Latin Culture VS American Culture Team C Spanish/504 Yolima Escolar Maria Cristina La Padula Diane...



History Mexico The Olmecs were among the first inhabitants of the area. Around 2000 BC, the Mayan Empire built incredible cities throughout North and Central America. The Aztecs were the last great empire, conquered by the Spanish in Spaniards brought Christianity to the land and ruled until the 19th century. ( Mexico: History, 2016) Chile Chile was originally under the control of the Incas in the north and the nomadic Araucanos in the south. Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan became the first European to sight Chilean shores, in Diego de Almagro claimed Chile as part of the Spanish Empire in 1536, and in 1541 Pedro de Valdivia commenced the Spanish conquest despite strong resistance by Araucanians in southern Chile. (Chile: History, 2016) United States The original inhabitants came from diverse groups, many of which had advanced civilizations, extensive farming operations, and established trade routes. From the 17th century on, Native Americans were displaced by European settlers, who came for riches, territory, and religious freedom. Between 1607 and 1730, 13 British colonies were established on the East Coast. (United States of America: History, 2016) (United States of America: Flag, 2016) ( Mexico: Flag, 2016) (Chile: Flag, 2016)
