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As part of my research I've analyzed the pages of two hip hop and r& magazines to identify conventions that will always appear on magazines as well as design and style elements that relate to r&b hip hop magazines

Masthead - this is the name of the magazine this magazine is called “vibe” and sets a house style for the magazine. The house styles are dark blue and sea blue and turquoise. The masthead is big and bold and is places behind the females photo which makes it more appealing and attractive. This grabs the readers attention that it’s a vibe magazine with a female artist that maybe their favorite artist. Because it’s a well known and established brand they can hide most of the title vibe behind the artist because it’s a very popular magazine where as with a new magazine you wouldn't be able to do so.

The background – this is mixed in with three different colors of shades of

blue this is because the title vibe is white which is plain and simple so the company have used bright faded colours to make the magazine stand out abit more


QR code-this helps the magazine to sell more because people have smartphone and can just scan this code from their phones which will also take them to the vibe website this helps vibe magazine sell more and encourages people to have a look at their magazine and website quick and easy.

This picture It’s a direct mode of address as she is looking directly at the camera. Overall it is provocative its not very warming she's not smiling.The language is also provocative the ay in its speaking to its audience for example “keri hilson has been a bad girl” this attracts the male readers and any are interested in bad girls and so the main target audience for this specific magazine is to attract men. Considering the picture is the largest image on the front cover is because she's the main artist that’s going to be spoken about in this magazine shes also posing quite sexually which grabs the eye of the audience that’s its aimed at.

The jewellery that’s is being worn stands out on her as we already know in r&b and hip hop music jewellery and the clothing that’s being worn is a big part in the artist career she's also wearing a police hat which represent she's an aggressive bad girl and authorative it says on the magazine she's a bad girl so wearing the police hat could be representing she's a rebel and she doesn't’t care.

The title XXL is hidden behind the games picture this shows its a well known magazine its big and outstanding which is attracting to the customers and that makes them recognise the brand straight away.

Slang language used to get the younger generations attention this makes them more engaged into the magazine.

The name of the singer is big and stands out this represents who is on the front page.

Barcode shows that its a product and it can be sold.

The guy the game is making guns impersonations which gives us the impression that hes telling us hes a rebel and hes a dangerous guy.

The white background is too make the rest of the text and pictures stand out more.

Shirtless which makes him look outstanding and more dangerous.

Tattoos on the game which is known one of the most common things in r&b. This makes him look thuggy and like a gangster represents that hes hard.

The artist has a variety of different poses instead of a heading. This is suggested that the reader is expected to know who the artist is without seeing her in big bold writing this also suggest she's a famous artist and must have many fans.

Logo is small makes it look formal.

The same bright color is too make the page look attractive and standout and also attract female readers but also keeps it looking formal.

Main image is on the left hand side of the page. The artist is dressed in a bright attractive and eye catching color which is like a red color she's dressed pretty this is too attract the reader she is posing in a calm innocent manner to represent who she is and what her personality is.

The feature headline would attract the reader and make them want to read more as the main text is highlighted which engages the audience to find out more of hats going on.

Test is split into three rows which is a standard way text in a magazine should be it’s a standard layout and is easier too read.

The overall color scheme is grey,red and blue 3 colors are used to make the page look less cluttered and so the reader can focus on what's the article without getting distracted.

The artist name is big and bold stands out because its in a different front to the other text and is also underlined.Stand first is also in bold which implies it’s the most important piece of text from the other because it stands out and talks abit about the artist which engages the reader abit more because the text stands out and is in bold and also in a different font.

The text is split into 4 paragraphs which make it easer for the reader to read and engage abit more into the text theirs also not a lot of text which is good shows its short and simple.

The headline and stand first is in a box shape which stands out the text abit more and shows its importance.

Rhetorical question which grabs the readers attention asking for their opinion which makes them want to read and discuss either with themselves or the other if he will be the future. Also the text is in the color red and normally when the text is in red its to stand out and grab the attention of the reader and also shows its importance because its also in a different color from the other text.

The picture is the biggest thing on the magazine it stands out and shows a lot of importance and immediately the readers know its 50 cent and would want to read more about him and what's going on and who is standing with him. He also look dangerous and a thug on the street also the pieces of jewelry he's wearing makes him look rich and shows he's making money at least that’s what the readers would assume from seeing him wear jewelry.

Instead of labeling the page “contents” the company chose to name it “the-A-side” in very dark big bold writing this engages the reader and wants to make them discover who and what he “the A-side” is.

The date of when the magazine was published to inform the reader if its old news or latest news that they will be reading.

The logo is small and stands out because it matches the house style of the rest of the text on the magazine it all blends in and it sticks to the same colors which aren't boring .

The contents writing are very simple and easy to read on top of each text theirs a headline which is big and bold and stands out t inform the reader what their about to read about. Theirs more detail to them compared to vibe

The text is smaller compared to the headlines. The numbers inform the readers of what page the information they want to carry on reading is on.

The website is also provided at the bottom of the page incase the reader is interested to look up more about the artists.

The heading represents what songs are being spoken about.

The content page has a professional mid shot image of 50cent and soulja boy. They also other look like their a team and they make a song together or their like best friends together.

From their facial expressions it looks like their up to something and they look dangerous their also looking directly at the camera which is like looking directly at us this engages like eye contact with them and wants to make the audience find out what's going on with them to and the fact that their posing back to back as if their a team and they're teamed up to do something.

There is a clear theme of black and white which gives it a classy look. The only bright color used is the bright red heart on kanyes jacket and this makes it stand out and look vibrant also grabs the attention of the reader as its bright.

The use of the v in the background brands the vibe magazine even the it’s the contents page not the cover its representing the magazine even though its hidden behind the picture of kanye we still know the brand and it stands out because its well known so it can get away with being hidden.

The word contents is layed out in a different style it makes it stand out and look funky and interesting which is something different compared to other magazines its not boring but its eye catching.

The purpose of the background is o make kanye west the main attraction to the page and it doesn’t steal to much focus of the magazine and shows hes the main guy till either the next release of the magazine.

The simplicity of the way hes dressed draws in the readers attention and engages them the way that kanye is dressed is smart and cool which makes the page look exciting and different from other male artist which is unusual to see artist dressed like that.

The page numbers are bold which makes it affective because its clearer for the reader to read. Variety of different fonts make it

stand out.
