l1 - POWERGRID to CERC... · (CTU) under compressed time schedule through regulated tariff...


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Petition under SectiQn 79 ( l ) (c) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation l l l 8 i14 of the CERC Conduct of Business Regulations,l999 and appropriate provisions of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2889; - CERc (Sharing of interstate ?rans.~iss!c:: Charges and Losses) Regiilatioii~, 20iO; CERC(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014; Central Electricity Regulatory Corr~mission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme to Centra! Transmission Utility) Regulations, 281C.


Signing of Long Term Access Agreement for Transmission System for immediate eblacuation of power frolii Earlipaiii TPS and Grant of Reguiaiory Approvai for execution of transrnjssion system.

Fower Grid Corporation of india Ltd. W---- PETITIONER Registered office: B-9, Qutab Institutional Area,

_ Katw_acia_SarajMwD.elhi_ a n d - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate office: "Saudamini", Plot No.: 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon ( Haryana.)- 122 001.

NTPC Ltd. RESPONDENTS Represented by iis Chairman ana Others as per Appendix A


6 7-1 5 16-1 S

' 2. ( Memo of Parties : Appendix A

5. Annexure 1A: Copy of Respondent N o l ' s I 1 application for Grant of Connectivity dated


3. 4.

1 18-22


1. / Letter for registration

Petition Affidavit --

27:01.2011 Annexure 1B: Copy of the Respondent IVo.

l 1 l ' s application dated 16.05.2011 on behalf of the beneficiaries under Form LTA-2


Encl. No.

1 23-27 1 ) 7.

Page No.

addressed to the Petitioner Annexure 1C: Copy of the letter from the Petitioner dated 26.04.2012 addressed to the Respondent No.1 intimating grant of connectivitv

28-31 I Annexure I Q : Copy of the letter from the Petitioner dated 10.04.201 3 addressed to 32-38

( Respondent No. 1 requesting necessary 1 I actions for signing of relevant commercial (


agreements by beneficiaries of the generation project Annexure 2: The planned transrnission l

10. system for evacuation of power Annexure 3: Copy of the Office


the Peti:ioi?~i ~irgil-ig theiii to sign the L I W

on an urgent basis i l

Memorandum dated 27.05.2013 of the Ministry of Power approving the given §themes to be irnpiernented by PGC-!L (CTU) under compressed time schedule through regulated tariff mechanism. Annexure 4: Copy of the letter dated 17.01.201 1 addressed by the Ministry of Power to Respondent No.1 directing it to complete the awards and start works on the

1 1 given projects within 12-18 months. ~nnexure 5 (Collv): Copy of various I

I letters addressed ts the ER Constituents by i I l

5.1 ) Copies of the Letters dated I O9TQT2CC<2r1;5.01.201e,.l̂r. 66.20 1 4, 23.07.2014 and 04.08.201 4 I addressed by the Petitioner to Bihar State Power Transmission Company







Copies of the Letters dated 09.12.201 3, 19.06.201 4 and 01.08.2014 addressed by the Petitioner to Jharkhand State Electricity Board Copies of the Letters dated



61 -62


I 09.?2.2013, 'l9.06.2014 and

/ 28.07.2014 addressed by the l Petitioner to Energy and Power

- 2 -



Department, Govt. of Sikkim Copies of the Letters dated 09.12.2013, 19.06.2014, 28.07.2014 and 04.08.2014 addressed by the Petitioner to West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd Copy of the letter dated 03.10.2013 addressed by GRI DC0 Ltd, Bhubaneswar to the Petitioner

Annexure 6: Copy of the minutes of the relevant extracts of the 26Ih TCC & ERPC meetings held on 17-1 8.01.2014 wherein the problems posited by Respondent No.5

CM No. 16060 of 2011 in W.P. (C) 701 71201 1 [Maharashtra State Electricity Distribu,tion Co. Ltd. v. CERC and another], CM Nos. 11667/2012, 57212013 in WP (C) No. 4867129012 [GRIDCO Ltd v. State of Orissa and Others], CM No. 12129/2013 in iAJP(C) E=, 5395/2012 F'Jest Sefigai State Electricity Distributior! Company Ltd and Anr v. CERC and others] and CM No. ?l66612012 in WP(C) No. 5397120912 [Bihar State Electricity Board v. UOI and Others] Annexure 8: Copy of the letter dated 05.08.2014 addressed by the Petitioner t~ Respondent No.? urging it tz sign the L T M since the h---&;-;--: VG, 1 a 1 b l a 1 1 ~ ~ identified by the Responcien'r had iaiied to do the same. Annexure 9: Project !nception Report



- Filed by

Pswep Grid C = : p c r M ~ d i a u d ,

in signing the LTAA were noted. Annexure 7: A true copy of the order of High Court of Delhi dated 30.07.2013 in

K" Represented bv: Avin h M Pavai

Additional General ~anager (Regulatory ce;) Place: Gurgaon Dated: Sept 2844



Petition under Section 79 (1) (c) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 111 & 114 of the CERC Conduct of Business Regulations,l999 and appropriate provisions of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium- term Open Access in inter-State TransrnissIon and ;e!ated matters) Regulations, rrnnn. rrrnrr - L W W J ; bemb [Sharing of interstate Tr2nsmisslos~ Chzrges and Losses) !?egulatSo~s, 2010; CERC(Te;ms and Coiidiiioiis of Tariffj Reguiations 20i4; Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme to Central Transmission Utility) Regulations, 201 0.


- Signing of Long ! e m .Access .A.~reemen for Transmissicn System f ~ r i ~mzd ia ts eiiacuatior! nf - 8 newer r i r c n Dariiparii TPS and Giaiit of Regi i iat~i-~ Approvai for execution of transmission system.

Power Grid Corporation of india Ltd. ---- PETI'I'IONER Registered office: 3-9, Qutab Institi;tional Aiea,

- Kat'vm-ia Seral, N e w De!hi a?d Corporate office: "Saudamini", Plot No.: 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon ( Haryana.)- 122 001.

- . . . . . . , , , , ,- _, _ -.. ,, .. . .~ . . . . . . - -. - --- -. - - - - - - - .- ~

NTpc Ltd. ---- RESPONDENTS Represented by its Chairman and Others as per Appendix A To The Secretary Central Electricity Regulatory Commission New Delhi


Petition under Section 79 (i) (c) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation l l l & 114 of the CERC Conduct of Business Regulations,l999 and appropriate provisions of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009; CERC (Sharing of Interstate Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010 ; CERC(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014 ; Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme to Central Transmission Utility) Regulations, 2010 may kindly be registered.

PETITIONER Power Grid C o r p o r a t i o ~ d i a Ltd.

Avgi . Repres ed by: Avin Additional ~ e n e r a l ~ a n a g e r (Regulatory cell)

Gurgaon Dated Sept 2014



Petition under Section 79 (1) (c) o f the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 111 & 114 o f the CERC Conduct of Business Regulations,l999 and appropriate provisions of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium- term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulatiorasj 2009 ; CERC (Sharing of interstate TrarramissIcn Charges and Losses) Regu!atIorrs, 2030 ; CEF?C(Terms aiid Conditions of Tariffj Regulations 2014 ; Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme to Central Transmission Utility) Regulations, 2010.


Signing of Long Term Access ,A.~reemen fgr Transmissio:: System f ~ i irniiiediaie evaciratior! c?' power from Dzriipaiii TPS and Grant sf Reguiatory Agprovai for execution of transmission system.

Power Grid Corporation of india Ltd. --D= PETITIONER Registered office: B-9, Outah !nstitution.a! Area, I/ - I \

Corporate office: "Saudamini", Plot No.: 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon ( Haryana.)- 122 001.

Represented by its Chairman and Others as per Appendix A

The Secretary Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. New De!hi

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd --- PETITIONER


Represented by its Chairman and Others as per Appendix A








. - . .. . . . .. , - 6 .p,.._. .. s R R . ~ E & ~ . & ~ ~ ~ R - ( ~ P P t . - . -. . .. . -- -- --







PE'I'ITION NO: .......... OF 2014 IN THE MATTER OF:

Petition c n d e ~ Section 79 ( 4 ) 16) ~f the ESecir[cii;v .S&, 2083 read ReggIatien + + $ & 114 of the CERC Condiici of Business -Reguiaiions,5955 and appropriate provisions of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009 ; CERC (Sharing of Interstate Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010 ; CERC(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014 ; Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of inter-State Transmission Scheme to Central Transmission Utility) Regulations, 2050.

Signing of Long Term Access Agreement for Transmission System for immediate evacuation of power from Darlipalli TPS and Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of transmission system .

Pewe: Grid Cerperaiion oi India Lid. PETITIOPSER Registered office: B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi and

I - - - - -- Corporate office: "Saudamini", Plot No.: 2,

-- p--------- --

Sector-29, Gurgaon ( HaryanaJ-1-12-XFi7-

NTPC Ltd. RESPONDENTS Represented by its Chairman and Others as per Appendix A



1. The Petitioner herein, Power Grid Corporation of lndia Ltd. is a Government

Company within the meaning of Companies Act, 1956. The Petitioner is also

discharging the statutory functions under various applicable provisions, including in

particular Section 38 of the Electricity Act, 2003. In exercise of powers under sub-

section (1) of Section 38 the Electricity Act 2003, the Government of lndia has

notified the Petitioner herein as the Central Transmission Utility.

2. That, Hon'ble Commission had notified "Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term and Medium Term Open Access to the Inter-State

Transmission and Related Matters) Regulations, 2009" in accordance with

Regulation 4 of Principal Regulation, the Petitioner being the Central Transmission Utility is designated as the nodal agency for grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access ,,A M A A:..- a l ~ u l v ~ ~ u ~ u ~ ~ l - t e r i i ~ Open Access to inter-state iransmission system and interiaici arranging the long term access.

3. NTPC Ltd. vide its letter dated 27.1.201 1 submitted an application for grant of c~nnectiviiy (Red Aasnexurz ?A) and fr_?r grar,i: ~f Long Term Access on 1F..5.2g!!

(Rei Annexure 1 Bj to CTU for transfer of power from its Darlipalli generation pro!ect (2x800MW) in Odisha to various beneficiaries in Eastern Region.

4. The intimation for Grant of Connectivity was issued on 26.4.2012 (Ref Annexure iC) by POWERGRID and the intimation for grant of Long Term Access to NTPC was issued vide letter dated 10-04-201 3 (Ref Annexure ID); in accordance with the pravisions mzde in the detailed prozedi;;e. The planned transii.iission system for evacuation of power is at Annexure -2.

5. The common transmission system for phase-l! generatior; projects in Odisha including Darlipalli is to be implemented through Tariff Based Cnmpetiti\.le Bidding

route. However, the imp!ement=itinn of immediate evacuatia~ systex of Dariipzlli viz. Darlipalli - Jharsuguda 765 kV Dlc line has been entrusted by Ministry of Power to

POWERGRID under compressed time schedule through regulated tariff mechanism . - -. -.- . -. p p -- - v W % W 2 7 - 8 - 5 - 2 8 + 3 @ 0 ~ e e l + ~ e - S 1 ) : - --

6. IVTPC has informed that the lSt unit of the proposed Generation project shall be commissioned in June-2018 and start-up power shall be required by March, 2016 through the above mentioned line. POWERGRID has gone ahead with preparation of DPR followed by tendering activities like NIT was published on 18-04-2014 and opening af bid (-lSt Envelepe) was held s~ 19-06-2014. The bids are under evaiuation.

7. The approval of Govt. of India under Section 68 of Electricity Act 2003 has also been obtained by POWERGRID vide letter dated 13 June 201 3.

8. It is stated that as per the letter dated 17-01-201 1 of the Ministry of Power, Govt of India the power from Darlipalli TPS has been allocated as 50% of power to the home state of Odisha, 35% to other constituents of Eastern Region and 15% to unallocated quota. A copy of the letter dated 17.01.201 1 addressed by the Ministry of Power to Chairman and MD, N'TPC Limited is annexed herewith as Annexure-4.

9. The Long Term Access (LTA) Application filed by NTPC Limited and the grant of the Long term access to NTPC vide petitioner's letter dated 16.05.201 1 for Darlipalli STPP-I (2x800 MW), bring out the following: .

1 Beneficiary 1 Power allocation as per LTA I Power Allocation as per l I States I I l

1 application and grant l


1 Min of Power, Govt. of I I I / lndia l


Jharkhand 1 102.1 1 MW / 35% to Eastern Region 1 I I

l DVC l

--- l states other than home (

Bihar 154.13 MW


1 Sikkim I

l Sub-total 55.28MW ( vim. 35% approx..) 1

S . , 1 vvest 1 Benga!

75.29 MW

I 283.75

It was stated in the LTA Application with respect to Odisha that (**) : it shall separateiy take up development of the evacuation system for its share (-793.25MW).


10. Proceeding under the Application, the Petitioner has taken up the matter with ER- constituents to sign the LTA agreement as they are the firmed up beneficiaries of the LTA grant. The various correspondences are being collectively placed as Annexure- 5 [Colly]. However, despite its best efforts in this direction, the Petitioner has been unable to have the LTA Agreements signed by the beneficiaries. The ER-

constituents have either cited difficulties or have just plainly averted signirrg the LTA Agreement. Due to this, the implementation of the transmission has stalled.

15% Unallocated Unallocated quota of 237.98 MW would be distributed to

. . . - - ~ ~ - b g R e f i c ~ ~ ~ ~ y x o p & i ~

to allocated share till Govt of India issues the notification

I l . It is brought to the notice of this Hon'ble Commission that in the 26fh ERPC meeting held on 18-01-2014, few constituents viz. West Bengal and Sikkim stated that power from the Darlipalli Generation Plant has not yet been allocated by Ministry of Power and moreover, unless there is settlement of disputes on POC issues, it would be difficult to sign the agreement. Relevant extract of the ERPC minutes in this regard is placed at Annexure-6.

2 ;L. !,%;it respect itfe settlement of dispuies PiQC issues, it is sutimiinied, +$at the

Hon'ble High Court of Delhi has upheld the POC Regime and the Regulations made therein in its common order dated 30.07.2013 in CM No. 16060 of 201 1 in W.P. (C) 70171201 1 [Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. v. CERC and another], CM Nos. 1166712012, 5721201 3 in WP (C) No. 4867129012 [GRIDCO Ltd v. State of Orissa and Others], CM No. 1212912012 in WP(C) No. 539612012 [West Bengal U ctate Electricity Distributicn Csrnpany Ltd and Anr v. CERC and others] and C?!! ?!c. -l1666i20i2 in Vv'P(C:! No. 5397i20912 [Binar State Eiectricity Board v. uOl ana Others]. It may also be noted that West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company was one of the applicants for ad-interim stay of the impugned Regulations which was dismissed by the aforesaid order of the Hon'bie High Court of Delhi. A true copy of the order of i i iyh Court of Deihi dated 30.07.2013 iii the matters quoted

above is annexed nerewitn as Annexerre-7.

13. It is further submitted that the aforesaid order was made by the Hon'ble High Court I - .- - - -

c f D N h m i r e c t i o n s of P l e w o u r t w h i c h ~ t r a i i s f e r r e d writ petitions trom various High Courts involving challenges to the CERC (Sharing of Interstate Transmission and Losses) Regulations, 2010. Pending the final disposal of the Writ Petitions pending before the High Court of Delhi, the High Court has categorically directed the respective ER-c~nstituents tc! abide by the conditions ir! the impugned CERC Regulations, 2010 with regard to the payments to Power Grid Corporation of ir7dia Limited, under the existing P 0 6 methodology The reievant portior! of the order dated 30.07.201 3 is being quoted below-

"14.. . Consequently, this Court is of the opinion that the applications for ad-interim stay of the impugned regulations have no force; they are consequently dismissed 15. ...

Nevertheless, to put the matter beyond the pale of controversy,

in the impugned regulations, with regard to payments to the Power Grid Corporation. "


14. It may further be noted that there is not only an absence of ad interim stay of the impugned regulations; rather, the applications for ad interim stay have been categorically dismissed by the High Court. In light of the order of the High Court, it -2v safely be stated that there Is dispute with respect 2s the manner ifi which the CTU and the DlSCOMs are to function pending the final disposal of the Writ Petitions of the DISCOM Petitioners pending before the Delhi High Court. In light of the above, the approach of the ER- constituents is to merely prolong the implementation of the transmission system without any justifications.

15. It is also to be submitted that delay in signing of LTA. Agreement for whatever reason is dela-ying the impleineiitatizlii zlf the trsiismissioii line resiiltiiig in adverse impact on commissioning 1 evacuation of the generation project.

16.The regulatory framework and procedure for signing of the LTA Agreement is contained in Regu!atio!! ? 5 of the CERC (Grant of Connecti\!ity, Long-term Access and Access i? hier-Slate Transmission and related matters) Reg~lizticns, 2009 2nd Para 24 of the Detailed Procedure laid down under the Regulations. The provisions are being quoted below for reference- .

- -. - .- -....---p -. .p--.-------.--.

Regulation 15 of the 2009 Regulations provides as under:


15. E.xecution of Long-term Access Agree-meat

The applicant shall sign an agreement for long-term access with the Central Transmission Utility in case long-term access is granted by the Central Transmission Utility, in accordance with the provision as may be made in the detailed procedure. While seeking long-term access to an inter-State transmission licensee, other than the Central Transmission Utility, the applicant shall sign a tripartite long- term access agreement with the Central Transmission Utility and the inter-State transmission licensee. The long-term access agreement shall contain the date of commencement of long-term access, the point of injection of power into the grid and point of drawal from the grid and the details of dedicated transmission lines, if any, required. In case augmentation of transmission system is required, the long- term access


Agreement shall contain the time line for construction of the facilities of the applicant and the transmission licensee, the bank guarantee required to be given by the applicant and other details in accordance with the detailed procedure.




jvi) Ir? case ~i applicanis w h ~ have aiready fir,r;led rrp [he enfiiy or entities to ~~hor r? e!ectr;icity is proposed to be supplied or from whom electricity is proposed to be procured for the entire quantum of power for which LTA has been sought through

. . uT, r r r i

owned by the Central Government or Ultra Mega Power Projects coming up through the initiative of the Central

I - -p-. Government, allocation of power to various beneficiaries as -

noiified by ii, ihen ine appiicani shali noi be required io submii Bank Guarantee(BG) with the application form or the Construction Stage BG. In such cases, however, the augmentation of the transmission systern as icietiiiiieci for giant of LTA shall be undertaken only after agreement of the beneficiaries in Standing Committee on Power System P/aiiningi'Begi~iia/ Power Committee for Searing its transmission charges. The applicant shall submit a copy of PPA or notificaiion made by Govi. of India, whichever is applicable. The long-term access agreement, may, in such cases be directly signed by the beneficiaries with the CTU or tripartite agreement with the CTU and ISTS, as the case may be.


17. It is clear from the conjoint reading of the two provisions cited above make it that in case where the beneficiaries of the LTA grant are firmed up, either the firmed-up beneficiaries of the LTA Applicant may sign the agreeme -- !nt with the CTU. However,

in the instant case, neither the beneficiaries nor the LTA Applicant have turned up to sign the LTAA.

18. The Hon'ble Commission may be apprised of the fact that having failed to achieve the execution of LTAA with ER-Constituents (firmed-up beneficiaries of the LTA grant) the Petitioner CTU has urged NTPC Limited to sign the LTA Agreement witholrt any delay so that power may be evacuated without any hindrance or delay. v; ; ne NTPC was also app;ised af the fact that in absence of the 1T.A-A, it shall not be

possible for the Petitioner to obtain Investment approva! fro.m its Board, which is a basic requirement to take further action in regard to installation of ATS. A copy of the letter dated 05.08.2014 addressed by the Petitioner to NTPC Limited is annexed herewith as Ar~nexure 8.

79. It is further stated that a peci;liari:j: has emerged with respect to the 50% allocation of the generated power to the home state of Odisha which is creating another hold- up in the impiementation of the transmission system. Respondent No. 5, GRIDCO in its letter no. S.G.M.-(PP)-5612013 dated 03.10.2013 has stated that it was planning to sell the allocated share of 800MW from Darlipalli TPS through an

evacuation of such power on behalf of GRIDCO. In this regard, it is urged that Respondent No. 5 being an identified beneficiary of the Ministry of Power's direction

. for allocation of 50% power to the 'Home States' must sign the LTA Agreement - . -- -....-.-p

without any deiay and irrespective of GRIDCB's plans of seliing of its alloeatecl share to any trading agency.

20. With respect to the above, it is submitted that Odisha is a beneficiary of Darlipalli TPS as per the allocation made by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. We therefore submit that GRIDCO -Respondent 5 should also sign the LTA Agreement. Further, as nnr rUs para. 46. of the Order dated 13.12.201 1 ef the !-!enlb!e Commissien in response to our petition no. i54/MF/2011 for grant of reguiatory approvai for execution of Transmission Scheme required with IPP generation projects, Hon'bte commission has ordered that "the transmission system which have been granted regulatory approval shall be included in PoC charges."

21. In light of the aforesaid the Petitioner is seeking regulatory approval under Clause 3."Scope and applicability" and "Clause 4" of the CERC (Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme to Central Transmission Utility) Regulations, 2010. The Project Inception Report for implementation of the Transmission Systems is annexed herewith as Annexure -9.


22.The petition requires an urgent hearing in light of the fact that the 1'' of the Generation project is scheduled to be commissioned in June 2078. The transmission line from the Generation Project up to Jharsuguda has been entrusted to the petitioner for execution in compressed schedule by Ministry of Power. The beneficiaries have shown reluctance in signing the LTA Agreement due to which, the petitisner is not in position io take up the investmen'; ir: ixpiementaiion of the


Due to these facts, we request the Hon'ble Commission to take up the matter for urgent hearing.


In view of the aforesaid it is respectful!y prayed that the !-!orrlb!e Comn.lission would be

pleased to

a) List the matter for urgent hearing in light of the grounds ralsed above.

b) Direct the Respondents- ER-Constituents to sign the required Long Term Access . - - -- - _ P . ~ ~ i ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ t ~ cl -krn-d . .

Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters)

Regulations, 2009 and the Detailed Procedure with the Petitioner, without any

delay, ss that the transmission system fzlr waciiatioi? zlf power from Daiiipaiii TFS

could be taken up.

-\ -I I:: thz alternative, direct Respoiideiii No. 'l NTFC iii-iiiied to sign the required iong

Term Access Agreement in line with Regulations 15 of CERC (Grant of Connectivity,

Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and

related matters) Regulations, 2009 and the Detailed Procedure with the Petitioner,

without any delay.

d) Grant Regulatory approval for taking up implementation of identified transmission

systems at Annexure-9 for transmission of power for immediate evacuation of power

from Darlipalli TPS of NTPC Limited who have been granted ConnectivityILTA.

e) As indicated at para 5 above, grant approval for inclusion of the assets for which the

transmission charges are to be recovered through the Point of Connection Charge

methodology or any other sharing mechanism notif'


f) and pass such other relief as Hon'ble Commission deems fit and appropriate under

the circumstances of the case so as to avoid recurrence of such incidences leading

to the &!ay lr! exesuti~n of transrcissi~r! net,vork.


Place: Gurgaon Dated: September 2014

Add! Genera! ?.qanager (Ragulatorqr can)

- PETITION NO: ..........

B 114 of the CERC Conduct of Business -Regulations,1999 and -appropriate @revisions of the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term . - Open - Access - . . in inter-State Tra'nsmission and - - related matters) Regulations, 2009; - u=--a U; $ ~ R c ( ~ e r m s and conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014; Central ~ lbctr ic i ty Regulatory Commission (Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of Inter-State Transmission Scheme to Central Transmission Utility) Regulations, 2010. c!


