieved of menstrual cramps during their monthly periods. Menstrual time also appears to be greatly shortened.

Back pain and strain have been relieved in a pyramid. One person who suffered from a back injury for years found the pain gone after only forty minutes in a pyramid, and the pain never returned.

Generally, people who do exercise inside a pyramid frame find their endurances increased, feeling less fatigued than when doing the same exercises outside the pyramid.

A woman, sitting in the exact center of a 36-foot high pyramid structure for thirty seconds, was relieved of bursitis pain and stiffness.

Several cases have been documented of sufferers from arthritis and rheumatism having felt relief by sitting in a pyramid for less than an hour every day.

A ten-minute exposure in a pyramid relieved a child of a three-day upset stomach.

One person with a sinus condition found that sitting in a pyramid for a few minutes promoted draining and clearing.

People who sit or sleep in a pyramid every day statistically have fewer colds or virus infections.

When bruises are exposed to a pyramid, the pain disappears rapidly, the discoloration is significantly lessened—especially the yellow state—and healing is quicker.

Insect bites heal faster in a pyramid. The sting is immediately eliminated when pyramid water is applied to the bite area.

A four-year old girl had her hand caught in a slammed door. The injury resulted in extreme pain, swelling, discoloration, and an open wound. The hand was immediately placed in a container of water treated with a pyramid. After only a few minutes, the torn flesh had closed, swelling was reduced, and color was returned to normal. Two days later there was no sign the injury had taken place.

A pyramid model was kept over a broken leg every night during sleep. The doctor who had examined the leg had predicted that it would take eight weeks for it to heal. After three weeks, however, X rays revealed no sign where the break had been, and the cast was removed.

A skater cut his head in a fall, resulting in a one and a half inch long gash. He received no medical treatment but instead sat in a pyramid structure. The pain was gone in five minutes, and no headaches occurred. The healing process was complete in five days.

A man received a severe burn on his left arm. He was told by a doctor that if not treated the burn would leave an ugly scar. The man refused treatment and instead slept under a pyramid. Within a few hours all pain was gone. Thirteen days later, after spending each night in a pyramid, the burnt tissue fell off the arm, leaving no scar. Previous experiences with burns by the same man had always resulted in great pain and scars lasting for months.

A woman who had scars from second and third degree burns on her hands received thirteen years previously in an explosion, began placing her hands in a pyramid model every day for an hour. After six months, the scar tissue disappeared. The woman was sixty-six years old.

A number of experimenters have found the pyramid produces significant positive effects on sufferers of cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, heart ailments and AIDS.

An alcoholic found that drinking pyramid water every time he wanted alcohol relieved his craving.

Several people who brush their teeth with pyramid water instead of toothpaste have discovered they have fewer or no cavities, and less incidents of gum disease.

Pyramid water promotes thickening of hair, and in some cases prevented baldness.

Pyramid water, applied to the face and hands, restores the skin’s youthful appearance, color and smoothness. It also clears up skin of calluses, warts, pimples, etc.

A glass of pyramid water a day aids in digestion and elimination. Medicines also taken with pyramid water act quicker, more potently, and with fewer side-effects.

A man received two cuts on his arm, of equal length and depth. Both cuts were swabbed with cotton, one dipped in distilled water, the other in pyramid water. Both cuts were then covered with compresses of surgical gauze, one soaked in distilled water, the other with pyramid water. After one night the first cut had formed a scab and was itching. The second cut—onto which pyramid water had been applied—had no scab and was healing faster. After 24 hours the scab on the first cut was gone, leaving the skin with an inflamed pink line. The second cut was completely healed and the line where it had been cut could barely be seen.

A piece of aluminum foil, treated in a pyramid, was placed on an arthritic hip and knee joints. In one and a half hours the sufferer felt relief which lasted for several days.

A person relieved by a pyramid can, in turn, relieve others. One man, who stayed in a pyramid for thirty minutes, was relieved of a headache. After emerging, he placed his arm around his wife for five to ten minutes, and a headache she had had for several hours was gone.

The Pyramid and the Human Mind and Spirit

Brainwave activity outside and inside a pyramid shows a marked difference. Inside, there is an increase in amplitude and regularity of all waves. For alpha waves the increase in amplitude is two to three time. There is also a significant increase in theta and wider extremes for beta.

