REFLECTIONS KIT - Insight Exchange · 2020. 12. 22. · REFLECTIONS KIT. 2021 “The Global 16 Days...


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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our work and services operate and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We extend this respect to all First Nations peoples across the country and the world. We acknowledge that the sovereignty of this land was never ceded. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.

© 2021 Insight Exchange

Insight-Informed Actions Against Gender-Based Violence

Insight Exchange centres on the expertise of people with lived experience of domestic and family violence and gives voice to these experiences.

Insight Exchange is designed to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic and family violence.



“The Global 16 Days Campaign, launched by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) at its first Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991, has been used worldwide to call for the elimination of gender-based violence (GBV). It is run annually from November 25 (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to December 10 (International Human Rights Day).”

Our shared menu

In a working culture of crowded diaries and many things to care about, a focus on, and action about, domestic and family violence can adversely be reduced to a topic, a talk or an event. The purpose of our Reflections Kit is to support a more meaningful and enduring way to utilise the global attention on, and local responsibilities for, raising and maintaining awareness and understanding, in responding to gender-based violence.

Insight Exchange centres on the expertise of people with lived experiences of violence and gives voice to these experiences. It is designed to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic and family violence (DFV).

These insight-informed resources are designed to support you in building on your understanding of domestic and family violence and to support you in making insight-informed decisions. The materials can be used any time, in part or as a whole in your context. They can be used in the short term or over a longer period of time to match the priorities in your context.

Each of us has the chance in some way to influence others. To influence what is valued, and what decisions are made. No matter where you are you can make direct decisions, or influence the making of decisions, about responses to domestic and family violence.

We ask that you use this work for good in your spheres of responsibility and opportunity.

We have developed a shared menu of concepts, messages and related resources to support your good work.

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Contents Talking about domestic and family violence p04

The shared menu explained p05

Selecting and using content p06

Statistics and data p07

Language and pronouns p08Insight Exchange has been established, developed and governed by Domestic Violence Service Management (DVSM) since inception.

Insight Exchange has been sustained through the generous humble donations of individuals and a silent donor for the benefit of many.

Together, the Insight Exchange team with founding collaborators Dr Linda Coates and Dr Allan Wade, from the Centre for Response-Based Practice along with the Insight Exchange Associates, key collaborators, participants, supporters and skilled volunteers, have designed and published the insights and resources for use across society, services and systems.

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Part B: Content1 The problem of domestic and family violence p10

2 We have a shared responsibility as responders p12

3 The significance of responses p14

4 Supporting safety and wellbeing p20

5 Contacts p25

6 Lived experience insights p27

Part C: Reference for a deeper dive

Understanding financial abuse p30

Understanding sexualised violence p33

Language lab p35

Other resources and guide p36

Participation p38

Part A: Framing

Some considerations when using the content in this Reflections Kit:

Always let people know when you are talking about violence and abusive behaviour.

Offer flexibility in when and where to talk about domestic and family violence, particularly if people don’t want to be alone or they are in a context where they need more privacy, safety, flexibility to engage in these ideas and materials.

Make contacts to support services available up front and accessible so that no one needs to ask for this information and they have contact information with them from the outset.

Deliver messages mindfully and with care - don’t assume you know your audience, their past or current lived experience or potential response.

What about how people will feel if we talk about violence?

Support Service Contacts:

If you don’t have a ready national set of contact numbers available to your employee, customer/client community you can draw from contacts we use in our resources. This may be a useful place to start or to enhance the list you have. See the Contacts page in this kit.

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Part A: Framing

This Reflections Kit talks about domestic and family violence because not talking about violence and abuse hides, diminishes and perpetuates the problem.

Talking about violence needs care and can be difficult, but remains critically important. Our intention is to bring a hopefulness to all that is possible when we understand the importance and value of our responses.

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Shared menu explained

Every context is different, and each will be poised for different types of conversations in different ways and at different times. Our shared menu is designed to support your good work through the provision of insight-informed ideas and resources that are freely available for you to take up or take further into your work.

The shared menu is organised into focus areas and related resources so that you can build a menu that matches your intentions and commitments. This way your efforts can be used to start or deepen the work, not contain it.

The Reflections Kit has an emphasis on the significance of social responses and provides other related materials that may be useful to organisations, institutions and communities now or over time.

