MPSJ should have briefed traders first, says federation H MPSJ fileUnhappy over re.location'...


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HAWKERSand traders alongjalan Panggung opposite the5eri Kembangan MCA build-

ing are frustrated over the council'sdecision to relocate them to the newBazaar Rakyat at 5K6{1.

"Most of the 25 traders are riled-up with the 5ubang jaya MunicipalCouncil (MP5j) for verbally tellingthem to move out.

"MP5j must be more responsibleand engage the traders through the5eri Kembangan Petty TradersAssociation," said the 5el~ngor andKuala Lumpur Petty TradersFederation chairman Jeff Tan KerChiang.

He added that the council hadnot briefed the traders and "arejust pushing them to the site at5K6{1".

"Now the traders are at 5KlO{4 injalan Panggung. Moving them out tothe new area would affect their busi-ness," he said.

Tan, who met the 25 traders onTuesday morning. said the 5eriKembangan market relocationissue has been dragging on foralmost a decade and it should besettled.

"Tradersare against the relocationmove and the MP5j councillorsarejust applyingpressure,"he said.

It is learnt that the new market at

MPSJmust be moreresponsible andengage the tradersthrough the SeKembanganTraders Associ-JEFF TAN KERCHIANG

5K6{1was originallybuilt as a foodcourt by a private firm but was reno-vated to accommodate the markettraders.

Trader Ng Mei Yoke,34, who spokeon behalf of her fellow traders saidthe affected traders were not allowedto renew their licences until theymove to the new location.

5eri Kembangan Petty TradersAssociation chairman Liew ChooLong, 65, said he was disappointedwith the council for not briefing theassociation.

He added that the association hasbeen in constant contact with thetraders but MP5j had chose to dealwith the traders on an individualbasis.

"What I see is that MP5j isjust try-ing to break us up, so that our voiceas an association is weakened," hesaid.



Indiscussion:TradersfromJalanpanggungairingtheirviewsto the press.


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TEAM.PLAY6R,". ....

NewMPSJpresidentDatukAsmawiKasbihopesto establisha goodworkingrelationshipwith hisstaff.andresidentsof SubangJaya >52

NEW STRAItS TIMESTarl'kh ' 3 ..~.~..,~.\.'...... ..........

Asmawipledgesto do hisbest'-By Halim

SUBANGJAYA:The newly appointedpresident of Subartg Jaya MunicipalCouncil (MPSJ)Dittuk Asmawi Kasbilooks forward to establishing a goodworking relationship with his staffand residents ofSubang Jaya.

Asmawi, who had on Wednesday i

assumed his post, said he hopes togain the full commitment of the coun-cil staff and work closely with them asateam player. .

"J pleqge to do my best and con-tinue the council's tradition ofemphasising team play so that thecouncilcan resolvematters or issuesrelating to the council administra-tion," he said.

Asmawi hopes that Subang Jaya ,

residents would 'welcome him andcontinue giving their feedback to thecouncil, especially on its perfor-mance and,public delivery services.

"I know there's still much to do anathere's bound to be some setbacksbut 1 am confident the council Willstrive to give its best to the com-munity," he told Streets after his firstpublic appearance at a council event

+inMPSJheadquarters.Asked about his feelings on the first

day of assuming the role as the coun-cil president, Asmawi gave a broadsmile.

"It was exciting to meet the staff

and see the new en-virQnment. here,"he said. .

Asmawi had ear-lier spent two hourstouching base with.the directors ofvar-ious departmentsin the council.

"During the ice-breaking session,the directorsshared their .ad-ministrativeexperi-en,cesaIlll.r()l~s~in.the: muIrleipailtty\ 1\(>'he said. "I

Asmawi laterpresented spOttsgoods to 57 athletesin the-state contin-gent who will becompeting in the14th Sukma 2011.

"The council hasadopted these ath-letes, namely, fromthe futsal, netballand beach volley-ball teams under itsBapaAngkatSukan Datuk Asmawi Kasbi (wearing a tie) with Sl!kmaathletes. - Picture'byHazreenMohamadprogramme.

"MPSJ will look after the athletes'welfare in every sp'orting and. train-ing session," said Asmawi, whowished them sUccess in the Sukmagames.

- He also'congratulated Subang Jaya,assemblyman fIannah Yeoh and herhusband Ramachandran Muniandyfor being first-time parents.

The couPle's firstborn named Shay

NEW STRAITS TIMESTarikh: ?... ~\'.'0.. .?~ ~).

Adora was delivered at the Glenea-gles Hospital earlier in the morning.

"I hope both mother and daughterare doing fip.eand hope to. see Yeohcontinuing her work in Subang Jaya

after her confinement," he said.. Asmawi, who is scheduled to meetup with the'i"est of the councillors thisweek, will most like!r be sworn in ascouncil-president ne~ week.


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3,000hadiri KarnivalMesraRakyat;', kalangan mereka.

