Preparing Students to Learn



Preparing Students to Learn. October 11, 2012. Mini-Jigsaw. Divide into two groups Using the articles you read for homework and any notes you took, discuss the main ideas of the article with your group For each article record: The main idea(s) The most useful tip(s) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preparing Students to LearnOctober 11, 2012


Divide into two groups Using the articles you read for homework and any

notes you took, discuss the main ideas of the article with your group

For each article record: The main idea(s) The most useful tip(s) One question you were left with

Every group member should share out 2 important ideas from the reading – you must share out ideas from the article you did NOT read




Prior Knowledge·Activated·Appropriate·Sufficient·Organized

Purpose:·Directs attention·Motivates·Helps learners differentiate important from unimportant information

Attention:·Limited·Selective·Directed toward familiar

New Information·Reading·Activity·Inquiry

Construct Meaning·Integration of prior knowledge and new information









Engage Explore


x2:Metacognitive reflection


Small Group ShareCount off by 3sMove to your small group for discussionShare strategies you appreciated/found

interesting from Chapter 6After everyone has shared, choose one to

share with the class – have a backup!Whole class share

Think WriteChoose one of the strategies presentedHow might you use it in your class?Can you envision an adaptation for your

class?Write for 3 minutes on this topic.This is your exit slip for the end of

class tonight.

Pre-Teaching Strategies

TWO PRIMARY TYPES:Prior Knowledge dependent

Involve Brainstorming Be prepared if prior knowledge is insufficient

NOT prior knowledge dependent Prediction Generating questions Problem solving Visualization

PRePPre Reading PlanStudents brainstorm about the topic – They

brainstorm: initial associationsReflect on responses – You brainstorm: what

made them think of ____?Analyze student responses: How much

knowledge is evident?Reformulate: Have students add more ideas

as they learn/comprehend.

PreP Activity: What comes to mind when you think about ancient Egyptian


Initial response Reason

Analyze PReP responsesAnalyze Student Examples

associations with morphemes [rhyme] or experiences not associated with the concept

sarcophagus vs. esophagus

examples, attributes, or defining characteristics coffin, cats, mummy, King Tut

analogies, definitions, linkages, and superordinate concepts Sacred religion, superstition,

belief in the afterlife

Revisit: List-Group-Label

Brainstorm list ORUse list at back of chapterStudent pairs work to group [sort] terms into

conceptually related groupsLabel these groupsRead to verify their groups/labels

Knowledge Rating Activity

Term Never Heard of It

Heard of It

Know What it Means

Can Teach It To Others


What do you Know?

What do you NEED to know?

What did you learn?

What do you WONDER?


Useful to introduce a wide variety of activities Guest speaker Video / film Field trip

KWHL: Research History day / Science/Math fair project

Possible Sentences Determine key vocabulary in the text Provide key vocabulary to students Have students select at least two words from the list and formulate a sentence using the words. Resulting sentences must be ones they think might be in the text. Model one for them first Record student sentences / or they may work in partners / alone Read text to verify sentences Generate new sentences

Using at least 2 words from this list, create sentences you think will be in the text:

wartsdermatologistsverrucapolyoma virusnostrumscaustic painting

freezingelectrocauteryautosuggestive curesPliny the Elderverrucosespunk waterMark Twain


VerbalVisual –

video clips, web pages, WEB PAGES Pictures, PICTURES

Auditory – musicText

Chapter Tour Graphics tour

Preview and Predict – For Textbooks

Preview Chapter: Preparing to read Read headings, subheadings, graphics Read the chapter summary

What do you wonder after this preview? What questions do you expect the text to answer?

Read the chapter to verify your predictionsChoose ONE ________ – bring notes about


[Paired] BrainstormWhat are the important

ideas and strategies we have considered in pre-teaching?What is their purpose?What are pre-requisites?What important learning

elements are associated with pre-teaching?






Think Write



Prediction Graphic Organizers

Advance Organizers

Teacher Created GO



Visual[artwork; video]

Auditory [music; podcast]

Text:Graphics / Headings

Semantic Map

Problem Solving


Preview & Predict

Possible Sentences

Begin a Lesson in a Lesson:

Bionic TreesBrainstorm ideas about genetics –Anticipation Guide – respond &

discussRead with chart to organize

informationRevisit Anticipation GuideDiscussion Web



Genetically modified organisms are dangerous to human health. It is okay to change a plant’s genetic make-up if it is going to benefit humans I would feel comfortable eating a fruit or vegetable from a plant or tree that was genetically modified. A genetically modified tree can replace a natural tree without causing any harm to the ecosystem. Just because human beings have the capability to alter the genetic code of an organism doesn’t mean we should do so.

Anticipation Guide

Respond to the statements in the BEFORE column

Compare your responses to a neighbor’s

Discuss your responses – support your positions

Hold on to your anticipation guides

For next week (and tonight)…

Second reflective posts are due tonight (10/11) by midnight!

Study for your mid-term exam

Midterm Review

Exam will be essay/application Refer to handout to overview concepts you are

responsible for. All concepts/terms/strategies/theories have been discussed in class.

Major topics covered: Disciplinary Literacy Assessment Learning Cycle Vocabulary Theory (Schema, Vygotsky, and Reader Response) Pre-Teaching Strategies

Reading from Teacher Man