Does it cost to use this menu of work?

No. Read more about Using Insight Exchange.

Ensure you follow the guidance on using Insight Exchange to acknowledge the generosity of authors, participants and contributors to these materials.

No items in this kit can be used for commercial purposes or sold.

Explore the shared menu to identify concepts, graphics, resources you want to reflect on. The shared menu may support your own reflection and/or communication with others.

Select the items you wish to use and either – copy the link, or download the resource to use in your own way in your context.

Explore the shared menu

Select and use the content

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How do I select from and use this content?


Reflective Questions

This section will contain 1-2 reflective questions that you can ask yourself as an organisation, institution or community.

The reflective questions are provided in simple visual graphics you can use within your communication channels to engage others in this question.


This section will contain 1-2 statements you can consider and communicate as an organisation, institution or community.

You may wish to consider and communicate these in key prioritised teams, or more broadly depending on where you are at in your responses to domestic and family violence. These statements may be useful in communications, framing activities, setting policies and/or in responses to your employee and/or customer/client community.

The statements (and related ideas) are made into simple visual graphics you can use within your communication channels to engage others in these ideas.

Supporting Resources

Where possible we have supplied ready to read or share resources that relate to each of the areas in focus. These may be useful in providing a more comprehensive description, or illustration of the ideas explored.

A deeper dive

Where available we have supplied more in-depth resources that relate to the area in focus. These may be useful in supporting your understanding which will inform how and where you might use content from the toolkit, and/or may provide further depth of materials for people who are interested to explore more.

These insight-informed resources are designed to support you in building on your understanding of domestic and family violence and to support you in making insight-informed decisions.

The materials can be used any time, in part or as a whole in your context. They can be used in the short term or over a longer period of time to match the priorities in your context.

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit www.insightexchange.netReturn to contents page

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Why is the Reflections Kit not filled with statistics and data?

Each context will be attuned to different types of data about domestic and family violence.

Two national not for profit sources of data are shared in the box below. These are not exhaustive or exclusive.

There is so much important data available about domestic and family violence, however knowing and redistributing the data is not enough.

This Reflections Kit is designed to amplify and place value on the insights of lived experience through sharing of direct experiences and insight-informed materials/resources that explain or support reflection about domestic and family violence.

ANROWS Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited is a not-for-profit independent national research

Our WatchOur Watch is a national leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia. We work to embed gender equality and prevent violence where Australians live, learn, work and

Do we understand the breadth of the community experiencing domestic and family violence?

When asking a victim of domestic and family violence about some of the things that were particularly difficult in seeking information and support they replied with many important insights including a statement that has shaped how we focus our materials.

“Your statistics give me nothing to relate to and give the person abusing me every place to hide. Can everyone please be more detailed about what is going on?”


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Throughout this kit we use the word:

• ‘Victim’ to refer to a person who is being or has been wrongly harmed, not as an identity term. Some people prefer to use other terms, including the term ‘survivor’ however we are cautious about assuming to use this word because not everyone can speak in past tense as having survived violence and their experiences are current and have no clear ending. For clarity and consistency we keep to the term victim for reasons explained.

• ‘Perpetrator’ to refer to a person who is wrongly harming or has harmed others, not as an identity term.

• ‘Violence’ is used to encompass a range of oppressive, abusive, controlling, undermining and overpowering behaviours.

• ‘Sexualised violence’ is used instead of ‘sexual violence’ or ‘sexual assault/abuse’ (unless using a quote) because the behaviours these terms refer to are a form of ‘violence and abuse’ not a form of ‘sex’. Our intention is to draw attention to the violence and abuse without the use of the mutualising terms ‘sexual’ or ‘sex’.

• ‘Resistance to violence’ is used to describe and acknowledge the myriad ways victims of violence try to create safety and uphold their dignity while being oppressed, assaulted, or abused.


“Women and children are overwhelmingly the victims of domestic and family violence and those who use violence are overwhelmingly male. Domestic and family violence can be perpetrated by a partner, family member, carer, house mate, boyfriend or girlfriend. Women also commit DFV against men, as do same-sex partners (Domestic Violence NSW, 2018). DFV is also committed by and committed against people who identify in non-gender binary terms.”

