Magnetoelectric point scattering theory for metamaterial


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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 245102 (2011)

Magnetoelectric point scattering theory for metamaterial scatterers

Ivana Sersic,* Christelle Tuambilangana, Tobias Kampfrath,† and A. Femius KoenderinkCenter for Nanophotonics, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF), Science Park 104,

1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands(Received 16 December 2010; published 3 June 2011)

We present a fully analytical point scattering model that can be applied to arbitrary anisotropic magnetoelectricdipole scatterers, including split ring resonators (SRRs) and chiral and anisotropic plasmonic scatterers. We havetaken proper account of reciprocity and radiation damping for electric and magnetic scatterers with any generalpolarizability tensor, including magnetoelectric interactions. Our theory sheds new light on the magnitude ofcross sections for scattering and extinction, and, for instance, on the emergence of structural chirality in theoptical response of geometrically nonchiral scatterers such as SRRs and SRR clusters. Specifically, we predictwhich observables in scattering experiments allow to fully quantify all components of the polarizability tensorof SRR’s, including their off-diagonal magnetoelectric response. Finally, we show that our model describes wellthe extinction of stereodimers of split rings, while providing a completely new interpretation of the couplingmechanisms underlying recent experiments.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.245102 PACS number(s): 42.70.−a, 42.25.−p, 78.20.Bh


Research in the field of metamaterials is driven by thepossibility to control the properties of light on the nanoscaleby using coupled resonant nanoscatterers to create opticalmaterials with very unusual effective-medium parameters.Engineering arbitrary values for the effective permittivity ε andpermeability μ would allow new forms of light control basedon achieving negative index materials,1–3 or transformationoptics media4 that arbitrarily reroute light through space.To reach such control over ε and μ, many metamaterialbuilding nanoblocks have previously been identified as havingan electric and magnetic response to incident light, includingsplit ring resonators (SRR’s),5–10 rod pairs,11 cut-wire pairs,12

fishnet structures,13–15 and coaxial waveguides.16 In manyinstances, the nanoscatterers are not only interesting asbuilding blocks in subwavelength lattices of designed ε and μ.The building blocks are in fact very strong scatterers with largecross sections,17–20 comparable to the large cross sections ofplasmonic structures. Therefore, metamaterial building blocksare excellently suited to construct magnetic antennas, arraywaveguides, and gratings in which electric and magneticdipoles couple and form cooperative excitations, in analogyto the functionality imparted by plasmon hybridization.21

Experiments outside the domain of effective media haveappeared only recently. These include experiments by Husniket al.17 and Banzer et al.22 that quantify the extinctioncross section of single split rings under differently polarizedillumination, experiments where split ring resonators act asnear-field probes,23 as well as a suite of experiments on coupledsystems. These experiments include extinction measurementson split ring dimers24 that point to resonance hybridization,as well as reports of magnetization waves25 and structuraland geometrical chirality in arrays, as is evident in, e.g.,massive circular dichroism,26–33 and chiral effects in split ringstereodimers studied by Liu et al.34

To understand the light-metamatter interaction in systemsof strongly coupled magnetoelectric scatterers, it is importantto understand how individual metamaterial building blocksare excited and how they scatter. So far, explanations of

the observed phenomena have mainly rested on two pillars.On the one hand, data are compared to brute force finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations of Maxwell’sequations, usually showing good correspondence.5,6,8,17,18,26,27

The FDTD method is essentially equivalent to performinga rigorous numerical experiment that still requires furtherinterpretation to understand how split rings scatter or hybridizein coupled systems. There is general consensus that to lowestorder, metamaterial interactions in lattices of scatterers likeSRR’s must be described by magnetoelectric point-dipoleinteractions. Hence, simple models with dipolar couplingterms are the second main interpretative tool to predict, e.g.,frequency shifts due to electric and magnetic dipole-dipoleinteractions in lattices and oligomers. These models eithertake the form of dipole models in which electrostatic andmagnetostatic polarizabilities are coupled to predict, e.g., ε

and μ, and the existence of coupled excitations like magneto-inductive waves,35–41 or they take the form of Lagrangianequations of motion for current oscillation in coupled LC

circuits.9,24,34,42 To rationalize this LC circuit intuition, severalauthors have analyzed current distributions obtained by FDTDsimulations to retrieve the microscopic parameters (i.e., thepolarizability) underlying such a dipolar interaction model,and to estimate multipolar corrections.18–20,43–46

While there is general consensus that to lowest order,metamaterial interactions must essentially be magnetoelectricpoint dipole interactions, we note that the dipolar circuitmodels that are adequate to explain many basic featuresof subwavelength clusters and metamaterial arrays havesignificant limitations when applied to strong scatterers andlarger clusters. This is a consequence of the fact that electriccircuit theories lack the velocity of light c as a parameter,by assuming c = ∞ (k = 0).9,24,34,42 Such theories will bereferred to in this work as “quasistatic” or “electrostatic”and “magnetostatic.” Their validity ends when retardation orinterference become important, quantitative cross sections arerequired, or super- and subradiant radiative damping plays arole. A fair comparison of experiments with intuitive dipolerequires a fully electrodynamic theory that (i) contains finite c,(ii) satisfies energy conservation in the form of an appropriate

245102-11098-0121/2011/83(24)/245102(12) ©2011 American Physical Society


optical theorem, and (iii) can be used for dipoles with tensorialelectric, magnetic, and magnetoelectric response. Indeed,actual metamaterial scatterers are very strongly bi-anisotropic,with large magnetoelectric cross coupling whereby magneticfields induce strong electric dipoles and vice versa. Wenote that the theories existing so far can be divided in twoclasses. On the one hand, LC models and electrostatic andmagnetostatic polarizability approaches9,24,34–42 correctly dealwith (iii), but not with (i) and (ii). On the other hand, textbookelectric point dipole scattering theories exist that correctlydeal with (i) and (ii), but not with magnetoelectric effects(iii). Electric point dipole scattering theory is well known as avery effective means to describe random media, extraordinarytransmission, and plasmon particle arrays,47–49 and it hasbeen applied to metamaterial problems, but only in caseswithout magnetoelectric effects.50,51 In this paper, we derive anelectrodynamic theory for general magnetoelectric scatterersthat satisfies all three requirements. Essential ingredients fora consistent theory are generalized Onsager constraints41,52,53

for the electrodynamic polarizability, and a magnetoelectricoptical theorem first derived by Belov.54 While our theorysheds no light on the microscopic origin of the polarizability,55

a unique contribution is that we show how any quasistaticmodel9,24,34–42 can be converted into an electrodynamicallyconsistent scattering theory by a new tensorial method of radia-tion damping addition. Furthermore, we predict how extinctionmeasurements and measurements of radiation patterns (i.e.,differential scattering cross section) can be used to quantifythe polarizability tensor.