Bio-feedback equipment registers higher frequencies and double amplitude in alpha and theta waves for people meditating in a pyramid.

One person hooked up to a bio-feedback machine could not self-induce alpha wave increases during meditation. He was then blindfolded and a pyramid was repeatedly lowered above him without his knowing it. Each time the pyramid was lowered the machine began registering more alpha waves. When it was taken away, the alpha waves dropped off.

Paranormal experiences noted by people inside a pyramid structure include: calmness, high state of euphoria, accelerated memory, past-life recall, the hearing of musical tones and harmonies—choirs, bells, strings—improved state of well-being, heightened awareness, “liquid electricity” flowing over the body, a sense of weightlessness, the seeing of vivid colors and visions.

Several experimenters have discovered that problems, tensions and feelings of

hostility cannot be concentrated on. All these dissolve mentally and emotionally, and one is left only with a feeling of peace.

One hairdresser placed pyramid models above the chairs where her customers waited to have their hair done. She found the customers became more relaxed, and more easy-going and open in their thinking.

Persons with claustrophobia do not feel the sensation in a closed pyramid, even in a small structure.

Some pyramid dwellers have observed a gradual change in their eating habits, after long periods of exposure inside their pyramid homes. Their desire for meat is lessened, and eventually they enjoy a more vegetarian diet.

One experimenter found that smoking marijuana in a pyramid enhanced the effects. However, after several days he no longer found the marijuana satisfying. Instead he discovered that he could obtain a better “high” simply sitting in the pyramid without smoking, and finally gave up marijuana altogether as being “unnatural.”

People in a pyramid structure sometimes feel heat, coolness or a gentle breeze even though there are no temperature or air current changes. Sometimes the sensations take on a tingling in the palms or fingertips, or pins and needles along the back of the neck or spine.

After sitting in a pyramid the senses are heightened. The sense of smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing are dramatically increased.

One person inside a pyramid was annoyed by hearing children playing next to the structure. Emerging to the outside, he was amazed to discover that the children he had heard were really playing half a block away.

Normally, the human retina is sensitive to 4.3 x 10 to the 14th power to 7.5 x 10 to the 14th power electromagnetic vibrations per second. It is believed that in a pyramid this range is increased, so that perceptions are expanded and the participant is able to see things in higher and lower vibrations not otherwise visible.

Some esoteric researchers see the Universe as the teacher, and the pyramid as the teacher’s aid—a channel through which information brought in from higher dimensions is focused, amplified and communicated to those individuals properly attuned for reception.

In a pyramid, a number of people have experienced hypnotic imagery, or visual scenes and images that bring answers to problems, unusual insight or clarity of a total picture.

People have noted time distortions in a pyramid. One person sat in a pyramid for four hours and believed that only half an hour had passed.

A group of people was placed in a pyramid and then were purposely disoriented as to direction. They were then told to face the direction they thought was most beneficial or felt best about. A high percentage faced east.

Sitting in different directions in a pyramid induces different phenomena. Facing south results in composure, calming rest. Facing north brings increased energy, stimulation. Facing either east or west brings balance, or an increase in higher perceptions.

Some people in a pyramid will get dizzy, nauseated and have headaches, all of which are symptoms of overdose. The majority of people can take being in a pyramid for long periods, even overnight, but there are a few who cannot. The best remedy is to stay in a pyramid for only a few minutes at a time per day to gain its benefits. After repeated use, a tolerance level will gradually build, so that increasingly longer periods can be spent inside without overdose effects.

People sitting in the southwest corner of a pyramid invariably notice a sense of pressure, eventually resulting in a growing headache. But if the sitters will move back toward the center of the pyramid, the headache and pressure are relieved and they will feel revitalized once again.

Some people inside a pyramid become drowsy and have the urge to take a nap. The sleep is usually of short duration, but upon waking the feeling is one of full energy, as if having slept in mountain air at a high altitude.

Sleeping in a pyramid brings better regularity in sleep, and more restful sleep, in fewer hours. On waking there is an increased sense of well-being, with better ability to handle emotional stress.

One experimenter slept in a wood-framed pyramid covered with copper foil. He found he only needed to sleep four hours instead of the eight hours usual for him, and always awakened fully energized and refreshed.