- i ign ing of Long Term Acces; Ag&ement for Transmission System for immediate 4vacl;ation of power from Darlipalli TPS and Grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of transmission system. ' '

power Grid Corporation oflndia Ltd. -m--- PETITIONER Registered office: 6-9, Qutab Institutional Area, flatwaria Sarai, New Delhi 'and Corporate office: "Saudamini", Plot No.: 2, dector-29, Gurgaon ( Haryana.)- 122 001.

ATPC ~ t d . RESPONDENTS ?ep~-esented by ~ t s Cha~rman and Others as per Appendix A 1

I Hv~nash M P





(Regulatory Cell) in the Power Grid Corporation of lndia Ltd., having its registered officer at 8-9, Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-l10 016, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:-

1. That, I am the AGM (Regulatory Cell), Power Grid Corporation of lndia Ltd., the representative of the Petitioner in the above matter, and am duly authorized to swear this affidavit.

2. The statements made in the petition herein are based on petitioner compaiiy's official iecoid maintaiiied iii the oidiiiai-ji coiirse of biisiiiess aiid i believe them to be true and correct.

3. The documents attached with the petition are legible copies and duly attested by me.



Sniemniy afr:irn?ed at cCl;urqa@n nn fn/s .September 2016 that the contents gf the above affidavit are true to my ~nowiedge and beiiei and no part of it is faise and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

I .-P

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NTPC Limited ;,4 GO"? ..d I b w 3 , Er-!eipi.js:

, Eaccuti\.e Iiirec:or (SEF & ZE): Power Grid Corperatior? ef Indh Limifed, "Saudsminin, Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Near IFFCO C h0!+~1c, Gurgaan - 122001 Fax: 0124-2571809 Sub: Applicr~tion for. Grant of Connectivity

L?ear Sir,

With rcfcrcncc to ihc abovc subjcct, please find enclosed herewith our appiica~ion for Gnct cf Connet?ivity for fc!!~'iliIr!g ??PC Prcjec!~:

I . Kudgi STPF-I (3x800Mi'v3 ,_-d Darlipdli STPP - I (2xXOOhIW)

-....-S . ,A ,.-,.X S.. .. .c-%, h= STPP-I (2~801)MW)

5 . Tmda STPP- Tl(2x660>I\V) 45, Barethi STPP (6xfXOMW)

I - --pp-

7. Gidderbaha STPP (4x660 M W) g. c/-1 I U U L P I IT- n -I! 1 r /I-,= I.UCC MW)

In line with the Dotajlcd Procedure of Central Trananission Utility Unda Regulation 27 ( I ) of the CERC (Grant of Con!lectivity, Long term Access and Medium - tel-tn Open Access in interstate transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009, l'ollowing forms are enclosed for each of the above project dully tilled in:

i . Format - COh- I (Aflidavil) - 1 - ko;.mat CION-2 (.;i,pp~ica~ion) +. . - " . , . i 1rir2.~n~.[ir.!!~ !.cgarding specific actions iniiiald fur p c u j ~ ~ i piei-,sir-iioiy iictiViliG -. a..

4 . RTC$rz~&~x-f~r Rs.~~$l,l,lQ,QOfJ,i,l- e+?cjref theabove Projects .ar~Si.~X<2. I to 7 and Rs. 3?00.li i j(j i- for FC?L;TPB-I\; (51. No. Fj.

We reqllesr for your kind grant of Connectivity for the abovc stated prajwts at the earliest.

Thanking You.

@%d\Y (Abl jit Sen)

m%n'Em amifem flm. m i. v-sv. &m-24, VtR a m #. 13. dm-r @.IT.) W-201301 ENGINEERING OFFICE COMPLEX, Plot No. A-8A, SecIjr-24. Pgst Box No. 13, NOlDA (U.P.) Pin-201301 2 M . r : 0120 -,1410933 (10 H*) 0120-2410118 '(5 FT&) $m : 0120-2410136. 0120-241013 Telephone : 0120-2410333 (10 Lines) ' 0120-2410116 (5Lines) Fax : 01 20-2410136, 0120-241013 I-dQammfm ;m.f t .dt .~R. ~ . & m ~ . 7 . ~ m . ? ; r N t - z t s , + M - r 1 0 0 Regd. Office : NTPC Bhowan. SCOPE Complex. 7. lnstltuflonal Area. Lodhi Road. New Delhi-1

In rh! iilaltcr of killing applicaii~tn to Po\ver Cirid Corporarion of India Lirnircd. tiir g-8111 r l f - C .

- . . I P . I S P n . ... r.-: -*. ,. -If>,-,'? q-~. - i- c ! ! ! ~ ~ t : ~ i i :.;IILYC! L. i..nc. ~LL: ,LIIL>ILIII> . -*.>>.zL.z 1 \ 8 1 a? ..

I . Abhyjil Sen S.;o Shri K . I . . Stn. \\.orking 3r .-\ciditiontll Geiicrsl klanilgcr in Projcct Engineering i)epa!;ft!lcili (E!r.ci!.icai o f K.[ F'(' ;.:d._ hering iis i.at.isic:cl] ul?ice N.-!-]'(' Il!l;ii1;;?n. Sc;,p~ i ' i~rnp!~: . 7 Insil . l i iu~i~il [!,.ca. I . d i IC\i:itl. ?in- Ilclhi- 1 10 :l03 do sn1cr;;i;lp al'lirm a~ici say a s li~llov:~:

.... . - . ~ . , . . , - .. -- - -~~ ~ -~~ - ~ ~ . . ~~ - --p-L

I I , -. ALi JIys5 ibl. col~!.e~,!~~~nLir!~cc. ~ l ~ ~ v ~ ( ~ ~ E - ~ i c ~ ~ ) q ~ < ~ ~ < ~ ; 1,TI); Engirteeri~lg Qfficc i

i Coil1 ~dlex,A-SA,Scctor- I

l . . . . . . . - . . . . .- _ .. ~- . - - ...... - . . l 34,NOTT)A -201301(U.P) -. - 7

i i , -3~. : Contact Dc~ails . ._ I

p . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I I. - . / Prinle Collracl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Person ' Sllri Abllijit Sell p--.--, 1 I I Llesignalio~l ......... -. I AGM(1'E-Elect) .----,--p-..-.-

l ~ l i o ~ l e No. (IJandlil .. ---- / 0120-2410441 ....... ........... I 1 0965099260 1 1

! .. . ~ - - ~ -- -~~ . . . . . . . .~ .. ... , . - . . . - .. -- _ I , --. 1 /.a:< ! V n ' r q k i : d - i + l .r + < " . A " V 18-28

.. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : .- _J . . t

1 li T~Iail / alaeil/u11~-pccoc.i.o. in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- !

I A ltcl.lltltc C:(>ninci Person / ~ h ~ i S.S.Mishra

! L-P ... ...-...-p i I'llnne Nc!. (Landline) ..... i 0120-2310729- ... . ' . . ' .' ,,, .---- .p--p-

: fip,-Pa<,<,. * , d F

i - I -. J7 !

C , , . . -- p----- ~. ., . U - - - . L - - . . - 1

j I : ~ ~ ~ -. -..-p p--. . i 612o.-a-sl!r . . . . . .----~--.-- r OR i i i E biail / ssatisllrac~!ntr>ceoc.cu.in i 4. j Nature or Application ___

I Crener~101. (other than capti\?c'l 1 , -- -- Gcncrafor " --p- -- L

i P -c:. .- /- ,,,,..,. , ,, . - -. .----..-p

1 5 . Delaiis nfConnect iv i~y i .

i 5 a. ( Cap~rcit)- (MW) Sor ~vliicl~ connt.ctivity is 1 1600 MW I j . I 1 i red i I I I .....-.. . ..... L -.-.---A. .... - - I r , / 7 L? i i>;.i~c i'ro,ll l . x . ~ l i c ~ , ~ ~ l l , , ~ , c c ~ ~ , ~ i y rqLi ip2d (jc; .. 20 j 4 f:;;. i

I t i n ; Co~l l~~l i ss iu~i i i~g I ' O R C ~ 1 1.. . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . .p----. -.L!-.. . : 1 , i ,),) o ~ [ ~ l c (:;c,. ,,.,., !,., ~ ~ > . - ~ : - - - ! - . . l l .

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I G. I. C L L I

I I CI.>!)SL!!l]i;!'

. . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . I - .......... +;c;ilds;~ -. . L;4kBcl:rriHi . ~ I . ~ . ~~&rJitxdi-~ ~ .

I 13islricl I SLIII~:I~C:I~II ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... >. ....... -~ , [ j I Orissa l

. - . . . . .... ... ..- ....... -- .......... . . ~ - - - . - - ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~~

T)ci;>i!s of [llC <~;ciicr2f;9i-, ~ i ; l ~ ; o i i ; (2 . I -. .- -. - - . . . . . . . . - -. --

Kc'l1111c. i:)Sill~ Po\\.cI. Plcll1t Ihi~lipali S l PI-' ,.-. --P- P . . . . . .

!'i.i)lXCi1<i' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... ...

?4'I.IY. I .- , [ \ l , -.

Coal , -. - - - Fuel

- -- .- - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

f-';o!,!ri.c :if ! : ! :L ' ! :E~!!;I~W:! . ' . I -

..--.----p-- -- - ... . . -....-,-.pp

C;enel.a! ion Vol1~1gc l

-- j 2OkV-27 I iV ---p-

l .... ........ .-

I-----':-- ! Step-LI~ vo[t:~ge

l _ . . .......................... p-pp.. 1 400 kV

I Is it an itlrntit?cd nt.criei.( hv CF.A : No 1 / - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ S .. r.. -...._.-.p- .-

Uasc l.oad/l'enk load Base I;oacl . ... - ..... . -. ........ .,

/ !(,l, 1 L>e{;ii!? cc>Jc:4rc:;! : + l ] [ ) i m ! ) ~ ~ ~ < ~ ~ \ , / i (2') ! -32/33 !.;\I &-23j!-~j~~;!car -. , I r ! ~ L ! [ ~ s ; ~ ~ ~ ~ c ! l ? 5


I 1 S/S. 2pp:o~. 5 . 4 !*r<,m 1

! i i ! 1 sit.<. I I I ! (h i 270/ I .32/3-<l<V i

i I I 13udclIii;tp:lda S!S. :tppros 1

i / j4$;, f G i n l i

! (c) 132kV Jharsuguda SiS, ! ...... j , , , , ,,, ' ...-- ,i i 5 1 . c . , . ~

-- .- .... .........-..... 1

I .... -- ... ! ( ).\vllel. ,-~ ---

0l3 ! Cl.- -- I (h) _ Ue~ail i a ~ ~ a a w s t 4000/220: 1 3 l k V i 400i765kV .Iliarsug~ida I j Substations

I i pooling SIS. appros 50kM -.

I i . . . . . . . . l I from sitc. i i 1 p(;('ii C P- -l:--=

L 1 1 . I Details ofe-lransaclion (Application I'zc _ ) .... l l ! . . . i \mo i~n t (ill Rs.) . . . . . . . I '3.000001-(Ninc ....... lakh olll).) : - .

~- l 'tansaction Rel' N o . i 2(jl i 02-i l OS(iij3859 .......... !_IIL---~ . ........ ......


j f > < , l . , I.JLILC : ?'?,!(:! ,p() ! / 1 . . . . . . . . . . _ .._....-..-.-._-...p- . P--.-.... .i

1 Application S Iiind acqiiisition j 1 i sub~ l l i l ~sd (31.07.10) I

.- ........... - . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !. . . . . . . ........ . l

Envirotiinc:ntaI clearance thr ' f<1,-2 1.epost subnli~ted 10 SPCR / - - - . ,.

the power stntion i (02. I i . Z I l i U) 1-0s !?lri?lic. ileariuc. . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .- ! - . . ;

cc,i-c5i {.,*ltii j.=i i , i j - 1 :.'i,i-i.jr cj,i-i;i~ance til;;ii;-i- i2r-c.:&.tss. I t : l : - i L. .- : l- ' . - L -


Dated: 16'" b!ay120 1 1

2-0 Esccutive Direcior (SEF & CE) Power Grid Corporation of lndia Ltd. "Ssudamini" Plot No. 2 Sector-29, C g r g ~ i i - 12202 i Hayana Fax No. : 0124-2571 8OcJ

Sub: Long Tern1 Access (ZTA) application for Darlipalli STPP-I (2X 800 MW)

Q & z,

Please find enclosed the LTA application including Fornlat LTA-I and LTA-2 along with the I -

application fees of RS, 6,00,00Q (Rupees six lacs only) vide bankers cheque No 699662 dated Q nn - . . "Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access and

iqediuut-term @a1 h c z s s in b i t ~ - ~ a i ~ Trans7;iwicn aod rejatci rnatiers E~gidtiii~si~" 2!?!!y and subsequent procedures dated 3 1.12.2009. The dralvls of various beneficiaries, considered in the applicatiot~ are considered as pe. MOP allocation letter dated 17.OI.2011 for home state and res7 3% as per existing Go1 guidelines. Finai allocation of power shall bt: as notified by GoI Crurn iiiiie iii " r i m . A~;i;!icc;:icr, fer C?=?? of C~naectivil); has alrcady been ~ m d e vide our leltcr 6 k c d 2?.C! ,20! ? (ccpy of !etter enclased:l. NTPC is making this application on behalf of the 'beneficiaries. The iret~cficisiss, in ?PI$ signed with IJTPC, lime agreed for subsequent signing c?!' c!! neccsary rigreernerl~s includirig BP'TA etc. with Powergrid ! otllcr tnmsmission 1ice;lsec - L . , . . d r ~ / e l o ~ ! ~ y yle ir:cntif'ti.d &ras;n:sslofi s j ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ , c~izstk?r!din~ d ~ c i r flnai share of aiiocaic:i

-S-.. -- -- -

.------- Thanking you

Yours faithhlly

p%--%+/ (A. B -U Roy) DGM (Commercial)

Encl. 1 . L TA-l- Affidavi~ 2. LTA-2 3 . Bankers Cheque No. 699662 dated 1 1.05.201 1 4. Letterdated 27.01.201 1 forCJm1t afConnectivity

w a * * ~ G ~ * * r n . r . d * q r l p r ; m y i + a : ~ * d N'TPC B b ~ o n , SCOPE Complex. 7. Inslilutional h a . Lodl Road, New Dolhi-110003.

In the marter of filing application to Power Grid Corporatioi~ of India Limited, for grant of Long- tegn Access under CERC Regulations 2009.

i :A. Basu KO? Sio i . a k Shri S. C. Basu Roy working as Uept:ty Gcncral hlnz~agcl. (dbn~merc i~ l ) in MTPC L.td, having its registered office a! NTYC Hhuwan, SCOPE Complex, ?, Inp!itutio!lti! i?l.i.n. Lodi Road, Ne~.v Del!!i-l !0003, dc sc!emn!)~ affirm ar?d s q as fo!lows:

4 I r .. -1. - T'. --... L.. 2 s . \ . L ZI,! 3 !tic; J J V ~ ! ~ , ? \2vziec-:tj A~vTi:uzjge~. (3: y<TFC ;-id. r-er~resetiPdii-l!~ i! itbl:~t;e ! 11a1ie1. ;::K!

Galj: at i :~( ; ; izz3 to ij:e t:ie zbove ajjplica;icn 2nd ififike iiiis affidfiii. - P

P - P - P

! gli11n:t ?:?,:i ' d f s X i I * ( - i t i . 1s a ~cgi,:~~ed ;Ol;ipa;!) T~11311i L:d liegist~rci! cl:dct Col!;pzi:~c-s A&. Untie1 lhe ~11 ic le 01 ~ssociat~oll df the Company and 111 ;rccordance \vlth lhe prov~s~ons o i El$c:icity Act, 2003/relc\~ar1t Regulat~on(s) of CERC, the company can file the encloscd appi~cation.

I dibrnit that all the details given in the enclosed application for grant o f G c + w W m X & R - Q ~ ~ R ~ G G P ? F A I , O ~ I ~ Term Access alongwith necessary documents are true and correct and

i F<:tnic ihc Apptirnni KTPC i i ~ n i i e d (url bellaif t ~ f

beucficinrios listed 3t 5c)

2 iIddrc3s for Col-rnespondence NTPC Bhitvan, Corc-7, Scope Compies, 7, Institutional Ares, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

3 Contact I>ctails .. . 8 , i ' - - r , - ~ ii--- i Ljll;c :-:.:;llc:b: 2-Gi>.t;ii A. Bnsa Roy

Designation Deputy Genera! Man:lger I'llonc No.(Landlinc j 01 2-24364383 i3hone No.(Mobilcj 9650990231

Fax 24360328 W. . * ., c-ivia] i abasurol;i~nt!~~.tct.iii

.--7 L- Alienu~?~ C ~ f i i x i P e i ~ i i L.=. %hii&ti Designation Additional General Manager

Phone No.(Landline) 011-24368235

Fa.. 2436ii32ii E-Mail clm~onclol@ntpe.co.in

4 Nature of t!rc Applic-imt . . ~uormai Gel~craior joihcr iilarl c q ~ i i v z j X I ... X CS

p--&:--- LA- . ..'<tJt UGiLCi C l i J l

I q ~ ~ j k Consumer Elect;.icit.-: TrsA,2;-

. . . - . - - . l \ ...,,. ,,-.. ,.,... 8 ,.-.-7.'.a.> ,-?>.7,L:L,L,L\.,:> L:LL::JL<.

Sa Quantum (3lW) fora which LTA -- 793.25 - MIV required

COD . C:umulative Q u a n t ~ ~ m

511 Untc fi-0111 wliicIi LTA I-eiluiretl Unit -1 31.05.2015 396.63MW (iiot c3ni:iei- tAw1 3 y~.m.sfi.oni ;lie liisi Unit -11 30.11.2015 793.35 M W clqv c!lerhs nrvt~rh in ~ ~ h i c h :zpplicuiio~i

. . .;a. ii'iil: i ~ , a [ < ! t t ; x i < i t i \ i L t ! i i t f - ~ ? i 1 1 1 1 I 1 . 3 'L'

. > I T . l * . - . l ~ * x ?

8 ' / , .. : < , ,.-- , ; ; l ..\ ; ,.# !! +, .,.. ,::; ;;:<, , $:!L

. . . ; ! c , ; j ; ;; r;!\ / ! ; ;. , . < ; ; i j ; , .j;

. . . . , .

: L l . L.. : 7 : 2 s

. I . j ' . . : , . 6 . . . . . .! [ i i- !< i-: ! '% f $,. i< c , ,

. . - ; .:: . . . . . , , v - . , * m ; : - .

. . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . > . . . :: .

- ~

': ;::$;:[:> < i % - > [ i ; i ~ . $ . i ! ; , ~ : i . > $ j . ~ j : , ~ , ? , ; : . ! : : c ; - -- - - - -- -- -- ~- p p p

6 I)ctails cr!' D1)/Clicquc c-t~.a!?s;kc!io~! (r?pplic:ltinn Irce]

I ( I l six lacs only I:)D/C~ICL:~LIC iraiisaclio~l NO. 699663

i j;ire 11.65.-2ifj i .. .. . .

Bal~k Naillc State B;~nlc ot'Hycic~.i~baci B;.nncl~ Name New Delhi, Scope Co11iplt.x (Coit~:2DS 1 1 )

Details of Dank Guarantee Amount (in Rs) NIA

Bank Name r i - . : - * l -l-T>{,-l:A:.". ~-G:Ic.'u iti . nl tu l ly



?%?El FFkA : "m" Fk *. 2, M - 2 9 , 7 3 7 k - l 2 2 001, $l7 : 0224-2571700-719, &E? : 0?24-2571760,0124-2571761 W? 'm C-orpora!e Office : "Saudamini" Piot No. 2. Secior-29, Guigaon-322 302. Ha?j;'ana Tel. : 0124-2571700-719, Fax: 0124-2571760,0124-2571761 Gram : 'NATGRID'

Vd Ref. No.

Date: 26-04-20 12 Shri Abhijit Sen AGM (PE-Elect), NTPC Itd. Engineering Ofice C'ompiex A-8a, Sector-24 Noida-20 1'30 1 Ph : 0120 - 2410441; Fax : 0120 -2410'108 E - ~ a i i : aksen@,i7t~@e~c.c~.iii

Sub: lntirnati~n for grant ~b Connectivity


This is with refererice to your application for grant of Connectivity for your 2x800 MW thermal power plant at Village Darlipali, District Sundargarh in the state of Orissa.

As decided in the meeting in regara is Connectivity I Open Access with coii~tituent~ G? Eastern Region held on 08-02-2012 at NRPC, New Delhi, the intimation letter for providing connectivity is enclosed as "FORMAT - CON-3".

In this regard, it is to mention that appiicanis are required to sig:: Csnnectinn Agreement with P@\h.'ERGRID ! ISTS Licensee, as siipiiiated in the detai!ed pr~cedure for CERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open access in inter-State iransr?issinn and related matters) Reguiatioris, 2009.

'fours r-. faithfully, 4

Executive Director (SEF, CE; IT, ERP)

m m : a-9, @ ~ v ? d '$?IT, m, m - 1 1 0 0 1 6 011-26560121 % . 011-26560039 m3 '*'

Registered Office 6-9, Qutab lnst~tut~onal

. Save Energy for Benefit of Self and

-2s -

Copy to:

Copy for kind inf~rmatioii to:

Shri K. K. Arya Chief Engineer(SP&PA), CEA, Sewa Bhawan, R K Puram New Delhi 11 00 66

ED, ERTS-II / ED, Commercial / CEO (POSOCO) / GM, CMG / GM, ERLDC

Member Secretq I Eastern Regional Power Committee 14, Golf Club Road, To!!ygunge Kolkata 700 033


liitimati~n for grsnt of Connecti\iity

'l intimation IVo. Date z

2 Ref. Appiicaiion No. & Gate

3 Name of the Applicant NTPC Ltd.

4 Address for Correspondence Shri Abhijit Sen AGM (PE-Elect), NTPC Itd. ~ n ~ i n e e r i n ~ office Complex A-8a, Sector-24 Noida-201301 ?h : 0120 - 24?!?.44?; Fax:0?20-2420208 E-Mail : aksen@ntpceoc.co.in

5 Nature of the Applicant Generator (other than captive) Generator

Captive Generator - Bulk Consumer -

6 Details for Coiiiieciivity 6a Capacity(r\nW) for which connectivity is 1600 MW


6b Point at which Connectivity is granted Jharsuguda 7651400kV sub-station of POWERGRID

- --p----p -p-

6~ Date from which eoiinactivity is giaiitecf October-201.4. (reques!ed by ~ppiicant) (subject to commissioning of Jharsuguda 7651400kV sub-station by POWERGRID and Darlipali-Jharsuguda 765kV Dlc line by the ISTS Ilcensee)

6d Transmission System Required for Darlipali-Jharsuguda 765kV Dlc line (to Chnnectivitjj be implemented by the lSTS licensee)

6e implementing Agency f9: transmissi~r; !STS !~csnsee (to be ~dcntified through

system pp required p for connectivity Tariff Based Competitive Bidding) -


6f Agenc~es between which agreement is to be Appl~cant. CTU and ISTS I~censee

signed for implementation of transmission system required for connectivity

7 Transmission Charges Applicable for the as per the relevant CERC regulations

transmission System

8 Amount (in Rupees) for which Bank RS. 5 LakhIMW for connectivlty quantum

Guarantee is to be provided by the mentioned above at Item 6a.


9 Location of the Generating Station I Bulk

Consumer Nearest Village / Town Village - Darlipali

District Sundargarh State Orissa

Latitude 21' 55' 0" N

Longitude 83%"3' 35" E

70 !nsta!!ed Capacity of the Gefiersting Station

Unit-? 800 MW Unit-2 800 MW

11 Commissioning Schedule of the Generating Station

Unit-l Oct-2015 Unit-:! April-2016

Note :

1. Applicant shali piwide Speciai proieciion Scheme (SPS) integrated into their system. Details of §PS and its setting shall be worked out by tine applicant in consultation with ERLDCI ERPC separately.