(Excerpt from the DFV Definition on Insight Exchange)

Our Insight Exchange resources avoid assumed use of pronouns to widen the inclusion, responsiveness and usefulness of these ideas to anyone experiencing control, abuse and violence. Pronouns are used at times within quotes or examples provided to us by participants to represent their lived experience.

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit www.insightexchange.netReturn to contents page

1. The problem of domestic and family violence

2. We have a shared responsibility as responders

3. The significance of responses

4. Understanding safety and wellbeing

5. Contacts 6. Insights from lived experience

Reference / Resources

Part B: Content

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit www.insightexchange.netReturn to contents page

Reflection Graphic (JPEG)

How well do we understand domestic and family violence?


What is our stance as an organisation, institution, or community about control, abuse and violence over and against another person?


Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

1. The problem of domestic and family violence

“If we get better at addressing violence, we get better at almost everything. Because it is at the bottom of so many diverse forms of suffering”Centre for Response-Based Practice

Reflective Questions

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Statement/Concept Graphic (JPEG)

National, state and territory definitions of domestic and family violence and criminal codes vary, however control, abuse and violence is never acceptable in any community, family, institution, place or context.


There is no vaccine to end domestic and family violence. However, we can (all) eliminate excuses for using violence, and remove gaps and opportunities to extend the use of control, abuse and violence in our society.


Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

• .Deeper Dive: Take a tour of the Foundations Guide which outlines the core tenets of response-based practice with a deeper dive into the related ideas on Insight Exchange.

For people who want to know more - deeper dive materials

In what ways can I communicate information about Domestic and Family Violence, and explain the behaviours as wrong and unacceptable?

Supporting Resources

What is domestic and family violence?

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Statement/Concept Graphic (JPEG)

Domestic and family violence is in every postcode and community. Preventing violence, understanding violence and improving responses to violence remains a cross cutting national issue and a shared challenge that no community, sector or system can achieve alone. Every response matters. Any time. Every time. Every person and any community.


2. We have a shared responsibility as responders

Reflection Graphic (JPEG)

What decisions have we considered and made about how we respond to domestic and family violence in • Our employee community?• Our customer community?• Our local communities?• Our global community?


Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

“We all have a role, we all have a part, whether we want to take it up consciously or not.”Dr Allan Wade | Centre for Response-Based Practice

Reflective Questions

In what ways can I communicate information about our shared responsibility in responding to Domestic and Family Violence?

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Statement/Concept Graphic (JPEG)

Knowingly or not, people in the community and people working in services and systems make decisions every day about:• How to respond to victims of violence;• How to respond to perpetrators of violence;• What principles and practices to adopt;• What work to prioritise; and• How to spend their money.We can all stand against violence and abuse from wherever we are in society. Every insight. Every postcode. We decide.


Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Short Video for Reflection – Our Social Response

• Video 01: Introduction to Creating Conversations Day (5 mins)

• Video 03: Dignity (10 mins)

For people who want to know more - deeper dive materials

In what ways can I communicate information about our shared responsibility in responding to Domestic and Family Violence? (continued)

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3. The significance of responses

Am I prepared to respond safely if a person shares with me?

How ready am I to respond if a person shares with me?

Are we prepared to respond safely if a person shares with our organisation, institution, community?

How ready are we to respond if a person shares with our organisation, institution, community?

RK08 RK09 RK10 RK11

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Reflective Questions

“Social Responses are the most potent preventative powerful force” Dr Linda Coates | Centre for Response-Based Practice

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Statement/Concept Graphic (JPEG)

When a person experiencing domestic and family violence reaches out it might be the first, only or last time they seek support.


“Actual and possible social responses are a constant concern for victims and perpetrators of control, abuse and violence” “Research and practice experience show that the quality of responses by social network and institutional actors is strongly correlated with the level of victim distress in the short and long term and the likelihood of victim disclosure in future. Once a person receives a negative social response, they become much less likely to disclose again in the future.” [Centre for Response-Based Practice]


Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

In what ways can I communicate information about Domestic and Family Violence, and explain the significance of responses?