"Misi utama program iniadalah untuk. mengeratkantali persaudaraan di kalanganwarga penduduk KampungSeri Aman yang mungkin si-buk dengan ttigasan seaarianmereka di pejabat," katanya~

Majlis Penutup dirasI1l1lGmPembantu Exco Belia dan Su-kan Selangor, Dr Ahmad Yu-nus Hairi itu turut menye-litkan pertandingan menang-kap ayam kampung bagi men-ceriakan lagi majlis tersebut.

Karnival itu adalah hasilkerja sarna ketua kampung'dan ahli-aWi Jawatankuasa IiKecil Keselamatan dan Ke- .majuan Kampung OKKK) disekitar Kampung Seri IiAman.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prog-ram Karnival Mesra Rak-

yat Kampung Seri Aman, Pu-chong anjuran Majlis Per-bandaran Subang Jaya(MPSJ) berakhir kelmarindengan matlamat menya:tu-kan jurang antara pendudukKampung Seri Aman men-

I- capai Sasaran apabila disertailebih 3,000 penduduk.

Karnival yang mendapatsambutan luar biasa itu di-penuhi dengan pelbagai ak-tiviti seperti pertandingansUKan rakyat, antaranya se-pak takraw, tarik tali dansepak raga bulatan."Pengerusi program me-

rangkap Ahli Majlis Jawa-tankuasa Penduduk OKP)Zon 12, -Mohd Nasir Yusoff

(gambar) berkata, objektifutama penganjuran karnivalitu adalah untuk merapatkansilaturahim di kalangan pen-duduk setem pat selain men-cungkil bakat terpendam di

HARlAN METROTarikh: ... ..~.. .~~.Y]..=<?.\.\..

.Yeohwelcomesbaby girlSUBANG Jaya assemblyman

I Hannah Yeoh and husband wel-comed a baby girl recently. .

Yeoh wrote on her Twitteraccount at about 8pm onWednesday: ''TQJesus .forgiving usa healthy baby girl Shay Adora Ramborn 1 June this morning. TQ all forthe well wishes. We r doing well."

"' ~.r:,,,,,,,-.-:s\~

Yeoh delivered the babythrough a Caesarean section atthe. Gleneagles Hospital inAmpang.

When contacted. her husbandRamachandran Muniandy saidboth Yeoh and the baby weredoing well and she Wasexpectedto be discharged soon~. -

STARTarikb: g vO Y) ~\\............-

BaDy~k~:i~Q_,as,i~;,~(t~r,JASK!Pengusahaberdepansyaratketat.PBt bayaryuranperundingRMI0,OOO ;31'

Oleh S Anand Kumar dan Badl-ulKamal

UALA LUMPUR:Kerenahbirokrasi pihak berkuasatempatan (PBT),dikenalpas-

ti sebagai punca.utama kegagalanpengusaha taman asuhan kanak-I}anak(TASKA)mendaftarkan per~niagaan masing-masinghinggaber-operasi tanpa lesen.' .

Wakil Persatuan TASKA Sela.ngor, Aztina Johari. .etkata ini ke.rana;;peh.;te~a!:\s::J.berhadap .rapa' -sy~~

rat ketat ditetapkan PBT khusus~nya diShah Mam selain perlumem-bayar yuran sehingga mencecahRMIO,OOOkepada perunding dilan-tik mereka (PBT).. '."

Katanya, perunding hu bertang-gl1ngja.\\,ab m!=J~ukispelan bangunan'bakal;'beroperasi sebagai TASKA

. kadang~kalaprosesnya mengambilmasa kifa-kiratiga bulan.

"Pelanliangunanini adalaharitarasyarat perlu dipatuhi semua pengu-saha i,TASKAsebagai'proses.penu-.k~~sta.tus.kediamal). kepada pre-mis;p~rpia'gaa1,l.;;,Iqta.fueJJhatyuranyang dik~hakan.PB.'p4t'uamat mahal

sehinggamenibebankanpengusaha. tah Jabatan KebajikanMasyarakat.:".~.',"Kitajl.lgatidakboleh melantik (JKM),Hadzir MdZaino ,"perunding$endiri sebaliknya ter- Sementara itu, Shahrizat turutpaksa' beriirusan dengan mereka mengakui kerenah birokrasi PBT(perunding)ditetapkan olehPBTsa- nwnjadi puncasebilangan besar pe-ja..., selain kekerapan p!=Jrtukaran ngusaha TASKA gagal,mepdapatkakitangan PBTjuga menyukarkan lesen' daripada JKM untuk'\lkelicinanproses permohonan lesen jalankan operasi mereka.'TASKA,"katanya semalam: "Maklum balas saya terima'da-

Terctahulu, Azlina menghadiri ripada sesi dialog had ini ($ema;sesi dialog disertai Jebih ,200pe- lCJJll),kebanyakan pengusaha mem-ngusaha TASKAWilayahPerseku- beritahu mereka hanya berhadapantuan dan Selangorbersapla'].\1enteri masalah denganPBT, manakala

."j?emhan.gtuJ,an"Wanita;.,K$luargaurusan'ber~arnaJabatan Kesihata,n".dan.Ma$ym;akat"DattikSeri Shah.~-gal1.Japatan,BombadanPenyelamatrizal AbduL.Jalgdan Ketua Penga/- ;--anlatriiudah~!kataiiya.