2. Applicant shall have to inform likely date of synchronization, likely quantum and period of injection of infirm power before being put into commercial operation to the SLDCfRLDC coficeined at least one riianiii in advance and obtain iheir concurrence


3. The applicant shall abide by all provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, the CERC regulation 2009 (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters) Central Electricity Authority

( T e M c a E t - 8 ~ : ~ s fcr ccnnectlvi!y !c Wm, and Indian €!eetrieity Siid Code as amended from time to time.

4. Incase of any major development, if there is any change in the transmission system to achieve overall optimization ofthe system, theh;above details 'would be modified on mutua! consent.

5. In case, in future, any other lcng-iem iransmission cust~mer(s) istare granted opeii access through the transmission system detailed above (subject to technical feasibiiity'), hetthey would also share ihe applicable transmission charges. -- F

Name: Pankaj Kumar Designation: ED (SEF, CE, i~, ERP)

Place: Gurgaon Date : 26-Apr-2012

To, Shri Abhijit Sen AGM (PE-Elect), NTPC IW. Engineering Office Complex A-8a, Sector-24 Noida-201301 Ph : 0120 - 2410441; Fax:0120-2410108 . .. , , , , , , , , , , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ... . . - . - ..... - .-- ...~......


m &- m.13 i;r;tr?9j m ( r n r n i T . i l r n )

POWER GRID CORPORATION OF IXGIA EMITm (A\. Gr~,rrn!?\u!,t oi !ndia Entcsr.pt.isc?) -

:L .<?;i i ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ j ' '~ i~i jq~a" c C ~ < ;!i 2, -&<$?:? ~ $ 1 , I ! c;++. 122 ofi 1 , ;:&T;-r!~

2571 700 - 71 9 +ci+i 2571 760,2571 761 ffT3 f'l\is. Corpol.ate office : "Saudar-nini" Plot No. 2, Sector-29. Gurgaon-122 001 tiaryar,;:

-- Ttti. : 257:760 - 719, Fax : 2571766, 2571761 Grarn : 'NX;TGRIUT

L ,,qv -- wwl ,,Fief, Nu$]& I?G!E!OO!CTU!LTP, Date: 10-04-201 3

Shri A. Basu Roy Deputy General Manager NTPC Ltd (Darlipali) NTPC Bhavan, Core-7, Scope Complex, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-1 10003

Sub: !ntImat!on fcr grant of Long Term Access &TA) fa; Darflpalli (2x809 MW) Generation Projects in Obisha.


This is with reference to your applicatiocs for grant of Long Term Access (LTA) for

evacuation of power from Darlipalli generatior! projects in Odisha. The transmission system

regarding Connectivity l MTOA I LTA with constituents of Eastern Region held on 05-01-

201 3 at POWERGRID Office, Gurgaon

In view of iiie above, the iniimaiioil for Giani of LTA is enclosed herwith.

In this regard, it is requested to take up necessav action for signing of relevant commercial

agreements by beneficiaries of the generation project and iuliill other terms & conditions as

stipn!a!ed ir! the de!ai!ed procedure fcr CE!?C (Grsn! of Connectivi?y, Long-term Access and

Medium-ten Open access in inter-State transmission and related matters) Regulations,

3009. For the same y o ~ ! may contact at following address:

E x e c C I t l v e D l ~ e ~ r ~ Commerci a tf Power Grid Corporat~on of lnd~a Limited Saudamini, Plot No. - 2, Sector - 29, Near IFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon - 122 001 Ph : 0124-2571988

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(V. R. ~ehga l ) Chief Operating Officer (CTU)

q~.?17~7 y i , : ~ j \ + ~ ] 4.9, iT:Fri l $ f l ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ l . f i ~ 1 + , . 'q! f?2~! Jr<J?] 94 f?.,ya. 1 1001 6 iiTtl!l3 265601 2 1 -7 01 1 -26!j60039 iT]? 'ii ?, 1%:~' Registered Off~ce : 8-9, &lab Ins~it~.~tionel Area, Katwarls Sara~. New Dell>\-1 1OC)lB Tel. , 265601:21 Fax : 01

*pdim'tidm Ericl-ay for HcnctTt of Self and Nzrtioii

- 32- 1

Copy to:

C o y for information in; ED !C~mmercia!) ! ED (ERTS-!) i (ERTS-i!) ! ED (Oaisna-Projectsj i CEO (POSOCO) / GM (ERLDC)

i'---- .--. . . . ~. .

i Member Secretary / Eastern Regianal Powei Committee

- -- - - . -. - Chief Engineer (SP&PAf Central Electricity Authority

1 14, Golf Club Road, Tollyglrnge , Sewa Bhawan, R K Puram I Kolkata 700 033 . . . --._ ~_ I New Delhi - 110 066.

l. . ..- . - . . . . - . - .-p -.

1-4. r~tsmation for Graiit of Long - Term Access (LTAj

Intimation No. - - - - - A-L-.-

/ CICTUITAIUEII 3/02 -- - Date : 50-04-2013

1 l -.p- _ l Ref. Appiication No. ZDate NTPC Lid-Vlde ref NO (11 CD 706 daTed I --a

I fi-(l5-3Q! ! I -3

Name nf the Applicant

Address for Correspondence Deputy General Manager NTPC Ltd (Darlipali), NTPC Bhavan, Core-7,Scope Complex7, lnsttitutional Area,

I Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Nature of iheAgpiicant l


~eneratorlother than captlve) j &merator 4

- -p---. -- - . - - L _L Captive Generator j --- I

Bulk Consumer 1 --- Electricity Trader 1 --- I

5 / I

l 1 .--.p---

Details for Long ~ e r r r ~ c c e s s (LTA) ----l

Quantum (MW) for which LTA is granted 793.25MW

I 1 - StatelReqion 1 Odisha, Eastern Region ' 'P," " C ""'l

I I J J . L i l l V l V V --.]~ .-.--r...-------------- l

Csflnecti~.ipj with the Grid D2rl:psli - ?ha:suguda (Sundar~arh) i

only in case of single Drawal) Entity

l Draw! ef Pe:.:er !mere thz:: enz cn1v ,

Darlipalli Generation (NTPC)

- i in case of singid lnjectiw ~ c t f ---.--.p- ------ . . . . i _ . j - , ! B-s ~- p---p p - p- -- p~ --

p , -1 StatelRegion Blhar/ER - -. . -- - - pp I

-- j Entity - 2 / WBSEDCL i

...--.-.--p-p Quantum-l Connectivity with the Grid


Quantum-2 / 283.75 MW Connectivity with the Grid 1 Through Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) 7651400

.- p-.--p -. - - -- i kV sub-station of POWERGRID l

154.13 MW -p--.-

Through Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) 7651400 kV sub-station of POWERGRID


p----.-- --...--p Entity -3 ! JsEB -p---+


State/Region ( JharkhandIER 3

E n i i k 4 ' Energy and Power Dept. Sikkirn I --.-p- ."C .17-.-... I

1 I----

StateIRegion ; SlkklmlER

1 - 1 . - -- W .. Quantum-4 / 15.29 I ! Connectivitv with the Grid j Through Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) 7651400 i

r- -- --

i 1

I - . - -pp----

\ Y [ r r a n ~ t n i ~ s i ~ n system for LTA I As per Annexure-i

Quantum-3 i 102 11 hd\N - - p -. 1.-

Connectivity \r~ith the Grid Through Jharsuguda (Sundargarh! 76514GG / I kV sub-station of POWERGRID I

--p L i&ate from which LTA is granted Applicant has requested from July, 2016 1 1 (LTA is, however. granted subject to the ;

... ~ ..-....-.-..-p.p-----. 1 - .- --- c 1

avallabllity of the Transmrss~on System at i -- -. - - - - . - --- -- - -- 1 Annexure-l) !

l I _- - - - -- - -- -- pp upto which LTA is granted

l --p

1 25 Years I

P . - - l


! -. -I. p- l I - -- p - I ' ransrnission Char i As per C;tKC; Kegulat~ons l --- -1

I l

, - . . 9c

Bank Guarantee is not required; Letter of Credit is to be furnished.


_ .-. . ..

implementing Agency for transmission As per Annexure-l

system required for LTA

## In addition to the allocations to various beneficiaries, unallocated quota of 237.98 MW would be distributed to the abwe Deneficiar:'es ir: propcrtjcna! tc their al!oca!ed share of Power. till a final notification of the same is issued by GO/.


l) The beneficiaries shall enter into Long Term Access Agreement with CTU . . \E.'ji;,iz 30 days , in ~iar,qi-r-,iqqir,i., -' '-A-.- " L - " - ------.--.-- .",.,.-",v., -)Le!!! G! !l!l.e! .>Lk!Le i !C!!!>!!!!>>!L~!!

- - - L ~ ~ e g ~ - t k a R - ~ C W S g d , a n a ~ k ~ e s C b e t w ~ - -~ - -

app!icants and such inter-State transrnissior! licensee, in line with the

provisions of the regulations. In Case beneficiaries do not enter into

agreement with CTU as above, NTPC shall be responsible for making payment of Transmission Tariff.

Agencies between which agreement% to be signed for implementation of transmission system


2) The applicants shall abide by all the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, the

CERC Regulation 2009 (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and

Medium-term Open Access in inter-State Transmission and related matters),

Appiicani & r"OLt'ERGRiG aiidior i S i S i

Licensee. i I

Technical Standaids f ~ i connectivity to ihe Giid (CEAj and Indian Electricity Grid Code as amended from time to time.

3) The applicantslbeneficiaries shall be required to pay the injectionldrawsl

charges of iltil~zation of Inter State Tiansi-iiission Systeiii j l S i S ) as pe i the

PoC mechanism for sharing of iransmisslon charges and losses as per the reievarii .CER,C regu' - '' - iariuns.

Signature Name: Y.K Sehgal

Chief Operating Officer (CTU)

Piace: Gurgaon Date: i 0-04-20i 3

Shii A. Basu Roy Deputy Genera! Mafiager NTPC Lta (Darlipali) NTPC Bhavan, Core-7, Scope Complex, 7, Institutional Area,

I 1-3

A. Transmission system for immediate evacuation f rom Darlipalli TPS

0 Darlipalli - Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) 765 kV D/c line : The Empowered

Committee of Govt. of India has recommended to get it implemented through PGSfv,ERGRiD,

e 2 nos. 765 kV bays at Darlipalli generation switchyard need to be implemented


B. Transmission System Common for Phase-ll Generation Projects i n Odisha including Darlipalli generation project o f NTPC

l. Being implemented by POWERGRID

Angul - Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Dharamjaygarh 765 kV D/c line.

This line is being implemented by PO WERGRID as a part of evacuation system from generation projects in Srikakulam area of Andhr-a Pradesh in Southern region. The same would also be utilized for evaci~ation of power phase-l1 - - - - - . ; A . . . ~ . - .. .c. ... A.,! - C . - A.' .-A A . . . .

Y U I ~ =-L;

2. To be implemented through Tariff based Competitive Bidding Route

m Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Raipur Pool 765 kV D/c line.

0 i i iO of boin circuits of Rour~eia - Raigarh 400 ic'v' D/c {znd iinej at Jhaisuguda


Addition of 3x1 500MVA, 7651400kV ICT at Angul. - - -.

c Sp!it bus arrangement at 4CirZkv and !6skii bgs ir! both Angui and jnarsugi!cia


1. The termination of the line as well as location of pooling station is subject to minor changes depending upon final survey and physical constraint, if any.

2. In case of any major development, if there is any change in the transmission system to achieve overall optimization of the system, then, above details would be modified on mutual consent.

3. In case, in future, any other long-term transmission customer(s) islare granted open access through the transmission system detailed above subject to technical feasibility), helthey would also share the applicable transmission charges.

Ins. Capaci Connectlvlly lmmedlate Evacuation System ) (MW) I LTA(MW)

( .I



Sterlite Energy Ltd.

GMR Karnalanga Energy Ltd (Phase-ll)

4 1 Darligalli(NTPC) I 1600 1 16001783.25 1 connectivity Granted and LTA vide this i ; j j ir:iimstior;

I I .. . - 2

1 5 NSL Nagapatnam Power 8 / 1320 85010 Connectivity to be tiranted I


011 000


61 81600



lnfratech (Earlier Mahansdi Hbanj /

Already LTA Granted

Already LTA Granted

Connectivity artd LTA to be Granted OPGC 1- '"O


ANNEXURE - 2 A. Transmission system for immediate evacuation from Darlipalli TPS

Darlipalli - Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) 765 kV Dlc line : The Empowered Committee of Govt. of India has recommended to get it implemented through POWERGRID.

2 nos. 765 kV bays at Darlipalli generation switchyard need to be imp!emented bj FNTPC

B. Transmission System Common for Pnase-ii Generation Projects in Odisha including Darlipalli generation project of NTPC

1. Being Implemented by POWERGRID

Angul - Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Dharamjaygarh 765 kV Dlc line. This line is being implemented by POWERGRID as a part of evacLiEitjot7 S y S t s , ~ &iXm gslWi&ii317 projecfs iii 3-ikakuiain area of Andhra Pradesh ifi Soufherfi region. The same would also be utilized for evacuation of power phase-11 generation projects in Odisha (mentioned at Annexure-2)

2. To be implemented through Tariff based Competitive Bidding Route

o Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - !?aipur ?m! 765 kV D!s !ine. o LILO of both circuits of Rourkela - Raigarh 400 kV Dlc (2nd line)

at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh).

I - 3. To be implemented by POWERGRID

Addition of 2xI500MVA, 7651400kV ICT at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh). Addition of 2x1 SOOMVA, 7651400k.V !C? at Ang~!!. Split bus arrangement at 400kV and 765kV bus in both A-ngu! and Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) substations.

Note: 4. The termination of the line as well as location of pooling station p - - p-

- --

is subject to minor changes depending upon final survey and physical constraint, if any.

5. In case of any major development, if there is any change in the transmission system to achieve overall optimization of the system, then, above details would be modified on mutual consent.

6. In case, in future, any other long-term transmission customer(s) islare granted open access through the transmission system detailed above subject to technical feasibility), helthey would also share the applicable transmission charges.


No. 15/9/2013-Trans blinistry of Power

Sharnm Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi

Dateci, tne 2701 May, 2013


Subject:- New Transmission schemes to be taken up under compressed time schedule through regulated tariff mechanism route - reg.

Rep- (i) Minutes OS the 31S1 meeting of the Empowered Committee on Transmission held on 18.02. i 03; and (ii) CEA letter No. 10G/ I j E C (3 1)2013-SP&PA/287-89 dated 27.22013.

-. Ihe unuessignca is di~xxted to infurrn that the Minister of State ifi

Ministry of Power (1C) has approved the following schemes for implementation by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (CTU) under compressed time schedule through regulated tariff mechanism.

(i) Transmission System associated with Lsua STPS -1 (2x800MW) (ii] Transmission System associated with Darlipalli TPS (2x800 MW) (iii) Establishment of Lucknow (PG] - Kanpur (New) (PG) 400 kv D / c

1 ' I l ---. - .

(iv) Panchkula - Patiala 400kV D / c line

n L. l i is recjiiesttlct that ilecessaq actior, may kindly be taken accordingly.

Member (PS), Central Electricity Authority Sewa Bhawan, R. I<.Pura~r. New Delhi- 1 10066

**** ,' ,.

Copy forwal-ded lo Shr-i Y. l<. Sehgal, COO (CTU), PGCIL, Guargaon, for information ancl necessary action.

,. .,. -,,

1 m directed !o state thzt the Goverrimer~l of India has approved aili:caii~r; , , ,:,i '3,~:'~~ ;J; ,;,:,,~qi t;; ihp ;.<O;na' St3izs fioi;; I:;? foliowino uz:cii;;:ng po;w:;j': pr;;i?;c.;?";i

S , < l , < - . ., , - . > .

I -;i,uu, t-.'s,xr dQL:e;ar.i P,. c - . + ,- i r v r ~ . ..... .=.- l s l t ~ % ~ : 01 inaia Tei25-,.. 1 '2 7 1"'1 fi

- ~ n n L J I r r l iv

3tkE d L-

( r n ' r n ~ ~ i ~ } : BOWER GRID CORPORATION OF WDiR UMITED '

(A Government oi India Enterprise) ' ' m d ----v.----

iji* - : WTZ 6. 2. *..i~ yx+~-122001, +ttm , d?' 1 0124-2571700-719, $43 : 01.24-2571760, 257.1761 3 3 '1&3'

. . Corporate office : "'~audamini" Plot.No. 2 , secto\-29; C;urgaon-12.2 001 Waryana ------a.---

Te!. . : !l1 24-2571 700-719, Fax : 01 24-2571 760, 01 24-2571 761 Grain : 'WATG'RID' ----.-----P- 7-

l m ,

~~"'Ea'~fCeY~o~nt~il/~ar~ipnlli: : Dated: 09.12.2013'

To l C

Mls Biliar State Power 'Tralismission Cotnpatiy Ltd. . 1 " Floor, Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, I I

PATNA- 800 00 l . !I

Kind Attention: Sh Jitendra Kishore, CE, Transmission O&M

Sub: Signing of i'P'A ngrkement for LTA grantctl to Darlipalii (2x800 MW) Generation Project of NTYC in Odisha. ,

Sir, I l

This is with referetwe to our letters dated-01.08.25)1,3, 21108.2013,19.09.20 13 and 09.10.201 3 regarding the subject matter, vide wllicll it was requested 'to indicate a suitable date for signing of LTA kgeernent for the' 'capacity allocaie? 'tn ?~sC.B n~!+ of '!;T-& zra!?tari- +Q

nar!ipa!!i Ge!>erzrifi!? =f NT,DC. The signing of LyA Agi-eeiiieni is, hoiiiever, s ~ l j pending., I

I .

. - --p -- - It may be appieciated that action f i r i~i~!ernentition 'of transmis~ion'sys& associated with 1 . ,

S C W ~ T C T Z ~ T ~ ~ P C I ~T!cF@P~zPsE.E~~~ i:?i:ie:ed by ,W+EK'~-P,! G sn!y aAzr sigiiiiig . , of LTA Agreemetit by beneficiaries., ' .

. ,


It may be mentioned tilar drafi LTA Agreement iias aircady been sent to BSEB along with a 1 copy of LI'A grant intimation letter. 1

in view of :he above, it i s again 1-eq~~ested r-!m your at!t!!cx.i:..eb rkpres&t?tative !nay please be deputed for signing of the LI'A Agreement on 27.12.2013 at our GURGAON office.

P --

A linr: ofco~ifirmation in above regarci is solicited. - - - - -


'Thanking YOLI, I Yours f a i w

(N. I

tien'eral matlager (Cotnniercial) CO py : 4 %L%--

Sh A. Basil Iioy, AGM, NTPC I,td, N'l't3(l Bliawan, Core-7, Scope Complex, 7, Intuitional Area, Lodli i Road. New 13elli i :- 1 1,O 003 : It is recliteste N'I'IY side also with the beneficiaries to sign the L l A A positive response from them.

COO (C'I'U): For kitid inrortiiation, please.

---P. >----P- --- %ftg=ia d m : 61-9. ~m J -&@pm q f k ~ , m m % ~ ~ mm, d ~ - , ~ o f + : o11-2asao1lr $G& : on-2sssoo3s A n ,+%, Registered Office : 5 - 9 , Clutab Institittional Arca,Katwaria Sarsi, New Dethi-llO 6 Tel. : 011-26560121 Fax : 01.1.26560039 Gram : 'NATGRIC!'

***7fdrn Save Edergy for Benefit of Self and Nation .

Z R # 2 l i r l * W . -2


POWER GRID COWbBOMTHBN OF INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise)

Corporate Office : "Saudarn~n~" Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgqon-l22 001 I iat T I ,et. 01 24-2571700-71 9, Fax : 0124-2571760, 0124-2571 751 Gram -- : 'NAT'

& m / R e f No Kef :CC:Comml/BSPTCL~ariipaiii Dated 1 25.02.2014

To. M/s Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited, Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road Patna - 800 00 1

Kind Attn : Mr. '6. K. Thakur, Chief Engineer, Transmission.

$P SUB: Signing of LTA Agreement for Darlipalli STPS (2x 800 MW) in Odisha I

Sir, Please refer to your letter i i G . 271Tr. 3&M/IS/1496/2010/2879 dated 03.12.20 13 regarding the subject matter. In this regard, it is t~ mention that in line with your

. . - a -- - - . , ,, , , *,- "

l n , 9 l1 Llhh '3

ased o z u g g e s t i o n , a new para i.e. le b l l t ; 7 U1 LLA

has been added. 0

I - -- - -her,-*-m?!& f ~ ~ . ? ~ t ~ f - m . r n e - - ~ f * ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ t t E t p i ~ K ~ E ~ ~ G Z P Y ~ T --- p

BSEB. It is understood that the name of BSEB has now 6een changed to BSPHCL. However, the request for above amendment has been received from,BSPTCL. Therefore, matter may be taken up with CTU for change of name (BSPHCL/BSPTCL) along with cflppnrtifig doc~rnents~ sc thzt cecessmy chmges mzy be i n c ~ v ~ r z t e d i:: the, drafiL LTA -4greernewt.

T m r

#- In ~ i e w of the above, it is iiieref~rc, once again requested that subject L i A may be signed '0 - .=A Z I I ~ krther TSA may aTsc be signed which is pending for quite a long time.

P Thrricirmgyou, - - -

Yours faithfull . . @&


GM (Commercial) ,

Copy to : , ,

l. . GM (IIC), ER, .Patna. . ' . -. . ... . 2. COO-CTU


qwti m : a-9, v mm m, &&~?VI m~, ~ ? F ~ I I I I O -2656012i. dm : oil-26560039 m '3@xr Registered Office : 13-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Kawaria Sarai, New Delhi-110 016 Tel. : 011-26560121 Fax I 011-26560039 Gram : 'NATGRID'

* d * * d 4 d m p Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation

- 4 4 - I I

- ( m m m m ) -- - a%F POWER GRlD CORPORATION OF INDW U M m D

(A Governmerit of India Enterprise) m=&!E% *

FrdWl . '*$k"$V$', W k %. 2, h - 2 9 , ?Fh-122 001. EdhFlT T h : 2571 706 - 7'1 9 h, : $571 ?60:257176; al? ''%zfk'

Corporate office : "Saudamini" P l ~ t No. 2; Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001 Haryana Tel. : 2571 700 - 77.9 g71 761 Gjam : 'NATGRID'

i~ai i i : a . . . W *,='gsf. p + 2 ~ ~ ~

To M/s Bihar state Power Transmissioy. Company Ltd. 1" Floor, Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey *Road, , .

PATNA- 800 00 1.

Kind Attention: Sh,Jitendra ~ i sho re , CE, Transmission .O&M . a ' l

Sub: Signing of LTA Agreement for LTA to Darlipalii (2x800 MW) Generation Project of NTPC in Odisha.

0 Sir,

' This is with reference to OUT letters dated 61.38.23!3, 21.08.2013,19.39.2013,09.!0,2~!3 and 09.12.2013 regarding the subject 'matter, vide which it was requested to indicate a suitable date for signing of LTA Agreement for the capacity allocated to BSEB out of ETA granted to Dar!ipalli Generation project of NTPC. The signing of LTA Agreement is, however, still

it rnaj, be appreciated that action .f& implementation of iransmission system ,assoeiateG with . said generation project would be possible to be initiated by, POWERGRID only after signing of LTA Agreement by beneficiaries.. ' . , , ' ' ,

It may be mentioned that draft ETA Agreement has already been sent to BSEB along with a copy of LTA grant intimation letter. a

in view of the above. it is agaiil requested that your authorized representative may please be deputed for signing of the LTA Agreement on 30.06.20 l 4 at our GLIRGAON office.