The paper is structured in the following way: In Sec. II,we review in detail the general theory, taking into full accountreciprocity, the optical theorem, and radiation damping. InSec. III, we apply this theory to set up the polarizabilityof the archetypical metamaterial building block, a singleSRR. In Sec. IV, we show which set of experiments canbe used to retrieve the tensor polarizability α. We find thatmagnetoelectric coupling directly implies circular dichroismin the extinction of single split rings, evidencing the util-ity of our theory to describe structural chirality.26–33 Weshow in Sec. V that the theory can be simply applied toobtain quantitative scattering spectra of coupled systems.By way of example, we examine the case of two cou-pled resonators in the stereodimer configuration reported byLiu et al.34


A. Dynamic polarizability

A paradigm in scattering theory is the point dipolescatterer47–49,56,57 to model scattering by very small butstrongly scattering particles. In such a theory, each scattereris approximated as an electric dipole with an electric dipolemoment p = αEE E that is proportional to the driving electricfield E. The proportionality constant is the polarizability αEE .Generally, incident fields E and H induce a (complex) currentdistribution in an arbitrary scatterer. It is the express pointof this paper to assess what the scattering properties are ofsubwavelength scatterers with strong electric and magneticdipole moments, as this represents the physics expected of

metamaterial building blocks.9,24,34,42,58 Therefore, we retainonly electric and magnetic dipole terms, neglecting higher-order multipoles. We derive a generalized point scatteringtheory for metamaterials that includes a magnetic dipolemoment m on an equal footing with the electric dipole momentp. By definition, the electric and magnetic fields due to aninduced p and m are equal to(



)= G0(r,r ′)


), (1)

with a dyadic Green tensor G0 that describes the fieldat position r = (x,y,z) due to a dipole at r ′ = (x ′,y ′,z′).Throughout this paper, we suppress harmonic time dependencee−iωt . We use a rationalized unit system that significantlysimplifies all equations and is fully explained in the Appendix.The 6 × 6 Green dyadic of free space can be divided into four3 × 3 blocks,

G0(r,r ′) =(

G0EE(r,r ′) G0

EH (r,r ′)G0

HE(r,r ′) G0HH (r,r ′)

). (2)

The 3 × 3 diagonals correspond to the familiar known electric-field Green dyadic48,49 and magnetic-field Green dyadic offree space, which in our unit system (see the Appendix) bothequal

G0EE(r,r ′) = G0

HH (r,r ′) = (Ik2 + ∇∇)eik|r−r ′|

|r − r ′| . (3)

The off-diagonal blocks correspond to the mixed dyadics thatspecify the electric field at r due to a magnetic dipole at r ′,and the magnetic field at r due to an electric dipole at r ′,respectively. Explicitly,

G0EH (r,r ′) = −G0

HE(r,r ′)

= ik

⎛⎝ 0 ∂z −∂y

−∂z 0 ∂x

∂y −∂x 0

⎞⎠ eik|r−r ′|

|r − r ′| . (4)

The central starting point in this work is that we assumethat p and m can be induced by both the external electric andmagnetic fields E and H according to the most general linearresponse, (


)= α


H in

). (5)

In Eq. (5), α is a 6 × 6 polarizability tensor, which consists offour 3 × 3 blocks, each of which describes part of the dipoleresponse to the electric or magnetic component of the incidentlight,

α =(



). (6)

This form and interpretation of the 6 × 6 polarizability inEq. (6) is very well known in the field of bi-isotropic and bi-anisotropic media. In this field, many authors have analyzed theelectrostatic and magnetostatic polarizability of � particles,split ring resonators, bi-(an)isotropic spheres in the Rayleighlimit, and chiral scatterers such as wire helices.35–39,41,53 In



addition to the purely electric polarizability αEE known fromplasmonics,59 the tensor also contains αHH , which quantifies-the magnetic dipole induced purely by a driving magnetic field.Finally, the off-diagonal blocks represent magnetoelectriccoupling. The lower diagonal αHE quantifies the magneticdipole induced by an incident electric field, and αEH quantifiesthe electric dipole induced by an incident magnetic field.Such magnetoelectric coupling is well known to occur in theconstitutive tensors of metamaterials.7,60 However, the relativestrength of magnetoelectric coupling in the polarizability, i.e.,αEH and αHE , has not been experimentally quantified for thearchetypical building blocks, such as split ring resonators.

An important distinction with earlier analyses of the 6 × 6polarizability tensor in quasistatic models35–39,41,53 is thatin any scattering theory, α is constrained by reciprocityand energy conservation. As we discuss below, energyconservation requires that the polarizability α must dependon frequency ω and the velocity of light c. Hence, thepolarizability that we discuss in this work is not a staticpolarizability, but is known as dynamic polarizability.47,48 Thisdynamic polarizability is equivalent to the single scatterert-matrix.48

B. Onsager relation for dynamic polarizability

There are several constraints on α. In addition to anysymmetry of the scatterer itself that may impose zeros in thepolarizability tensor, these constraints are due to reciprocityand to energy conservation. We start by examining theconstraints imposed by reciprocity. It is well known fromthe field of bi-anisotropic materials53 that reciprocity imposesso-called Onsager constraints on the most general constitutivetensors relating (D,B) to (E,H). Several textbooks41,53 andGarcıa-Garcıa et al.58 proposed that such Onsager constraintscarry over directly to static polarizabilities. Reference 41(Chap. 7.1) lists Onsager relations for the static polarizabilityin the following form:

αEE = αTEE, αHH = αT

HH , and αEH = −αTHE. (7)

These textbooks41,53 derive the Onsager relations rigorouslyfor constitutive tensors (ε, μ, and cross terms) by solvingthe wave equation in homogeneous, bi-anisotropic space. Tothe best of our knowledge, the quoted Onsager relationsfor static polarizabilities are based on the assumption thatOnsager relations derived for effective-medium tensors musthold also for microscopic constituent polarizabilities, as wecould not find any independent proof in the literature. Herewe rigorously derive the Onsager relations Eq. (7) for thedynamic polarizability of electrodynamic magnetoelectricpoint scatterers, and thereby show that the general point dipolesproposed in this work can indeed be used as microscopicbuilding blocks for an exact scattering theory that describesthe formation of bi-anisotropic media from dense latticesof scatterers in the effective-medium limit. Since the pointscattering building blocks fulfill the Onsager constraints, theyare indeed the natural building blocks to derive effective mediaconstitutive tensors by homogenization that also satisfy theOnsager relations.