Sleep is also improved by placing a small pyramid under the bed.

Dreams, while inside a pyramid, are more vivid, colorful, and better organized and understandable, with better recall on awakening. Pyramid sleeping also is a good trigger for lucid dreaming—being able to control your dreams.

There have been several cases of precognition occurring while inside a pyramid. One experimenter, meditating in his pyramid structure, kept seeing the image of a United Parcel Service truck. The imagery was so persistent that it disturbed his power of concentration so that he finally had to quit and leave the pyramid. Once outside, he walked to the front of the house, where he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door—and there stood a UPS man with a package he had not expected, with a UPS truck parked in the street.

Some people, after meditating in a pyramid, have been able to see auras or energy fields surrounding others. When the meditators checked their observations with psychics who have the natural ability to see auras, they

found that what they both saw was identical.

Psychic healers have reported that, after a patient has been inside a pyramid, it is easier for them to see and diagnose their aura.

Psychometry—the ability to receive psychic impressions from objects handled by other people—is increased inside a pyramid.

Several experimenters report success at mentally bending forks, spoons and knives as performed by Uri Geller, by sitting inside a pyramid.

Other pyramid residents have undergone out-of-body experiences, whereby the emotional consciousness leaves the physical body and travels astrally over long distances, seeing and hearing events in other places.

There have been several well-documented cases of apports inside or around pyramids. Apports are objects which disappear in one place and reappear somewhere else outside normal means.

Telepathic abilities and accuracy are increased when both the sender and the receiver are inside separate pyramids.

Several experimenters have developed what is called the mind-reach pyramid. The idea is that when a telepathic impulse is sent out, it can be energized by a pyramid, and directed at the person thought of. The simplest method is to place the person’s picture or signature inside a pyramid model, and then focus concentration on the person via the model. The person being reached receives the message on another level of consciousness. The impulse persuades but never commands—if the receiver is opposed to the message, the impulse will have no effect.

Another variation of this is the wishing pyramid or mystic feedback pyramid. A piece of paper is placed in a model. On the paper is written a goal, wish or desire. The paper is left in the pyramid for three to nine days, during which time the writer energizes the pyramid from time to time through concentration of positive thoughts directed at the north face of the pyramid, reinforcing the enclosed goal, wish or desire. At the end of the period, the paper is removed and burned, releasing the energy thought form. There have been quite a few cases of this process being successful above and beyond what the laws of chance would allow for.

Some practitioners using the wishing pyramid use the phases of the Moon to enhance the effects. The waxing period is thought to aid in the creation of new conditions, while the waning period is for breaking up old conditions.

Symbols put on pyramid sides can aid in the outcome of wishing. Examples are dollar signs added in the wish for money, hearts for desires of romance, etc. Significantly, however, such thought forms produced just for self-centered gain only will not work.

One experimenter discovered that a Maltese cross symbol, placed on the north face of a pyramid model, generated noticeable increases in energy. A dowsing road reacted to it, and the experimenter could even feel pressure and tingling over the symbol with his hands. An Egyptian Ankh symbol has similar results.

The effects of a pyramid on a person can also be changed or enhanced by coloring the pyramid model or structure, inside and out. Different colors induce different results. Yellow–mental clarity, orderly thinking, balance between rest and stimulation. Red–energy builder, increase in circulation, sexual arousal, anxieties overcome. Green–healing, well-being, body-building. Blue–relaxer, peace, creativity, better sleep. Violet–meditation, higher consciousness, inspiration.

A pyramid can be colored so that each side is different. The effects wanted are achieved simply by turning the color desired to the north.

A colored light bulb shining inside a pyramid model will have the same effect as coloring the pyramid itself.

A man suffering from recurring pneumonia put a picture of himself inside a pyramid with a green light shining. He recovered quicker, and with less medication, than at other times.

A person can receive added energy and vitality by simply placing a sample of their own blood, skin tissue or hair inside a pyramid model. The pyramid directs its positive effects on the frequency pattern of the person represented by the sample within.

It is significant to note that professional psychics are able to re-sharpen razor blades, change water, dehydrate foods, etc.—in effect do all the same things a pyramid can do—simply by touching these objects with their hands. Pyramid phenomena and the powers of the life force and the human mind are thus all very inter-related.