A line of confirmation in above regard is solicited. I

, Thanking You, - -

General mana er (Commercial) copy: 41 ?agwrhy

Sh A. Basu Roy, AGM, NTPC Ltd, NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, Scope Complex, 7, Intu~tiona Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 11 0 003 : It is requested that matter may be taken up from NTPC side also with the'beneficiaries to sign the ETA Agreement as we are yet to receive positive response from them.

COO (CTU): For kind information, please.


qm m : a-9, W 3- m. immftsr Kmr. =l'$ m - h 0 1 6 ' : 26560121 : ' h I Z 6 6 0 0 3 9 m %d?G' Registered Office : 6-9, Qutab Instltutlonal, Area; Katwaria Saral, New Delhi-1 10016 Tel. : 26566121 Fax : 01 1-26560039 Gram : 'NATGRIDt

r n t i - ~ t i 4 ~ ~ Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation .P

- 4-55-

POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA UMITED (A Ci~vcrnmrrli. of lnclia Etlre~prisej --- - .--.-

$,:&,J +77fibm : "-fi\<+$ir' q$?'?i 2, *qi?.--2gx ~ r f i q - . - 1 2 2 001, Zf?7?1'~\'1 LT.?.-, . 2571700 - 71 9 +?FJ;~ 2571 760, 25.71 761 ClT? '<\.?i-;).''.


. Corporate office : "Saudamini" Plot NO; 2 , Secti>r-29, Ci~lrCJaon~122 001 k,i?.ryal?a T ~ I . : 2571,7,0 .. .719, Fay, . '2571760. 2571761 Gram : 'Nt:il-GHIb' -- ---. --. I - -- .-.-..--..--- -.lll-----"

i r i ~ ~ i .Ref. N ~ . E o m'm l!R .SE B Qated: 23,07,2014

TG . . 0

Mls. Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited,, 1st Floor, Vidhyut Bhawan,'Bailey Road, PATNA - 800 , 001,,Bihar .


, . , ,

Kind. Attn : Mr;. Y.K. Thakur, Chief Enqineer transmission^ . .

Sub : S i~n inn of,LTA Aqreemnt for .LTA Qranted to Darlipalli (Zx800MW) Generation Project of NTPC in Odis-ha. ,.

. ,

Dear Sir,

This has reference to our letters dated. 01.08.2013, 21.08.2013, A - 7 n,. " n -C."- m - 3, uy. I U.Lu 1 J ana 19 . ua .

matter requesting y6u to sign LTA Agreement for the capacity allocated to BSEB from Darlipalli Generation Project of NTPC. It may be recalled that vide your letter dated 03.12.13 it was proposed by you to carry out some modification in

m - --

! r ! r ~ ! ; r ~ ? ~ ' ! ~ ; t - \ . . ~ . ~ ~ e ~ m e c ~ n e e p ! i c R i PT! eW,th e r e V i s e d m r of LTA Agreement was also forwarded to you vide our letter dated 15.01.2014 mentioned above. Despite above, no response received frorn your side for signing of LTA Agreement.

I! may please be noted that in absence of signing of LTA, it may not be I

possible fo,r us to .proceed: ,further 'for the implementation of1 ATS for subject rat:rr, ,",:,,r --^I s1-:- -=--I

A. .! l=, aliul 1 ;JI U ~ L : 61 :I I IY ~ r ~ b y Gtte~: eva~ua~~ur t ~f iiie power aiiucatea . . , to .you ,; from aforesaid projec't. I , .

, . . . ~ ~-~ - - -

, . ~ ~~- ~-~~ ~ p ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ -p--- ~ ---- ~ - - ~ ~ . ~ - ~ --P ~~ ~- ~ - -- -- - - - --

We shall be grateful for your confirmation in above ;egard I , at the earliesf.

Thanking you, l , I

Yours faithfully,

. . ' S - 3 . M , ,

(N.K. JAIN) '

GM (Commercial) l

-& v, ~~ 3 & i f m.6 ' . Save ~:ncr&y for'Benefit of Self and Nation ..

$ . . ,CIN : ~ ~ 0 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 9 8 8 0 ~ 1 ~ 3 8 : , . - 46 -

. . . .

f a x & 2 2 m * m l - ( m )


-.----p- (A C;ovet.n:-il&t of India Enterprise) m- ----..---

t h e ~ T F T ~ I ' ~ ~ . ''$i?.M'', ~ 4 2! ??~.3-29, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - 1 2 2 OOI, i:f\fi-~l:~ii

Corporale off ice : "~acrdamini" Plol NO. ?. ~ect.or,-29. Gurgaon-122 001 Haryane lel. : 2571 700 - 7.1 9, Fax : 257 1760. 2571 76 i ,C%am : 'NATr3HII:l'

, ------- --,. __*

+W ~ % ~ ~ : ~ C ? ~ F O ~ ~ ' ~ / B S E B , . Dated: 04.08.201'4 I . . .

To; . .

Mls. Bihar State Power ~ransmission company iimited; :. . . 1st Floor, Vidhyut Bhawan,, Bailey Road, '

1 . '

PATNA -. 800 001, Bihar . . I .

Kind Attn : Mr.Y,;K. ~haku r , Chief Enqineer(Trahsmission)

Sub : Sianina of LTA Aqreemnt f*r LTA qranted to Darlipalli i2x800MW) Generation Proiect of NTPC in Odisha.

l I .

Dear Sir, , '

. . . .

This. has reference. to. .our letters 1 dated. 01.08.2013, 21.08.201 3. 19.09.201 3, 09.10.201 3,; 0i3.12.2013, 15:01 201 4 and 19.06.201,4 on the subject 'matter requesting you to sign L.! A. A.ggreement for the c=r.p=rcity =i!!ocated t~ PJSER from Darlipalli Generation Pcoject,of NTPC.' It may be iecalled, that vide your letter dated 03:12.13 it w a s proposed by you to carry ,out' some' modification in

m the ,draft of LTA Agreement. Keeping your suggestion"in view,, the revised A r A A C I n A draft A

T X T A y i Z Z y i Z Z mefit %as alszr, tzlrv'v'arded to you ~ i d e our icii.ei dated I 3.u I .<U I 4

mentioned abofe. Despite above, no response received from. your side,,foc' , signing of LTA Agreement: ' ,

X- l T A It may please be noted that in absence of s;ignir;ly y i .L 1 A, ii inay not be

possible for us to proceed further for the implementation of ATS for subject generation project and this 'may affect evacuation of the power allocated to yo1.1

Fa7 frdm aforesaid project.

~ ~p~ ~ ~ - -~ ~~- ~~ -~~ - ~ - - - p--pp ~p ppp~ p-p- ~- ~ --- ~-~ ~-

LW sha!lbe?jETtefuTTor your confirmatiqn in above regard at the earliest.

Thanking you, a


Encl : as above.

;- */ S \ ..p; L . . . ,!: pt..:\ , / . d ,

; Li -. .,----m -W- P -- TC%',?)>a ?IYr>J\?7 J ' ~$1-g, i!?i7J i;.<i.q?::r)3!J,?v

\ I ~ . I \ . U ~ I I . /

Encl : as above.


; Li -. .,----m -W- P -- TC%',?)>a ?IYr>J\?7 J ' ~$1-g, i!?i7J i;.<i.q?::r)3TJ,Fv ~ e ~ ~ s t e r e d Off~cs : B-9, dut;jb lostitulior\al Awn: Katwal-in Saiai, New Delhi-1 10016 'TGI. : 26560121 Fax :'011-26560C~39 Gram , 'NATGRID'

rm m .?lqRfl 'ir ,Suvc Energy for Benefit of Self and Nitinn Cli : ~40101 UL1889G0103812

i . Shri A. Basil Roy; AGM, NTPC Ltd.; , ,

NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, . , ! . , .

SCOPE Complex, , ,

7, Institutional-.Area Lodhi Road, New Delhi - l l 0 003. .-.

. ,

Beneficiaries are not s i g n i n g : ~ ~ ~ ~ for for for . ' , Darlipalli STPS, as already brought tcr your

b .

, . notice. in such a situation, NTPC should sign , . . , . LTA Agreement for the LTA grAnted to them. so . .

I . ' '

4s to enable us to proceed ahead to take-pp, , . ' activiii6sfor impiemerrtation of ATA for Darl,i-

Palli STPS. 1ncase6f delay in creating ATS , matching With COD ~chedule of, generation .

Dmirrnt c 4 s . r ~ +A - C I - - ~ : ~ L : - - ,-f!

PO';-e responsible " 8 L,, . r ,

for the same. . . . . . . t , ,

I ; -- pp

- . . 2. COO (CTU-Planning) - for kind information and necessary action please.

,, . .

. .

( ~ ' ~ o v e r n m e n t of lndia Enterprise) '&$@l3 -1

: A , 2 *-291 73Fh-122001. : 01'24-2571700-719, $W : 0124-2571760, 2571761 ?W? 'd-&3'

. . ' Corporate Omce : "Saudamini" Plot 'No. 2, sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001 Harypna

- Tel. : 0124-2571700-719, Fax : 0124,2571760, 0124-2571761 Gram : 'NAYGRID' -- "

='-t m/ Ref IVo . .

To M/s Jliarkhand State Electricity Boatdd, Engineeri~ig.BuiIding, HEC,. ~ l i i ~ r w a , Ranchi - 4, Jliarkhand

Kind Attention: Shri B'. $3. Ilia, Member (I'rans~n ission)

Sub: qigning of LTA Agreement for LTA granted to Darlipnlii (2x800 MW) . . Gc~ieratiun Project of NT~DC in Odisha. ' .

I :

S i;, ,

This is with reference to, our letters dated 01.08.20 13, 2 1.08.201 3,19.09.20 13 and 09.10.20 13 regarding the subject matter, v ide wl~icli ,it was requested to indicate a s ~ ~ i i a h l e date fnr ,

slgnlng of L,TR .Agree!ne!lt fnr t!;~ c ~ ~ c j t y a!!oczted t= JSEB out of !,'TA granted to I

Darlipalli Generation pioject of NTPC. The sig~,ing of LTA Agreement k, however, still , . pending.

. . a <


h .

- - - - - - - - h ~ ~ ~ a ~ r e ~ - i - a ~ h ~ z k & n f ; - l - ! - - i ~ P f p m ~ ~ ~ t ~ f &!?s~?i~sic:: system a s s o c i g ~ e ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - p

said generation project would be, possible to be iliiti~ted by PO)NER&RID only after signing of LTA Agreement by beneficiaries. t . I , b


It may be mentioned illat draA L T A Agreement has already bekn sen@ to SSEB along with a copy of LTA graut intin~ation letter. B

In view of tlie above, it is again requested that your authorized representative may please be m deputed for signing nf the l T A /?gc.ec!i?ent 27. ! 2.2QI 3 zt ~ u ! - (3!JRG,A.O?! ef'fice.

P - P

P i t f i iETF~ont~s~nat ion iTiXovTPsc@~rF 7s sFliEirZ3


Thanking You, I

General Manager (Commercial) Copy: %- ?BL-

Sh A. Basu Roy, AGM, NTPC Ltd, N'TPC Bliawan, Core-7, Scope Con~plex, 7,,Ihtuitional Area, Lodhi Road, New Dellii - 1 l0 003 : I t is requested that natter niay be taken up h m NTPC side also with the beneficiaries to sign the LTA Agreement as W

positive response fiom them.

COO (C'TU): I'or kind itiformiition, please.

--- __-p--

d 3 f ? 9 i i l m d ~ 4 : i f t - 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ 011.265~0039 m '%Cfh" Registered Off~ce 8.9, Qutab lnst~tut~onal Area, K a t ~

3*yT3* 4 m3.i m-vj " Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation

- 4 9 -


(A Government of India Enterprise)

$=$FT & "dk$#" Fk Fi. 2, ?'kT-29, 7737th-122 OM, Sf?WTT

Corporate office : "Saudamini" Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001 Haryana Tel. : 2571700 - 719, Fax : 2571760,2571761 Gram : 'NATGRIC'

To Mls Jharkhand State Electricity Board, . .

Engineering Building, HEC, Dhurwa, Ranchi - 4, Jharkhand . . ' ,

Sub: Signing of LTA Agr'eement for LTA fgranted to Darlipalii, (2x800 MW)' Generation Project. of NTPC in Odisha.

, . . . .


This is with retetknce to.oc;; lett=rs dated Oi .08:2013,2i 58.20 13,19.09.2013',09. :0,2013 and ,

09.12.2013 regarding the subject matter, vide which it was requested to indicate a suitable . date for signing,of LTA Agreement for the capacity.allocated to JSEB out of LTA granted.to Darlipalli Generation project of NTPC. The signing of LTA Agre<ment is, however, still pending, , . . I . .

l ' ' , b

It may be appreciated that action for impiementation of transmission system associated with said generation project would'be possible to be initiated by POlNERGRID only after signing

' . A - L T A A g r e e m e n L m . . - ---pp-- t K s p - - p B


It may be mentioned that draf? LTA Agreement has already been sent to JSEB along with a copy of LTA grant intimation letter.

. ,

I:! viel.1: cf the &eve, it is agdr? rkquested, that your authorized re$resentative may please be deputed for signing of the LTA Agreement ons30.06.2014 at our G U R G A Q N ' O ~ ~ ~ C ~ .

: . '

A line of confirmation in above regard is solicited. I

Thanking Ycu, - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

~ - -~p~ -p -~ Pp--p ~

, .

General ~ h a r z e r (~ommercia l~ 8 .

Copy: . ' - ---p--/ Sh A. Basu Roy. AGM, NTRC L ~ ~ , N T P c ~ h a i a n , Core-7, Scope complex, 7, ~ntuitlona~k\'.L'y Area, Lodhi ~ o a d , New Delhi - 110 003 : It is requested that matter may be taken up from NTPC side also with the beneficiaries to sign the LTA Agreement as we have yet to receive positive response froin them.

Registered Offlce : B-9. Giutab lnstltu$onal Area, Katwarla Sarai, New Delhi-l 10016 ~e'i. : 26560121 ~ a i : 01 1-26560039 Gram : 'NATGRID'

~ q l & r d ~ o ' 4 ~ ' q - q . , . , .

Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation

- - S O 4 .

POWER ~m CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India ~ n i e r ~ r i s e ) tlmzf%x

l 3 F i i j a e *. 2, m - 2 9 , . m?--I 22 001, em '&l : 2571700 - 71 9 $% . 2571 760,2571 761 Tm '%L*'

Corporate office : "Saudamini" Plot No. 2, Sector-29, durgaon-122 001 Haryana Tel. - : 2571700 - 719, Fax : 2571760,2571761 Gram : 'NATGfiID'

. . . ,

% m /&f. TJ~~mber Ref : CC:Comml: JSEB Dated: 01.08.2014

Shri S.K. Singh, MD (Transmission), Jharkhand State Electricity Board, a

Engineering Building, HEC, Dhunva, RBNCHI- 834004, Jharkhand. m I

Sub: Signing of LTA Agreement for LTA mantod to Darlipalli (2x800 MW) STPP of NTPC

As you may be aware, NTPC is setting up Darlipalli STPP (2x800 MW) in the State of . Odisha and fiom where 793.25 MW has been allocated by. Ministry of Power to - -m. bcfie::ciaries. =Fmte= Kegi~n. :Ethis regxc!, vide letter dated : QD-r.bv l ., , bvv \bT?T)

has granted LTA for 793.25 MW which includes LTA of 102.1 1 MW to Jharkhand State Electricity Board. In accordance with the above mentioned grant of LTA and provisions of CERC Regulations, vide our letter dated 12.04.2013, JSEB was requested

s i p L LT,h, LhLgyeem~nt, f i r fhe qucz&yL sf a!!=cation made JSEB from s.;bjez: pr~ject. Thereafter, a copy of draft LTP. Agreement was also forwarded vide our letter

3 dated 01.08.2013. Despite a number of correspondence that have been made by

m TCY17R - - A PO'$ERGXD with ~ z c a requesting them to sign L ~ A rigreemeni, however, same is still ?ending. In this regard, our correspondences with JSEB dated 01.08.2013,

-- - -213mmW3M- € E C T Z I ~ ~ ~ ~ mayplease be referred to.


It may be appreciated that for the iinplementation of the transmission system associated with subject project, it will be possible for POWERGRID to initiate action for : procurement activities/implementation to only aiter obtaining Investment Approval from its Board and that will be possible only when LTA Agreements are signed by beneficiaries. Therefore, a situation is apprehended to arise when generation project may be ready but transmission system may not be available matching with the schedule of Darlipalli STPP and that would ultimately affect beneficiaries states.

- O*W J,M . 3-9, 3'ila FA- *W. m f i m m, R ~ - I ' I O O ~ ~ : 2656oiei +m :bimbo$g m *-k+nsr Registered Office B-9, Qutab lnstitutlonal Area, Katwarla Saral, New Delhi-l 10016 Tel. : 265601 21 Fax' : 01 1 -?6560039 Gram : 'NATGHID'

Save ~ h e r ~ ~ ' f o r Benefit of Self and Nation , . . : ~40101 b~1889~010381

--.W - I

In view of above, your intervention in the matter is requested and views of JSEBmay please be coinlnunicateditnined.iately so as to enable us to proceed, furlher in the matter. '

. . . . . B

Weshall be grateful for an early reply inabove matter., . ,

Copy : .

ED (Commercial): . . , , - . . . .... .

\ T T n T +A ,. - , .

I Y I PL LLU., .' ,T.,:.,';>*.,'::j'= 6 .

, , ,: s3 , , %::. , /

Core 7 , SCOPE Corn-plex, . , - . . Lodhi 'Road, New Delhi.

. .


(A Government of 1;idia Enterprise) . .Q'IZG?@xg -- --- iZi.i4s zmdFm : ,lml. c3I-z Ti. 2, $-kfZT-29 7JZ-m-122 001, *m hi7 : 0124-2571700-719, 6~ : 0124-2571760: 2571781 TIT ' q b ? l ~ ' '

Corporate Office : "Saudamini" Plot Nn. P , 'Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001. Hayana re!. : 012a-2571700-719, Far. : 0!24-2571780, -. 0124-E57?761 Gtarr! : 'NATGRID'

C/CC/Co!i~n~!/Darlipalli: Dated: 09.12.20 13

To 0

PCE cut11 Secretary, l Energy and Power Department, Sikkim,

Govt. of Sikkini, . .

Ka.ji Road, Gangtok, 'Sikkim - 727 !0!

Sub: Signing of'LTA Agkeenn~ent for LTA granted to Darlipalii (2x800 MW) Generation Project of NTPC in Oclisha,

Sir, i . .

I5 and UY.lU.ZUl3 regarding the su,bjeet matter, vide which it was .requested to. indicatk a suitable date for signing of LTA Agreeii~el~L forihe cap&ity aiiocated to ~ i k k i ~ n out of $TA granted to Darlipalli ~ e n e r a t i o ~ ; project of NTPC. The signing o f LTA Agreelnolit is, bowever, still

, , m _ _ _ _ _ ' pending. , - - - T _ - L-.-----L------,.- -

It Illay be appreciated that action fdr implementati~n of transmission system, associated with . . said generation proiect would be possible to be initiated by PO?F?EF.G?.!D on!y i f e r s:g~~:ng

of LTA Agreement by the bet1eficia;ies.

It may be ~nentioned that draft LTA Agreement has already beer1 sent to Sikki1ii alol~g with a copy of LTA granr intimation ietter-.

m 1 .

!!? v!ew sf tile abcvc, it .is agaiii'iequesicd that yo~ l r authorized representative may please.be - - ~ ~ @~r_t~e~df d k - - - . - - ~ -

. . 1 ,

A line of confirtuatio~i in above regard is solicited: l

Thanking You,

, ' Y O : ~ f a i t t ~ s * , ,

, . (N. K. Jain) )07 , . . Gelie~.al Managdr (Commercial).

Copy: at .7!- Sh A. Basu Roy, AGM, NTPC L ~ ~ ; N ~ ' P c Bhawan, Core-7, Scope colnplex, 7, Intuitional Area, Lodhi ~ o a d . New NTPC side also wit11 the beneficiaries to positive response from tlleni.

COO (CI'U): For kind infolyiation, please.

. j + i @ i m : d t - g, q p +-W \$?ur, ~ ~ ~ i ~ t e r e d . O f f i c e :. B-9, Qutab lnstitiitional Area,

Save Energ~ for Benefit of Self and N,atxon - ,S 3- . .


I .

( r n r n i ~ t l - s a s ) POWER GRID CORPORATION OF I N D ~ LIMITED

(A Government of India Enterprise) mf2fh?z m . "FbTf%?T" dk *. 2, ?kX-29, 7JWfi3-122 001, F$XPll

T h . 2571700 - 719 h ' 2571760,2571761 Tm '%C/?%' Corporare office . "Saudamini" Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Guigtion-722 001 Haryana

~el . ' : 2571700 - 719, Fax : 2571760,2571761 Gram : 'NATGRID'

h /Ref. Number

C/CCiComml/Dar\ipaiii: Dated: .!9.06.20!4 -

T o PCE cumSecr&ary, Energy and Power Department,~ikkim, Govt. of S'ikkim, . , . .

Kaji Road, Gangtok, Sikkim-72710; . . '

,q Sub: Signing of ETA Agreement for ETA granted to ~arlipalii (2x800 MW) Generation Project of NTPC in Odisha.


This is with reference. to our letters dated 01.08.2013, 2 l .d8.2013, 19.09.2013; 09.10.2013 0

. io Darlipalli Generation project of NTPC. The signing of LTA Agreement is, however, still pending. . , . ,

I . . . . - ~-----..--.----~--.-p

1. ----. t- - . -L---: ,z-~~I-~, . . -6.~~r. ' ; ; ;~p-pnO;nn ,,- nncrTTia--- . II m.dy OG "PPK6;GL'ZLcU C L L ~ C a b b L u t & L V L L n ~ t p ! r r ~ ~ r s ~ t u t c u n . V? -, -v : said generation poject would bepossible to be initiated by POWERGRID only after signing'

of LTA Agreement by the benehciiries. . . 6

It may be menfio~~ed that d r a f i ' t ~ k Agreement has already. been sent to Sikkim along with a l

copy of LTA grant intimation ietter. ,

.In view of the above;it is again requested that ydur authorized representative may please be -h l~ha

deputed for signing ofthe LTA. Agreement on 30.06.28i 4 at i.oui; GuRGAc8 jiffice. 7

Thanking You, Yours fai hfully

, L- (N. K. Jain)

General Manager (Commercial) Copy: @c-- ?*<&L!

Sh A. Basv Roy, AGM, NTPC Ltd, NTPC Bhawan, Core-7. Scope Complex, 7,1ntuit1dRal l

Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - l I0 003 : It is requested that matter may be taken up from NTPC side also with the beneficiaries to sign the LTA Agreement as we have yet to receive positive response from them.

COO (CTU): For kind information, please.

, ..* .* wj$% if d ' . ,

Save ~ n e r g y f o ~ Benefit of Self and Nation . . *

I a ,

, . 54- i


~ / ~ ~ / C o m m l / ~ a r l i p a l ~ f i , . Dated: 28.07.2014. . S

. .

. , PCE cum Secretary, . .

Energ'y and Power ~epartrnei t , Sikkim, ' . h


Govt. of Sikkim, . ,

Kaji Road, Gangtok, P . ,

Sikkim - 727 101 . - . , . . . . , .

Sub: Signing of LTA ~ ~ r e e ~ e n t f o r LTA granted from Clailipaliij2x800 , ,

MW). gene ratio^, Projecfof 'NTPC . , 6.