Are there any supporting visuals/graphics I can use to share these messages within our comms channels?Are you prepared to respond safely if I share with you? [Follow My Lead]RK14

How ready are you to respond if I share with you? [Follow My Lead]RK15

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

I’ll be looking to see… [Follow My Lead]RK16

This is a map of My world … its complex[Follow My Lead] RK17

Please remember that I am… [Follow My Lead]RK18

Follow My Lead Flyer

Are there any supporting visuals/graphics I can use to share these messages within our comms channels? (continued)

Supporting Resources

Follow My Lead – is an awareness-raising resource for any person who at some point may be listening to and responding to their friends, family members, colleagues, peers or to the people who use their service, who are experiencing DFV. The resource may also have benefits for people who are: thinking about their own relationships and experience of DFV, seeking support about their own lived (or live) experience of DFV, and/or working as a service responder to people experiencing DFV.

Distribution SponsorDistribution Sponsor – Follow My Lead (Organisations/Institutes and community groups can become distribution sponsors at no cost.)

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

ANIMATION4min animation introducing

Follow My LeadSince first publishing Follow My Lead on Insight Exchange in 2018 thousands of copies have been downloaded from the Insight Exchange Website and hundreds of copies donated across sectors. Engagement continues to rise however access and distribution digitally remains a shared challenge.

To broaden distribution of and engagement in Follow My Lead we have worked with a professional animator Guy Downes to produce a 4 minute animation that introduces the resource Follow My Lead.

The animation is now live on the Insight Exchange Website.

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Refer to Using Insight Exchange for guidance on using videos and publications.

Are you wanting to embed this animation into your website?Go to the animation. Select the 'share' icon and toggle the arrow to the right to obtain the embed code.

Are you wanting to play the animation in a virtual meeting?Refer to the guide at the end of this kit on how to play Insight Exchange videos as a host or participant on Zoom or in Teams.

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Where can I read about the insights of people with lived experience of domestic and family violence about their experiences of workplace responses?

Insights Paper: Experiences and perceptions of workplace responses to domestic and family violence.

The Insights Paper highlights how some employees, even when workplace responses were in place, were not aware of these responses being available or how to access these.

• Are we aware of our workplace response?

• Am I aware of our workplace response?

An important question to reflect on as a leadership team when setting the tone and priorities of your workplace responses is – ‘What is the focus of our response and where are we placing value and emphasis?’


Workplace Responses PresentationThere are many great resources available to support workplaces as responders to domestic and family violence. This presentation is designed to complement good work already available or in place. It is designed to support you with something for you to consider and take on from today, without delays and without cost barriers.

The Insight Exchange workplace responses presentation is in a video format (24mins) and is in two parts:• Part One (10mins) is designed to build on understanding of

domestic and family violence.• Part Two (14mins) is about supporting access to insights

and resources that can inform your responses as individuals, teams and as an organisation.

Are you leading or informing your workplace responses to Domestic and Family Violence? Below are some reflective questions for workplaces and related resources to inform your work.

Zoom in on workplace responses

Our Watch has dedicated work and materials designed to inform and support workplace responses.Our Watch is a national leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia. Our Watch works to embed gender equality and prevent violence where Australians live, learn, work and socialise.

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“It is important to remember that many victims of violence have faced a series of negative social responses from their social networks and various professionals. For many people, the systems set up to handle cases of violence are themselves unpredictable and fearsome, the cause of pain and endless complications. Many people will have every reason to think you will blame them, get charmed by the perpetrator, dispense advice, and judge them negatively when they do not do what you suggest.”Allan Wade, Ph.D. (2019) Interviewing For Social Responses Actual and Possible Social Responses are a Constant Concern

For people who want to know more - deeper dive materials

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Example of workplace, EAP and local health district using ‘Follow My Lead’

Interviewing for social responses

More examples

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Insight Exchange Ideas AppliedExplore how responding communities, services and systems have used Insight Exchange resources to build insight & enable exchange.What is the purpose of this resource?Insight Exchange is an evolving body of work and community of learners. We have developed this resource Insight Exchange Ideas Applied to collate and share examples of the ideas applied showcasing examples from across society, services and systems.These examples are not conclusive or exhaustive. Each edition shares point in time insights which may evolve and develop in new directions with new learning.

