Let’s work together for the Good Life South Staffordshire...


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Let’s work together for the Good Life South Staffordshire

Who to contact for

Help, Assistance and

Advice Awareness of services available

& how to signpost to them



Let’s work together for the Good Life

Who To contact for Help, Assistance and Advice Awareness of services available to help and how to signpost to them


One Recovery

How to spot if a person might need guidance on alcohol depend-

ency & substance misuse

• Bottles of alcohol around house • Large amounts of discarded bottles

next to bins • Smell of alcohol on breath • Slurred speech • Erratic be-

haviour • Comments about drinking/drug habits • Evidence of drugs or

paraphernalia • Unusual smells on breath, body or clothes• Bloodshot

eyes or pupils larger or smaller than usual.

It is sometimes difficult to identify as this can be a hidden issue.

Make the person aware that services exist, whatever the level of


Encourage the person to contact: www.adsolutions.org.uk -This is

the website for the “One Recovery” service or Tel: 01785 270 080.

They help people with alcohol and/or drug issues.

What we can all do

Be aware of how much alcohol we are drinking, take positive steps to-

wards wellbeing .

The Healtthy Staffordshire Hub

The Healthy Staffordshire Hub provides free telephone and digital based

self-help information, advice and guidnace on lifestyle health issues in-

cluding; stopping smoking, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight,

physical activity and drinking less alcohol. The Hub also provides infor-

mation about community prevention programmes available across Staf-

fordshire, such as ‘cook and eat’ sessions opportunities, walking, cy-

cling, exercise for older people and family play activities. The Hub also

provides acess to Healthy Lifestyle Service which provides additional

support around weight management, stop smoking and drinking less


Individuals can contact the Hub on 0300 111 8006.

Do you or somebody you know care for someone with a lung

condition such as COPD or Asthma

Diagnosed with COPD or another lung condition and looking for infor-

mation? Are you a carer looking for support? Or perhaps you want infor-

mation on how to live well with your condition? We provide reliable, up-

to-date and easy to understand information to help answer your ques-

tions about lung health. You can contact our Helpline for more infor-

mation and support on 03000 030 555 www.blf.org.uk

How can you tell if someone has autism? The signs to watch for include a difficulty in understanding social be-

haviour, they appear to be self absorbed (interested in their own agen-

da) and less able to recognise emotions either their own or others. Sources of support Staffordshire Adults Autistic Society (SAAS) – 07751 223065 or in-

fosaas@ntlworld.com and The North Staffordshire Autism/Asperger As-

sociation (NSAAA) – 01782 627002 or info@nsaaa.co.uk

How can you tell if someone is not managing their medicines? The signs to watch for include medicines in the home which look old;

wrong name on the label – they may be taking a partner or neigh-

bour’s tablets; containers emptying too slowly or too quickly; medi-

cines getting lost; containers all over the house with no apparent sys-

tem; having to order their medicines several times each month; any-

one sho seems unusually tired, dizzy, sick or confused. There is no contral referral number but the pharmacy who sup-

ply the medicine can be contacted – the details will be on the

medicine label Pharmacists can do a “Medicines Check Up” and a client could be en-

couraged to attend one so that issues can be explored ahd addressed –

you can reassure people that the pharmacist is there to help you get

the most from your medicines, they won’t judge and can usually seen

without an appointment, just call in and ask to speak to the pharma-

cist. Lots of people get confused by medicines so on one should be

afraid to ask for help.

How to spot if a person might want guidance on smoking and to

find out how to stop

•Ashtrays in multiple rooms • Overflowing ashtrays • Cigarette packag-

ing discarded carelessly • Ash on floor • Smell of smoke in house •

Smell of smoke on breath • Burns on the carpet. If you or someone you know wants to find out how to stop

smoking call the Time to Quit NHS Stop Smoking Service on 0800 043

4304 (9am -5pm Mon – Fri).

Contact Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service for a fire risk check Tel:

0800-0241999 E-mail: 0800Team@staffordshirefire.gov.uk Check our

smoke alarms regularly.