This is wiih- reference to cu i letters dated 01.08.2013, 21.08.2013: 19.09.2013, 09.1 0.201 3, 09.12.201 3 and 19.06.2014 regarding the subject

I - ------pp ri v~de which it was requested to sign LTA Agreement for 'the capacity

n . - - L . - - --

allocated to Sikkim out of LTA granted to DariipGi uenerauurl picjett of NTPC. Tho~~gh, draft LTA Agreement has already been sent to your office a!ong with a copy of LTA grant intimation letter, the signing of LTA Agreement is still pending.

!t may kindly be appreciated that procurement action for implementation of transmission system associated with said generation project would be

-A . .--nr\,- h posslble to be initiated by ~ ~ ~ V L K U K I U uniy afiei- signing of I T A Agreements F

9 by the beneficiaries. It rnzy be mentioned that delay in irnpierneniaiioii of ;\PS - w l i a r r e c r e v a G u a r l c n r 7 3 f ~ r - f f W - ~ t prqe&f€3c.drkick -

POWERGRID shall not be responsible. 1

In view of the above, it is again requested that your authorized representative may please be deputed for signing of the LTA Agreement on 11.08.2014 at our GURGAON office.

A line of confirmation in above regard is solicited. D

Thanking You, Yours faithfull

kN. K. Jain)* Manager (Commercial)

. #g91 0378087



Sh A. Ba'su ~ o y , AGM, NTPC Ltd. ~ ~ ~ ~ , B h a w a n ; Core-7, Scope Complex. 7, lnsiiiutionai Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 1" rO 003 : ,

It is requested that matter may be taken up further from NTPC side also with the beneficiaries to sign the LTA Agreement as we have yet to receive positive response from them. In case beneficiaries do not sign LTA, NTPC is , requested to sign the same with POWERGRID, as LTA was granted to I

NTPC, so as to enable us to take-up procurement activities for, ATS.

, . . A

. . . I a .,

COO (CTU): For kind information, pleiise. . ' , , . . , .


' ( ~ , q q r f ~ a ; l m)

PO'WER G R ~ D CORPORATlON OF lNDlA LIMITED (A Government.of India Enterprise)

. .

*a * : ~ , ~ ~ f .*; 2 , & R Y - 2 9 3*-122 001. Ff2TW-n 7 : 0121-257i700:719, , ; 0124-2571760, 2571761 ?fR '?Tf%3' ,Corporate Office : "Saudamini" Plot No. 2,' Sedtor-29, Gurgaon-122 004. Haryana Tqf. : 6124-2571700:719, Fax : 0124-2571760, 0124-2571361 Gram: 'MATGRID'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 2 - " . _ . . _ _ " . = - - - - - - _ - - .--- -

d m / Ref No

C/CCiCom m l/Darlipa! l i: Dated: 09.12.20i 3 l

To I .

. . ~ i s ~ e $ ~ e l i ~ i l l State ~ lec t ; - i c i t~ ~istrib!rtion ~ o ~ i ~ & ~ Ltd., Bidyut Bhawan (7"' Flobr,: 'B' Block); . , .

, . DJ Block, Sector-11, Salt Lake, Kolkata.- 700 091. ,

. . . ,

Kind Attention: ~ h r i ~ a d b a Sudan , chief ~ n ~ i n e e r (PTR) ' , , ' , . . .

't@b Sub: Signing of LTA hgreen1ent'for L ~ A granted to D;lrlipalii (2r800 MW) Generation Project 6f NTPC.in Otiishn.


?'his is with reference to our letter dated n! .?8.20!3, 2! .gg.30!3. ! 9.00.2!!!? 93 ! !? ? G ! ? ~Zgil!'C!i!~g t!?e ~i !b jec t !?>ztte:, vide w!~Ic!l it was recjiiesie; .fix up a suitabie 'date b r sign.ing of LTA Agreement for the capacity allocated to WBSEDCL ou! of L'FA granred to ~ a r f i ~ z l l i Generation project of N - ~ P C . The signing of LTA Agreement is, however, still pending.,

m p-.-.. -- . . . - ~, ~ -~ - -- c -----~--.-.--P-- . m --kt'may-be~p~reci--rr.r&tl~~act!~fc: i:~i;!e;;;~iit~:i~ii ij, ii:aiisniissioii sysie,li~ assoclaiea with

said generation project would be possible to be initiated by POWERGRID o ~ l y after sig~iing of LTA Agreernt?nt by the beneficiaries.

It niay be mentioned that draft LTA Anreelne~it - Iias ali'eady.l?eet1 sent tr_\ WESEDCL a!c!!g with a copy of LTA grant i~itin~ation letter.

In view of the above, it is agai~~'recluested that your authorized rep!-esc!lnati"e !??ay p!e~s. . cie,pt~ter.i fc>r ig!?i!lg ef !h!: L'!'!\. Ag:ee;;;c;;; c;i; 27, 12.21: 13 ok!! Gs::fiPC;N ..- ..., OF;;^. V...-u.

- ~ - / ~ - - ~ - - ~ - ~~ - -- -- ~ ~ . - p-- ~- ~

A IillT 5i'Yol?EZZiilo!i rn abpve r&ga:<[ so!icitcci.

Thanking You, Yours faithfully


. . (N. K. Jain

. . General Managei: (Commercial) W, Copy: qc

~h A. B ~ ~ Q ' R O Y , AGM, N'TPC k d , NTPC hawa an, Core-7, Scope C o m p l e ~ 7, Intuitional . Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - ' l ,l 0 003 : It is requestecl that matter Inay be taken up from

NTPC side also with the beneficiaries t:o sign the I,l'A ~ ~ r e e m e h t 3s we have yet to receive positive response fron~'.them.

COO (CTU): For kind 'information, please.

_1__ ,$v-\*, - f f m m , i r g ~ - , y 6 q & j i a m : i f t - Registered office : 0-9, ~ ~ u b institutional Area,,Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110 0

.affa?pl?Ty*t~d,~. . . . , , 1

Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation -s,7- ' , :

srm fb3 m a n $ 2 1 ' r e POWER GRID

(A Government of India Enterprise)

m "m" Qk e. 2, m - 2 9 , 9 V h - 1 2 2 001, m Corporate office : "Saudamini" Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 901 Haryana

Tel. : 2571 700 - 71 9, Fax : 2571 760, 2571 761 Gram : 'NATGPID'

Tie4 */Ref. ru!-!mber l

C/CC/Commi/Darlipalii: Dated: 19.06.20 14

T 10

M/s West Bengal State Electrikity,Distribution Company Ltd., Bidyut Bhawan (7th Floor,"B' Block), .DJ Block, Sector-11, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 09 1.

Kind Attention: Shri Madhu Sudan Pal , Chief.Engineer (PTR) '

Sub: Signing of ETA Agreement 'for.LTA granted to Darlipalii (2x800 MW) Generation Project of NTPC ha: Bdishe.

This is with reference to our letter dated.0 1.08.2013, 21.08.2013, 19.09.2013,09.10.2013 and 09.12.2013 regarding the subject matter. vide.which it was requested to fix up a suitable date for signing of LTA_ .A_ur~~m~nt f ~ r the capacity z!!ocated to wBSFDCL o ~ i of LTP- grzted

5'- 2J - - - - - - -

to Darlipalli Generation project of NTPC. .The signing of LTA ~ ~ r e e i n e n t is, however, still - -

pending. ,

1tma~-be-~~reciated-thata~th~for-~m~emen~~8f~8~mi-~~i0~-~~~~ass0~ia~d-~-~th-~ ~ - -

said generation project would be possible to'be initiated by POWERGRID only aker signing of LTA Agreement by the,beneficiaries. .

It may be mentioned that'drafi LTA Agreement hasalready been sent to WBSEDCL along '

with 2 c c ~ l l . J cf LTP. gfhnt Ibimgt.ti=n, !&er, . .


in view af the aboiie, it is agaiii r~ii ie~ied ihiti aiiihoiized representative rriay .pieaye be deputed for signing of the LTA' Agreement on 30.06.2014 at our GURGAON office.

k !F

- - -

A iine of confiringtion in above regard is solicited, L

Thanking You, I

S .

. . . . Youw, faithfully a

. .

Copy: Sh A. Basu Roy, AGM, NTPC ~ t d , NTPC Bhawan, core-7, Scooe Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 11 0 003 : It is requested that matter may be taken up from


NTFC side also with the beneficiaries to sign the LT# Agreemew as'we have yef to receive positive response from them: I

COO (CTU): For kind information, please. . . . ~ ,

m * ,: a-9, p mwl m, m .-, a m-1 10016 Registered Office : 0-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-l 10016 Tel. : 26560121 Fax : 011-26560039 Gram : 'NATGRID' ', ,

1 , ' ' * ~ ~ s a i i & ~ ~ ' l ,

Save Energy f0.r Benefit of Self and Nation

m r- zlmfki2m 3ii95 ~ g f h M* ( m m m m )


.. TdF%'4 : "m" i. 2, ?'h??-29, *-l22 001, h V h : 2571700 -719 &d33 : 2571760,,2571761 m '%@S'

Corporaie office : "Saildamini" Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001 Haryana. Te!. : 2577700 - 71 9, Far .. 2571 760:2571761 Gratn : 'NATGRID'

'bated: '28.07.2014

M/s West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd., Bidyut Bhawan Floor, 'B' Block), DJ Block, Sector-ll, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 900 091.

Kind Attention: Shri Madhu Sudan Pal, Chief Engineer (PTR)

#@Q Sub: Signing of LTA Agreement for LTA granted to Darlipalii (2x800 MW) Generation Project of NTPC

l Dear Sir, . .


This is with reference tn our letters .dated 0'1.08.2013, 21,.08.2013, . . .

19.09.2013, 09.10.2013, 09.12.2013 and ?9.06.20,14 regaraiy iite m . . ,matter, vide whichY!t wasrequested to sign LTA Agreement for the capacity. ' ,

allocated to WBSEDCL out 61 LTA granted to Darlipalli Generation project of I - ~~~ ~ - ~~ ~- .NTJ~C_~-Though,.'draft LTA Agreementhas already been sent 10 Your office l

n v A - -- - L ~ : = ~ ~ ~ * i ~ f i + a + t s r ~ - f h ~ - ~ i ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ T & A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ along with a Copy OT L I yr a1 I r 111111 I I~~~~~ IrGG..I , .. .- .. ~ -~ -~-~-,L -P--

is still pending. . . . . 1 . .

It may kindly be appreciated that aciioh for, implementation df : -- .- - .--.--.-- i s system sssbcieted with said aeneration project' would be ' '

possible to be,initiated by POWERGRID only afier signiqg of LTA Agreements by the beneficiaries. It may be mentioned that delay in irhplkmentation of ATS

&%A wiii affect ei;ac~:ion cf pewer from the subject project, for which 7"1! - - . .-m ' 8 PG\iVt=!?Gi?iD shali i i G i be respcnsibie.


In view of the above, it IS again requested thzt ydur a f i ~ F i e d - f e p ~ ~ i m -

may please be deputed for signing of the LTA Agreement on -l 1.08.20A4 at our GURGAON office.

A line of confirmation in above regard is' solicited. . , ,

t . '

Thanking You, l

, . .

Registered Office : B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai;,New Delhl-1100.16 Tel. : 26560121 Fax : 01 i-26560039 Gram : 'NATGRID' Scl+a .m*d 3 .m; . , , , . . .

Save Energy forBenefit of self , and . Nation .

' GIN: U0101DL198@GO10Sf21 - 5 9 -

NOO: . . . . r

COPY' ..,

Sh A Basu Roy, AGM, NTPC i t a , NTFC Bkawan, Core-7, Scope Ccmple2, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003 :

It is requested that matter may be taker! up further from WTPC side also witk the beneficiaries to sign the LTA Agreement as we have yet to receive positive response from them. In case beneficiaries do not sign LTA, NTPC is requested to sign the same witk POWERGRID, as LTA was granted to NTPC, so as to enable us to take-up procurement activities for 4TS.

COO (CTU): For kind information, please.


GRI rleo JAMAPATH, BHUBANESWAR-765 022, PHONE: '0674- 2841 127; FAX: 0674-2543452

E r n p o w e r i ' ~

S.G. M-(PP) -56120 1 3 / 3 6 p Dated t h e , d x y " i q ~ 3

To The Executive Director (Commerciaij, POWER GRID CORPORA1-ION OF INDIA L~MITED. Saudamini, Plot No- 2, Sector - 29, Near lFFCQ Chowk, Gurgaon -122001, Tel: 0 124-2571 700-71 9 Faxr 01 24-2577760,781

Sub : Regarding evacuation of State's share of Power from Darllpalli STPS Stage-l (2*E)OOMI\M)


This Is regarding evacuation of GRIDCO'6,share of 800 MW from Darlipalli STPS, stage-l (2'800MW) Sundergarh, Odsha. GRIDCO i i ~ l a n n t n ~ to sale the said power through an errctiirsted

I - in-g agency who shall apply fqr LTA :to Power-grld for evacuation of such power on

behalf of GRIDCO. in inis regard iijiiii%$~g .poln?r, z q t q m m s e d .

1. In the event of sale of power from any CGS by GRIDCO to outside state ,from its 8 , allucaliu~~ Il~luuyh ol-I I I I ~ S I - 3tat6 Trarcier(Tradaij, such tronbrcdion is bcing trcatcd oo

t,v~-disti~ct trar!sa&ions (one foi procurement, another towards sale of the same) as per prevailing OA rules.

2. This is because i f A is in the name of GRIDCO, 3. !t may be n0it.d that though the transaction is physically happening oniy once,

a--lr ~~att=.nissi~r! charges are k i n g paid &ice. such double transmission charges payment, GRIDCO is plannirig io sale its

share from Darlipali to outside state through .a I raaer & t h d h + e ~ ~ n ~ g ~ :station on LTOA.

5. :In the event of such sale the ~ r a d e r shall apply for LTA to CTU, instead of GRIDCO, for evacuation of such power.

inns nF th R I i t On a m tb BB &C v & P ~ ~ F ( ~ ~ Y ~ b~$h,,\ca% lly WIH lerrll be

PPA between GRIDCO and Trader.



in view af the above f~llcwing i;larificaiions may kindly be offered.

Whether Trader can apply !,'TA for ev;!s;cuatior: of GRIDCO's share of power iron1 Darllpall~ STPS . By such arrangement as rietail~d above, whether both CRlDCO as ~vei as TI-ddar shall have to pay CTU transmission charges.

Thanklng you.

Yours faithfully.

6.C r The Chief Mansger(Con?rni.), Power Grid Corporation of India L!c! 27, Safiic! Naczr, 6h~lbareswa:-

f 51!367 Fax: 2548<74


; ' i r c l f i e : ii.3 j-2.423:. f i j c1 G;.... . <!.3&2.! 22 l L.:\-: Z Z , . ' ' : ,711:

11.. ;- . V * cr.) . c a s t ~ f~c.ctl'g

l ' , ; ) ? ; ( [ ' l l * , ' , ... h; ., 1 ( , j ' i , : b - , . ; l ' : . ! . ! i,; V!;-; c < ? ; ( ; / . , ?-?S..

Delibe~.ation in TCC Aleetin2

ERPC nray note.

l ---

j 1'I'E:M 10. E3: Signing of LT.\ .\grccrrien(!, for Darlipalli Genrrutiotl Piant of NTPC p-- -P - - - -- - -- -- - - --P -- - - - ----

CYr'l.! has nr;!!l!cd t n N~-rI'C' for tllcir !?arllp;!!il !;i'tler'a!jc>!~ j ' !a !~t !2x8!111 biW! I!? Od~slla. T ~ I . bcncficir~rics at' t h i s plant arc Eiha!., .Ih:~~.khand. Sikki~n and West Bcl~gal. As per C'LXC' Regulalions. LTA Agrccn~c.nts arc to he sig~led by bcnciiciaries. Accorciingiy. cirafi Ll ' i i t2grcc'rncnl \\-.:is scnl t o ;!I1 tllc DlCs ill ;jag, 2 O ! 3 . Rut. In spik ~!fpc~~:istcnt !bIlou- up- thc signing ,. . . ... . . .* . . . . . . ..v * - . .,. - IJI L- 1 2 X U,

, . q .

Xssocirltcri 1 :anrn~is=_sin:; ?;>stcr:l can ~.>n!y !?c i3k;f11 lip aticr signing c7t L r.'\ .:\grci-nlsnt by above ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ r i ~ ~ ~ -c 1 r o r L,. . - . . . . - + I . -..,........ A .... - - ..-... ~ . c ..--.: ~ J P I LLL rraa Ivr.urrty a u ~ s t . > t < u avlr~ti r r r v u i l ~ ~ a t r v ~ ~ a iii i h ~ draft LTA Agrccmc~.iir. Their r-ct~ucst i s bsirig esa:iiii~L.d. Frc:n u!her bcnsftcisriss. there is no co:?~nlunicaticn regaldin(> o

I - -- signing of the A, (veemcnt. --P- -

.-is /)l1/. ~ ' C J C 1 1 ~ . if-i/liil;\ c , 'tiIo<.i!~io~i oi j'011t.r for. E!? Slnli~s i1u111 lhc>;i. i~;~rii,il;iiii P I ~ I : ~ has ucrdl~ i ~ ~ f o s ~ n e d l?! !117'PC ill rhril- i 7:4 appljcaiion. Ft117ller. a morlifiration TO LL4 .Agrrernenr. based on the sctsgca.sf ior J I?!.. R ,5 l3~/~ ' l lo fake can' o l ' s r ~l~j~riciice par-( of !he issur fias I I P ~ I I incorporated and rhr sallie //;is beerr /irr-~r,irr.ti(vi io mH(-- ' / . /?y I'Cfl4,rEKGRIL). 8.rPI/c:L ir,fi)r.rrred (/,at the (lii7fi LTil ,~\grf~fv~/lv~r ;,S lii1dt11. P . V ~ I I ! ~ I / ; / I ~ U I I :I( i11~i1. rr/(I i111d L I / U I I I C ~ I X ~ I ~ O I . ~ l)t!ch [U / J ( . ~ ~ ~ ~ . s l t u ~ ~ f ! ~ . Si/(k1'1/1 PC/ IOC(~ ~,ii>\vs 001 /~VBSEll(:i, ir~ /l/(> 11ia!i(~1.. POCZ'EI?CNII~ .s/nrr.ri tl~at illr irlvcstt~ae~~l approval /i~r, .A Ts .shall 0 1 1 possiblr U I I ! ~ or! .$i$rij118 ol~.sl~i~nblc :~.g-eenrorr/.s ;?11d : I I ! ~ ~i~'li<t. irl I ~ I C .sa111(' shall l/i/t:tl r-(y~t.~i.c-.rmiorls o;r tah-i11g up (d'd 75 k11. /l;(, ,s;licl p ~ ~ j c c t .



Pronounced on: 30.07.20 13

+ CM No. l60601201 1 in W.P.(C) 701712011


Through : Mr. Ravi Prakash and Mr. Varun Pathak, Advocates.


C E W T u L ELECTpJCIT'Z ~ G ' c J L ~ T ( j ~ ' ~

COMMISSION AND ANR. . . . . . Respondents

Through : Mr. G.E.Vahanvati, Attorney Generai, Mr. S.B.Upadhyay, Senior Advocate with Mr. Pawan Upadhyay, Ms. Sharmiia 1 Tna&~ay. A y4r. LA,fifi~zm P r g s ~ d & Tgra Narfi!a.


Mr. M.Y.Deshmukh and Mr. Yatin M.Jagat, Adv. for R-3. I - -- - p p-.-p

CM Nos.1166712012, 57212013 &WP(CJ No.486712012

GRIDCO LTD - . . . . . Petitioner

Through : Mr. Soli J. Sorabjee, Senior Advocate wi-th Mr.R.K.Mehta, Mr. Antaryami Upadhyaya and Mr. Premjit Elangbam,

A rJv.-,,t-, f l C ? Y u b a c b a ,


STATE OF ORISSA AND ORS . . . . . Respondents

Through : Mr. G.E.Vahanvati, Attorney General Mr. S.B.Upadhyay, Senior Advocate with Mr. Pawan Upadhyay, Ms. Sharrnila Upadhyay, Mr. Anupam Prasad & Ms. Tara Narula, Advs.


Through : Mr. Upamanyu Hazarika, Sr. Adv. with Mr. Sakya Sinha Chaudhari and Ms. Prerna Priyadarshini, Advs.



Through : Mr. G.E.Vahanvati, Attorney General, Mr. S.B.Upadhyay, Senior Advocate with Mr. Pawan Upadhyay, Ms. Shannila Upadhyay, Mr. Anupam Prasad & Ms. Tara Narula, Advs.

C M No.1166612012 in WP(C) No.539712012


Through : Mr. M.I(.Singh, Advoczte


THE TUNION OF 2JD!A AND ORS . . . . . Respoiideii:

Through : Mr. G.E.Vahanvati, Attorney General, Mr. S.B.Upadhyay, I - - A n i o r - A ~ i t h - M r P m ~ ~ M ~ a r m i ~ ~ -

Upadhyay, Mr. Anupam Prasad & Ms. Tara Narula, Advs.


1. The common grievance of all the writ petitioners ir, these batch of

proceedings under Article 226 of the Constitution of India relates to the

framing, enforcement and interpretation of the Central Electricity Regulatory

Commission (Sharing of Interstate Transmission and Losses) Regulations, 20 10

(hereafter called "the impugned regulations"). This order proposes to dispose of

one set of applications seeking interim orders (CM Nos. l60601201 1 in WP(C)

No.70 17/20 1 1, 572120 13 in WP(C) No. 4867120 12, 12 l2912012 in WP(C)

No.5396120 12 and 2999120 12 in WP(C) N0.5397120 12. These have been

preferred by the Petitioners. The order also disposes off two other applications

(CM Nos. l 1666120 12 and 1 1667120 12 preferred by the Power Grid Corporation

of India seeking appropriate directions. These applications were heard with

consent of counsel for the parties, on 23rd July, 20 13 and listed for orders for

today, i.e. 30" July, 2013.

2. The petitioners are transmission utilities or corporations, in terms of

Section 38 of the Electricity Act, 2003. The petitioners submit that in the

"Postage Stamp Method", in vogue prior to enforcement of the impugned order

GRIDCO and others were paying amounts towards transmission charges to the

Power Grid Corporation. This method incorporated all the assets of the

conceii~eb regior? vihose tra~smission charges were fina!izcd by the Central

Electricity Reguiatory Commission, tili 30.06.i i . Under the said old method TT.\ .

A\O. 1 1 U1 W1 W,

instznce by the GNDCO. Hewever, new GNDCO is being bi!lec! f ~ r zn

I -

amount of Rs. 15.69 crore towards the transmission charges which has increased

by 43 % which entails a heavy financial burden upon it (GRIDCO). If the

Trm,smissiea charges Zre billed 100% OPP the basis nf Point 9of Connection

(P&) 12.lethodoi~gy &argc; go up to the extent cf Rs.20.26 Crcres

pei- inonth iiihicii would translate "L aan increase by 88%.

'2 2. ?A:-. Scr~bjee: !earled senior cognse! znnparinrr YY'" U'k b ~ h ~ ! f cf the GHDC?

relies upon the orders of the Orissa High Court; &+6$;+md 6s - i l -

201 1, to submit that there is a subsisting interim order which in effect directs

the respondents not to recover amounts based on the impugned regulations. He

also submits that the impugned regulations are ex-facie arbitrary and

discriminatory. Counsel relied on the following averments in the reply to the

Power Grid Corporation's application for directions:

"10. That the methodology whose objective was to make Transmission Tariff sensitive to Distance, Direction & Quantum of flow has been ultimately defeated and could not be concluded an appropriate

methodology. In the present PoC regime (as per recent CERC Order DPi 30.11.12) purchase of power from Taicher-IT by Odisha which is at periphery of TSTPS is 24.38Pf Unit whereas purchase of Taicher I1 power by Andhra Pradesh (at a distance of 1000 Kms) and Karnataka (1500 Kms) is 20.70 P/unit and 18.70 P/unit respectively. Hence Odisha is paying more as the far offregion for the generator situated in Odisha.