In this work, we focus solely on scatterers made fromreciprocal materials (typically gold and silver), as is commonly

true for the metallic scatterers that constitute metamaterials.Since the materials that compose our scatterers are assumedto satisfy reciprocity microscopically, the polarizability tensormust also lead to a scattering theory that satisfies reciprocity.To derive reciprocity constraints on α, it is sufficient to examinethe Green function in the presence of just one point scattererat the origin. This Green function that quantifies the field at r2

due to a source at r1 in the presence of a single scatterer at rs

can be written as47,48,61

G(r2,r1) = G0(r2,r1) + G0(r2,rs)αG0(rs ,r1). (8)

Reciprocity requires for any Green function G (similarly splitin four blocks) that(

GEE(r2,r1) GEH (r2,r1)

GHE(r2,r1) GHH (r2,r1)



GEE(r1,r2) −GEH (r1,r2)

−GHE(r1,r2) GHH (r1,r2)


, (9)

which is equivalent to noting that swapping the source and thedetector leaves the detected field unchanged, up to a changein sign. An extra minus occurs for the off-diagonal terms, i.e.,when swapping a magnetic (electric) detector with an electric(magnetic) source. It is easy to verify that Eq. (9) is indeedsatisfied by the free-space Green function G0.

Using this fact, we evaluate Eq. (9) for the Green functionin Eq. (8) to find if reciprocity constrains α. Since reciprocityis clearly satisfied for the first term in Eq. (8), we now focuson verifying if:,

G0(r2,rs)αG0(rs ,r1) = [G0(r1,rs)αG0(rs ,r2)]T−, (10)

Where [.]T− means transpose, and reverse sign of off-diagonalblocks, as in Eq. (9). Expanding the matrix products in Eq. (9)while making use of the reciprocity of the free Green functionresults in the Onsager relations for the dynamic polarizabilitythat are listed in Eq. (7). These relations are identical in formto the Onsager relations for constitutive tensors,53 but are nowderived on very different grounds. Whereas for bi-anisotropicmedia, Onsager relations on constitutive tensors are derived bysolving for the Green function of homogeneous bi-anisotropicspace, our new proof for Onsager relations that constraindynamic polarizabilities only uses reciprocity of the Greenfunction of vacuum.

C. Tensorial magnetoelectric optical theorem

Energy conservation imposes an “optical theorem” thatconstrains the dynamic polarizability such that (in the absenceof material absorption) extinction equals scattering. Theoptical theorem for scalar electric dipole scatterers has beenamply discussed in the literature, for instance in the workby Sipe and Van Kranendonk62 on resonant dielectrics, aswell as in various references dealing with multiple scatteringtheory of random media and plasmonics.47–49 This samescalar optical theorem has also been applied in the context ofmetamaterials to scatterers with a magnetic response50,51 that iscompletely uncoupled from the electric response. Extension ofthe optical theorem to 6 × 6 tensorial scatterers, i.e., includingmagnetoelectric cross coupling, is not immediately trivial asone needs to reevaluate the definition of extinction, and of



the amount of power radiated into the far field. Such anextension to the general case is reported by Belov et al. inRef. 54.

For completeness, we summarize the derivation of thisoptical theorem reported by Belov et al.54 As in the scalarelectric case,47–49,62 the optical theorem is based on equatingextinction to scattering. Here, extinction corresponds to theamount of work done per unit cycle by the incident fieldEin and H in to drive p and m, which is equal to W =〈〈ReEin · Re d p

dt+ ReH in · Re dm

dt〉〉. The work per cycle can

also be converted into an extinction cross section by dividingout the incident intensity |E|2/(2Z) (where Z is the impedanceof the surrounding medium),

σext = 2ZW

|E|2 (for scalar α : σext = 4πk Imα).

The power per solid angle radiated by the induced dipoles ina direction specified by a unit vector r is found by calculatingthe far-field Poynting vector from Eq. (1). It is composed ofthree terms,


d�= dPp

d�+ dPm

d�+ k4

2ZRe( p × m) · r, (11)

The first term in Eq. (11) represents the scattered radiation ofjust the electric dipole p, which integrates to a total scatteredpower given by Larmor’s formula Pp = 4π

3Zk4| p|2. The second

term in Eq. (11) represents the radiation pattern of just themagnetic dipole m, again given by Larmor’s formula. The thirdterm, however, can completely change the radiation pattern,as it contains the interference between the fields of p andm. Hence the relative phase between the induced p and m isimportant for the differential scattering cross section. To obtainthe total scattered power, one should integrate Eq. (11) over allsolid angles. The interference term integrates to 0, as it is anodd function of r . Therefore, despite the fact that interferencemakes radiation patterns of magnetoelectric scatterers non-trivial, Larmor’s formula for the scattered power immediatelygeneralizes to P = 4π

3Zk4(| p|2 + |m|2). The optical theorem is

obtained by equating scattered power P to the work W doneby the incident field (Ein,H in),


[( Ein H in )∗α


H in


= 2


[( Ein H in )∗α∗T α


H in

)], (12)

where ( )∗ indicates complex conjugate. The incident field canbe eliminated by expanding Im( ) = 1

2i[( ) − ( )∗] to yield


2i[α − α∗T ] = 2

3k3α∗T α. (13)

This optical theorem clearly reduces to the well-known scalaroptical theorem Imα = 2/3k3|α|2 in cases in which α isnot a tensor, and can easily be converted in the Sipe–VanKranendonk form reported by Belov,54 provided that α isinvertible.

D. Addition of radiation damping to general α tensor

The optical theorem (13) in itself should be viewed as acondition that can be checked for any given polarizability

tensor to verify if it leads to an energy-conserving scatteringtheory. Given the large number of microscopic quasistaticmodels for metamaterial scatterers, it is unfortunate thatthe optical theorem in itself does not provide a recipe thatspecifies how to amend an electrostatic polarizability tosatisfy energy conservation. In this section, we provide sucha recipe. Such a method is well known for simple electricscatterers, where it is, for instance, known that an electrostaticRayleigh polarizability α0 = 3V (ε − 1)/(ε + 2) for a smallsphere of dielectric constant ε, that in itself violates theoptical theorem,63 can be amended by “addition of radiationdamping.” Any electrostatic α0 can be converted into a bonafide dynamic polarizability that satisfies the optical theoremby adding radiation damping48,49


α= 1

α0− i


3k3. (14)

Addition of radiation damping is key in any point dipole theoryfor, e.g., strongly interacting plasmon particles, and has beenderived on independent grounds both from the optical theoremand from size parameter expansions of dipolar scatteringcoefficients in Mie theory for spheroids.56,64