Staffordshire Women’s Aid

Awareness of signs of Domestic Abuse

• Injuries which seems inconsistent with the explanations • Evidence

of multiple injuries• Minimisation of the extent of injuries • Presents

as frightened, excessively anxious, depressed or distressed • Passive

or afraid of their partner • Partner appears aggressive and overly


If a disclosure is made signpost the person to Staffordshire

Women’s Aid 24 Hour Helpline – 0870 2700 123.

Staffordshire Victim Gateway

“Putting victims back in charge of their lives”

The principle aim of Staffordshire Victim Gateway are:

To support victims of crime to cope and recover by providing the

best support we can within the Gateway, supported by effective

introductions to specialist services; and

To advocate on behalf of victims, collectively, for improvements in

services and support where we identify gaps or weaknesses.

Staffordshire Victim Gateway (SVG) will receive referrals directly

from Staffordshire Police, British Transport Police and Action Fraud

as well as self-referrals. Referrals can be made by phone or in per-

son directly from victims who may not have reported to the police.

The service offered by SVG includes:

Advice, information and immediate support by phone.

Episodes of ongoing emotional and practical support within the


Introduction to specialist services or universal services to meet

the victims needs.

The service is provided to all victims of crime in Staffordshire includ-

ing those who have not reported offences to the Police.

Tel: 03300 881339

Web: www.staffsvictimsgateway.org.uk

(Citizens Advice Bureau)

How to spot if a person could benefit from low Level Assistive

Technologies (AT)

Assistive technologies can help promote independence and reduce

risk in and around the home. If somebody is demonstrating prob-

lems seeing, hearing, moving around getting out and about, remem-

bering to do things loses things or loses track of time, struggles with

daily living activities, such as dressing and preparing meals, socialis-


What we can all do

Encourage the person to contact the AT house 01902 434500 or

email Emily.simmonds@sscva.org.uk Tel. 01902 851675


Assist Advocacy Services

Asist is a County-wide Independent Advocacy charity providing ad-

vocacy services for people with learning disabilities, physical disa-

bilities and/or mental health issues for over 21 years. We strive to

ensure that there is support for people who have difficulty speaking

out, so that they can have an equal voice in the choices and deci-

sions that affect their lives.

For more information:

Website: www.asist.co.uk/

Tel: 01782 845584

Citizens Advice Bureau

Self-help advice and advocacy services available

Visit www.adviceguide.org.uk for round the clock self-help infor-

mation on welfare benefits, debts, employment, consumer rights,

housing, neighbourhood disputes, education and healthcare, family

and personal issues.

To access advice call the Staffordshire Advice line on 08444 111


Casserole “Casserole Club” is a local, food-sharing scheme that helps volun-

teers to share extra portions of their home-cooked food with older

neighbours who would appreciate a meal delivered every now and

then. Do you know somebody who could benefit from a home cooked

meal and meeting a neighbour? Do you know an older adult who

would benefit from a free home cooked meal and the chance to get

to know a friendly neighbour? To find out more or to sign up as a cook or a diner visit

www.casseroleclub.com or contact stafford-

shire@casseroleclub.com or by calling 0300 111 8006

How to spot if a person might be socially isolated and/or

lonely •Lives alone • No support network of family friends or neighbours •

Unable to leave house unassisted • Feelings of helplessness or

hopelessness • May appear depressed/neglected appearance • Lit-

tle or excessive communication • Recently bereaved • Reduced

sense of purpose • Sadness • Chronic health problems resulting in

poor mobility. A number of services are available to help in addition to those

listed on this signposting document.

To find out what’s available in the local area visit

www.southstaffordshire.thegoodlife.uk.net or call 01902 696000 to

get ideas and find out how to lead an active life and what’s availa-

ble to do in the area. The Staffordshire Marketplace is the directory

of wellbeing and support services, activities and events for all ages

across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

www.staffordshiremarketplace.co.uk 0300 1118014.