)JcAn s h ~ r i ; ~ ~ the Pic i~~ ia ! : p;aesenlctics c;f&e !ecc?.t2'on q,fi,%joclion point and drawai point of 0disha. Andhra ~ jadesh and ~arnaiaka is'filed herewith as Annexure 13. "

4. It was contended that while framing the impugned Regulations, it was

assumed that States like Odisha Housing Generating Stations located near the

utiiizeci by the ioad for drawing its power from the Generators shall be less. The

ahove r nresumntinn r was hrther substa,?tiated by Par2 3.1.6 sf CERC Statement

of Reasons dated 11.06.10. That document stipulates as follows:

" . . These days ER imports power from WR under most grid conditions, therefore any generation in Orissa will most likely get absorbed in Orissa itselJ thereby using very less transmission network (and hence lower transmission charges). This will further lead to reduction in the utilization of the transmission network (reduced flow on the ER4VR links) and invite lower transmission

J , chargesjijr the generator.. . . . . . . . .

5 . Relying on the averments in the application for stay, and the materials on

record, including the copy of a map produced for the purpose of this petition, it

was argued that the PoC regime through which the impugned regulations have

been brought into force in fact undermines its objective. There is utter

arbitrariness in regard to the levy of charges. In several places or regions, which

are located within short geographical proximity of the electricity generating

assets, under the pre-existing regime, the rates payable were reasonable, and had

a nexus with the distance. However, under the new regime through the

impugned regulations, in the Eastern Region like Odisha and West Bengal, etc +L, ,,,,,-.-m L-l 4- .--I---

LIIG ~ u ~ ~ l p a ~ ~ ; c > llau LW pay I I I W I G ~ eveii iliough i!ic ir=ansrriissiori or generating

assets were located geographically close to the units; on the other hand, units

located far away in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh had to pay less than the . . rT- ge.;ltisner. 1 -2s iniquitGus and arbitr2rd.

6 . The petitioners also rely on Para 7 (q) of the impugned regulations, which

is as follows:

"...For the first two years, the zonal charges obtained using the Point of ccnnection methcd shall be adjusted such that 50% of the Year& Transm issign ,:lzaqre cJT the IsTs Licensees is 7rzcGvered fF,rGz;gh ,yybrtd methodology and the balance 50% of the Yearly Transmission Charge o f the ISTS Licensees is recovered based on Uniform Charge Sharing Mechanism. A@er a period of two years fiom the implementation of these ~r;~~;zgenienfs , the Ccminfiissioii m q review ihe tiieighiiiges iiccci'ded to the ,YybriR mefhod~ l q y and the Unbiorni CCiai.ge Shariiig Pdechani'siiz. "

7. It is submitted that any system or regime which does not predominantly . - - .- -. . -- - .---- pp--p p--

take Into account acb~al usage charges, and is based primarily on some hrmula,

is bound to be arbitrary, which is the vice of the impugned regulations. The PoC

method is based on right of use, or contract and not on actual usage. Other

counsei aiso adopted the submissions of S'nri "srabjee.

8. p;/Ir. TJpZEmw unw;lrn l !buIllbu O ~ - O T ' n a n - n - 3bll;Ul bUU113bI nen-no~ Cn- the T?iest Bcngal

Electricity Board, one of the writ petitioners adopted the submissions of Mr.

Sorabjee. He argued that the impugned regime introduced by the impugned

regulations cannot be sustained because in spite of the non-participatory nature

of some or predominant constituents in a grid system, they would have to bear

uniform charges. Thus, for instance, transmission charges from the Northern to

-the North Eastern Regions would have to be borne by all grid transmission

participants, regardless of their involvement or usage through such transactions.

9. The Attorney General, who appeared on behalf of the Power Grid

Corporation- i.e. the respondent in all writ petitions, and applicants in the two

interim applications seeking directions, submitted that the impugned regulations

have statutor,. force; cor,secjuer,t!y a presumptior, of Cor,stit'~tior,a!itj.r attaches

to them. That apart, argued counsel, the Petitioners are stressing unduly on the

distance factor, in support of the case. In this context, it was contended that .the

rrnpqm~d ---A i-~guiz:iofis, - 2s in&~,d +F PiJ~tiofirii Ti.~r;smissiofi PoIiry frzned undei- +L L I I ~ Aci, eiivisions a scieniific and rational iiieihod of apportioning expenses

borne by transmission companies and entities. It was argued that while the

previous policy did take into account regional requirements, that did not mean

that such policy had to be continued. The power of the respondents to revise and

piit iii p{ace a sysieiii oi- tariff -which -was raiiolial to all ijszrs, -was

unquestioned. It was contended that 66 of .the 71 users in the country adopted

the new regime and have beer, making payments. The petitioners have, however . P , , chosen to challenge the policy, and unjust!~~ao!y resisted making payments

towards the bills raised upon them by the Power Grid Corporation.

. 10. The Attorney General referred to a study conducted by the Central - --.--.p- --

Commission which preceded the introduction of the impugned Regulations. It

was urged that the National Electricity Policy and the National Tariff policy

envisage a transmission pricing sensitive distance, direction and quantum of

power flow. This enjoins upon the Central Commission to develop and

implement a National Transmissi~n Tariff frame-work to meet the stated

objectives envisaged in the National Electricity Policy. The Petitioners'

argument that the new methodology is ultra vires the provisions of the

Electricity Act, 2003 or the National Electricity Policy or the National Tariff

Policy was denied.

11. It was submitted that the intransigence of the petitioners cannot be

countenanced and if the directions sought for are not granted, the Power Grid

Corporation itself would face serious financial crisis. The Attorney General

emphasized that it was only the Orissa High Court which had granted an interim

order, limited in point of time. When the Supreme Court directed the transfer of

all proceedings pending before various High Courts, there was in fact no interim

order suspending the petitioners' obligations to make monthly payments.

12, This court notices that the present proceedings were taken up by this I->-....+ Luul

C I ril ..+L-.. nlGl tG directions of the Supreiiie Coui< dated 7 t"vla)i, 26 12. The

Supreme Court had transferred writ petitions from various High Court,

involving challenges to the impugned Regulations. They were, thereafter,

referred to the Division Bench, on account of the fact that a challenge to the

validity of statutory Regrr!ations was invo!ved.

13. The Petitioners' contention that the Orissa High Court's interim order of

4th November 201 1 has continued and is subsisting, in the opinion of this Court,

is insubstantial and meritless. Facially, that order directed the parties to , th

maintain status quo tiii the next date of hearing; so did the next order 01

November, 2011. Thereafter, transfer proceedings were initiated before the

interim order, or that it expressed any view on the feasibility of such interim

orders. The record shows that the interim order made by the Orissa High Court

had e~hausted itself, by 8" November 20 1 1 .

14. AS far as the merits of the arguments concerning grant of interim order in

favour of the writ petitioners are concerned, this Court is of opinion that the writ

petitioners' contentions do no warrant the grant of any interim order. Firstly,

what is in issue is the validity of statutory regulations. The power to frame and

issue those regulations is not questioned; what is sought to be highlighted is that

it has an arbitrary effect. Now, the petitioners may undoubtedly be affected by

-the operation of the impugned regulations; they might be casting a greater

financial burden upon them than was being cast on them hitherto. That by itself

in the opinion of the court, does not amount to arbitrariness. As far as the

complaint that the petitioners, though located nearer the transmission assets,

have to pay more amounts than those who are located farther away are

concerned, the argument overiooks that distance is one of the factors which

weighed with the policy makers while framing the regu.lations. Three factors,

i.e. distance, direction and quantum of power flow appear A A to have been the

oiiidino f a ~ t n r c ~ n i ' n i i ~ fivino thr tt.aircrniccinn t a r i f f r n c t c in t h ~ f s r t c oft hi^ P R C F - &-'U"'& L U ' C Y ' Y . . * * * * W L * 1 h * * * & Cl*" C * U * * Y * * * * Y Y * Y * * C U I I L L ' Y Y C Y 111 C**' L U ' C Y ClllU W U U W .

It would be well-nigh impossible for this court, at this stage of the hearing, to

characterize all, or any one of these considerations as arbitrary, or even say that

the administration of the impugned regulations has led to demonstrable and

manifest arbitrariness or discrimination. The court is conscious of its limitation

itl exercising ad-interim J i:lrisdictinn - in a mztter which hzs received the zttcntion

of experts and was zoncebedly preceded by a process of consultztion. To delve

deep into the issues, at this stage of the proceeding, without a full understanding

arbitrariness on the face of the record (the existence of which alone can justifL

. an ad-interim interdiction by a writ court) would be to assume that the - .---p .-.pp

petitioners' submissions are correct- a course cieariy impermissible in iaw

Consequently, this court is of opinion that the applications for ad-interim stay of

the impugned regu!ati~r,s hzve r , ~ force; they are consecjuently dismissed.

15. Dealing next with the applications of the Power Grid Corporation, the

ciaim made is for appropriate directiofis to the petitioners to pay the chzrges

which they have to bear in terms of the impugned directions. This court is of

opinion that with the dismissal of the petitioner's application, there really

should be no need for such directions. Nevertheless, to put the matter beyond

the pale of controversy, .the writ petitioners are hereby directed to abide by the

conditions in the impugned regulations, with regard to payments to the Power

Grid Corporation. In case any of the petitioners makes a request for payment of

arrears of charges, the respondents should consider the same reasonably, and in

the light of the applicable rules and regulations, including those pertaining to

paying such amounts through instalments, subject to prescribed conditions in

that regard.

16. In the light of the above discussion, CM Nos.1606012012, 57212013,

12 129120 12 and 29991201 3 are rejected; CM Nos. 1 l6661201 2 and 1 l6671201 2

are allowed, in the above terms. There shail be no order as to costs. Order Dasti.

WP(C) Nos. 7017/2011,4867/2012,5396/2012,5397/2012

List for hearing on 1 7th ~ e ~ t e m b e r , 20 13.

The eoiieei-iiecf pai-tics shall file sy~opsis of arguments cct exceeding

seven pages with appropriate cross references. The parties shall restrict their

respective arguments to half an hour each.




( r n m w m ) POltjEE GXD ~ ~ ~ p 0 ~ A ~ i ~ ~ ~ IrJDiA wiJjvlirED

(A Go-..>~r~ir~eril ( . f Indi,~ f r ~ t ~ ~ r i , ~ I V J )

+ -df1l ~ h 1 ~ 1 i ~ r q rn<rfW-tt rc-~rf7 73 2 rtm-? -29. qdirr,l- 122 001, r:fivr~ '},;.l 2571700 - 719 $+!l 2571760 2571761 \I:< .l?f?i&

Cornor ate of f~ce Saudamfnl' Plo! No 2 Sector-29 Guroaon- 122 001 Haryana TeI 2571 700 - 719. Fax 2571 760 2571761 Gram 'NATGRID

iiZlf ?bi i /Roi Nurniw~


Ref : CC:Comrnl:NTPC:DARLIPALI Dated: 05.08.201 4

Mls. NTPC Limited, NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex, - I , insiiiuiionai Area, Lodi Road, my Deihi - I 'iO 083. Fax : 01 1-24361018

Attn : Shri Aiit Kumar, ED (Commercial)

Sub: Signing of L?A Agreement for LTA granted to NTPC for Darlipalli . - * - . . S


Ref : (i) NTPC Letter dated 16.05.2011 for grant of LTA from their Darlipalli (2x800 MW) Generation Project in Odisha.

- -----P- --p

-- (ii) intimation for grant of LTA for 793.25 MW from Darlipaiii Generation

Project issued by CTU vide letter dated 10.04.2013

Dear Sir.

1.0 This rcters ro grant of L'i'A fiir 793.35 MW !io!r! sub-ject project against apphcation of NTPC. '17hc 1:l'A was grantod subject to sigmng of relevant co!nmc~-ciai agreement. Aa p c ~ C13RC (grr,r,l c!' clzn!lectivi!y Long Tenn Acccss and Mzdlum i.erni Open Acccss 111 iS.1'3 and rclated matters) TCegulataon 2009. thc applicant shall sign A ~ g r c c m t IIbr Long 'I'crm Access with CTU i n accoi.dance with tllc provisions of licgulations. A copy o f rclcvant para is enclosed hcrewith h)r ready rufcrcnce In the procedure fbr making apphcat~on for grant of' l.TA to IS'TS, as per para 24 b (ii) (vi), in case applicant have already finned up the entities to whom electricity is proposcd to bc supplied througl~ signing of PPA. thc 1.714 Agrccmcllt in such case may also be dircctly signed by the beneficiaries with Ihc C'TU

2.0 Based on allocation of powcr by MOP, 1-3SEB (154.13 MW), WBSEDCI. (283.75 MW). JSBB (102.1 1 MW) and S~kkim (15.29 MW) have bccn idmtlfied as benciiclary for drawl of power froln against subject L'rA. Keeplng in v ~ c w

. ~ q % r ~ ) ~ r ] t - ; m *-g. ~ 3 ~ 7 : $@?~ir'47!,!~4 y f f ~ l Z~TT;&TI ;TS Rd-110016 v . 265601 21 h : 01 1-26560039 Reglstcred Off~ce 8-9. Outah Ir~stitutional Area. Katwarta Sara~. New Delhi-1 10016Tel : 26560121 Fax - 01 1-76560039 Gram : 'NATGRID'

m w m t t d m __- --

Save Energy for Benefit of Self arid Natiori

- - __-

thc confinnation of NTPC that they have signed PPA with aforesaid beneficiaries, WC had taken up matter with them for signing of LTAA. However, despite several reminders issued by POWERGRID and rigorous follow up, thcy have not yet singed L'rA agreement with POWERGRID as has also been infonned to NTPC from time to time.


3.0 Since, L,TB, was granted to h IYL and Reguiaiic~n provide 5ar sigg~ing of LTA Agreement by the Appiicant, it is rcqucsteci ihai Li'A Agreement riliij; kindly be signed with C'rU within a weck so as to facilitate POWERGID to proceed ahcad with tilki~~g up procureincnt aiid ather activities fcr install.?tion of Associated Transmission System (.4TS) so as to match readiness of the same with that of generating project so that power is evacuated without any hindrance from the subject projeci oii its readiness. !t :::ay be ~pprsciatcd tha! it) absence of signing of LTAP., it is r~n! pnssiblc fbr us to cbtain investmen1 ap ro-d that is csscntial to take Surthcr activities in regard to instai1:tion of ATS.

I ----P

4.0 In view of above, it is, therefore, sincerely requested that LTA may be signed by --W- , .L.

5.0 We shall be grateful for your positive confinnation in above regard.

Thanking you,



Project Inception Report

Transmission System

associated with Darlipalli TPS (2X800MW) \ l


A. Particulars to be furnished

1. Title (Name of Scnemej

2. Brief Scope of Work

- l ransmision System associated with Darlipaili TFjS

a. Carlipalli - Jharsuguda (Sundergarh) 765 kV Dlc line[Line length=37km]

b. 2 Nos 765 kV line bays at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) Pooling Station (2 Nos. 765kV line bays at Darlipalli Switchyard would be under the scope of NTPC)

1 4 4 . 7 5 1 4 . 7 5 ~ ((June-2014 Price Level)

3. Objective I Justification This transmission system has been evoived for immediate evacuation of power from Darlipalli TPS (2x800 IVIW) of NTPC Ltd. In Odisha


5. Estimated impact on tariff for next five years

F 3.3667 Crores. I month



Transmission System associated with Barlipall! TPS of NTPC Ltd. (2x800 MW)


DPR e i the sub!& scheme has aiready been prepared. The estimated cost of ihe proposed transnlission system is F 214.75 Crores (June-2014 Price Level)


The transmission system covered under this scheme shall include the following elements

c. Darlipalli - Jharsugiida (Sundeigarhj 765 kV Dlc line [Line ;engih=37 km.]

d. 2 Nos 765 kV line bays at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh*) Pooling Station (2 Nos 765kV line bays at Darlipalli Switchyard would be under the scope of NTPC)


Darlipalli Thermal Power Statisn (2>t800?ALA?') is propcsed tc be set up by NTPC Ltd.

in Odisha. As per Ministry of Power, Govt. of India vide its letter dated 17-01-201 1,

the power from Dalipalli TPS has been allocated as 50% power to Odisha, 35% to

other constituents of Eastern Region and 15% to unallocated quota.

Power System Studies were carried out to evolve the comprehensive transmissior!

system for evacuation and transfer of power from phase-ll tPPs generation projects

in Odisha, which include Darlipalli TPS (2x800 MW) as well as from Srikakulum

power project in Andhra Pradesh. A comprehensive transmission system comprising

of high capacity 765kV transmission corridor from Odisha to NR via WR for

evacuation of power from phase-l lPPs (Installed Capacity: 10090 MW & LTA

Quantum: 6080 MW) in Odisha is already under implementation which includes

7651400 kV sub-stations at Angul and Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) along with 2 circuits

of 765 kV from Angul to Jharsuguda and Jhars~~guda to Dharamjaygarh. In addition,

transmission system which incll~des 765 kV Dlc line (2nd) in Angul - Jharsuguda -

Dharamjayagarh corridor has been planned for evacuation of power from generation

projects in Srikakulam area in Southern Region (Installed Capacity: 1320 MW, LTA

Quantum: 1240 MW) as well as from phase-ll lPPs of Orissa (Installed Capacity:

5840 MW & LTA Quantum: 2613 MW) including Darlipalli project of NTPC (Installed

Capacity: 1600 MW & LTA Quantum: 793 MW).

Transmission system for immediate evacuation of power from individual generation

pro!ects has been planned keeping in view the location of the generation project and

quantum of power to be evacuated. Out of the Orissa Phase-ii generation projects

and generation projects in Srikakulum area, power from NSL, GMR and Srikakulum

projects is planned to be pooled at Angul substation whereas power from Sterlite,

OPGC & Darlipalli projects is planned to be pooled at Jharsuguda (Sundergarh)

substation. Power from Darlipalli TPS having installed capacity 1600MW is planned

to be poo!ed at Jharsuguda (Sundergarh) thrzugh 765k1v/ D/c line.


0 about C 214.75 Crs. shall be about t 3.3667 Cro. (refer Annexure-A & Annexure-B respectively)

I - ..p-. Tl ! c a h ? e t r a r r s r r r i ~ S ! vF m f ? m m m

from Darlipalli generation project.

Such quantum of power shall translate into annual energy of about 1111,9114 MU [Energy in MU = (1 600~0.85~8760) / lo3]

if we consider cheapest rate of energy at T 2 per unit on the conservative side, ther; the tnta! annua! energy cost comes out to be =~bouf 2,383 Crs.

In other words, the system proposed under the subject scheme whose monthly transmission charges is of about f 3.3667 Crs shall enable ISTS grid to handle energy whose cost is of the order of C 1198.6 Cro. Hence the subject scheme shall be good proposition from Cost-benefit point of view.


N-TPC has informed that the 1'' unit of the proposed Generation project shall be commissioned in June-201 8. Further, IVTPC has requested that start-up power shall be required by March-2016. POWERGRID is making all efforts to expedite the implementation by March-2016.


The proposed transmission system was discussed & finalized in consultation with CEA, generation developers and various state utilities in meetings as mentioned below :

Meeting 1 Eastern Region Connectivity I LTA Meeting ( 05-01-2013 (New Delhi) '


Standing Committee Meeting Annexure-D

Regional Power Committee Meeting 24'h ERPC Meeting on 27-04-2013 (Bhubaneswar) Annexure-E

Transmission System Associated with Darlipalli TPS (2X800MW)

A. Transmission system for immediate evacuation from Darlipalli TPS Dariipaili - Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) 765 kV Dic line : The Empowered Committee of Govt. of India has recommended to get it implemented through POWERGRID.

e 2 nos. 765 kV bays at Darlipalli generation switchyard need to be implemented by NTPC

h d i s h a incdudin~ Darlipglli ~ e n e r a t j ~ n pr~ ject of MTP6: . - - - - - - -- -

l. Being implemented by POWERGRID Angul- Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Dharamjaygarh 765 kV Dic line. This line is being implemented by POWERGRID as a part of evacuation system from generation projects in Srikakulam area of Andhra Pradesh in Southern region. The same would also be utilized for evacuation of power phase-l1 generation projects in Odisha (mentioned at Annexure-2)

2. To be implemented through Tariff based Competitive Bidding Route e Jhaisugiiifa (Siiiiifargarhj - xaiijiir Pooi 765 h' Die line. m i i i G of both circuits of Rourkeia - Raigarh 4GG icii Eic (2" iinej ai jnarsugucia (Sunciargarn).

3. To be im~lemented by POWERGRID Addition of 2x1 500MVA, 7651400kV ICT at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh).

e Addition of 2x1 500MVA, 7651400kV ICT at Angul. Split bus arrangement at 400kV and 765kV bus in both Angul and Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) J

Note: 1. The termination of the line as well as location of pooling station is subject to minor changes

I .-p--

depending upon final survey and physical constraint, if any.

2. in case of any major aeveiopmeni, if inere is any change in ihe transmission system to

achieve overall optimization of the system, then, above details would be modified on mutual


3. iii case, iii iuiure, any other iony-term transmission cusiornerjsj isiare granted open access

through the transmission system detailed above subject to technical feasibility), heithey would

also share the applicable transmission charges.


'1 (Cost updated to JUNE 2014 price level)



1 B I Cost of Com~ensation for Transamission Lines (Annexure - 1 .l) I I I i) Com~ensation towatds C r o ~ . Tree & PTCC I 1 1.89

C I Civil Works (Annexure - 1-11 1 ii) Compensation towards Forest 2.65

l I I I aj irans.iines (Annexure - 'i .2j i 55.31

I i) Infrastructure for substations 0.20

I b) Sub-Stations (Annexure - 1.3) 15.57 E


Sub Total A TO D Incidental Expediture During construction (IEDC)

I I 1 being funded by Domestic ioan for caicuiation purposes. 1 2. Interest rate on Loan has been considered @ 10.5% for Domestic Loan


@c 10.75% of [E]


214.75 I


18.60 I I I

Interest During Construction(lDC)

GRAND TOTAL Note: 1. Loan has been assumed to be available from domestic


0.022 G H

l I borrowingsibondsiexternai Commerciai borrowings. Presentiy it is ira~en as

subject to actuais. 3. DebtEquiiy ratio has been considered as 70:30.

contlngencles (g WO ot [tj Centages & Contingencies @ 8% on Compensatory Afforestation (considering Rs.140,000 per Ha)


(BASE COST) (Considering Return on Equity @ 15.5% )


A n n--:--~ m-.., I .U. r lUJCl.1 k W 3 1

(Equity 30% Debt 70%) 2.0. Fixed Charges

Rs. 214.75 Crs.

2.1. 0 & M Charges for Transmission Lines & Substations Rs. 2.30 Crs.

2.2. Depreciation (@5.28% for TL, @0% for land, @3.34% Rs. 11.37 Crs. for building,@5.28% for Sub station, @6.33% for PLCC)

( TL = Rs 195.47 Crs. ; SIS= Rs 16.67 Crs. ; Land= Rs - Crs. Building Rs - Crs. ; PLCC= Rs 2.61 Crs. )

2.3. Return on Equity @15.5% Rs. 9.99 Crs.

2.5. Interest on Working Capital @ 13.50% Rs. 0.96 Crs. a) on 2 months receivables

b) O & M (4 fionth) c) Maintenance spares @ 15% of O&M expenses

Total Annual Fixed Charges Rs. 40.40 Crs.

3.0. Monthly Fixed Charges (for Base Cost)

Note : The wheeling charges have been caiculaied as per new CERC NORMS (Notification dated 21.02.2014).

Taxes & lncentlves shall be taken as per Actuals.