Examples contributed end June 2020National Workplace Example | CSIRONational Employee Assistance Program Example | Converge InternationalNSW Health Example | Northern Sydney Local Health DistrictSpecialist Service Metropolitan Sydney Example | Penrith Women's Health CentreExamples contributed end Dec 2020Specialist Service Coastal NSW Example | Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Service

Statement/Concept Graphic (JPEG)

For a person experiencing domestic and family violence, being safe is no simple, single decision or task.


4. Supporting Safety and Wellbeing

Reflection Graphic (JPEG)

What do these safety and wellbeing considerations mean to our organisation, institution or community in the way we design and provide responses to people experiencing domestic and family violence?


Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

“In the most abject and horrible circumstance –how is it that people retain dignity, and preserve dignity, and the dignity of one another.”Dr Allan Wade | Centre for Response-Based Practice

Reflective Questions

In what ways can I communicate information about concepts of safety re Domestic and Family Violence?

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Statement/Concept Graphic (JPEG)

The features of a healthy relationship apply to all types of relationships, including friendship, family, work relationships and intimate partners. There is no place in a healthy relationship for controlling, abusive and violent behaviour.


Being ‘safe’ is more than being physically safe - it includes all aspects of my wellbeing. [My Safety Kit]


Perpetrators of violence anticipate, suppress and overpower resistance. Whenever people are subjected to violence, they resist. People resist violence and abuse overtly and covertly in creative, resourceful, careful, clever, cautious ways to uphold their dignity and stay safe. And to protect the people they love. [My Dignity]


Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Are there any supporting visuals/graphics I can use to share these messages within our comms channels?

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

ANIMATIONSshort animations introducing

Introducing My Safety Kit

An introduction to My Safety Kit for responders (2.4mins)

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Refer to Using Insight Exchange for guidance on using videos and publications.

Are you wanting to embed this animation into your website?Go to the animation. Select the 'share' icon and toggle the arrow to the right to obtain the embed code.

Are you wanting to play the animation in a virtual meeting?Refer to the guide at the end of this kit on how to play Insight Exchange videos as a host or participant on Zoom or in Teams.

An introduction for people reflecting on their relationships (2.4mins)

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

My Safety Kit | Decision Making Tool

Decision Making Tool (3.5mins)

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Refer to Using Insight Exchange for guidance on using videos and publications.

Are you wanting to embed this animation into your website?Go to the animation. Select the 'share' icon and toggle the arrow to the right to obtain the embed code.

Are you wanting to play the animation in a virtual meeting?Refer to the guide at the end of this kit on how to play Insight Exchange videos as a host or participant on Zoom or in Teams.

© | Illustrations by Guy Downes

My Safety Kit - is a reflection resource that speaks in the voice of the reader who may be reflecting on their own relationships and (possible) experiences of domestic and family violence. The resource may also have benefits for people who are: supporting friends and family who are (or might be) experiencing domestic and family violence; and for people who are working as a service responder to people experiencing DFV.

My Safety Kit Flyer Distribution Sponsor - My Safety Kit (Organisations/Institutes and community groups can become distributions sponsors at no cost.)

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

• What Safety Means to Me? (Insights from lived experience in domestic and family violence)

For people who want to know more - deeper dive materials

Supporting Resources

There are many things that resonate for me with this resource. Besides the obvious value of this being a practical tool for women to plan and scope their individual safety plan, this resource introduces the notion of equality in relationships and how integral the response of others is as an active agent in their safety.

What do others say about ‘My Safety Kit’?

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5. Contacts

If you or your children, or the person you are supporting are in immediate danger, please contact the Police on Triple Zero (000)

Support Services Contacts:

There are a wide range of helplines and support services across Australia. Identifying and updating these is an ongoing challenge for all responding organisations, institutions, and communities.

If you don’t have a ready national set of contact numbers available to your employee, customer/client community you can draw from contacts we use in our resources. This may be a useful place to start or to enhance the list you have.

Follow My Lead hosts three support service contact details (shown on the adjacent page)

My Safety Kit hosts a more extensive range of national and state support service contact details.

No matter what you include in your list it is important to ensure information about immediate danger (as shown in the box below or something equivalent) is readily accessible.

We recommend that responding organisations, institutions and communities make contact information about support services available up front and accessible so that no one needs to ask for this information and they have contact information with them from the outset.

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Follow My Leadhosts three support service contact details.