How to spot if somebody could be struggling with or affect-

ed by loss of sight

Approach: if you suspect someone may need a hand, walk up,

greet them and identify yourself.

Ask: "Would you like some help?" The person will accept your offer

or tell you if they don't require assistance.

Assist: listen to the reply and assist as required. Not all people

who are blind or vision impaired will want assistance - don't be of-

fended if your assistance is not required.

Signposting and assistance

Stafford Adult Social Services: 0300 111 8010

RNIB Helpline: 0303 123 9999 Guide Dogs: 01189 838756

South Staffordshire Work Clubs

Are they on benefits? Are they between the ages of 16-64? Are

they struggling to pay the bills? Do they have their own transport?

Are they interested in training and up skilling themselves? Are they

isolated and lacking confidence?

For any general information on South Staffs Work Clubs please vis-

it www.southstaffsworkclubs.co.uk

To access the outreach service residents need to call 07976

384195 for more details.

You can also find out more about the work clubs by calling the cus-

tomer service line on 01902 696113

POWhER Staffordshire

Community Advocacy Service

We offer free, confidential and independent advocacy services to

help people understand their rights, be treated as equals and be


This service is for people who live in Staffordshire and need sup-

port to deal with an issue they are facing. You can use this service if you: Are finding it difficult to put your views across or don’t feel you are

being listened to Are in a situation where you feel vulnerable or that you could be at

risk of abuse Need help to access services relating to your health and lifestyle,

to develop your independence Are struggling with an issue and feel you would benefit from some

support Our independent advocates can help you understand your rights

and choices and help you to get your voice heard. For further information, please contact your Local Authority.

Further information regarding POhWER’s services can be found at www.pohwer.net or by contacting their helpline on 0300 456 2370 (charged at local rate) or via Email: pohwer@pohwer.net

Goodlife Community Connector: Jan Wright

Jan is linking with parish councils and community groups in the dis-

trict offering help and advice and signposting as required to availa-

ble services

Contact via email: communityva@hotmail.co.uk or by phone on

01785 242525

Goodlife Agent: Liz Minshall

Liz is working in Locality 3 on 2 pilot projects - Families and Com-

munities Pilot, looking at local community support and local organi-

sations that support children and families to ensure the needs of

local children and families are being met. Caddick Farm Pilot -

continue the regeneration of the estate and bring together the local


Contact via email: Liz.Minshall@staffs.org.uk or telephone on

01785 242525.

The Recovery Hub is a service that supports people in their journey

towards mental health recovery, we believe that everyone has the

right to a tailored, personalised support and that care and support

should fit them, rather than the other way around. Making Space

are working in partnership with Mental Health Matters, WISE ability

and South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Founda-

tion Trust (SSSFT) to deliver The Recovery Hub Staffordshire.

One to One Support- (Making Space)

We believe it is important to be around people who understand

what they are going through that is where our recovery workers

will be providing one to one support throughout their recovery.

Peer Support Groups/ Activity Groups – WISE Ability

We believe recovering from a mental health condition is much easi-

er when people have others they can rely on for encouragement.

Whether this being in a specific group, i.e self-Injury, hearing voic-

es or arts and crafts.

Safe Space Sessions

Safe space sessions are the perfect place to meet others in a simi-

lar situation, they are drop in sessions where we will provide them

with emotional support.

The Recovery College - NHS

People can be referred through the recovery Hub to attend a

course through the NHS.

Support Helpline – Mental Health Matters

The support help line is a 24/7 telephone helpline support service

that is open 365 days of the year for the service users and carers

accessing The Recovery Hub. The helpline covers Stafford, Cannock

and South Staffs.

People can access the service by either a self-refer, referred by

their GP, Local Job Centre or other supporting agencies.

Our email is: TheRecovery.Hubstaffordshire@makingspace.co.uk

Beth Johnson

The Staffordshire and Wolverhampton Cancer Advocacy and Sup-

port Project

The Staffordshire and Wolverhampton Cancer Advocacy and Sup-

port Project are a partnership between the Beth Johnson Founda-

tion and Macmillan Cancer Support and are funded by Macmillan

Cancer Support.