. , *<E ,=-L

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Date: 08-02-20 13

As per the eilclosed list

Sub: Minutes of Meeting in regard to Connectivity i MTOA 1 LTA with zonstit~ients sf Eastern Regior?. held 9in 05-0!=-20'l3 at POWERGRID Office, Gurgaon


Plesse find :he er;zlosecf the tijniiies of ;"{eetir,a in reqard in C~t?n~c.ti~!lt~! i MTQ.4

!_TA with cznst.it~renr:s of Eastern Region held a:: 05-91-2013 a: PO\/'!GEGR~D Office,

Gurgaon I

7 - 1 I nariking you.

Yours faithfully,

(Y. K. ~ e t q a ~ ) Chief Operating Office: (CTU)

61.9, gm S+<FT:R ~.$im. :;?x&cn ?tm, .rJ r~;.;fi-i~oors p m : 26560.121 +m : 011-26560039 i3R '*Firs. Registered Office : B-9, O~rtah Itrstitutio~,al Area. Katwarirn Sarai. New Ut?lhi-1;00?6 Tel. : 26SG012? IFax : 011-26560039 Gram : 'NATGRID'

~ d & - i ( T ~ -m$=+? 4 -d qqe S;PYC ISntrgy For Beilefit of Self

iO .O Appiications for Connectivity and Long Term (Bpenj Access for Phase-IS Generation Projects in Brissa

POWERGRID informed .that applications for grant of Connectivity and Long Term (Open) Access (LTOA / LTA) from following applicants for Phase-ll generation projects in Odisha are under process. 1 I SI lProjectlApplicant

I I I Unit Size Ins. Capacity Connectivity l 1 I Applied tor

INa I I I (MW) ( LI(O)II(MW) I

1 3 ~ N S L 0disha Power & lnfratech 1 2x660 1 1320 1 12401 1 Dec 151 1 Connectivity I

1 'CESC Ltd. 2x660

2x660 2



I 9 I ~ a h a r a lndia

VISA Power Ltd

]l 1320 1 7 1 Sep3141 1 Connectivity I



Tata Power company Ltd

GMR Kamalanga Energy (Ph-ll)


7 l~ inda l lndia Thermal (Phase-ll)

I 1010disha UMPP


1 x600 600

(Phase-l project) 8

I 5 T 4000 1 ' 4000/4000 1 MarVl6/Mar'l6 1 LTOA [




1 x350

Steriite Energy Ltd.

m 14 Bhushan 4x660

(at 220kV Captive)



2640 26401 Jan 161

r O 1 .


2016-17 (excl. exis: 2x60MW





C=znec!ivi!v LT!, j I

Connectivity & LTA I


Connectivity & LTA

Sep'l 3/Sep113


Connectivity I

100011 000


Connectivity & LTA


Connectivity I Connectivity 1

JanVl6/Jan'l 6


I 1 1 17 IBGR Energy

Connectivity & LTA

Connectivity & LTA

1 7 I 1 2x660 1 1320 1 1 3 2 ~ 1 1 2016 1 Connectiviiy )

10.1 Previous Meetings / deliberations

18 NSL Nagapatnam Power&infratech 1 2x660 1 1320 1 8501 (Earlier Mahanadi Aban Power)

POWERGRID informed that discussions regarding evacuation of power from phase-ll generation projects in Odisha have been held in various meetings. POWERGRID briefed about the earlier deliberations held in this regard and the summary of the same is as given below :

Jan'2016 1 Connectivity 1

Transmission system for evacuation of power from phase-ll generation projects in Odisha was discussed in Standing Committee I Long Term Access meeting held on 28-10-2010. Based on progress of generation projects, intimation for grant of Connectivity / LTA was issued to Sterlite (Phase-ll), GNlR (Phase-ll), Tata & CESC on 03-01 -201 1. Subsequently, Odisha raised objections regarding arrangement for drawl of state share from IPPs.

1 24580 b1520 I 1 1707.24 I

The scheme was discussed in various meetings inciuding ERPC forum and Standing Committee / LTA meetings but the transmission system for the state could not be finalized.

In the standing committee meeting held on 08-Feb-2012 at IVRPC, New Delhi, it was decided that there would be no change in the transmission system planned for Phase-l generation projects in Odisha, which is already under impiementation. in this meeiiriy, Dariipaiii of NTPC was granted connectivity.

In the above meetings, it was clari.fied that CTU is mandated to provide non-discriminatory open access to any generation project for use of ISTS in accordance with CERC Regulation. The grant of LTA for transfer of power through ISTS system for a generation project, either directly or via STU system, is considered based on the power ir~jected from the project to the ISTS substation. It was indicated that OPTCL may plan intra-state transmission system for drawl of required quantum of power out of tiIeir total share. For transfer of the remaining power to other states/region through ISTS system, OPTCL may apply LTA to CTU.

It was decided in the meetings that OPTCL shall discuss with the developers of generation project for their willingness to get connected to S i l j system. Based on this; OPTCL shali come oiii wiiii iheir ~i i l i i of iiitra- state tv--n-,nnq la113111~33~~f i system f ~ r drawl of their required ql~12fif~m of share of

power, which could be finalized after discussion with CEA, CTU and generation developers.

I - - ..-n-n, . . - - - r ~ m ~ t z ~ ~ n ~ ;!de 2! 08 W- -rr.. .-..-L .-.-.. c! -

copy to OPTCL and CEA explained the present position of the proposed transmission system and requested the applicants to intimate the detailed progress report of their generation projects and their plan for transfer of share of Odisha,

OPTCL vide letter 13.07.2012 informed that they have filed a ease in OERC on evacuation of State's share of power from IPPs. After disposal of the case, STU and CTU will have a coordinated plan without burdening the state consumers wfihunjxcessary I S 3 Charges. - p p p Unt~l p such p p p p time, OPTCL requested to withhold the connectivity permission to Phase-11 IPPs.

Subsequently a meeting was held among CEA, OPTCL, GRIDCO and POWERGRID on 1 oth Dec., 201 2 and further between POWERGRID and OPTCL/GRIDCO on 24th Dec., 2012, wherein the evacuation scheme for phase-ll projects and delivery of share of power to the state of Orissa was discussed.

10.2 Direction from CERC

POWERGRID further informed that the CERC in its order dated 21-09-2012 in petition no. 158/NIP/2012 regarding grant of cor~~iectivity to DPSC Ltd. has directed the CTU to ensure that the applications for connectivity and long term access and medium term oDen access are ~rocessed and decisions on the applications are conveyed within the specified timeline.

. . . , , ,

10.3 Deliberations in the preseni: meeting

In view of ,the above, tlie progress of above listed generation projects was reviewed ai;d the summary of deliberations is given belov: :

CESC (LTOA : 900 MW)

The generation developer informed that 949 acres of land has been acquired. Application for coal linkage is under process, alternatively one unit is planned +L. L- A .:+h &,,A LU ue LUI I 11 I 11331~1 IGU VVILI I 1 1 I I ~ O I coal till coal iinkage is obtained and later on both the units will be operated with the blended coal. Regarding environment clearance, TOR has been obtained, public hearing has been done and final EIA is to be submitted. 1'' stage forest clearance is expected within 3 months, Lol for BTG package has been placed with SEC, China. Financial closure will be done after getting the coal linkage or getting the EC with one unit with imported coal.

PGLVERGRID informed that Connectivity & LTA were granted tz the generation developer based on the decisions taken in the meeting oi LTA held on 28-12-2010. The generation developer signed the Long Term Access Agreement (LTTA) but did not submit the requis~te bank Guarantee.

AS + h n w n LI ICIG is i i~ sigiiificanf progress ever, after two years of grant zf LTOP., it

was decided to close the appliqation. !he generation developer may appiy afresh after substantial progress IS achieved.

I -P

• Visa Power (Connectivity : 1250 MW, LTA : 842 MW) -, I ne generation cieveioper informed that 292 acres of iai7d iiils been acquired. Application for coal linkage is under process, FSA has been signed with Pt Kubara Bumi, Indonesia for Imported Coal. Environment clearance has been obtained, Forest clearance is not applicable, EPC contract is expected to be placed by Sep-2013 and the expected corr~missior~ing schedule is Sep-2016. It was decided to review the project in the next meeting.

NSL Qdisha Power & Onfratech (Commeetivity : 1240 MW)

Thegeneration developer informed-that land acquisitiob coat-linkage, water linkage, environment clearance and forest clearance are under process. Expected commissioning schedule is January-2016. In view of the above, it was decided to review the project in the next meeting. POWERGRID requested the generation developer to apply for LTA.

Tata Power (Connectivity : 1000 MW 1 LTA : 1000 MW)

The generation developer informed that due to pending of some critical clearances from Govt. of Odisha and imposition of status quo order by Hon'ble High Court of Odisha, construction of the generation project has not progressed so far and the development of the project will depend upon the availability of such clearances and vacation of status quo by the Hon'ble High Court.

POWERGRID informed that Connectivity & LTA (for 500 MW) were granted to the generation developer based on the

-537- : j

neld on 28-1 2-20: 0. iiowever, the generation deveioper did not sigii the Long Term Access Agreement (LTTA).

As there is no significant progress even after two years of grant of LTOA, it was decided to close the application. The generation developer may apply afresh after substantial progress is achieved.

GMW Kamalanga (Connectivity : 220 M\AT LTA : 220 M'W)

The generation developer informed that project S a!ready mder implementation and expected commissioning schedule is December-2013. POWERGRID informed that Connectivity & LTA were granted to the generation developer based on the decisions taken in the meeting of LTA held on 28-12-2010. The generation developer has signed Long Terni Access Agreement (LTTA) and subrr~itted the requisite Bank Guarantee.

JR Power Gen (Connectivity : 1980 MVV, LBW : 4830 MW)

The generation developer informed that main plant land measuring 980.24 acres has reached sestior! 6(!) clearance in June 2013 and a-cquisition is expected shortly. TOR for environment clearance has been extended for one year. Forest diversion plan application is under advanced stage of processing. Placement of EPC contract & achievement of financial closure is !ike!y by Sep-2013 and targeted comm~ssinning schedule 1s January-mi 1.

After further discussion, it was decided that the generation project has made I - .

some progress but not satisfactory for grant of connectivity. Therefore, the Prqez: will be reviewed in the next meelig. FL%ERG!%E 7 generation developer to update its status as soon as it niakes significant progress.

Jinda! Indis Therma! Phase-!! (ConnectI\.rlt\f J : 522 MW, bTA : 522 M\nr)

The generation developer informed that 125 acres land has been acquired and balance 300 acres is still under process of acquisition. Coal linkage has been applied for, public hearing has been done, however, environment clearance - --- is awaited, - - - - forest --- - diversion proposai ~ is under -p --- preparation, ---p- financiai closure has been done and the expected commissioning schedule-is-Junez

After further discussion, it was decided that the generation project has made some progress but not satisfactory for grant of connectivity. Therefore, the project will be reviewed in the next meeting. POWERGRID requested the generation developer to update its status as soon as it makes significant progress.

Sterlite (LBW : 11 00 MW)

The generation developer informed that plant is already under operation implementation. POWERGRID informed that LTA for 1000 MW was granted to the generation developer based on the decisions taken in the meeting of LTA held on 28-12-201 0. The generation developer has signed Long Term ,--:r:\a Access Agreement (LTTA) and submitted the requisite Bank guarantee$:+^? ,L

Sahara India (Connectivity : 1100 MW)

The generation developer informed that 467 acres of land is already under POsSeSSiOii. I- ~ U I I 1 1 --.,U pdy111ei7i f ~ i ihe baiaiice tarid has beei; s i ib~ i t ted and balance land is also expected to be acquired shortly. Coal linkage has been applied for, public hearing for environment clearance has been completed, consent to establish has been accorded and final environment clearance is awaited for want of cm! linkage. NG !crest land is invo!ved. Financia! c!csure is expected in Atigiisi-2013 +--P idlgeted CCiiiiiiiSsionii;~ . . . § c h ~ d u k is Novefibei-2016. li was decided io revietv ihe pieject in the i;ext meeting. POWERGRID requested the generation developer to apply for LTA.

Odisha UMPP (LTOA : 4000 MW)

There was no representation from Odisha UMPP. Member (PS) informed that since it is ultra mega project, it would be reviewed after some progress is mnrlr, I I Iauc.

OPGC (Connectivity : 618 MW-, LTA : 600 MW)

The generation developer informed that the proposed plant will be constructed withir; the existirlg boundary of Ib Thermal Power Station and 100°/o Land is already in possession with OPGC. For fuel, OPGC tias already been allocated

. . . . . .. -. . .. n rr. . I . . ~ ~ - , .... .

~ 4 t h - UI ,

Feb-2010. Forest clearance is already obtained. Loan has been sanctioned from PFC & REC and financial closure is expected in Q2-2013. PPA has been

I 0 - .

~ e r m contracts. The expected corr~missior~ing schedule is Q2-2016.

l i was decided io approve the proposal for grant of connectivity & LTA to OPGC. POWERGRID informed OPGC that the transmission line form the generation project to Jharsuguda sub-station would be implemented through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB).

Darlipalli (Connectivity : 1600 MW, LTA : 793.25 MW)

The generation developer (NTPC Ltd.) informed that possession of land is expected by January-2013. Total fuel requirement is 19.5 MTPA (for 3200 MW) out of which 7.0 MTPA will come from Dulanga and 12.5 MTPA from Pakri-Barwadih, NTPC1s Captive Coal Blocks. Approval of revised plan along with in principle environment clearance has been received on 06.09.12. The revised diversion proposal for 34.47 acres of forest land has been sent to PCCF, Bhubaneswar and forest diversion proposal has been submitted to MoEF, Region on 31.12.12. Bids opened for SG & TG on 01/06/11 and 03/06/1 1 respectively. Pre award discussion has been done for both SG & TG. LOI is ready, however Land possession & MOEF clearance are awaited. First unit of the project is scheduled to be commissioned by July-2016, however, connectivity for startup power would be required through 765 kV Jharsuguda-Darlipali line by July 1 5. POWERGRID informed that connectivity has already been granted as per decisions taken in the meeting held on 08- 02-201 2.


ii was decided to approve the proposai for grant of LTA to Dariipalli project of N-TPC. POWERGRIO informed NTPC that the transmission line from the generation project to Jharsuguda sub-station would be implemented through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB).

Regarding allocation of power, NTPC informed that this is a regional station for supply of power to Eastern Region. Ministry of Power has approved 50% power from the project to Odisha (Home Statej. Tentative Aiiocation based on MOP !etter ([\?\W) is as fo!!ows : Odisha - 800hllW, West Benga! - 4231\AW, Bihar - 215MW, Jharkhand - 142 MW and Sikkim - 21 MW. PPA in this regard has been signed with Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Sikkim. In this regard, POWERGRID clarified that LTA shall be granted to NTPC Ltd which in turn would be required to get the commercial agreement signed by respective beneficiaries.

The generatior! developer (NTPC Ltd.) requested to keep the application on hold. Accordingly, .the project would be discussed in the next meeting.

Bhushan (Connectivity, : 2640 MW)

The Fleneratlon Y devel~per informed that land acnuisition Y is under progress. !-or fue!, agreement has been sinne w~th GMUL, Ghhattlsgarh. !OH tor

-.g. .-.d environment clearance has been issued. The targeted commissioning schedule is November-201 6. It was decided to review the project in the next

I - .

meeting. POWERGRID requested the generation developer to apply for LTA.

NALCO (Connectivity : 430 MW)

There was no representation from NALCO. POWERGRID informed that existing captive generation station of NALCO is already connected to OPTCL grid through 220 kV Dlc line, however, NALCO desires connectivity at Angul pooling station. In this regard, it was informed that the step-up voltage for NALCO generation is at 220kV, however Angul is a 7651400 kV substation. The connectivity of NALCO with Angul w o ~ ~ l d therefore require step up of IVALCO - P- generation -- - at 400kV levei. Further, Angui is a pooiing station where

-- - P- - -- - P p p P p-- - P

huge quantum of power from Orissa lPPs would be injected. Interconnection of captive generation of NALCO with Angul would result in enhancement of Short Circuit level at both the stations. It would further interconnect OPTCL grid with Aqgul pooling station resulting in large inrush of power froni Angul pooling station to OPTCL transmission system through Angul - NALCO - Meramundali route. Therefore, connection between Angul pooling station and captive generation of NALCO is not desirable.

Further, OPTCL informed that they have discussed the matter with NALCO and the connectivity would be through 220 kV line to Meramundali sub-station of OPTCL. OPTCL vide its letter dated 29-1 2-1 2 to NALCO also stated that as per the Regulation 28 of the Distribution code-2004, IVALCO should have connectivity with only one point and connectivity at two points will cause operational problem. OPTCL also requested NALCO not to proceed further for connectivity with Inter-State Transmission System.

- 70 -

In view of .tIie above, it was decided that the connectivity of NALCO generation would continue with existing 220kV D/c line to Meramundali substation of OPTCL or strengthening of the same, if required.

N'TPC-SAIL (Connectivity : 250 MW)

The application for connectivity indicates that the subject project is a captive generation project. The generation developer (NTPC-SAIL ?we: Ccmpzny Lid.) aiso informed that 51% power be to Roirrkeia steel plant o i SAii. POLZlERGRlD siaied ii iai under such conditions, the exportable capacity of this captive power station would be about 125 MW. As per CERC regulations (2009) for connectivity, application for grant of cor~nectivity for a captive generating plant can only be made if exportable capacity is 250 MW and above.

It was further observed that the subject power project of NTPC-SAIL is planned to be connected to existing captive power plant of SAlL which is already connected to Tarkera substation cf OPTCL. The Tzrkera substatlcr? is further connected to Rourkela substation of CTU through 220kV D/c line.

In this regard, OPTCL vide its letter dated 29-1 2-1 2 to NTPC-SAIL also stated that as per the Regulation 28 of the Distribution code-2004, NTPC-SAIL

cause operational problem. OPTCL also requested N-TPC-SAIL not to proceed further for connectivity with Inter-State Transmission System.

I - -p---. atinn-

wouid continue with existing i 3 2 W iiiles (3 CMS) io iarkera subsiaiion cf OPTCL via present power plant of SAlL or strengthening of the same, if required.

BGR Energy (Connectivity : 1320 MW)

The generation developer informed that land acquisition is under process, fuei linkage is for, -I--" c-.- --...------ --" ----

I un IUI ~ I I V ~ I U I IIIICII~ ~ k d l d l ILC has b e e ~ received, forest ciezrance under process at PCCF, r'inancia! ciosure has n ~ i ; been. achieved.

As the application is pending for a long time due to lack of significant progress of the generation project, it was decided to close the application. The generation developer may apply afresh after substantial progress is achieved.

0 NSL Nagapatanam (Connectivity : 850 MW)

The generation developer informed that 455 acres of private land is in possession, 16 acres out of 30 acres of govt. land is under permissive possession and balance 308 acres of private land is also under process. Developer has obtained Long term Coal Linkage from Mahanadi Coal Fields Limited (MCL) of 4.273 M-TPA for 2x660 MW supercritical power plant planned at Talachangadu, Nagapattinam Dist., Tamil nadu which has been transferred to the proposed project at Tentulei, Orissa. Grant of transfer of coal linkage has been obtained from Ministry of Coal. For imported coal, supply Agreement has been signed for a quantity

/ --...

Srinivasa Mining, indonesia. EAC has recommended for grant of Environmentai clearance and consent to establish has also been received. Forest clearance is not applicable and EPC contract has been placed to Tata projects Ltd. The common loan agreement with REC, PFC and Axis Bank has been concluded. The expected commissioning schedule is January-201 6.

In view of the above, it was decided to approve the proposal for grant of connectivity to IVSL Nagapatnam. POWERGRID informed the generation developer that the transmission l i ~ e from the generatio:: p r~ jec t t~ Angu! sub- station would be implemented through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB). Further, POWERGRID requested NSL Nagapatnam to apply for LTA and NSL representative assured that the application for LTA shall be submitted shortly.

After, these deliberations, the status of various projects is as given below :

] SI l ~ r o j e c t l ~ ~ ~ l i c a n t I Unit Size 1111s. capacity 1 Connectivity1 I Time Frame I Status of 1 INo I I I (hiW) 1 IT(O)A(MVJ) I I Application I

I I I I 1 I I 7 .

I 5 ~ G M P Karna!anga Energy (Ph-11) 1x350 I I - I I I

350 I 1 2201220 1

I Dec'l3 Iconn. & LTA already

1 granted




, 4

1 9 I ~ a h a r a India 1 2x660 1 1320 1 l1001 1 Nov'l6 I To be reviewed I




, 2x660


VISA Power Ltd

NSL Odisha Power & lnfratech

,Tata Power company Ltd



1 10 lodisha UMPP I 5x800 1 4000 1 400014000 1 N. A. I To be reviewed 1 1 2x660 1 1320 1 6181600 ( 2n0 Qtr'l6 l~onn~ct iv i ty & LTA to1 I I I I I ae grantea I




. 1320

! B !Sierliie Energy Ltd. ! (Phase-i project) /i000 Cornrnissioi-red LTA alieacly giant&

J R Power Gen Pvt Ltd

Jindal India Thermal (Phase-ll)

l 2 ~ a r l i ~ a l l i ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ) 1 2x800 1 l600 I 16001793.25 / JuIy3l6 I Conn. Already granted, LTA to be

granted I 1 13 l ~ a j a m a r a ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ) I 2x800 1 1500 1 16001 ] Under revision ] To be reviewed j




. 100011000


1 x600

1 4 x 6 6 ~ - 1 -2640 - 1 - 26401 1 Uncer twn 4 T c r b e reviewed- I

Uncertain Closed

Sep'l6 To be reviewed

jan'l6 To be reviewed

. Uncertain . Closed

15 Nalco



1000 4301 Jan'l6 Continue with

198011 830


Uncertain To be reviewed

Uncertain To be reviewed



1 . I I I I I

Subtotal I

18 NSL Nagapatnam I I 1 2x660 1 1320 1 8501 1 Jan'2016 Power&infratech (Earlier Mahanadi Aban Power)

In view of the above, following projects were considered phase-ll generation projects in Orissa and transmission system for the same finalized.

NTPC-SAIL Power Company Ltd

BGR Energy

Conn. To be granted

1x250 (at 220kV Captive)


250 (excl. exis: 2x60MW






Continue with existinglstrengthening

of interconnection with OPTCL


SI. I NO. ProjectlApplicant

I 1 I Sterlite Energy Ltd.

1 2 1 GMR Kamalanga Energy Ltd (Phase-ll) 1 350 1 2201220 1 1 3 l OPGC 1 1320 1 6181600 1

- 5 1 NSL Nagapatnam Power & lnfratech (Earlier 1 1320 1 8 5 0 7 1 I i Mahanadi ADan) l 1 i

10.4 Transmission System

POWERGRID informed that studies have been carried out to evolve the transmission system for evacuation and transfer of power from above mentioned generation projects. In this regard, it to mention that a comprehensive transmission system comprising of high capacity 765kV transmission corridor from Odisha to i\iR via WR ior evacuation of power froin phase-i iPPs jinstaiied Capacity: 10090 MiiV & LTA Quantum : 6080 MLVj in Odisha is already under implementation which includes, 7651400 kV sub- stations at Angui and Jharsugucia alongwith 2 circuits of 765 kii from Angui io Jharsuguda and Jharsuguda to Dharamjaygarh. In addition another 765 kV Dlc line in Angul-Jharsuguda-Dharamjayagarh corridor has been planned for e\ylr,uatlgn gf cg\.yey fmm aeneyatign - prgie& in .s r i~a~y iam zrez in Southern Region (Installed Capaciiy: 1320 MLZ;, LTA Quaniuiil: 1240 MbAd). Acc~rdiiigIy following additional transmission system was proposed :

I - .- 10.4.1 Transmission System for Immediate Evacuation

Transmission system for immediate evacuation of power from individual generation projects have been planned keeping in view the location of the generation project and quantum oi power to be evacuated. Accordingly power froni NSL is planned to be pooled at Angul whereas power from Sterlite, OPGC & Darlipalli prolects is planned to be pooled at Jharsuguda. GMR project is aiready being connected to Angul sub-staticn through 40G kV Dlc !ine and the same would he utilized for evacuation of additional power from 41h ynit also.

in view of the above, following immediate evacuation system is proposed:

I 1 I Sterlite Energy Ltd. 1 2400 1 011000 I Sterlite - Jharsuguda 400 kV Dlc (already approved earlier)

SI. No.