Here we derive a general method to add radiation dampingto any electro- and magnetostatic polarizability. This allowsany polarizability that is derived from a circuit model to begeneralized to be a building block in an electrodynamicallyconsistent scattering theory. We start from Eq. (12), but nowassume that α can be diagonalized. This assumption is verifiedfor split rings below. We call the eigenvectors vi , and denote theeigenvalues, which we will refer to as “eigenpolarizabilities,”with Ai . Expanding the incident field at the position of theorigin in the orthogonal eigenvectors(


H in



civi , (15)

and with αvi = Aivi and 〈vi |vj 〉 = δij , Eq. (12) reduces to




|ci |2|Ai |2 �6∑


|ci |2ImAi, (16)

with strict equality for lossless scatterers. Since this equationmust be satisfied for any choice of incident wave (i.e., anycombination of ci), the generalized optical theorem for 6 ×6 polarizability tensors in Eq. (13) and Ref. 54 can also beexpressed in terms of the eigenpolarizabilities as

23k3|Ai |2 � ImAi ∀i = 1, . . . ,6, (17)

again with strict equality for lossless scatterers. Equation (17)implies that the polarizability tensor represents an energy-conserving scatterer if and only if each of its six eigenpolariz-abilities are chosen to satisfy the simple scalar optical theoremImα = 2/3k3|α|2 derived for electric scatterers in Refs. 47–49and 62 This new interpretation of the generalized opticaltheorem highlights the importance of two new quantities:the eigenpolarizabilities and the corresponding eigenvectorsof the point scatterer polarizability. It is now evident that we



can simply apply the scalar recipe to each eigenpolarizabilityseparately. A compact notation for this method is

α−1 = α−10 − 2

3k3iI. (18)

We note that this expression, which is identical to Eq. (14)upon replacement of 1/( ) by matrix inversion, provides aunique relation to translate a magnetostatic and electrostaticpolarizability tensor α0 derived from LC circuit theory, tothe corresponding electrodynamic polarizability that satisfiesthe optical theorem. We can hence consistently assess howintuitive ideas based on a microscopic circuit model forelectrostatic and magnetostatic dipoles lead to quantitativepredictions for extinction, scattering, as well as resonancehybridization, diffraction, and superradiant and subradiantdamping in coupled systems, such as periodic systems, orarbitrary finite clusters.

In addition to its application to metamaterial scatterersdiscussed in the remainder of this paper, the formalismderived here can be used also for many other problems ofcurrent interest. For instance, Alu and Engheta have recentlyresolved an interesting paradox first introduced by Kerker et al.concerning the possibility of realizing zero-forward-scatteringmagnetodielectric nanoparticles that appear to violate theoptical theorem.65,66 Alu and Engheta used a size parameterexpansion of the Mie coefficients of small magnetodielectricspheres to show that magnetodielectric spheres with elec-tric and magnetic polarizabilities that are almost equal inmagnitude but opposite in sign have a highly anisotropicscattering pattern, and violate the optical theorem unless oneincludes size expansion terms beyond the quasistatic limit.We note that all the essential physics of this problem canalso be studied with ease using our formalism. It is easyto verify that a diagonal isotropic tensor with αE = −αH

indeed corresponds to a spherical scatterer with a highlyanisotropic radiation pattern according to Eq. (11), with verysmall forward scattering. If radiation damping is added asin Eq. (18), the optical theorem is indeed satisfied, andforward scattering is low but not zero, in accordance withRef. 65. First, this simple example shows that magnetoelectricpoint dipoles can have counterintuitive properties, such ashighly anisotropic radiation patterns, very much unlike simpleelectric dipoles. Secondly, our formalism provides an easyanalytical model, which does not need a size parameterexpansion of an exact solution, to study or design how farthe zero-forward scattering paradox extends to anisotropicparticles that also have off-diagonal, magnetoelectricelements.


A. Symmetry

As an example of our general theory, we consider thespecific example of split ring resonators. The quasistaticpolarizability of split ring resonators was discussed in detailby Garcıa-Garcıa et al.58 and also analyzed by Belov et al.,50

Shamonina et al.,36 Gorkunov et al.,38 and Marques et al.39

We consider the LC resonance of an infinitely thin split ringin the xy plane, with split oriented along the x axis, as shown

in Fig. 1(a). Such a split ring can only have an electric dipolemoment along x and a magnetic dipole moment along z. Asoutlined in Ref. 58, the only nonzero tensor elements are αxx

EE ,αzz

HH , and the cross-coupling terms αzxHE , αxz

EH ,

αSRR =


αxxEE 0 · · · 0 αxz


0 0...

. . ....

0 0αzx

HE 0 · · · 0 αzzHH

⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠ . (19)

The symmetry constraints that set which elements of αSRR

are zero are valid both for the electrodynamic and quasistaticpolarizability of split rings.

B. Quasistatic RLC model

We now construct the electrodynamic polarizability bystarting from a quasielectrostatic and magnetostatic polariz-ability derived from a single resonant RLC equation of motion.Therefore, we take a common resonant frequency dependenceout of the tensor elements, writing

αstaticSRR = α(ω)


ηE 0 · · · 0 iηC

0 0...

. . ....

0 0−iηC 0 · · · 0 ηH

⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠ , (20)

where ηE , ηC , and ηH are constant and α(ω) is a Lorentzianprefactor,

α(ω) = ω20V

ω20 − ω2 − iωγ

. (21)

Here, ω0 is the SRR resonance frequency ω0 ≈ 1√LC

, γ isthe damping rate due to the Ohmic loss of gold, and V

is the physical particle volume. As in the plasmonic case,this approximation is coined “quasi”-static, as it does containfrequency ω, but it does not contain the velocity of light c. Inthis formulation, all the frequency dependence and the unitsof αSRR are contained in α(ω). The parameters ηE , ηH , and ηC

are dimensionless. For a lossless split ring, ηE , ηH , and ηC areall real and assumed positive on the basis of the anticipatedin-phase response at very low frequencies.58 The i multiplyingηC is needed to ensure lossless scattering (for γ = 0), and canbe understood microscopically as reflecting the fact that anycharge separation that is induced through a current lags thecurrent by a quarter wave (and vice versa). In our model, allOhmic losses are introduced via γ .