Our aim is to help improve your quality of life by enabling you to

resolve any difficulties you may be facing. Whether directly related

to cancer or not, no matter what the issue is, we will support in

you finding the solution.

How to get in touch:

Tel: 01782 844036

Email: macmillan@bjf.org.uk


Quest is a day opportunities service that is part of South Stafford-

shire and Shropshire NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with

Staffordshire County Council.

Quest work with various partners to support people recovering

from mental illness to improve their confidence, self-esteem, social

skills, wellbeing, communication, concentration and practical skills

through a wide range of meaningful activities and one to one sup-

port to assist them in returning to main stream community life and

social inclusion; including paid employment, volunteering, educa-

tion, leisure and many other community activities. Quest operates

throughout Staffordshire.

A referral is needed from a Community Mental Health Team mem-

ber e.g. a Social Worker, Consultant, CPN or Occupational Thera-

pist. Everyone is allocated a primary worker who will ensure that

individuals are supported to develop a Personal Development Plan

and SMART Goals.

Employment Works

Employment promotes recovery through providing people with

purpose, structure and opportunities for people to contribute to


Not just any work or employment will support recovery, it needs to

be right for that person and within a workplace with is flexible and


There is strong evidence that work promotes recovery, leads to

better health, improves social contact and enhances living stand-


Employment Workers work closely with individuals to identify per-

sonal goals, strengths and skills, what support is needed and what

type of employment would be suitable. The Employment Worker

supports the client to find and retain employment appropriate for



Email: Tina.Scott@sssft.nhs.uk


Quest & Employment Works

3 Tipping Street



How to make every contact count

Make the contact you have with people help them to improve

their lifestyle if that is what they want to do, by raising infor-

mation about services available to help them.

For information, advice and guidance contact Staffordshire


Tel: 0300 111 8010 or www.staffordshirecares.info/


Age UK

Do you know an older person who could benefit from care

and support

Age UK South Staffordshire is the largest charity organisation

providing dementia care, care and support in your own home and

related services for older people in the Southern Staffordshire


To find out about services available visit www.ageuk.org.uk/

southstaffs/ or call Age UK South Staffordshire Careline 01785

788 477.

If you know a carer who might be struggling to cope

•Feeling helpless/hopeless/down/frustrated • Admits to being

short-tempered • Talking about never having any time for them-

selves •Looking tired or expressing feeling tired a lot/all of the

time • Looking neglected themselves (often with the person they

care for looking immaculate) • Feeling that they are losing the

person they care for •Talking about getting up a lot at night to

care for the person • Discusses the level of need/agitation of the

person cared for • Appearing unwell/chronic health problems •

May be struggling with everyday tasks such as shopping, house-

work and gardening due to caring role.

Contact Carer’s Association Southern Staffordshire on 01785

606675 or enquiries@carersinformation.org.uk

Concerned about a health or social care providers service

or the quality somebody is receiving?

Healthwatch Staffordshire acts as an independent voice of local

people. It’s our job to listen to people’s experiences of health and

social care services in Staffordshire and use this feedback to help

change and improve local NHS and social care services.

Raise a concern or find out more 0800 051 8371

Email: enquiries@healthwatchstaffordshire.co.uk

Struggling to find information or have too much infor-

mation and don’t know what to trust?

Staffordshire Cares makes it easier to find the information you

need in seconds, all in one place from a trusted source.

www.staffordshirecares.info 0300 111 8010

Do you know an older person who can benefit from care

or support

South Staffordshire Community Voluntary Action providing ad-

ditional support to people with long term health conditions car-

ers and the frail and elderly in South Staffordshire.

