PartiSEApate OVERVIEW I Background, Outputs, Activities Riga, 6th Sept 2012 Part-financed by the...


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OVERVIEW I Background, Outputs, Activities

Riga, 6th Sept 2012

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Background I

5th Call of BSR Programme For projects implementing HORIZONTAL actions of the EU Strategy for

the Baltic Sea Region‘s Action Plan „Strengthening multi-level governance, place based spatial planning and

sustainable development

Programme looks for projects: Establishing a DIALOGUE amongst actors at ALL LEVELs of governance

in the BSR:Local & regional authoritiesnational authoritiesmacro-regional (pan-Baltic) organisations as well as European Commission

Demonstrate MODELS how multi-level governance could work in implementing flagship projects or strategic actions within EUSBSR

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Background II

BaltSeaPlan (2009-2012) 31 Project Reports on..... Country analyses of strategies with impact on Marine Space BaltSeaPlan Vision 2030 => Transnational Topics, MSP Principles,

Institutional Framework MSP Data => for pilots (specific data search/model applications),

DK research (habitat modelling; noise impact), MSP model report, MSP data recommendations, MSP data model

MSP Pilot ProjectsPomeranian Bight, Middle Bank, SEA Gdansk Bay, Pärnu Bay, Hiummaa &

Saaremaa Islands (EE), Latvian Sea, Lithuanian Sea Specific issues => Fishery, SEA, stakeholders, cross-border, strategic

MSPs, etc.

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


But not only BaltSeaPlan....many other MSP developments

Plan Bothnia (2011-2012): VASAB Reports....“Necessary Common Minimum Requirements for Maritime

Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea“ & „MSP Best Practice Cases“VASAB

Ministerial Conference => September 2014 Continuous work of HELCOM-VASAB cooperation

Countries: Sweden: Creation of Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management -

charged with developing Swedens MSPs Lithuania: Extension of the Lithuanian General Plan with Maritime Spatial

Solutions for the whole Lithuanian EEZ Latvia: Legislation on MSP passed => Latvian Institute of Aquactic Ecology given

mandate to develop MSP from 2014 onwardsMSP activities at EU level => BSR reactions?Revision of EUSBSR => new programming 2014-2020BONUS Programme

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


PartiSEApate !Application – Approval Facts

Duration: Jun 12 / Sept 12 - Sept 14 / Dec 14 (current) Budget: 916,930.00 €10 Partners:

Maritime Institute Gdansk (MIG) Maritime Office in Gdynia Maritime Office Szczecin VASAB Secretariat Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia Latvian Institute for Aquatic

Ecology Klaipeda University - Coastal

Research and Planning Institute (CORPI)

Region Skane Swedish Agency for Marine &

Water Management (SwAM) Federal Maritime and

Hydrographic Agency (BSH)

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


PartiSEApate !Application – Approval Facts

Duration: Jun 12 / Sept 12 - Sept 14 / Dec 14 (current) Budget: 916,930.00 €10 Partners:

Maritime Institute Gdansk (MIG) Maritime Office in Gdynia Maritime Office Szczecin VASAB Secretariat Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia Latvian Institute for Aquatic

Ecology Klaipeda University - Coastal

Research and Planning Institute (CORPI)

Region Skane Swedish Agency for Marine &

Water Management (SwAM) Federal Maritime and

Hydrographic Agency (BSH)

Perhaps Norway ?!? Institute of Marine Research Climate and Pollution Agency (Klif)

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


PartiSEApate !Application – Approval Facts

Duration: Jun 12 / Sept 12 - Sept 14 / Dec 14 (current) Budget: 916,930.00 €10 Partners:

Maritime Institute Gdansk (MIG) Maritime Office in Gdynia Maritime Office Szczecin VASAB Secretariat Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia Latvian Institute for Aquatic

Ecology Klaipeda University - Coastal

Research and Planning Institute (CORPI)

Region Skane Swedish Agency for Marine &

Water Management (SwAM) Federal Maritime and

Hydrographic Agency (BSH)

Perhaps Norway ?!? Institute of Marine Research Climate and Pollution Agency (Klif)

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Problems to be adressed

Policies to be correlated to maritime issues - land-sea integration via planning processes => no tools developed so far

Streamline Transnational MSP consultations => little practical experience exists instruments developed & tested

Some sectors (i.e. like shipping) not easily engaged in cross-sectoral thinking - feel threatened by MSP => dialogue

Pan-Baltic perspectives in national maritime policies on *environment, *fisheries, *maritime transport & *energy Related structures (i.e. Super GRID, Ports & Motorways of Sea or blue corridors) to be planned on a transnational basis - backbone of national MSPs => no pan-Baltic dialogue on transnational priorities

Many topics not on current MSP agenda and/or no appropriate instruments (i.e. cultural heritage, fishery, combined uses with wind farms or other uses) => dialogue, research, tools