C. Limit on magnetoelectric coupling

Having constructed a quasistatic polarizability in accor-dance with RLC circuit models proposed in earlier reports,we apply radiation damping according to Eq. (18) to obtain ascatterer that has a correct energy balance:67

α−1SRR = (


)−1 − 23k3I. (22)

So far we have not explicitly discussed absorption loss, exceptthrough the inclusion of the material damping constant γ

in the quasistatic polarizability. Starting from a quasistatic



polarizability with quasistatic eigenpolarizabilities Astatici , the

albedo for each eigenillumination vi can be expressed as

ai = 1

1 + 23k3ImAstatic


. (23)

This albedo quantifies the fraction of energy absorbed in thescatterer compared to the total energy extinct by the scattererwhen illuminated at eigenillumination. It follows that for anylossy scatterer, the imaginary part of each eigenvalue Astatic


of the quasistatic polarizability tensor must be positive toensure 0 � a � 1. In the case of a tensorial α with lossincluded as in Eqs. (20) and (21), one needs to explicitlyverify that each eigenvalue has a positive imaginary part.The eigenvalues of Eq. (20) are Astatic

± = α(ω)λ± with λ± =1/2[ηE + ηH ±

√(ηE − ηH )2 + 4η2

C]. Since Imα(ω) � 0 andλ± are real, we find that both eigenvalues have a positiveimaginary part only if both λ+ and λ− are positive. Thus, losssets an additional constraint on the polarizability tensor, andlimits the magnetoelectric coupling to

|ηC | � √ηEηH . (24)

This result implies a very important limitation on magne-toelectric scatterers: it states that a magnetoelectric crosscoupling (ηC) can only be generated if there is a sufficientlystrong directly electric and directly magnetic response. Wenote that this constraint is very similar to the constraint onthe magnetoelectric cross coupling in constitutive tensorsderived for homogeneous bi-anisotropic media in Ref. 53 thatrecently attracted attention in the framework of proposals forrepulsive Casimir forces.68,69 While our derivation was specificfor split rings, we note that similar constraints hold for allmagnetoelectric scatterers. In the presence of material loss,the magnetoelectric coupling terms are limited by the factthat all quasistatic eigenpolarizabilities must have a positiveimaginary part.


In the remainder of the paper, we discuss some insights thatthe proposed magnetoelectric point scattering theory providesin how split rings scatter. In this section, we will considerthe eigenmodes and the radiation patterns of a single SRRfor α given by Eq. (22). Next, we predict which set ofexperiments will provide full information on the elements ofthe polarizability tensor. We will show how the extinction crosssections can be translated back to retrieve SRR polarizabilitiesand magnetoelectric cross polarizabilities of a single SRR.Although the results we present are general, we use a specificset of parameters for all the figures presented in this paper.These parameters are chosen to fit to the properties of splitrings that are resonant at λ = 1.5 μm (ω0/2π = 200 THz)and that consist of 200 × 200 nm gold split rings with athickness of 30 nm and a gap width of 90 nm. Thus wetake V = 200 × 200 × 30 nm3. We set the damping rateto be that of gold γ = 1.25 × 1014 s−1 as fitted to opticalconstants tabulated in Ref. 70. We use ηE = 0.7, ηH = 0.3,and ηC = 0.4. These parameters were chosen because (a)they reproduce quantitatively the extinction cross sectionunder normal incidence along the z axis measured by Husniket al.,17 and (b) they fit well to our transmission data onarrays of different densities of split rings taken at normalincidence9 and as a function of incidence angle.71 The chosenvalues correspond to on-resonance polarizabilities αEE =4.6V , αHH = 2.1V , and αEH = 2.5V , all well in excess ofthe physical SRR volume V as is typical for strong scatterers.Finally, we note that the calculated albedo fits well to thealbedo a = 0.5–0.75 calculated by FDTD by Husnik et al.17

A. Radiation patterns and eigenvectors of the polarizabilitytensor

In Fig. 1, we consider the eigenstates of the split ringpolarizability tensor presented in Eq. (22). We first assume













d σext /dΩ

(10-3μ m



1.5 0.06(d)







FIG. 1. (Color online) Split ring radiation patterns corresponding to the polarizability tensor eigenvectors. (a) (Sketch) A single split ringresonator can have an electric dipole moment p along the x axis due to charging of the split. Circulating current j in the ring gives rise toa magnetic dipole moment m in the z direction. (b),(c) Radiation patterns of the two eigenmodes of an SRR in the case of no off-diagonalmagnetoelectric coupling (ηE = 0.7,ηH = 0.3,ηC = 0). The electric dipole moment oriented along the x axis radiates most of its amplitudein the ky,kz plane, while the magnetic dipole oriented along the z axis radiates mostly into the kx,ky plane. (d),(e) Radiation patterns of theeigenvectors with magnetoelectric cross coupling (ηC = 0.4). (f) Indication of the polarization of the light radiated by the eigenvector with alargest eigenvalue [(c)]. Light is linearly polarized for wave vectors along the Cartesian axes, but elliptically polarized in general. The directionof strongest circular dichroism in extinction and scattering is in the xz plane.



that the cross-coupling terms are absent, i.e., ηC = 0, in whichcase the polarizability tensor is diagonal, with eigenpolariz-abilities α(ω)ηE and α(ω)ηH . The corresponding orthogonaleigenmodes are (px,mz) = (1,0) and (px,mz) = (0,1). Figures1(b) and 1(c) show radiation patterns of the two eigenmodes.Figure 1(b) shows the radiation pattern of the purely electriceigenmode (px,mz) = (1,0), and Fig. 1(c) shows the radiationpattern of the purely magnetic eigenmode (px,mz) = (0,1).Note that both px and mz radiate as simple dipoles witha sin2 θ far-field radiation pattern.72 The two eigenmodescan be selectively excited by impinging with a plane waveincident along the z axis with an x-polarized E field (electriceigenmode), or with a plane wave incident along the x axiswith y polarization (z-polarized H field, magnetic eigenmode).The extinction cross section of a single split ring at thesetwo incidence conditions is set by σext = 4πk Im(αEE) andσext = 4πk Im(αHH ).

Next, we consider extinction and eigenmodes for arbi-trary values of the cross coupling. It is easy to see thatthe extinction cross section at the two special illuminationconditions (incident along z- and x-polarized and incidentalong x with y polarization, respectively) remain equal toσext = 4πk Im(αEE) and σext = 4πk Im(αHH ). However, fornonzero ηC , these incidence conditions and polarizabilitiesno longer correspond to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors ofthe polarizability tensor, which now have mixed magneto-electric character. In the extreme case of strongest magne-toelectric coupling (ηC = √

ηEηH ), the eigenvectors reduceto (px,mz) = (1,i

√ηE/ηH ) and (px,mz) = (1, − i


The associated far-field radiation patterns of these eigenvectorscorrespond to coherent superpositions of the radiation patternof an x-oriented electric dipole and a z-oriented magneticdipole, with a quarter wave phase difference. Figures 1(d)and 1(e) show the on-resonance radiation pattern, assuming

0810 90 -90 900








Incidence angle (degrees)





90o 180o






(a) (b)