To find out about services available contact Emily Simmonds on

01902 851675 or emily.simmonds@sscva.org.uk

HOME SAFETY – ALWAYS dial 999 in an

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue

How to spot if a person might be at high risk from fire

• No working smoke alarms • History of previous fires - Burnt

cooking utensils, clothes or carpets • Blocked exits • Open

fires • Smoking materials discarded carelessly • Overloaded

sockets • Old electrical appliances • Smoke alarm goes off

whilst cooking • Tea towel over cooker • Using traditional chip

pan • Signs of alcohol or drug use • Mobility or sensory impair-

ment • Had a life changing event • Not had a Home Fire Risk


What we can all do

Check our smoke alarms regularly. Contact Staffordshire Fire

and Rescue Service for a fire risk check.

Tel: 0800-0241999

E-mail: 0800Team@staffordshirefire.gov.uk

Staffordshire Police

How to spot if a person might be at high risk from crime

• Door unlocked for anyone to walk in • Doesn’t check your

identity • Key is left in the door for anyone to find or use •

Signs back of premises is insecure – broken fence panels etc. •

Signs house is insecure – broken window locks etc. • Tells you

they keep cash in the house • Has received cold callers or high

pressure sales calls • Has engaged with a tradesman who cold

called • Has given bank details to cold callers • Has responded

to unsolicited emails or competitions asking for money or bank

details • Feels under pressure to give cash or valuables to fami-

ly or carers.

Dial 101 if you need to call your local police.

Staffordshire Police How to spot if a person might be afraid of crime or anti-

social behaviour • Tells you they are frightened of crime or anti-social behav-

iour • Tells you their life has changed due to crime or anti-social

behaviour Dial 101 if you need to call your local police.

Staffordshire Police What are the signs of radicalisation or right wing extrem-


WRAP – Workshop Raising Awareness of Prevent Prevent is part of the Security and Counter Terrorism Act 2015,

which is a national strategy to prevent terrorist attacks in the UK. Radicalisation of vulnerable and young people is happening in our

communities either online or in person. It is important to be vig-

ilant and report any suspicions you have about a person especial-

ly if you see a change in the way they dress, in the subjects they

discuss or in their behaviour.

Please report anything to Staffordshire Police – contact 101

and ask for CHANNEL.

Staffordshire Police How can you tell if a young person is involved in Sexual

Exploitation The signs to watch for include young people staying away from

home for unexplained periods of time, more money available to

them than usual, wearing different clothes which promote their

sexuality, using their phones more than usual, a change in be-


Ask for PC Matt Smith at Staffordshire Police or report any suspi-

cions to First Response at Staffordshire County Council.

How can you tell if someone is a victim of hate crime

If someone is being bullied or taunted regularly because of their

sexuality, their race or religion, their gender, a disability, their

class, the way they look or the way they dress, basically because

of who they are, then it is classed as a hate crime. Sometimes it

does not stop with name calling, it can escalate to serious har-

assment and even physical violence.

Victims can self report or you can report the incident to

CACH on 0797 149 7988

CACH deals with incidents in a wide range of ways and offer the

victim recommendations and advice about what steps can be

taken. CACH works very closely with the police, schools, housing

associations, local authorities and other support networks to pro-

mote tolerance and ensure that the best possible service is deliv-

ered to the victims.

How to spot if somebody could be struggling with or affected

by dementia

Dementia is not a natural part of growing old. Dementia is caused by

diseases of the brain. The most common of these is Alzheimer’s Dis-

ease. It’s not just about losing your memory – it can affect thinking,

communicating and doing everyday tasks. It is possible to live well

with dementia. There’s more to the person than the dementia.

For more information on dementia friends go to


For help and support contact the national dementia helpline on 0330

222 1122 (open 7 days a week) or www.alzheimers.org.uk

If you, a family member or friend are experiencing mental

health problems

If you, a family member or friend are experiencing mental health

problems and need emergency treatment, you should contact your

General Practitioner (GP) in the first instance. Out of hours, your

usual GP contact number should provide information.