Good knowledge of the sea, trends and combined impacts essential for MSP to deliver and apply an ecosystem based approach => Communication and cooperation with research and among data networks have to be strengthened

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Activities - Overview

BSR Wide MSP Planners Working Group Maritime Office Gdynia (formal), ALL PPs

Model Case 1: Lithuanian Sea CORPI, BEF, LIAE, SwAM

Model Case 2: Middle Bank Maritime Office Gdynia, MIG, SwAM

Model Case 3: Pomeranian Bight Region Skane, BSH, SwAM, MO

Szczecin, MIG

Stakeholder Methodology (BEF)Stakeholder Workshops

Shipping / Ports (SwAM, MO Gdynia) Offshore Wind Energy (BSH) Cultural Heritage (BEF) Aquaculture / New Uses (MIG) Research (CORPI) Nature Protection (LIAE) Climate Change (Region Skane) Date Network (BSH)

Cross-Sectoral Dialogue Wind Energy / Aquaculture Environment / Research (&Data) Offshore Wind Energy / Shipping / Fishery

Update of BSR Compendium on MSP Systems MIG, ALL PPs

Transnational Outputs (VASAB with ALL PPs): Institution Structure & Governance Model / Recommendations for Transnational MSPs / Handbook

for Multi-Level MSP Consultation Process / Final Conference

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


PartiSEApate Aims....

Communicate “Findings / Recommendations” => involve stakeholders around the Baltic Sea Region move outside MSP expert circles - dialogue with

Sectors (shipping, fishery, offshore wind, aquaculture, etc.)Nature ProtectionResearchers, data experts / holders / networksLocal / regional level - all BSR

Build on “Findings / Recommendations” => Develop / agree on possible solutions:

Methods & Tools for MSP consultations processesAt all levels, esp. local-national, cross-border Pilot Projects: Pomeranian Bight, Lithuanian Sea, Middle BankSectors, Data, Research

Create Basis for Political Processes / Decisions =>MSP institutional & governance model

for transnational cooperation & data exchange

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


PartiSEApate Outputs I....

Update of Compendium on MSP Structures around the BSR Taking into account suggested EU framework Showcases on interlinkages between different governance levels

Model Cases for multi-level governance in MSP Tools for transnational MSP stakeholder consultation (i.e. Boundary GIS) Pomeranian Bight: Roadmap/recommendation on how to enhance synergies in

transnational MSP processes & promote regional & national interaction Lithuanian Sea: Local/Regional involvement & transnational consultation for a

single country national MSP Middle Bank: Roadmap for the formal transnational stakeholder consultation


Report sector perspectives, expectations towards MSP, targets & priorities for future

development on pan-Baltic scale cross-sectoral synergies & conflicts and related MSP solutions (tools,


Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


PartiSEApate Outputs II...

MSP expert group discussions / Compendium / Pilot Projects / Stakeholder Workshops =>

Institutional & Governance Model (Recommendations) appropriate for

Transnational MSP Development Common Standards for MSPs (i.e. transnational topics, comparable legend, similar

restrictions zones) Procedures & standards for the transnational data exchange MSP consultation process

Handbook on multi-level / transnational MSP consultation process whom to involve, when to involve, how to involve what to expect & achieve at the end of the process

Other (not in application): BSR wide discussion forum on Transnational Priorities, Targets, Objectives Basis for MSP Research (i.e. in BONUS programme)

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Activities - Overview

BSR Wide MSP Planners Working Group Maritime Office Gdynia (formal), ALL PPs

Model Case 1: Lithuanian Sea CORPI, BEF, LIAE, SwAM

Model Case 2: Middle Bank Maritime Office Gdynia, MIG, SwAM

Model Case 3: Pomeranian Bight Region Skane, BSH, SwAM, MO

Szczecin, MIG

Stakeholder Methodology (BEF)Stakeholder Workshops

Shipping / Ports (SwAM, MO Gdynia) Offshore Wind Energy (BSH) Cultural Heritage (BEF) Aquaculture / New Uses (MIG) Research (CORPI) Nature Protection (LIAE) Climate Change (Region Skane) Date Network (BSH)

Cross-Sectoral Dialogue Wind Energy / Aquaculture Environment / Research (&Data) Offshore Wind Energy / Shipping / Fishery

Update of BSR Compendium on MSP Systems MIG, ALL PPs

Transnational Outputs (VASAB with ALL PPs): Institution Structure & Governance Model / Recommendations for Transnational MSPs / Handbook

for Multi-Level MSP Consultation Process / Final Conference

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


MSP Expert Group

Topics (based on report “Minimum Requirements”):Intercultural environment: comparison of planning cultures / potential pitfalls and

problems in communication / collaboration, comprehension of the taskStreamlining preparation of maritime plans with cross-border impacts e.g. topics with

transnational impact, comparable legends, types of zones, restrictions, ways of sea space prioritisation, etc.