FIG. 2. (Color online) We calculate the extinction cross section σext as a function of illumination angle and polarization. In panel (a), wesweep the incident wave vector over a total angular range of 180◦, over a trajectory [see panel (a), top] starting from the z axis (labeled 0◦) to the−y axis (labeled 90◦), and then through the xy plane to the x axis (full 180◦). The red dashed line represents σext for linearly polarized incidentillumination, where in (a) the polarization is kept in the xy plane as shown (i.e., polarization is along x for the first 90◦ of the trajectory, rotatingcontinuously to polarization vector along y in the second part of the trajectory). The blue solid curve represents extinction for right-handedcircularly polarized illumination, which for the incidence conditions in (a) is half the extinction seen for linearly polarized light. For thetrajectory of incident wave vectors in panel (a), σext at normal incidence to the split ring is a measure for only αEE as Ex is the only drivingfield. Increasing the angle to 90◦, both polarizations Ex and Hz excite the dipoles in the SRR, so σext is a measure for the sum of the termson the diagonal of the polarizability tensor (αEE + αHH ). Changing the incidence condition to 180◦ removes the Ex component of the field,leaving only Hz of the incident light to drive the SRR. Hence σext at 180◦ in panel (a) is a measure for purely αHH . In panel (b) we sweep theincident wave vector from the −x axis (labeled −90◦) via the z axis (again labeled 0◦) to the +x axis (labeled 90◦). The color- and linetypecoding is as in panel (a). However, now we constrain the linear polarization to have no y component. Panel (b) σext shows that as a function ofthe incident angle in the xz plane for right-handed circular polarization, minima and maxima in σext occur as a function of angle, which are ameasure for the eigenpolarizabilities α− and α+, respectively. Both sets of measurements in panels (a) and (b) together provide information onall the components of the polarizability tensor, αEE , αHH , and αEH .



ηE = 0.7, ηH = 0.3, and ηC =0.4. Note that these parametersare close to the limit of strongest possible magnetoelectriccoupling. Figures 1(d) and 1(e) reveal that the radiationpattern of each eigenmode is nondipolar. Rather than a sin2 θ

donut-shaped pattern, an elongated radiation pattern occurs,with maximum extent in the y direction. The polarization inthe far field is linear for directions along the Cartesian axis,but is generally elliptical.

B. Extinction cross sections to measure polarizability

Figure 2 shows the extinction cross section predicted byour point scattering model of a single split ring for differentincidence conditions. In Fig. 2(a), the incident wave vector isswept from the z direction to the y direction while maintainingx-polarized light. For this set of incidence conditions, theresulting extinction cross sections only depend on αEE

and αHH , and are entirely independent of the off-diagonalcoupling strength αEH . The cross section increases from σext =4πk ImαEE as the split ring is only driven by the incident Ex

field when light is incident along z, to σext = 4πk(ImαEE +ImαHH ) as the split ring is driven by the incident Ex field plusthe incident Hz field. When the wave vector is rotated to thex axis, the extinction cross section diminishes to 4πk ImαHH ,as the split ring is only driven by Hz. The chosen values ηE =0.7,ηH = 0.3, and ηC = 0.4 that we also used for Figs. 1(d)and 1(e) yield extinction cross sections σext = 4πk ImαEE =0.29 μm2 and σext = 4πk ImαHH = 0.13 μm2. The predictedσext = 4πk ImαEE = 0.29 μm2 is consistent with the mea-surement (σext = 0.3 μm2) reported by Husnik et al.17 It isimportant to note that measurements along Cartesian incidencedirections and with linear Cartesian polarizations yield onlythe diagonal elements of the polarizability tensor. Indeed, theproposed measurements form a redundant set of measurementsof αEE , αHH , and (αEE + αHH ), but do not provide any insightinto the magnetoelectric cross coupling in the electrodynamicpolarizability tensor.73

To measure the eigenpolarizabilities, it is necessary toselectively address the eigenvectors of the polarizability tensor.As noted above, the eigenvectors in the case of strongmagnetoelectric coupling ηC ≈ √

ηEηH tend to (px,mz) =(1,i

√ηE/ηH ) and (1, − i

√ηH/ηE). These eigenvectors re-

quire simultaneous driving by Ex and Hz, with a quarterwave phase difference. We note that such fields can begenerated by circularly polarized light with incident wavevector constrained to the xz plane. Indeed, at maximally strongmagnetoelectric coupling and ηE = ηH , circularly polarizedlight incident at 45◦ from the z axis would selectively exciteexactly one eigenmode. Therefore, we expect angle-resolvedextinction measurements for oppositely handed circularlypolarized beams to reveal the eigenpolarizabilities. Figure 2(b)plots the extinction cross section for right-handed circularpolarization, as a function of the angle of incidence in thez plane, for illumination tuned to the LC resonance frequency.Naturally, at normal incidence the extinction is exactly half theextinction obtained for linear polarization, as a consequenceof the fact that Ey does not interact with the split ringat all. Strikingly, the extinction cross section is predictedto behave asymmetrically as a function of incidence angle.The extinction increases when going to a positive angle and

decreases when going to a negative angle. Changing handed-ness is equivalent to swapping positive and negative angles.A detailed analysis shows that the maximum in extinctioncorresponds to the largest eigenvalue of the polarizabilitytensor (σext = 2πk Imα+), while the minimum in extinctioncorresponds to the smallest eigenvalue (σext = 2πk Imα−).Therefore, circularly polarized measurements reveal the eigen-values of the polarizability tensor. Combining such circularlypolarized extinction measurements with the measurementsunder Cartesian incidence in Fig. 2(a), therefore, allows us toextract all components of the polarizability tensor. In additionto the contrast in extinction, the angle at which the maximumcircular dichroism occurs is a second, independent measure forthe magnetoelectric coupling strength. The measurements inFigs. 2(a) and 2(a) together hence provide full, even redundant,information on ηE , ηH , and ηC .

C. Structural chirality

The results plotted in Fig. 2(b) show that magnetoelectriccoupling in the 6 × 6 polarizability tensor directly impliesstructural chirality. It is exhilarating that this interestingphenomenon first reported by Refs. 27 and 31 for thetransmission of arrays of scatterers is naturally present in thetheory. However, while previous analysis of structural chiralityfocused on transmission through periodic arrays, we predictthat circular dichroism already appears in the extinction crosssection of a single split ring, with a strength set by how close themagnetoelectric coupling strength is to its limit

√ηE,ηH . Here

we use the term “circular dichroism in extinction” not to referto differential absorption of left and right circular polarizationas in usual circular dichroism, but to differential extinction.Indeed, the circular dichroism in extinction is a difference inextinction cross section for left and right circularly polarizedlight that occurs independently of whether there is materialloss, as opposed to, e.g., asymmetric transmission phenomenathrough arrays, which are claimed to require dissipation.31 Formaximally magnetoelectrically coupled systems, the smallesteigenvalue is identically zero, implying that such a scattereris transparent for one circular polarization, and achieves itsstrongest scattering for the opposite handedness. We expectthat our 6 × 6 polarizability tensor can be successfully usedto describe all structurally chiral scatterers reported today, aswell as clusters and periodic arrays thereof.