Example only not exhaustive

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

6. Insights from lived experience

Insight Resources

Voices of Resistance – a project that documented four women’s resistance and responses to the violence they experienced. The project participants supported the development and prototyping of the interview process for Insight Exchange through the sharing of their resistance and responses to violence. The result of the prototyping phase is an interview process with clear protocols and steps that provides a structure for an interview that affirms agency, is safe, ethical and upholds a person’s dignity.

Voices of Insight – are de-identified narratives of people’s lived experience of domestic and family violence and other adversities. The narratives have been developed through the Insight Exchange interview process designed to affirm agency, uphold dignity and support safety.

Voices of Experience – are written insights and reflections from people with lived experience of domestic and family violence and other adversities. The participants are the authors of the written insight, and in some pieces, the Insight Exchange team have inserted content from the Follow My Lead resource as headings to help orientate the reader and to build understanding of the lived experience of violence.

As a man working with men to end their violence I found your stories so profound and insightful. I will carry these into my work with men and hope to support them to develop greater empathy and insights into the impacts of their behaviour on the women and children in their lives. Thank you so much for your courage and strength. I am continually inspired by the women who continue to contribute to the cause of ending men's violence. It's time more men stood beside you in this, and you've inspired me to continue toward that goal.

Luke Addinsall | Clinical Specialist | Men and Family Centre

In addition to the resources already listed in this kit, the following Insight Exchange resources may further inform your understanding, reflection and work against gender-based violence.

Do we understand the ways in which domestic and family violence is experienced?

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Arts Lab | Voices of Insight Collection

I want to use the picture to acknowledge the voices of women which inform the work we do in health. I am using this to remind viewers that every "story" or clinical case has a real person behind it and that we need to treat their voices with respect and dignity. Medical Director | Northern Sydney Sexual Assault Service“

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The Insight Exchange Arts Lab Collection features the Voices of Insight collection.“The Voices of Insight Collection is a series of original artworks inspired by the Insight Exchange Voices of Insight narratives. The initiative is designed to illuminate visual metaphors and symbols used by Insight Exchange participants as part of how they describe their lived experiences of domestic and family violence to inform social, service and systemic responses.”

Are you wanting to use these images in a specific project, presentation or event to share the Voices of Insight Collection?

These artworks were developed in consultation with participants and each image is protected by copyright. To use Arts Lab Collection images permission must be sought from Insight Exchange – Apply here

Understanding Financial Abuse

Understanding Sexualised Violence

Language Lab Other Resources


Deeper Dive Reference / Resources

Part C: Deeper Dive

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Reflection Graphic (JPEG)

What do I understand about financial abuse? How can I build my understanding informed by ‘big data’ from research and industry, and by ‘small data’ from lived experience insights?


How ready are we to respond if a person shares experiences of domestic and family violence involving financial abuse?


Understanding Financial Abuse

Financial abuse can have devastating short and long-term consequences for victims of domestic and family violence and their children.

Being stripped of economic resources by a controlling and abusive partner is one reason many victims stay or return to the person abusing them. Financial abuse – also called economic abuse - undermines all areas of a person’s wellbeing compromising their physical safety and health, employment, learning, connections and opportunities.

To survive, people experiencing financial abuse must navigate multiple systems and services and endure humiliations and hardship at every turn.

What role can you or your organisation play, in responding better to victims of economic abuse?

Reflective Questions

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Statement/Concept Graphic (JPEG)

Economic abuse is a common aspect of domestic and family violence and can continue, or start, post-separation. One of the challenges with economic abuse is the way perpetrators can deceive and use business and other institutions to facilitate and extend their abuse. Don’t get used to extend abuse. Get informed.


Economic abuse includes a range of behaviours carried out by a perpetrator such as:• controlling a victim’s access to cash and bank accounts• hiding financial information and assets• sabotaging study and/or employment opportunities• forcing a partner to take out debt, and• manipulating finances to avoid or reduce child support



“I need financial services to understand how their policies and products are being used against me by the person abusing me driving up my debt, disappearing my assets and diminishing my choice and control.” [Lived experience quote]


In what ways can I communicate information about economic abuse?