Can the already elaborated pilot plans for each Model Case be used as templates for maritime plans in the EEZ of Poland/Lithuania/Sweden? Changes needed in order to achieve greater compatibility with the planning methodology of the respective bordering countries

Stakeholder involvement processes e.g. stakeholder mapping, practical communication methods, transnational stakeholder processes

Practical ways of cross-border MSP consultation (when-at which stage, with whom, how, how much time, what can one expect, which language, etc.)

MSP data issues e.g. data availability / gaps / exchange and hierarchy (which data is indispensable and which is of minor importance for drawing up an MSP) / planning in case of non-availability of data / availability of technical equipment & skilled staff.

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4/5 MSP Expert Group meetings Jan ’13 / Hamburg: Comparison of planning cultures / pitfalls & problems in communication /

collaboration / data hierarchy (indispensable data vs. data of minor importance for drawing up an MSP) / availability of technical equipment & skilled staff / stakeholder mapping

MSP Expert Group meeting “Middle Bank”, “Pom Bight”, LT Sea, Stakeholder Data Network Compendium Gaps / Update needs

May ‘13 / Gothenburg: stakeholder communication methods / data availability & gaps / comparable legends / topics with transnational impact

MSP Expert Group meeting “Middle Bank”, “Pom Bight”, LT Sea Stakeholder Meeting Pom Bight (?)Climate Change (?) Input for Sectoral Stakeholder Workshops Discussion of Compendium Blueprint

Nov ‘13 / Klaipeda: MSP types of zones, restrictions, ways of sea space prioritisation / Planning in case of non-availability of data

MSP Expert Groups “Middle Bank”, “Pom Bight”, LT Sea Discussion on Transnational Targets & Priorities 1st Cross-Sectoral Stakeholder Workshop (Wind / Aquaculture) Input for other cross-sectoral stakeholder workshops Review of Compendium Uodate

April ‘14 / Sczceczin: Practical ways of cross-border MSP consultation MSP Expert Group “Middle Bank”, “Pom Bight” Transnational Stakeholder Meeting Pom Bight Discussion on VASAB Recommendations / Planning of MSP Handbook / Final Compendium

Process / Responsibilities / specific Inputs - Outputs / Work Plan!

Discussion Point for tomorrow

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Update of VASAB Compendium

Update - plus specific case studies on multi-level governance processes (not only PartiSEApate, but also PlanBothnia, Pärnu Bay EE)

JOINT output of all partners

Timeline: Month 1 - 6: Check: what is outdated / needs to be revised Month 7-12: Blueprint developed on country level on new edition for compendium Month 13 -18: Updates as provided by country experts inserted Month: 19-24: Model case experience regarding land-sea integration / processes


Specific Target Group ?!?Expertise from NON-PartiSEApate countries !?

=> Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Russia

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Lithuanian MSP Case

Three multi-level topics:across sectors: identify more precisely the problems related to current & future sea space use and

to promote MSP for existing and possible conflicts management and/or fostering development Stakeholder interviews

vertical governance line: establish tight connection between local county authorities bordering the sea and national authorities/ministries setting targets/plan/strategic aims related to marine uses esp. near shore zone (LNG terminals, deep sea port facilities, energy transmission infrastructure, offshore wind energy, etc. )

Two workshops

with neighbouring countries (LV, SE, RU): ensure smooth transnational consultation both in view of MSP instruments to be used by LT MSP approach & content/topics with transnational implications & possible data gaps

MSP Working Group Meetings on Stakeholder Identification & Communication strategy & topics & tools 2 Lithuanian / Latvian workshops (Liepaja) 1 Lithuanian / Russian workshop (Kaliningrad)

Process / Responsibilities / specific Inputs - Outputs / Work Plan!

Discussion Point for tomorrow

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Pomeranian Bight MSP Case

Background:basic stocktake, modelling exercises for fishery and offshore wind energy, alignment of planning tools between the two responsible bodies in DE => draft proposal for a MSP.

Emphasis now: testing transnational MSP requirements regional-national consultation with & within the SE part of the Pomeranian Bight developing / organising appropriate stakeholder awareness raising workshops further enhancing planning methods for integrating fishery into MSPs

Activities: 5 Meetings with MSP expert group (normally back to back with big meetings & Pom Bight

Stakeholder workshops) 1st SE Stakeholder Workshop (Malmö/Summer 2013): increasing local / regional knowledge

about MSP, interlinkage with climate change adaptation issues, local / regional interests & targets vs. national concerns, MSP draft from BaltSeaPlan

2nd SE Stakeholder Workshop (Trelleborg): ZOOM to draft Pomeranian Bight MSP, underlying planning concept, stakeholder opinion, identified gaps, needs for improvements

Transnational Stakeholder Workshop (Szczecin)

Process / Responsibilities / specific Inputs - Outputs / Work Plan!