Always call 999 if someone is serious ill or injured, and their life is at


Alternatively, you can seek advice by calling South Staffordshire and

Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust The Trust switchboard

is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and will be able to di-

rect your call 01785 257888 or visit www.sssft.nhs.uk

Mental Health Helpline South Staffordshire 0808 800 2234 (not

24 hours) Samaritans 08457 909090 - 24 hours a day 365 days a year SANELINE 0845 767 8000 - 12 noon to 02.00 365 days a year

Social inclusion and day opportunities support from Quest or

Employment Works :- Supports people who are recovering from

mental illness to improve their confidence, self-esteem, social skills,

wellbeing, communication, concentration and practical skills through

a wide range of meaningful activities and one to one support to as-

sist them in returning to main stream community life and social in-

clusion; including paid employment, volunteering, education, leisure

and many other community activities. A referral is needed from a

Community Mental Health Team member e.g. a Social Worker, Con-

sultant, CPN or Occupational Therapist

Quest and Employment Works welcome inquiries on 01785



South Staffordshire Connect Bus

How to help people travel around South Staffordshire

South Staffordshire Connect is an affordable, flexible, accessible and

door to door bus service for people who are away from regular bus


If you have a concessionary bus pass you travel completely free!

Adults pay a flat rate of only £2 per journey. Younger travellers with a

‘Your Staffordshire Card’ pay £1 per journey.

All of the buses are wheelchair friendly.

To register 0300 111 8003 or southstaffscon-


Operating times are from 8am to 6pm weekdays and 10am to 4pm on

Saturdays. You can book up to 7days in advance, but no later than 2

hours before you travel.



How to spot if a person might be struggling with housing re-


•Living in one room • No sign they are using heating appliances in

their home • Poor general health

To report a repair for people living in SSHA managed properties

call the customer service team on 0800 096 8690 or if calling from

a mobile, dial 01785 312000.

Emergency repairs should only ever be reported by phone.

Other types of repairs can be reported by phone or by emailing: en-


How to spot a loan shark (illegal money lending)

Are running an unauthorised business under the Financial Services and

Markets Act 2000 • Often refuse to tell the borrower how much they

still owe, when they will finish repayments. • Often increase the debt

or add additional amounts. • May take items as security- including

passports, bank cards and driving licences. • May resort to violence,

threats and intimidation

If you think you may be involved with a loan shark, call the

team in confidence on 0300 555 2222 or Text ‘loan shark + your

message’ to 60003

Partnership Programmes

ALC & T Ltd – Walking Programme

Outcomes: Full Package of walking programmes catering for all abilities

across the District.

Referrals: No formal referrals but leaflets and booklets can be down-

loaded from: www.sstaffs.gov.uk/your_services/


South Staffs Cycling Scheme

Outcomes: The aim of the programme is to develop a range of cycling

schemes to increase physical activity, reduce sedentary behaviours and

create a cycling network for the district.

Referrals: People can self refer onto the programme. Please fill in the

registration form before the first session.

For more information please contact April Lewis on 07794 710 927 or


Age UK – Care Navigator Programme

Outcomes: The aim of the service is to provide ‘supported signposting’

to older patients identified as being vulnerable, lonely or socially isolat-

ed through volunteer led support.

Cohort 1 will be an Integrated Care Pathway targeting patients with

long Term conditions at highest risk of hospital admissions to reduce

unnecessary admissions by providing coordinated wrap around care and


Cohort 2 will be Social Prescribing Service targeting those with long

term conditions where early proactive intervention can improve overall

health and wellbeing.

Email: nigel.barrett@ageuksouthstaffs.org.uk

Tel: 01785 788 496/483

Alzheimer’s Society – Dementia Café

Outcomes: Dementia Cafés provide the facilitation of open discussion

of the diagnosis of dementia in an informal social environment. Aimed

at people with dementia and their carer’s, family and friends. Health

professionals may also attend to offer advice.

Referrals: The only criterion is that the café is for people living with

dementia and their carers/families/friends.

Kinver Dementia Café: The Dementia Café in Kinver takes place at

the Kinver Community Fire Station on the second Thursday of every

month from 1.30pm-3pm. For more information please contact Mel

Baines, café coordinator on 01543 574007.

Alzheimer’s Society – Information Worker

Outcomes: Maximise the impact of the Dementia Friends initiative by

supporting all areas of South Staffordshire to work towards achieving

Dementia Friendly communities’ status.