Supporting Resources

• DFV Definition – Financial Abuse (Hyperlink to Insight Exchange page about financial abuse)

• Centre for Women's Economic Safety CWES Directory (

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

For people who want to know more - deeper dive materials

Voices of Insight Financial Abuse Narratives

Focus on financial abuse

The following insights are based on interviews with people with lived experience of domestic and family violence focused on the financial abuse they experienced. The initiative to conduct the interviews was from an informal pro-bono collaboration by Rosie’s Place, WASH House, and the Mt Druitt Family Violence Team. The narratives were provided by the individuals for the benefit of others.

The interviews were conducted by Rosie’s Place and the narratives were assembled by the Insight Exchange team.

• Renee 'Once I gave up work, my control went.'

• Brittany 'I was like the ATM.'

• Liz 'When you have nowhere to go, what do you do?'

• Jasmin 'When he'd come around, money would go missing.'

• Teresa '"This is my home. I am the boss here."'

• Rochelle 'I was a very independent person before I met this guy.'

• Helena 'He would take the keys to the car to leave me without a car.'

• Deb 'He must have had another bank account I didn't know about.'

• Allanah 'He would use my money with the promise of paying it back.'

• Jessica 'Nothing we'd had together was in my name, so I had nothing.’

Acknowledgement and thanksThe Insight Exchange team would like to thank Rosie’s Place for conducting these interviews and providing these transcripts to Insight Exchange to ensure the voices of lived experience are able to help inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic and family violence.

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Understanding Sexualised Violence

My Dignity – My body is mine

My Dignity is an information and reflection resource.

My Dignity is for anyone who may be or has experienced sexualised violence and for anyone who may be responding.

Wherever it is difficult to tell someone about domestic and family violence, it may be even more difficult to tell someone about sexualised violence. The intent of My Dignity is to provide information, support reflection, share lived experience insight from others, and signpost to contacts and supports.

Whether a person tells someone now, later or ever, it is their right to have access to information and resources that support how they make sense of the violence and abuse used against them.

Who is this resource for?

My Dignity is for any person in any community or organisation who at some point may be making sense of the violence and abuse used against them. My Dignity is also for any person listening to and responding to their friends, family members, colleagues, peers or to the people who use their service, who are experiencing sexualised violence in the context of domestic and family violence (DFV).

Important: We strongly recommend you do not begin with this section unless you have already explored and introduced the areas outlined in sections 1-6 so that you are more prepared to respond safely.

When focusing on understanding of and responses to sexualized violence one place to start is to make information about sexualized violence and support contacts available, so that people who may be or are experiencing sexualized violence have a self-contained resource they can read privately without having to disclose.

Reflective Questions:In what ways are we providing information about sexualised violence to people who may privately be wanting to understand more or seek support?How response-ready are we if someone trusts us to say something? What supports do we have in place to involve or refer people to, who can provide specialist support?

My Dignity – My body is mine Flyer

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

Contact Information Definition / Behaviours Related information and links

My Dignity – My body is mine –includes national and some state support service contact details with a specific focus on responding (but not limited to) experiences of sexualised violence.

DFV Definition – Sexualised Violence behaviours are listed in the My Dignity – My body is mine resource.

My Dignity – My body is mine hosts links to websites, resources and lived experience insights, and introduces these in a supported way through the resource which contains support service contacts.

Videos:Identifying and Honouring Resistance (5:23 mins)Consent versus Violence (8 mins)

For people who want to know more - deeper dive materials

An amazing resource that seamlessly moves from the broader context to the particular issues related to sexual violence. It ‘speaks’ back to victims of sexualised violence through their own insights, words and experiences in an informative and relevant manner. There are many powerful aspects to this resource but the quotes themselves are striking and will stay with the reader long after they have finished using the book.

“What do others say about ‘My Dignity – My body is mine’?

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Language LabThe Language Lab provides information on the role of language in representing violence and abuse, and tools to help us use language to more accurately represent violence and other adversities. It recognises that language can be used in restrictive or liberating ways to:

• conceal or reveal violence• obscure or reveal offender responsibility• conceal or reveal responses and resistance; and• blame or contest the blaming of, victims [1].

[1] Dr Linda Coates and Dr Allan Wade (2007), 'Language and Violence: Analysis of Four Discursive Operations', Journal of Family Violence, 22:511-522.

These four operations of language make up a framework useful for selecting, analysing and contesting language to describe domestic and family violence more accurately and ethically.