Discussion Point for tomorrow

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Middle Bank MSP Case

Three issues:Test minimum requirements on transnational MSP within the MSP expert group

Four meetings among SE / PL MSP expert groupDevelop appropriate tools for stakeholder communication (Boundary GIS)

Stakeholder identification (mainly SE) Develop methodology / communication strategy Develop specific communication tools Stakeholder interviews and workshops

Develop an appropriate stakeholder involvement strategy for future formal MSP processes to come within PL and SE

Report (jointly agreed)

Process / Responsibilities / specific Inputs - Outputs / Work Plan!

Discussion Point for tomorrow

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Transnational Stakeholder Involvement

Idea based on „national“ approach developed by BEF in BaltSeaPlan case: Step 1: individual „one sector only“ consultations – give / get

information – expectations / fears Step 2: Analysis / cross-sector combinations Step 3: Cross-sectoral workshops – identification of possible

MSP solutions Step 4: Overall report

Transnational Workshops: Ideally participants from each country Sector specialists => 20 – 25 participants Careful selection / good preparation / workshop character

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Transnational Stakeholder Topics

Pan-Baltic Shipping / Ports Development Designation of intelligent corridors, definition of traffic separation schemes,

identification of port development areas, high risk areas, safety zones, environmental concerns, rearrangement of shipping lanes, pan-Baltic shipping strategy

Offshore Wind Energy pan-Baltic offshore wind parks strategy (space/optimal locations); pan-Baltic

infrastructure (SuperGRID) ensuring exchange of energy between countries, balancing fluctuations and even export; *integration of land- and sea-based grid infrastructure; *buffer zones between offshore wind parks and other uses; *combined uses

Climate Change Implications of climate change for MSP: What kind of considerations have to be

taken into account, when planning for the future? Which uses might be most effected?

Cooperation with BSR Flagship Project “BaltAdapt”

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Transnational Stakeholder Topics Cultural Heritage / Tourism

research of underwater cultural heritage potentials/limitations of underwater heritage in relation to tourism

development existing & potential threats from other sea uses possibilities to address the issue within the MSP

Aquaculture / New Uses• Spatial planning implications of new uses such as mussel & algae farms

and/or IMTAs• Overall space needed, specific locations, conflicts & synergies with

other uses• Cooperation with BSR projects “SUBMARINER” & “Aquabest”

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Transnational Stakeholder Topics Research / Environment & Protection

Research: spatial dimension of research; * scientific knowledge generation against delivery of useful facts; *identify role of scientist in MSP process; *current lines of research carried out; *to what extend can research results already be used for MSP purposes?

Environmental stakeholders: *current knowledge of environmental factors crucial in MSP process; *defining spatially applicable environmental and nature conservation measures; *how to ensure ecological connectivity of marine habitats and species through an MSP ; *defining the boundaries of sustainability of human activities to ensure resilience of the marine ecosystem.

Data Network Building Bring together INSPIRE contact points as well as the various maritime data

providers throughout each country, in order to explore together with them a possible process for making data networks compatible with each other

Present MSP Data Model (BaltSeaPlan) Input for VASAB Transnational Governance Model

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Cross-sectoral dialogues

Detailed Topics to be decided, but currently planned: Wind Energy / Aquaculture

identify synergy effects, conditions necessary for combined uses, planning horizons and requirements towards MSP / licensing procedures to promote such combined uses

Research / SEAs Researchers, MSP planners and environmental stakeholders shall jointly discuss

on how an SEA can better fulfil its function in being “strategic”; identify possible solutions to questions raised in current SEAs and steps to be undertaken in SEAs to come

Shipping / Fishery / Energy Identify spatial planning solutions (i.e. buffer zones, possibilities for

rearrangement of certain shipping routes, compensation mechanisms, etc.) in general terms in order to align interests of all these stakeholders

Possible new topics

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)



To be discussed tomorrow:

Preliminary studies / questionnaires needed? Who shall participate ? What kind of preliminary study / research required ? Incentives for participants ? How long ? What kind of facilitation method? Documentation of process ? Who does what ? Clear responsibility lines ! How to use results for follow-up cross-sectoral work ? How to communicate back to stakeholders ? How to link to other PartiSEApate work ?

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


Preparing the transnational OUTPUTs

External expert to accompany process, take on board results from compendium update, cross sectoral workshops and MSP data network discussion resulting in:

Concept for Transnational Institutional & Governance Model Recommendations for Transnational MSPs Handbook on Multi-Level MSP Consultation Process

VASAB Ministerial Conference – Sept. 2014

Anything more ??? National Level ??? Pilot Projects ??? EU Level ???