1 2 1 GMR Kamalanga Energy Ltd through Ph-l System i.e. GMR- (Phase-ll) Angul 400kV Dlc line (already approved

1 3 1 OPGC


1 1320 1 6181600 1 OPGC - Jharsuguda 400 kV Dlc (triple snowbird) I

y l

10.4.2 Common Transmission System for different regions - 73-

Immediate Evacuation System




NSL Nagapatnam Power & lnfratech (Earlier Mahanadi Aban)





Darlipalli - Jharsuguda 765 kV Dlc (already approved earlier)

NSL Nagapatnam - Angul400 kV Dlc (triple snowbird)

Studies indicate that the 2 nos. 765 kV D/c lines already planned between Angul and Jharsuguda would be adequate to evacuate the power being pooled at Angi;!. However, the 2 nos. 765 k\J D/c lines already planzed between Jharsuguda and Dharamjaygarh may not be adequate for the transfer of power beyond Jharsuguda. Accorditlgly, additional corridor with 765 kV D/c line from Jharsuguda to Raipur Pool in Western region has been plat7t7ed. This corrid~r wou!d provide additiana! p=rtf? fnr transfer of power bej;ocd Jharsuguda u:ilizir;g the 755k\J t:ansmissiofi piannec! in \JJR associated with generation projects in Chattishgarh.

Further, it is to mention that LlLO of one Rourkela - Raigarh 400 kV D/c line at Jharsuguda is under implementation as part of phase-l transmission system. In order to strengthen the 400kV interconnection, it is proposed to LlLO the 2" Rourkela - Raigarh 400 kV D/c line at Jharsuguda.

Accordingly, following common transmission system is proposed:

Angul - Jharsuguda - Dharamjaygarh 765 kV D/c line.

This line is being implemented as a pat? of evacuation system from generation projects in Srikakulam area of Andhra Pradesh in Southern region. The same would also be utilized for evacuation of power these

, .

Jharsuguda - Raipur Pool 765 kV D/c line. LlLO of Rourkela - Raigarh 400 kV D/c (2" line) at Jharsuguda

I . . a ~ t ~ o n of 3x1 500MVA, 765/400kV ICT at Jharsuauda

Addiiioii of 2x1 500MVA, 765/400kV ICT at F\iigiil

Split bus arrangement at 400kV and 765kV bus in both Angul and Jharsuguda substations.

After detailed discussions, members agreed iu i i ie above proposed i.ransmissiori system.

11.0 Emw! of power by Bdisha

Asper diE~Ksion in the meeting the above system has-ben-agreed to. However, OPTCL expressed their concern regarding the share of power to be received by them. Regarding drawal of Orissa's share of power from the generation projects, the following was discussed and agreed:

1. During 2014-1 5 time frame

Power to the extent of 950MW (600MW from Sterlite and 350MW from GMR) could be availed by Orissa. One unit (600MW) of Sterlite generation project has already been connected to Orissa grid.

The 350MW power from GMR could be availed by Orissa by isolation of one unit of GMR project (3x350+1~350) and connecting it through LlLO of one circuit of Talcher-Meramundali D/c line or through GMR - Meramundali 400kV D/c line. OPTCL has requested for connection of one unit phase-l (3x350MW) to their grid.

- 9 ' f -


2. During 201 6-1 9 time frame

One unit each of OPGC (2x660MW) and Lanco Babandh (4x660MW) generation projects could be connected to the Orissz grid threugh 400k\! network. In this way Orissa can avail additional power of 1320MW. OPTCL has requested for connection of one unit out of first 2 units of Lanco Babandh (2x660MW) to their grid.

.According!y; during 3016-17 time frame, about 2270MW (950MW + 1 320hri-W) power cnuid be avaiied by Orissa.

It was decided that the interconnection of the generation units to OPTCL grid would be decided by OPTCL in consultation with the respective developer and inform the same to CTUICEA.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks.

C e ~ t r a ! Electricity Acthoritv d d h ; f i y d - ~ m

System Planning & Project Appraisal Division h W, W?. d. p, Rd-110066

Sewa Bhawan. R. K. Puram. New Delhi-1 10066

Fnx No. Oh! 2-7504OhR t . / Fax No. 2355484 1 1 3. Mernber Secretary, / 4. Director (Commerciai i,

No.66!5/20 13-SP&PA/ \L~~ j - jZ dated: 1 1.07.20 14

Eastern ~e~ional -power Committee, 14, Golf Club Road. Tollygange, Kolkata-700033.

Tel. No. 033-24235 199

I . Managing Director, Hihar State Power Transmission Company. Vidyut Bhavan. Baily Road,Patna-80002 1.

Grid corporation of Orissa Ltd. Jan path, Bhubaneshwar-75 1022. Tel. No. 0674-254 1 127 Fax No. 0674-2543453

2. Direcror (System). Damodar Valley Corporation DVC Towers. VIP Road,Kolkata-700054.

'Tel. 06 12-2504442 ( Tel. 033-23557934

Fax No. 2436242 1 /?r Executive Director ('T&RE),

NHPC L,td, NHPC oftice c-omplex, Sector 33. Faridabad- 12 1003. Te!. Nc. G!?(?-2355805

I Fax No. 0 129-2256055

6 . Director (System Operation). West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. - .. ::, ~o: 'na ia-7~33~: . i Tel. No. 033-23370206 Fax No.033-2337206

1 vrdyut Bhavail, 5th Fioor, Block-D, Bidnannagar. Sccior-

1 8. Director (Projects), Power Grid Corporation of [ndia "Saudamini" Plot No. 2, Sector-29,Gurgaon- 12200 1

I 're!. X=. C'!24-257!e!5 I ,. . rax N O . U I % Z W W ~

3 n ---

I v. Mei-t-tbei (Trailsiiiissi~nj, Jharkhand State Electricity Board, In front of Main Secretariat. Doranda, Ranchi-834002. ,... , ., !er. 1x0. MTd?M33S

Fax No.033-24 17 1358 Director (Transnlission), Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. Jan path, Biiubaneshwar-75 i 022.


7. I ; I el. No. 0671-2540095 1 Fax No.0674-254 1904

Principal Chief Engineer cum Secretary. Power I 7' Department

13. Shri S. K. Soonee, CEO. POSOC'O B-9, Qu[ub instirutionai Area. Ka~ariaSarai . New Delhi- L1 00_L6 Tel. No. 26524525 Fax No. 26852843

I -

Fax No. 065 1 -2400799 12. General Manager,

Government of Sikkim. Sikkim. T l

h et. l 03592-2922440 Pax No.Oj3-l - -

9. Zlircctor jl'echnicai). NTPC I.imited, Engineering Office Complex. A-8, Sector 24. Noida. !c!. KG. L ~ ! U

Eastern ~ e ~ i o i a l Load Dispatch Center. 14, GolfClub Road. Tollygange, Kol kata-700033. TP! Ne. 033-2423 5867 Fax No. 033-24235809

Sub: Summary record of discussions of the 1st - 20 14 meeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning of Eastern Region on 02.05.2014 at NRPC, New Delhi.


Minutes of the mceling for the Standing Committee Meeting on Power System Planning in Eastern Region was held on 02.05.2014 at NRPC. Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi is uploaded on the CEA website: pv_\.v.cea.nic.in. (path to access: Wings ofCE,4/Po~~er ,Systetn.s~Smdit~g Coniniillee on Power g?steni Plunning/EASTERN REGION) for kind perusal.

Yours faithfully.

i 4 . C~flstrii~tioii ~f 4 iios. 220 CcV line Says a! Kishanganj sub-statior! of POWERGRIDI Construction of down linking Transmission network for drawl of power from Kishanganj 4001220 kV Sub-Station of POWERGRID

& Installation of 3rd 4001220 kV ICT (500 MVA) at Kishanganj

-+-*'CD0 D A \ -+-+nA +h-+ R C D T r l hat nlanfied f~ esf~_h! i~h ne\.,y w~leuvr ( a r ol I m,, "LA a L a L G u Icxt U-I 4 #UU

22011 32 kV sub-station at Kishanganj to be connected to upcoming Kishanganj 4001220 kV 2x31 5 IMVA sub-station (PG) through 2 nos. 220 kV high capacity DIC lines. Accordingly, on the proposal of BSPHCL for providing 4 nos. 220 kV line bays at Kishanganj (PG) under the regional scheme, CEA vide its letter dated 16-09-201 3 accorded in-principle approval.

Further, with above addition of 220 kV outlets at Kishanganj, there would be aitogether 8 nos. 220 kv outiets (4 nos. for Kishanganj-BSEB & 4 iios. for LlLO of Siiiguri - Dai~nola 220 K V Dlcj. it was felt that 2 nos. 315 M'V'A iiaiisformers would not be adequate to extend power supply in power starved north Bihar & northern West Bengal and therefore proposed for the 3rd !CT with a capacity of 500MVA. After deliberation, Members agreed to the provision of 4 nos. 220KV sine bays and ~'"ICT of 5OOMVA capacity at Kishanganj (PG) under regional scheme.

15. Modification of 132kV Bus arrangement at 2201132kV Birpara Sub-station of POWERGRID

I - --p

Oirector (SF& Psi?), CE.4 stated tha? in order to improve reiiabiiiiy of i 32 kL' systems at Birpara, existing 132kV single Main & Transfer Bus Scheme was proposed to be upgraded to Double Main Scheme. Considering the importance of 132kV Birpara substation, modification of 132kV Bus arrangement along with switchgear at 220!! 32kV Birpara substation of POWERGRID was agreed. It wa.s also considered and agreed that for any space constraint, 132 kV GIS bays couid be also adopted ai Birpara (PG).

36. Signing ai iTA Agreements far Dariipalli Geiieraticn Plant of NTPC - - P - P

CTU informed that LTA was granted to NTPC for the Darlipalli plant (2x800 MW) in Odisha. The beneficiaries of this plant are Bihar, Jharkhand, Sikkim and West Bengal. As per CERC Regulations, LTA Agreements are to be signed by beneficiaries. Accordingly, draft LTA Agreement was sent to all the DlCs in Aug, 2013. But, in spite of persuation, the signing of the same is still pending. Director, CEA emphasized that the implementation of Associated Transmission system could only be taken up after signing of LTA Agreement by the above beneficiaries, and requested all the DlCs to sign the agreement without any further delay.

Sikkim and West Bengal re-iterated that they would not sign the agreement till the PoC issue pending with the court gets resolved. CTUIPOWERGRID informed that construction of immediate evacuation system for Darlipalli TPS has been entrusted to POWERGRID by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India for

irnpierneiitaiion iii~der coiiipressed t i r e schedule. If iiiiplementatioii of the system gets delayed due to delay in signing of agreement by beneficiaries, POWERGRID should not be held responsible. NTPC representative requested beneficiaries to sign the agreement without further delay. After discussions, Member (PS), CEA directed Chief Engineer //C (SP&PA), CEA to convene a separate meeting to discuss the issue and convey the deliberations to Fvfinist:y G P Po~t'e:, Govt. of ,';;dis,-.

17. Signing of Transmission Service Agreement (TSA)

Director(SP& PA), CEA highlighted that as per the provisions of the CERC (Sharing of Inter State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010, which was implemented w.e.f. 01.07.201 1, all the DlCs are required to enter into a Transmission Sewice Agreement (TSA) with CTU. CTU informed that ER beneficiaries nameiy, Bihar, Gdisha, .ihaikhand, West Bengai, DvC and Sikkim have not yet signed the TSA, and these States have gone to Delni Hign Couri against the Regulation and the case is pending. However, based on the interim order dated 30.07.201 3 of Eelhi High Ccur!, the above DICs/States are making full payment, but re-iterated their stand not to sign the agreement till the PoC issue is pending with the court.

a n ?-----: 10. r r a r~s r r~ t~~ io i i System for Piiase-! Geiieratioii Projects In Sikkim

Director (SP& PA), CEA requested the generation developers to update the I - n r w i r n m ~ h t e e v m svstem and

associated liiie bajls for termination of line at PGWERGRID sub-station. The updated status is as given below:

A. Generation Project:

Generation I Comrn. Schedule ins. Cap. (MW) 1 LTOA Quantu Isi'l Project I BPTh l Revised

*........ ,I at 13riiissioii system is commissioned however the scheduling under LTA w u l d commence only when the dedicated transmission system upto Jharsuguda is commissioned.

26. Common Transmission System for Phase-ll Generation Projects in Odisha

Director(SP& PA), CEA informed that 4 no. generation projects in Odisha with total installed capacity of 3270MW and LTA quantum of about 2600MW have been granted connectivity ILTA under Phase-ll. The list of the generation projects along with associated transmission scheme is given below.

A. Generation Projects

I - -

B. Transmlssior? System

BI. Transmission Svstem for Immediate Evacuation of Generation Proiects

1. GMR Kamalanga Energy Ltd (350 MW) : Through Ph-l System i.e. GMR-Angul 400kV D/c line

2. Sterlite Energy Ltd; (2400 MW) r Sterlite - Jharsuguda 400 kV D/c line

3. OPGC (1320 MW) : OPGC - Jharsuguda 400 kV D/c (triple snowbird) line

~ - - --- ~p~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ p ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~

5. Srikakulam (1320 MW) : Srikakulam - Srikakulam Pool 400 kV D/c line

B2. Common transmission system:

1. Being Implemented by POWERGRID

Angul - Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Dhararnjaygarh 765 kV Dlc line.

This line is being implemented by POWERGRID as a part of evacuation system from generation projects in Srikakulam area of Andhra Pradesh in Southern region. The same would also be utilized for evacuation of power phase-l1 generation projects in Odisha.

2. To be implemented through Tariff based Competitive Bidding Route

Jhaisuguda (Sundaigaih) - Raipc;; Pool 755 kV D/c line. (350 km)

e LlLO of both circuits of Rourkela - Raigarh 400 kV D/c (2nd line) at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh). (50 km)

i Addition of 2x1 500MVA, 7651400kL' ICT a i Jharsiigiida (Suiidaigarh).

Addition of 2x1 500MVA, 765/400kV ICT at Angul

Split bus arrangement at 400kV and 765kV bus in both Angul and Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) substations.

As mentioned above, the scheme includes Angul-Jharsuguda-Dharamjayagarh 765kV D/c (Pd) Ilne, :~hich has already been taken up fcr ixp!emenfa!ior! h\/ -J

POWERSRID as par? of transmissior! systex associated with evacuation of power from generation project of East Coast Energy Pvt. Ltd. at Sri~akulum. The item no. 2 of the common transmission scheme is to be implemented through Tariff based Competitive Bidding Route, details of which are given below :

Note :

I Trzzsmissicz Scheme I Estimated line I

9 CTU to provide 2x240 MW switchable line reactor at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) end on Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Raipur Pool 765 kV D/c line.


I - .p

P CTij ro provide 2x240 iviiiv' switcnabie iine reactor at Raipur Fooi end un Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Raipur Pool 765 kV D/c iine. - - -

9 CTU to provide 2 no. of 765kV line bays each at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) and Raipur Pool for termination of Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Raipur Pool 765 kV D/c line.

9 CTU to provide 4 nos. of 400kV line bays at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) for termination of LlLO of both circuits of Rourkela - Raigarh 400 kV D/c (2nd line).

The scheme has been approved in the meeting with constituents of Eastern Region regarding connectivity and LTA on 05-01-2013 and 24th TCC/ERPC meeting on 26-27 April, 201 3.

I I Length (km)

Members noted and agreed.

i) Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) - Raipur Pool 765 kV Dlc line

ii) LlLO of both circuits of Rourkela - Raigarh 400 kV Dlc (2na line) at Jharsuguda (Sundargarh)


2x400kV D/c line : each about 30 km

YOLISS l ~ ~ ~ i ~ l ~ l ~ i ~ l l ~ ~ . I i i , .

.; . ! , :

! i

q , ! ! 5 p !,i.:+ .. -. ) ( : i .K . !%~:t id ) ~:i)iidI~!af) .i.lern b e r Secr.eii~ry iiC ~ p ~ ~ p - - P- ~- - ~ ~ ~ P




Date: 27.04.2013

Venue: Hotel Mayfair

WBSETCL ! 7612260 7030806 5,81,454 i 15224520 . 14061611 11,62,909 / DVC ' I ,

5295101 4890640 i 4,04,461 10590202 9781281 i 8,08,921 . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . -. . -. . - . . - ..? . . - . . - . . - . . -. . -. . -. . -. . - , . - . . - ! . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . ! - . . - . . - . . -. . -. . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . c - - . . -. . - . . -. - .. - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . i

! I , SIKKIM , . - . - . - . . . . . . . ..? . . - - 165985 - 153306 ! 12679 + / 331970 . 306613 . 25 2 357 1 ! ! !

i ERi,DC ! 29973686 i 27684178 i 22,89,508 i 59947372 i 55368356 i 45,79,016 I -..-.::-..<I-..: c + - 3

1 1

Total i 65458800 i 60458800 50,00,000 i 130917600 1 120917600 10,00,0000 1

Deliberation in the TCC meeting

Members noted.

Item no. C9:

Approvals in the meeting of Connectivity / MTOA / ETA with constituents of Eastern Region

held on 05-01-2013 at POWERGRID Office, Gurgaon.

I - p--

1 3. 1 DPSU i rd I I 1 c o n ~ c c a ~ i q i i ~OGMVJ



LILC of one circuit of 400 kV Mejia-Maithon D/c line at 400kV f l l - - l l - - l - - . . - @ l @ :- T X 7 - - t D*- ulillvalyul 3 1 0 LLI vv 6 3 ubrl~g21 (LU

be implemented by DFSCj

' I+^ 1 I I

§I. 1.

MTOA for 200 MW from Mejia TPS unit-7&8 of

l l 1 in Sikkim

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd.

No additional transmission system

Applicant Gati Infrastructure Ltd.


MTOA for 100 MW + 75 MW from Baghlihar HEP in NR

LTA for drawl of 40 MW from DVC projects

No additional transmission system 1

Connectivity/MTONEgA Connectivity & LTA for 99 MW from Chuzachen HEP

No additional transmission system

Transmission System Transmission System for Phase-I Generation Projects in Sikkim

6 .

24'h TCC Meeting Page 45/50

NTPC Ltd. Connectivity & LTA for 5 MW Solar Power from Dadri project of NTPC to GRIDCO (Odisha)

No additional transmission system

Tata Steei Ltd. Zonnectivi j &L LTk for 200MW from Mejia-B & DSTPS generation projects of DVG

No additional iraiisiiiissisn sjrsieiii. However, LTA shali be effective after completion of LILO of one circuit o f Jamshedpur (POWEP.GPJD) - Raripada (POWERGRID) 4QQ kV Dlc !ice at Ann122Q kTI BWS sub-st~tion of -TV,,

DVC l Tata Steel

Phase-I1 Generation Projects in Odisha:

Based on progress of generation projects, Connectivity l LTA for following projects considered under

Phase-II Generation Pr~jects i:: Qdisha were an rF. rnved. - I Sl. No. I Ins. Capacity I Connectivity /

l l I

I 1 I Sterlite Energy Ltd. I 2400 l 0/1000

GMR Kamaianga Energy Ltd (Phase-11) 1 OPGC 1320 6 181600

"- Subseq~ientiy, the quanium has beeri revised to 1234 M'&



The associated transmission system for these generation projects is as given below:

Transmission System for Immediate Evacuation:


NSL Nagapatnam Power & Infratech

(already approved earlier)

I I (Earlier Mahanadi Abanj

24'h TCC Meeting




I 16001793.25


*- $~bseq~ect!.j, the quz?lPdE hzs been revised t~ !234 M-N.

2 1 GNIR Kamalanga

Energy Ltd (Phase-11)

I - Deliberation in the TCC meeting

OPTCL disagreed with the evacuation plan mentioned at sr. No.2 & 5.

350 2201220

P,.- . . s u n n n ~ ~ ~ T T ~ E S ~ ; ~ S : G G System fcr pc:T1er transfer tc beceficiaries in different r@ulof-s: - -a

' Evacuation through Ph-I System

i.e. GMR-Angul400kV Dlc line

(already approved earlier)

1 3 ! ;;pc,- I 1 ! 320 1 6 18!6QQ II GPGr - Jhars i~g~& 400 kiJ D/c. II

I I -- --

This line is being implemented as apart of evacuation system from generation proiects ~n Srikakulam area of Andhra Pradesh in Southern region. The same would also be ut~lized for evacuation of po wer these generation projects

Jharsuguda - Raipur Pool 765 kV Dlc line.

LILO of Rourkela - Raigarh 400 1tV Dlc (2"* line) at Jharsuguda

Addition of 2x1 500MVA, 7651400kV ICT at Jharsuguda

Addition of 2x1 500MVA, 7651400kV ICT at Angul

Split bus arrangement at 400kV and 765kV bus in both Angul and Jharsuguda substations.

24'h TCC Meeting


- .. , .

Page 47/50


1 5


Darlipalli(NTPC) 16001793.25 1600

(triple snowbird)

Darlipalli - Jharsuguda 765 kV


(already approved earlier)

l NSL Nagapatnam Power

& Infiatech (Earlier

Mahanadi Aban)

1320 / 850T/0 1 NSL Nagapatnam - Angui 400 I I kV Dlc (triple snowbird)


Drawl of power by Vdisha :

Regarding drawal of Odisha's share of power from the generation projects, the following was discussed and agreed:

1. During 2014-15 time frame

Power to the extent of 950MT?4 (600MW freiii Sterlite and 350MW from C-P.4R) could be avaiied by Odisha. One unit (600IvlW) of Sterlite generation project has already Seen connected to Odisha grid. 350MW power from GMR could be availed by isolation of one unit of GMR project (3x350+1~350) and connecting it through LILO of one circuit of Talcher-Meramundali D/c line or through GMR - Meramundali 400kV D/c line.

2. During 2016-17 time frame

One iillit each of 03GC (2x660MW) ~ n d Lance Baba~dh ( 4 ~ 0 6 0 ~ W ) generation projects could he comectec! to the Cdisha grid through 400kV network. h this way Odisha c m avaii additional power of 1320MW.

Accordingly, during 2016-17 time frame, about 2270MW (950MW + 1320MW) power could be availed by Odisha. m, l n e modaiities of iniercormection of the geiierztioii units to OPTCL ~ i d x;~~uld be decided

"PTCL in ccnsu!t&ion with the respective developer a,nd the same shall be mtormed to WY' v


m - -

Deliberation in the TCC meeting

Members noted.

Establishment of National Bower Committee

Ministry of Power vide their ordcr vide iqo-A-699 i 6/24/20 12-Adm-I dated 25.03.22 13 havc established the National Pev~e: C~mrnittee entixsting it \.vliith the foilowing functions Tor integrated operation of the power system ofthe country:

-3 To resolve issue among RPCs; and

0:- Discuss and resolve issues referred to NPC requiring consultation among one or more RPCs, concerning inter-alia inter-regional implication or any other issue affecting more than one region or all regions.

A copy of the order is at Annexure-XIV. First meeting of the NPC was held on 15.04.2013 at New Delhi.

Members may please note. ., : :! ! ;-,

Deliberation in the TCC meeting Members noted. :: .' I

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