Personality and Consumer Behavior to Give in Class


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8/18/2019 Personality and Consumer Behavior to Give in Class 1/55

8/18/2019 Personality and Consumer Behavior to Give in Class 2/55

Learning Objectives

1. To Understand How Personality e!lects

Consumers" #nner $i!!erences.

%. To Understand How &reudian' (eo)&reudian'and Trait Theories *ach *+,lain the

#n!luence o! Personality on Consumers"

 -ttitudes and Behavior.

. To Understand How Personality e!lectsConsumers" es,onses to Product and

/ar0eting /essages.

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7 /ar0eters have long tried to a,,eal to

consumers in terms o! their ,ersonality

characteristics. They have intuitively !elt

that what consumers ,urchase' and when

and how they consume' are li0ely to be

in!luenced by their ,ersonality !actors.

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8hat #s the Personality Trait

Characteri9ing the Consumers to

8hom This -d -,,eals:

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*nthusiastic or *+tremely

#nvolved Collectors

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Personality and

The (ature o! Personality

7 The inner ,sychological characteristics

that both determine and re!lect how a

,erson res,onds to his or her environment7 The (ature o! Personality;

 < Personality re!lects individual di!!erences

 < Personality is consistent and enduring < Personality can change

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$iscussion =uestions

7 How wouldyou describeyour

,ersonality:7 How does it


,roductsthat you,urchase:

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Theories o! Personality

7 &reudian theory < Unconscious needs or drives are at the heart

o! human motivation

7 (eo)&reudian ,ersonality theory < 4ocial relationshi,s are !undamental to the

!ormation and develo,ment o! ,ersonality

7 Trait theory < =uantitative a,,roach to ,ersonality as a set

o! ,sychological traits

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&reudian Theory

7 #d < 8arehouse o! ,rimitive or

instinctual needs !or whichindividual see0s immediatesatis!action

7 4u,erego < #ndividual"s internal

e+,ression o! society"smoral and ethical codes o!conduct

7 *go < #ndividual"s conscious control

that balances the demands o!the id and su,erego

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#d' 4u,erego and ego

7 &reud ,ro,osed that the human ,ersonalityconsists o! three interacting systems;the id' the su,erego' and the ego.

7 The id was conce,tuali9ed as a >warehouse?o! ,rimitive and im,ulsive drive) basic,hysiological needs such as thirst' hungerand se+)!or which the individual see0s

immediate satis!action without concern !orthe s,eci!ic means o! satis!action.

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7 #n contrast to #d' the su,erego is

conce,tuali9ed as the individual"s internal

e+,ression o! society"s moral and ethical

code o! conduct. The su,erego"s role is to

see that the individual satis!ies needs in a

a socially acce,table !ashion. Thus' the

su,erego is a 0ind o! >bra0e? that restrainsor inhibits the im,ulsive !orces o! the id.

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7 The ego is the individual"s consciouscontrol. #t !unctions as an internal monitorthat attem,ts to balance the im,ulsive

demands o! the id and the socioculturalconstraints o! the su,erego.

7 &reud em,hasi9ed that an individual"s

,ersonality is !ormed as he or she ,assesthrough a number o! distinct stages o!in!ant and childhood develo,ment.


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ow oes s ar et ng/essage -,,ly the (otion o!

the #d:

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#t C t 4 ! th / t d Th

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#t Ca,tures 4ome o! the /ystery and The

*+citement -ssociated 8ith the >&orces?

o! Primitive $rives.