So far, this paper has focused purely on the scatteringproperties of single magnetoelectric point scatterers. In theremainder of the paper, we illustrate that our method can beeasily used to analyze multiple scattering by magnetoelectricscattering clusters. To calculate the response of a system ofcoupled magnetoelectric dipoles, we generalize the generalself-consistent equation that describes scattering of clusters ofelectric dipoles p as reviewed in Ref. 49. Assuming a systemof N magnetoelectric point scatterers situated at positionsr1, . . . ,rN , the response upon illumination by an incident field(Ein(r),H in(r)) is determined by a set of N self-consistentequations for the induced dipole moments in each scatterer.The dipole moment induced in scatterer n with polarizability



tensor αn is



)= αn

[ (Ein(rn)H in(rn)



q = 1, . . . ,N

q �= n




) ]. (25)

Using this equation, we can attempt to reinterpret recent mea-surements that evidence significant coupling in split rings intwo-dimensional (2D) arrays, as well as in oligomers.9,24,34,42

Here we focus on the extinction of a dimer of split rings ina so-called “stereodimer” configuration, first studied by Liuet al.34 Figure 3 shows such a “stereodimer,” consisting of twoSRR’s in vacuum (V = 200 × 200 × 30 nm3, resonant at awavelength around 1500 nm), both parallel to the xy plane,vertically stacked with a small height difference of 150 nm.The upper SRR is rotated by a twist angle ψ around the z

axis. On the basis of the report by Liu et al.,34 we expect tworesonance peaks with an angle-dependent splitting, which canbe explained in an LC model as the summed effect of electricdipole-dipole coupling and magnetic dipole-dipole coupling.

We calculate the extinction versus twist angle and wave-length of an incident beam incident from the +z direction,with x polarization. This beam directly excites px in both rings,which also drive each other. We first analyze the experimentassuming that there is no magnetoelectric coupling term(setting ηC = 0, although we keep ηE = 0.7 and ηH = 0.3). AsFig. 3(b) shows, the extinction shows a single strong resonancethat is blueshifted relative to the single SRR resonance at200 THz. As a function of twist angle, this broad resonanceredshifts to 200 THz at a twist of 90◦, and shifts back to220 THz at a twist of 180◦. There is no sign of a secondresonance, which might be hidden below the strong resonance.To bring out the second resonance more clearly, we reduce theloss in Fig. 3(b) to a 10-times-lower value γ = 1.25 × 1013 s−1

for gold in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d). For this almost absorption-freesystem, Fig. 3(c) indeed shows two resonances in extinction.The blueshifted resonance is now observed to cross witha narrow redshifted resonance. The crossing is symmetricaround 90◦ and is consistent with the hybridization of anelectric dipole fixed along x, with a second one above it twistedby an amount ψ . The two branches have a very differentwidth and strength, consistent with the fact that a symmetricconfiguration of dipoles couples more strongly to externalfields (blueshifted resonance) than an antisymmetric “dark”configuration (redshifted resonance).

To verify whether the two resonances observed in Fig. 3(a)are all resonances in the system, we change the angle ofincidence to 45◦ in the xz plane, so that the exciting field hasan Hz component to drive the split rings, in addition to an Ex

component. Figure 3(d) shows that in this case, four resonancesoccur in extinction. In addition to the two curved bandsexcited by Ex , there are also two nondispersive bands with atwist-independent splitting. Obviously, these bands are due tothe coupling of two magnetic dipoles in symmetric (broad andintense band) and antisymmetric head-to-tail configuration.The existence of four instead of two modes is a new insightcompared to LC circuit models,34,44 but is logical in view of

the fact that split rings have both a magnetic and an electricresponse, which are decoupled under the assumption ηC = 0.

Next we analyze the extinction in the presence of magne-toelectric coupling, setting ηC = 0.4. Again, we first examinethe extinction in the presence of realistic loss (γ = 1.25 ×1014 s−1) for gold in Fig. 3(e). As also predicted by FDTDsimulations by Liu et al.,34 there appear to be two bands. Theblueshifted band is again very broad, but now has a frequencyshift away from the single SRR resonance that is significantlylarger for twist angle 180◦ than for 0◦. These effects wereexplained by Liu et al.34 as due to an additive (subtractive)correction to the dominant electric hybridization at twistangle 180◦ (0◦) that occurs due to magnetic dipole coupling.A surprise is that the diagram is not symmetric anymorearound 90◦ twist as in the case of zero magnetic coupling.Instead, the extinction appears to show an anticrossing at atwist angle 60◦ These features were also predicted by FDTDsimulations by Liu et al.34 However, the presence of ananticrossing at twist angle ψ = 60◦ could not be interpretedby Liu et al.34 within an LC static circuit model, except byinvoking higher-order multipolar corrections. Here we seethat a purely dipolar model may also explain all featuresof the experiment provided that magnetoelectric coupling isaccounted for. While we do not claim that multipolar effectsare not present in actual experiments, it is an important insightthat split ring polarizabilities with magnetoelectric couplingterms may provide much richer physics then expected fromquasistatic circuit theory. A main advantage of point dipoletheory is that the underlying mode structure does not need tobe recouped from FDTD simulations, but is easily resolvedby repeating a calculation of extinction cross sections withlow loss (as done in Fig. 3), or by analyzing the poles of thecoupling matrix in Eq. (25) that relates ( p,m) to (Ein,H in).The computational effort for N split rings is equivalent todiagonalizing or inverting a 6N × 6N matrix.

To more clearly bring out all the resonances, we artificiallyreduce the damping γ = 1.25 × 1013 s−1 to ten times less thanthe damping of gold, and plot the response of the system undernormal incidence (f) and 45◦ incidence (g) in Figs. 3(f) and3(g). The anticrossing at twist angle ψ = 60◦ appears to bedue to the coupling of four modes, as opposed to the intuitionfrom LC circuit theory that only two resonances anticross. Theexistence of four rather than two modes in a split ring dimerappears surprising and is a second indication of the rich physicsof magnetoelectric scatterers. Intuition from LC circuits is thatalthough the subspace of driving fields is two-dimensional(Ex and Hz), nonetheless only one mode per split ringexists. The usual reasoning in LC models is that the relationbetween electric and magnetic dipole moment is completelyfixed and independent of driving, since the loop current andaccumulated charge are directly related. Such a constraint isnot general: in electrodynamic multipole expansions, magneticpolarizabilities are determined independently from the electricones. The intuition from LC theory that there is only one modeper scatterer is only retrieved in our model right at the limitof strongest magnetoelectric coupling ηC = √