Referrals: No formal referral process. Can contact Mel Baines, Infor-

mation Worker on 01543 573936.

Base 25 – Community Feel Good Project Outcomes: The project will benefit people aged 5 and upwards and

will target groups that are more at risk of mental ill health. For those

of adult age it will additionally target people experiencing social rural

isolation and loneliness. The service will provide an early intervention

to tackle issues at the earliest opportunity before they become more

problematic. Referrals: Referrals can be made by telephone, email or in person

FAO Harbinder Hare, Counselling

Co-Ordinator: harbinder.hare@base25.org or Dave Wallace:

dave.wallace@base25.org or 01902 572040.

Citizens Advice Bureau – Floating Advisor Outcomes: Utilising a floating advisor approach to expand CAB provi-

sion to cover all areas within South Staffordshire. The service will be

delivered via home visits or at local community venues for a range of

vulnerable priority groups. Referrals: The fastest route is to email Mark Hall or Stephanie Brown

at bureau@southstaffscab.cabnet.org.uk and request a call back to

arrange an appointment, or call in personally to one of the CAB’s open

door outreach sessions.

Alternatively, call Staffordshire Advice Line on 03444 111 444 where

an initial assessment can be made over the telephone.

Community Council of Staffordshire – Village Agents Outcomes: The Village Agent project will improve people’s health and wellbeing

across the 5 localities through community empowerment and direct


Developing trust within communities Signposting/referrals Bridging the gap Validation and consultancy Addressing ‘real’ issues Improving community cohesion and self-sustainability

Referrals: No formal referral process. For more information please

visit www.sstaffs.gov.uk/your_services/your_community/

village_agents.aspx Village Agent Contact Details: Locality 1 and 2: Jan Wright, communityva@hotmail.co.uk. Locality 3: Liz Minshall, liz.minshall@btopenworld.com Locality 4: Graham Wright, va4community@live.co.uk

Locality 5: Sabrina Sproston, sabrina.sproston@staffs.org.uk

Leisure Services – Active Youth Outcomes: Active Youth is aimed at 14 – 17 year olds, and can be

described as a diversionary activity operating on Friday evenings and

also increasing young people’s physical activity levels.

Referrals: No formal referral process.

Families First (part of Staffordshire County Council) – Evi-

dence Parenting Programme Outcomes: The programme will support the delivery of Building Re-

silient Families and Communities programme (BRFC) in South Staf-

fordshire. The service will provide early intervention to families to

prevent them requiring the BRFC programme. The service will run

evidence based parenting programmes such as Family Links Nurture

Programme, Triple P and Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour. Referrals: Families are usually identified through the Building Resili-

ent Families & Communities programme. They may be able to consid-

er families not on BRFC but nominations would need to come via an

Early Help Assessment to the Local Support Teams. Contact details for South Staffs Local Support Teams: District Lead: Sarah Underhill, 01902 506150/ 07773 791058, sa-

rah.underhill@staffordshire.gov.uk. Locality Co-ordinator (South Staffs-North): Linda Ball, 01902 696585/

07813 531270, linda.ball@staffordshire.gov.uk. Locality Co-ordinator (South Staffs-South): Jayne Jackson, 01902

696583/ 07773791798, jayne.jackson@staffordshire.gov.uk

Louise Colman and Lisa Embrey – Gentle Exercise Outcomes: Gentle exercise sessions aimed at older residents to in-

crease physical activity, improve mental wellbeing and reduce risk of

falls. All classes include functional skills and balance exercises to

maintain muscle strength, range of movement and increase confi-

dence. The classes are competitively priced at £2.50 per session and many

people attend two sessions per week. Many of the sessions have tea

and coffee available after the class. Referrals: No formal referral process. Clients can come along to any

of the classes. All clients have to complete a PARQ (physical activity

readiness questionnaire), and if applicable obtain their GP's approval

before commencing the sessions.