The Language Lab hosts resources to introduce and illustrate the four operations of language:• Video of the Masterclass on Language and Violence with Dr

Linda Coates• Language and Violence Resource Kit• The Fact Pattern

The four operations of language can also guide how we select, analyse and contest visual imagery to describe domestic and family violence more accurately and ethically. We are starting to explore this area (and related projects) in our Arts Lab.

The problem of violence is inextricably linked to the problem of representation.

Dr Linda Coates & Dr Allan Wade

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OtherInsight ExchangeResources

Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

More Resources:

Guide to Selecting a Counsellor

Creating Conversations – is an event series designed to bring people together with the understanding that violence is a ‘shared social issue’.

Language Lab – provides a set of resources to inform more accurate representations of violence through language.

Arts Lab – introduces the idea (and related projects) that explore our responsibility of representation of domestic and family violence beyond relying on words alone and to include the use of visual arts.

Practice Exchange – provides participating organisations a supported opportunity to review and develop their practice in responding to Domestic and Family Violence and related forms of adversity. Practice Exchange explores these responses at a granular real-world real-work level from the perspective of response-based practice.

Workplace responses - This initiative involves workplaces and employee assistance programs (EAPs) committed to improving their awareness of, and responses to, domestic and family violence. A Workplace Kit is available for workplaces and EAPs considering their responses.

Covid-19 Guides



Distribution Sponsors

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Q. Can I play Insight Exchange videos as the host or participant in a meeting on MS Teams or Zoom?

Guide for playing video in TeamsGuide for playing video in Zoom

Save these two images to your phone so that you can easily refer to the guide live.

A. Yes – read below the short Guide for playing video in Zoom or Teams

Guide to play videos

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Insight Exchange Reflections Kit

People who have experienced Domestic and Family Violence are invited to share their de-identified experiences through Insight Exchange. Read more about being a participant on our Be a participant page.

Participants in Insight Exchange have shared lived experiences that occurred in the ACT, NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Vic, WA. Participants have participated from NSW, NT and Vic.

Insight Exchange centres on the expertise of people with lived experience of domestic and family violence and gives voice to these experiences.

Insight Exchange is designed to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic and family violence.

Thanks.. just doing that interview and reading it now has really changed my perception again. I’m not sure where or how, but I feel different and in a good moving on way.Participant 2019

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Structured short-form interviews (new)

We are inviting people who have experienced domestic and family violence to share their de-identified experiences using a set of structured questions drawn from My Safety Kit.

The interview experience is similar in style to the long-form narrative interviews in that it is based on the principles of Response-Based Practice, however there is only one interview (60-90 mins) and the questions focus on different areas of wellbeing, as outlined in My Safety Kit.

Participation can be in person in Sydney (where Covid-19 measures allow) or using web technology from anywhere. For more on what to expect, read the Short-form Participant Information Pack.

If you are interested in participating please complete the Short Form - My Safety Kit - Expression of Interest form.

Please note, that an Expression of Interest can only be submitted by the person wishing to participate and cannot be submitted on behalf of another person.

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Free electronic copies of this Insight Exchange Reflections Kit are available on

© 2020 DVSM Insight Exchange

www.insightexchange.netINSIGHT EXCHANGE

Start a conversation with the Insight Exchange team

Sal Dennis Director Insight Exchange

Rebecca GlennAssistant Director Insight Exchange

Insight Exchange has been established, developed and is governed by Domestic Violence Service Management (DVSM) a registered charity (ABN 26 165 400 635).

Acknowledgements and thanks

We would like to thank all contributors, critical friends and communities, who have engaged directly or indirectly with this resource.

Insight Exchange would like to thank Dr Linda Coates and Dr Allan Wade and their colleagues at the Centre for Response-Based Practice, Canada for their visionary and pioneering work on social responses, resistance, language, and the upholding of dignity.

Most significantly, our thanks goes to all people with lived experience of domestic and family violence who have generously shared their insights for the benefit of others.

Using this resource: The information contained within this resource is for general information purposes only. DVSM assumes no responsibility for how the information in this resource is used.

Copyright: DVSM gives permission for excerpts from this resource to be photocopied or reproduced provided that the source is clearly and properly acknowledged.