ηEηH , since inthat case one polarizability is identically zero. We note that thevalues ηE = 0.7, ηH = 0.3, and ηC = 0.4 used in this work(that we fitted to our angle-resolved transmission experimentson 200 × 200 nm Au split rings on glass) are close to the





cy (



0 90 180







0 90 180







0 90 180







Extinction σ (μ


Twist angle (degrees)



cy (



0 90 180







Twist angle (degrees)0 90 180







0 90 180







Extinction σ (μ


Twist angle (degrees)







Full damping Low damping Full damping45˚ incident

η C=

0η C





FIG. 3. (Color online) Extinction cross sections σext vs frequency and twist angle for an SRR stereodimer structure. Panel (a) shows thegeometry (top view and side view) in which two SRR’s are vertically stacked. The upper SRR is rotated around the z axis by the twist angleψ . We calculate extinction for light impinging from the z direction with polarization along x, i.e., along the base of the lower SRR in (b),(c), (e), and (f). In (d) and (g), we use 45◦ incidence in the xz plane, so that the H field of the excitation light directly couples also tothe magnetic polarizability. Panels (b), (c), and (d) show extinction assuming no cross-coupling term (ηC = 0), while (e), (f), and (g) showextinction assuming strong magnetoelectric coupling (ηC = 0.4). Panels (b) and (e) assume the damping rate of gold γ = 1.25 × 1014 s−1. Tomore clearly bring out the four mode structure, we reduce the damping tenfold for the calculations in (c), (d), (f), and (g). There are four modespresent in the system. White lines in (b) and (e) indicate the frequencies of the modes, as taken from the resonances in the low-damping case,i.e., the resonances in panels (d) and (g).

limit of strong magnetoelectric coupling. Whether a generalargument exists why physical scatterers are or are not exactly atthe limit of strongest magnetoelectric coupling ηC = √


is a question beyond the scope of this paper.


In conclusion, we have developed a multiple scatteringtheory by means of which we can calculate scattering andextinction for any magnetoelectric scatterer with knownpolarizability tensor, as well as for arbitrary finite clusters. Asopposed to LC circuit models, our model obeys energy conser-vation, contains all interference effects, and allows quantitativeprediction of absolute cross sections, spectral linewidths, andline shapes. While beyond the scope of this paper, the theoryis readily extended to deal with arbitrary periodic lattices bygeneralizing Ewald lattice sums49 to deal with both E and H .Since the electrodynamic polarizability tensor can be directlyconstructed from quasistatic circuit theory, we expect that ourmodel is readily applicable to many current experiments usingchiral and nonchiral metamaterial building blocks for whichquasistatic models have been proposed.

Our model does not give any insight into whether theresponse of a given structure is truly dipolar. Also, ourmodel does not provide any insight or quantitative predictionsbased on microscopic considerations for the magnitude ofthe polarizability. For such microscopic considerations, basedon, e.g., current density distributions derived from full wavesimulations, we refer the reader to Refs. 18–20,43,45,46.Rather, our model allows one to verify if specific data ormicroscopic calculations are consistent at all with point

dipole interactions, allowing to verify or falsify commonintuitive explanations in the literature that have so far beenbased on quasistatic considerations. Also, our model allowsone to assess if a single polarizability tensor indeed candescribe a range of different experiments with, e.g., splitring clusters, as should be expected from a consistent model.Finally, our model is the simplest electrodynamic model toconsistently describe how metamaterials and photonic crystalsare formed from magnetoelectric scatterers. A first step isto confirm the parameters used in this work for ηE,ηH

and ηC by targeted experiments. While the value for ηE

used in this work is consistent with the extinction crosssection measured by Husnik et al.,17 we propose that thenew insight that magnetoelectric coupling is far strongerthan the magnetic polarizability be confirmed by off-normalcircularly polarized extinction measurements as proposedin Sec. IV.

The most important property of our theory is that a polariz-ability tensor validated for a single scatterer can readily be usedto predict all quantitative scattering properties of compositelattices and antennas. We hence expect that new insights canbe obtained in effective-medium constants of metamaterialarrays. Our analytical model not only facilitates design, butwill also allow us to determine rigorously whether, even in theideal case (no loss, no multipole corrections), metamaterialbuilding blocks can give rise to a desired ε and μ, despitethe large importance of electrodynamic corrections.7,9,74 Inaddition to generating new insights for metamaterials, ourtheory also opens new design routes for gratings and antennaswith unprecedented polarization properties. As an example,in this paper we analyzed the four-mode anticrossing due



TABLE I. Conversion between SI units and the unit system usedthroughout this paper.

Quantity Symbol relation to SI

Electric field E ESI

Magnetic field H ZHSI

Electric dipole moment p pSI/(4πε)Magnetic dipole moment m mSI[Z/(4π )]

Electric-electric polarizability αEE αSIEE/(4πε)

Magnetic-magnetic polarizability αHH αSIHH /(4π )

Electric-magnetic polarizability αEH αSIEH [c/(4π )]

Magnetic-electric polarizability αHE αSIHE[Z/(4π )]

Electric-electric Green tensor GEE 4πεGSIEE

Magnetic-magnetic Green tensor GHH 4π GSIHH

Electric-magnetic Green tensor GEH 4π/Z GSIEH

Magnetic-electric Green tensor GHE 4π/c GSIHE

to magnetoelectric coupling in stereodimers. This analysisis easily extended to magnetoelectric Yagi-Uda antennas,diffractive gratings of chiral building blocks, and magneto-inductive waveguides that may provide new ways to controlthe propagation and emission of light.57,75,76


We thank Ad Lagendijk for stimulating and inspirativeinsights, as well as Dries van Oosten and Lutz Langguthfor discussions. This work is part of the research pro-gram of the “Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek derMaterie (FOM),” which is financially supported by the“Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek(NWO).” A.F.K. acknowledges a NWO Vidi felloship. I.S.and A.F.K. both acknowledge support from “NanoNed”, ananotechnology program funded by the Dutch Ministry ofEconomic Affairs.


Throughout this paper, we used units that significantlysimplify notation throughout, as they maximize the inter-changeability of electric and magnetic fields. Conversion toSI units is summarized in Table I. For the conversion inTable I, we use ε for the host dielectric constant, c for thevelocity of light, and Z for the impedance of the backgroundmedium. In this unit system, a plane wave has |E|/|H| = 1and intensity I = |E|2/(2Z), since the Poynting vector isS = 1/(2Z)Re(E∗ × H). In these units, the cycle-averagedwork done by an electric field E to drive an oscillating pequals W = 2πk/Z Im(E · p). The magnetic counterpart isW = 2πk/Z Im(H · m)


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