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(eo)&reudian Personality


7 4ocial relationshi,s are !undamental to ,ersonality7  -l!red -dler;

 < 4tyle o! li!e

 < &eelings o! in!eriority7 Harry 4tac0 4ullivan

 < 8e establish relationshi,s with others to reducetensions

7 @aren Horney"s three ,ersonality grou,s < Com,liant; move toward others < -ggressive; move against others < $etached; move away !rom others

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8hy #s -,,ealing to an -ggressive

Consumer a Logical Position !or This


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ecause ts onsumer ee sto *+cel and -chieve


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Trait Theory

7 &ocus on measurement o! ,ersonality interms o! traits

7 Trait ) any distinguishing, relativelyenduring way in which one individualdiffers from another 

7 Personality is lin0ed to broad ,roduct

categories and (OT s,eci!ic brands

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4ou, and 4ou, Lover"s Traits

Table 5.% e+cer,t27 Chic0en (oodle 4ou,

Lovers < 8atch a lot o! TA

 <  -re !amily oriented

 < Have a great sense o! humor 

 <  -re outgoing and loyal

 < Li0e daytime tal0 shows

 < /ost li0ely to go to church

7 Tomato 4ou, Lovers

 <  Passionate about reading <  Love ,ets

 < Li0e meeting ,eo,le !or co!!ee

 <  -ren"t usually the li!e o! the ,arty

7 Aegetable/inestrone

4ou, Lovers < *njoy the outdoors

 <  Usually game !or trying new

things <  4,end more money than any

other grou, dining in !ancy


 <  Li0ely to be ,hysically !it

 < ardening is o!ten a !avoritehobby

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ow oes s arget t e

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ow oes s arget t e#nner)$irected Outdoors


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o e erson s +,er enc ng

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  o e erson s +,er enc ngthe Doys and -dventure o! the


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Consumer #nnovativeness

7 8illingness to innovate

7 &urther bro0en down !or hi)tech ,roducts

 < lobal innovativeness < $omain)s,eci!ic innovativeness

 < #nnovative behavior 

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Consumer /otivation 4cales

Table 5. e+cer,t2


1. # would rather stic0 to a brand # usually buy than try

something # am not very sure o!.

%. 8hen # go to a restaurant' # !eel it is sa!er to orderdishes # am !amiliar with.



1. Com,ared to my !riends' # own !ew roc0 albums.%. #n general' # am the last in my circle o! !riends to 0now

the titles o! the latest roc0 albums.

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7  - ,ersonality trait that re!lects the degree

o! rigidity a ,erson dis,lays toward the

un!amiliar and toward in!ormation that iscontrary to his or her own established


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Personality and Understanding

Consumer Behavior 

7 anges on a continuum !or inner)

directedness to other)directedness

7 #nner)directedness < rely on own values when evaluating ,roducts

 < #nnovators

7 Other)directedness < loo0 to others

 < less li0ely to be innovators

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(eed !or UniEueness

7 Consumers who avoid con!orming to

e+,ectations or standards o! others

7 4am,le #tem !rom a consumers (eed !or

UniEuensess 4cale

1. # collect unusal ,roducts as a way o! telling

,eo,le #"/ di!!erent.

%. 8hen dressing' # have sometimes dared to bedi!!erent in ways that others are li0ely to


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7  -s !ar as #"/ concerned' when it comes to

the ,roducts # buy and the situations in

8hich # use them' Customs and rules are

made to be bro0en.

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O,timum 4timulation Level

7  - ,ersonality trait that measures the level

or amount o! novelty or com,le+ity that

individuals see0 in their ,ersonale+,eriences

7 High O4L consumers tend to acce,t ris0y

and novel ,roducts more readily than low

O4L consumers.

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4ensation 4ee0ing

7 The need !or varied' novel' and com,le+

sensations and e+,erience. -nd the

willingness to ta0e social and ,hysical ris0s

!or the sensations.

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Aariety)(ovelty 4ee0ing

7 /easures a consumer"s degree o! variety


7 *+am,les include; < *+,loratory Purchase Behavior 

 < Use #nnovativeness

 < Aicarious *+,loration

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Cognitive Personality &actors

7 (eed !or cognition (&C2 < - ,erson"s craving !or enjoyment o! thin0ing

 < #ndividual with high (&C more li0ely tores,ond to ads rich in ,roduct in!ormation


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Cognitive Personality &actors

7 Aisuali9ers

7 Aerbali9ers

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8hy #s This -d Particularly

 -,,ealing to Aisuali9ers:

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The -d 4tresses 4trong

Aisual $imensions

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8hy #s This -d Particularly

 -,,ealing to Aerbali9ers:

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#t &eatures a $etailed


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&rom Consumer /aterialism to

Com,ulsive Consum,tion

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&rom Consumer /aterialism to

Com,ulsive Consum,tion

7 &i+ated consum,tion behavior  < Consumers !i+ated on certain ,roducts or

categories o! ,roducts

 < Characteristics7 Passionate interest in a ,roduct category

7 8illingness to go to great lengths to secure objects

7 $edication o! time and money to collecting

7 Com,ulsive consum,tion behavior  < >-ddicted? or >out)o!)control? consumers

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Consumer *thnocentrism and


7 *thnocentric consumers !eel it is wrong to,urchase !oreign)made ,roducts because o!the im,act on the economy

7 They can be targeted by stressingnationalistic themes

7  - cosmo,olitan orientation would consider

the word to be their mar0et,lace and wouldbe attracted to ,roducts !rom other culturesand countries.

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Brand Personality

7 Personality)li0e traits associated with brands

7 *+am,les

 < Purdue and !reshness

 < (i0e and athlete

 < B/8 is ,er!ormance driven

7 Brand ,ersonality which is strong and !avorable

will strengthen a brand but not necessarilydemand a ,rice ,remium

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#n 8hat 8ays $o /a+ and Other Brand

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#n 8hat 8ays $o /a+ and Other Brand

Personi!ications Hel, Create A8"s Brand


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,ea s ng s s n erv ewe

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,ea s ng s ' s n erv eweabout A8 ,roducts' and is a


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Product -nthro,omor,hism and

Brand Personi!ication

7 Product -nthro,omor,hism

 < -ttributing human characteristics to objects

 < Tony the Tiger and /r. Peanut7 Brand Personi!ication

 < Consumer"s ,erce,tion o! brand"s attributes

!or a human)li0e character 

 < /r. Co!!ee is seen as de,endable' !riendly'

e!!icient' intelligent and smart.

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- B d P lit & 0

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 - Brand Personality &ramewor0

&igure 5.1%

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Product Personality #ssues

7 ender  < 4ome ,roducts ,erceived as masculine co!!ee

and tooth,aste2 while others as !eminine bathsoa, and sham,oo2

7 eogra,hy < -ctual locations' li0e Philadel,hia cream cheese

and -ri9ona iced tea < &ictitious names also used' such as Hidden

Aalley and Bear Cree0

7 Color  < Color combinations in ,ac0aging and ,roducts

denotes ,ersonality

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4el! and 4el!)#mage

7 Consumers have avariety o! enduringimages o!

themselves7 These images are

associated with,ersonality in that

individuals"consum,tion relatesto sel!)image

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One or /ulti,le 4elves

7 - single consumer will act di!!erently in

di!!erent situations or with di!!erent ,eo,le7 8e have a variety o! social roles7 /ar0eters can target ,roducts to a

,articular >sel!?

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/a0eu, o! the 4el!)#mage

7 Contains traits' s0ills' habits' ,ossessions'

relationshi,s' and way o! behavior 7 $evelo,ed through bac0ground'

e+,erience' and interaction with others7 Consumers select ,roducts congruent with

this image

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8hich Consumer 

4el!)#mage $oes This -d Target' and 8hy:

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-ctual sel!)image because it tells middle)

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 -ctual sel!)image because it tells middle)

age women who li0e their hair long to

continue doing so.

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$i!! t 4 l! #

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$i!!erent 4el!)#mages

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*+tended 4el! 

7 Possessions can e+tend sel! in a number

o! ways; < -ctually

 < 4ymbolically < Con!erring status or ran0 < Bestowing !eelings o! immortality <

*ndowing with magical ,owers

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 -ltering the 4el!)#mage

7 Consumers use sel!)altering ,roducts to

e+,ress individualism by; < Creating new sel! 

 < /aintaining the e+isting sel!  < *+tending the sel!  < Con!orming

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Airtual Personality

7 Gou can be anyoneF

 < ender swa,,ing

 < -ge di!!erences

 < /ild)mannered to aggressive