The timetable is available at: http://www.sstaffs.gov.uk/

your_services/your_community/health_watch/gentle_exercise_ clas-


Lynne Andrae – Student Survival School Outcomes: Target population are students aged 16 to 18 in full time

education and their families. The project aims to prevent and reduce

excess unintentional weight gain to prevent obesity by teaching stu-

dents practical skills in cooking, food preparation and nutritional

knowledge. This will equip them with the skills for life to cook healthy

meals for themselves and their families.

Referrals: No formal referral process. Sessions are run using all the

Sixth Form Colleges within the district. If someone aged 16-18 is

identified as needing cooking advice please contact Lynne Andreae

(lynneandreae@hotmail.co.uk) who may be able to arrange for them

to attend a session held at a Sixth Form College.

South Staffordshire Council – Community Reassurance

Outcomes: Perception of crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) in

South Staffordshire far outweighs actual crimes. The project aims to

promote activities for young people as diversionary activities, as healthy

lifestyle activities and social activities.

Referrals: No formal referral process.

Stroke Association – Linking Local Communities and People with

Long Term Conditions

Outcomes: To link people who have long term conditions (LTC) by re-

cruiting volunteer Neighbourhood Information Champions (NICs). NICs

will have LTCs and be the experts on information and activities in their

area – helping to support others with LTC to self manage and live life to

the full. The project coordinator will identify people with LTCs and rele-

vant activities/service provision, recruit, train and support the NICs and

forge partnerships within the community amongst voluntary/ statutory

agencies and community venues.

Referrals: Please contact Helen Turnbull Long Term Condition Project

Co-ordinator on helen.turnbull@stroke.org.uk or direct line 07712


SSCVA – Community Support Project

Outcomes: The project is targeted in particular at residents who are

frail elderly and/or have complex long term health conditions, including

dementia. Residents are matched with a package of help and support in

their local community which will enhance health and wellbeing and are

supported by a small team of Volunteer Mentors.

Referrals : Please contact Ann Ross Community Support Officer on

01902 851675 , anne.ross@sscva.org.uk

Leisure Services – Forward to Health

Outcomes: Forward to Health is a 12 week exercise programme de-

signed to increase activity and the heath of clients. The programme is

specifically designed for people with medical conditions where exercise

will help them to improve their health.

The programme includes:

Three one to one assessment with your personal exercise instructor

including personal review session at week 6 and 12 to discuss progress

and set new goals

Discounted sessions outside of the Forward to Health scheme

A personal 12 week gym based exercise programme to meet your

individual fitness and medical needs.

Nutritional advice

Ongoing support from your instructor throughout the 12 weeks.

Referrals: Clients need to call their local leisure centre to book an ap-

pointment for an initial assessment. They will need to tell the person on

the telephone that they would like an initial assessment for the Forward

to Health scheme, so they book an assessment with an appropriately

trained instructor.

The scheme is available at the following leisure centres:

Codsall Leisure Centre: 01902 844032

Cheslyn Hay Leisure Centre: 01922 417790

Penkridge Leisure Centre: 01785 714152

Wombourne Leisure Centre: 01902 898202



Important Safeguarding Telephone Numbers:

Staffordshire Cares: 0300 111 8010, 8am to 8pm Mon – Thu,

8am to 6pm Fri, 9am – 5pm Sat

Children First Response: 08001-313126 Hours: 8.30am to

5:00pm (Mon – Thu), 8.30am – 4.30pm (Fri)

If you are worried about an adult call the Social Care and Health

team on 0845 6042719


GET YOUR SERVICE INCLUDED! Have you got a South Staffordshire Service that you would like to list in this sign-posting compendium, to raise awareness about what you do and how to contact

your service as part of Let’s Work Together and the Good Life? Updates will be included in the 3rd version, due for release into South Staffordshire

… 2016 Please Email your details to Laura Wharton at l.wharton@sstaffs.gov.uk, tele-

phone: 01902 696238

Please provide the following details: Organisation

What is the topic being raised What are the signs that somebody could benefit

Signposting – Contact Details Provide Logo or Image